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No. 130939
Hey ladies, there might already be a thread already sorry about that, but I have never started a thread before so I hope I do a good job! What kind of clothing does everyone here wear? What sort of styles are you into? My style isn't very refined, it's a mix of sporty tomboy and hipster kawaii with random black wannabe goth things. I don't really have just one style, I dress kinda young, I was pretty young when I bought all of them. I have a few skirts and dresses that I don't really wear, idk why. Do you prefer like a sexy sort of style or more mature and sophisticated? Or do you not care at all? What would you imagine the people from here dress like? Do gay guys ever come to this site? I don't see a lot of really cool styles in my city, it's a lot of the basic sorta instahoe type of deal all around, eyebrows and contour on fleek, they all wear diamond and nike and victoria secret hoe type clothes, but tbh my city is very very ghetto so it's understandable.
No. 130940>>130945
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>>130939Also post pictures of outfits or coords you like. I would say post pictures of outfits you wear, but if you can find a way to do it of taking a picture of the clothes not on you but rather laid out would be best in my opinion. We can rate each other's styles and maybe even help each other put looks together? Is that just wishful thinking? I was originally gonna post this picture as an example of a girl who went from gyaru to otona kawaii but that's not really a good example of otona kawaii in my opinion, she looks like she's wearing one of those idol group uniforms and it's a schoolgirl getup.
No. 130941>>130942>>130950
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Does anyone here ever wear this cringey horrible ugly ddlg type of fashion wear you dress like a giant baby and act stupid and listen to melanie martinez and call guys father? I actually like and would wear some of these items, but not all together because that is just too too much. Plus I think this style is cringey already, and I look like a 12 year old so if I did it would just be pedophile enabling or something. and girls who wear this stuff seem like horrible people lol
No. 130945>>130947
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>>130939>>130940Sounds like a great idea OP, I'd love to hear some suggestions.
I dress fairly close to pic related, except my version somehow always looks shittier.
Here are my problems:
1) I have very few pieces. I
need to have very few pieces because I live out of a suitcase atm. This significantly limits my wardrobe.
2) I have only 3 colours in my wardrobe: charcoal grey, oatmeal heather (kind of tan, like the jumper in the picture) and a muted dark green, with some browns thrown in. There's just not much variety to it, and I haven't a single piece that has any kind of pattern on it. It's just boring.
3) My silhouette somehow never looks right. Whatever I wear, it's always either too tight, or too loose, or otherwise 'off'. Even if the individual item fits perfectly, if paired with other pieces I have it always makes the outfit look like a polished turd. I have one pair of magic jeans that go with everything but with other pant styles I'm out of luck.
4) I always feel like I'm cosplaying an old man even though I genuinely feel the comfiest in these clothes. I have no idea how to make it look more feminine.
5) Finding 'classic' cuts these days is hard.
No. 130946>>130948
I miss when Tumblr chicks just wore fairy kei if they wanted to look interesting and overly cutesy. At least it kept disgusting fetishes out of the public sphere where other people including kids could see
No. 130947>>130951
>>130945Awwww I love that fashion! I hardly ever see anyone like that around me, maybe if I moved to the big city with more urban hipsters lol. That is my dream for sometime in the next 5 years anyway, but back to the subject at hand.
1)Are you living out of a suitcase, or a car? A car can hold slightly more than a suitcase lol, have you looked into renting a storage locker? Do you ever shop at thrift stores, or are you one of those people who has to have high end clothes? Get a couple of cheap and cute staple things,and if you don't already just google things in that style, for inspiration.
2)some more colour suggestions I can throw i there? Beige, other greys, taupe, pastels like pale blue or mint green, if you're up for it, like idk a baggy mint dress shirt would be so cute! or mustard, or blood red, and like a sage green, or like 70s furniture colours without being tacky. Idk about avocado lol
3) not to be rude but do you work out? If you are more in shape and muscley your clothes will fit better, you'll feel like a supermodel and it will make your skin and bone structure look better. Doesn't get any better than that.
4) girls who dress like old men are so cute, do you even wear the big vintage glasses too? awww
5) I promise you they are not! you have to get a bit creative and search everywhere but a lot of modern brands have made some "classically cut" inspired pieces these past few years, and again check thrift stores and like, liquidation centers, you never know! what do you think of accessories?
No. 130948
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>>130946The ddlg style is so tryhard, that's why it looks so tacky and weird. It makes me think that person is wearing diapers. Fairy kei was at least a little more grown up, even if it was kind of childish, it was more aimed at being pretty and floaty and ethereal and fairy-ish. This baby trend is about looking like a grown baby. If it was done sort of ironically as say like a tshirt by some hipster girl it might work if she wasn't being cringey about it, but when she owns 30 pairs of that shirt in every colour and a choker that says daddy and calls herself a little, it's time she kills herself. I hate this dumb style, it's gonna die in less than a year
No. 130950
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>>130941I'd like to just air my thoughts about DDLG as someone who dresses in fairy kei. A lot of fairy kei bloggers have to say outright for 18+ blogs and littles to not follow, like or reblog. Since DDLG bloggers are notorious for having no care when it comes to reposting content as long as it fits under their aesthetic. And this is a problem as it brings everything pastel and cutesy under this kink umbrella, when people just enjoy wearing cute clothes. In fact most of the DDLG stuff I wouldn't dream of wearing; it's tacky and is void of themes and the 80s nostalgia that made fairy kei in it's heyday.
DDLG bloggers try to make this their lifestyle, despite it being impossible to do so all the time. I'm an art student, so dressing out there isn't that unusual but I've yet to see anyone wearing daddy tees outside.
And now that people have stood against DDLG bloggers, they're throwing up arms and having a fit and calling 'kinkshaming'. Some now just reupload content and put an 18+ sticker on the bottom, even if it's a cute anime girl. They honestly don't care and expect everyone around them to be super accomadating because their mental age is 6 and they just wanna watch Disney movies with their online daddy.
DDLG bloggers, please leave fairy kei and lolita fashion alone.
No. 130951
>>130947Thanks for the response anon!
1) Literal suitcase, two to be exact. I can't drive and I can't bring more than that on the plane with me, and I fly back and forth every semester for school.
3) Yeah, I swim a lot. A lot of things look great on me, but when you pair them with some other article of clothing they look frumpy, that's what I meant. Like I have a great shirt and a great jumper, but wearing the shirt under the jumper makes me look poofy and awkward. Or I want to wear a pair of tights with a dress, but the dress clings to the tights and gets into my crotch as I walk even though it's lined. Or jeans 'popping' when I walk, or my trousers literally slipping down my thighs by the end of the day. That kind of stuff. I'm also a petite, skinny pear so that makes finding fitting clothes difficult. Most coats I own look like my brother's hand-me-downs and they just don't make coats I like in my size. I got a vintage Gloverall coat recently and when I asked a tailor to size down the shoulders she literally laughed at me and told me I should've bought a coat in my size. Cunt, WHERE? It was the closest I could get to a properly fitting coat at that.
4) They're trendy Fendis and not really vintage but yeah, I also wear glasses!
5) I can't accessorise to save my life unfortunately, I guess that's part of the problem.
No. 130952
i just wear basic clothes like shirt and jeans and a hoodie, but all my clothes happen to be black now. i guess i'm just super lazy, and gravitate towards black.
i've stopped wearing bras for the most part, just a bralette, so i've also stopped wearing fitted shirts or anything tight on top tbh. i'm having trouble finding loose shirts that aren't baggy t-shirts tbh
>>130949> does anyone have a problem with logos/brand names being displayed on clothing? Having a logo on a piece of clothing where others can see it really ruins the clothes for me. I don't know exactly why, but I dislike it. It makes me feel like a walking advertisement.same here.
No. 130955
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I kinda like the style in OP's picture, but I don't wear brown (I know it sounds dumb) and I'm really not into the whole gyaru look.
I, however, do like other styles of j-fashion as well as k-fashion. Not the styles that are cringey, weebish, or cheap-looking; I like stuff like in the above pic (I'll post more.) I'm not into anime or k-pop, so it's not really stemming from an obsession with "kawaii azn", it's just that these styles flatter me a lot better than western fashion. (I'm 5', am pretty thin, have soft facial features and look like I'm 12).
Slightly OT but does anyone here know where I can find cute asian lingerie in larger sizes? Like 32DD+ ranged sizes?
No. 130956
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(sorry for the doublepost/upcoming triplepost)
No. 130957
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okay last pic
This is really as extreme as I'll wear; and I won't even wear this in public tbh.
Thigh socks, "kawaii" skirts/dresses/heels/blouses, I just love them so much. I wish I knew more places to get them besides eBay, taobao, and aliexpress though.