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No. 13298

Since so many of us pull the jellychan card, does anyone actually feel that way? How insecure are you? Discuss

No. 13299

Not lolcows but I get really jelly of people I know personally, over the dumbest things

No. 13311

im jealous of kiki and dakota

No. 13313


Dakota - I can understand why a handful of girls are envious of Dakota.

When she came up with that doll image, it was pretty–not new but no one had ever actually done that before, like actual real life anime type girl and got away with it. So I think most weebs wanted her place when they found out she was fake. I mean her first bunch of shooped doll pics were gorgeous but remember it's all an illusion.

I can't say I'm jealous of her looks because when I see her on interviews, she looks like any girl I see down the street. Not high top model or anything, just average.

I do think I am a little "grr" over the fact that she is getting her own brand. Not jealousy because I can say kota DID work for these things to happen. Remember, she lied to market herself. But the amount of people out there trying to get their work big and their own brands famous, it doesn't seem fair in a sense that she gets all these free handouts. Then again, most girls would take up that opportunity anyway so I can't really slag her off. I mean, wouldn't you? I would.

Remember the doll thing is all an illusion, she looks just as normal and less dolly than any girl you see on an average day. It's just to get herself known.

Kiki - NOPE

Just no.

I'm more irritated by how she's becoming another gaijin girl striving and using some jap guy for visa than anything. It's nothing to be jealous of because any girl/guy COULD do this.

I think if I go onto friendsinjapan or japanesefriendexchange or any of those dodgy ass language sites, find a japanese guy and started flirting/getting to know him, meet him and get nookie then pester him for marriage. It could easily be done I think, even easier with some of the delusional Japanese girls who seem to think all foreign men are wonderful and oh so romantic desu ~

Nah, kaka hasn't really achieved anything other than bullshit.

Her drama is like a phoenix, it'll rise from it's fucking dirty rotten ashes.

No. 13314

I'm a little jealous of Aminyan, not over the aidoru thing.

I'm mixed and have a hourglass full figure and I've always wanted to have a cutesy petite sort of tiny frame/height? I just find it adorable! Yet I'm tall and suit shit Kim k would wear but look ridiculous in cutesy kind of clothes :(

So yeah… Not over the aidoru thing mostly over body/height…

No. 13317

I'm jealous of Kiki and Dakota, not so much over their actual lives but he fact that their parents have provided them with pretty much everything and believed in their "dreams" regardless of how stupid they are. If I had even a slice of that support from my parents I could be in a totally different place in my life.

No. 13318

I'm definitely jealous of most of these girls. It would be a dream for me to have money and/or fame based around my public image. I'm not remotely proud of this, but it's the truth. All I really do with my life is use the internet and curate my online presence, so something positive coming from it would obviously be ideal.

No. 13320

Back in her tumblr phase i was pretty jealous of her pics and stuff but after i found out she's fake, meh. She said she wanted her own brand but doesn't mean itll actually happen.

And those who are jelly of her career probably are just in a bad spot unhappy with their situation. Remember that you only see what she wants you too, not sure about Japanese but in general modelling is anything but glamorous, i wouldn't want to do it

No. 13322

I get jealous so easily. It's fucking ridiculous

No. 13324

As people? Nope, for any good they have going for them they're all fucking irrational and ridiculous.
I'm envious of the amount of cute clothes, anime merch and eye contacts Shmegeh had/has though, no running from that one. Also, 2011-2012 Dakota was body/makeup/photoshop skillset goals (now, not so much lmao).

No. 13326

Most of them.
They have money, some of them are pretty while I'm ugly and overweight and broke.

No. 13329

>As people? Nope, for any good they have going for them they're all fucking irrational and ridiculous.

No. 13670

Not really, I might be jealous of their body or money and shallow things like that but I'm not going to be jealous of their shit personality. The only thing that really sets my piss to the boiling point is how JNig is regarded as the best cosplayer ever by costumes other people made, getting fake tits and lying about it, selfposting and baiting on /cgl/ and overall with dirty tactics and mooching off of others. She's such a lying, ugly sack of shit with a rotten personality. I try my best to be a honest and decent person and work extremely hard on my cosplays but I could never dream of achieving the same respect as JNig gets by sitting on her ass and waiting for her goonies to make her another bra costume.

But at least she's aging horribly and her hair is falling apart, and her choices to become an alt fashion girl for her boyfriend is alienating the neckbeard support from her.

I don't think their parents as much "supported" them but pursued them. To me it's always looked like Kaka and Dakota are pressured by their parents to become ~super famous~. I don't know, I wouldn't like having my parents being excited about myself dressing up like a suicide girl slut at age 13 and saying offensive shit online.

No. 43683

I'm just bitter that Kiki became some famous face in Japan, and an entrepreneur at some point with parents supportive about it even if her products were cheap, shitty, plastic jewelry. She still made money doing what a person like me would love to do.

No. 43685

>famous in japan
top kek

No. 43688

I used to envy Felice fawn, but then I learned she's a hot mess.

No. 43704

>>43688 I miss Felice Fawn she was pretty entertaining :c

No. 43716


kaka is that you

No. 43765

anzujaamu isn't a lolcow, just more of a souless sponsor bot. but i'm jealous of her petite features, pale skin, and the shitload of free contacts and eyelashes she gets from sponsors. on the other than though she supports places like spreepicky and sheinside and himi so i'm glad i'm not her. and the law of efame says that some kind of drama will crop up sooner or later, so i avoid efame at all costs. i don't even take pictures of my coords anymore
tfw you have an ugly manly jaw and orange skin and are too tall to fit into most asian sized clothing

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