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No. 118222

>Yfw no bf to call daddy while he pulls me hair(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 118223

beep boop

No. 118228

>Never had a male figure in my life to call daddy

Cruel world.

No. 118239

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>tfw no long haired bf that i can tie up and abuse while keeping him in my room forever

No. 118247

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>tfw there's no spaghetti sauce left for you to smother yourself in and lay in the fetal position so that you can pretend you're a meatball

No. 118252

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>tfw they don't think it be like it is, but it do

No. 118254

>tfw bf won't call me daddy while I pull on his hair

No. 118255

>tfw no hair to call bf while he pulls on my daddy

No. 118259

>tfw no daddy to pull my bf while I call my hair

No. 118262

>tfw pull my bf while i call my daddy

No. 118268

>tfw you want to kill your sugar daddy

No. 118273

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>tfw half of this thread are men

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