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No. 124826>>125216
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>dem quintsdaaaamn.
also this can be a general doll thread so DD, MH, Pullips, Blythe, whateverthefucks are welcome
No. 124827>>124828
>>124825You totally win, anon.
Anyway, I don't want to shit up your thread too much, but I was wondering why people collect these dolls? They are obviously very cute, but I don't understand the appeal (personally.)
Why are you into dolls, farmers?
No. 124830
>>124829BJDs are kind of a "create your own" type of a thing. all "basic" or "default" dolls are sold naked, wigless, and aren't painted unless you pay the company an extra fee for the default paint job. a lot of people will buy blank dolls then commission artists to paint the faces to their specifications. the eyes and wigs are removable and changeable too. companies will put out limited "fullsets" which come with a special paint job, wig, outfit accessories / the works too.
all my dolls are "customs" in the sense that i painted them the way i wanted, bought wigs and clothes i liked for them, bought eyes etc.
No. 124831>>124832
>>124828I suppose I'm the same. I like creating little people, then making shit for them.
Well, there was the fuck up at Resin Rose where they booted out a con-goer for suposedly having a recast head to trade. Den of Angels was able to trace the history of the head and offer extra proof it was real.
No. 124834>>124835>>124845
>>124833i have 2 SDs one 65cm and one 70cm, they really are too big for me but i loved the molds so i had to get them. i have 2 MSDs right now, 1 yosd size, which i plan to sell, 3 lati yellow/tiny delf size, and 1 super small realpuki.
i do want an unoa too, but i'm kind of eh on their bodies as i really like my dolls to be super poseable. i have a kid delf that i am considering selling to reshell into a unoa lusis, but im on the fence because i love my kid delfs faceup and if i get a lusis, i'll have to rebuy her wigs because unoa's have smaller heads.
No. 124837>>124841
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>>124828lol I have a friend who's just like that with her BJDs. Its not for me I do think they're lovely and a lot of work goes into them, but I prefer MH dolls and repainting them.
No. 124841>>124843>>124844>>125226
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>>124837i've also repainted MH girls but I only do it on the side for extra cash as I am not known in the community and my stuff takes a while to sell. This is a recent one I did that actually sold pretty quick, while I have a Venus and a Clawdeen that have been sitting for sale since July.
No. 124842
>>124836in the 4chan threads there are lurking sjw who's panties get twisted in a bunch if people are "casually racist" and get butthurt if you say "nigga"
in the bjd community in general (basically just tumblr though) there's a ton of that whole trans/genderfluid/die cisscum bullshit, as well as "WHY ARE THERE NO FAT DOLLS!?!?" and people screaming about racism because "normal" skin tone options are pale/caucasian
No. 124843>>124847>>125226
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>>124841here are the three of them together before the honey sold. i think the venus is on par with the honey i did, but clawdeen is admittedly kind of shit, but she is priced $10 less than all the others i've done
No. 124844>>124846
>>124841I really love her face.
About how much do you charge for a face, and where do you sell yours?
No. 124846
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>>124844thanks man! i don't do commissions for MH girls, but i charge $60 to do bjds. most of my MH girls sold for about $60 but i've been slowly lowering the prices on them because they just aren't selling. I sell on etsy, but do my BJD thing on den of angels.
here is that particular honey with her "sister." a honey i painted for myself.
i'm not too into MH but there are some molds i quite like, and honey is one of them. i also own a skelita, and robecca. and i have that draculara robecca fusion girl, and the chinese dragon girl i can't remember the name of that i will eventually paint to own because i like those molds. i really love the robots they've come out with, i think there is a new one soon, right? a silver one? might get her one day too.
No. 124850
>>124848i don't like recasts but sometimes i feel sorely tempted when it comes to getting a body in the right color to make a hybrid cheaply. but i've never gone through with it. too much of a shitstorm possible if you get caught depending on who you are. however, if i won the lottery and no longer gave a shit about keeping my name clean in case of needing to sell anything, i'd buy a recast of a certain body because its the only way to get it.
but otherwise, yeah no. i wouldn't do it.
No. 124853>>124854
>>124848I never got the big deal why some collectors would get pissy over it. Its like when when Baby, or Ap will re-release a rare print, and some lolits get their bloomers in a bunch over nothing.
Personally I would buy one.
No. 124855>>124856
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>>124854Oh I thought recasting was the company re-releasing a doll that was no longer made.
(that's why I compared it to brands re-releasing dresses)
No. 124857>>124862>>124864
>>124854i both agree and disagree. Buying a recast of a doll that is still available from the company just because it's cheaper is stupid and shouldn't be done. But recasts of dolls that are super hard to find, I don't see a problem there. It's like in the Lolita comm back when there was that big stink over bigger girls buying replicas because they couldn't fit into the legits.
Replicas, recasts, and knockoffs will always exist and I don't see the point in getting all twisted up about it for things like clothes, bags, and dolls. they're luxury items anyway.
No. 124858
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No. 124859
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No. 124860
>>124854>does anyone really respect girls who have fake designer purses?tbf I don't respect girls who have
real designer purses if they work shit jobs and skimp on their bills/responsibilities to buy them. I used to work with a girl who used money her baby daddy gave her to pay for their kid's birthday party to buy a new $500 purse. I couldn't respect someone like that just because it's "legit".
No. 124862>>124863
>>124857Some people who were pro recast have actually switched sides because they were cool with old, out of production dolls being recast but are angry it's all about getting it cheap now. (Posts looking for Resin Soul/ Bobobie recasts pop up. What??)
And artist dolls are getting ripped off, too. A few posts/confessions I've seen have been cool with Volks and Fairyland recasts but bothered by the small time artists being replicated.
No. 124863
>>124862I understand getting pissed about that, BBB/RS are hella cheap beginner level dolls, if you're so cheap that you don't want to pay for
that then this probs isn't the right hobby for you.
No. 124868
>>124867actually a lot of companies these days are doing computer sculpted molds, printing them, then finishing them off by hand (coating and sanding so they'll be smooth) then casting them to make resin version
iplehouse is all computer generated sculpting these days, same with soom, and i think fairyland has started too (due to the fact they now produce the same molds in different scales)
No. 124869>>124872>>124879
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dude, I love everything about BJDs. Ever since I played that korean otome game ~Nameless~, I've been drooling over Crobidolls.
> No. 124875>>124876>>124878>>124881>>124884>>124907
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Bump for BJDs
Do any of you farmers actually have BJDs? I always see "I live/I want a doll" in doll threads and lots of company pics, but hardly anyone ever posts their own.
>my french resin Limhwa Mono in babbys firs outfit&wig back when I first got him
>btw he's for sale because it turns out I hate french resin
No. 124878>>124890
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>>124875I do have a BJD, it's an Imda Babette, she's such a cutie pie, I never get tired of watching her and playing with her <3
Pic related, it's a Babette, but it's not mine her customization is not doe yet! I have so many plans for her <3
No. 124879>>124880
>>124869Ahhhh those dolls are so gorgeous.
I do find bjd's really really beautiful, but I don't own any. I find it hard to justify for the price, honestly. I feel like they'd end up sitting on my desk looking beautiful but not doing anything other than that. But hot damn do I want one of those. Even their generic girl ones look so pretty.
So, what do you do with your bjds then? I mean, dress them up?
No. 124881>>124882>>124883
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>>124875french resin is totally shit i agree, i've painted a few old french resin dolls and they've always been suuuuuuper yellow
i currently own 10, i have one for sale and going to sell another soon so i can buy an unoa. did a mock up today of how i want to paint her, but i cant decide between lusis or sist.
No. 124884>>124885
>>124875Oh shit nigga, I didn't even know the farm had its own BJD thread, because I don't usually go on /b/
I have ~15ish dolls and have been in the hobby for a long time. I remember seeing BFB in one of the PT tinychats, so I knew I had a fellow farmer in the hobby, but did not realize there were more.
No. 124886>>124887>>124889
>>124883i think i decided on lusis, as the unoa will be a reshell of another doll i have. she's currently a kid delf winter event head, and she has parted lips with her teeth showing, so since lusis has a similar kind of thing with her mouth and teeth piece, i think she's the better choice.
i wont be able to order for a while though, as im still trying to sell a littlefee of mine and i have a realfee on layaway. i'd also have to sell the kid delf version of the character first. but im pretty happy because of the unoalchemy website opening up, where they will supposedly sell B-grade unoas once a month. now i can get a unoa without a $200+ mark up on the second hand market finally.
No. 124891>>124892>>124899
>>124889the flaws don't sound bad at all, slight discoloration or possible specks of dust or bubbles. most of that shit can be sanded away.
they may be B grade, but im sure they are better than second hand unoas. most unoas on the market place are old, yellowed, modded, wacky shitty hybrids, or have "pro" popular artist faceups so they are marked up. most unoas, even the shitty ones, are $600+ on the marketplace. the nice ones with good faceups for ones that come with their original box and two chest pieces, can be marked up to $800-$900, its ridiculous. compared to that shit, B grade is A okay in my opinion.
No. 124892>>124894
>>124891I have a B-grade unoa from 2014, and I seriously couldn't find the flaw. I'm sure it's there, but I must be missing it.
I know the people who run - no catch that I know of. It's a girl in Japan and another one in the USA, and they know Alchemic Labo and set up some way to let people order. I think Alchemic Labo still ships the dolls though, so they're more like a shopping service than anything else.
No. 124893>>124896
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> tfw enaibi will never release any of her dolls in a way that non-frenchfags can get themIt seems like Enaibi will auction things from her FB every now and then. Last April, there was an auction for one of her tiny Carmalynes. I bid $400 on it and didn't win, so I'm wondering how much it ended up going for. It also seems like she's more into making figures and illustrations nowadays, so I'm wondering if I should give up on my dreams of an Enaibi dorru.
No. 124895
>>124894it says on the unoaalchemy site that they are fresh from the company with minor flaws like tiny bubbles in the resin, uneven seams, possible flecks of dust stuck in the resin, possible uneven/marbling of the resin color and so on. but all very minor.
ive seen someone say that they have a b-grade unoa and its quality is better than fairyland. which i believe as fairyland ships out dolls with mottled, uneven resin, snowflake patterns on the resin, bubbles and uneven shit. i painted tons of fairyland heads any many lately are crappy, particularly the new event heads as those are always rushed jobs.
No. 124897>>124900>>124923>>209723
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>>124896I'm a big fan of her work… She make me want to try making my own dolls, but it's so much work that i'ts scarring me :/
No. 124899
>>124891Yeah, all B-grade unoas are new in the box. They have a little sticker that says B-grade on the box, and the faceplates have two little dots drilled on the inside so they don't get sold off as A-grade.
Alchemic Labo has been selling them for a while, but they were only available at events, or in the B-grade fest last year when they were getting rid of a bunch. I guess they had enough around to justify opening unoalchemy.
From what I understand, Noppin has the contract on the A grades, so they can't sell those internationally.
No. 124903
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in an effort to have something other than the mess thats going on right now to look at, i'll bump the doll thread.
i finally put up my kid delf girl for sale so i can reshell her "character" as a unoa lusis like the mock up i painted. i'm selling her at kind of a high price but i'm hoping she'll still sell. i threw in a bunch of extras for her, basically all my size 7/8 wigs as once she's gone i won't have any dolls with 7/8 sized heads around and i don't plan for any new ones of that size.
i got my fingers crossed.
pic related.
No. 124904>>124905
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come on where my dollfags at? anyone waiting on an order? doll plans you want to share? amusing train wrecks to laugh at?
i want a dust of dolls miki noxe but they're taking their sweet time releasing her. they did their fatty-chan doll not too long ago so maybe there is hope one day.
No. 124905>>124906
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>>124904the fatty they released. miki noxe and this one debuted at the same time, but only this one has had an actual order done for her.
i kind of think the stylized fat body is cute, actually, but the derpy rabbit face isn't for me. she'd probably look better with angry eyebrows.
No. 124906>>124908
>>124905Im in love.
How much do these go for?
No. 124907
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>>124875Me again!
Still selling this doll, except I was a stupid fucker not paying attention and ended the listing with 350+ views and 13 watchers (I meant to end another one but I was on the bus, couldn't see my phone for shit bc screen glare, just plain stupid, etc.).
I know there'sniway I got that many watchers just from Instagram, so I figured I would drop back in here and repost in case any of you good anons were watching.
BTW, ignore the absurdly high BIN. It wouldn't let me relist it without a BIN price, so I just put 500. I know there's no way he's worth that much.
No. 124910
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I don't like Blythes but damn, this guy's work…
No. 124911>>124918
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Words can't describe how badly I desire a Doll Chateau BJD.
No. 124914>>124916
>>124912 and yeah, I live in the US. The doll I have is a Eden Soom.
No. 124915
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I'm so happy that Miso is back on the market! I thought I could never have her! <3 She's my next doll for sure, so cute and a bit creepy.
No. 124916>>124917
>>124914so she's between 60cm and 70cm right? the SD elastic kit on junkyspot should work for her.
but did you buy her unassembled? when soom sells their christmas kits im pretty sure they include the elastic.
No. 124919
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I have £2500 in the bank and you have no idea how close I am to splurging on this body from Doll Chateau.
It'd be my first BJD but I'm a mature student so literally living out of my suitcase but still…. I waaaaaant itttttt :(
No. 124920>>124921
No. 124922>>124928
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>>124921Goodness I am jelly.
When you mentioned that you have two bodies, are they two of the same or two different ones?
I am hungering like no fucking other for the Youth Body 04 and Olivia head.
No. 124926>>124927>>124932
>>124925this an expensive hobby. even knockoffs cost over $100. and if you want your doll to look even half way decent, even if it was cheap to buy the basic version, you need to set aside AT LEAST $50 for the paint job, $30 for a good wig, and another $100 more or less for a nice outfit (and thats not even including shoes.) and shoes run anywhere between $25-$50 depending on the style and quality.
if you don't have the money don't fucking bother.
No. 124927>>124932
>>124925 There are Bobobie but the dolls start of at $150 and like
>>124926 when you add up all the extra stuff still get expensive. Used or recast are going to put you at LEAST $300 in the hole, It's a expensive hobby no matter how you look at it.
Here is the Bobobie site. No. 124928>>124929
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>>124922I got two different bodies– I have the Youth 04 body with wings and the newer Kid body.
The Y-04 body's been apart for a while because I was in the middle of restringing and cleaning it. I have mad appreciation for all the joints and stuff, though. It's so awesome.
Also, I am in love with that outfit in your pic.
No. 124929>>124932
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>>124928Shit man, I have my eye on the Y-Body-04 from Doll Chateau specifically.
I've found a recast of Doll Chaeteau's Zenobia on Taobao though which has the body w/ wings. I hate the face though and would probably sell it in order to purchase Ingemar's face.
Purchasing it as a recast would legit save me over £200 so I'm tempted to punch in those bank details right now.>>124925Buy a recast.
They're dolls they have been created from the mold of an authentic doll and so because they're recasts they considerably cheaper.
Generally they're identical barring a few discolouration issues with the resin and maybe some loose/tight joints, but the discolouration issue is fixed immediately once you get the thing painted and it can be re-stringed with ease either by yourself or the person you pay to have it painted.
Here's a spreadsheet of all recasted dolls and where to buy them. No. 124932>>124933
>>124926Well Id like to make outfits myself since I can sew pretty well so Im not worried about that.
>>124929>>124927Ill def check out these recasts, thanks for the links.
No. 124933>>124934>>124935
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>>124932Bear in mind that if you get recasts, there are a bunch of pro-artist people will witch hunt you and you won't be able to be a part of some communities.
I don't have any recasts personally, but they can be pretty tempting.
No. 124934>>124936>>124940
>>124933Yeah, I've heard of those psychos. They're retarded and don't understand that not everybody that wants to participate in the BJD community can afford to drop £300-£400 on a single SD body, fucking snobs.
You still contribute towards the brands by purchasing heads, wigs, eyes and clothes so I don't get what their fucking beef is.
No. 124936>>124941
>>124934haha you sound like one of those fucking tumblr lift cunts. sorry but this is a luxury hobby, if you aren't willing to spend, fuck off. this isnt like buying a knock off coach purse. no matter how much you want to deny it, dolls are art, and there is an artist behind each one. the companies are not big giant faceless cooperation like Mattel, often its just a small handful of people, everything is hand cast and hand sanded and hand painted. dont act like people who want to show appreciation for the companies producing these dolls are morons. if anyone is in the wrong its you people for getting so much sand in your vagina, flagrantly displaying how you feel entitled to everything no matter who it effects.
its one thing to admit "yeah im a cheap cunt i dont feel like paying the price." but its bullshit to act superior about it and put down people who pay for legit dolls.
tl;dr you're a cunt.
No. 124937>>124938>>124939>>124941>>125010
>>124935and for your information, the pro-recasts people are actually seen as the sjw of the bjd world for how vocal and shitty they can be. buying legit dolls is privilege that needs to be checked and if you own only legit dolls you're an elitist!1121!
the vast majority of the doll community is anti recast, and you'll be looked at as scum and barred from almost everything except for other recast owners. so have fun with that.
No. 124943
>>124942Fucking tough.
This is how life is, deal with it.
No. 124944
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Well… that escalated quickly.
I've seen people on both sides of the recast debate be entitled megacunts or super cool.
No. 124951>>125011
>>124941given the nature of your replies its clear you're some bratty 14 year old tumblr kid who just wants dolls to say she has dolls and does not actually like dolls. also you sound too lazy to make your doll, recast OR legit, actually look good. you'll just be another embarrassing cunt flaunting how "rebellious" you are with a shit-show doll with a crappy paint job, ratty wig and ill-fitting rag clothes that are "just as good as those rich bitche's expensive outfits!11!!"
then you'll bitch and moan about how no one is giving you attention for your awesomes13!3 recast and lose interest in the hobby.
No. 124956>>124957
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>>124955> being this much of a salty jelly cunt haha wow.
No. 124958>>124959
>>124955but seriously. i've done faceups for commission and all my regular customers are older women (old enough to be my mother) with lots of money to blow. one always pays me almost double, and the other owns probably 50+ bjds and that is only a rough low estimate because i'm sure that i've painted at least 10 for her, and yet she owns dolls painted by almost every well known artist out there.
you really need to stop assuming the doll hobby is a young teen, weeb hobby only. the real big spenders are all older women with a lifetime of good jobs with decent salary in the bank, or rich husbands.
No. 124963>>124964
>>124961there are more poor and middle class people than rich. which means there are just as many poor and middle class people buying them as there are rich.
I know of women who own chanel bags but work regular retail jobs.
No. 124965>>124967
>>124964those are the few though. I think the majority of bjd lovers are not rich but have regular jobs and live at home with their husband or parents and spend all their paychecks on bjds.
I don't think the majority of bjd lovers parents buy them(not even a rich parent would buy their child a bjd) i think they just live at home and spend their pay checks on bjds.
No. 124966>>124969>>124970>>124971>>124972>>124973
I'm the one who started the recast debate and my situation is that I'm a mature student.
I have no financial backing from parents and as a result have very little cash to spare.
As it so happens I have a little bit of money to spare this month, but not enough to throw £300-£400 at an official doll.
Regardless, I want a BJD.
They're pretty and I want one because I know it would bring me immense joy and its not fleeting in the sense that it's something that can easily last me until the end of my lifetime.
As another Anon mentioned, I only get one shot at life, why shouldn't I do stuff to make myself happy?
Also as a sculptor myself working with sculpey, these dolls are overpriced as fuck. I get that the original artist should be compensated for their design and craftsmanship, but at the price of £300 all the way upto as much as £1000 per doll, that's fucking ridiculous. It would make sense of they were handcrafting each doll individually, but they're not.
It is literally a case of them pouring resin into a mold, which is cheap as fuck by the way, sending it through a buffer and then packaging it. You don't even get free fucking shipping.
No way. Fuck off. That is extortionate.
You snobby witchhunting fuckbuckets need to give me one good reason why I should spend triple the amount on an authentic doll when I can purchase a recast of the same quality and at a quarter of the price. So far nobody has actually given a decent argument, but I guess that's because we all know it basically boils down to elitism.
No. 124971>>124974
>>124968I have no idea how I could prove you that. I have no idea how you could prove the contrary.
>>124966So many pro recast pretend to be sculptors and artists, total bullshit, but keep on telling yourselfs theese reasurings stories about you not being an entitled cunt.
BJD are not an absolute need in your life, there are no moral reason to buy knock off because you don't have the courage to save money for one year or two just like so many people did…
No. 124973
>>124966being pro recast boils down to being entitled, cheap, and lazy. those are the only arguments for it. while wanting to buy legits come from:
>wanting to support companies you like so they'll keep making dolls> the security of knowing that if there is a mistake or defect in your order you can have them fix it for youthere have been times where recasters just shrug their shoulders and people are left shit out of luck on the quality of what they got
> knowing you are buying from a legit business who have to follow the law and can't run off with your money at any time. > the good feeling of saving up if you're poor> having access to info/forums/face up artists/other shit that recast owners are barred from> moral high road No. 124979>>124985
>>124976In my mind bjd buyers are older women who are stay at home moms or pt types.
Young people who work im retail amd them there very small group are the rich.
Thats just how i see it.
No. 124980>>124983
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anyway, this recast thing can go around in circles forever so back on track
faceup anon here, finishing paying my layaway for my realfee fullset. i think i should be getting it in the next couple of weeks given how speedy fairyland has become. i'll share my mockup ideas for my pupu faceplate
No. 124982>>124987
>>124978Exactly. You arent rich, you dont support yourself 100%,you dont own a home and you save the little money you do have for bjds.
Sounds about right.
No. 124983>>124986
>>124980God I want a pupu so bad.
Really cool concept but I think the face lack contouring? Idk i'm one on those people who adore heavy pink and read all over the face. Eye color is vert nice, I think bright yellow who be very cute too.
No. 124985
>>124979faceup anon here. worked retail until recently (just got a bank job) and i pay all utilities and half of the rent i the apartment i share. over the 7 years i've been in the hobby i've slowly acquired 10bjds, all legit. i've also made thousands doing faceups and due to this, i've spent only a fraction of my "real job" money on dolls. the money i make from faceups i use for doll purchases.
i also have saved 30k in the bank. all from only working retail part time since i've started working at age 17. i'm 31 now.
No. 124987>>124989
>>124982"little money" you have no idea how much money I make. I don't spend everything on dolls, I have a pretty good amount on my bank that I never touch…
But whatever I'm done justifying myself to some raging anon on the internet.
No. 124988
>>124970If I were making each item individually and pouring my heart and soul into every one then yeah I'd care of people were ripping me off.
If I made one single item, cut it up with a buzzsaw, casted it and began to mass produce my item with minimal cost of materials and an enormous markup… well I wouldn't do that because I'm not a greedy cunt.
Realistically I could just make my own BJD but I don't know how well they function with a sculpey base, so recasts it is!
No. 124990>>124994
>>124989People who buy recast are actually quite ruining the market and their act prevent other people from getting their hand on particular products…
Why do you think Enaibi (or kinoko juice maker) refuse to sell oversea? She also sell her doll almost only to people she know a little bit and she can track down.
No. 124992>>125000
>>124986Can I ask you how much you charge a face up?
Did it take you a long time to get good at painting a doll?
I just received my first bjd and I'm so scared to paint her, I have all the material but I nevre start in fear of making an ugly mess.
No. 124993>>124995
>>124970I am though, I even went to art college (don't go to at college, it's useless if you have natural talent). No amount of you saying I don't have these skills is going to alter this reality.
I'm an artist, I'm just not a cunt and I understand when companies are fleecing their consumers with absurd markups and you idiots are falling for it. I would never do that with my own work.
These BJD's are likely being casted in some Chinese sweatshop hellhole and for some reason you think this justifies hundreds of dollars price tags…how exactly? Do you have any idea how cheap resin is in bulk?
No. 124994>>124997
anyway. faceup/pupu anon here again to bitch and moan about the dolls i have for sale not selling yet. i am also the rainbow butterfly unoa mockup anon. i'm waiting for these dolls to sell so i can order the unoa. this hobby is 90% waiting, sometimes its hard to be patient.
>>124990the 5thmotif/venitu sculptor says he has a list of everyone he's sold a venitu to. sadly a recaster still got their hands on one. probably bought it from someone selling one on the second hand market and then recast it.
No. 124997
File (hide): 1438356147629.jpg (130.12 KB, 518x774, GmnlSCh.jpg)

>>124994I adore this sculpt it's the only male bjd that I would want to own one day.
No. 124998
>>124995Kek keep altering that reality to suit your fantasy.
>no person with artistic talent and who knows how to sculpt could ever not support enormous markups! Pitiful.
No. 125000>>125005
File (hide): 1438356561292.jpg (208.29 KB, 972x864, faceupprogress.jpg)

>>124992currently i charge $60 but i've closed my shop for months due to getting a new job.
it took a long while to get good, you can't expect to be amazing right away. i made a quick collage of my first two faceups compared to my more recent ones.
don't be afraid of making a mess, because as long as you properly sealed the head before painting, nothing will stain and you can just wipe it off and try again. and again. and again.
No. 125001>>125003>>125004
>>124999That it patently untrue.
We had to purchase silicone in batch when we were learning how to cast our own sculptures and it was nowhere near that much, and you forget glad the molds can be used hundreds/often thousands of times before they need to be remade.
No. 125002
File (hide): 1438356628873.jpg (46.89 KB, 960x640, unoa.jpg)

I absolutly dream of an unoa akubi. I want her to be in shade of blue gold and white, and I want her to be super delicate like a little orgasming angel <3
No. 125006>>125007>>125008
File (hide): 1438357248274.jpg (132.44 KB, 1143x567, diaprogress.jpg)

>>125005thanks! yeah don't be too worried about doing faceups. what helps is watching faceup videos on youtube. look for nicolle's dreams videos and xanthi has good videos too. don't be afraid of paint!! lots of people stick to watercolor pencils due to being too anxious about brushes but really, paint and brush have the best results once you get used to them. use very fine brushes. i use a 20/0 script liner brush and thinned out cheapo $2 acrylics.
here is another comparison. same doll. the first was painted in 2009. the second was painted in 2014.
No. 125007
>>125006Wow it really show how much a good face up can give deepness to a doll's expression :)
That's encouraging.
No. 125011>>125012
>>124951Its very ironic of you to accuse someone of being a "bratty 14 year old tumblr kid" when you act this way.
Im not even the anon you were arguing with but christ its just a doll. Calm down you are acting ridiculous and like a spoiled child.
No. 125014>>125015>>125019
File (hide): 1438383072272.png (115.02 KB, 346x392, happyfeelsfrogbjd.png)

>>124984Legit DC owner here. I'm not going to get all assblasted. What you do with your dolls is your business, anon. The only parts I joined into the debate was to warn you of possible limitations that come with owning a recast and pointing out that there are shitlords on both sides.
If you're not a shitlord about it, I'm okay. Sure, I don't agree with your purchase, but there's literally nothing I can do to stop you and there is likely no amount of bawwwing at you that would change your mind. I find it unnecessary to beat the dead horse for so long.
Anyway, here, have a rare Pepe.
No. 125015>>125017>>125022
>>125014this. i wasn't exactly debating, just pointing out how ridiculous it is to act superior for buying a recast. go ahead and buy them if you want but don't act like you're some edgy hot shit for owning a recast. if you want to buy one for the sake of having a cheaper doll then why do you feel the need to boast about it? isn't it about owning a doll? why tell anyone at all its a recast? the only reason to be vocal about it is for drama or to be seen as rebellious. no different than sjw gender queer unicorn vegans who don't shut up about being oppressed when they go out of their way to antagonize people who otherwise wouldn't notice or care.
buy your recasts and enjoy the doll quietly if you're really buying one to enjoy owning a doll, i don't have a problem with that. making an ass out of yourself for attention/oppression points is what grinds my gears.
No. 125016>>125028>>125031
File (hide): 1438385098289.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.33 KB, 423x500, bigpepe3.jpg)

also here is a rare pepe of another sort
No. 125019>>125020
>>125014Oh I don't actually care if people want to spend more on a legit model, that's their prerogative.
I'm just being an obnoxious shitlord because I know it gets the elite snobs all riled up.
>and don't post pics of it in places where recasts aren't allowedThis is retarded when they look exactly identical.
No. 125021>>125026
>>125017Generally the dolls are identical so there is no way to know, especially after they've been painted.
Some dolls have a makers mark printed on the inside of the skull, but that's only a percentage of them, and nobody's going to be tearing apart random dolls to check for that shit.
Even some earlier models of dolls lack a marking and there was a big fuss some time ago where a Den of Angels user brought her legitimate doll to a BJD convention, was overhead casually mentioning that she personally didn't have a problem with recasts, the person then reported her to staff who had bodyguards come and forcibly eject her and ban her for life on the basis that because she'd mentioned she didn't take issue with recasts, her dolls must have been recast, and because when they told her to show them the dolls marking one of them didn't have it because it was a first edition or something.
She ended up having to contact DoA, where she'd originally bought the doll from in the first place, and ask them to publish details relating to the purchase and therefore proving its authenticity and allowing her to get her convention ticket price refunded and unbanned.
In the end the convention owner didn't even apologise. This is how psychotic people get about recasts, it's insane.
I have even heard a story or two where somebody has sent their doll off to an artist to get a face-up/paintjob, and the artist has suspected the doll of being a recast and declared that they're "confiscating" it. Just outright stole a customers hundred pound doll and refused to return it. They ended up having to get the police involved in order to get it back. They're fucking insane.
No. 125023
>>125020Pretty extreme, lol, what the fuck are people going to do? They can't do shit apart from ban you from their little secret clubhouses.
I have a account on both DoA and BJDHaven.
I would never sell a recast off as authentic but they have no right to try and dictate what I spend my money on. No right at all.
No. 125026
>>125021Holy shit.
In that case I wouldn't want to go back to that con in the first place. Probably release the details, and tell them to fuck right off.
As for keeping the dolls, I would sue them. Why are these dolls so important to people? Especially dolls that arent theirs? Then again, I'll have to ask that for every luxury subculture in here.
No. 125028
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>>125016Ayyyy. My favorite Pepe.
No. 125030
File (hide): 1438462371268.jpg (49.6 KB, 480x480, fairy cradle idoll.jpg)

>>125029There are quite a few things you can use. The only ones I can think up off hand right now is Apoxie Sculpt and milliput.
I'm not sure where you live, but I know that Hobby Lobby sells milliput in the US (which helps with the 40% coupon).
No. 125033>>125037>>125041
>>125032have you seen the new giant monster high girl? gooliope or something? she has double jointed elbows and knees and a torso joint.
as for bjds, it depends on the look you're going for. dolfie dreams (DD) by volks are anime styled, same for azone and sqlabs. if you like resin bjds with more detailed faces there are shittons to choose from so its hard to say where to start. just look around first and try to find specific dolls you like, then search for the company that makes it. tumblr is shit, but the community on flickr is great and its easy to find owner pics of specific dolls doing a search there.
No. 125034>>125040
File (hide): 1438569630932.jpg (379.66 KB, 800x1031, face.jpg)

My boyfriend just gave me one of his dolls, and I made my first attempt at a faceup. What do you guys think?
I'm super excited to have a bjd finally. I wish I could have a practice head or something though.
No. 125036>>125120
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>>125035Repainting and modding them, mostly. It's a fun hobby and people can get pretty creative with it.
No. 125037>>125038>>125044
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>>125032>>125033They make a giant draculaura too, with some repainting skills and glass eye replacements she could be very similar to a BJD if you're in to the monster high look.
No. 125043
>>125040I've actually been doing monster high repaints for a while, it's just that bjd heads are a bit different in how they take materials. Thanks for the suggestion though!
>>125042The airbrushed look could very well be done with an airbrush, but also a lot of it is done with soft pastels. They're really nice for blush and eyeshadow. For the finer, more detailed areas you'd want watercolor pencils.
No. 125046>>125048
File (hide): 1438613923223.jpg (1.08 MB, 800x3600, mh_eye_opening_walkthrough__up…)

>>125044I've had this saved for a while, but haven't tried it yet.
No. 125049>>125050>>125051>>125053
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>>125048IDK, you don't have to throw everything out in the public or anything until you're confident enough to show it off. MH are pretty fun mod projects. There are quite a few people in any given demographic into dolls. Heck, I've even encountered some clean and nicely dressed straight men in the hobby.
No. 125050
>>125049This doll is so cute.
I'm not really into anime tbh, but I love the anime-style dolls so much.
No. 125054>>125055
File (hide): 1438655920157.jpg (93.47 KB, 500x375, 57357021.jpg)

>>125053It's a Dollfie Dream 06
No. 125055>>125061
>>125054idk anything about dolls but i'm trying to get into them lmao sorry it prob sounded bad
i was so excited like 'omg a monster high doll looks this good??? cant wait to buy one to mod'
No. 125057
File (hide): 1438690766865.jpg (68 KB, 400x267, cutiepie.jpg)

I find anime-style dolls so cute. But I couldn't justify having one… I have so many project that only apply to realistic dolls…
But they're so cute, I really want cute small twins dollfie.
No. 125058>>125059>>125063
File (hide): 1438693961180.jpg (62.23 KB, 400x600, night.jpg)

God I swore I would never buy an SD doll, but I'm so in love with this sculpt… Getting her a body will be a pain in the ass, that's the only thing retraining me from getting her right now.
No. 125060
File (hide): 1438703901835.jpg (83.12 KB, 500x750, cutiepiee.jpg)

>>125059I could see that… Still I find this head very cute <3
No. 125061>>125062
File (hide): 1438705340237.jpg (259.61 KB, 600x900, 10412697805_879d55518f_b.jpg)

>>125055It took me a while to realize my error. I was replying to a MH post and posted a DD pic.
If you like the anime style, there are 1/6 scale (Barbie-sized) Azone, Parabox and Obitsu anime-styled dolls that are adorable as fuck.
Pic related is Parabox Ai-chan, and there are quite a few options to work with and customize. I think fullsets are usually released at a little above $100, but you can buy your own pieces.
No. 125062
File (hide): 1438705726555.jpg (157.09 KB, 488x700, parabox_kay.jpg)

>>125061Jesus, something is wrong with my brain. The doll in that pic is also a larger one.
>pic related is a 1/6 scale Parabox KayAlso, if you live in the United States, you can sometimes find Pullips/AiDolls/J-Dolls for cheap at Tuesday Morning.
No. 125065
>>125064Idk it would feel weird having only one doll when I have so many inspiration…
It's not realy a social thing to me it's more about having beautiful object. A lot of beautiful objects.
No. 125066
>>125064Because addiction. :(
But you're right, it's so much easier and nicer to only have one. Since mine are in storage far away, buying just one to spoil sounds super appealing.
No. 125067>>125068
>>125064people get multiple dolls because they have multiple looks they want to achieve that wouldn't work if your base doll had a certain kind of faceup/paint job. you can't expect a cool slutty goth outfit to look good on a doll with a sweetly blushing freckled face, or a fluffy pink outfit looking good on a doll with angry shaped eyebrows and dark lipstick and heavy eyeshadow.
also i am one of those types who has characters they like to see in a physical form. i do a lot of writing and its just fun to have doll versions of characters you write about a lot. i completely plan out my dolls looks and style before i buy it.
No. 125071>>125072>>125074
>>125069if you go in the about us section it has
> Are the dolls you sell recasts?> Yes.Do people actually buy things from websites without searching through it for their facts and info sections?
No. 125073>>125075>>125104
File (hide): 1439097813748.jpg (201.38 KB, 1280x1280, image.jpg)

Is it okay to post our dream dolls? Because I want to, I'll delete if is not okay. I just love BJDs and since I can't find a comm anywhere online that isn't dead, I desperately want this thread to live!
All mine are MSD girls, I'll probably never get that damn Camellia though.
No. 125075>>125076>>125077
>>125073I think you can post whatever you want as long as it's about doll.
Why do you think you will have a hard time getting a Camelia? Rosettes are quite easy to buy aren't they? I plan on buying one when they do the unasembled body kit on xmas.
No. 125077>>125078>>125079
File (hide): 1439106449184.jpg (106.74 KB, 640x753, image.jpg)

>>125075>>125076Oh jeez, they have boy versions of the Rosettes now?? Their bodies are kind of crappy looking, though.
No. 125078
File (hide): 1439106584901.jpg (89.06 KB, 640x1010, image.jpg)

>>125077The boy bodies. They're too… Straight.
No. 125086>>125087>>125090
File (hide): 1439169163263.jpg (73.16 KB, 700x939, OYFDBXUKEugenia13.jpg)

I ordered from DollZone earlier this year for their new Anita and Eugenia dolls and I'm only just realizing how fucking tiny they're really going to be. MH dolls are 27cm and these guys are only 19.5cm
No. 125088>>125089
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>>125080IIRC, they do ordering periods, kinda of like the MechaAngels. They've also had a full choice event for the Rosettes.
I check the news section on DoA daily and they usually post those announcements.
No. 125089>>125091
>>125080>>125088here– did some snooping on DoA and the Waiting Room for Rosettes hasn't been updated since July 2014. I had figured it may have migrated to the Soom WR, but nobody has put up any Rosettes.
I usually check WRs to get an idea of where they stand on what's been shipped and stuff.
No. 125090
File (hide): 1439687501260.png (51.05 KB, 218x159, mini-master-eye-beveler-[2]-68…)

Hey, anyone know where I can find a 6mm beveler like the picture? It seems like all the ones I find are in sets that are $20+ and I'm not really interested in or need the other ones. I'm the loser who order the itty bitty little shits on this post
>>125086>>125087Yeah, though I love tiny dolls a lot. I'm planning on making everything for them anyway, so not a huge deal.
No. 125095>>125096
File (hide): 1440472978611.jpg (124.14 KB, 600x900, salome.jpg)

Marina Bychkova's Salome doll was sold for $26 700
No. 125097
>>125092I don't personally approve of recasts, but it's honestly your money and your choice. I'm glad you intend to buy legit dolls in the future, though.
As for reselling, there are definitely places you can probably resell…just don't expect to get much money back for it. Also, be sure to be honest about it being a recast.
No. 125099>>125100>>125101
>>125092You know, in the end you do what you wanna do. But when I was 15, I knew I couldn't aford a doll and that I would have to wait.
20 years old I finaly bought my first doll and it was a YoSD because it was the only size I could afford.
I'm going to be 21 yrs old in a few month and I plan on buying an unoa with my birthday money and some I've gained working in summer.
So little people have patience theese days…
No. 125100
>>125098I might sell my CDC OP and buy a legit doll, I just need to find one that I need/like enough. I never wear the dress anyway since it's so OTT but I should just wait until the value goes up more.
>>125099>So little people have patience theese days……..k
No. 125105
File (hide): 1440596256369.png (381.49 KB, 539x539, tiny bunny bjd.png)

I didn't even know these existed until a little while ago, but I want one so bad. It's a Depths Dolls Giorria.
No. 125108>>125109
File (hide): 1440680490087.jpg (148.63 KB, 500x448, unoa.jpg)

There is an Unoa with two FC (sleeping and open eyes) to sell and I'm feeling really tempted… I only want the sleeping face because I plan on modding it.
She's 500 USD Idk if it's an okay price? Still very expensive for my student budget…
No. 125111>>125112
File (hide): 1440881324466.jpg (323.33 KB, 675x900, realskinlahela_1a_by_pepstarsw…)

>>125110You can go either way. Iplehouse has nice looking ethnic dolls, but at the sacrifice of posability. Other companies have done darker skin, but they were usually limited runs.
Most people cringe at sicktress's mods, but she spraypaints her dolls and they turn out okay when done right.
There's also dying dolls, which sometimes gets mixed results.
No. 125113>>125115>>125117
File (hide): 1440892324419.jpg (86.85 KB, 540x781, tumblr_nt7dttIdnq1rzquhto1_540…)

Anyone know what doll this is? She's adorable. Iplehouse?
No. 125118
>>125114She kinda rushes her projects sometimes and they look awkward.
Here's the flickr album for her odd looking Octoman No. 125124>>125125
File (hide): 1446885533016.jpeg (117.28 KB, 266x400, image.jpeg)

Does anyone else remember those Aston Drake vinyl MSD-sized BJDs they made, Delilah Noir? They looked like they were eared in a schoolgirl/gothic Lolita direction, had removable wigs and seemingly endless customization options. Also the faces look a bit Narae-esque IMO. They might be fun to mod, and they're cheap ($150 new, ~$50 on eBay).
No. 125127>>125128>>125129>>125130
File (hide): 1449381307509.jpg (220.18 KB, 750x2304, 006 copy.jpg)

havent posted here in forever but i finally got my unoa and gave her a rainbow butterfly faceup
No. 125128>>125131
>>125127dang, anon, I'm not even into bjd but this is really pretty.
show us more of your work!
No. 125131>>125132>>125133>>125135
File (hide): 1449415140647.jpg (239.37 KB, 650x2300, 007.JPG)

>>125128>>125129>>125130thanks guys! i don't have a tumblr because i can't the sjw crowd (the BJD hobby is quite infested with them) but i do have a flickr.
i'm weirdly wary of posting my username outright, but if you look up "unoa wink" and go by date uploaded, my pics will be the first ones.
pic related, a faceup i did on the winking plate i got with my unoa.
if anyone likes unoas, i got mine from she is "B" grade, which means she has minor imperfections. even though the site says that you just get the default doll with one faceplate, they included a ton of extras.
i got with lusis:
- default plate
- sleeping plate
- decadent plate
- winking plate
- large bust piece (default is small/flat)
- extra hands (clasping)
- extra feet (chibi sized)
- 2 pairs of high heels that fit the chibi feet (a pink pair and a dark brown pair)
- wig
- eyes and eye mechanism
- pink cat ears
- pink snd white glasses
All that for $430 (shipping is included in the price) is a damn good deal, considering before unoalchemy an old second hand unoa with no extras cost $600+ on the market place.
No. 125132>>125133>>125135
File (hide): 1449415311479.jpg (291.96 KB, 650x2000, 001.JPG)

>>125131* can't deal with the sjw crowd
and since i'm fixing a typo here's another pic of a head i did recently. i've been anonymously shit on lately for cultural appropriation for painting sugar skull faceups (i'm not culur though), haha, but whatfucking ever. i've been trying to sell this one but no one's biting, i'm probably going to have to drop the price a little.
No. 125133>>125134
>>125132>>125131Yeah, the tumblr crowd seems to be really shitty when it comes to bjd. I haven't posted any of mine because of that, but I always forget flickr…
But god, yours are so cute! I wish I could do face ups, I'm horrible at them. I know it's all practice but ugh still.
No. 125134>>125135
File (hide): 1449455734018.jpg (147.97 KB, 700x692, 014.JPG)

>>125133flickr is honestly great, i've never gotten a shitty comment, and since there is no anon bullshit, no retarded PMs from butthurt sjws. the people who use flickr seemed to be older, and (at least the people i follow) more artistically talented. people only post pictures, no blog-esque rants. if you want to share your pics in a drama free environment, anon, definitely consider flickr.
pic is my rainbow girl (named her Frankie, after Lisa Frank's rainbow vomit art) in a temp wig with my faggy minifee boy. I'm thinking of getting her a blue wig from soon.
No. 125135>>125136
>>125131>>125132>>125134Wow Anon, she is gorgeous!
I want a doll as well, and $430 is incredibly cheap considering what you get! The shop will re-open in January, and I am thinking about getting one of the dolls; Sist or Lusis (if they still continue to offer them.
So if you are still around, would you mind answering some absolute newfag questions?
Would you recommend these dolls for a newfag?
Do you think they will still include all the parts you got in the new orders as well?
I know there already have been some helpful tutorials ITT which I already saved, do you have more rcommendations or newfags? I read the 4chan guides but the /toy/ one was meh and I don't care about the colls /jp/ cares for.
Thanks in advance!
No. 125136>>125137>>125141
>>125135thanks anon! i am not quite sure if i recommend unoalchemy for a newfag as even though the dolls you get come put together, they're is still a lot of finishing that needs to be done on them. they come blank, but not only that, all but the default face plate require resin removal, all of the openings (eyes and mouth) will have a thin layer of resin closing them that you will have to carefully cut out with a small exacto knife. the seamlines will be rough on the body. i didn't bother to sand mine though, as i'm lazy. the hands i got also had some extra resin in the seams around the fingers. the dolls are also sent very loosely strung, so there is a good chance you'll have to unstring it to restring it tighter to help with posing. unoas are kind of more akin to garage kit type dolls, i believe the A grade ones are actually shipped as kits you have to completely put together yourself. still, if you aren't afraid of those things, unoas are really pretty dolls and the price is really good for what you get. the wait time was also very short compared to other companies. almost every doll company is a LEAST a 2 month wait to get your doll, some take as long as 6, and a few have actually taken a year. so factor that in when you consider buying a doll from anywhere.
i'm not sure if they will include all the parts i got from unoalchemy but i think the chances are good that they'll send extras. every other person i've seen who's bought from them has gotten extras, maybe not the same ones i got, but still. the doll also comes with a stringing guide (its in japanese though, but the pictures are clear) and a wire to help with stringing, as well as velcro strips stickers to help hold on the wig.
my very first doll was an elf shiwoo minifee back when they used to be sold by LUTS, before fairyland broke off into their own thing. dolls were simpler then, less joints, not as good at posing, etc. things are pretty different now so its hard for my to gauge what would be good for a beginner.
No. 125141>>125142
>>125136Thank you so much for your answer!
The stringing part sounds a bit tricky, but if they come with a comprehensible guide and pre-stringed I am sure I can manage. I don't plan to play around too much anyway.
I am actually glad they come completly unpainted. Honestly, doing the face ups are the thing I am mostly interested in. I have no desire to own pre-painted ones, I just want one doll body with interchangeable faces (for now at least). I want to be able to do the face ups myself.
My drawing skills are good but of course since I have never worked on a doll beofre I wouldn't even consider starting with a BJD face up myself. I am reading through tutorials and watching youtube videos, and thought I might start training on the Monster High Dolls, just to get a feeling of what it's like to paint on a doll in general. If I fuck up, it's just a $5-$10 doll I ruined, not a $500 one.
So far my biggest problems are getting the proper materials. Stuff like sealing spray, preparation things, etc. I have a hard time translating the words into my language, and I have no idea how and with what to work on these materials. Many tutorials are from the US or maybe the UK, and I cannot find the same products around here. I'll just need to do more research but it is a little frustrating cause I have no one to ask or talk to but strangers on the internet.
>>125137Wow, this is Grade A banner material/copypasta.
No. 125142>>125143>>125145
>>125141you're welcome! the materials will probably be tricky for you to get, given that most countries ban spray cans from airmail.
I used Mr. Super Clear UV Cut Flat, and I buy it from, but it says right on the site that they won't ship it internationally. They sometimes have it in stock at but I don't know if they'll ship it internationally so I would email them and ask. Volks sells a comparable spray called ZM Finishing Powder Spray UV-Cut, i used to use it, but i don't think its as good as Mr. Super Clear, its still a good spray though! they sell it on the volks US site, and it does say that they will arrange for alternative shipping methods for international buyers
link to volks spray: don't have experience with any other sprays so I can't really say what would work.
No. 125145
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>>125142>>125143Thanks a lot again! I appreciate that you take the time to answer all my newfag questions.
So far I'v found one ebay seller in my country who stocks Mr. Super Clear. Pic related. Sadly, the UV protection version is nowhere to be found. Guess I'll just nver expose my doll to sunlight then, haha (I planned to avoid UV as much as possible anyway). But it is much cheaper and less of a hassle then having it shipped from America.
I have most of the other tools around already because I'm a drawfag. I own pastels, acrylic paint, brushes, watercolour pencils (is that the right term?) etc. I might need to buy some paint thinner and thinner brushes but that's rather cheap.
Next thing I'll need to look around for are the wigs,clothig, eyes and all the little stuff. But since for now I'll first practice on the MHD anyway I won't buy much expensive things.
I also thought about buying modelig paste, but I have to do more research on this again too.
No. 125148>>125149
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I have a can of MSC matte UV cut that a little less than half full, and a fuckload of this marine shock cord elastic stuff that was given to me to use to restring my doll. It worked nicely but I ended up selling my doll to pay bills and I don't think I'll be buying any more for similar reasons. I'm in the US, would it be worth it to list this stuff on eBay or something?
No. 125149>>125150>>125151
Haha. /toy/janitor went on a pruning spree. What a niggerfaggot.
>>125148Hmm. The cord doesn't look like the typical elastic I've seen in dolls, but it may work. I'm not sure you would get much out of selling it. Do you have any nearby communities that have members that may be willing to buy it? It'd be great for someone starting out and wanting to experiment.
You might also try out facebook groups and see if there's any interest before putting it on jewbay.
Remember to post the width measurement (4mm, etc.) of the cord, since peoples' preferences are different.
No. 125150
>>125149It's called marine shock cord, it's stretchy like elastic but not as much? When I restrung my doll with it I didn't have to pull the cord nearly as tight as with regular elastic to get him to pose well, so I used less cord then I would have used elastic. It was cheaper than elastic too iirc.
I'm not really interested in making a profit, I don't have any dolls anymore so it's useless to me. I'd be down to send either of them to whoever is interested as long as they paid shipping.
No. 125151>>125152
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>>125149are you "but its not child porn if i say it isn't even if everyone else thinks it is!" anon? you seem a bit salty about getting pruned.
No. 125154>>125155
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Leekeworld has some sweet deal for their new year event. I think I'm going to get a PuyoPuyo.
I want to give her cute short black hairs, soft eyes and dark raspberry lips.
I wanted a disproportionate doll for a long time to bring to life an old OC.
I just hope that I won't get too much shit from the french community. (at least it's not the mikhaila, but it's still the "stolen" body)
No. 125155>>125156>>125157
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>>125154I hope you don't get much shit from them either. Yeah, Leeke made a dick move, but I find their heads more aesthetically pleasing.
At first I didn't care for the pear-shaped girls, but after getting a DC body, I fucking love them despite being tricky to clothe. Waiting on a Lillycat Jolie right now.
>>125153It's pretty fucking hilarious that I'm pretty sure pedoanon was asking for a link to this board. Haha, no fam, don't need you bringing retards that don't know how chans work over here either.
Whoever came up with the observation that the /toy/janitor was tumblr scum is not far from the mark, since the thread mysteriously gets mass pruned (even legit not-involved-with-pedoanon posts) when an anon said we'd have to start calling everyone niggerfaggots to scare the tumblr away.
No. 125159
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>>125157Lillycat's dolls are gorgeous but they are so expensive and hard to get. My personal favorite is the ellana and the Millie choupie.
She really is that kind of artist who make me want to start sculpting.
Even blank, her dolls have such a strong face and personality.
No. 125161>>125162
>>125160its definitely not dead but the aesthetic has changed considerably. its headed toward realism and advanced posing.
soom now only sells monthly limited dolls, thats why everything is sold out. they make a new doll each month and when the selling period is over, its gone.
artist dolls and heads are becoming big. individual artists have started making small runs of heads, like nabarro and legende de temps.
but yeah, many old companies no longer do basics, they just exist by selling limited fullsets.
No. 125162>>125163
>>125161That's dumb. My interest in BJDs was always the customization options, buying a full set seems so boring and uncreative.
What companies still offer basics? I was always interested in MSDs until I owned a male one and found out how much of a pain it is to find cool male MSD clothes that aren't childish or tacky, SDs have so many more options across the board for clothes, shoes, wigs, eyes, etc. But I want one that isn't an alien or a bug eyed animu bby, with a realistic face. Sadly I can't remember all the names of companies except a few. I wish there were some kind of list of doll companies.
Also: I came across a website last night called that has dolls listed from a ton of companies, is it legit or nah?
No. 125163>>125164>>125165
>>125162most likely a recast site, not to be trusted. there are only a few sites that are real legit carriers of multiple companies. denverdoll and fabricfriendsanddolls are good ones who offer layaway and carry many companies.
if you want realistic SD boys, i suggest iplehouse and dollshe. dollshe has been putting some things on hiatus, but they do offer basics, they just do them in random order periods. iplehouse has basics of all their dolls after the limited original releases end.
No. 125164>>125165>>125167
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>>125163also ringdoll lately has been stepping up their game. their bodies look pretty nice (dunno how well they pose though) and with a good faceup, their sculpts are decent, particularly their newer ones. K for example is very interesting, definitely not the typical big eyed pretty boy. or maybe im just swayed by the sexy priest look, idk
No. 125169>>125170>>125173
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>>125168no but there is Unoa Zero
No. 125171>>125172
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Do anyone here are member of den of angel? if yes is it a cool place?
I would really like to join but I don't know if it really is that great.
No. 125174
>>125172The registration is closed, so you'll have to get a member to send you an invite code. Then you have to make at least 40 posts before you can access the marketplace.
Aside from that, it does have a ton of really good information, but it's really boring unless you invest a
lot of time talking to the more active members and posting in threads. I stopped logging in except to check for updates on releases or to find resin matches. It just got so boring and everyone was just kind of… Closed off and unwelcoming.
No. 125175>>125176>>125178
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So glad to see the thread still has some life in it!
I only recently got interested in dolls, and decided to go practice on some Monster High dolls and see if the hobby is anything for me in general. Pic related is my second try on the Ever After High Cupid doll (the first one was too bad to be share on the Internet). Everything is done with pastel and coloured pencils.
But I will get acrylics, because pencils don't give me the amount of control over pressure and colour/lines that I want, and even though I thought Faber Castell water colour pencils were quality enough, they don't work very well. Which is why the lashes look so terrible.
Any opinions and tips for newfags welcome, because aside from strangers on the Internet I have no one in my life to talk with about dolls ;_;
No. 125179
>>125177Idk, forums are pretty dead these days. Instagram isn't even that bad, and it's super easy to get followers and find people to follow, and because it's picture based you get a lot less drama/filler posts, plus a lot of people have separate accounts for their personal stuff and for their hobbies.
If you want to meet people who share your interests, social media is the easiest and best option.
No. 125181>>125182>>125183>>125185
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i feel like spamming my dolls, i apologize to anons who also frequent 4chan's bjd general, because you've seen me post my shit before.
this is my venitu, i added some more color and texture to his faceup since the last time i posted his pic here. i love this guy.
No. 125182>>125221
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>>125181i am currently in the process of rehabbing an old elfdoll sooah head to make into a doll version of one of my ORIGINUL CHRACTR DONUT STEALs
the head is 9 years old, so it was quite yellow. it was originally a sleeping head that the original owner awkwardly modded. i had to fix the tear duct area, as they were just carved into the eyes with sharp edges. i opened the eyes a little more and cleaned and sanded the entire head, then blushed it so it'd be less yellow. i can't work on it anymore until the body i ordered comes in, but i'm happy with the progress so far.
the headcap still has the original paint job, i was too lazy to clean it. so here's a comparison with the color of the head now. its pretty amazing. if you're afraid of getting into dolls because they yellow, then don't be, because with some work, you can bring them back to looking decent.
No. 125190>>125191>>125192>>125196>>125205
>>125189>poorfagIt has nothing to do with that, it's about gettin the doll you want. If a company wants to keep making money off of a sculpt they can keep selling it. Sculpts that aren't made anymore are fair game. And ultimately it doesn't even matter because, like so many BJD hobbyists like to forget,
it's just a doll. The only time botching about recasts is justified is when the original doll is still being made by the company and is still available.
No. 125192>>125193>>125204
>>125190> not about moneythen explain to me why recast owner's dolls always look like shit? cheap ass shitty faceups, cheap ass shitty wigs, cheap ass shitty clothes…
people who buy recasts don't have the patience or the money to make their dolls look good. if you can't spring for a legit doll, then you aren't going to buy a nice wig, or good urethane eyes, or a high quality faceup.
recast owners want instant gratification. they just want "a doll." they never put the time effort and money into making it perfect and beautiful.
so yeah, sorry but if you resort to recasts then you're a poorfag
No. 125193>>125195>>125196>>125198
>>125192>Then explain to me why recast owner's dolls always look like shit?Elitism is rampant in the BJD community, especially when it comes to the anti-recast debate. Odds are you've seen at least one recast that looked nice and you couldn't even tell. Because really, other than the person who cast the doll, what
is the difference?
>People who buy recasts don't have the patience or the money to make their dolls look good.Usually people with shitty dolls are the ones that rushed into the hobby, grabbed a doll and a pile of clothes/wigs/eyes and started taking pics to show it off. And again, if you know it's a recast and it looks like shit, it's probably not because is a recast but because the owner is a either a newfag or a doll hoarder.
>so yeah, sorry but if you resort to recasts then you're a poorfagLiterally none of your points had anything to do with money, all of them had to do with the person buying the doll. And before you scream "poorfag!" again, let me point out that there are in fact far, far more slapped together ugly impulse buy
legit dolls than than recast ones.
TL;DR: buy a recast of you want one. The only people who get butthurt are people who want to feel superior while crying about how their toys are better than yours on the internet.
No. 125194>>125199>>125204
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How do you guys transport your dolls? I have a MSD sized carrier from Dollzone that I put a bunch of weeby bullshit anime patches and pins on (I'm trash, I know) and it's seriously amazing. There are 3 inside pockets, 4 outer pickets, double zippers and the carrying strap is super comfy and the whole thing overall is amazingly sturdy. I also modified mine with some hard plastic rectangles sewn into the sides, top and bottom for extra protection but even before I did that I still never worried about my doll when it would get bumped in the case.
I just placed an order for an SD though and I imagine I'll need a carrier for it as well. I was thinking about DZ again but their SD carrier looks soo big, and I'm pretty tiny. Are there any other places that sell good, sturdy carriers with a lot of storage space? I know Dollmore used to sell some cool Rollin luggage type carriers that could fit seated SDs but sadly they don't offer them on their site anymore.
No. 125195>>125196
>>125193People who buy recast actually hurt the market, especially if they buy recast doll who come from smaller compagnies.
And the artist of the venitu actually tryed really hard to prevent recasting and and recaster still managed to get one of his doll. I think that knowing that, if you really like the work of this artist, you should have a little humility and refuse to give your money to people who steal and spit on someone's work.
Maybe one doll will end up on the market and you will be able to get an original? I really hope you choose to wait and get the real deal.
No. 125196>>125201
>>125188>>125190>>125193It's a doll. A luxury hobby. You're not entitled to own a specific kind of doll, and don't have a birthright to acquiring the dolls you want. You will be able to live without the doll, and there are plenty of other doll sculpts out there.
Not to mention, almost every artists is
against recasters and they try their hardest to prevent recasters. Which btw results in some Indie-Sculptures making it almost impossible to get a doll because they're afraid people will make a recast. How can you feel comfortable buying the product if the very own creators asks you to please not support recast buisnesses?
>>125195 People who buy recast actually hurt the market, especially if they buy recast doll who come from smaller companies.
>And the artist of the venitu actually tryed really hard to prevent recasting and and recaster still managed to get one of his doll. I think that knowing that, if you really like the work of this artist, you should have a little humility and refuse to give your money to people who steal and spit on someone's work.All of this, basically.
Enjoy your moral superiority complex because "i-it's just a doll guys!!! I'm not an elitist like you!!!!" but in the end, you're a shitty impatient person who can't value an artist's work.
No. 125202>>125205
>>125201a lot of these people aren't purposely trying to make their dolls hard to get just to be dicks. 5th motif is literally ONE guy. i follow his facebook. dollshe cast the dolls for him, but the guy from 5th motif had to cut off the gates, sand, glue in the silicone chunks, string and assemble all the dolls himself. in the beginning he had his brother help him, but then his brother got a new job and couldn't help him anymore. and 5th motif also had another day job, because guess what, making dolls doesn't pay the bills like you think it does. 5th motif had no choice but to stop production because he just couldn't handle the work load anymore.
he does plan to come back with more dolls though, but not big ones. he supposedly has an MSD sized girl doll in the works, that he is going to sell on etsy when it's ready. he said smaller dolls are less work, and other than one more head for the timeless body (venitu/goohwa's body) he won't make another SD.
No. 125203>>125206
>>125201and in regards to recasting. 5th motif tried to prevent it by keeping a list of everyone he sold a doll to. because his "company" is just himself, he knew who he sold to. naively he hoped that everyone he sold to would KEEP the doll, but he couldn't know who people sold the dolls to afterwards if they decided they didn't want to keep it.
this same thing is what enaibi does. she only sells dolls to people she meets IN PERSON and is extremely careful who she sells to. it seems to have worked for her, because the people she's sold to sure as shit do not sell the dolls to anyone else afterward. i think i've only seen an enaibi doll twice on the second market, ever. she casts all her dolls by hand and sells them personally. and doll making isn't her only job, she is an illustrator and i believe she works for whoever makes the show wakfu.
No. 125204>>125205
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>>125192I think the only time I would consider a recast is if the company flat out refuses to cast in a skintone I want. I had asked them about it, because it's a company pretty notorious for giving in to adding more options, but they didn't budge on this one. (The doll was tan and I wanted white skin.)
I'm not going to get the recast, but it's so tempting.
It's not
always about poorfaggotry, but I do agree that a tremendous chunk of it is.
>>125194I got a Soom bag a couple of years ago for my bigger dolls. I fit 2 65cm dolls, an MSD, and a LTF in it this summer. There needs to be some padding in between them of course, but it worked. I do think it needs more reinforcement or padding. I just got my Lillycat Jolie in and the bag she came in was like a motherfucking frilly dufflebag. It's so awesome.
>>125201I say that too, but they still recast the fuck out of fairyland.
I think most of that is their high price point and the appeal of their samefaces and newfags not knowing better.
>kek yfw newfags watching Nicolle's Dreams YouTube vids want mnf chloes like hers and are probably unknowingly buying recasts due to being cheaper and not researching beforehand No. 125205
>>125190>>125201>>125202>>125204People think that once a doll has been sculpted it can be replicated perfectly ad infinitum, but that's completely not true.
Molds degrade with each casting. You can get a maximum of 20 copies off of each mold before they start to warp, tear or lose details. Usually less, especially if they're not handled properly, during order rush for example. Not every cast will be acceptable, even with higher-end resin and pressure chamber - it can be a tiniest bubble, but if it's located on an eyelid or forehead, the cast is wasted. Hot and humid weather can make it completely impossible to cast resin. Sometimes the master gets damaged or destroyed in the process of moldmaking, and you can't always use the cast instead, since each copy is slightly smaller and slightly warped and parts may not fit properly anymore.
TL;DR casting a resin doll is hella difficult, especially since most artist don't have even the 1/5 of resources and manpower recasters do.
Plus whoever thinks that artists are making bank just because their dolls are expensive is an ignorant little shit. Check how much Dollshe charges for casting, others aren't significantly cheaper.
No. 125207>>125208>>125221
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C-can we bring the doll thread back please? I love this thread and it really helped me getting into dolls, so I'd love to see it continue.
So Mattel announce a reboot of the monster High Ghouls with new faces. Pic related is what Draculaura looks, others have been shown as well. The new look is supposed to appeal to a younger audience, as Mattel wants the MHDs to shift and cater to the 6-10 years old audience more. Of course, older fans are enraged, and since MHD fandom tends to be a bit autistic, there are already plenty of hate and change petitions. Personally I think the new faces are cute, they have less of that whore make up - but I can see why people dislike them, as they are more anime/Disney like. Also, Mattel lost the license for Disney dolls in 2016, explaining why they try to push the MHDs onto the younger audiences. Appareantly they will also abandon a lot of former dolls in their new reboot?
Mattel is a shit company anyway, nothing suprising about them about to ruin another doll franchise like they did with Barbie.
Any opinions?
/End of autistic rant, it just didn't fit anywhere and also I want the doll thread back.
No. 125208>>125209>>125210>>125211>>125212>>125213>>125214>>125215>>125217
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>>125207I just googled Monster High Dolls because I remembered them looking quiet whore-ish and found a bunch of repainted beauties!
I hope you guys will forgive me for a mild pic spam
No. 125214
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>>125208Last one, I promise!
No. 125217>>125218>>125220
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>>125208Yes, skilled people can really do impressive work with them! I love to see how they can get the maximum potential out of these dolls. Endless possibilities! And since they all have different skin tones - some unnatural, some not-, different gimmicks like the mermaid ones
>>125211and interesting different facemolds it is so much fun to work with them.
I'm still salty that Mattel fucked up their spin off, the Ever After Highs. I like the concept, story and the clothes
a lot, but sadly they have these gigantic heads and pretty much the same face mold for each doll. Such a disappointment.
Have some more repaints.
No. 125218>>125219
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>>125217Just a simple repaint, but shows how much a faceup can change the look of the doll!
No. 125221>>125222>>125224
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>>125207from what i've heard, not only are they aiming for younger kids and cuteifying the line, but they are also downgrading the quality A LOT. making them more like barbies with no joints in the arms and stuff like that. definitely lame shit.
in other news i'm elfdoll sooah anon from here
>>125182i finally got his body and painted his face. i still need to sand the boobs off the body and im thinking of shortening the neck a little because it seems too long but i don't know if i have the guts. grinding off tits doesn't scare me but fucking up a neck mod and making the body useless is a real fear.
he's vaguely inspired by old school freedom fighters era miyavi, hence the gay ass hair and piercings.
No. 125222>>125223>>125224
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>>125221some more shots. he's been in the works for ages so i'm happy he's really close to being done.
No. 125224>>125226
>>125220Have you painted any dolls at all? I'd love to see them! This thread needs more creators showing their work.
I thought about the eye thing too, but where would you even get glass eyes small enough for MHDs? Most glass eyes I see around are for the bigger BJDs. I have no ideas where and which to get for MHDs.
> downgrading the quality A LOT. >making them more like barbies with no joints in the arms and stuff like that. definitely lame shit.That's what I've heard too. Maybe I'm retarded, but I cannot really find any information about the body and what else they're gonna mod? I was only able to find some pictures of the dolls.
I'm a Eurofag and our releases are usually at least one year behind America's, so if the new dolls all turn out to be shit, I guess I'll have to stock up on the old releases as long as we sell them here.
>>125221>>125222>>125223Very cute! I love his facial expression! A mixture of snotty, yet a little cute and a bit vulnerable, at least that's what the pictures so far convey to me.
No. 125225
>>125220I was gonna try this. Seems easy enough.
Sitter lost interest in her hole monster high collecting and I get the whole lot.
No. 125226>>125227
>>125224yes actually i'm the anon who did
>>124841 and
>>124843 i kind of stopped doing them because they got really hard to sell on etsy, which was the only reason i was painting them, really. but having them sitting around in drawers feels like a waste so i might as well paint the ones i have.
and yes you got his personality pretty much on the nose! he's a character i made up ages ago back when i did online roleplay (which i still kind of do, actually, lol.) and he's kind of like john connor from terminator 2 mixed with one of those small yappy dogs that act like tough shit and starts fights with bigger dogs.
No. 125227>>125228>>125229>>125232
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>>125226Why don't they sell anymore? And how do you sell them in the first place. Just dump them on etsy? Do you need a large following and be well known in the community?
One question, do you use acrylics? I've heard people use paint thinner because for face ups, you cannot thin them with water like you'd regularly do. But no art supply store can tell me what kind of paint thinner to use… They all tell me I can thin acrylic colours with water, and when I explain them why I can't they look at me like I am retarded.
Anyone here who has experience with Pullip dolls? I always loved them and they offer DIY-kits for a reasonable price. Pic related are my weeaboo dream dolls bc I have shit taste and I am not ashamed, but I'd love to get more. I'm just not sure if it is worth it. Any opinions?
No. 125228
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>>125227i'm not sure, my first few sold within a couple of weeks. but the last few i put up took months and months, almost a year, and one never sold at all so i just didnt renew her on the site.
yeah i think needing a following to sell is my problem. all the popular monster high artists use tumblr and promote themselves there. i have 0 interest in associating with tumblr, so there you go. i only did the monster high stuff for some extra cash, but if they don't sell then there's no point. i still have my few regulars who ask me for bjd commissions so whatevs.
working on this doll right now. using MSC, but luckily i am not having any problems usually associated with tan skin, so yay.
No. 125229>>125230
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>>125227just realized i forgot to answer some questions! yes i use acrylics. and i normally only use water to thin them. sometimes i'll use "golden acrylic flow release" with a little water, but honestly i don't see much of a difference.
i use very cheap acrylics, in fact, i'm still using the same tiny bottles i started off with 7 years ago. they're "delta ceramcoat" acrylics, the little bottles you can get for less than 2 dollars. they're nice and runny already, so you don't need to thin them much. more expensive acrylics seem to be much thicker and plastic-y? i can't use them, they never work out right and always seem to dry shiny. ceramcoat dries matte.
No. 125232>>125233
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>>125227Thinning your paints with water is fine. Not sure who gave you the impression they aren't okay, but it's what I do anyway. Some thinners may not agree with resin or ABS.
I actually own the ChibiMoon and Black Lady Pullips! They're quite cute– honestly, I would rather have Chibi Usa in the dress in your pic rather than their fukus… because the fukus are made of pleather. It's such a bizarre choice. Also their tiaras are a nightmare to put on and look good. But yeah! I like 'em! If you have a Tuesday Morning store nearby (assuming you're in burgerland) check them out, as they surprisingly have a few Pullip/Dal/Taeyang/etc. dolls! They usually cost around $40, but if you want to try one before you buy one, give that a shot if you are able to.
No. 125233>>125234
>>125232I've only tried it on the Monster Highs so far, and water will not really work there? The sealant seems to repel the water, so that the colours don't stay in place.
I might try again with different colours, or I will just stick to pencils for the MHDs.
Wierdly I disliked Pullips for a long time because of their big heads… But then they slowly warmed their way into my heart, and now I'm in love. I especially like that you can move their eyes and lids, that's my ultimate favourite function and gives sooo much more options in expression!
>fukus made out of pleatherWhat. I thought about getting the Premium Bandai Sailor Moon who comes in her regular fuku, but she's just too expensive for my taste. So now I'm looking out for the Princess Serenity and Chibi Moon, they have such lovely outfits and rarely and figurines modeled after them so they are a rare piece in my collection in this form.
>assuming I'm in burgerlandNo, I'm a Eurofag, sadly. Which means I have to import everything from America or Japan and pay 19-35% taxes on top of everything (item value + shipping costs included!). And shipping from America is so insultingly high, it's usually just easier to get everything from Japan (even with their upped EMS shipping).
We don't have any cool stores here. We're even at least one year behind the recent Monster HighEver After doll releases, and tfw we never get the exclusives. A-at least we have functional healthcare, r-right
No. 125234
>>125233It sounds like you may be overthinning your paints. It needs to probably be a little thicker than milk for vinyl faces. I think most people that do MH do pencils anyway.
I would definitely go with Serenity and Small Lady in their Princess dresses. Their fukus are so questionable. Black Lady's dress is alright. Not the most amazing, but still a step up in quality from my Chibi Moon.
No. 125235
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> tfw your commission thread is closed and has been closed for over a year yet multiple people all at once start asking you for commissions
fucking stooooopppppp just leave me alooooonnne!!!
No. 125237>>125238>>125240
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>>124825I really want one of the popovy sisters dolls
No. 125238>>125239
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>>125237Without the tattoo design
No. 125240>>125241
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>>125237i think the bodies looked better before they added that creepy neck joint.
>>125239yeah some look derp, but they are all clearly based on real models like pic related. the "little owl" sculpt is clearly devon aoki.
No. 125241>>125242
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>>125240I'm sure that the open mouthed sculpted there is actually "cuckoo" and the closed mouth is "little owl" I think this one looks like lily cole
No. 125243>>125244>>125245>>125249
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i did a side by side. the other girls look familiar but i don't know the names of the models they're probably based on.
No. 125246
>>125244>>125245i know, im the one who posted
>>125242i did a side by side of the models i DID know. there are other dolls on the site that i can't figure out.
No. 125251>>125252
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>>125248magpie looks like daphne groeneveld
No. 209675
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Thought I'd necro the doll thread to ask whether some 1/6 azone/obitsu bodies can fit in Licca/Jenny doll clothes. I'm trying to do as much research on this as I can before I buy one but most people with Licca hybrids just take cute photos and never talk about things like the fit of clothes.
I'm getting a doll of Licca's mom and want to pose her with a more articulated body, but since she's an adult I also want her to be slightly curvier than a normal 21cm child-size Licca (hence the anime tiddy variant in the picture) as well as the natural height difference that she'll have in the first place (she's closer in height to Jenny at about 26cm). I know that the Licca clothes will obviously come up shorter/tighter on a bigger doll, but if they at least tolerably fit I'll be happy.
Honestly I'm kinda skeptical of the clothes fitting on that particular one but the pureneemo bodies only really come in flatchested or super busty with not much in between, so if the clothes won't fit that body will they fit on a 25cm Obitsu body with the medium bust?
No. 209676
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((Here's a picture of the doll next to a normal Licca just in case anyone is interested, mine hasn't arrived yet so it's a stock photo))
No. 209723>>209833>>209934
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>>124825>>124897Maybe some Farmers can help me, because I've always been interested in BJDs but never known quite where to start. Is there some companies you'd recommend as ones you swear by?
Also, this enaibi Satyne figure has really interested me as well. Would you all know of one similar since they're apparently impossible to get? Maybe one that's got a cute exaggerated pear shape like that or nymphish.
No. 209843>>260285
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>>209833I was using the Elin as an example for something pear-shaped. Here's along the lines of what I'm looking for in BJD bodies.
No. 209934>>209961
>>209723When in doubt Den of Angels is the place to go for any questions you might have. It's an entire forum dedicated to BJDs and they have a pretty good secondhand market, but I'm not sure if they still have that invite-only thing going on with registration. Personally, I don't think you should ever settle when it comes to dolls. If you see something you like, go for it. But make sure you do your homework when it comes to care and maintenance.
As for dolls with pear-shaped bodies. The first that come to mind are maybe DollPamm, Dust of Dolls, and Leekeworld's Mikhaila (not sure what the body she comes on is called unfortunately.) It was a huge trend a while back ago, so you probably shouldn't have any problems finding something you like. Hope that sort of helps.
No. 260269
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More time want a "kinoko juice" doll.
They has a cute stupid :з face. Hah.
No. 260362>>260434>>260444
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Has anyone bought bjds from Aliexpress?
No. 260444>>260447
>>260362If it's from Aliexpress it's a recast (copy). They use photos of full set dolls from the real companies, not of their actual recasts.
Good companies: Fairyland, Supia, Loongsoul, Iplehouse, Angell Studio. Go to the real company websites and place an order.
On Aliexpress, Taobao, eBay, new dolls are primarily recasts (fakes) with lower quality, resin that yellows faster, less accuracy in the details.
No. 260782>>260784>>260878>>260882>>260886
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Soo I was just gathering a price range for what some MH/barbie and ect repaints go for and found Hextians Harley Quinn went for 11k. Idk thought it was a bit much for a repaint let alone his skill level sometimes.
No. 260784>>260934
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>>260782full picture of the doll
No. 260878
>>260782>a bit muchAnon that’s
way too much.
No. 260886
>>260782I never believe those crazy high bids on dolls. Like anything over 2k is suspicious. Nobody has to pay when they win; if they have a new account they can just take the non-payment error on their account and be on their merry way.
Generally you can expect a repaint/OOAK MH to go for around $50+