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No. 1191954
File: 1653193541132.jpg (451.83 KB, 722x1282, we live in a society.jpg)

>>1191932Found it on twitter of all places, kek
But I made this one after looking at Coach's website today.
No. 1191975
File: 1653195603944.jpg (561.23 KB, 1878x1878, GUEST_2dec6e0b-bd2f-4629-b17c-…)

Fucking tired of the history revision. Look at what Target's pumping out.
No. 1192003
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>>1191975what the actual fuck.
No. 1192013
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No. 1192055
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every year has to get worker, so I predict more of this than before
No. 1192167
>>1192013>>1192055One would
think the rainbow symbolizes all colours and variations between them so there wouldn't be a need to add more. Jesus christ.
No. 1192196
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UK releasing a collectable 50 pence coin.
No. 1192200
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>>1191975Have you seen their pride candles yet? kek it’s so stupid and the kweers are going to love it 1/2
No. 1192205
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>>1192055Alright so if we're including disorders in the flag now I want me and my fellow bpd-chans represented there next year
No. 1192221
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>>1192220it doesn't even make sense because the original pride stripes color meanings were more abstract and not inherently related to a particular orientation or race or "gender identity"
No. 1192252
>>1191954I was just going to post this pic for another thread, I found it on tumblr
>>1192019It was made by a marketing to highlight the struggles of
POC members, obviously this presupposes that you thought the first flag was for white people only. there's the progress pride flag made by some enbie graphic designer because you know more inclusivity. The original flag represents everything under the sun anyway but that's not enough.
>>1192121Same, I always wanted to attend one but now I feel like I would feel so out of place. I always felt envious but now I don't care.
No. 1192263
>>1192261A bit OT but I'm turkish and when I was younger, a girl in my class bullied me for being bi. She was someone who attended pride parades at the front and always advocated for gay rights, allegedly. I think they just like using gay people to stand up to the religious government, they don't really care about gay people.
There was also a protest against a man who only got his position because of the aforementioned religious government and everyone marching against him used LGBT flags even though the protesters were homophobic and completely straight save for a few.
No. 1192300
>>1192280here in
terf island it's a chance for the two factions of woke feminists to clash. otherwise oh it's another pride thing. there must be 50% of the days where it's some kind of oppression day/week/month
No. 1192312
>>1192121If that's what pride looks like where you live then that's more than understandable.
I went last year and it was pretty nice. There were a lot of people including grandparents with their grandchildren which was kind of cute and an old lesbian couple dressed fancy. Everyone was dressed "normal" or in (non sexual/provocative) costume. The ONLY problem were like 4 retarded moids who wanted to join in cat maid outfits but everyone ignored them and they left pretty quickly.
My country is already shitty as it is, hope this doesn't get ruined too.
>>1192309Ignore the bait
No. 1192342
File: 1653230690901.png (19.66 KB, 1200x720, lesbian_labrys_by_pride_flags-…)

Ngl I wish I could wear a little pride pin to bat signal to other lesbians what I am but I'm afraid that will start leading them to question my attractions to 'all' women… The LGBT community is a fucking joke gatekeeping people's sexualites.
I kinda want a labrys flag pin not only because it looks cooler and i like the meaning more and the ones who have problem with it can fuck off & the ones who know what's up can stay
No. 1192376
>>1192365Yeah that's what I mean. It feels like they weren't included and only got included now. It's also weird if you think about how most brown and black people won't really like being included in a pride flag, especially muslims.
All in all it's disrespectful and inconsiderate. Just… Performative.
No. 1192396
>>1192377yes, created by a white dude. and a different white dude made the flag with the trans colors, too. and his reasoning?
>shift focus and emphasis to what is important in our current community climate. that’s a direct quote. the flag’s entire purpose is to obfuscate who LGB activism is actually for. of course we already knew that, it’s just sickening that he can openly admit it and people still use the flag and think they’re oh so progressive.
No. 1192419
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>>1192055I hope they try to add religions now, starting with Muslims like this.
No. 1192477
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Recently went to target and they have their shitty pride section filled with pronoun bs
Apparently they’re also selling chest binders and packing underwear, fucking wild
No. 1192480
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>>1192477One of the “queer” designers of their selection are just a straight furry couple.
No. 1192507
File: 1653239875667.jpg (1.28 MB, 3292x1712, fuck's sake.jpg)

>>1192483You know it.
>>1191975Did you see the two spirit shirt? It's so fucking distasteful but you know the kweers are gonna eat it up.
No. 1192516
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>>1192279I was at Target yesterday and I didn’t take a pic in-store but they have PRIDE CAT AND DOG toys, what the fuck lol
No. 1192543
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>>1192205I'm going BPD all over the shit in this thread
No. 1192552
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>>1192205When are we husbandofags getting the LGBTQ+ representation we need in mainstream media?
No. 1192593
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>>1192570No joke I think my dog is gay. He's only showed interest in stuffed animals larger than him, we have an (unfixed) female dog but he never tried to mate with her outside of dominance, because she is the dominant one. And once a male gay friend came over and he looked at him and trusted randomly in the air at him, wtf else can explain that?
>>1192575Is my dog trans now because we removed his balls? Kek
No. 1192594
>>1192349I'm genuinely pissed and curious about why, in the last few years, trannies want to make every single fucking aspect of pride about themselves.
They have the T already, but noooo, they also want to hijack the L, G and B.
And talking about it, Bi people where finally getting aknowledged and respected and suddenly trannies had to swallow every single other conversation about pride.
No. 1192603
File: 1653244528483.png (496.5 KB, 616x628, 627.png)

I'm not mentally prepared for the pride bullshit to see everywhere for an entire month muuhh support your local poc disabled tranny plz donate here. Fuck that shit. This shit made me genuinely hate the LGBTDBSJHBFJHDKBASHJ++- community.
No. 1192610
File: 1653245029134.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.85 KB, 727x730, new pride flag.JPG)

pride flag to shove up your ass
No. 1192648
>>1191954I used to have a cross body bag where the strap on it just said the word love over and over. It was a thick black strap with white text. I brought this bag everywhere for about a year and one day someone told me they always thought it said 'love is love'
Turns out everyone at my (then) workplace thought I was gay all based on a bag strap.
No. 1192653
>>1192567It’s weird how some people think who you want to badonk is something to be proud of. It’s just…one part of your character. I am also a lesbian in camouflage, and I would hate to associate with lgbt wokies my age with their ever changing pronouns and vain, self pitying attitudes.
>pin that says short gay and angryHonestly whenever i see a woman call herself ‘gay’ these days i assume she’s bisexual. My schoolfriends all called themselves ‘gay’ but liked men a lot. They wanted everyone to wear a pride flag, only associate with other ‘gays’ (straight/bi girls) and go to ‘gay’ events. I just stayed in the closet because they were that cringe that if gay meant being an absolute fag then i definitely wasn’t gay kek
Ah, they’re all enbies now anyway, some of them admitted to not really being bi so they need something else to solidify their ‘not like other girls/the whole world is against me’ identity. I hate being a zoomie. I hate the connotations of lgbt in 2022. I am very bitter.
No. 1192813
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I remember once i saw a couple of older lesbians and one had a larbys pin and they were holding hands and ngl that was one of the best things i saw in my life. I'm so sad that at least in my country the larbys flag was hiacked by polilez but they were so natural, it wasnt a "provocative stament" just two lesbians existing without a care about the word of what other ""LGTB"" members think of them and their choices, their lesbianism existing outiside of queer ideology. I want it so bad. i want that for myself nonitas
No. 1192853
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>>11920552040 Pride flag gonna be like
No. 1192876
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>>1192858 sorry i didn't noticed the typo kek. And yes, vintage pins and vintage pride merch was way cuter, maybe because it was actually made by lesbians for lesbians or by bisexuals for bisexuals instead of a soulless corporation.
No. 1193057
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Why. Just why
No. 1193123
File: 1653283902669.png (184.44 KB, 621x1514, tms kink at pride.png)

The Mary Sue thinks that "kink" (which is described in the article as an "erotic power exchange") totally belongs in public pride parades, and their biggest arguments are that BDSM and trannies are good and the evil radfems (who are just as bad as conservatives, obviously) are against those two, and since radfems are bad, "kink at pride" is good. No. 1193362
File: 1653292365370.jpeg (325.85 KB, 1170x1244, 80672AB8-A347-43F6-9213-44A394…)

I’m pissed that I genuinely like rainbow color schemes, and the aesthetic of colorful things all together in the ROYGBIV order, and now I can never decorate or wear accessories like that without people thinking I speak for The Alphabet People
No. 1193379
File: 1653293578225.png (1.55 MB, 1562x953, picture-44.png)

>>1193362agreed, i'm quite sad about this ! i have a few rainbow things and it always sometimes questions.
>>1192593interesting thing about the penguins, though the redditor and the journos are too stupid to know it's not in greek but in the greek alphabet, picrel you can actually decipher it lmao
No. 1193498
>>1193478Back when I attended pride events I wore a bi pin and purple/blue/pink. I also felt kind of anxious and like I stuck out like a sore thumb. This was also on the cusp of the troonening so I felt like I was gonna be yelled at for not being pan. But it was fine. I can guarantee to you that everyone else there is probably 100x cringe than you'd ever be
nonnie. Go have some fun and report back
No. 1193503
>>1193478I wear a labrys pin daily (radfem dyke here) and most people don't even notice. I live in an extra unwoke country where you can get jailed for lgbt propaganda, but didn't get asked about my pin once.
I wonder if there are more obscure symbols for bisexuality so you too can show pride in who you are but also like, being lowkey about it?
On the other note, I got an LGBT rainbow patch for pennies and thought of cutting off the T on it and sewing it onto my jacket, but displaying any rainbow in Russia is a great way to get hatecrimed.
Really glad that the labrys is subtle and untainted (except by woke bullshit)
No. 1193567
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>>1193503Thanks anon you inspired me. To give a gift to a friend of mine, i hope she doesn’t freak out over the labrys symbol.
>>1193478There’s the joint crescent symbol, its very lowkey and a triple moon symbol. Not sure what the difference is
No. 1193568
>>1193378I seriously hate how trannies picked such a practical color palette for their fetish’s flag, and honestly, I hate how now “pride” flags are basically any color scheme, it was easy to just leave the rainbow alone because it was straight (heh) to the point and obvious, now you can’t post a thing on the internet without having swarms of groomers and idiots trying to ask if you’re this or that “gender” or this or that “sexuality”.
I doubt people will even take a second glance while you’re outside and you happen to wear light blue jeans and a pink t-shirt, the issue would be if you live in a place where terminally online retards go outside to get their own tendies.
No. 1193569
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>>1193567Here’s the triple moon
No. 1193571
>>1193362Yeah i feel you. But i also roll my eyes when homophobes complain about how the gays ruined the rainbow.
>>1193378I love the color combo and for the longest time someone in my gild would joke about it whenever i uploaded my character. I wasn’t critical/peaked back then but it still annoyed me.
No. 1193726
File: 1653319750735.webm (1.83 MB, 576x1024, The Perfect Girl by Mareux.web…)

Getting closer.
No. 1193956
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>>1192723Most of those skeletons in their closet are the same thing, pedophilia
>>1192477I really think we are on the verge of a civilizational collapse, or rather it's already in full swing and this is what it looks like
No. 1194450
File: 1653364552872.jpg (9.86 KB, 1456x864, Tumblr_l_465955920395153.jpg)

Gilbert Baker added a 9th stripe in 2017 to his original pride flag to represent diversity. But instead everyone went with adding the black and brown designed by a MARKETING FIRM? And they took the pink and turquoise out just to save money on mass production of the flags. Not very anti capitalism/large corporation of the community. I miss the age of DIY.
No. 1194459
>>1194230I always thought it was a play on how people say that bisexuality is a phase and that each moon symbolises attraction to the male and female sexes. I have no idea what the three moon actually means and its more recent i believe.
I tried doing some digging but all i could find is that it was created to replace a more
problematic symbol (inverted triangles = nazis) and it symbolises the bi connection to LG, so basically LGB couldn’t find any other website that confirmed it. No. 1194996
File: 1653410049276.jpg (105.15 KB, 750x1334, FThCPSQX0AAzQaB.jpg)

Not my screenshots but I think it fits the entire flag discussion
No. 1195017
>>1194997I fucking hate the word "folx" so much holy shit. What does it even mean?
And isn't the original pride flag supposed to represent sexualities other than straight? Why do you need to include a color that represents specific races? They're already included in the original flag. And what about the pastel colors, aren't trannies (unfortunately) included in the original rainbow, too?
No. 1195821
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if black and brown people do not appreciate being ~included~ orthodox christian ukrainians definitely will
No. 1195934
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>>1192055I wish someone would combine these; the Ukraine one doesn't have the intersex symbol.
No. 1195970
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Inshallah all trannies and male homosexuals suffer this June
No. 1196053
File: 1653482899620.png (104.97 KB, 835x759, detrans.PNG)

>>1195937Tbh other than the mustard diarrhea yellow color this flag is pretty cool. Would love to see more people wear this and see how many troons seethe
No. 1196850
>>1196841'ate tranny janny.
'ate muslamicks. not rude just don't want em on me farm.
luv me homophobic dog.
simple as.
No. 1196968
>>1196841isn't it against the rules to not blend in and to have a specific typing style? may as well be namefagging
I'm sick of it too ngl
No. 1197103
File: 1653543535528.jpg (77.38 KB, 554x960, Tumblr_l_23274190393724.jpg)

I was feeling kind of excited for the pride festival/parade in my city bc I have fun memories of the music and food and floats but then I came back to reality and remembered that these are the type of people who go to pride nowadays and I want nothing to do with it lol
No. 1197134
>>1195017omg! same! I don't understand why 'folks' needs an 'x' to replace the 'ks'! It's one of my biggest pet peeves of all this new woke wordage and it makes zero sense
'folks' is already an all-inclusive term
No. 1197172
>>1197164I'm gonna pull a #notallgaymen here for a sec. There's a vocal minority who strongly oppose modern day trans rhetoric, and a minority of THAT minority also openly support GC women.
Of course, you usually won't find this breed of gay man at pride, bc the alphabet Mafia would tear them to shreds, but they do exist.
No. 1197261
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Lord help me I am VERY close to buying these, I had a huge crush on one of these girls a kid, she awakened my same sex attraction so this feels like it's meant for me lmao. The signs are holding me back though, they are awful.
No. 1197264
File: 1653563892483.jpg (119.52 KB, 640x601, IMG_20220526_141753.jpg)

>>1196841Inshallah you (and your VPN alt personalities) understand it's a fucking meme
No. 1197299
>>1197172>There's a vocal minority who strongly oppose modern day trans rhetoricyeah but a lot of them are only looking to dunk on the gaydens and only because it started affecting them personally. if it was only transbians pushing themselves on lesbians they wouldn't give a shit. and they often also yell "homophobia" at GC women who don't asskiss HSTS and treat them as "the good ones".
>a minority of THAT minority also openly support GC womenminority of a minority indeed. statistical outliers, not worth caping for the entire gay male community for.
No. 1197315
File: 1653567489021.jpg (43.13 KB, 800x450, Bethesda_Pride_Month_Logos_Ban…)

What pisses me off the most about corporate pride is how OF COURSE now corpos are all 'love is love!' and putting rainbows on everything now that their market research has indicated that homosexuality (and probably transgender identities) is becoming more accepted. But how many of them would've stuck their neck out for us back when things like Prop 8 were in the news? Not very fucking many. Pic related epitomizes this.
They aren't allies, they're just here to pat themselves on the back while making easy money off gays and troons, and consoomer allies looking to pat themselves on the back.
I also hate the 'progress' flag but the silver lining is that it kind of looks like it could represent trans-racial pride and that's lulzy.
>>1197261They're selling your own symbol back to you, don't fall for it.
This applies to any rainbow-themed merch. And next year they're probably going to release some 'more inclusive' version so people will buy it twice.
No. 1197316
>>1192254It just seems to be a place to be a degenerate in pubic and if anyone calls them out, they can just throw around accusations of homophobia/transphobia~.
>>1192255The fact that 'Kids or Kink' in pride parades is a debate still ongoing. The answer should be obvious.
No. 1197418
File: 1653574378023.gif (709.76 KB, 300x240, Nevra_and_Roxxi_Love_Meter.gif)

>>1197394It's Roxxi and Nevra (kek I though it was Sasha and Roxxi until now) know it's just marketing but LOOK at them they are so cute
>>1197315You're right anon, must not listen to the seductive whispers of gay kids toys kek
No. 1197444
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>>1197281She might have age dysphoria, don't bully our 14 year old larper anonita
No. 1197465
>>1197440Kek she 100% is
>>1197444Thank you anon, happy to get some recognition around here for the trans age community! Physically I might be 30, but in my heart I am 14 laughing at AMOGUUUUS memes
No. 1197640
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>>1192516Toys for this kitten
>>1197616I myself think of the nonna that is so
triggered by it, making her a tiny bit angrier with every post wallah
No. 1197740
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>>1193478>>1193498I bought this sticker after contemplating a few months. I think most pride merch is tacky, especially for how mainstream and pandering it has become. The stuff I really do like and would wear, would only make me feel like a genderspecial. The fact this is the tired kawaii, chibi, neko trope doesn't help, but it's the only one that includes all of the major pride flags and doesn't aesthetically look jarring due to all the colors. It's surprisingly hard to find something that doesn't have that gawdawful "inclusive" Philly triangle these days.
No. 1197751
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>>1197740You can just follow the lines and gift the other cats to any genderspecials that you think may want to commit a mass murder at your workplace so they don’t kill you.
No. 1197781
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No. 1198015
File: 1653603159583.png (1.82 MB, 1505x876, Bratz (@bratz) • Instagram.png)

>>1197261Nah don't bother. International Women's History Month back in 2021 their insta was making dolls in the image of real ~inspirational~ women and "celebrating women all month long!" with posts every week that month but 3 out of 4 were troons (only AOC was not). They promoed more troons this year for Women's History Month too.
No. 1198161
File: 1653613974717.jpg (37.01 KB, 502x611, images-7.jpg)

Wtf kek
No. 1198594
File: 1653648614031.jpg (704.24 KB, 1079x1357, 1653631970360.jpg)

>>1197261Look at all the lesbian & bi flags and the venus symbol earrings…. STOP ME
No. 1198666
>>1191975lemme alog for a quick second, this t-shirt and all of target's bullshit apparel was made in some 3rd world country by underpaid, dirt poor
woc working in unsafe and unsanitary conditions, the fucking audacity to pump out this lgbtq+ "queer liberation" merch is un-fucking-believable
No. 1198753
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No. 1199083
>>1198058the obsession causes jealousy and hatred. moids in general always seem to go to
> destroy itwhenever their obsessions are unattainable
No. 1199378
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Wtf is this abomination, looks like some African nations flag lol
Nonnas I'm actually so afraid for gay rights crumbling under all this nonsense and people getting fed up with it and thinking it's tge homosexuals who want this
No. 1199389
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From the Finnish thread
No. 1199412
File: 1653681805882.png (7.72 KB, 1200x628, SuperStraightFlag.png)

I am proud to be superstraight, one of the most discriminated against sexualities currently.
No. 1199442
File: 1653682561084.jpg (106.38 KB, 962x1200, FRX56YmWQAIzSHA.jpg)

is it just me or are jokes about being homophobic more accepted than jokes about being transphobic? if i say something like "god i hate the GAYS" people are going to giggle because it's an edgy bit of humor. if i say "god i hate the TRANS folk" people are going to bitch and moan at me
No. 1199494
>>1199455I remember one of the first times I ventured outside of the biblebelt I saw a pride parade accidentally and I think seeing something like those human pups/transbians did cause some internalized homophobia. It just made me not want to be associated with that stuff at all.
>>1199465I do want to go one day and see if I can find other lesbians, but I don't know if I'll fit in and whether it will be too much and too busy for me. I doubt people will randomly touch me though, because I don't look inviting or attractive lol.
No. 1199626
>>1197103he looks too old for this
someone needs to come get their uncle jfc
No. 1199676
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>>1199442Be the change you wanna see in the world,
nonnie No. 1199900
>>1199898* allowed kek, didn't even notice.
Troons are essentially coomer addicts, and not actually a minority but a majority calling themselves a minority while their entire transness is a choice.
No. 1200122
>>1199523Even if there is no attraction how is it okay to touch and grope random women? I’ve had gay scrotes grab and borderline molest me but whenever I made a comment about it making me uncomfortable it was always “oh relax anon you know I don’t like pussy” as if gay men don’t use their sexuality to be extremely creepy to women and misogynistic? Fuck off faggots don’t get a free pass to harass women because they happen to like dick. This anon
>>1200038 has a point, I’ve had the misfortune of having a lot of gay scrotes in my life due to my line of work and you’d be surprised the shit they pull. At the end of the day gay men are scrotes who will do anything to get their rocks off.
No. 1200181
>>1199523 I'm the anon who wrote the original message and
>>1200122 sums it up pretty well. They grope you right between your legs in a way that is so uncomfortable, sexual and awful but since they appear so flamboyant and gay, you can't comment because it makes you look like you can't "take a joke". Plus, even if they are wearing a pride badge and have eyeliner on, they don't exactly come up to you and say "hey, I'm gay!" Then grab your tits. You just assume they're gay from their behaviour but you never REALLY know. They could be bi, they could be pan- could be anything. I was not trying to say "I'm so hot, even gay guys want me!"- I think that's what you were implying? It wasn't like that at all.
No. 1200239
File: 1653742636105.png (25.36 KB, 200x238, thumb_when-you-pretend-to-be-g…)

>>1199523Many men are just bisexual, with more gay leanings than straight. Some are straight up 50/50, or even straight, and just act flamboyant
Lesbians who mistakenly believe they can have a true kinship with moids, assorted faghags and hettie betties really hate this fact. The last group dislike it because it makes them question their "totally gay" male friend who's into watching them change clothes, calls female pop stars "mommy" and "jokingly" grabs their ass and tits all the time
No. 1200680
>>1200674Why are you so dedicated to writing these long posts attempting to gaslight random, anonymous women about whether self-proclaimed gay scrotes are touching them inappropriately at parades? You did this before here
>>1199615, on some "T-Those bi men LARPing as gay who actually do want to bone women exist, sure, but they wouldn't even be ATTRACTED to yo-I mean us!!" shit
>gay chadsKek, give it up Gropey
No. 1200707
>>1200680Because I’m concerned about the state of lolcow when I see unending conspiracies about how
even gay men want to molest you. What the hell.
>give it up gropeyI absolutely do not want to touch you either kek.
No. 1200722
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>>1200707Everyone's said they're not gay, though. You even got
triggered earlier when an anon said they were only "supposedly" gay. It's weird, you're trying to do it both ways. You actually softly agree it happens because you can't stop the girls from realizing, but you're still clearly bothered that it's even being pointed out, and trying to make it into some weird desirability game or insult with this "You're just surrounding yourself with Reddit coomers, gay chads don't even see you!". As if men being disgusting is supposed to be flattering in any way (which betrays either an incel mentality, or an insecure/pick-me one), or that gay men have any respectable status among women except as funny BFFs, drag queens and the occasional diversity token (to a straight woman).
You sound like either a bottom bitch prison gay nigga mad the jig is up, or a fujoshi faghag/failed FtM projecting her shitdick lust on the rest of the female population. News flash: If any woman posting here wanted it, this conversation wouldn't be happening right now
No. 1200769
>>1200722I’m not
triggered. I know it may sound unfathomable but like you probably are as well, I’m just casually typing. The shift in lolcow has just been interesting. The hatred for gay men is almost as palpable for the hatred of straight men. It’s just interesting to see such a dynamic where gay men who are high on poppers flouncing around in harnesses one week a year around the gen pop are
supposedly harboring feelings of female attraction because they smacked your ass or something during a parade.
No. 1200953
>>1200788Sexual harassment is wrong, yeah. Maybe I was just thrown aback by the concept that someone would pretend to be gay at pride for the sole purpose to violate a woman. It’s just kind of hard for me to fathom. I think we are moving away from this archaic stereotype that gay men can behave like that anyways luckily so hopefully your pride experiences are better this coming year and after.
I do think it’s very disrespectful and unhinged to say the majority of men are actually bisexual even if they’re “gay leaning” because that completely erases gay people in the same way men like to dismiss and erase lesbians as bisexual. It doesn’t mean I’m dickriding the gay community it’s just something I think is terrible to say.
No. 1200977
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Speaking of moids, what shenanigans do you predict he'll get up to next month? And are there any other celebrities to look out for in terms of stupidity?
No. 1200999
>>1200953>Sexual harassment is wrong, yeah. Maybe I was just thrown aback by the concept that someone would pretend to be gay at pride for the sole purpose to violate a woman.Men do all sorts of twisted things to get their rocks off. The results of society listening to "We just wanna pee (in women's bathrooms) for god's sake" show that. There's no official gay club membership or anything, people just like to go by stereotypes about personality/appearance, so it's even easier to just pretend to be gay
>I do think it’s very disrespectful and unhinged to say the majority of men are actually bisexuaI said "many", not "the majority", but even that doesn't really matter because I just don't care about respecting men who sexually harass women. Lolcow isn't where you come if men's feelings are important to you in general, and they shouldn't be equated to lesbians. Lesbians don't grab random men's dicks or asses and try to excuse it with "It's okay, I'm gay!" (no matter how many porn addicted men might appreciate that, kek)
No. 1201028
>>1200953“straight” men in the early 00s when gay bars became more popular would go to said gay bars and pretend to be gay to get with the women that gay dudes brought along as friends, so it’s not unfathomable that dudes are pretending to be fags to get close to women because naturally (and wrongfully so) women let their guard down around gay men. There’s also a new trend of men where they paint their nails and wear skirts and do gay shit to seem non threatening to women, you act like males playing characters in order to get sex is unheard of and impossible.
>>1200859When the gay men I knew groped me I never assumed it was sexual or because they were attracted to me, I still don’t, I’m pretty sure they just wanted to humiliate me, they’d always grab my boobs or ass and comment about how I should be careful about getting fat, etc. They would also comment on how I dressed or did my makeup in very backhanded ways, so yeah I basically sum it all up to them wanting to humiliate me and be catty not them wanting to have sex with me or some other shit. I just think gay men are super catty and have a weird innate hate for women in general and they do this shit to humiliate us. Weirdly enough the one gay dude I knew who admitted to sleeping with women was the only one who never did creepy shit like that to me.
>>1200769Yeah obviously the hatred for gay men is as strong as the hatred for straight men? We hate all men, wouldn’t it be more homophobic if we excluded gay men because then that would imply we “don’t see them as real men”?
No. 1201237
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Ain't ready for this month
No. 1201238
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>>1201237the polyamory flag
No. 1202166
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never forget
No. 1202169
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>>1202166sorry i forgot to add this for context lol
No. 1202469
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>>1201237Jesus fucking christ. Well at least the terfy pink lesbian flag is there kek. Also if you have a desire to lose a few braincells I suggest visiting the gender fandom wiki and read some random entries and the comments that go with them.
No. 1202503
File: 1653907671618.jpeg (116.55 KB, 1024x1024, 8FCA69F6-1D04-4C7A-A9B5-9B3E65…)

I honestly became a lot more accepting of Pride month culture, yes grudgingly even the Western consoomer side of it, after studying in Hungary. Fuck it genuinely sucks over there, nearly Russia-tier "LGB are pedos preying on your poor uwu children and breaking up heterosexual wholesome Christian families" propaganda is retarded but the people eat it up. The only place in Europe where I've actually experienced genuine lesbophobia and been told to "go back to my own country", "we don't want your kind here", and that I'm "mentally ill" for being a lesbian. Makes me hate the T even more, fucking troons ruined it for all of us and keep setting us back further. Glad to be out of that shithole, you know the other side is actually fascist when you feel like siding with genderspecials out of spite.
No. 1202624
>>1202549Okay, but that doesn't change that the "pink lesbian flag" is just the lipstick lesbian flag without the kiss mark. Lipstick lesbian meaning femme4femme. It's not exactly inclusive of butches, so wouldn't want that to be the official lesbian flag either. Unless you're a big fan of pushing butches out of every community ever.
>>1202541This. When I'm in deeply conservative areas, finding a gay scrote is actually refreshing. Yes yadayada I hate men, probably more than you and I've beaten up more than you have. Women are great, but the ones in conservative areas who think I'm just a predatory creepy gross dyke, aren't exactly my super based radfem allies. They think I'm just as bad, if not worse than gay scrotes and also will aggressively yank their kids to the other side of them when they pass me in the street. At that point it's just nice to find someone who actually gets it and knows what it's like to be hated for just being the way you were born. Who understands gender nonconformity. Even if it has to be a scrote.
No. 1203464
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No. 1203883
File: 1654010477392.jpg (1.15 MB, 4280x3030, kikomi.jpg)

Happy pride nonnies. Do the lord's work this year and counter tag every tranny propaganda sticker and graffiti you see
No. 1203896
File: 1654011121515.jpg (273.24 KB, 735x1280, facts.jpg)

I hate gay moids so much it's unreal. I just can not and will never understand why lesbians chose to ally with them. The entire predjudice against gays is based on the grooming and child molesting behavior from gay moids. Faghags and handmaidens for gay scrotes are so incredibly retarded and naive.
No. 1203902
File: 1654011654982.jpg (100.01 KB, 1353x895, storm.JPG)

Oh god, anons. June is almost here and my SM feed is already filled with tranny shit about it. This will be a extra long month.
No. 1204041
>>1204039Hell yeah
nonnie, go out there and make us proud!
No. 1204045
>>1204039So based
nonnie, I admire that
No. 1204048
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>>1204039I love you,
nonnie! Doing god's work here!
No. 1204074
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>>1204039Based beyond belief
No. 1204159
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>>1204039>>1203883made it into a banner
No. 1204199
File: 1654024275113.jpg (37.56 KB, 595x160, HIV_rate.jpg)

>>120389649% of HIV diagnoses were in heterosexuals and 45% in gay and bi men in the UK in 2020, even though heterosexuals decided to get tested less that year. Also this infographic throws lesbians under the bus too.
>>1203984The HIV prevalence already fell 70% between 2014 and 2020 in the UK, it's probably similar in other countries. Heterosexuals are outpacing them now. I think both gay men and lesbians are affected by conversion therapy being legal or schools being able to ask parents to sign anti-homosexuality statements before allowing students to be admitted. Forcibly outing students to their parents. As long as homosexuality (yes extremely Christian conservatives don't make a difference between gay men and lesbians) is compared to murder, pedophilia and rape, I don't see how we have completely different needs. The acceptance of homosexuality and being allowed to develop and exist as you are are some very basic things. It's easy to say you have nothing in common when you're in a very progressive area.
No. 1204232
>>1204217My mom always told me the main
victims of HIV weren't men, but women, housewives at that, because disgusting men go and cheat and then bring home the bug with them. It gets worse knowing these women might not initially know if they have it or not and then pass it to their kids or during pregnancy. I hate men.
No. 1204244
>>1204199There are more heterosexuals than queers, and I’m pretty sure polyamory bs is one of the root causes of this tomfoolery.
Remember ladies, virginity! Is! Cool!
No. 1204262
>>1204259Looking foward to it nona!
>>1204256>Well two men fucking each other is now considered heterosexual if one of them identifies as a woman.Dang, that's true.
No. 1204279
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>>1203974>>1204159I love you, nonnas !!!!!
No. 1204941
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No. 1204977
Does anyone know how to flag butch4butch or butch4both?
>>1204286Sure, just atm people say "lol just move" to literal children and teenagers stuck with parents who try to send them to conversion therapy. The housing crisis also adds to the difficulty of moving out of conservative areas, while at the same time having no homeless shelters available which are safe for women in general and especially lesbians. Abortion access deserts and hurdles make the potential consequences of corrective rape terrifying. Sadly enough, nobody gives a shit about those areas and just act like everyone can move so easily. Including liberals who feel some sort of schadenfreude at women being put through that for being born in the wrong area and not liking it.
No. 1204983
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Reminder these women who have never eaten pussy in their lives will one day be the majority of the LGBT
No. 1205019
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>>1205014Through a quick Google I found two
No. 1205027
File: 1654065931634.png (1.22 MB, 1439x765, Screenshot 95.png)

>>1205019>>1205020I think this is the result of being gay/bi for the "aesthetic". even girls who act as bi for the male gaze are willing to engage in some form of sexual intimacy with another woman, but for these girls its about the aesthetic, the Sapphic fantasy which is just that a fantasy, for them being gay isn't just being attracted to women, its kissing under the moonlight, its homesteading with your lesbian farmer gf without ever having worked a day in their lives, I honestly feel bad for the, they have no sense of personal identity or self worth
No. 1205040
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>>1204941I wonder what actual Ukrainians think of that kek
No. 1205113
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>>1205084>>1205078its similar to labeling people(fictional and IRL) as having bi or queer energy, a lot of these morons have an irrational fear of being perceived as ordinary, but they don't use the word ordinary they use the words like mediocre, bland and vanilla to describe their perceived enemies who probably don't give a second thought about them, people aren't people to these idiots, their a bag of aesthetics and tropes that they learned about from twitter that were recycled from the ideas of pretentious queer intellectuals
No. 1205130
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>>1203995It is from /pol/. At the bottom says "Brought to you by Vanguard America". Vanguard America is a far right white nationalist organization, so I wouldn't trust anything coming out of there. The infographic sources are not even cited
No. 1205258
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>>1191923So it begins. Westerners are too privileged to know why homosexuality was a taboo. Also who is this mythical rich gay man that's donating to homophobic groups?
No. 1205390
>>1205380its okay nonna i appreciate your response regardless
that saying is so weird and comes off as very predatory i cant explain why
No. 1205420
>>1204941Why Ukraine?! Just add every single fucking country. every interest. cats and dogs.
God damn, homosexuals are a joke and so is pride. I'm a lesbian but I want nothing to do with this.
No. 1205459
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Pride makes me hate being gay, I hate being lumped in with all the tards and dogfuckers. No not every sexuality is heckin valid and acceptable
No. 1205521
File: 1654097385660.png (121.66 KB, 309x271, bethesda pride.PNG)

Bethesda's Twitter. This is the final pride boss
No. 1205585
>>1205463Because they still enjoy being
victims. It's just narcissism combined with corporate greed.
No. 1205620
>>1205463the problem is you thinking that gay pride doesn't need to be a thing anymore outside of corporate greed because "gay marriage is legal and corporations claim to support gays therefore everything is ok now". that's a naive and laughable view of the current state of affairs for LGBTQ folks but ok. are you from outside of burgerland?
cause in burgerland there is already legislation continuing in many states that threatens gay marriage. just look at tennessee and how they accidentally legalized child marriage for 14 year olds with their vaguely worded bill trying to target lgbt people. just the vaguely worded "dont say gay" bills using think of the children 70s era propaganda to criminalize students confiding in their teachers about anything related to thinking they might like the same sex. you're delusional if you think that just because some multimillion dollar companies, to your own admittance, prop up lgbt folks just for an extra buck and some woke brownie points, that suddenly the real everyday lives of gay folks across america and the legislation that affects them is suddenly a non-issue.
even with "gay marriage being legal" it still doesnt grant every gay married couple in the states the same rights. just look at the lesbian mother of her child who was removed from her childs birth certificate despite legal adoption and marriage. get out of whatever twitter echo chamber you're in where you think gay people are as liberated as terminally online twitter genderspecials and step outside.
No. 1205663
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No. 1205757
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>>1205725I'm lowkey kind of wishing I hadn't nuked my social media. I wonder how many of the people I used to be friends with are some flavor of kweer now.
No. 1205830
>>1205620People legit think that a corporation posting a rainbow flag means that they're actually doing anything substantial. It's like seeing a company post about girl power and decide that patriarchy has been defeated based on that kek. Yeah Pride is barely anymore about what it needs to be about, because it has been coopted by corporations, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be needed in its original form. It's just a new way of saying "Gay people are allowed to exist, but why do you have to force it down my throat?".
>>1205686That doesn't come from Queer Theory, it unironically started with Political Lesbians saying anyone can become a "L"esbian (they capitalize the L to indicate superiority over the "lifelongs") and reeeing about sexologists saying it doesn't work like that.
No. 1206197
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I cannot stop thinking about the HOMO sunglasses that I passed by in the Simlish language thread
No. 1206624
>>1205463>muh gays can get married what more do you want!!!!!!Anon literally in the United States a bill got passed that forbids gay people being mentioned in elementary school, a horrible situation for example for kids with gay or lesbian parents. The bill even allows parents to sue schools in case they feel their child has been taught "inappropriate" things which is intentionally left vague so that you can file "my child's teacher said she could have a husband or a wife in the future" under "non-age-appropriate discussion". Gay rights are under constant attack and conservatives and other homophobes are always trying to take them away piece by piece, they're not a status quo that doesn't need protection or activism.
And even besides that, many LGB teens still get disowned and thrown to the street for being gay. Many lesbians still get harassed and threatened with corrective rape. Same sex couples are still sometimes beat up if they walk hand in hand or kiss in a public place. Even if zoomers, have a gay phase experimenting with their sexuality, what's the harm in that? Most of them grow up to be straight anyway.
No. 1206677
File: 1654119609409.jpg (347.03 KB, 1080x1311, IMG_20220602_025814.jpg)

Not sure if this new youtube layout for pride month is the same everywhere, but the irony of how it focused ENTIRELY on troons when I live in a 3rd world shithole, which hasn't even legalised same-sex marriage and you can see honor killings of gay kids on the news everyday, is both funny and sad. Lesbians are being forced into marriages with scrotes but won't anyone think of the poor troons?
Not to mention, most of the troons in this country are either intersex or gay men instead of 15yos tiktok dumbasses 'exploring their gender identity'.
No. 1206724
>>1206677Now this is some corporate marketing material inclusivity, jesus christ. Romanticizing mastectomy scars on top of putting a disabled black woman and a muslim in a hijabi for a flattering, inclusive look. Seriously I'm not bothered by rainbow toothbrushes or whatever silly merch there is,
this is the dishonest rainbow capitalism I can't stand.
No. 1206778
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>>1206771Nonny I.. I think you dropped this?
No. 1206864
>>1206833tbh i like to call them the incel lesbians, most of them get rejected or cant find anyone because they are a
toxic mess so they resort to being hype-fixated on bisexual women, making up fake scenarios in their head of how they are totes rejecting them slutty bi women or just ranting about bi women all the time.
Ive also noticed that polilez tend to throw hate on bi women the most, which is ironic considering polilez are not even actual lesbians .
No. 1206891
>>1206870most bi women date other bi women or men, so you dont have to worry about those imaginary bi women in your head.
Instead you should worry the polilez always leaving lesbian partners for some for some military dude. Once theyre done larping.
No. 1206934
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>>1206912Lesbian here and ditto. My attraction also lies in the deep understanding we have about being lesbians in this world and how it's shaped us as people.
It's only been day one but I'm already dying at all these straight artist pretending their queer or gay for attention. I remember wanting people to know I was a lesbian artist so other lesbians wouldn't feel alone online. And now I've been and probably will be forever in the closet because I don't want to be associated with these people taking up our spaces and I don't want it to be why someone might support my work.
No. 1207055
kek i cant wait for spicy straights to start shitting up discussions about gay people again. i really hate pride month most of the time because it makes so many retards think theyre important for no damn reason. everything is so troon centric nowadays. fuck the TQ+
No. 1207146
File: 1654134828986.jpg (17.42 KB, 609x359, wrecGsV.jpg)

Google put up a link…
There's the gay flag, the tranny flag, and even the bisexual flag, but no lesbian flag to be seen. We know it's because most lesbians don't put up with troon antics or date them. I guess the lesbian flag is a "terf" flag that can't be shown anymore. They might as well just take the L out at this point.
No. 1207172
>>1206710Don't forget the leg hair on the person in the wheelchair. Apparently women having natural body hair is either due to some disease or it's a political statement. Troons actually think body hair makes women "not pass".
>>1204941I am sick of seeing the troon flag with the Ukraine flag. I'm seeing it everywhere. Trannies always have to be the center of attention or co-opt everything. Ukranians lost so much and have suffered, and yet, trannies still claim to be "oppressed" and "don't have human rights".
Also, TRAs somehow forgot that Ukraine denied TiMs from fleeing and wanted them drafted, because they're men. I doubt Ukraine cares about trannies and do not want to be associated with them. TRAs are just virtue signalers for any "trendy" movement or cause.
No. 1207190
File: 1654136289659.jpeg (33.82 KB, 500x350, 763117FC-662F-41FE-A446-2E54E4…)

>>1206677Every time I see this shit I'm blown away that the "token minorities with every disability" art tropes I used to see on Tumblr have become mainstream reality. The kind of shit made by 13 year olds with their ocs and fanart. I'm honestly sitting here laughing my ass off. It is unreal. The one truth I accept about this life is that clown world is more than a meme, it's fact. We are living in it sisters
No. 1207213
>>1207172>TRAs are just virtue signalers for any "trendy" movement or cause.It's not trannies, it's corporations and capitalist governments that are using LGBTQ+ and Ukraine's situation as a shield. "If you don't support these you're not progressive, therefore you must be censored", or "if you're against this, you're also against these", as well as "we're good because we support all these causes".
No. 1207235
File: 1654137883911.png (352.51 KB, 1280x583, 4D0AE92D-EDF7-4119-BB59-D244B1…)

Seriously how is
>>1206677 or any ad now different than what I used to see on tumblr age 14. Can't find examples from that time, but they would legit give characters random disabilities and skin conditions to virtue signal, it was basically Oppression Bingo, picrel is the closest I could locate. "Queer" means the same thing to these people as whatever's going on in these drawings, so I expect to see more of it this month
No. 1207236
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Was Kaitlyn always this obnoxious? The whole show sucks now.
No. 1207294
File: 1654141944813.jpg (1.05 MB, 1927x2406, what the flag.jpg)

>>1201237Store I work in had a similar shirt but none of the hearts were labled and it was annoying having customers come up to me and ask me what they all meant.
Also interesting that the trans flag got its own little range within the range (there were big flags and other merch to go along with whats here) but no other flag did.
No. 1207306
File: 1654142940086.jpg (508.8 KB, 1536x2048, E2k8vSBWYAUCrNQ.jpg)

Ok me again also from the same collection (this was all last years btw) even the most obnoxious "queers" on twitter were complaining about this shirt and a lot of us in store thought it was weird too
No. 1207323
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Day one and I’m already sick of it
No. 1207428
File: 1654156402436.jpg (95.29 KB, 1232x758, IMG_20220602_094001_511.jpg)

>>1205521A bit bigger so you can see this fucking mess. I love how this is not just causing epileptic seizures but also not even properly centered. From a graphical perspective this is the worst fucking offense yet. On the top, the bluegender flag overlapping with its own stripes. Couldn't they make the main eyesore flag on the bottom be aligned straight? Or that the stripes are the same width. What the fuck is this travesty.
No. 1207475
>>1205258Glad someone posted this. I saw it on Tumblr the other day and rolled my eyes so hard.
What they're basically saying with this is that money entirely exempts you from bigotry if you have enough of it, which just isn't true. Money alleviates most of the problems caused by bigotry, but certainly not all of them. Years back I remember a story about how Lenny Kravitz was erroneously arrested just because he resembled a wanted person who also happened to be black. This was after he became rich and famous, mind you, and many black celebrities have recounted similar experiences.
Being wealthy and famous didn't protect Oscar Wilde from systemic homophobia. Nor did it protect Alan Turing, or Harvey Milk, who were poisoned by the state and killed in a hate crime respectively. (I know some of you don't like Milk, but I'm trying to make a point here.)
People who are targeted for being into the same sex belong in the same advocacy group regardless of their economic class. Straight men in dresses should fuck off, no matter how much lip-service they pay on Twitter. Also, there's no reason why people who saw off their tits or cocks belong in a movement about orientation, because BDD is not an orientation.
No. 1207645
>>1207478>A self-hating millionaire gay or bisexual man who fucks men in secret and has a fake wife/girlfriendThat's not who they were talking about, though. The post was specifically talking about wealthy gay men who are
out, and apparently take the ability to be out for granted.
No. 1207794
File: 1654182188947.jpg (367.99 KB, 1536x2048, FUMQFl1X0AEbIUk.jpg)

>>1192516Our store is coming out with a range for pets, this is the first of it.
No. 1207800
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literally so disgusting.
No. 1207810
File: 1654182989342.jpeg (231.61 KB, 1125x393, IMG_9796F261CE05-1.jpeg)

>>1207800> fact that "kink" shit is just allowed in public at all just bc they're gay is kind of crazy. it's really an entire month dedicated to sex and fucking, and i guess grooming.
No. 1207853
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No. 1207986
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>>1207323This reminds me of Louis Wain, the British artist who was schizophrenic and lived with his sisters, and drew cats. In fact this flag's shitty progression is perfectly lining up with Louis Wain's spiral into psychosis. Everyone is insane.
No. 1208083
>>1208062Me too, intense dread hit me like a wall when she told me about what happened. Me, my father and my stepmother made a habit of asking her what he's said in his classes as none of us trust him not to pull that shit again. The school did get quite a few complaints from parents about him teaching that though, so hopefully he sticks to the lesson plan in future.
>>1208069>>1208074I'm in the UK. When my father and stepmother complained to the school the headmaster excused it as an impromptu lesson that he himself must have decided to teach, and that they had no knowledge of this as he only asked them to explain his pronouns to kids - which they ok'd.
>>1208071>Men who call themselves NB are just trying to make themselves appear less threatening. An “NB” male working with children is a huge red flag.That's exactly what my wife and I said. It's textbook predator behaviour.
No. 1208158
>>1208098NTA To add to this the dumbass in FL they are using as their
victim is a “pansexual” women married to a man that was telling her students about her husband and girlfriends poly relationship.
No. 1208259
>>1208002>>1207991>>1208006What the fuck? Why do you /pol/cucks always go straight to bedroom shit with homosexuality? You can just tell a child that someone can fall in love with a man or a woman, an act that's utterly banned by the "Don't say gay" bill and can get the teacher sued, yet you're here acting like they're being exposed to explicit fetish porn. I doubt you would have such a problem with kids seeing straight couples kissing or holding hands even though that's pushing sexuality on them just as much as them seeing a gay or a lesbian couple doing the same. Retards like you are the reason why homosexuals are still treated as second class citizens.
>>1208098So because trannies are grooming kids talk about homosexuality has to be banned too? You really think it's just targeting le evil trooner groomers and not LGB people? I'm sorry, but it's not the ~gays~ that are funded by all those republican millionaires unlike the medicalized trans industry. Don't come crying when all the LGB teens ostracized by the regular society around them and having their sexuality denied are forced into the arms of all these fringe adult perverts preying on them and grooming them to carry on their degenerate legacy.
No. 1208332
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I saw these posts(among others)on the stories of some institute I used to go to. It doesn't surprise me cause they had a kind of "hip" style but it's still weird seeing pride month stuff like this in my not so woke country. Also anons, is the post about the transwoman and pride true?
No. 1208349
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>>1208335>>1208338Thank you anons. I thought this info was wrong cause I read about this in other threads but I wanted to be sure.
I went back to the stories and he was posted and it says he was a drag queen. Do they say that drag queens are also transwomen just because they put on women's clothes HMMMM
No. 1208351
>>1208334Love doesn't equal sex dingus, in what way is it "talking about sex" to tell a kid that some women like other women and some men like other men? Is it talking about sex when the teacher mentions getting married or having a husband? Do you people really think the "don't say gay" bill is to ban gay porn from schools or something? It literally bans stuff like a kid with gay or lesbian parents or any other relatives like brothers or sisters from mentioning them and their partners at school, completely alienating them and teaching that being gay is something to be kept as a dirty secret. A male teacher can't mention his husband and a female teacher can't mention her wife while heterosexual teachers are allowed to do so. That's why it's called the "don't say gay" bill.
Think about it, like when the topic of mothers' day comes up a kid with lesbian parents talks about having two moms and the teacher having a discussion about it, she could lose her job over something so innocuous and harmless. People going straight to "well at least now all those sex crazed AGPs can't groom our kids at schools" are really, really missing how that's not even being really targeted here.
No. 1208478
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Lesbians, idk how you guys don’t lose your minds every fucking day. Also I’m not even sure what the “d slur” is when talking about race. I assumed it was dyke but I’m extremely confused as to why that would be against the rules for a lesbian to say and how it has anything to do with her being white. Jesus Christ how many flags have they gone through now?
No. 1208504
>>1208259>yet you're here acting like they're being exposed to explicit fetish pornI mean the entire discussion evolved out of this post
>>1207800 and the fact that pride parades expose children to kinks and inappropriate behavior, and that article in question is trying to affirm that its okay and kids should be exposed to these things.
No. 1208519
>>1208490It's already been said that the wording on that bill was left intentionally vague so that it can be interpreted as whatever you want. It's not "teachers can't tell little children about sex", it's literally "teachers can't talk to children about sexual orientation", i.e. mention gay people in any way. So if a kid got bullied for having two mothers, the teacher couldn't step in and tell the children that some women just like other women and it's okay. That would count as "indoctrination". Just take two seconds to google "Don't Say Gay Bill Florida" and see testimonials from teachers for the love of god.
>>1208504No, it evolved from this post
>>1206624 mentioning the bill as an example why gay rights acticism has a purpose and homophobe-chans jumping at it to cry about kids being exposed to nasty gay sex because the mere mentioning of homosexuality is a sexual assault.
No. 1208558
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>>1208550Seems like that is accurate in some ways according to this (saw on KF, I have no idea if this was a reply to that thread or what).
No. 1208565
Here's the thing verbatim:
>Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.Source: you really want to be pedantic, you can't talk about straighties either. In medical "or" means a lot, but legal is a different thing. A legal anon can probably explain better
No. 1208621
>>1208565my mom used to teach 2nd grade in california, and one of the students, who had a tranny mother was invited (by the school admin btw) to come and speak to the class, to read them some kind of children's book dealing with the concept. parents needed to approve their kids being there b4 the discussion could even occur.
so in Florida this entire kind of thing is outlawed now, basically?
No. 1208729
>>1207800Okay, so I haven't been to a pride in probably literally 15 years. And I live in a state in the US South, though our pride is held in a pretty lefty city. I don't remember any public nudity or kink displays there. Is that a thing that happens during some of them? I thought kinkshits got their own crappy festivals.
I just remember it being hot, getting some nice scented oils, and finding an out of print rad fem book from like 1970 for two bucks. A sweet score, honestly.
No. 1208783
>>1204244>Remember ladies, virginity! Is! Cool!are you a scrote
>>1205463Everyone wants to be "gay" (kweer/spicy straight) but nobody wants to be homosexual. And actual homosexuals are still oppressed
No. 1208848
>>1208776>criminalizes teachers who dont out students to their parents who come out to them or even suspect they might like the same sex.Did you bother to read this section?
>This subparagraph does not prohibit a school district from adopting procedures that permit school personnel to withhold such information from a parent if a reasonably prudent person would believe that disclosure would result in abuse, abandonment, or neglect, as those terms are defined in s. 39.01This protects the teacher from not revealing their kid is trans or lgb to their parents.
No. 1208915
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> “Pride isn’t just for June!”
> Only mentioning pride because it is June
No. 1208938
>>1205258 sperg rant incoming: because queer doesnt mean lgb(t) in fact they're just vagely related, this Tumblr user is just saying the usually quiet part loud (because queers lech us lgb people like vampires, they use homobisexuality as a presentation card for normies, and don't want to ruin the facade) "queer" was more related to anarchism and wanting to burn society down than what it was to same sex attraction. So of course they love perverts in dresses, dogfuckers, and all sorts of degenerates because those have way more reasons to wanting to burn down society that a somewhat well ajusted gay person. It doesnt matter that these persons aside from any "personal bias" or "social pressure" (it's not personal at all, society is disgusted at them for very good reasons but that is not the point) have a genuine antisocial behavior and you can't build up anything with them because it would crumble, is literally anarchy for anarchy's sake. And i say "it was" because nowdays "queer" is nothing but a vulgar marketing strategy, queer ideology is the principal responsable of the absolute state of pride today. So yeah, before ruining every for same achievement for sex attracted people, poisoning it with their retardation and objectively limiting its scope to all countries (the countries that resist homobisexuality nowdays mostly do it as a way to resist anglo/western influence and queer ideology, it has almost nothing to do with the sexuality itself) being psyoped left and right and agree to become the trojan horse of globalization and neocolonization, they have the balls to tell us that they prefer perverts more because they're more committed to the cause of tearing society apart. So With the permission of polilez (jk, fuck them too, but that is another topic) i'm going to borrow one of their slogans: i'm a lesbian, not queer. And i NEVER will be queer. I don't agree with queer ideology and unlike what they say, I owe nothing to them. Because as other nona said, Homosexuality was taboo in the west because it couldn't lead to reproduction. With todays techniques (as questionable as they can be tbh) that is not the case anymore. That is why being gay is at least not a legal problem anymore, that is why homosexuality was legalized and ect. Queer ideology did nothing except making things worse. All progress that same sex attracted people did it was despiste queers being around. Of course the fight is not over yet, homophobia is a very real thing in most of the word the issue is that queers are making worse than ever, by grouping gay rights with all of their shitshow now conservatives have "
valid" (not really because as demented as queers are, they're only a minority that only exists today to buy shitty pride merch mostly. You can target them without putting every lgb person on the same bag) reasons to fight against gay rights (and womans rights too, because queers invaded feminism too) again. We're going to a conservative dark age, and queer ideology accelerating the process, not helping to fight against it.
No. 1208970
>>1208938>Homosexuality was taboo in the west because it couldn't lead to reproduction. With todays techniques (as questionable as they can be tbh) that is not the case anymore. That is why being gay is at least not a legal problem anymore, that is why homosexuality was legalized and ect.The problem is that if you don't want to reproduce at all, you still get treated like shit and disadvantaged. So I agree with queer theorists on that, the acceptance of homosexuality is superficial. If you're gender non conforming or you don't want to do IVF, you get treated much and much worse than a femme who happily wants to do IVF or a masc4masc couple wanting to do surrogacy. This is why gnc women are pressured to transition in progressive countries, because both progressives and conservatives in the west HATE gender non conformity. The progressives see butches as regressive and archaic, the conservatives hate it because of it being a potential visible marker of homosexuality.
>was more related to anarchism and wanting to burn society down than what it was to same sex attractionBtw before shitting on anarchism. Realize that Valerie Solanas was an anarchist, many radfems were anarchists. If you want to burn patriarchy down, you want to burn society down, because it is built on patriarchy. Anarchy can be Hobbiton, Moominvalley, or any radfem commune you've heard of, it doesn't necessarily mean anything other than wanting to organize things without hierarchies and especially without "Big Daddy" (that is what Solanas calls the government, I swear nobody actually properly read SCUM manifesto).
>they're only a minority that only exists today to buy shitty pride merch mostlyIt's not even "queer ideology" at this point. Some Queer Theory raises good points and it's sometimes the only place you can find anyone saying anything actually positive about butches, because not even radfems have anything positive to say (the polilez shit doesn't count and is extremely butchphobic, if that is a word). The problem is that it's been coopted a while back by AGPs and pedo's have been trying to hop on that train too. Both of those can never even be anarchist, because with anarchism they wouldn't have the protection of the police and any woman would be able to bash their skulls in. Which now would land you in jail, because self defense practically isn't allowed. Pedo's and AGPs both need neoliberal society, because they've never had so much protection and freedom as now and nobody can do anything about it, because we're supposed to rely on a misogynistic police force which doesn't give a fuck and a legal system which is broken and built on misogyny and a government which is full of pedo's. Mujeres libres gave women guns to shoot their oppressors and abusers. Rojava, while not a perfect, is a modernday example of how anarchism can give control to women and make things more fair. What AGPs and pedo's are doing is coopting queer and anarchism as an aesthetic and using it to push for more protections within a neoliberal framework. Just like they coopted feminism, punk and practically everything else.
No. 1209006
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No. 1209013
>>1208478the fact that theres a dedicated tranny stripe.. funny and sad
there always has to be dumbass 14 year olds losing their fucking shit over the creator of whatever new flavor of the month lesbian flag there is for being
problematic even though they had absolutely no problem with it even a few months ago
>>1209002right? its so fucking telling because ive never seen any other specific flag get as many redesigns as the lesbian one
No. 1209210
>>1207810That was an article literally praising that sort of thing. It is wrong, though, and that mother is 100% likely a handmaiden to gay scrotes
No. 1209216
>>1209077I was agreeing with you until you said fag. I think I've made some of those posts and I just hate men and also hate how gay men get treated specially as if they're not women haters and pedos just like other men.
I also hate faghag pickmes. A dumb anon even made a post complaining about how we hate gays and trans women but never mentioned lesbophobia, which is much more common here because there are a lot of lesbian users and mocking them is an easy way out of arguments for some users.
Lesbophobia is also a bigger issue in real life, because most people still don't believe two women can have a relationship together even though most samesex female relationships are much more healthier than samesex male relationships.
>>1209210I agree. Taking kids to pride is pointless just like how teaching them stuff aside from how couples can be either genders is. Sexuality only develops in your teens and before a person is a legal adult, they shouldn't partake in activities like this especially considering how many gay men are lowkey pedophilic and have had and will encourage underage children into sexual activities.
No. 1209230
>>1209216Anyone who takes kids to pride events is either retarded or a fucking psycho kek. Pride is full of bdsm sexual shit, why expose a kid to this? You can't make "family friendly" pride events because it
triggers the deranged individuals who make their degradation kink everyone's problem. There's no time for dialogue at a parade, no time to discuss or explain weird shit to a kid that is beyond their comprehension. Plus let's be real, what kid wants to be strolling around on a hot summer doing absolutely nothing but walking while all the skimpy outfit rainbow haired individuals shout who knows what the fuck about tranny dick? Come on.
No. 1209235
>>1209214I hope that child grows up to be a homophobic chrisitan
also "k is for kinky" that woman should have her child taken away from her, a subhuman like that doesn't deserve children
(calm your edge) No. 1209357
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In Vienna there was a drag queen reading to kids today and some nazis went and build a wall in front of the building overnight
No. 1209383
>>1208332I'm so sick of this misinformation!! there was no trannie there. but there were lesbians and a
poc butch lesbian but no one mentions it. fuck trannies. they're trying to rewrite history now
No. 1209447
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>>1209403Adding so many flags to the collage that is causes mass seizures and deaths and contributes towards the New World Order's depopulation plan.
No. 1209516
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Googling "pride" in different languages.
No. 1209517
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No. 1209519
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No. 1209520
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No. 1209521
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No. 1209522
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No. 1209523
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No. 1209525
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No. 1209537
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a bit ot but this is driving me insane kek
>>1209524just ignore it, this anon is tryin to imply that the jews are behind it or something
No. 1209562
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>>1209537"Yasss"? "Ally"? Harry Styles fake faggotry is genuinely offensive at this point
No. 1209633
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No. 1209692
nonnie it says "vogue" not vague, i read it like that at first too
No. 1209715
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>>1207323>>1207986The first piece was made by a schizo that used to spam his "introduction to memeticism" on /x/
He used to sell drugs and had a spiritual awakening in prison, then became a gnostic christian. He's pretty harmless and nice to talk to, even for a christian scrote. You can find him here : No. 1209810
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My friend showed me the "2022 Pride Calendar" and congratulated me because apparently today is the bi flag day, I died a little bit on the inside ngl
I can't believe we've reached the point where there's 30 different flags for pride.
No. 1209867
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>>1209864I love you nonners
No. 1209887
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>>1209664Same. I'm glad Gilbert Baker died before he could see the pride/trans/
poc/intersex/Ukraine abomination.
No. 1210059
>>1208970 woah a nuanced response to my spergy ventpost? In lc? It must be a dream.
nonnie. I mostly agree with you in the acceptance of GNC, that is shallow and always compromised. The issue is i don't see how "true" acceptance would work, or if is even posible. And my issue with anarchism is that the copout of pedoagps isn't a bug, but a feature. Anarchism has no real tools to keep antisocial behavior out, and that is an important part of all social processes.
>Pedo's and AGPs both need neoliberal societyTrue, they're happier than ever. That is why i don't call them revolutionaries, but accelerationists. In truth they're not "queer" but transhumanists, but that is a pointless nitpick because i see no point in reclaim "queer" from them. And the problem is, to keep them out, you need an authority. At the very least, the authority that gives a gun for shoting them on sight.
No. 1210091
>>1208970>>1210059Love this point about how sexually deviant men depend on socially progressive society. Thank you based anons
Pitching in on the idea of "butchphobia." I consider myself somewhat of a recovering butch, in the sense that I recognize my androgyny to be a result of having identified with my childhood abuse. In my case, my abuse came in the form of neglect, and the only clothes I had were hand-me-downs from my dad. I cut my hair short because nobody was brushing it and when they did it hurt. Enough about my personal history, I only bring it up to illustrate my next point about why I think society rejects butch women. I believe butch women are subconsciously understood by the general public to be women that hate themselves or are otherwise too troubled to treat their bodies as the beautiful temples they are. Don't misunderstand me, I am not a biological essentialist but I think our basic collective subconscious as human beings is; this could help explain your point about people responding with discomfort towards anyone who refuses to reproduce.
I think this theory could help explain why GNC men are also generally rejected. Our subconscious looks at these types and says, "You're not living up to your reproductive potential, which we hate because your reproductive potential is the only justification for your existence."
No. 1210108
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Personally I think this slays(irrelevant )
No. 1210127
>>1210123They have the same
Odd space
At the top of their posts that tinfoil sekret tranny cult anon uses.
No. 1210173
>>1202207I had to look it up because I was also like wtf
"Maverique is a term for a non-binary gender identity that is defined by autonomy and view about one's internal sense of self which is not related to or derived from manhood or womanhood, but also is not neutrois or a form of agender."
Uhhh ok
No. 1210177
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I was looking something up using a vpn, this is what you westerners see?? for the whole month.
I'm so sorry.
No. 1210181
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Lesbian anons ITT gleefully shitting on other gays when they realize there's nothing of any actual substance separating them from the rest of the alphabet cult…
Sorry ladies what do you expect in a pride month critical thread? That you will be recognized as special? Snowflake behavior tbh we be better do better
No. 1210258
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>>1210091>Enough about my personal history, I only bring it up to illustrate my next point about why I think society rejects butch women. I believe butch women are subconsciously understood by the general public to be women that hate themselves or are otherwise too troubled to treat their bodies as the beautiful temples they are. Don't misunderstand me, I am not a biological essentialist but I think our basic collective subconscious as human beings is; this could help explain your point about people responding with discomfort towards anyone who refuses to reproduce.Butch isn't about neglect or being lazy. Way too many people think that and it's mainly an idea propagated by polilez, that it's merely being in your "natural" state and just laziness. I still groom myself, I regularly go to a barber and do more with my hair when it's short than ever when it was long, I wear cologne, I either lift weights or do calisthenics, I still wear sunscreen and put on moisturizer, besides regular daily showering ofc. I dress masculine on purpose, not just out of laziness or out of practicality and it's obvious. I polish my boots and shoes. My body was never a beautiful temple, but a sturdy one, with no daintiness or obvious femininity in sight. If I'd try to be feminine, I would be hiding my cheekbones, covering up my face with paint, trying to squeeze myself in clothes which don't suit me nor my bodytype and I'd look less put together or natural than now. Why try and fail at being a feminine woman, I would be an incredibly fugly one, when I have a better shot at trying to be a masculine handsome woman? That society is retarded and thinks only femininity is grooming yourself and thinks every woman is dainty and destined for femininity, that's mainly their problem. What's really going on is that they don't like the deliberateness, because they know what it likely means (i.e. homosexuality). I signal that I'm very likely not available to men, which makes them really upset, they also feel like I'm "stealing" "their" masculinity. Also all the butch representation in culture has been extremely negative, while also rare. Ironically enough according to my grandma, back in her day women would perform on stage while cross dressing and people loved it. Society is more conservative now when it comes to masc women than back then in a way. Yes women weren't allowed to wear trousers yet, while at the same time people were way more familiar with masc women and found it charming instead of repugnant. Except for the police and the deeply religious people of course.
No. 1210262
>>1205663I posted this in a discord I'm in and commented on how it was nice that they included the pink since a lot of modern pride flags still drop it and I was met with an 'ackshually this the modern pride flag"
>image of the ugly Progress Pride Flag. Sorry my dude, I don't acknowledge that as a Pride flag.
No. 1210287
>>1210265>if “odd gender presentation” is being shoved in everyone’s faces for awhile they will finally just see it as a part of life instead of something to gawk at or ridiculeI think it maybe was somewhat normal for a while. From what I've understood, the 70's and 80's were kinda like that. Not thanks to polilez, general culture was experimenting with gender expression a lot. I don't know what happened though for that to change.
>just thinking about how you really shouldn’t have to be justifying why you present the way you do. That shouldn’t be a burden of yours.Yeah that's sweet.
No. 1210382
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No. 1210383
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>>1210108I personally think it doesn't
No. 1210384
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>>1210177Yes, the entire fucking month
No. 1210393
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>>1210258Nobody said you have to justify yourself, sister. Clearly you're not lazy in your appearance, and I believe you brought up the idea of laziness in reference to butchness in the first place. The post you're referring to was clearly talking about childhood trauma, so it's kind've rude to compare that to being lazy js!
I'm not coming for you, I respect your identity and sense of style. I do want to point out that your idea of femininity is antiquated and shaped by capitalist/patriarchal fantasy. Femininity is not applying paint to your face, squeezing into tight clothing, or dressing outside of your body type, although I used to think that way too. It's a misogynistic view of a woman that really could only be achieved through consumerism, which is a view that most women subscribe to because it is what we are taught, but that image is not actually true womanhood or natural femininity. Contemporary femininity is completely unnatural, I'm sorry but the Kardashians barely look human. I truly believe that if natural femininity, without the contemporary constraints of pinching clothing or ridiculous drag makeup, was more normal in our society there would be a lot less pain for girls in general.
Again, I'm not coming for you. In a world where Kardashi-Doja's are the norm there's no wonder you would want to assert yourself outside of that male fantasy. I did too for a long time. But you're still a woman, and you don't have to be dainty to be feminine or beautiful. You are already beautiful, with and not despite your sturdiness.
No. 1210418
>>1210393>It's a misogynistic view of a woman that really could only be achieved through consumerism, which is a view that most women subscribe to because it is what we are taughtAnd this is all rooted in sexism as well. Women are paid less than men for doing the same job or bullied out of higher paying jobs or positions by men. It's insane how women are expected to spend tons of money on hair case, makeup, wax/razors etc.
Good point in all of this!
> I did too for a long time. But you're still a woman, and you don't have to be dainty to be feminine or beautiful. You are already beautiful, with and not despite your sturdiness.NTA But i'm a butch lesbian and it took me a very long time to love myself and understand I was not born a girly girl the way sister is. Or my wife effortlessly is, but that doesnt make me less of a woman because I'm still born XX.
No. 1210447
>>1210436Think I'll go with the definition that came up when I googled femininity: "qualities or attributes regarded as characteristics of women."
My post was about NATURAL femininity, so I'm talking about qualities or attributes regarded as characteristics of natural, natal women. XX. Anything a woman does is feminine because that's what she is.
It's sad that most butches don't feel like women because even their masculinity is feminine. A man could absolutely never
Look at it on the flip side. Even when men are limp wristed, dressing flouncy so as to appear beautiful, it is done in a masculine way as it is done by a man. I know this is not a very traditional definition, but I actually think it's an improved definition. Drag queens are just not feminine, despite the pinching clothing and makeup. Do you see what I'm saying?
No. 1210459
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Hope this is the right place to ask, but do you anons have any favourite or least favourite LGB(T) characters? Pic sort of related, they were never a pairing I cared about when Skins was airing but seeing some of the "representation" lesbians and bi women have now I kind of miss them.
No. 1210765
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No. 1210792
File: 1654328646060.png (1.41 MB, 1423x1080, Patty_Hype_056.png)

>>1210765Those burgers aren't rainbows
Fuckin cowards
No. 1210793

>>1210459All of "If These Walls Could Talk 2" and I wish more people would watch it to understand how difficult things used to be. There are three stories, the first is about a lesbian couple living together, but when one dies the other gets screwed over by the family because she had no legal protections back then. The second especially shows how badly lesbian radfems were treated by straight radfems in the 70's and how badly lesbian radfems again treated butches. The third story is about lesbian parenthood.
>linda look we have to be really clear about what kind of group we are we just we feel it's too risky to include your issues right now >you're kidding me>first we have to fight for the real issues of feminism equal rights between men and women there isn't any room for you guys >diane we started this group together yeah and I worked my butt off to get free birth control on this campus, what do you think i was protecting my right to screw frat boys? >that is exactly the kind of attitude we don't need in here>We did it for you!and the shitty behavior of lesbian radfems to butches
>looks like the woman's woman's really alive and kicking here george that's a bar>look at that suit careful she might slip your number>i'm telling you you're gonna get picked up>[Laughter] oh man tell me that's not a tie>oh yeah I even got my dad to stop wearing one yeah and a woman that's ten times more offensive[…]
>you did not go home with the tie >I told you I just got a ride on her bike it was fun >linda that's worse than imagining you with a man[…]
>how do you expect us to be accepted as feminists with your little boyfriend around right on>really doesn't even matter never gonna speak to me again after the way that I treated her today>how can you like someone who dresses like a man I saw those women in the bar, we fought so hard to break free of those rules>she's not like that[…]
>so am I the woman and you're the man no why do you dress like one>No, this is how I feel comfortable>do you see yourself as a woman?>don't you think I know what people think of me this is me it can't be any other wayetc.
No. 1210920
File: 1654342154623.jpg (37.59 KB, 768x768, 7iRkcfC.jpg)

From Vault comics
No. 1210925
File: 1654343362931.jpeg (235.17 KB, 1600x1069, 1.jpeg)

>>1210879>>1210498Really fucking kills me that nazi's have actually started copying anarchist praxis, direct action for their own ends and actual anarchists have been run over by AGPs whining. Even Italian fascists started doing ACTUAL mutual aid (just only for white Italians), not the ebegging kind (too many people act like donations are radical).
Azov literally got big and popular through doing mutual aid, just only to ethnic Ukrainians, while bullying Greeks etc. These nazi's and fascists aren't "based", they call it the globohomo agenda and throw lesbians under the bus too. Don't think for a second that they actually differentiate between any of the letters. Anarchist radfems are also a rarity, nobody properly reads SCUM manifesto.
No. 1210941
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Lockheed Martin also joined in the wokeness
No. 1211174
File: 1654360321948.png (1.56 MB, 882x1608, Screen Shot 2022-06-04 at 9.31…)

>>1211165no fr what is this phenomenon.
No. 1211247
>>1211208You're noticing things and then ascribing the wrong meaning to it. Yes they are coopting pride shit, but that doesn't mean they actually support it. They also coopt feminism, do you believe that there's a massive feminist agenda supported by global corporation? Or no? If you do believe that, then like I said, go back to /pol/ and you're probably a scrote. If you understand that just because corporations pretend to support something, doesn't mean they actually support it, put any money towards it or whatever, just like they don't actually give a shit about feminism, then you would understand that globohomo is bullshit. And no, pushing tranny shit isn't "globohomo", you know that the word homo is literally in the word "globohomo" and tranny shit is homophobic? So it doesn't work that way, you don't get to throw the LGB under the bus just for your gripes with the T.
No. 1211354
>>1211247exacly. thre's a lot of comanies who'll change their logo to the uwu progress blm troon flag because that's just a PR move that doesn't cost them much and brings them custiomers. But then they discretely donate to anti-gay politicians. disney for one does this.
the uwu pride shit doesn't mean the gay agenda is winning. most of it's just lip service
No. 1211495
>>1210925Pretty sure anarchists and other radical leftists actually do shit in Europe, or at least in some parts of Europe. For example, I heard some Greek anarchists held a far-right politician hostage a few years ago.
>These nazi's and fascists aren't "based", they call it the globohomo agenda and throw lesbians under the bus too. Don't think for a second that they actually differentiate between any of the lettersThis, getting kind of sick of people here calling /pol/fags and literal Neo-Nazis "based" just because they happen to hate trannies too. They're delusional "trad" scrotes who don't give a shit about women. Those posts have the same vibe as /r9k/ or /pol/ retards calling TERFs "based tradwives" because of the "Trans-Exclusionary" but completely ignoring the "RF" part. And I'm wondering if these people posting in this thread aren't /pol/fags themselves.
No. 1211507
File: 1654380226473.jpeg (70.14 KB, 828x528, 2FB8BA2B-E925-4EBE-931F-032E3E…)

My least favorite type of person. If you are bisexual, just fucking call yourself bisexual.
No. 1212393
File: 1654435022155.jpg (693.91 KB, 1078x1417, Screenshot_20220605-151255_Fir…)

Pride was yesterday and honestly it was alright. We don't have as much american bs so it's still okay. If I lived in the US I sure as shit wouldn't go.
There were a lot of zoomers (who were the majority of "trans" people there), old people, tons of normies and some kids. There were maybe 1-2 retarded males dressed "provocative" and I hope the number won't increase because it's always and only males pulling this shit. We didn't even have a single incident like last year which was surprising. All in all, it was chill.
No. 1213488
File: 1654488761514.jpeg (344.92 KB, 827x1261, 9A057761-8708-43FA-8CF0-D24D0F…)

humans are just like fish, duh. it all makes sense suddenly!
No. 1213544
File: 1654494181404.jpeg (258.25 KB, 1242x937, 39912880-268E-4FF4-B5D6-3106AA…)

>>1213503It would be better if we were more like praying mantises.
No. 1213553
File: 1654495048969.jpg (415.07 KB, 1080x1334, Screenshot_20220606-075255_Twi…)

Why are they so giddy about a goddamn cartoon rabbit made for toddlers being nonbinary? 3 year olds dont even know what a gender is.
No. 1213604
File: 1654499447482.png (565.1 KB, 720x1021, 1630136130524.png)

>>1213500>>1213539I don't know how many times this has to be said but male sea horses don't get pregnant
The female seahorses lays the eggs and The male seahorse has a POUCH that he carries the eggs and later babies in so they don't get eaten by predators
No. 1213618
File: 1654502376021.png (41.41 KB, 738x285, tarant.png)

>>1213544i introduce you to the tarantula's mating anon
No. 1213847
>>1213553Why the fuck does gender bullshit need to shown to pre schoolers? this is grooming. Also non binary? what oppression do non binaries suffer? Also, I really hate when they use characters like Hello Kitty, kirby, Miku etc to for pride bullshit. Way to ruin a kid's cartoon mascot.
No. 1213885
File: 1654526600246.jpg (318.93 KB, 2048x1777, FUMzQIsWUAEAegv.jpg)

This made me laugh harder than it really should have, hope it does for you too!
No. 1214293
File: 1654544008584.jpg (18.48 KB, 299x330, gays.jpg)

Sperg rant incoming.
I think this is it anons. I think I can safely now say I am homophobic for gay men. I was joking about the handkerchief code the other day with my friend, but then when looking it up did I realize just how disgusting it is.
Things aren't getting worse. They've always been bad. It's just a different packaging now. Gays have always been degenerates forcing gross fetishes into the public. They aren't all innocent oppressed smol beans. I used to be a massive faghag but after being burnt by a number of scrote gay besties and their insatiable need for cock made me start thinking. And now I can't believe there was a point in time when I unironically attended pride parades.
I remember reading a book about sex from the 70s. It had some things written about gay men, saying they were the most disgusting people on earth. I remember being horrified at it. But fuck if it isn't true.
No. 1214327
>>1214293Kek all of the gay men I've ever met have made fun of this list and think it's nasty. You can make fun of gay sex parties and bathhouses or whatever degenerate shit they have that makes them spread STDs like crazy but this meme is on par with "all homos rape kids" /pol/ fearmongering.
>And now I can't believe there was a point in time when I unironically attended pride parades.You can march for lesbians idiot. Pride isn't just for gay men.
No. 1214386
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No. 1214401
File: 1654547554561.jpg (450 KB, 1080x1752, totallyrealANDvalid.jpg)

I know this isn't anything surprising because it is tumblr and so many pointless microlabels came from tumblr and it owns a lot of the blame for the current tranny fad menace. However it's really fucking funny. Everyone replying genuinely is exactly what you'd expect: lots of hyphens in their urls and picrew icons galore.
No. 1215086
File: 1654610804539.jpeg (172.26 KB, 1080x1310, 1D605996-0695-4418-8C3C-DC6E7C…)

I’m fucking tired.
No. 1215092
>>1215086This HAS to be satire
Please tell me it's satire, they can't be so fucking blatant
No. 1215095
>>1215092I hope it is a
terf-made sticker put there to peak people.
No. 1215236
>>1215233Women and scrotes are just different parts of a burger bun
No. 1215411
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>>1215086I want to get off this ride…
No. 1215798
File: 1654649909337.png (21.04 KB, 685x197, scat.png)

>>1214293There isn't any huge difference between gay, bi and straight scrotes when it comes to fetishes, don't kid yourself homophobechan
No. 1215801
>>1215086What country is that? It's gotta be either burgerland or bongland/"
terf island"
No. 1216988
File: 1654726359936.png (27.61 KB, 736x282, 1654653544349.png)

>opportunity to choose any fake internet name for yourself
>choose toby with a k
should we really trust her views on kink at pride?
No. 1218225
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No. 1218236
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No. 1218247
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No. 1218290
File: 1654798174254.jpeg (309.85 KB, 1536x2048, skamdk.jpeg)

>>1218267Picrel is the artist
No. 1218298
>>1218225>don't police the identities of other peopleOkay, please stop saying that being butch is terfy or regressive or just makes me a repressor or an egg.
>>1218247>read up on our collective historyHow about somebody reads Female Masculinity by Judith Halberstam and leave me the fuck alone.
>donate>direct actionThat's not direct action you fucking liberal. This is even worse than calling donating "mutual aid". Direct actions are strikes, demonstrations, protests, sabotage, hacktivism, street blockades etc. not fucking donating to liberal ass organizations.
No. 1218336
>>1218298Fags are too incompetent to be 1337 h4x0rz sweaty. And no, running LOIC doesn't make you a lulzsec member.
No. 1218396
File: 1654800002686.jpg (60.01 KB, 500x375, 1653824882829.jpg)

>>1218378You are literally a woman larping as a scrote and then calling it an identity. Everyone perceives you as a male inside of a woman's body. Cope all you want but people dislike you on a biological level and only put up with your shit for the sake of politeness.
No. 1218431
>>1218336Half of infosec consists of homosexuals I have no idea what you’re trying to say here.
>>1218396Shut up male
No. 1218455
>>1218453Correct! Smart Nonna!
Now, repent.
No. 1218685
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Yes its real
No. 1218728
File: 1654809964403.png (570.1 KB, 608x888, gross.PNG)

>>1218689Real and gay do they have to include leather shit? It's practically synonymous with fags now
No. 1218759
>>1199378That is the liberal goal
They hate blacks and gays
Tactic: Make everyone hate them and get fed up seeing it on the media and then eventually = deaths
No. 1218793
File: 1654812083025.jpg (31.09 KB, 640x626, 3dff37de6d762ba6b842a6bde4242e…)

>>1218779>unrealisticJust because most women try to avoid having buff arms, doesn't mean it's unrealistic. The way people talk about her I expected some roided up bodybuilder, but this is completely achievable natty. The only unrealistic thing is her bicep vein.
No. 1218829
>>1218797>>1218793I think the big reason she was seen as unrealistic was because she's in the middle of the apocalypse. Obviously you're gonna need to fight and be strong to survive but the whole point was how would she get to that level of buff without a workout and diet routine when zombies are fucking up the world.
That said though, the reeee only pretty feminine women in video games spergouts were dumb as hell. There are plenty of other reasons to genuinely hate this character
No. 1218897
>>1218779>>1218793I vaguely remember people calling her a tranny because her model was mocapped from a troon or modeled after one. I might be talking out of my ass so don't quote me on it though.
>>1218848Yeah she was a terrible character and I'm not going to pretend otherwise, I just hate her for reasons other than "boo hoo she's not a dainty hot woman". It's a real reoccurring issue that GNC female character are always made as unlikable as possible.
No. 1219007
File: 1654820121013.jpg (68.42 KB, 1097x609, abby-cosplay.jpg)

>>1218897>her model was mocapped from a troon or modeled after oneShe was modeled after a biological female bodybuilder, Jocelyn Mettler.
No. 1219045
>>1218793Women can and do look like this, just not the ones you’re going to see splayed all over popular social media.
>>1218734>bottoming is stigmatizedWhat a very mainstream and devastating issue we are having in the world right now I’m so glad they’re brave enough to address it in such a productive and helpful way
No. 1219151
>>1219147NTA I agree, there's a reason sodomy has the reputation it does and is/has been illegal in many places throughout many times.
It's a perversion of nature. It harms the woman. Everyone knows it spreads STDs. I don't think anal should be illegal, you can't tell people how to have sex, but I am allowed to make fun of it because it's disgusting, unnatural, and when two men do it it's just stupid looking and kinda funny ngl
No. 1219186
I’ve been seeing a lot of pride art with fat characters, and I’m really starting to think that trooning out is a cope for people with eating disorders. The rise of troonery lines up pretty well with the ongoing obesity epidemic. Nearly all the pics that freaky tiktok Doctor was posting were of super fat patients and some even flew to the US for surgery to avoid surgery weight restrictions in Europe.
>>1219038I agree.
No. 1219236
>>1219181The characters isn't but moids commonly refer to her as a tranny for being more realistically super-buff. Ironically she dates a TIF, so there is an actual tranny in game, but a girl one. But canonically she is a real woman and not a larper, nor was she modelled using a man.
>>1219063>straightTo be fair, she dated a TIF, so not exactly straight. Just straight in the world of people who pretend you can change sex.
No. 1219363
>>1219256i don't believe gay men really exist. a man will rape and/or fuck anything with a hole, because that's how men are at their core. all men are innately rapists who can't control their biological urges. prison is a good example of this bc straight men will fuck other men simply bc they have no women around. yet, they're somehow not gay for that?
its absurd. sexual orientation doesn't exist for men, their minds are simply driven by sex itself.
No. 1219470
>>1219441OH and to add obviously the vast majority of women do not enjoy anal, me included. The obsession moids have with "painal" is absolutely fucked up.
I have had multiple one night stand moids in my early 20s try to forcefully anally penetrate me, even after being told no. Of course it's my fault for having been with men to begin with, but at the time I did not know better and so many other women don't either.
With my original post I meant, that I just want to say not every woman who genuinely enjoys things you might not personally like is pretending or a pick me.
No. 1219776
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Apparently the man who posted this got banned from twitter because of course.
No. 1219782
File: 1654869370444.jpeg (51.75 KB, 453x680, A43A0EA0-223C-438B-85E7-93CD2A…)

>>1219128This is the actual woman Abby is based on. Her name is Colleen Fotsch.
No. 1219984
>>1219661So they're aware that people who lick buttholes are eating shit?
This is why everyone will get monkeypox. It came just in time for pride.
No. 1220358
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>>1219782Abby's model actually looks smaller than her and looks like me now, with just calisthenics, so it checks out for during an apocalypse. When I went to the gym, I was bigger. People's idea of how big women can get is fucked, because not many women actually even try to get big upperbodies. So it's easy to just say it's impossible for women to achieve or that women can only get "toned"
(please remove this word from your vocabulary if you use it, anyone who reads this). TiFs would ask whether I'm a TiF too based on my arms alone when I'd post them online, because they just have no idea what you can achieve while natty.
>>1220008>The dudes in the game made Abbys body structure look too much like a manCan you actually give more specifics instead of insisting that's the case? I'm shaped like her, am I suddenly a guy now? I'm an inverted triangle with a big ass ribcage and tiny chest. Does the adult human female = woman rule now suddenly not count or what?
No. 1220399
File: 1654897254508.jpg (146.48 KB, 1080x1080, 2378-2378.jpg)

>>1220358To me she doesn't have enough muscle on her lower body. When I was lifting my body composition was closer to pic rel. To me she doesn't look like a man, it just looks slightly off in an uncanny way that 3D models often do. There's probably no deeper meaning to it than moid 3D modelers are used to creating and animating buff men, not strong women.
No. 1220445
File: 1654899442176.png (694.25 KB, 820x1058, flag.png)

Anyone else feels weird about the fact that some random dude is profiting from the new flag ?
No. 1220453
File: 1654899663411.png (315.86 KB, 1228x911, 5B858A9F-EC09-4DAD-BDB1-DD79EA…)

You guys just know this is because of trans shit and now the rest of us are being punished for it. People were actually getting more chill about LGB and the TQ+ have completely ruined the perception of everyone. Tbh, I don’t care if they ban every flag in schools (I mean ones that don’t relate to pride too) but it’s just annoying having to see backlash that doesn’t relate to me or how I’m living. I guess if it protects some kids from becoming part of the gender cult fine but I don’t like being lumped in with this because I do care that children aren’t sexualized. No. 1220525
>>1220465>I don’t want to go back to the days where all of us are looked at as depraved when it’s clear who the problem is.funny bc its companies like postmates
>>1219661 who are inadvertently (?) perpetuating depravity during pride month.
No. 1220652
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No. 1220669
File: 1654917891920.jpg (201.04 KB, 1080x1632, Screenshot_2022-06-10-22-24-31…)

Based avatarfag kek
No. 1220878
File: 1654942905056.jpg (51.85 KB, 718x687, Screenshot_2022-06-11-11-15-55…)

Goddamn why are all the hot fake nuns homophobes.. I'm never going to bag myself a hot fake nun at this rate.
No. 1220955
>>1220881I remember growing up mostly surrounded by people who held opinions like
> "look I'm not against the gays but you have to admit their bedroom activities are gross and unnatural so I don't want to hear or even think about what they get up to behind closed doors"Heard that all the time. And nowadays that's just men in general.. straight men are just as desperate to dip it in the stink when they have a better option right there. Fuck me what happened lol? (porn) I don't care if us women are generally cleaner.. we're all non stop shit factories so our insides aren't any cleaner. Just funny to step back and see the shift that happened in like one decade. And by funny I mean sad.
No. 1220961
File: 1654950135044.jpg (10.58 KB, 184x275, bs.jpg)

>go to the mall
>body shop has this in the window
I hate rainbow capitalism so fucking much. I'm sure the CEO who approved this shit has no idea what the word "nonbinary" even means. I'm just trying to buy some shitty lotion, come on
No. 1221274
>>1221111I think the two spirit thing is typically from tribes that strictly enforce gender roles.
Mostly for men to take on more feminine roles and not as much for women. Could be off on that though so if there anymore knowledgeable nonnies out there.
Reminds me of people who go off on Queer history and insist that bored imperial Chinese court men fucking boys and treating women like trash as something that modern day LGB should be proud of???
No. 1221983
>>1220727I think he’s just another typical upper-class Asian living in crap California that soaked in too much troon ideology and porn. Parents are probably Asian and disappointed their son is a tranny.
>>1220974TRAs and libtards used to care about “cultural appropriation”, but they are willing to steal anything if it somehow furthers their agenda. Two-spirit meaning “genderfluid”, eunuchs meaning there were “trans women” long ago, etc.
No. 1222047
File: 1655007142746.jpeg (664.18 KB, 2048x1665, D536FE7D-DB4A-4DFB-915F-416D75…)

What is even the flag on dude on the right’s shirt for??
No. 1222050
File: 1655007409931.png (91.64 KB, 1280x983, 1280px-Whitehead-link-alternat…)

>>1222047Pretty sure that's meant to be a bisexual symbol.
No. 1222122
File: 1655015282242.png (218.52 KB, 321x301, 1622062152008.png)

>>1222063Am I retarded for not comprehending any of this word vomit
No. 1222185
File: 1655020817364.png (564 B, 800x480, Bisexual_Pride_Flag.svg.png)

>>1222122Picrel, the bisexual flag. Most people think pink means women and blue means men and some even think purple means enbies. This is incorrect. Pink means attraction to the same sex (women if you're a woman, men if you're a man), blue means attraction to the opposite sex (men if you're a woman, women if you're a man) and purple means attraction to both sexes. Simple enough?
No. 1222198
File: 1655022198362.png (105.75 KB, 1292x628, bi.png)

>>1222191It's literally how its creator explains it.
No. 1222508
nonnie I understand that completely. I just don’t get why large companies are using it to pander to such a small percentage of the population and why the people in those populations don’t get mad over it. I think the whole idea of two-spirit (and adjacent roles in other cultures) is stupid when they try to make it relevant to trans stuff now, it is always about effeminate men yet where would the equal role be for women who don’t fit in? Oh, they probably were just being forced to do whatever the males wanted. Right.
No. 1223124
>>1214401The asexual/aromantic pride thing is so weird to me. For someone who doesn't want or enjoy sex or relationships, they sure talk about it a lot.
I don't like tapioca pudding, it does nothing for me. You don't see me running around posting everywhere about how I don't eat tapioca pudding and how tapioca un-enthusiasts need representation
No. 1223143
File: 1655069087929.png (356.19 KB, 860x649, jesuidevenuunmegaretard.png)

>pride month be like
OOH! LOOK AT ME! I LIKE TO LICK WILLIES! look at me and my little WILLIE LICKING flag waving in the air! I am so brave! hehe! SLAY HUNNY BEYONCE WHIP ARIANA DADDY WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME??
look at me in my little WILLIE LICKING costume! LICKING other WILLIE LICKERS! everyone NEEDS to see this! I am SO INTERESTING because I have LICKED SO MANY WILLLIES! SLAY! SLAY! SLAY!
No. 1223255
File: 1655076591053.png (428.16 KB, 598x747, gaydays.PNG)

Just last month
>OMG fuck that souless corp Disney for flip flopping on Dont Say Gay, how come none of their movies feature a gay character that talks about bottoming safely, hit em where it hurts and cancel your Disney+!
This month
>YASSS let's suck dick at Blizzard Beach and get some Avengers pride towels
No. 1223261
File: 1655076940463.png (237.33 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2022-06-13-01-33-59…)

I wouldn't mind if someone gave me as a present this Mariah Carey MK Ultra hoodie
No. 1223590
I wish I knew more sensible LGB people who saw this shit for what it is. Most LGB people I know are completely swept up in this whole “if you don’t accept having sexuality/kink shoved in your face you’re a homophobe” narrative and have no idea how much they’re shooting themselves in the foot. They had a point when people were screaming to keep it in the bedroom at couples who were just minding their own business, but now there are guys walking around the country’s main public transport hub with dildos hanging off their belt. Not wanting to see that is hardly the same thing as not wanting to see two men holding hands.
>>1222508When people in those communities do protest they aren’t listened to, because they’re still marginalised communities. The whole “uplift BIPOC voices” only counts when those voices are saying what the majority wants to hear. It’s purely window dressing.
Ironically that’s what cultural appropriation actually is. It’s not just white women wearing hoop earrings. It’s the oppressor taking something of cultural value, perverting it to suit themselves, then silencing the people they took it from while declaring they know better. You think this meant X? No you silly savage, it means Y now and if you won’t accept that you need to be re-educated.
No. 1223599
I feel at a crossroads over pride. The overarching 'gay culture' I see presented online isn't something that is meaningful to me at all, I don't feel a connection to it. It's all westernized and it is not my history; but I wish it was. I don't feel any sort of way about stonewall, drag, butches, femmes, gay literature and anything else. It's not something I have had any entanglement in ever. I see young gay people in my 3rd world country take these things as a part of their own culture (in secret of course, highly homophobic country) and it makes me feel bittersweet, we don't have our own culture and a sense of community and these young kids and even older gays need it, for a sense of belonging but we are just importing western culture and terms instead of creating something completely new and personal to us, but it's too dangerous. I'm just complaining and I feel a sort of jealousy, I won't lie.
No. 1225831
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Starbucks had this monstrosity hanging in it this morning