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No. 1321179
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>>1321167This, men are built for labor and service. Most men are a disappointment to their own DNA. And yet they expect us to enjoy seeing failmales panting and sweating over us.
No. 1321181
>>1321165Maybe, but why would they do that? The main aim of this sub is to provide an objective critique of a person's appearance. If someone makes a post, it is safe to assume that they want to get an objective rating, so why would they decrease their age? If anything, knowing how fragile men's egos are, they probably are giving their actual age, since decreasing their age in the title would lead to lower ratings, and they would not want that.
But my logic is fundamentally flawed since, for my argument to stand its ground, we have to assume that scrotes are rational creatures, which they are not.
No. 1321201
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It's the Y chromosome nonna.
No. 1321237
>>1321214Uh, pretty sure that is more of a genetic thing, like if you have the gene for going bald and you have a certain level of testosterone to
trigger the process, in the case of men regular levels of testosterone are enough, but a woman who happens to have the genetic inheritance and a hormanal unbalance for whatever reason could get it too I believe.
No. 1321281
>>1321266I noticed this too with a woman that trooned out into a "man". Suddenly looked so much younger to me but then I realized it's because she already looked young, it's just unheard of for men to take care of themselves so she looked younger when pretending to be a man. I felt so dumb when I realized.
Women are held to higher standards of how they should look so an aged woman that looks her age is considered less normative than an aged man that looks his age or even worse.
It's because women are held to artificial standards, while men are not and can still look "all natural" yet still decent with good grooming. Men hold women to extremely high standards but think they don't because they're used to teens in porn and tiktok that put in 1000$s and 1000s of hours into their looks.
They're into a snapshot of femininity that is impossible to indefinitely maintain and think it's realistic.
Women already evolved to be dimorphically more attractive than men on top of putting in more effort statistically. Most men can barely handle getting an attractive hairstyle, nice skin, and a cool style without internal combustion in the meantime. An ugly woman looks rough. An ugly, aged man? Looks like a demon or a serial killer, or a molerat furry.
Even on a molecular level, men age quicker and die quicker. There's burgeoning researching showing such mens' sperm quality goes downhill too so this isn't a situation where men magically overcome biology–it's because the power of the ruthless male ego has overruled peoples' visceral perception of reality, while it conveniently ignores the age groups of men killing themselves the most and the massive amounts of men walking off the cliff, 0 support network.
No. 1321282
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>>1321243colin robinson-ass
No. 1321411
>>1321389It depends what age really. Most people start losing significant amount of hair when they get really ancient. That IMO is acceptable.
I can’t ever reproduce with a baldy, all my male relatives have great hair and did for most of their lives, and I would just be sending humanity backward. We need to make sure that men stop going bald by not reproducing with baldys. If men are gonna suck this much the least they could do is look good.
No. 1321412
>>1321409that's because the only pictures we see of the are wealthy city women, models, actresses, etc.
rural/peasant women were working under the sun
No. 1321416
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LTG is 39 and looks younger than some of those guys..
No. 1321426
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>>1321416dudes got a head like mandark but not going to lie I would chance reproduction with him
No. 1321505
Tbh I think most of it is lifestyle, as in being sedentary and having a shitty diet. Lack of skincare does play a role too but I think lifestyle is accelerating it a fuck ton, hence why younger men in the past didn't look as rough, they ate better and were more active. If they took care of themselves they wouldn't look so bad. This applies to balding as well. Of course there have always been balding men but it's happening at a much younger age, I think I've seen some scientific research on this. Men used to start balding when they were middle aged, like around 50 or so, but the average age at which they start losing hair has been dropping for decades.
>>1321345>>1321377>>1321469I agree that shitty haircuts and fashion exacerbate how bad they look. You could link caring about that stuff with just taking care of yourself in general, but the way moids don't give a single fuck about how they look and present themselves to the world is utterly tragic. And then these same scrotes will go on the bitch about how women find most men ugly when it's their own fault they look like fucking ogres.
No. 1321514
>>1321504Those huge fucking beards with handlebar moustaches are the most hideous thing ever, it needs to go out of style. Beards are like makeup for men but without the creative element - attractive people don't need it and tend to look better/younger without it, but really unattractive people can hide significant flaws.
You have to be careful of beardfishing (and hatfishing, as I'm sure anons in this thread already know).
No. 1321538
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>>1321505what are you guys talking about about guys looking better in the past? they aged like dogshit in the past. they looked old as hell young then too. burt reynolds was not an ugly man but this is him at 23. he looked 40.
No. 1321807
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>>1321538TBF, i think it was all the drugs and smoking and lack of sunscreen. But moids aren’t aging any better today. John Belushi, pic related, looked like this at 28, like many moids do today in their late 20s-early 30s
No. 1321814
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>>1321727I disagree. This is a 27 year old man. I could also mention how roddy rich despite having all that money refuses to go to a dermatologist for his acne. I feel like it's an international problem, although black men tend to give a shit about how they dress, i hate swag fag fashion and those stupid suits with the ankle showing so it's for nothing.
>>1321794wow i am offended.
No. 1321856
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>>1321835>>1321832he looked ok when he lost a bit of weight, but was never a model (great nose though, very classic). i’m personally attracted to him but i got obsessed with him when i was on antidepressants and as soon as i stopped i forgot he existed lol
No. 1321889
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reposting from the tinfoil thread but how the fuck did this bodytype start appearing among men, If you look back at men from the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, you literally do not see men that are shaped like that. You just don't. now you see one every other day
No. 1321939
>>13218891. This is definitely a hormone problem, dude has actual breasts
2. His dress style shows why fat men usually dress like Adam Sandler instead of a horse girl picking up groceries. You've met people looking like this before but they hide it better.
No. 1321980
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>>1321939>dude has actual breastsGynecomastia is becoming increasingly common in men. They don't even need to troon out and take horse piss pills, it happens to men that eat a poor diet and don't exercise.
No. 1322042
>>1321469I agree with all about the fashion and hair
And too few of them even know what suits them or how to emphasise their good features
No. 1322046
>>1321889Has to be either a fakeboi or an intersex man with crazy high levels of estrogen. He has an hourglass shape with a snatched waist and tiny wrists kek, definitely not normal.
>>1321504These caveman type beards are so fucking repulsive. Any facial hair long enough to require brushing is heinous. Let this trend die already
No. 1322056
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>>1321469Yeah I made this collage from tinder recently of the haircut I hate. Almost every single moid has this. Absolutely repulsive to me, head looks misshapen, shows you zits and sweat or even fucking veins on their scalp, makes them look like construction worker catcallers.
No. 1322059
>>1322056This picture reminded me of why I don't like men with blonde hair, they all look so fucking boring.
t.eastern yuro that grew up around too many blonde men
No. 1322064
>>1322051I really do love the male form, the fitter the better.
It just bothers me their only idea of showing it off is squeezing in too tight plain t-shirt. That doesn't make you look hotter, that makes you look like you fucked up your washing machine cycle.
No. 1322113
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>>1322065>Having women around increases the likelihood of them being decentNo it fucking doesn't
>The rise if ugly men corresponds with women's liberationNo it fucking doesn't
No. 1322158
>>1322139I remember a few years ago this side of youtube blew up up where men were claiming that low testosterone is a worldwide health crisis and practically every man on earth needs to start injecting it.
They were claiming that docs were lying to you if they said you had a healthy level. It was like a conspiracy where the government is trying to keep men meek and roiding out is the answer to fulfillment. They blamed all their health/mental health problems, relationship problems and any other problem you can name on low testosterone levels even when testing says otherwise. That was before they started to just blame women for having high dating standards or whatever they're a
victim to nowadays.
No. 1322173
>>1321345They’re starting to call sunscreen “cancerous” now and I’ve seen shit loads of retarded frat moids and handmaidens promoting “sunning” their genitals and asshole into the
toxic ass sunbeams because it promotes their sexual virility or energy or some shit. Most of the people who promote this come from people who have never adapted to the sun or heat in the first place which is why they need the most vitamin D in the first place.
No. 1322222
>>1322158Not sure if it's a low test issue so much as an excess estrogen/endocrine disruptor issue thanks to microplastics and "forever chemicals" found in literally everyone such as BPA.
I'm sure this is our generation's lead poisoning.
I do think there is something chemically wrong with most men nowadays but not for lack of test. It's more of a behavioral and laziness issue. Women have little to no test as well and yet we seem to be functional and capable adults able to juggle multiple responsibilities, pains, and hardships.
No. 1322299
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>>1321799Yeah that’s obese
No. 1322311
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>>1322300>>1322308>pic shows fatass with 25 bmi>bmi isnt ackur8!! im HAES!!ok piggie
No. 1322330
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Getting this thread back on track, I too have chosen to believe men used to look better in the past by focousing on 80's post-punk twinks to cope living in a reality where 99% of men are ugly to me even tho I am still attract to males.
No. 1322350
>>1322349If the MTF threads have taught me anything is that it does not work.
>they get weaker and more sick and it's beneficial to us as wellSounds good.
No. 1322513
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back to the original topic
No. 1322533
>>1322524you see men in my country(and Muslim and Asian countries in general)are 100% guaranteed to find a virgin, submissive housewife cause of arranged marriages, this guarantee basically means that men don't even bother
They do not exercise(like there is no even concept of recreation exercise), they do not groom themselves, they do not bathe, they only sports they play do not burn any calories and they lay about mostly all day
Just imagine 9/10 of the males you meet daily being skinny-fat i.e small pot belly's that wobble when they walk, spindly arms and legs and no muscle tone, most can't grow proper beards but they try anyway without proper grooming(so its appears as a mass of pubes) and 90% of them wear polo shirts will ill fitting pants
That is my reality I have to live in, you can't understand what it's like being a country where seeing a man with a flat stomach is something noteworthy
No. 1322564
>>132251324? In this timeline, on this planet? There's no way. This is a middle aged man left to survive on Mars as an experiment in a dumb sci fi movie where they discover the sand ages you rapidly or something. This is a
victim held hostage by a family of vampires slowly draining his life away. This is not a human person in their twenties I refuse to believe it.
No. 1322904

>>1322543I am not exaggerating when I say that 9/10 men I see daily look like some variation of picrel
yes all moids are bastards but at least you can find with flat stomachs and bodies with actual muscles on them
No. 1322906
A thread for me to tell this story:
many years ago some guy on a dating site messaged me. Seemed like a wholesome good guy, cute, but he was too many years younger than me and looked like a lil fresh faced baby, so we didn't meet but I did add him on Instagram.
Cut forward maybe 4 years, moid is now 24 or 25 or something and has multiple deep lines, looks genuinely 35+ and I'm wondering how?? Since he went from looking too young for me to literally much older than me in a few years.
Another time, again many years ago, I went on Tinder and set my location to be California (nowhere near me, different country entirely) out of curiosity. What do I see but the most grizzled bunch of "25 year olds" ever, I'm sure some were lying about their age but the vast majority of people supposedly 25 looked much more mature, it was crazy. All looking like 40 year old dads.
What is it, shit diet and lack of skincare? I'm thinking it's spending a lot of time in the sun with no sunscreen and then never using moisturiser or anything because "that's gay"
No. 1322907
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>>1322543I am not exaggerating when I say that 9/10 men I see daily look like some variation of picrel
yes all moids are bastards and ugly but at least in the west you can find with flat stomachs and bodies with actual muscles on them
No. 1322908
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nonnies where can you find hot guys walking down the street like picrel now? every man is so fucking ugly and the ones who look gorgeous are either already taken, only attracted to girls who look like pornstars or gay men that the fujofags love flicking their beans to.
No. 1322912
>>1322533That is absloutely grim anon, stay strong.
No. 1322917
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>>1322907>>1322533a good example of that really illustrates this whole thing, is the fact that an actual tribal village tea vendor became famous and was considered exceptionally handsome, now for a western audience he might seem like average man just like the guys in
>>1322056 but the fact is that 99% of men are so fucking hideous(with their bodies, awful fashion and bad facial hair) that the hottest men are all mountain peasants who live centuries behind other human beings
No. 1322932
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>>1322925>my on-off ex looks like the actual v version of this guyoh no anon is this another case of the danofag delusion…
No. 1322935
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>>1322330and this is what is considered hot nowadays. The beauty standard for men is so low.
No. 1322938
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>>1322926Its kinda funny in a way, despite our fetishization of light skin, all the naturally light skinned ethnic groups are uber religious peasants that would sooner shoot you then ever do modeling, but its still undeniable that most tribals in my country, while average to below average looking, are considered good looking compared to the average urban male in my nation
their bellies are flat and hard, they stand straight with no slouch and their hands are muscular and strong due to hard labor
For e.g men in picrel wouldn't be considered anything special in the west but in our nations these men are basically dreamboats mostly cause of how horrible looking the average urban male in our nation is
concepts like recreational exercise for health or appearance don't exist outside western or extremely westernized nations and from the male perspective what reason is there to exercise or dress well, for them it's a waste of time and they don't need to attract women cause again they are 100% guaranteed a virgin housewife
No. 1322954
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>>1322943I'm not diaspora, I have lived my entire life in Pakistan and I have relatives who live in rural villages(population like 50 atop a mountain and all of them are related) , I have travelled around both Sindh and Punjab with my family, most peasants are haggard and look 10 years older then actually are(especially in northern Punjab), bit I have never seen a single one a pregnant male belly and pube beard, most have flat stomachs
I'm not saying these men are attractive, but compared to the abominations in the cities, for many women these are basically the most attractive men you will see in IRL if you don't live in the west
No. 1323068
>>1321375Good thread, is this where I can sperg about how all these bad looking men STILL feel entitled to have women who put a fuckton of effort into their looks and to keep fit?
From my experience and what I've seen in social circles it's a lot of what
>>1321345 said. I don't know what the fuck brainwashes them that SKINCARE IS BAD and creams are for gays and women I mean wtf, tried to explain to some guy who liked me that "look, you take showers, brush your teeth, what's different about applying a cream? It's YOUR SKIN YOU SHOULD TAKE CARE OF ". It pisses me off so badly lol, it's fucking retarded.
They don't have healthy diets, they don't exercise, a lot of them drink, those ones usually go downhill fast, the ones who are into sports and have healthy habits since early 20s are the ones who tend to stay in top shape and look good. All of the hikers and runners in my groups (men in their 30s and 40s( literally wipe the floor with the 20 year olds.
>>1321348Patrician taste
nonnie>>1321375It's a combination of genetics,diet and sun
nonnie. I personally know guys and girls who eat like shit,smoke,drink but their skin is crystal fucking clear because of genetics.
>>1321504I want to strangle everyone who has this fucking stupid copy-paste haircut (the one with faded sides) and that stupid beard/stash combo.
No, it doesn't make you look hot, you look retarded.
I knew a guy with longer hair and model tier facial genetics who went this stupid route, I wanted to screan. Beards are for idiots with unattractive jawlines.
>>1322056This! this is the haircut I hate, I don't know who started this trend but he should be burned in a volcano to a crisp
No. 1323090
>>1322909Well that wasn’t very nice was it
No. 1323293
>>1323263I think it is because it's actually kind of irrational to date or touch the majority of men. This actually still applies even if you don't care about looks. Most men aren't compassionate people and aren't really monogamous.
A lot of them are so deep in the hole they think following a social script in order to get sex means they're a good man.
No. 1323330
It's quite simple, they eat like shit since the moment they can order a burger so they order 3 at once, they never workout, never shower properly, never wipe their asses, never wash their faces, never wear sunscreen, spend the day sitting or laying somewhere while chugging energy drinks, masturbating and getting addicted to any drug that crosses their paths.
All of this while pretending that having a fast metabolism as a teen means they will stay "looking healthy" until they die, specially with all the copium they huff daily about "men aging like wine" and shit like that.
Seriously, if the moid you're pursuing isn't in that thin line between their 19s to their mid 20's, give up, he will look like shit after you blink.
No. 1323400
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>>1322908Impeccable taste, nona
No. 1323775
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>>1322926>news choosesthe news didn't choose him, he got super viral online(like bigger then damm daniel was in the west) after that he appeared on some talk shows, did one modeling contact and then used the money to start his own restaurant
>The Instagram post on October 14 by aspiring photographer Jiah Ali (@jiah_ali) went viral and caused a sensation with #chaiwala being among the top Twitter trends on Monday. The story was picked up by international media, including popular US website Buzzfeed. In an interview with local TV news, the blue-eyed Arshad indicated that he has been living in Islamabad for the last 25 years and joined the tea stall a few months ago, the Daily Pakistan reported. When asked if he knew what Twitter or Instagram is, Arshad replied that he has no idea what those things meant. Brother of 17 siblings, he expressed his ecstasy on becoming famous in one day. Talking to Dunya News, he said that he is happy with his overnight popularity but it is irritating when people gather around him for pictures during working hours as he is supposed to work to earn livelihood.>>1323651anon she was replying too, of course I have no intentions of being any man's mail order bride, I just want to leave my country and experience the privellge of men with flat stomachs and muscles on their bodies and don't look like pircrel
No. 1323938
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>>1323830Real Draco Malloy did too
No. 1324031
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No. 1324883
>>1324298i think the biggest thing is exercise. i've worked a physical trade since the end of high school, and the guys who became car mechanics or touring musicians from my graduating class look much better and healthier than the ones with no natural exercise built into their lives.
if you work sitting down and also drive to that job, then sit down at home, you can seriously be getting literally no exercise. and americans in the suburban driving lifestyle eat total garbage too. they never just buy vegetables, eggs, meat and beans at the grocery store. i see so many people with higher income than me who don't drink or smoke, but they eat like shit and don't get exercise unless they schedule a trip to the gym. they don't walk around or go to the beach or anything.
No. 1334170
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It's the death of the twink, most moids nowadays will call
>>1322330 a femboy due to their porn brainrot.
Also, the other day scott the woz was on a podcast with some younger guys(he's 25) and boy they looked utterly repulsive and old compared to him.