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No. 1296246

Because sometimes not forgiving feels better than doing it.
>Do you struggle with forgiving others?
>Is there anyone that, despite loving them, feels like you will never be able to forgive?
>Is there anyone you will never forgive?
>Do you find people who are generally "nice" and "well meaning" but still fuck up harder or easier to forgive?
>Is it more cathartic to forgive or to not forgive for you?
>Does the phrase "forgive and move on" or "turn the page" make you upset?
>What is your criteria to forgive or not forgive others?
>Do you think you'll ever be able to move on?
>Do you think it's bad for others to force you forgive?

No. 1296253

I resent my own mother so much despite being otherwise nice. We lack a lot of boundaries and I always felt like her happiness or her own sickness was my responsibility. I am only 26 but when I'm with her, I feel way older while also feeling like she infantilizes me. She did her best but there's things I will simply not forgive… like her forcing me to forgive her or my abusive family members.
Actually, now that I think about it, I think I resent her even more for being emotionally neglectful when I most needed it, for not being there for me and for chosing to do nothing over certain family members who did shit to me. Just now she said "move on turn the page and stop talking about it" when I told her how I felt like all my life I was treated like I'm stupid despite achieving things. I know this is a buzzword but I feel there's definetely some gaslighting with her and also the fact she chose my abusive brother first. Yes, she's nice and I will always love her, but I'm just looking for a way to stay away from her while just casually maintaining contact. This is of course, extremely hurtful because I do love her and feel guilty. But it must be done.

No. 1296256

Sometimes I feel like I was the wrong kind of daughter for my mom, instead of my mom being the wrong kind for me. It feels like I should had been more normie with better mental health and stuff etc but I mean, the life experiences and my own family history meant I was bound to be at least a little fucked up. I've had a lot of good moments with my mom, and others where I wonder if I'm just overreacting thanks to my stupid brain chemistry. But this has been a thing since I was a child, I never felt understood, listened to, and I was even berated constantly. Feeling guilty about not being right has driven me to suicidal ideation more than once, and I'm just tired. Tired that despite my mother not being a bad person per se I was simply not the right baby, or maybe she failed to understand some of my emotional needs. I don't want to forgive this, not until I finally can heal.

No. 1296260

I will definetely not forgive the fact I had to forgive my abusive brother more than once, being forced to do it by my even more abusive father kek. And my mum did nothing about it. I think my mum was simply too codependent. But anyways, I don't talk to my brother anymore, haven't talked to it in 6 years after my dad died. I could never forgive him.

No. 1296275

I can and will never forgive my rapist. He was evil and I know now he has a wife and a kid and I really wait every day to see a murder report at some point. There is no doubt in my mind because he was so abusive in every way. He doesn’t deserve my respect or forgiveness and I hope the angry energy I send towards him makes him die in the most painful, extended way possible. I HATE when anyone brings up the idea of forgiving him even if it’s for my own sake because it’s something he deserves. I don’t forgive any man who has done that to a woman. Ever.

No. 1296278

My parents never failed me in the way that they always provided for me and my needs, they even bought me cool videogames, but they weren't emotionally sound, there always was some kind of screaming in the house between them or towards my other sibling. They fought a lot, to the point that my dad used a gun on my mom but fired it at a tv instead. They also treated me like I was stupid sometimes, and didn't let me use things inside the house, I didn't know how to use the washing machine for years. Paradoxically they also loved that I wasn't very conflictive growing up (at first) and very good at school, and they thought I would do great things in life etc. It wasn't until I started being a little more revelious that they started treating me differently (in the bad way). My mom loves telling me that they always always were there for me and that they always always gave me things. I still struggle with the idea that maybe they weren't so bad after all, but then something in me says "no, they totally were bad, don't gaslight yourself" kek. Anyways. I don't want to forgive, I would like to heal first but forgetting this stuff, "turning the page" is just so idioting to me when it deeply impacted very serious parts of my life.

No. 1296302

My dad was very controlling, and my mom always went along with him, I'm not sure if she did this out of fear or what, but that definetely fucked me up. My brother lashed out at me constantly and said shit to me that hurts me to this day, and he's the main reason why I hate men lmao. My family was very disfunctional, and I see the effects on my adult self now. My emotions are all over the place. Just now I'm learning to let go of things that hurt me, and healing.

However, I do not believe that forgiveness is necessary to healing. It would not help in any way shape or form to give my forgiveness, something that must absolutely be EARNED, to the people that failed me. Those who say "forgiving is the first step to healing" are so full of bullshit, because for me, part of healing is keeping in mind those things that hurt you and then working towards improving yourself. Why or HOW would giving my precious forgiveness to the people who were mean to me, exhausted me, berated me, or had their 3rd strike in the emotional department, good for my own growth? Why would saying "wow they weren't so bad after all" and letting them in my life again help me at all?

No. 1296305

I was watching a news clip lately about a murderer being sentenced. The mother of some poor murdered child was saying she forgives the (pedo) man because of god or christianity for whatever telling her to do so. I've never agreed with the emphasis that god-types can sometimes put on forgiveness of such serious crimes. If you spend a decade raping kids or beating all your gfs then nobody on earth owes you shit. Live with the social stigma. You earned it.

I know some people claim that forgiveness serves victims too (meant to take a weight off?) but I don't buy it. For small stuff, sure. But there's limits. I grew up surrounded by CSA and covering up for abusers was common. Feels like the same ole thing to me whenever people think stuff like that deserves forgiveness. It's just being in denial of the gravity of it. Some damage lasts a lifetime. Be kind to yourself and don't try to soothe scumbags.

No. 1296320

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The religious idea of forgiveness is a fucking cancer in this world. Any religion that wants you to forgive rape or murder is absolutely brainwashing you and wants you to be weak or meek. It's always women, children, or victims the ones who have to forgive too. The perpetuator eventually learns that he will always be forgiven by others or by god and doesn't learn shit, he will continue commiting atrocities and hurting others. I want women of the world to stop forgiving others, I want them to fight back and be crass, unforgiving, brutal.

Even the shit that is aimed at us, like those instagram uwuhealing accounts and pinterest quotes, those TV shows and chicflics written by men, everything… society wants women to forgive abusers and anyone who hurts us no matter what, with no critical thought or consideration for or own feelings. Just forgive, forgive, forgive. I think this is bullshit.

No. 1296326

Nonnies, do you believe anyone that "means well" but fucks it up should be forgiven?

No. 1296332

religion in general is a cancer killing the stupid. We will never progress as long as people believe in these cults.

No. 1296350

It depends on how they react after being called out. Somebody who truly meant well would make an effort to change their behavior if they found out it hurt somebody else, but if they continue the same bullshit and cry about how their intentions were good every single time then they can fuck off.

No. 1296353

Sex offenders should never be forgiven. All of them belong suffering. Consent is not an optional choice and perceiving it as one is a sign of much fouler degeneracies that will only worsen over time.

No. 1296358

I'm never going to forgive the kids that bullied me in high-school. People say they were kids, they didn't know better. Maybe they had something going on that caused them to act like that. But I was just a kid too and what they did to me has had so many negative effects in my life. Sure I've moved on and I'm doing much better now, but I'm never going to forgive them.

They might be able to forget what shitty things they did but I can't.

No. 1296478

Not this anon but want to build off because I agree with the above. I always look at it as forgiveness and apologies are for genuine mistakes. Not decisions they now regret due to consequence. Did they think the ends justifies the means? Did they know it would hurt you and decide somewhere in their head that was an okay outcome they could make up later as long as they got what they wanted? If so that’s not a mistake. That’s a decision. A decision that clearly tells me where we stand. I’m not important and you’ll fuck me over for your own gain. And decisions don’t get to apologize. Own your shit. Own up that you wanted to hurt me and we’re okay with it for reason A or B. If it was an accident. An genuine I didn’t know this would happen than back to the other anons original point.

No. 1296479

Would you forgive your parents if they were well meaning but ultimately became toxic due to their own set of personal issues? My mom tried her best to raise me but she herself was deeply wounded.

No. 1296504

Abuse is never forgivable tbh. Nobody should feel guilt over having been abused. Anger is the emotion that tells you something is wrong

No. 1296512

I think it depends on whether the cycle is broken or not? Is she continuing the behaviors albeit not as bad? Is she negatively impacting your life? My mother was and when I had my daughter I saw some of the same patterns. Not nearly as severe but I could see the ways they would shape my daughter, she couldn’t change. So I cut her off.

No. 1296519

>Is she continuing the behaviors albeit not as bad?
Yeah. Tbh she's not as bad as she used to be, I would call her nice, too. Remembering what I went through gives me a rethorical headache so I try not to, but it's hard not to judge everything based on certain situations that happened in the past. Something in me tells me things weren't as bad, the other tells me yes they were bad even when there were other nice moments around. She has learnt, but I feel like there's certain things that still manage to hurt me. I want to think my mom is a nice woman, because I see it otherwise.
>Is she negatively impacting your life?
She is, but that's probably because I haven't been able to fly away from the nest yet. I do love her, but I feel extremely guilty for moving on with my life and go achieve things while she stays the same. I guess it's not my responsiblity but it still makes me scared of her dying or something while I'm away. I don't want to completely cut her off, but I know that if I was to move away, I would probably go low contact. Or at least not see her as mucch as I would like to, since I'm planning on moving states. That's when I'm scared of her dying.

No. 1296521

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I hold on to grudges forever. Even really small petty things I never forget, and I still hope the persons who slighted me enough to remember for years are having bad times. I know it is really very unhealthy to keep these negative emotions but for some reason it's cathartic. To my enemies I wish them a very bad day.

No. 1296522

I hate that my BPD probably makes things worse with my personal relationships but I wish I could forgive shit. I simply can't, I keep being sensitive and re-living things that I thought would not hurt me anymore. I don't want to hurt others, I want to move on, I believe people can be nice, and I don't want to be someone who is an asshole to others, specially not the ones who love me. But when those people who love me hurt me, I resent it even more, and I feel like I was let down hard more than one time before. I'm so sorry.

No. 1296526

My older sister is a massive bitch who made my life hell too many times to count while getting away with it. She's partially why I'm mentally fucked up. And she still has the audacity to call me the problem child. She will never get my forgiveness and I'm cool with never speaking to her again.

No. 1296530

useless alcoholic father has made no effort to be in my life despite remarrying some overseas bride and having kids. he has kids from other marriages too. all of them will leave, and he will die alone, and i will not attend his funeral. he wasted an opportunity to be in my life and it’s not up to me to repair the bridge.

No. 1296869

The problem with forgiveness is that there are 2 types and most people don’t understand how either are actually supposed to work.

1. Religious forgiveness: The wrongdoer is supposed to show remorse for that they have done before they are forgiven. Sometimes they will have to do something (a penance) to prove this.

2. Self healing forgiveness: This is focused solely on the victim moving on with their life. They are still hurt by what happened but they aren’t having strong emotions about what happened anymore. Usually this involves going low or no contact with the wrongdoer.

Note that neither of these require you to act like nothing happened and still be around the wrongdoer when the wrongdoer has shown no remorse, which is what people often confuse for being forgiveness.

No. 1298007

Nah forgiveness bs is invented by religions to keep women under control and forgive criminals, rapists, abusive partners.. Men take themselves too seriously and say lack of a father figure messes up children but I disagree, I think a “love heals all” type of pick me mother figure is much much worse.

Ofc I’m all for therapy and learning to live with trauma but forgiveness? Hell no. Unfortunately I’m also surrounded by these brainwashed types who are clueless as for why people keep fucking with them over and over again

No. 1298062

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If you exploit and abuse women in any way God is gonna come for you. You don’t get to thrive. You will be cursed. Always look over your shoulder.

No. 1298186

I don't understand what people mean when they talk about forgiveness.

I either think someone is a harmful or worthless person, then I will treat them accordingly. If I don't, I don't. I try to stay away from harmful people. When they're not around, I don't think about them. When someone hurts me I'm upset and try to understand the situation and figure out how to avoid future injury, and when that's done, that's done and I act accordingly.

Is "forgiveness" some psyop to make people spend time and energy on harmful people? Like I genuinely do not understand the concept. According to wikipedia it's about overcoming negative emotions, but that's not at all what people mean. I'm not going to be indifferent about someone abusing me and being a bad person, and being chill with that person, it's nonsensical to think that's how you're supposed to act. That just turns you into a punching ball people use and abuse all the time.

No. 1298212

It might be just me being fucking crazy but besides not forgiving I love cutting people off my life too. Sometimes it doesnt even take being a bad person, I just vibe with them or whatever.

I used to be the "uwu accept everyone be tolerant be nice love wins!!!" type of person but so many people saw me as an easy target, a bitch even said it in front of me to others as gossip. Currently learning to not give a fuck and be selfish and trust my instinct now

No. 1298216

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I don't have issues forgiving others but I have issues forgetting, which in turn makes me harbor resentment for those who have wronged me. If the person I’ve forgiven does the same thing I forgave them for again, I rescind my forgiveness and act cold and rude to them. I know it’s a bit immature, but usually the ones repeatedly crossing my boundaries and pushing my buttons are the same people in my life who don’t take me seriously unless I show them the prickly side of myself, and then it’s all “where’d our sweet anon go??? you are so kind why are you acting like this?”. Humans have limits and I am very human, so I don't feel the need to always be the one to bridge the gap with those who have dug out aforementioned gap.

No. 1298294

no one cares about your imaginary friends anon

No. 1298297

My parents always treated me like i was inferior and I always did everything in my power to try to make them happy and get rewards and it never worked. They refuse to acknowledge how they have hurt me by ignoring my feelings and constantly beating me when I was down. I remember having a mental breakdown from being stressed from school and my dad decided to start beating me and screaming at me to get me to stop. I remember when I mum only believed me about being bullied at my first ever job when somebody else who worked there came with the same story and she said she could never believe me because i constantly lie which wasn't true. They decide to start randomly love bombing me when they realise that i hate them whilst still refusing to acknowledge how much they ruined my self-esteem. I also hate my mother for constantly bugging me about getting married because it feels like she wants to send somebody to rape me. She is also a turbo pick-me who advocated for one of my family friends to stay married to a man who humiliated her on a grand scale and constantly have issues with a woman harassing her because he led her on.

No. 1298308

Let her be

No. 1298314

Lol, I was the same. Always repeatedly pretending like nothing had happened and letting people walk all over me again. Thought ghosting was one of the most cruel things you could do to someone.

Now that I'm dealing with my childhood trauma, I ghost people like crazy and let others know what terrible people they are.

No. 1298315

I love you nonnie

No. 1298335

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My mom is not so bad as other mothers out there but there's a few things I will never be able to forgive and still make me angry to this day
>Bitches about people constantly, people on tv, politicians, everyone
>Always judges other's appareance (despite her being obese)
>Didn't let me make my own friends, always controlled my friendships
>Told me to stay with a toxic girlfriend because "she will be the only one who loves and tolerates you in your life"
>Literally looks and acts like Aimep3 when trying to be funny (pic is aimep3)
>Overshares private stuff with my own friends, acts all sickly and sad in front of them, one of my friends was like "lol I don't mind listening to your mom uwu" well I fucking do jackass
>Opens my door sometimes even though she doesn't open my brother's door ever
>Infantilizes me constantly, doesn't let me use appliances, I have to buy my own
>Always made me feel guilty for things I had no control over as a child
>I could never be a happy playful child or do any normal child mess because she would get fucking angry
>Stayed with my dad even though my dad was clearly abusive and manipulative as fuck, coddles my brother who is exactly the same
>Overfed me and then emotionally neglected me
>I felt like I had to grow up quicker than others
>I feel guilty for her own sadness and sickness when she was the one to chose to not treat herself, lose weight, or do something to be happier, she just doesn't want to do anything about it

No. 1298476

Did you- post a pic of your mom? Wtf

No. 1298482

Nta but reverse image search comes up with a bunch of pics, so no

No. 1298512

Fucking hell I coulda wrote this, i'm sorry, it's a horrible environment to grow up in. The oversharing to friends bit, ooft. So irritating bc to other people it's "omg she's just worried/cares about you" so no one get's it.

No. 1298781

did you not read my text? I said it is aimep3, an infamous latin american lolcow

No. 1298806

Do you guys think letting go of resentment is a type of forgiveness?

No. 1298849

Yes and it’s the best to live by in my opinion. I’ve had people fuck me over pretty bad and I know they don’t care or ever will. So what is holding a grudge and making myself feel bad about it gonna do for, it’s just going to keep me held down. On the other side we aren’t perfect either and will fuck people over sometimes in our lives. That’s why we need to forgive others so we can get the same forgiveness for our mistakes. It doesn’t mean you have to entertain the person who fucked you over but just let it go and be the bigger person

No. 1298958

I guess you could say you can let go of resentment but still not give forgiveness to someone. Like, saying "I have healed from this, but the thing this person did was something I cannot forgive, even if it currently doesn't hurt me anymore"
Like, for example, let's say something very abusive happened in your life. You can heal from it and stop having resentment, but by innertia what they did is unforgivable

No. 1299102

I understand my mother, but I don't think I've actually forgiven her. She got post partem psychosis and tried to kill me when I was a couple weeks old. She's also a drug addict and alcoholic, generally picked horrible scrotes from what I've heard. I think she mentioned being diagnosed with bpd at some point? When I had to meet her due to her winning visitation rights, I asked her to apologize, but she claimed she has no idea what I'm talking about. Probably not necessarily out of malice, she probably truly doesn't really remember it, like a bad dream. I still agreed to let her visit me, because even though I didn't know my own mother and she's practically a complete stranger, I did pity her. However she only showed up a couple times, then never visited again. Only calling me when she got dumped by another drug addict creep and wanted attention. I can see how she ended up the way she did, her parents really fucked up. You know the type, high society, but swingers in the 70's and my grandpa is a bit of a pedo creep. She used to be very intelligent and was personalitywise quite similar to me apparently, but she got involved with shady scrotes while trying to escape her shitty home situation. I doubt I would've done much better than her in a situation like that, but that I can't even get a sorry? I'm supposed to just forgive her because "she's your mother!", but how am I supposed to forgive someone for trying to kill me, when they still don't give a fuck about me and can't even apologize for it?

No. 2076963

I am anti-forgiveness, anti-reflection, anti-remorse. All of these things do more harm than good

No. 2076966

I don't believe in forgiveness but I believe in letting go. At some point you're just letting something rot inside you. Let new things grow.

No. 2076971

I will never forgive the moid who isolated me from my friend group and cut me off with no explanation or reason because he couldn’t handle that I wasn’t interested in him. I don’t talk to my friends now nearly as much as I used to, and they still love him. None of them really know so it’s so awkward and so painful. I miss the bonds I used to have. I hope that moid rots and I mean it with everything in me.

No. 2076985

dangerously based

No. 2077070

>I forgive but I never forget
Why is this phrase/attitude so popular and common? It's cucked. The best thing to do is forget someone who wronged you because you're so busy living your life and they aren't important, but then if you're ever reminded of them, you continue to hate them for their wrongdoing. It's the best of both worlds.

No. 2077110

breathtakingly based
most based thread on lolcow confirmed

No. 2078960

Nona please give us more of this. We need it. Reading your words literally gave me energy. I’m tired of the bullshit the world has fed me, us as girls in general. I need more of THIS whatever this is!! Idk how to call it but i need it!

No. 2078973

you only need to remember them as an example, life experience to draw from in case of someone else repeating similar behavior

No. 2078986

There is a person I will neither forgive nor forget, and I hope every day that they're miserable. The things they did to me are unforgivable, and to forgive that person seems more like "accepting" their behavior as "tolerable", and I refuse. I truly wish their every day life is hell. There's another person who I will neither forgive nor forget, because I think people around me are only tolerating said individual because of their connection to another person. The latter is "dangerous" in that they're older than all of us and uses their mental health as an excuse to repeatedly ignore how their behavior makes others feel. I essentially want to play the "long con" with this one to see how it turns out. So no, I don't forgive or forget, I just know when to reel it in and observe.

No. 2078995

>someone who really hurt me reaches out to apologize
>the timing is shit
>the apology itself is shit
>never explained why she did what she did in the first place
>i just want to move on and get this over with
>tell her i forgive her
>i'm still angry and bitter and obviously didn't forgive her
>she feels better and moves on with her life
>i don't
why did i cuck myself like that?????? fuck this forgiveness shit and fuck people who apologize for selfish reasons. she obviously didn't care about me, otherwise she would've explained her actions. all she wanted is for me to get this weight off her shoulders so she can stop feeling like a bad person. forcing myself to do it only made things worse. i wish i could take it back
>Do you think you'll ever be able to move on?
only if i suffer from memory loss

No. 2079005

I hate when people so easily go "b-but it's your brother!" when they would encourage you to give no fucks to your mother when she actually did some work. Enough forgiving, even seeing him it's a hassle he does not deserve from me.

No. 2079072

Message her and say "Sike, cunt! I'll never forgive you, you rotten bitch. Hope you kill yourself one day!" then block her number

No. 2079084

What did they do to you?

No. 2079188

Everytime I think I'm at a place that I can forget my putrid ex, I look at the document I made to keep track of his stalking and I just seethe.
I hope he dies in some accident and I will finally be truly at peace. He would apologize but then a few months later have another cluster of stalking retarded shit.
Its been a few months since his last attempt at contact, I hope the police scared the shit out of him.

No. 2079208

>Do you struggle with forgiving others?
Not really I only forgive them if I see no other option for communication. I wish I didn't though some people really take it as a way to keep doing the shit they ask forgiveness for afterwards
>Is there anyone that, despite loving them, feels like you will never be able to forgive?
My mother because even though I know I have a innate urge to love her since I am her child I can't just phase over the abuse she put me of which I still have trauma so ingrained it's part of my personality
>Is there anyone you will never forgive?
My mother and and my best friend who I loved (they way she betrayed me still hurts)
>Do you find people who are generally "nice" and "well meaning" but still fuck up harder or easier to forgive?
Yeah kind of.. I just think if I'm so fucked over wouldn't I want to give someone like myself a second chance?
>Is it more cathartic to forgive or to not forgive for you?
I don't know.. its complicated
>Does the phrase "forgive and move on" or "turn the page" make you upset?
Yes alot it feels dismissive. Because the bruises and scars remain to keep reminding me what hell I went through and it makes as if they situation wasn't that bad and I can't trust my own feelings
>What is your criteria to forgive or not forgive others?
If I see them actually taking a step in improving themselves or I just want to forget the shitty situation and move on for my own sake
>Do you think you'll ever be able to move on?
I don't think so I hopeso someday
>Do you think it's bad for others to force you forgive?
No forgiveness should only be given to those who actually make a effort to change.. but as a woman you are kind of brought up to forgive everything so I kind of hate it too

No. 2079242

I know this post is one entire year old but in my experience "meaning well" is the root of most fucking up and almost impossible to forgive, even when the thing done is not a fuck up. My experience is that people who "mean well" are just self-centered assholes in nice words clothing, always ignoring everyone else's needs and preferences, doing things no one asked for, and when they receive any pushback everyone around rushes to defend their actions because they are so nice, they meant well, and why are you being such an asshole towards this wonderful selfless person?

I'll take an egoist who doesn't get in people's ways any day over a selfless well-meaning little shit.

No. 2079620

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>Do you struggle with forgiving others?

Most definitely. I have a very meek and shy personality, especially when I was a child; so I often got trampled on by other people easily. I will never forgive everyone that took advantage of my introvertness.

>Is there anyone that, despite loving them, feels like you will never be able to forgive?

Top person is definitely my mum. I still love her because she's my mum and tried to provide for me the best as she can but I secretly think that if I were not her daughter, I would never in a million years associate with someone like her. I know she has trauma of her own but she never learnt to get over it and instead pass down the trauma to all her children.

>Is there anyone you will never forgive?

A lot. I will never forgive the friends that I thought I could trust implicitly but suddenly backstabbed me in the end. Next are all the bullies at preschool, middle school, high school and universities that have made my life miserable and affected my personality to this day. I hope they all suffer in life. Third is to all the fugly high school boys and moids who pretended to like me but in the end want me to change into someone else and tried to build their perfect bitch. I hope they rot in the deepest level of hell for negging insecure and low self esteem girls like me.

>Do you find people who are generally "nice" and "well meaning" but still fuck up harder or easier to forgive?

I'm actually quite a forgiving person. I can forgive most people immediately if they've done minor transgressions against me and quickly apologize for their mistakes. But if the "nice/well meaning" person does the same mistake over and over again I will quickly label them as a red flag and cut them off fast.

>Is it more cathartic to forgive or to not forgive for you?

I can never answer this question. So many people have done terrible things to me. To this day, I'm still traumatized by their actions. Sometimes I still dream of being bullied by my bullies or my ex-friends taunting me in my dreams. How can I ever forgive them?

>Does the phrase "forgive and move on" or "turn the page" make you upset?

Yes. I know if you want to be a better person, you need to forgive and move on. But I don't want to be the better person.I want them all to suffer like I did. But I wish I can be the better person because I'm so tired of being a resentful and bitter person and I think it shows in everyday life.

>What is your criteria to forgive or not forgive others?

If they immediately apologize for their mistakes and not do it again. If they keep repeating the same mistakes, I will ghost them.

>Do you think you'll ever be able to move on?

Honestly, not really. But I try to forget the things that they have done to me or else I know I won't be a functioning human being in the long run. I escape my traumas through maladaptive daydreaming. It used to be worst when I was younger. Now that I'm a working adult, I use work to forget my unsavory past. But until now, I don't have close friends and I ghost people the minute they try to get close to me. I have major trust issues. It gets lonely sometimes.

>Do you think it's bad for others to force you forgive?

Yes because they don't know a single fuck about the hell that you've been through. Forcing others to forgive when they are not ready is just cruel and a sign that shows that that person is only chasing moral asspats and feed their egos.

On another note, I noticed that most Anons can never forgive their mums. I feel sad that there are a lot of us out there who have crappy mums. Why is this so? Does a good mum/daughter relationship even exist? Is it a symptom of something going on in society?

No. 2079877

I struggle to forgive my sister. She treated me poorly growing up and I never felt like I had any relationship with her. It always felt like she prioritized her constantly rotating cast of boyfriends over me and she always treated me like a nuisance. It also doesn't help she has BPD and because of the constant presence of her and her boyfriends in my home, I was exposed to sexual things at way too early of an age.

Now that she has kids, she feels alone and wants to reconnect with me. However, it often feels like she lacks empathy for me and she has a tendency to hurt me if I ever talk to her about what I'm going through. Our lives our too different and it feels like she has this inability to understand what I go through. She will also tell me that she loves me but I just cannot reciprocate because it feels so forced if I do. How am I supposed to have any affection towards her when we barely have a relationship? I have had enough and I'm at the point where I have no desire to even talk to her anymore. I just don't care. Mom will often guilt me by talking about how my sister is struggling raising her kids. Her having kids is her choice and I have nothing to do with her choices. She was never there with me growing up and now she wants me to be there for her? Fuck off.

I guess I don't forgive easily now that I think about it.

No. 2081063

After the things I’ve done and said to people, I wouldn’t be surprised if many of them chose to never forgive me. I used to be really mean, and I knew at the time that what I was doing was wrong. If someone chose to hold it against me forever I know they’d be in the right.

No. 2081072

I don't really know where else to post this. A few years ago, I ghosted some people who cared about me out of the blue during a really bad mental health crisis. Afterwards, I was too ashamed to get back in touch and explain myself until it was too late, and even though they forgave me, I freaked out because all of our lives had changed so much and I knew nothing would be the same. So I ended up detaching and abandoning them again. I know they probably hate me now, or at the very least they don't forgive me…and weirdly enough, I'm completely okay with that. Obviously I regret my cowardice and wish I'd handled things differently, but they're fully in the right to feel like they do.

No. 2081073

I don't take to heart everything this boomer says, but I found this video helpful. Highly religious undertones, but it made me feel better as someone who struggles with the guilt of not being able to fully forgive a close family member. I keep falling for the belief that I should forgive her and that if I do everything will be okay, but then she does or say something that reminds me why I need to keep my distance no matter how much I crave her companionship.

No. 2188742

Is anyone else really sick of every religion and spirituality saying you have to just forgive everyone and everything and get over it? Like not just Christianity but a bunch of modern spiritual movements do this bullshit and it’s fucking brain numbing at a certain point

No. 2189560

I don't like the connotations of holding a grudge that refusing to forgive often carries. I'm not holding on to anything, but I'm not granting anything to the other person, either. Once somebody hurts me enough with no legitimate repentance, they stop being a person to me and I move on as I move on from a piece of furniture I stubbed my toe on. They're not worth anything in either direction and will never get anything from me.

No. 2189610

Based geriatric scrote, people are too quick to expect you to just get over their shitty behaviors without ever apologizing. I'm always willing to leave shit in the past I just cannot stand people who want you to pretend nothing ever happened and won't admit they did anything wrong, you just have to get over it because you're supposed to be the bigger person as a victim.

No. 2196948

I've stopped forgiving after being forced to do so all the time as a child and having it lead to more abuse. Maybe I've developed narcissism, but oh well.

No. 2201296

i simply can't forgive people even if that means i hold grudge against them forever and that eats me up from inside
at best i try to forget about it but they still remain repressed inside waiting for the right moment to latch out to seek revenge

No. 2201305

Nah. Contrary to popular belief you don’t have to forgive to move on.

No. 2201327

i have tried for years to forgive my rapist but he to this day does shit like sending me fucked up letters saying he knows what he did was terrible but he doesn’t regret it and just wished he’d harmed me and discarded me sooner instead of wasting any time at all on me. i don’t want to forgive him anymore. i want to ruin his life. he never wanted my forgiveness. i don’t know why i tried for so long. he deserves to live a very long time in complete misery.

No. 2201365

Final nail in the coffin for the whole forgiveness bullshit for me is the amount of times people have apologized to me then kept repeating the same shit behaviors over and over again. People who said shit like "it's just how I am" and saying I'm overly sensitive right after supposedly apologizing to me. Fuck this. Why even bother apologizing or expect me to forgive you when you're openly saying you want to continue disrespecting me lmao. I'm just blocking and moving on

No. 2201415

I’m so sorry, that is sickening. Wish I could ruin his life for you Nona. Please turn those letters in to the police if you haven’t already.

No. 2202441

is there anyway you can keep those evidences and report him ? let him rot in the prison, i lost my chances and won't ever get it back but if he is actively sending you those letters just do it report him, ruin his life

No. 2202685

Fuck up his home life in any way you can, turn everyone in his family against him, ruin the reputation of anyone who still associates with him. Destroy the fucker. Never, ever feel like you need to forgive or be nice to anyone who does heinous shit like rape, or anyone who defends them in any capacity. Go overboard, no matter what you do he deserves worse. I hope you get closure and I hope he dies on the streets.

No. 2202691

Doxx him on here real quick we won’t tell

No. 2221216

I like to think of it as an authorization to no longer consider that person human. No active grudge, but "anything goes" when dealing with them. No brain cycles wasted either on being mad at them, or being considerate and caring what happens to them.

No. 2329825

Did anyone else give up on religion telling us shit like “It’s all in God’s plan!” “Life’s just a test for heaven!” “Everyone did something bad in a past life!” “We are all one so judgement is wrong!” There’s like no definitive concrete proof for any of it anyways and it’s not just Abrahamic Religion doing this

No. 2329885

I always say this mindset as a cope for when people have terrible lives but don't know who they can blame for it or they can't do anything about it. I will always see anyone who believes this like the doormats they are. Usually when I hear this kind of bullshit it's either from people coping when they suffer from something unavoidable like a chronic illness they were born with or a natural disaster, and at least here it's kind of understandable, or someone trying to tell victims of crimes that well, too bad, maybe they kind of deserved it in some way and they shouldn't complain about it.

No. 2329927

Yeah, I guess it’s like a nihilistic spin on religion like “the soul lasts forever but the body is temporary so I don’t mind if bad stuff happens to the body because it was just gonna go one day anyways and doesn’t effect the next life God has planned for me” that’s at least the main idea in Christianity, Islam, and New Age stuff

No. 2355301

I can't forgive my ex who gave me a chronic illness and abused me because I couldn't sleep with him anymore.
Can a nonnie help me with revenge? I'm trying to get in contact with his previous ex, because I think he did the same thing to her. If we both report him then there's actually a chance that they'll look into it, and maybe I can finally let go of all this hate that's driving me crazy. I just need someone with a legit instagram/linkedin account to follow him so I can get access to his contact list. I swear to god I will even pay you like 50 bucks if we manage to get accepted into his insta. My discord is yuha9205.

No. 2355309

As immature as this might be, it's way more fun to shit talk people from my past who fucked me over in ways I can't forgive. Makes for some good convos with friends, at least.

No. 2355961

nonnie from another thread, I decided after 2 years I wasn't going to really forgive or forget and I reported someone for welfare fraud and tax evasion and I'm gleefully waiting for results. Because this bitch has had people "forgive and forget" her actions and behaviors her whole life. She's so far up her own ass she thinks her shit smells good, and she has no qualms being a hypocrite and abusing pop psychology speak and claiming random mental disorders to get her way. I hope this makes everything worse for her, and she is stressed about being held accountable, even if nothing comes from it because I know she's small potatoes compared to all the other welfare frauds and tax cheaters in the country. I'm tired of forgiving and forgetting because all it does is give people the okay to keep treating people like shit. People would say to me "Well if you seek revenge you're just going to hurt yourself in the process, it never feels good" or "Hurting another person won't undo the hurt they caused you". No fucking shit. I'm hurting them because I've decided that I won't quietly and respectfully accept what they did to me anymore. And I know they're out there, doing it to other people. I hope it causes her to sperg out and other people see how fucked she is sooner than I did.

No. 2355980

people try to shame those who choose revenge because it is a narrative that perpetrators of everything from abuse to fraud hide behind to get away with what they do. if you react, you’re even worse! as if every choice isn’t deliberate. if you’ve been harmed you deserve justice and closure period. yes especially at the expense of the party in the wrong. they had no trouble taking and making people bend to them when they were doing their thing. revenge is often the only form of closure and justice available. if you’re waiting on a truly bad person to change you’re going to waste a lot of your time not healing and just waiting.

No. 2356257

I will never forgive the manipulative asshole that I dated last year for the way he treated me. This guy would burp and fart loudly. He made several inappropriate comments like "look a rape is happening" about two chickens doing the deed at the zoo. It was awkward and disrespectful. He would undermine my self-esteem and would always try to act superior. He had this long list of hobbies that he would ramble about and then make me feel as if I wasn't good enough because I could only name a couple of things. He also kept pressuring me for sex, even when I told him "no I'm on my period" he tried to undress me for oral sex. He completely ignored my boundaries. It was as if my feelings didn't count. As if I don't deserve to be treated with respect and care. He also belittled my academic achievements and he had this whole persona where he portrayed himself as some sort of intellectual and moral superior because he exclusively reads non-fictional books and is a vegan. I just fucking hate this guy and I hope that he suffers the worst kind of torture imaginable.

No. 2356312

Good for you nonnie!! I hope she gets what she deserves.

I went through very similar things with a moid and I don't think my rage will ever settle. This kind of behaviour is so common among men, it makes my blood boil. I don't understand why they have to be so cruel.

No. 2438382

>Do you struggle with forgiving others?
Yes because I believe that it takes very, very little to be a good person and yet these people fuck up so much. At least walk away, don't hurt.
>Is there anyone that, despite loving them, feels like you will never be able to forgive?
I loved, deeply, my troon brother. I still love him on the "he was part of me" side but he's not the same person and I hate this new person and now I'm starting to hate his old him to let this happen. Never forgiving the lies and abuse.
>Is there anyone you will never forgive?
See above
>Do you find people who are generally "nice" and "well meaning" but still fuck up harder or easier to forgive?
Harder because in my view, they are frauds. Well meaning people don't abuse. Simple. They can hurt but if they're well meaning, they can explain why. IF they can't they're frauds.
>Does the phrase "forgive and move on" or "turn the page" make you upset?
Yes because it eases the burden on the abuser and not on the victim. How can I move on if have nightmare about it? Meanwhile, the abuser the moment they hear "I forgive you", they are automatically excused and gives them even more reasons to do this shit again with no shame.
>What is your criteria to forgive or not forgive others?
I forgive if there is mutual understanding, I don't if people feel entitled to hurt and won't listen.
>Do you think you'll ever be able to move on?
Moving on and forgiveness are not the same thing. I can move on from my brother being a troon myself, I cannot forgive him for making me and my parents suffer. It still affects them greatly.
>Do you think it's bad for others to force you forgive?
Yes because they don't understand that forgiveness has to be earned and it's not "pride" or shit like that. I don't like even to argue so if I'm done, I'm done and if I'm done it's to protect my inner peace and if I have to take this extreme of not forgiving someone, then it's bad and I don't want that "bad" in my life. Not forgiving keeps bad people away and I want them not being able to hurt me anymore first and to think of me as someone hurt by them second. Forgiving makes THEM forget, not me.

No. 2438520

>Do you struggle with forgiving others?

>Is there anyone that, despite loving them, feels like you will never be able to forgive?


>Is there anyone you will never forgive?

Yes (see above).

>Do you find people who are generally "nice" and "well meaning" but still fuck up harder or easier to forgive?

I find them harder to forgive, because not only they do hurtful things, but they're stupid too. If someone is well-meaning, they put in some effort. Then why did their efforts fail? It's frustrating.

>Is it more cathartic to forgive or to not forgive for you?

It think it would be more cathartic to forgive. It would make me feel better.

>Does the phrase "forgive and move on" or "turn the page" make you upset?

Yes, because things that happened in the past do not just stay in the past… they influence my present and future too.

>What is your criteria to forgive or not forgive others?

I'm willing to forgive someone if they make an effort to actually change, and repair their mistakes. The effort should be proportional to how bad was the thing they did. Just saying "sorry" is not enough.

>Do you think you'll ever be able to move on?


>Do you think it's bad for others to force you forgive?

Yes. Most people who try to force people to forgive don't have similar experiences, they have a naive worldview, such as "everyone is good/let's all get along". The second type of person who try to force others to forgive are dismissive and cruel (they think your pain doesn't matter).

No. 2444000

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To be honest, I wish I could hold hold a grudge and get actually angry for myself, only mildly annoyed. I only get angry for other people. I am not even sure if that is just how I am, or is that the way I was conditioned to be. This is why when I reach a tipping point with people, it's easy for me to cut them off and never spare them any thoughts. I did that to my ex best friend, and my father and his whole side of the family. But so much time passes and I get so hurt by the time I get upset enough to leave and stop making excuses for them. I should be more angry and less understanding. These people had to betray me in such a major way first.

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