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No. 121235

Are FtMs/transmen just women who let all that yaoi they read in high school get to their brain? I don't really have a beef with transgender people but I've been noticing this far too much.

One of my highschool friends "came" out as one recently and she fits the bill perfectly. She was your typical rabid yaoi fangirl and "that girl" at the afterschool anime club who'd endlessly talk about how naruto and sasuke are totally fucking in secret.

And it's everywhere on Tumblr. Pretty much every person who posts on the "boys loving boys" tag is a trans man or a ""gender neutral"" super special snowflake who throws a fit when someone doesn't use They pronouns when referring to them or whatever. They don't even really try that hard to look like men and just look like very skinny crossdressers or sorta-butch lesbians.

Don't even get me started on all the cutesy/feminine shit on their blogs.

I just don't know. I know there's probably some legit trans men out there but the rest just feel like women who want to live out their yaoi fantasies. Am I the only one who feels this way?

No. 121236

there's already a trans thread in /b/.

No. 121241

Is gordon a transman?

No. 121243>>121245>>121292

Maybe not most transmen in general, but most tumblr FtMs and most gay FtMs were just girls who were maybe a little too ugly or fat to fit in and also had an obsession with yaoi.
In fact some chubby kid from my year back in my school days who would sit in the library drawing yaoi is now a gay transguy.
Another kid I knew who used to cosplay as male anime and vidya characters is now a straight transguy.

Although personally as a 20 year old transwoman I never really had any enjoyable sexual or romantic fantasies until I started hormones.
Now I love both yaoi and yuri but they certainly didn't influence me to be trans at all.
Transition was purely due to all the crippling self hatred, anxiety and depression from gender dysphoria.

However a lot of other MtFs, especially older ones or lesbian ones, are absolutely disgusting freaks and were clearly motivated by their perversions on a much worse scale than trans men.

Anyway here's to hoping butthurt TERFs won't demand I'm banned and executed :-s

No. 121244

Is it just a coincidence that most fakebois are ugly as shit? They really have some weird face features

No. 121245

this girl gets it

tbh if i was younger and more retarded i think i might have fallen into this category i cringe thinking what could of been
since being influenced by the animes and mangas ive had the desire to crossdress but i feel like if i do it now someone will mistake me for a special snowflake instead of a tomboy
also what the fuck happened to calling yourself a tomboy? these girls are so desperate to try and seem like theyre 'not like other girls' but they are just pandering to their own crowd
when will the nonbinary trans demiboy meme end

No. 121272>>121277

MtFs are worse imo. always creepy ass dudes trying to get laid with lesbian girls.

No. 121277

i reckon thats just recent trend like the teen girl fujoshis who want to pretend as if theyre gay men, there are autogynephiliacs thinking they can pass as "trans lesbians" as if women would want them now if they pretend to be trans

there was another thread on here talking about those types of guys, and how you can tell theyre autogynephiliacs because they never actually act like women but more like "slutty waifus" and act over the top.

No. 121292

>le 20 years old I'm a WOMAN!!!
>le butthurt trans rights hating terfs xDDDDD

Hope admin and their plague of asslickers are happy with the new unironically emoticon-using tumblr userbase.

And hope you kill yourself out of a depression by in a few months when the excess of strogen starts bringing you insane, tranny shit.

No. 121313

I have always wanted to be a man but I'm not into yaoi or generally into anime/manga. I've always wanted to be a man because I think others notice your achievements and projects more and focus less on apperance and that's what I'm mostly butthurt about. Even when I do something that's a relatively a big success everyone first mentions that I'm good looking and why am I single. It's 21st century ffs, is it really that strange if there are women that don't want to have a romantic relationship and that want to dedicate their lives to science/profession etc ?
If I were men, it would all be easier and I wouldn't have to deal with daily harrasments. I won't go through with it because of obvious reasons, I was born like this and life dealth me these cards so I will play them the best I can. But men don't even realize how easy they have it.

No. 121314

Please use >>113748.

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