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No. 120943

Did not see a thread (or bothered to dig) about singing so here's one. Do you like to sing? Does it go beyond the shower? Do you like singing as a hobby or are you trying to make a career out of it like a popstar or just a music major? What tips can you provide other farmers?

No. 120944

I'm OP so I'll start:

I sing as a hobby. Not trying to get famous or anything, I just like music in general to pass the time. I'm a high first soprano and this can be challenging for me because my favorite style of music is jazz. I'm probably going to start a ukulele duet with a friend of mine just to pass the time.

Here's another ice breaker:
What is your biggest/most exciting gig yet?

No. 120972

Sometimes. I want to sing opera but my voice is too weak and breathy. Soprano as well I think. No plans to make a career.

No. 120974

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I sang the Star Spangled Banner at my graduation. Two years later I can't sing all that well anymore because of constant smoking.
feels bad man.

No. 120975

I also sing as a hobby, though I mostly sing evanescence songs even though they're kinda hard to hit sometimes (even as a high soprano) lol

I would really like to start a YouTube channel where I do song covers then hopefully moving to composing original music but idk where to start.

No. 120976



The only gigs I've done were karaoke nights at restaurants.

No. 120996

Post vocaroos of your singing voices

No. 120998

I'm a vocal music major and aspiring musician (1st soprano). I've wanted to be a singer since I was a kid. Recently I started writing lyrics and melodies for songs. I'll probably start doing covers to gain an audience before I upload my own work.

I guess for advice, if you feel like your voice is weak be sure maintain support from your diaphragm. Fill your stomach with air, push it up with your abs, and make sure to keep your ribs expanded (this is going to sound super awkward, but try panting like a dog while doing all this. It helps a little to get an idea of what you need to do and is good practice). You'll want to push the sound out to make it louder, but try to keep it in the back of your head (soft palette raised). It'll sound terrible and super bright to you, but to everyone one else it won't sound like that (this is more for sopranos. Sorry altos. I admire your hardwork, but I just started learning how to mix head and chest voice to have a strong lower register. So I have no idea what kind of advice besides support will be helpful to you). Not sure if any of this helps or even makes sense. It's just things that I learned in my vocal class.

No. 120999

I've been singing since middle school and enjoy it quite a bit. I'm an alto. I have sung for a school play and performed with choirs up until I graduated high school. I wish I could major in music in uni but I have no plans to make a career out of it so I keep it as a fun hobby.

No. 121170

I really enjoy singing but my voice is really bad lol. It's not feminine at all, although my voice is pretty well-suited for folk, especially stuff like The Tallest Man on Earth. I used to be in choir and I miss it a lot. Even though my voice isn't pretty, I just have so much fun singing! Especially nailing a really gorgeous harmony with a group. I've also played the guitar for years and I wish I had a place to sing and play in private. I'm too self-conscious to sing in my house.

No. 121190

I used to sing really well and had a very broad range. I was always in musicals for high school and community theater. I don't know what happened though, I've lost a lot of the range I once had. I'm stuck as a low alto now, just can't hit those high notes anymore. Maybe it's age. Maybe it's because I don't practice singing since I don't do theater. Or probably my alcoholism. I still like to go out and karaoke or sing at home though.

I'd like to hear this as well. I think it's pretty comfy to hear other's voices.

No. 121217

I was always too shy and hated my voice too much in school to ever sing during music classes or whenever other kids would sing like on the school bus

Now I'm making up for lost time by singing j pop and yaoi anime themes in the shower, although I still find it kinda embarrassing

No. 121230

Also weak wobbly soprano here. I had a great time in a really small informal choir at my school. Been trying to find something like that again but no luck so far.
My favourite voice of all time is Sam Cooke and I'd love to be able to emulate the power and control he had.
>tfw when you are a small white girl and will never possess the velvety, smoky, resonant timbre and vocal dexterity of a tall gifted black man

No. 121232

If you, like me, find that vocal harmonies give you the tingles then I have a present for you.
The Roches are three sisters that suddenly expand into a thousand when they harmonise.

No. 121237

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I do a pretty good David Bowie impression and love playing his songs on my acoustic guitar.

I'd love to make a career out of singing but I want to find my own voice and style first. How's Bandcamp these days?

No. 121264

What a treat. Thank you!

As much of a sucker I am for vocal harmonies I can't seem to stand most a capella shit, I wonder why that is.

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