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No. 1250029
>>1250019>>1249971Oh hell yeah im petty as fuck I’m gonna love this thread
>>1250015You threw a ladder on him?? Crazy but based
No. 1250061
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>When I was a kid, I went to a party with a bouncy castle.
>When I was jumping around a group of three boys started making fun of me for no reason
>I ended up getting so angry I pushed one of them down in the bouncy castle.
>he starts crying super hard
>he runs out to tell his parents and his friends follow him
>shortly after that my parents tell me it’s time to leave
>mfw I taught that little shit a lesson and got away with it
I have 0 regrets
No. 1250084
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Guy who cheated on me fell under a bus within a month of it happening.
No. 1250085
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This is very petty, but in 9th grade during an assembly I went back to our empty classroom to get something I'd forgotten. I noticed that this girl who used to bully me had left her iPod behind. At that point she had kind of stopped bullying me and we didn't interact much, but I was still angry with her. I stole her iPod, but I knew I would never get away with keeping it for myself. My family was dirt poor and there'd be no good explanation for me suddenly having an iPod, so I just took it straight to the bathroom and threw it in the trash. But first I did browse through it to judge her basic taste in music.
No. 1250308
>My ex
>Lied to me
>Gaslighted me for months
>Made me compete for attention, damaged my confidence
>Two-faced, was saying he was single on tik-tok the weekend I visited him before he was going to move. Tricked me into sleeping with him a last time when he knew he was gonna break up with me immediately after (we had plans that he would secure an apartment, then I would move in, that's what we discussed for months)
>Admitted to me after we broke up that he attempted suicide while we were dating, this left me shocked when I was already reeling from the break up
>Mocked my traumatic experiences
>Cheated on me with multiple people
>Trooned out
>Mega misogynist
He got in a car crash, then shortly after the accident, had his car stolen and trashed by the actor.
We've been no contact for months now, but I wish I could see his life falling apart. Even though I can't keep tabs on him, I think he's definitely got erectile dysfunction from the HRT and if not from that, then the porn sickness. Also, I know that he's not going to live long and is going to have health issues eventually from being a tranny taking large doses of hormones, so it's only a matter of time. I hate I spent 5 years dating this pos.
Probably depressed as hell, since he made a giant cope post on "trans visibility day" about being "himself" and "happy". Nah I know you hate yourself and I hope you'll always be miserable.
No. 1250312
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>>1250310i like this. reminds me of jhudora's bluff. nonnies should do an LC mystical mascot themed version of fairy quests for us all to go on
No. 1250335
>>1250122I love this for you
nonnie, if it is still alive, I’ll pray for the following nights that next time it’s even worse.
>>1250156Im such a huge fan of your friend, what a champ.
No. 1250522
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The girl who bullied me all through high school tossed away a scholarship to her dream college that she had applied to with all her friends to follow her limp-wristed channer boyfriend to college on the other side of the country, going as far as asking on their dorm applications for them to have neighbouring rooms. I didn’t see or hear from her at all during freshman year but I ran into a mutual friend who informed me that he dumped her before orientation week had even ended, and she spent the rest of her freshman year of college in a city she didn’t want to be in without any of her friends all while having the boy who broke her heart just on the other side of the wall.
Last I heard she had gotten involved with a guy who was a genuine alt-right conservative, so she’s probably in training to be a tradwife by now.
No. 1250530
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I dated a wannabe cryptobro who played with my emotions for months even after her moved countries until I finally sacked up and blocked him not long ago. Sometimes when I feel bad about how he played me I just remember his wallet full of meme coins he spent thousands of dollars on that are worth less than dirt right now.
No. 1250690
It's a bit of a ride, but…
>Shitty abusive stepfather starts sexually abusing me around 13
>Finally stops around highschool as I am visibly getting more and more fed up
>his daughter comes to stay with us, causes several problems and court appointments for him
>about a year after she ran away accuses him of also sexually abusing her
>I immediately believed her, also told my mom about what happened to me
>upon further listening to her story we realized this was also another played up lie she frequently makes up (previously lied about sexual assault and said the reason she did it was because she liked the attention another girl at school was getting for it like it wasn't a serious situation
>I didn't care, I wanted him to go to jail
>However she starts using my own story to push her own
>Starts lying about things my mother and my siblings did to her, including me, to family
>no one believes her, my mother is an extremely caring person and I had used money my own father had given me at one point to help her buy school supplies
>Stepfather in jail kek, court appointments keep getting moved because of covid
>His daughter continues to lie and tries to pull at heart strings, already has a child at 17 with a schizoid she met in a psych ward
>Loses child to the moid's mother due to her inability to be a decent person and not post images of her having sex with her friends with the poor child fully visible
>Moid kicks her out
>Child in much better hands
>Step-dad still awaiting court appointment and possibly sentencing, they're trying for 7 years minimum
>They're having issues trying to submit people that could debunk the whole thing
>I already managed to move on: I'm in a good college, a very stable relationship with someone who helped me get out of that mess, getting paid internships early on for the field im interested in, happily laughing from afar at both of these idiots that ruined my fucking teen years
Honestly there was so much more they had done but it'd be weird to write a complete soap opera. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with these shitheads anymore and I can do whatever the fuck I want.
No. 1252154
My friend ditched me over a year ago because we had a small fight and she had found a new friend group (we were quite close before). It hit me really hard, I had no other friends (she knew that), no job or direction in life and got really depressed for a few months. After some time of moping around I got a job, made new friends and actually became happier than I was before when we were still friends. I hadn't spoken to her in maybe a year but out of the random she texted me, telling me a bunch of shit about her life and apparently her new friends ditched her after a few months and she got pretty depressed after. We're on okay terms now so I feel a little bit bad for posting this but I'm glad she knows how it feels when you get ditched out of nowhere, even if it's because of one little thing (I apologized btw, she never did, for anything). I wouldn't bring it up now but I hope she learned something from it, that she values her friends more. I try not to get too close to her anymore because I know she might dump me any second, but when you treat people that way they start treating you like that eventually. Classic 'taste of your own medicine', I hate to say it but it felt good when she said it and it still gives me some small satisfaction. Like maybe life isn't so unfair after all. In this sense anyway.
No. 1253198
>>1249963>>1249963hi it's me. im so sad because my post and all the replies i guess got deleted because i don't see it in the vent thread it was in anymore?
I wanted to link back to it and give an update, but also I wanted to see the support you all gave me and feel better if I start to lose my nerve. so thank u nonna
No. 1346951
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Not a revenge story, but I think how to get revenge should be apart of this thread and I’ll start
If you want to fuck a guy, or girl? up gift them old spice deodorant. My bf got some about 3 weeks ago and has just gotten chemical burns that came, just about, out of nowhere. He had a small mark that his dumbass thought came from getting “scraped” by the tube that got extremely, progressively worse after like 2 days. It honestly smells like shit too and he wouldn’t even have it if he had listened to me and stopped wearing it when I told him that kekz. Pic real is what he bought. also glad to bump for lily
No. 1346961
>>1346951A part
* and ew, gotten? got I’m sorry, I’m drunk. We’ve been reading up and I found an article from 2016 that the same thing happened from old spice! There’s also a new lawsuit currently happening this year over it.
No. 1347113
>>1347097I send you my love,
nonnie. There are people who will always believe you, who want you to be safe, and want you to find strength in place of trauma. Nothing was your fault. I’m sorry to hear about your family. I hope your mind gets clear enough (if not already) to start with your clean slate and keep going just for the sake of keeping it going. Women are awesome, I hope you find more things in the world that will remind you of your strength and how amazing it is to get to live as that insanely strong woman on some floating rock in this weird ass universe. x