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No. 125839

Thread to talk about and discuss any physical ailments you might have, diseases, illnesses, infections, pain etc., things you found to help remedy said ailments, your experiences, advice etc.

No. 125840>>125841

For the past 3 days I've been experiencing some pretty unpleasant pain in my lower abdomen, particularly on the right side.
The pain is very similar to that of a bad menstrual cramping, it feels sharp, bloaty and like somebody is grabbing my organs and squeezing them, but I'm not on my period and I'm not menstruating at the moment either due to birth control. The pain almost disappears when I remain stationary, but as soon as I begin moving again every step I take sends pain through me. Walking to and from uni the last 3 days hasn't been easy.

I keep telling myself it'll probably go away so to wait another day. I might give it two more and then call my GP. I'm starting to think I might have ovarian cysts as I know my mother had problems with things like this and has had numerous miscarriages in her life and my sister recently went for an ultrasound and they discovered 25 cysts on her ovaries.

Anybody here had any experiences like this?

No. 125841>>125842>>125843


From my experience, it sounds like it might be your appendix is inflamed. Sounds exactly like what I went through before I had to have mine removed.

No. 125842>>125843

Yeah it sounds like it. Might want to get seen sooner rather than later with something like that.

No. 125843>>125844>>125848


Oh shit I just looked up symptoms of an inflamed appendix and it's listing symptoms like diarrhea and constipation and gassiness that I was too embarrassed to mention earlier.

Doesn't stuff like appendicitis come on really quickly though? Like after a 3rd day I would imagine I'd be crawling up the walls in pain. It does seem to be worse today than it did 2 days ago though, and I keep getting random spikes of intense pain.

If it's still there tomorrow I'll call a doctor. Thanks Anons.

No. 125844

It depends on how the appendix 'goes down' if you will. Sometimes it's very sudden, within hours, ect. I was at ER for something else and a lady who arrived around the same time, in the same area ended up having appendicitis so she was scheduled for surgery. She'd been in discomfort for a few days, and it was only after a few hours of being at the hospital did it start to get very painful (after being poked and prodded at by doc hands). So it depends, but I found this online reading if it helps at all. "WebMD Home next page Digestive Disorders Health Center Email a Friend Print Article
Digestive Disorders Health Center
Tools & Resources
See an AppendectomyHow Heartburn Happens
Is My Constipation Serious?IBS Triggers and Prevention
How to Choose a Biologic16 Tips for Good Digestion
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In this article
Appendectomy: What to Expect
Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a 3 1/2-inch-long tube of tissue that extends from the large intestine. No one is absolutely certain what the function of the appendix is. One thing we do know: We can live without it, without apparent consequences.

Appendicitis is a medical emergency that requires prompt surgery to remove the appendix. Left untreated, an inflamed appendix will eventually burst, or perforate, spilling infectious materials into the abdominal cavity. This can lead to peritonitis, a serious inflammation of the abdominal cavity's lining (the peritoneum) that can be fatal unless it is treated quickly with strong antibiotics.


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Sometimes a pus-filled abscess (infection that is walled off from the rest of the body) forms outside the inflamed appendix. Scar tissue then "walls off" the appendix from the rest of the abdomen, preventing infection from spreading. An abscessed appendix is a less urgent situation, but unfortunately, it can't be identified without surgery. For this reason, all cases of appendicitis are treated as emergencies, requiring surgery." – so there are atypical kinds of inflammation. You have the classic symptoms and a few of the non-classic ones that might suggest this isn't going to get better on it's own.

THANKFULLY - This is super common, every hospital does them (no need for a trip somewhere special), and you can rest easy knowing if you need surgery, it is very routine and not likely to be an issue. Good luck anon, I'd say if you can't see a doctor just go into the ER.

No. 125845>>125846>>125859

Does anybody here have experiences with recurrent corneal erosion?

I get it pretty regularly, once a week if frequent. I have to put lubricating eye-drops in every single night, but last night I forgot to and was woken up at… I don't know, silly O'clock, by the pain.

Fuck guys, it's fucking awful. To the people that don't know about RCE it's when the top layer of cells of the eye fail to attach to the lower layer and they spontaneously slough off, usually when sleeping. It causes extreme pain not just on the top of eye but also from the inside of the eye, like you just woke up to somebody stabbing a needle inside of it. Your eye begins streaming with tears immediately and there's NO RELIEF. When it occurs you usually wake up like a split second before it happens, and you feel a sensation that's like a "snap", and then, burning agony.
For me the pain usually lasts for 30 mins, but I've had it persist for as long as 2 hours in which I'm completely, blind because you can't open either of your eyes, and just lie there shaking and holding my face pleading internally for the pain to leave fast.

Thankfully the eye is one of fastest healing areas of the body, but still, what an awful fucking condition to have. I need to go get it sorted out.

No. 125846

Never heard of it but that sounds terrifying and awful anon. I'm sure you've done a ton of research to try and get some relief, I'm just posting a link that has a chart in it for the step-ladder treatment options available, hopefully it helps.

I honestly don't even have the first clue about what could give you some relief/help for it, keep us updated because that's something I never heard of but apparently it's common? I'm curious and hopeful for you.


No. 125847>>125849

I get heart palpitations whenever I eat the slightest thing that doesn't agree with me (usually certain types of oils). Does this happen to anyone else? :/

No. 125848>>125849

Appendicitis can really differ from person to person, my friend had a gradual stomach pain for a while, but when she went to the doctor she needed immediate surgery for it. I had my appendix out when I was a kid, and I just woke up in the worst pain. Extremely suddenly. I couldn't even sit still. Anyway, I really recommend going to the doctor straight away, it's always best to be safe

No. 125849>>125851

Get checked for Crohn's and IBS if it's been a few months, if it's pretty sudden consider getting your gallbladder tested. You can get 'gallbladder attacks' which are basically gallbladder stones. It could be nothing serious and just the choice of food + getting older, but it could also be more serious (not to freak you out). I'd get it checked just because you'd rather get it sorted sooner not later if, on the off chance, it is serious.


Exactly, it varies so much from person to person it's better to be safe than sorry.

No. 125850>>125852

I have narcolepsy with cataplexy.
It sucks and I hate it, I'm affected in nearly every aspect of my life by it. Anyone else here have sleep disorders?

No. 125851>>125853

I just looked up IBS (this has been going on for years, tbh, but it's definitely not severe enough to be Crohn's) and wow - I will definitely bring it up with my GP. I have pretty much all of the symptoms. Thank you, anon.

No. 125852>>125854

Narcolepsy and sleep apnea here, I feel you. Having sleep disorders has effectively ruined my life. I feel useless.

No. 125853

Anytime. I've been in and out of hospitals my whole life, it's a side passion to help people figure things out. But like, I'd never want to actually be responsible or shit with it.

Let me know how it goes for you, it could be so many things.

Also, whichever anon was having the pain in their side — hope you're okay.

No. 125854

When were you diagnosed? I was about 2 years ago. Uni is so damn hard for me.

No. 125855>>125856

Ever since i turned 21 I think I've been getting some kind of skin condition. Googling around makes dyshidrosis the most likely candidate, and I fucking hate it. They itch like crazy and it drives me nuts, and there's no real treatment for them.

These days I just pop the blisters, and bandage them up until they dry out, and the dried skin starts peeling. I never had beautiful hands anyway, but still. It's so frustrating.

No. 125856

Have you seen a dermatologist? I did a little bit of reading and it seems like there is some treatment for when your skin is actually going through an outbreak, and there is some preventative tips.
"Causes of dyshidrosis are unknown. However, a number of triggers to the condition may include:

Allergic reactions of various kinds, including allergies to nickel which is present in many foods and vitamins (e.g., oatmeal, canned foods).
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over study by the University Medical Center Groningen reported that dishydrosis outbreaks on the hands increased significantly among those allergic to house dust mites, following inhalation of house dust mite allergen."

No. 125857

ive been in the hospital for nearly a month im sick of it
i just want to go home, ive missed so much college
id never been in before an i have to say i really wasnt missinng out

No. 125858

I get hives on my breasts because I'm possibly histamine intolerant ;_;

No. 125859>>125860

Do you wear contact lenses?

No. 125860>>125861


Nope, just glasses :(

No. 125861

It's a long shot, but for eye irritation from contact lenses (which you don't have…but maybe it'll help?) The best manna from the heavens is bio true. It's a contact lens solution that's made to replicate natural eye fluids. I like to think of it as having a bottle of tears. If your eyes feel dry maybe getting some eye drops from that brand would help.

I'm sorry I can't help, wish I could. Good luck anon and I hope you'll see a professional soon

No. 125862

i am in pain a lot. mostly back pain. it (and sometimes other muscles like my legs) spasms a lot, i get weird body aches, etc.

my GP just referred me to a physio so maybe we can get to why this is happening.

i am on my feet a lot for work but i'm young and i do yoga, i'm quite flexible and stuff though at times i'm like the tin man with how tense i am– but yeah once i stretch i loosen up quite quickly.. it's just that i do yoga like 4 days a week so i shouldn't have spasms and stuff

No. 125863

dry eyes every time i wake up

No. 125864>>125865

I've had this random ass low grade fever (99.5-100.0) for a month. Thought I had an infection from surgery so I got a 10 day dose of antibiotics, took them and nothing changed. I've also been getting very lightheaded and dizzy, add in a few headaches. Whenever I stand up and start walking I get that thing where darkness closes in towards the center of your vision, but it isn't instant it takes about 10 seconds or so and it lasts for maybe 5. Did blood work with my doctor, electrlytes and sugar and blood cell count and blah blah, but it's all normal.
It's really starting to piss me off that we can't figure out what's causing this.

No. 125865>>125868

are you taking any medications and/or drugs?
if not you should really see a doctor, that' weird.

No. 125866>>125870>>125876>>125879

I constantly feel sick. I’m cold and I feel dizzy all the time. On top I get headaches quite often, I feel sick several times a day, my stomach hurts, my back and my shoulders hurt and my extremities feel weird.

When I say something hurts I don’t mean unbearable pain. I just feel uncomfortable and dull most of the time.

I went to the doctors and I had some tests done. My blood work’s great, apparently. Liver’s fine, kidney’s as well. Iron levels aren’t super high but ok. Vitamin B12 is ok too. No signs of inflammation in my blood. Thyroid used to be low but I get medications for that and since then it has been fine as well.

After the blood tests my doctor sent me to get an ultrasound done. The specialist said my inner organs look absolutely healthy.

I feel like a hypochondriac and I do’t want to show up at my doctor’s office again, asking for more tests… especially since I’m not in unbearable pain, I just don’t feel well. He’s a nice man and he takes me serious but I’m kind of ashamed.

I’m depressed and anxious. I’m also diagnosed with ADHD so maybe it’s psychosomatic? But it feels very real…

No. 125867

Any epileptic farmers? How do you cope with daily life?

No. 125868

I only take the depo shot but I've been taking that for years with no issues. I went to my GP and she suggested I speak with my surgeon who promptly sent by back to my GP since it wasn't an issue with the healing process.

No. 125869

>dermatologist puts me on long term antibiotics for my acne
>constantly have to pee
>find out the antibiotics can cause yeast infections when used over long periods of time
fuck my life

No. 125870>>125871>>125872

Look into candida overgrowth. It is probably the most common cause of widespread bodily discomfort and many other mild to moderate symptoms that doctors can't seem to find any cause for. I had it very bad on top of fibromyalgia and often could not get out of bed from the sickness and pains in my body. Just an idea, I hope you figure out something that improves your condition and you feel better!

No. 125871>>125873

thanks! I’ll look that up. I thought about fibromyalgia because I read some of the symptoms are similar to ADHD (which I have) but then it seems to be such a bullshit diagnosis for spoonies and drug seekers (no offense).
What treatment do you get?

No. 125872>>125873>>125879

Can men get this too? My SO is going through a bout of discomfort and while not everything matches, it has a few weird signs that line up with his.

No. 125873>>125875>>125877>>125878>>125879

"Candida overgrowth" is not a real thing. It is a nonsensical diagnosis applied to generic symptoms of fatigue, aches and pains, and poor mood, which are generally consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, or psychological problems, and which everyone experiences at one point or another. These symptoms can be real and troubling, but they have nothing to do with yeast. Patients with 'candida overgrowth' do not have abnormal levels of yeast in the GI tract, they do not have any signs of systemic infection, and they have no evidence of any immune hypersensitivity to yeast. Gastrointestinal and systemic candida infections are possible but they only occur in the severely immunosuppressed (e.g. cancer and AIDS patients) and they constitute a medical emergency; 'candida overgrowth' exists so that people can sell you snake oil to cure your generic discomforts.


No. 125874

I have compression nerve damage in my left shin, it makes it really hard to walk and hurts really bad randomly(like being hit with a metal bat). I also have a laceration in my vaginal cavity that won't heal so having sex is painful and causes bleeding. Both things are pretty much permanent or slow healing at best. Had both issues for about 5 years, still hard to come to terms…

No. 125875

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

There just hasn't been any real scientific research into it, all we have are people's anecdotes. I have no idea why doctors feel the need to tell people that it doesn't exist simply because they've never checked to see if it exists. It's like they just reject it out of hand because it wasn't in their textbooks back in medical school.

Meanwhile, we have a bunch of people reporting success in treating symptoms, and we know that the placebo effect can be very effective medicine so even if it is a placebo, it makes no difference, it still works.

No. 125876

Sounds like low blood pressure to me. Drink more water and schedule another appointment because it could be any number of things and you shouldn't have to live like that.

No. 125877

This was really illuminating anon, thanks!

My fiance has a friend who has candida (supposedly) and as soon as he told me that I told him not to share his blood (kek) due to him probably having aids. The dude is in great health and such, and doesn't seem to be in the demographic for aids, so it's likely he has this mumbo jumbo hypochondriac candida then. Good to know. Here I was thinking everyone suddenly has aids.

No. 125878>>125879

Sorry to hit a nerve, honestly my SO has confusing symptoms even his doctors can't really pinpoint, was just trying to find out about it.

No. 125879

I'm >>125866 and not a guy. >>125872 is another anon.

yeah I also thought low blood pressure would explain most of the symptoms but my blood pressure is always perfect.

idk. I have a pretty healthy lifestyle. Maybe it's psychosomatic. I'm kind scared of going down the same road as my mother. She sleeps a lot and is in constant pain. She's been taking all kind of painkillers since 20 years now. A lot of people told her it's psychological. Just a couple of years ago she was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis but the diagnosis came way too late because for some weird reasons there were no signs of inflammation in her blood. The doctors were only able to prove it through ct.

No. 125880>>125881

Over a 7 month period, it started with my time of month getting out of whack and lasting 3-4 months straight, with the last month consisting entirely of dark brown blood, I went for an ultrasound that detected I have an enlarged ovary (this was 4 months after it started that I finally got a scan sorted for me), then I had a repeat scan just last week and I'm still waiting for my official results, but whoever scanned me said everything looked like it was back to normal, although my bleeding started up again about a month and a half ago, to date I'm still bleeding.

I have no idea what is wrong with me, I've had hormone tests, TSH test, full blood count. In which only a slight vitamin D deficiency showed up, no anemia or anything which is unusual for me as I've became anemic quite a few times in the past.

The thing is, it feels this extends simply more than the prolonged bleeding, I'm always fatigued to the extent it's affecting my lifestyle, my skin is grey, dry and flakey, my hairline is thinning and receding slightly, my libido is non-existent, anything I eat makes me feel sick, and it goes on and on. Additionally, I gained 3 stone/19kg without dietary change (I eat 90% healthy) or changes to exercise routines, then most recently gained another half a stone/3kg in a month or two.

I was diagnosed with moderate/severe CFS/ME when I was a kid, the fatigue compares to that, but I genuinely believe what I am experiencing is not related to this because of the physical side effect and I have kept my CFS/ME underhold for quite a number of years now.

I'm due back at the doctors once my results are returned, but I don't think even the doctors understand wtf is going on here.

No. 125881

You could have a combination of different things going on, which makes things hard to diagnose because sometimes doctors look for an illness that contains ALL the symptoms, rather than looking for multiple illnesses.

The hair loss, grey and flaky skin, weight gain and fatigue could be hypothyroidism. This is sometimes picked up during blood tests but I know someone who had it and din't know until later in life despite having plenty of blood tests to check for other illnesses. Hypothyroidism can also cause mennorhagia and prolonged periods. If your doctor hasn't already checked for hypothyroidism, I'd suggest asking him/her to check specifically for that just to rule it out.

Your enlarged ovary could also be a clue. Cysts and endometriosis could cause a lot of the symptoms and far, far less likely is a cancer of some sort (this is VERY unlikely, since they told you everything was back to normal). Don't panic about this though, just make sure the potential causes of your enlarged ovary were fully explored.

I wouldn't worry about brown period blood because brown is actually a normal colour for peiod blood. The blood turns brownish when it isn't expelled from the body quickly and isn't fresh and red. This happens a lot with very heavy periods. Ask your doctor about blood clotters to see if they're appropriate - they're used to manage heavy periods and usually result in more energy too. Blood loss makes you tired sometimes even if it doesn't knock you into anemic territory.

Good luck, anon!

No. 125882>>125883>>125884>>125886

okay hoping on a whim that this has happened to someone else because i'm worried for my sister

>6 months of anemia/no energy

>starts supplementing with iron
>iron drops
>ferritin levels WAY high
>no energy and pass out a lot
>HUUUUGE swollen lymph nodes

just hoping it's not lymphoma or leukemia or something like that because doctors have suggested that might be the case.

any insight?

No. 125883

The lymph nodes is the main thing you have to look at here. Could be a tumor, could be cancer, could be a huge infection, could be HIV.

The lymph nodes are really worrisome. I hope the best for your sister.

No. 125884

chronic inflammation can cause anemia with low iron and high ferritin. there might be some underlying issue causing the fatigue and lymph node swelling. might want to have her ask her doctor about that although he may have considered it already.

No. 125885>>125886>>125923

Back in February, my heart rate suddenly shot up to 108-120 resting and stayed there plus I keep passing out and get really dizzy when standing or walking. Dizzy enough that I nearly pass out or fall over as soon as I stand up. My quality of life has gone down the shitter since. I'm constantly in pain from my chest and can't leave the apartment alone, I've been told it's only a matter of time until I hurt myself badly from passing out, I had to go on leave from school (and will be forced to drop out completely if this doesn't get better by mid July) I can't go on walks or even grocery shop without using the cart as a walker. I'm always tired but can't sleep until 5 am then sleep until 5pm (no amount of staying up until a reasonable bed time to "reset" my inner clock works, I just lose out on that days' sleep. Stayed up two nights in a row trying that) My fingers turn white with blue nails if I even touch a cold water bottle, my feet are generally cold and corpse like in chilly weather. Both hands and feet fall asleep randomly and get painful pins and needles feelings.

Doctors are pretty stumped. I don't really respond to beta blockers or benzodiazapines, it's not a rhythm problem other than being really fast, my heart has no physical defects, it isn't pots, they've ruled out antidepressant side effects, so they aren't sure what is causing it. I'm wondering if the heart stuff isn't just a symptom of something else going really wrong.

No. 125886>>125887

Swollen lymph nodes are treated very seriously because of how close they are to the brain - I'd suggest taking her to a doctor to get a full exam, they'll likely follow up with a specialist and possibly a surgeon appointment to see if they need to do any work. My SO had a swollen lymph node on one side and he got heavy antibiotics for 10 days, other appointments, ect.

If you haven't seen a cardiologist yet, do that and see if you can get an event monitor? You have to wear it for a month. I'd say look into POTS & dysautonomia.

No. 125887>>125888

Done a 24 hour holter, a 4 week event monitor, a stress test, a tilt table test, and a couple CT scans to check for clots. Supposedly the tilt came back negative but I haven't been able to get back in for a followup appointment yet. I keep pushing to see a cardiologist, and finally have an appointment (after six months) but the VA is shit and set my GP as an OBGYN for some unknown reason and wouldn't change them to someone else. She was an absolute harpy and wouldn't stop trying to tell me it was deconditioning even though it started literally overnight while I was really active.

No. 125888>>125889

Have you ever had anxiety or a panic attack? If all those things came back negative it might be something to look into but I still lean heavily on the cardiologist appointment being crucial. Hopefully they'll listen. I'd say also keep a diary and log food, locations, activities and feelings around the time they happen.
It could be a heart rhythm disorder of some kind, but the exhaustion and heart rate increase are also linked to dehydration, over exercising, low blood pressure and such.

No. 125889>>125890

I'm drinking a gallon of water a day minimum because they thought it might be dehydration and anxiety was the first thing they checked because I have had panic attacks on the regular for years. Enough IV ativan to make them surprised I could walk out of there didn't help my heart rate at all. I've also cut out anything that could be making it higher via chemicals. Blood pressure is within normal range, I haven't excercised since it started, and I've done the whole diary song and dance. My heart rate is steady with no arrhythmia at all other than sinus tachycardia.

This is why I'm so frustrated right now. Everything has a cause, this shit doesn't just happen randomly and I didn't do anything wrong with my body to cause this.

No. 125890>>125891>>125892

I might just be stupid, but isn't sinus tachycardia a faster than normal heart rate at rest? That kind of… is exactly what you described?

No. 125891

Sorry, forgot to ask if you've considered or been tested for paroxysmal tachycardia?

No. 125892>>125893

Sinus tachycardia is a type of arrhythmia and not an actual condition. It always has a cause. They made sure it's definitely the sinus node that's doing it, but I'll bring that up with the doc when I eventually get seen.

No. 125893

Huh, I must be reading some bad info, it said Sinus tachycardia is usually a response to normal physiological situations.

No. 125894>>125895

I haven't been to the doctor in a long time, but when I brought it up in the past doctors responded to my pain with a flippant attitude and didn't do shit for me.

What's wrong with me is I have constant pain all over my body. It's extreme in my left knee to the point I had to drop seeing my personal trainer at the gym because I could no longer continue without suffering. It gets hard to get out of bed, I can't enjoy nature like I once did, and it leaves me really grumpy and irritable. I'm not overweight either, so that's not a reason I hurt. I also started experiencing random pains on the left side of my chest (not a panic attack) and it freaks me out.

On the other hand I do also go through periods when I'm being weened down on my xanax where I have constant feeling of impending doom, I start having seizures and muscle spasms, and I will have panic attacks so bad I'm certain I'm gonna die, and then I end up in the ER

…I just wish it would end lol I don't know what to do. The suckiest part is my dad is a doctor and when I talk to him about my pain he tells me to "just exercise". Like wtf?

No. 125895>>125897

sounds like fibromyalgia

exercise does help, but you have to really force yourself to do it

No. 125896

Alright, so I've been having this rash on my right foot for almost a year now, and it's always kinda itchy. I think it's because I never ever wear socks and that my skin is really dry on my feet, but even when trying to lubricate them with coconut oil and wearing socks more often, it's still there. What gives? I've never had any skin problems before.

No. 125897>>125898

nooo I looked up the symptoms for this and it is literally me down to a T

I don't want this to be my life! I'm only 23!

No. 125898>>125899

it sucks but its manageable, and kind of comes and goes in waves.

like i said, gentle exercise is the best (but also hardest) form of treatment. whenever i try im like 99% sure that im not going to be able to do it but i always manage and then it gets easier.

just stick to things like walking, light yoga, spinning (at a slow pace), wading in a pool, etc

the other shitty thing is a lot of doctors are dismissive of it as well.

No. 125899>>125900

mine is pretty much a constant, I can't remember a day I've felt "fine" in the past few years :/

guess I'm going to have to at least try. I was thinking of starting up yoga, so hopefully that helps a little.

did you get diagnosed? do you have to keep pressing really hard to get them to acknowledge that there IS something wrong? or do you have to keep going from doctor to doctor until someone finally listens? I just really don't want to be accused of doctor shopping…

No. 125900

by comes and goes i dont mean that youll feel fine some days but rather not 100% shit

but its the kinda thing that you have to really make an effort at

i got diagnosed but theres no point really unless youre going to attempt to get on some disability, since its not like theres any medication you can take or anything.

i happened to move and my new doc diagnosed me.

No. 125901>>125902>>125905>>125908

I've had this really persistent cough for a few days now, but nothing else. No runny nose, no blocked throat, no headaches. Just a heavy cough that constantly feels like I'm trying to clear something out.

I'm not a smoker or anything but I'm starting to get a little concerned.

No. 125902>>125903

I had a cough like that for a month. I was really sick before. It's hopefully nothing just irritation

No. 125903>>125904


Jesus how did you cope with how rough and sore it was? I feel raw after only a few days, I can't imagine a month like this.

No. 125904>>125906

Fishermans friends, cepracol, and lots of tea. I stayed away from anything dairy like too. It was just a long headache really. I mostly hated coughing on the train or in class. Coughing every 10 minutes makes people look at you like you're the plague

No. 125905

Consider pneumonia or other chest infections, including sinus and ears (things that can drain to your chest). In the summer time people can get cocky/disillusioned that colds and infections only happen in winter. If it hurts to cough, see a doctor in the morning or as soon as possible.

No. 125906


Yeah well I can understand really. I've been on long train journeys where somebody behind me has a heavy cough and after after 30 minutes of listening to it you really do want to stab them.

Thanks for the advice though, I'll go buy some Fisherman's Friends today (fellow Britfag btw?)

No. 125907

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I've been diagnosed w/ GERD and it's the worst fucking thing ever, I'm on omperazole but it's not working at all. Advice? :(

No. 125908>>125909


K' so 6 days later I'm still here, but so is the cough.
I'm assuming that due to the fact that I otherwise feel well and am walking around and going to classes that I'm not dying, but I want to know if this is normal.
Like, apart from that other Anon, has anybody here ever had a really deep, heavy, persistent, aggravating cough? I keep having these coughing fits where it almost feels like I'm suffocating a little whilst trying to clear my throat, but only bits of mucus is coming up.
Is this a chest infection? I have a doctors appointment on the 13th but that's almost a week away.

No. 125909>>125910

I think you may be developing asthma.

No. 125910>>125911


Wat I thought asthma was congenital. You can 'develop' it?

No. 125911

Adult onset asthma.

No. 125912>>125913

Starting to worry this cough might be something else now. I was just eating some chips for dinner when I noted my chip wiggling. Look down and my fingers are mildly trembling outside my control.
If this gets any worse I might go to hospital.

No. 125913


Note I meant British chips. I am not eating American potato chips for dinner lol

No. 125914

I've been trying to find out why I'm so fatigued with my sleep doctor. He ran some blood tests and it turns out I'm allergic to potentially a lot of things, as in I'm going to have to become a level 5 vegan if I want to avoid all of it. I'm seeing an allergy/immunology specialist in 3 months. I've never heard of food allergies causing fatigue, and can't find all that much in the Internet either. I also don't get the 'typical' allergic reaction when I eat any of the food he listed. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

No. 125915>>125916>>125917

I fell asleep on the couch and kicked my leg out, knocking a few things off the coffee table - and also piercing my foot with a pencil crayon or two. I got most of the one piece out, it got stuck in there, the other one just tore a strip along my foot open. I washed it out a few times, used rubbing alcohol and a lot of polysporin. Should I still go to the doctor to make sure it isn't infected? I don't think it'd be terrible to have some pencil crayon still in me because they're non toxic, but still.

Yeah, I'm an idiot, and clumsy as fuck.

No. 125916

…. x-rays, antibiotics, possibly need to have them get anything left in me out. Yeah everyone, just keep your pencils tip down. I know it wears out the lead and it doesn't look as nice but this is really shitty, don't be me.

No. 125917

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If it wasn't tearing a hole, I'd suggest keeping it clean and bandaged and applying drawing salve until it comes out. That said, in your case, you should go get it checked out to make sure it is not infected and to be sure it heals properly.

No. 125918>>125919

Does anyone have any tips for getting knots out of your back/neck?

No. 125919>>125920>>125922

I have my hair tangled as fucked every few hours even of doing nothing, and the brush "Tangle Teezer" saved my ass. It's plastic so be careful when you brush but it's really good.

No. 125920>>125922

anon, they are talking about muscles lol

No. 125921

Mystery tachycardia anon again, they've done a whole bunch of other tests now and it's not adrenaline, so no tumor there. Cardiologist is confused and set me up for an EEG to see if it could be absence seizures causing the fainting at least. (I think they found something on the EEG because I got an appointment letter for a referral for a neurologist a few days later.)

I just want this to get better, I want to go back to school and finish, I want to be able to walk more than a block, and I want to be able to drink coffee and diet. It sounds silly and trivial, but I'm so tired of this shit. I wish the VA would take this seriously but because I'm not an old bearded man they don't really care.

No. 125922

I was, but thank you >>125919 anon for the recommendation, I get terrible hair knots as well. Maybe I won't have to cut off my hair now.

No. 125923

Have you thought about Raynauld's disease? Look up, could help.

No. 125924>>125925>>125926>>125927

>tfw get oral herpes
>didn't suck any gay black dicks lately and the only people in the household who could've given it to me are my bf and my dog
>bf is a nasty slob yet clutches his pearls whenever I accuse him of giving me fucking mouth herpes

No. 125925

hey, at least it's not syphilis

No. 125926

most of the population have it. Who cares. You also might have had it for years.

No. 125927

Oral herpes or 'cold sores' are extremely common - even kids get it. No big deal really, my little sister gets them often.

No. 125928>>125929>>125930

my boyfriend and I have herpes virus 2/genital herpes (not the same anon from a few posts above.) I'm over the initial shock but I'm still really upset about having to go through the motions of declaring my status to partners I may have in future relationships, as well as the pain my boyfriend is currently in. I wish I could relieve it for him. I'm lucky that i don't have the physical symtoms showing up right now.

I wish there was a cure. of course in the first serious relationship in my adult life, this would happen. it's my fault anyway, but I'm kind of in disbelief that I was so reckless with myself. since the positive diagnoses a few days ago I've kind of shut off from the world. just working and when I'm home, drawing and hanging out with my boyfriend, wondering if things will ever change. I guess they won't until I make them.

No. 125929>>125931

So did your boyfriend give it you or did you give it to your boyfriend?

No. 125930>>125931

Just wondering, are you planning on breaking up with him?

No. 125931>>125932>>125933

I gave it to him. We were "broken up" at the time we were diagnosed and actually just yesterday he asked me to be his girlfriend again. to be honest, since we live together and still love each other, it's the most obvious choice to stay together. honestly I kind of want to be single, but I know that if I were, I'd want him back again. I hate herpes. fuck. I want the confidence I lost to come back but I don't know if it ever will.

No. 125932>>125936

Wow, he forgave you just like that? He sounds like he really loves you, anon. Why do you want to break up with him?

No. 125933>>125936

Girl it gets easier. Trust me. I've never been diagnosed as they don't really offer tests for it here. I'm also certain I only got it around the 4th time I ever had sex.

But yeah for long enough I felt so dirty, suicidal. But now a year on I don't think of it so much. It's such a ridiculous and common skin condition. No one thinks anything of mouth cold-sores.

You are lucky your boyfriend is so understanding. I can't even tell the guy I'm with now that I probably got it from him because I know he'd seriously overreact and even blame me. Just don't let something like that get you down. Even for future relationships there are plenty of people who will see you as more than your condition

No. 125934>>125935

What's the best way to get rid of yeast infections? Both me and my bf have it and it's really painful for him.

No. 125935

go to planned parenthood, they'll give you guys something to kill it.

No. 125936

thank you anon. I appreciate the reassurance more than you know. I'm sorry you don't have access to testing. apparently Valtrex makes life a lot easier so I'm hopeful for that…and you're right. it is super common and most people who have it had no idea they were positive for it. std's can be so sneaky and since they aren't talked about enough, people don't know what to look out for, and there isn't enough access to health care options with the massive amount of people in the world carrying something.

he loves me to death, and I him, but I think I'm a toxic influence on his life and he coddles me instead of pushing me to better myself. it's a codependency thing. like we stay together out of safety and convenience, but also love. it should be love and commitment.

No. 125937>>125938

>be me
>gain weight despite being active and not an overeater over the course of years, never eat fast food or drink soda, junk food only occasionally
>parents accuse me of being fatty, send me diet books, etc
>finally get diagnosed with PCOS, get meds
>lose 60lbs in a year
Happy ending right? Except…
>weight starts creeping up again
>extreme fatigue, aches and pains, depression worse than ever
>complain to endo who is like whatever
>months pass
>nothing changes
>suddenly gain 20lbs in a month I shit you not
>kill me
>endo tests thyroid, seems I'm hypothyroidic but he doesn't medicate me yet, he wants to wait 2 months and test me again, tells me to stop being a fatty
>eat less than I ever have, no snacks, water only, tiny meals - 900-1000 calories a day according to food journal
>weight isn't budging. Maybe a couple of lbs variance a week but overall it's the same

I see my endo next week to go over my latest lab work. I have never struggled like this in my life. I'm eating purely leafy greens, fruits and chicken breast. I am so fucking fatigued I can barely do the things I normally do easily - I horseback ride, and picking stalls has me sitting down for breaks every 5 minutes because I feel like I'm going to pass out. I'm trying to enlist in the military but I can't because I gained 20lbs and I'll never pass a fitness test with this fatigue. I'm praying my endo will have answers for me this time other than eat less because I'll be going Ana mode in a minute.

No. 125938>>125939

What about seeing another endo for a second opinion?

No. 125939

If my endo still offers me no solutions of any kind despite my symptoms/shitty lab work concerning abnormal thyroid I'm going to try, but the wait list for the other endo in the area is months long at the moment because she's having a baby soon. I suppose I could try to travel, though.

What sucks is that my lab work has already come back indicating I have hypothyroidism and I have hallmark symptoms, but he won't medicate me or at least offer me any suggestions to alleviate the issues. I'm not a dr obviously so maybe there's a reason for it but it's frustrating.

No. 125940>>125941>>125942>>125945

Anyone suffer from UTIs? I started getting them a few years ago and they're caused by EVERYTHING. Tight jeans, soaps, detergent, bath water, alcohol, being dehydrated….

It's gotten to the point where I have to carry a sachet of medicine with me everywhere (which by the way, they don't even sell in my country so I have to travel to buy them) and especially on nights out. I've spent hours in my college bathroom on the floor crying with UNBERABLE pain and unable to move because I wore jeans that day but forgot my medicine.

Is there a way or curing them? Originally my doctor gave me antibiotics but also mentioned cranberry juice. Juice works so well but if I drank it to relieve my pain all the time I'd probably be so fat. I get them maybe twice or three times a month.

No. 125941>>125943

You can buy cranberry capsules! I've had ok experiences with them, but my case isn't as extreme as yours. I hate getting this question bc ofc duh, but you pee after sex and wipe front to back, right?

No. 125942>>125943

Anon, it sound like you have what I have - interstitial cystitis. Actual UTIs are only caused by bad bacteria reaching your bladder (which in girls is much more common to happen since our urethra is much shorter). ANYWAYS, it sounds like you have IC, which all of those things you mentioned, can trigger the symptoms of it, which often feel like UTIs.

The good news is… there is treatment for it! You should go see a urologist, and they will likely want to schedule you for a cystoscopy with hydrodistention which can be done right in their office, or under anesthesia if you haven't had kids yet or if you just ask. What it does is stretch your bladder and yeah the first few days were rough (imagine one of your bad days) but afterwards for me, ALL of my symptoms went away. They can come back and they can re do the procedure, but I'm almost 3 years out from mine and no significant back slides. I occasionally need to take pyridium but that's it. It has been a big big big big help for me.

I really hope you go see a doctor anon and get help!

No. 125943>>125944

I'd say they'd work slower than my usual medication but worth a try, thanks! And yeah I've had to make peeing after sex a ritual, it doesn't really seem to help.

The medication I take it actually for cystitis because of a recommendation someone gave me. I actually wasn't even aware that the two were any different, whoops.

That sounds terrifying but I'm willing to do anything haha. I'll try to make an appointment asap because it seems the waiting list in this country for a urologist is looooong. Fingers crossed, thanks! :)

No. 125944

what is the name of the med?

No. 125945

if you have a strong stomach two teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of water every couple of hours will clear it up almost overnight, I tried over the counter medicines and capsules and nothing worked for me but plain old baking soda does the trick for some reason

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