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No. 1320072

We have the millenial and zoomer thread, but let's be real: gen x and boomers deserve their own place to get shat on. Discuss! And if you're a gen x woman feel welcome to participate too.

No. 1320110

The lead paint in all their childhood products have made boomers actual retards

No. 1320127

Gen X are so annoying because they think parental neglect is a personality trait. They constantly go on about how much they don't need attention because they were ignored and it's like, do you not see how obvious your cry for help is? I guess not. Nobody looked at them so nobody took the time to tell them they're desperate.

No. 1320136

Gen x is baffling to me. How can they be like, completely fucked but barely talked about?

No. 1320137

I’m a millennial with gen x parents and I can’t get over how irresponsible they are. They’re constantly rebelling against their parents even as fifty year olds. Anti-authoritarian parenting looks an awful lot like not caring about your kids. “Just do what makes you happy kids”, what a stupid cop out. As long as you tried hard! You can be anything you put your mind to!
That mindset only works when jobs pay living wages, houses and living are cheap, and the country hasn’t exported all its industry and become a service based economy. It only works when degrees actually mean something and can get you a job, it only works when nepotism isn’t fucking rife in any serious profession.
I fucking wish I’d had parents who cared about helping me grow into a healthy and successful person. Instead they’re just more interested in being seen as the “cool parents”, totally not like their own parents! They don’t have savings or a pension, but they’ve got money for doc martens and concerts! For instance, my retarded schizo alcoholic dad inherited £60k, immediately blew it on a sports car and crashed it. When he inevitably topped himself, he left his kids nothing but debt and trauma. He was a fucking detective inspector lmao. Gg, dad. Generation X, more like generation grasshopper.

No. 1320140

>For instance, my retarded schizo alcoholic dad inherited £60k, immediately blew it on a sports car and crashed it.
What the fuck man

No. 1320142

He also used to fake seizures whenever anybody wasn’t paying him enough attention kek but this thread isn’t about him

No. 1320146

kekkkk what the fuck (tell me more?)

No. 1320148

He sounds so milky tell us more

No. 1320166

my (boomer) dad used to fake a broken leg and hobble around Walmart, dragging it behind him.

No. 1320168

If you want to share the full story in a different thread then please direct us to it, coz his is the exact shit I live for on here.

No. 1320171

I think gen x was the generation to start really normalizing their own parents raising their child, which has become even worse for each generation since. But holy fuck, my mom was one of those. I've never seen someone so infatuated with thinking about themselves, she's borderline Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way in real life. My in-laws are even worse, like the anon upthread described. They're obsessed with being perceived as cool, so they look absolutely stalled and retarded in their Motley Crue days or whatever. Each set of parents have about 5-10 couples that act exactly like them to the dismay of their children, too.
Also holy fuck why did so many of them get big porny bolt-on tits installed? The stuff of nightmares. They're so tumor-like in their stiffness it's biologically uncanny and gives me a fight or flight sensation

No. 1320177

Zoomer kid of gen x parents here. I believe more than anything than gen x is a very developmentally stunted generation, they're obsessed with their childhoods, and not growing up, and being 'cool' like other anons here have said. Obsessed with nostalgia, the 80s, concerts and generally just viewing themselves as kids- when they have kids themselves. When I turned 15 it was like they thought it was time to step back, as that clearly made me an adult. And look, for instance, at many of these adult cartoons made by millenials/gen x people- the characters are either infantile, or are around 12- rick and morty for instance, is evidence that the average millenial/gen x male has main character syndrome and peter pan syndrome, that he's just a kid finding his place in the world and nobody sees his genius yet.
Now this is kind of a pot-calling-the-kettle-black situation here, as a teenager in 2022 i'm well aware my generation is a circus- but they raised this circus.

What I hope for my generation is that, first of all
>we don't get all cocky and 'my generation' about things-
you know, that whole gen-z pride retardation we saw circa 2020. So cringe. And it's often used as a marketing gimmick, I can't tell you how much I cringe at the 'my generation' playlist on spotify full of industry plants shilling for being soft genderfluid beans, or pseudo rebellious nepotism artists like yungblud or willow smith. stop letting old men make your aesthetic into a political view, have some nuance, enjoy discussion rather than namecalling.
>drop tik tok/pick up a book
for the sake of our future children, we need to learn how to read books again. how to take in information without wanting to scroll to the next thing, how to remember important details. whilst we're having fun and kept docile things may become pretty unfair for us. we may lose our rights to free speech, what we do with our bodies, who enters our country. of course, enjoy your childhood, but we need to remember the childhoods of those who will be born soon. my attention span is not the best right now, but i'm reading every day and trying to use the internet less.
>obsession with self/mental health
it's a simple fact that if you're thinking about how mentally ill you are all day, you are going to become more ill. of course, sometimes it becomes too much, and we need help, but I think our generation is obsessed with labels. yes, you may be socially anxious. instead of medicating yourself, however, why don't you ask what made you this way? everything creates a chemical reaction in the brain, that's just reacting to things around you, being alive. your life will feel empty if you only focus on yourself- you're not an island, you're your family, your country, your friends, having common goals and looking out for each other is more fulfilling. stop taking yourself so seriously and talk to people. practice being embarrassed. your ego is a prison, and you can choose to live better, to clean your room and meet new people. ask yourself what you can change, and focus on that. and please, don't trust those who push meds on those of us with brains that aren't fully developed- it's not a long term solution.
>say you're sorry, admit you're wrong
i think some of us think that it's cool to disrespect your parents, but it's not. all those peers you're trying to impress are temporary, but your family is permanent- even if they're messy themselves, they're always there. and you can't become a better person unless you're really willing to reflect and see all the flaws you have too. i genuinely thought i knew more than everyone in my earlier teen years, and now, in the words of alex jones, 'i'm gonna admit, i'm kind of retarded'
>realise that drugs are for losers
euphoria is made by old men and marketed to teenagers. people that need to smoke, drink, and pop pills excessively to have fun aren't cool, because what are they without those things? and what about learning to have fun without them?
>you don't need to grow up so quickly
seriously. i think a lot of us feel like we need to have lost our virginity by 20, or before college, and that's really damaging. that, just because society expects a degree of sexuality from teenage girls, we're supposed to give it. you're allowed to want to not wear makeup, dress baggy. you don't need to pluck, shave, medicate, tan, contort- just be healthy. don't change for other people, society will try to gaslight you but you are precious in God's eyes. you're not uncool if you don't go clubbing or dress trendy, you're uncool if you care what people think. and if you look in the right places, you can find a bunch of cool girls that value their own opinions more than other's, that live on their own terms. it's important to value sisterhood because there is so much misogyny amongst our generation- being groomed into onlyfans and promiscuity by media such as euphoria or by older women online, the misogynist takes that older men brainwash zoomer males with, and the internalised misogyny that girls have that makes them want to distance themselves from the label of womanhood, because they think 'woman' is an insult, a belittling, and means something other than xx chromosomes. make yourself proud, find good female role models, live on your own terms, and don't let society gaslight you in any way. no 'terf' no 'females' no 'karen' no 'loud', recognise labels used to silence women.
what's awesome about childhood is that everything is new, you don't make judgements too soon, and you're excited for tomorrow. nourish the childlike spirit, don't let it die- you need to ask questions, try new things, be hopeful, don't take things too seriously.
>sex is not a feeling
and never will be. you can't 'feel' female or male. the roles assigned to men and women vary by country and culture, and implying that feeling one way makes you male erases all the women that don't perform gender roles. the only consistent thing across all cultures is your sex, your chromosomes. people can still tell you're male with long hair and a skater skirt, and that you're female with that soft face and body. to all the kids obsessing over their gender, performing and announcing such frivolous things- one day you're going to look back and be like 'sheesh, what a narc'- because it is- it's self obsession. many people my age use the label 'non men' for women. if we take away the word 'woman' then it erases the struggle that women have gone through for centuries, fgm, domestic abuse, child marriage, islamic based oppression- these women couldn't 'identify' their way out of abuse- men saw their bodies were different, that women held a power over them and the way society grew, and they abused women to control that power. the fact that when a man says he is a 'woman' he is believed, and when a woman says he is not, she is slandered, should tell you all you need to know about how society treats women.
>don't be a 'cool girl'
my mother wasn't allowed to study something she was very good at when she was younger. i've seen domestic abuse ruin a woman's health and confidence after she was made to trust someone. we should be grateful to all the women crazy and brave enough who came before us and fought for our rights, so that we are not cornered in, so that our spirits are not snuffed out. a lot of the cool, 'anti feminist' types are western women who never had to live through such oppression, using the freedom and the platform afforded to them to throw other women under the bus, all to look cooler to men.
>you are getting older
stop joining in with calling older women 'karens' or disrespecting women because of their age. women get enough disrespect already, and one day, we will join them. don't focus on looks that will fade one day, focus on getting an education for yourself, on building a life that you can fall back on, and enjoy.
>get your self esteem from what you do, not what you are.
looks are temporary, the types of women found attractive go in and out of fashion, and you will never be able to keep up. if you can learn a good skill, if you think you've helped others, or you stick to your values and live your truth, that's a more solid source of confidence.
i kind of think i posted in the wrong thread but i really mean all that i said. for myself, i hope that i stop doing things to impress my peers, that i don't abuse alcohol, or take drugs. i hope my attention span gets better, and i work on respecting others a lot more, which starts with dealing with my resentment and defensiveness. i want to get strong and to be independent one day, worthy of a high quality wife. and honestly, it was thanks to the influence of two millenial women not in my family that i grew a healthier attitude towards womanhood, that i wanted to pursue things i really cared about. thanks ladies, you really were good role models and i hope to be half as cool as you for the sake of my younger sisters one day.

No. 1320202

This was so nice to read, even if it is a little out of place. Thank you for sharing.

No. 1320425

Kek, based.

My xoomers are different and more mature but i guess it's eastern bloc thing. Most of western gen x-ers seem always to be immature and hate their children and obsess with their childhood/teen media and shit. One of virtues of this generation that part worked hard and started own business but they got good economy actually. But not all of them though.

I can't hate xoomers entirely though. 99% of musicians I listen to are Gen X and they were generation that developed lot of electronic music genres. Some of my fav artists and designers are Gen X too.

No. 1320499

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Gen x thinks they are the shit but literally they might be just boomers 2.0. look up any gen x meme and you'll see

No. 1320508

alot of gen-x do get confused with boomers and most people tend to lump them in the same category, i can understand why them and boomers are seen as the same.

No. 1320793

I'm so glad this thread exists. I've been secretly hating on genx for a while since watching all my genx friends go insane (Im a first-gen nonwestern immigrant millennial ) Never forget that genx men were the generation that spawned redpill, Pua, mgtow and all the other manosphere segments with the exception of maybe the incel subculture where you can argue the origin point skews more toward millennials. I know more "young" genxers (early 40s to early 50s) and they are all weird and regressive in some way, esp many of the cool/ghost world/empire records/prozac nation-tier people who peaked in the mid-late 90s are hitting mid 40s/50s and fucking losing it. I have so many stories they aren't even funny tho, just depressing. They all have a insane superiority complex about being the last generation before internet and almost constant sperg outs about how absolutely everything was better before the early 2000s. Don't get me wrong,I love a LOT of shit that was produced the 90s in terms of art, movies, music, culture ect, but there isn't any dream that hasn't rotted and gone sour as bad as genx, except maybe the future aging of normie millennials, I really shudder to think what happens in society economically and culturally when in this house we believe in science netflix spiritual gangster Coachella tards start facing their own mortality en mass

No. 1320815

boomers are legit like nearing 100 and while i hate them, they're old as hell and hateful so i'm not surprised. what really shocks me is how fucking retarded gen-xers are. you still have a decent amount of time on this planet and are hellbent on fucking it up and making it miserable for your kids. gen-xers deserve more hate

No. 1320844

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I like gen x music when it comes to rock and electronic.
Other than that gen x was a lazy generation that got held down by boomers and raised a bunch of narcissists called millennials/zoomers.

No. 1320856

I heard Gen X oldfags don’t rebel but they are very receptive to authority figures and try to appease boomers. Maybe when they were younger and had that whole MTV rock and roll cocaine fucking in a disco ring yuppie going to college to become a soul-sucking corporate lawyer lifestyle it would make sense, but a lot of gen x try their hardest to not seem “woke”

No. 1320869

I read a good post pointing out that the incels evolved from gen x/y pick up artist culture because those guys obsessed with sleeping around and treating women terribly like a game of numbers eventually aged out of the age range they were attracted to without a stable relationship (as can be seen with the bachelour lifestyle obsession/sleeping around behaviour encouraged in those circles) so older incel men started seething about women and the younger outcast moids adopted into it by the older men to try and cope about their own sexual failure, eventually evolving into the incels of today.

No. 1320882

It's the ultimate evolution of the puer aeternus bullshit. Men and their 'pair bonding' are actually wrecked more by promiscuity than women are, but all these Gen X PUAs like Cernobitch kept recycling shitty lock and not a key bullshit to justify cheating and predictably ended up with nothing, other than South East Asians they sex trafficked and cooming inside some tranny prostitute. They severely underestimated how unappealing the kinds of women they pretend to want (Christian quiverfull horse girls, ballerinas and the like) actually find 'sexually experienced' (middle aged and ugly, mentally ill, r selected, Home Depot night shift-working) men.

And IMO their maxims didn't just come from PUA culture but also the community dick culture prevalent among deadbeats and traditional justifications for pedophilia found in many cultures of scrotes.

Late millennial and early zoomer scrotes combined this bullshit with incel forums and being a wannabe traditionalist Christian and that's where we stand today. Andrew Tate has combined the community dick mantra of black men like his father, worship of ye olde Europe, Bronze Age Pervert posturing, Islam/Christianity-caping, harem of pickmes bullshit and "women are always wrong" into one convenient package which scrotes are now imbibing like nectar.

No. 1320953

NTA but being woke is both gay and retarded

No. 1321115

>but a lot of gen x try their hardest to not seem “woke”

gen x created and perfected wokeism. millennials just spread it because it's what got rooted in academia due to gen x retards, even back in late 80s. Read about what prompted peter thiel to found stanford review. lot early 90s print media targeted to xoomers were shit wokeists say nowdays, it became a bit more niche in early 00s before it became mainstream. gen x did wto protests and dumb garbage like ""carnival against capitalism"" or may 1st london riots. conservative gen x-ers are rare and most gen x are either libs who were foremly lefitsts and reverse and ones that forever were leftoids.

it's even worse that they use wokeism as weapon against entire population because they want to avenge that they were shat on as kids and teens, despite having a booming economy and earning money by time when they reached adulthood. same with climate shit. like greta thumberg is just a fas retard (this face doesn't lie) that was coached by her virtue signalling gen x parents. i don't believe she was obsessed about climate change at 8, my sperg ass at same age wanted to still play with dolls. yet people, especially other xoomers eat it up and coach their kids to go to these funny climate protests which do nothing.

No. 1321269

I'm a millennial woman who was raised by boomer parents, and while they were both very dysfunctional people I've started to appreciate them more as I've gotten older.
I dated a guy with older gen X parents when I was in my late teens (His parents had him when they were like 22, compared to my parents who had me at 40ish) and while I was initially very jealous of his family because his parents were much cooler and understanding than mine were I realized over time they were just as dysfunctional as my boomer parents, just in different ways.
I noticed his parents, and a lot of other gen x parents, were very keen on sheltering their kids to the point where it stunted them. My ex's parents would encourage their kids to take mental health days off from school whenever they 'needed' it and it turned them into born quitters, a stark contrast to my parents who busted my ass about academics and work.
Also while my parents were both anti-war hippies in their youth and can be very sanctimonious at times I'm a lot more understanding in their cases because they both had family who were severely traumatized by WWII and they both had friends and family die after being drafted into Vietnam.
The wokeness of the gen Xers in my life, in contrast, just feels masturbatory.
It's all made me prefer the boomers to gen Xers, despite the severely out of touch financial/career advice my boomer family members give me.

No. 1321271

being kind of "woke" (to a normal extent) on every issue other than troondom is neither retarded or gay

No. 1321329

Nta, but being "woke" has a political agenda in itself, I won't serve any motherfucker and just use my common sense.

No. 1321390

No. 1322025

This is called being level-headed. Calling yourself woke unironically is both retarded and gay.

No. 2448353

>my retarded schizo alcoholic dad inherited £60k, immediately blew it on a sports car and crashed it. When he inevitably topped himself, he left his kids nothing but debt and trauma. He was a fucking detective inspector
Thins like that remind me to hate moids more with each day. The privilege of the apes.

No. 2449683

The reason why a lot of zoomers are annoying is because their Gen X parents raised them that way. It's just the truth. It's either they follow in their parents' footsteps and turn into retards, or try too hard to escape their parents' footsteps and turn into a whole new kind of retard

No. 2449712

Gen Xers have no personality outside of all the shit they consoomed in the 80s and 90s.

No. 2449874

I'm Gen Z but my Gen X parents are similar to yours. I didn't know it was a generational thing kek

No. 2450307

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why is gen X so infatuated with this man? this question has plagued me for the past 10 years. is it due to a generational difference in humor?

No. 2450385

It helps that he wrote a bunch of good Simpsons episodes, I guess

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