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No. 129787
>>129786So you're bragging about how you can't have a healthy adult relationship because…?
You're doing the exact same attention and gift grubbing the cows do. Why you posting on lolcow if you're the same as them?
No. 129790
>>129784Unknowingly, he swore up and down he was single.
As soon as I found out I took a few pictures and screenshots and let his gf know. I explained everything to her and said I left asap, she was very understanding. We're friends now, both dating other people.
No. 129795
>>129788sooooo are you nervous that he might be a pig or are you nervous that you might be a huge bitch…?
It's normal for boyfriends to have friends who are girls. Mine does. I know most of them. They're good people and so is he. He likes to do art, he likes to play board games, and the gender split in those interests seems to be about 50/50. nbd. I, on the other hand, like to watch football, so I've got a lot of friends who are guys. boyfriend knows this, he knows my friends, and he's ok with it.
being like "you can only have guy friends" to your boyfriend is immature and paranoid. you wouldn't like it if he said you could only have girl friends.
don't be concerned if his friends are girls. be concerned if he starts actively hiding the relationship or of a photo comes up where his hand is on someone's ass, but otherwise stop treating this like it's a huge deal.
No. 129805
>>129799That sucks, anon. It wasn't your fault though, he was just a prick. I hope you can work on your trust.
>>129793>>129794>>129791Fuck…it's so shitty how many of you were dragged into an affair without knowing about it.
No. 129806
Yes. Twice. I'm not proud about it,
My boyfriend was abusive, raped me, would threaten violence if I refused to please him sexually, humiliated me in public etc, etc. I had a big crush on another guy, who treated me better, he had a girlfriend, who I was actually best friends with in elementary school. Long story short he really liked me to and I went over to his house and got to 3rd.
Another long story short i finally permanently broke up with my abusive boyfriend, although he still stalked me and shit, i was working through some depression, rough times, hardly any of my friends believed i was abused by my now ex boyfriend, and took his side even though i showed them abusive messages he sent me, and texts he sent me about him doing cocaine. I had sex a few times with an married man twice my age.
No. 129809
>>129800I get off on flirting with guys whose girlfriends are total and complete bitches to me. Like, "don't fuck with me bitch, I'll steal your boyfriend without lifting a finger." And I did. LUL
It's always the girls who "hate when their bfs have female friends" who push their bfs away.
If you are fulfilling him emotionally, sexually, etc. you have nothing to worry about.
No. 129813
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When I was in high school there was a hot guy that I had a super ladyboner crush on. We got along great and he was genuinely sweet, I hung out at his house a few times. He was a major poorfag. He was also bipolar from what I suspected was a lot of fuckery in his family unit. You could tell he was one of those young guys who desperately needed love and attention.
I wound up dating his best friend. I secretly liked him more though but thought he would never go out with me because he was two grades my senior hah. This one time we were all hanging out at the beach and I came SO close to having a threesome. He just kissed me lightly and that's about as far as I ever got with him as a teen. We got along really well and he let me borrow his hoodies once or twice.
Then my ex and I broke up. So he essentially stopped talking to me since my ex pressured him to side and not speak to me anymore. Hottie then dated this supercunt who had a vendetta against me (based on things my ex said) and she talked a fair game of shit as well. We had some kind of falling out because I confronted him about her bullshit. We didn't talk for well over a decade after that even after he dumped the supercunt.
Then randomly, three years ago he replies to a post I made on a mutual friend's facebook status and he wanted to strike up a conversation in PM. It was the summer before my first year of grad school.
He had at that time been married for 5-6 years to some ugly trailer trash bitch from our high school (cards on the table–I hated her since she gave me a lot of hell relating to my ex drama) and they had two kids. His kids look exactly like him, which is good bc otherwise they'd be hideous copies of their mother! Apparently they were on hard times because they had just bought a house but she was being a cunt like usual and they were considering divorce although not officially separated.
He invited me to some local bonfire which got rained out. So then he asked if I wanted to hang out at his place and smoke. He made sure wifey and children were off spending time at the grandma's house so we could have the whole night to ourselves,
I remember catching up and talking with him for hours. How we both seemed so happy to see each other. How he looked really thin and tired from overworking and taking care of kids all the time. He finally confided that he caught his wife cheating on him with his best man on the day of their wedding, and how he suspected his first child wasn't his for the fact. It annoyed me to think had he chosen any other path he might not have aged so quickly.
Nonetheless he was energetic about seeing me during all of our meetups. I confessed to him my gushy crush from high school and he said he had the same thing for me, and how he'd wish we had admitted anything then..
I brought over my DVD of Cosmos (back when ir was still relatively new) so we got high and had our minds blown. We chilled at his place for the longest time cuddling, I was enjoying every moment.
It was every high school fantasy I never got to have with him coming true except we were now adults and we had the freedom to do whatever we wanted. Multiplied by the convenient circumstance that I was getting back at the bitch who bullied me in high school despite never having done shit to her. It felt good to even the score while simultaneously fulfilling some perverted fantasies. It was really, really hot. It felt so spontaneous, erotic, and indulgent.
He made out with me that night and we started having sex on the frequent. I could feel him giving me every ounce of passion he was being denied sharing, trying his best to please me just to have the affirmation that he still had it going on.
Another turn on was the fact that I changed so much since high school yet he was still attracted to me. I got better at makeup, I lost a bit of weight, I wasn't as obnoxious, etc. I didn't have to face the embarrassment of him knowing me during my developmental/awkward years. He ravished me at my best and treated me like I was a goddess.
And all of this was great. However I saw no future for us. It really was just a side fling and that even if he went through with his divorce, it did not appeal to me to be a surrogate anything to his kids. I also was going to be done with grad school and no way in hell was I staying in that fucking city with all those batshit cunts. I shudder to fathom the major upset I would have caused among those trashy bitches from high school. Only affirming to his whore of a wife that I was shit for 'stealing' her man.
And not that I was a beacon of morality at that point, but I just didn't want to ruin the homelife of two kids who had nothing to do with anything.
I don't remember being mean about it, but one day I just blocked his number and blocked him on all social media. I told him not to contact me.
I've been in my own relationship for two years, and he never did divorce the wife. Which tbh I'm glad he didn't because he would have been a mess and so would the kids. I'm glad to see (based on pics from fb) that he seems happy and I got to have my fantasies satiated.
No. 129814
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>>129808Right on, sister. If girls want to be untrusting, hating bitches, make 'em squirm. They are the ones making their men leave, not us. My favorite is being really nice to girls who are cunts to me because they are insecure and feel inferior to me. Only makes their boyfriends love me more.
>>129810Why are you so salty? Seriously, if you treat other women with respect and are comfortable in your skin, you have nothing to worry about. Not being a bitch to you, it's the truth.
No. 129818
>>129817It does. It's just a desperate move to make themselves feel superior to other women.
Dressing it up as anyone else's fault and acting like they're some special thing luring away boyfriends not deliberately inserting themselves into people's relationships and causing drama to satisfy themselves.
They'll all get insanely salty about it but it's true.
No. 129819
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>>129818and for a second I thought it wasn't normal to respect other women's relationship. Like obviously if your boyfriend is good friends with a girl and she respects both of you then that's no problem but it's a completely different thing to purposely talk to a guy just because you know his girlfriend doesn't get along with you. Also, odds are that the guy is just humering you and is probably going to go home and gladly fuck his girlfriend afterwards and never think of you.
I've learned that not all men are pigs and are actually loyal to their girlfriend. I find it understandable that a girl gets a bit peeved when a girl flirts with her guy right infront of her. It's very different than a coworker or friend chatting up your guy, a girl shouldn't be irritated in that situation (unless she's insecure).
No. 129820
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>>129818>>129819In all honesty, if these chicks were confident in their relationships, all the random flirty girls in the world wouldn't matter. People who are in happy, fulfilling relationships aren't going to be tempted in the least. The fact that
>>129788 and
>>129800 are afraid of these sorts of things happening reveals how much they don't trust their SOs to shrug off an interested girl.
I personally don't see a problem with making a person feel insecure about their relationship simply by being nice to their SO. That's on them. I'm not going to stop being a nice, respectful human being just to make sure I don't "lure" someone's boyfriend away. It only reveals how fickle their relationship was in the first place.
Instead of getting jealous, why not take it as a compliment? I always think it's kind of hot when others flirt with and obviously covet my SO.
No. 129821
>>129820Being nice is one thing but the anons like
>>129809 who deliberately interfere with relationships for their own ego are just filth.
Even in a secure relationship it's pretty understandable to not want some random selfish girl to try and flirt with your partner.
How sad does a person have to be to get off on making other girls feel bad?
No. 129822
>>129819Getting cut over someone being nice to your SO is salty and petty as shit. It's really only insecure girls who feel like they need to flirt with another woman's partner because they think they're getting something over the woman.
Ego stroking bullshit, and they're almost always the ones that claim 'I hate drama' because they're sick of the fallout of the dramas they cause.
No. 129823
>>129820see that's the thing, there's nothing wrong with normal girls being respectful. it's what we've all been saying so idk why you even made your post tbh i thought we were clear on this.
>I'm not going to stop being a nice, respectful humanand that's fine, you're not purposefully trying to disrespect someone elses relationship. we're talking about two very different situations here
No. 129824
I'm not sure why this is supposed to be a "woman unite!" issue when everything about dating, being single, and breaking up, points to these situations being the viable solution.
People are too afraid of change, too afraid of the fallout, to just end a relationship when they're unhappy. My girlfriends stay with their boyfriends for YEARS all because they're afraid of being single, nothing more. My guy friends stay with these bitchy women for years because they know they'll be ridiculed and chastised for dumping your friend, by you.Clean breaks are incredibly rare, and that's accounting for ones that start with huge fights "out of nowhere". I watched a friend recently get DIVORCED after a 7 year relationship. It wasn't out of nowhere for his ex-wife, who realized she didn't love him when he proposed, thought her "mind would change" in a stable marriage. It didn't and now she's painfully fucking one of his friends before the inks dried.
Casual dating is great, but once people decide they're an item, breaking up the product is super difficult and becomes a spectator sport. It's one thing to get you jollys off with just knowing you're fucking around with someone's partner, with no intention of having a relationship (and I'll always blame the one in the relationship for this). It's another when you have to watch someone be miserable from the sidelines.
It would be great if both genders embraced being dumped out right a little better, but everyone wants a reason and a huge apology because "I dont like you anymore" is apparently not enough of a reason to make someone single again.
No. 129826
>>129804I didn't know her personally but heard some funny stuff about how she hated sex and was constantly screaming at him over little things.
I was kind of the same way with my ex I was so afraid to leave him even though he treated me like absolute shit because I thought that was better than being alone. I seriously doubt he would of left the relationship if we didn't meet.
No. 129827
Two of my exes were nearly impossible to dump just because they couldn't accept that I didn't like them anymore - the first one started shit constantly and even said stuff like "why are we still dating?" Which finally led to me dumping them. They literally wouldn't leave my house after that, insisted it was just a break, and kept texting me for 2 months after asking when we were getting back together. The second was pretty much same deal - he moved out after we broke up, but still had it in his head that we were a thing and kept wondering when I was going to break my lease and move in to his new place with him.
Totally absurd.
No. 129829
>>129828(not that anon)
I've had a few girls do this to my bf in front of me and honestly we laughed at it once she left. I wouldn't call it (always) creepy or "issues", but rude.
Sometimes they come off as weirdos or just arrogant assholes tbh. At least they get an "ego boost" and we get something to laugh at later. It's win-win most of the time.
No. 129831
>>129830next time text him "haha why dont you break up with your gf next time you see her ;)"
tbh he sounds like an asshole. you know what youre doing though so i guess you're alright with being a cunt. Why don't you tell the girl already so she can move on and be hurt less?
i honestly really don't understand girls like you and guys like him. if the feelings aren't there just fucking leave, he has a slut waiting for him after the break up so it's not like he's not going to get pussy
No. 129833
>>129784yeah and dumped him a couple of weeks later.
They weren't living together back then but it was fucking awful hearing him cussing and talking shit about his (ex?)wife. Funny thing, now he's back with her and he is now talking shit to our mutual acquaintances about me haha.
No. 129834
>>129832Actually he's probably thinking how clever he is for swindling two dumbasses into giving him twice the poon
Guys like that rarely pine after anyone and can't see past their own ego
No. 129836
>>129832The fact that he goes home to spoon her at night means he doesn't think that highly of you. The idea of it might seem sexy but like
>>129834 says, the guy is probably just thinking about how he has two girls and is so smart for getting away with it.
No. 129837
>>129828Who said "have"? I definitely don't "have" to. I already feel good about myself. It is the girls who are insecure and hate themselves, and project that into their boyfriend's female friends.
>>129821I get off on it because they were cunts to me first. Be nice and treat me with respect, and I won't make your boyfriend leave you.
No. 129841
>>129838Did you not read my post? I didn't have to do anything sexual. Ever. All guys want is an easygoing, happy girl, not a bitchy jealous girlfriend.
>>129839Don't worry, I have already had a boyfriend for two years. But thanks, anon!
>>129840It's really easy when the girlfriend is an insecure, whiney bitch. Even a 5/10 girl could do it without any real effort.
No. 129846
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>>129844It's okay, anon. Don't let the other anons hurt you because you're insecure and a skank. Be a proud slut. Relax, maybe get off the site a lil and call a psychologist tomorrow so you can work together on your little self esteem.
No. 129848
>>129847if being a stupid boring bitch means having a stable relationship which gives me satisfaction and comfort then hey, ill take the title any day. i don't consider traveling alone, having date nights, and fucking in new and public places boring.
isn't it funny how most of these totally not salty "hoes" don't have a man or can't keep one?
No. 129849
>>129836i honestly don't get why girls who "steal her man" think theyre hot shit? like i get it must be the chase but at the end of the day you don't get anything but maybe a fuck and the satisfaction of being sleazy. the guy doesn't think of you much after getting sex and moves on to the next sluts who will send him nudes, you're not special. i also think if a guy is texting you while he's in a relationship he's probably already done in or is doing it to other girls on the side.
people live differently so i probably just don't understand, but how can someone think of themselves so highly for being easy?
No. 129854
>>129784uh totally disagree tbh. As long as you don't know them you actually don't really owe them anything. Not saying its great. Its quite shitty too. But its certainly not even close to being as bad than actually cheating on someone.
Once I was very drunk (no excuse) very sad/lonely (still no excuse) and one guy in my class who had two kids came onto me at one of my house parties. Now he really took advantage of the whole situation, had previously tried it on with me (and my friend) he was basically just a massive scumbag to his girl. I went along with it for a while and then stopped before it turned into actual sex because I realised what the fuck I was doing. Anyway moving on from that he messages me a few months later "my gf wants an apology from you" and like okay I went along with it but at the end of the day she was a stranger and I owe her nothing. Especially not for a pathetic moment of weakness I'd already beaten myself up over. And the worst part is her told her because he felt "Guilty" so why not tell her about the other girl he actually slept with? that my other friend told he admitted to. or the other girl in the class, We were all convinced he did something with (he was obsessed with her, and she had BPD (massively slutty) and we know he was at least in a room with her while she was naked.. so why not.
I mean I fucked up too. I'm not dismissing that but if he is so desperate to have her forgiveness nd be a great boyfriend then surely tell her everything or its a massive fucking waste of time? I mean, I think in this case he'd have been better saying nothing and just concentrating on being the best bf and dad he could be.. but no. It was purely selfish. I was the scapegoat despite not needing a load of abuse from some girl I dont know (and a load of her family) in my life. I do not believe for one second he will never cheat again.
No. 129855
>>129854Also my friend, the one he told about fucking another girl had actually met his girlfriend. So the situation was mad. Had my friend messaging her and comforting her, while also messaging me and telling me not to tell the gf anything else "he has children. dont ruin anything!!!" and me not even being able to defend myself in any way or let her know about the people he'd actually slept with..
or the fact my friend had been cuddling up to him on his lap all night at the party, while his hand crept up her thigh, loving the attention.
fucking ridic. What even was my life.