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No. 12391

Can anyone explain why greeks are only allowed to withdraw 60 euros a day from their banks now?

What happened?

No. 12405

No. 12406

I think the world is heading into a global cold war. Instead of just Americans and the soviets.
It's every man for themselves, honestly. I'll be hiding behind 3000 proxies.

No. 12408

does this mean I should stock up on canned food and seeds?

No. 12409

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but who would be fighting who?

No. 12411

Every country for themselves.
Economic collapse is near, and since the Internet is globalized there will be a war surrounding information, much more powerful than the first one. As I said, globalized; the whole planet could participate, but I think it will be the following:
United States
The asian giants, excluding India
The middle eastern nations, excluding Armenia
Countries throughout Europe will pick sides with superpowers but will also likely have their own motives. Such as England, France, Ireland, and Germany.
Ireland will remain lowscore, so will Poland and other similar nations.
Israel will be a virtual battlezone, and there will be spies and hackers all over the place.
It won't be a full out war; though, it'll be quiet until it truly becomes noticeable in the public eye. Civilians affected by the economic collapse of America and parts of Europe will no longer side with their own countries and will remain "chaotic neutral" so the government will lack support. Russia's citizens too have nothing to be proud of so like many Americans will remain neutral.

No. 12415

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Just in case, yes. You should also try to stock up on fresh water and something fun to soothe the anxiety, e.g. comics or books

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