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No. 1180797

All the old studying threads were dead. Use this thread to discuss anything related to university/college/general study. Self-study and online courses are also allowed.

Topics can include anything related to studying, such as

- Student life
- Studying tips
- What you're studying
- Diaries/planners/journals
- Stationary and tech
- Notes and notetaking
- Helpful resources for studying
- Advice related to studying
- Learning disorders and disabilities while studying
- Good or bad peers/professors/teachers/tutors
- Talking about your campus (just don't dox yourself)

Keep it related to studying, otherwise, take it to the vent or advice threads.

No. 1180800

I graduated a few years ago, I just pray that none of you get as unlucky as I was and have classes from Monday to Saturday from 8am to 8pm with nonsensical 30min breaks everyday.

No. 1180801

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I made this thread to keep advice and other topics related to studying contained so other nonnas have a threat to discuss their student-related things while also being a thread for people to view a compiled collection of comments and advice.

Starting off, does anyone have any good suggestions for physical weekly planners? I like pastels or paler/neutral colors.

No. 1180802

I can't believe you had weekend classes, that sounds awful

No. 1180808

that sounds awful.. where are you from? as weekend classes aren't a thing here in the uk?

No. 1180828

>this thread popping up as soon as i open lolcow to procrastinate studying for my finals in 10 days
My previous college was like this (without Saturday) and it was infuriating. Especially when I look at my sister's schedule and she only has 3 days of contact hours with only around 2-3 hours per day

No. 1180843

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Good thread, guys. We could also share useful extentions, apps and websites.

No. 1180846

I feel burnt out from uni I did an access course to get into uni then my undergraduate then did a masters. I'm tired but honestly was worth it for a graduate job. I worked 5 years in a career you didn't need a degree it was shit. You basically do emotionally draining grunt work flat out 5 days a week and do not get compensated fairly for it.

Best advice to anyone at uni is to use some type of planner system. You will feel overwhelmed eventually, especially if you're like me and leave everything to the last minute. You will save yourself so many grey hairs and mental breakdowns of you endeavour to keep on top of your projects and assignments. Do your homework when the material is still fresh and learn to use spider diagrams to retain information.

Spider diagrams saved me from failure during exams. I could never figure out how to cheat. Especially for those long 3 hour exams where you have to write essays, if you can draw out a spider diagram with all the key info you will be flying. You'll think yourself a genius and your confidence will sky rocket.

No. 1180850

professors don’t give a FUCK about summer classes it seems. i’m gonna save all my hard classes for the summer semesters from now on

No. 1180858

France but it's not a normal thing. I had classes from the language faculty, the law faculty and the business faculty, most of the teachers were only teaching as a side job and some of them had health issues, including one who was pregnant on top of that so we had a fucked up schedules and classes were moved to other days and hours at the last minute all the time. I couldn't get a job to go on an exchange program until my last year of masters because of it and my own health issues got way worse as a result of all of this

No. 1180876

I’ve been trying to take classes around my work schedule and my uni has really weird times for everything
>interesting class I want to take: meets three days a week for one hour at noon
>language class: meets one night a week for three hours
>no online classes during regular semesters
So right now I have a $3000 bill for two online summer classes, I checked to see if I could find any equivalents at cheaper community colleges and didn’t find any.

A professor I just had would give us assignments due on Thursday and Sunday. I was okay with that until she changed it to making everything due on Saturday, which she thought made it easier for students working full time. Instead we lost one of our only days off to spending the entire day doing homework.

No. 1180881

thank you nonna!
there's a nice website I like, inmyopinion.site, they go over study tips and different things like that and it looks super cute too, would recommend it if you were the type to keep those pretty aesthetic diaries that you print stuff out for, or if you keep a nice digital diary that you like to put images in.

No. 1180920

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Do you manage do to homework and having a part time job?

No. 1180925

i put all my classes into MWF and work TT. That’s the only way I can make it work

No. 1180960

ntayrt, but what's MFW and TT?

No. 1180961

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I have to study whole weekend, I made time for it but my brain just doesn't seem to start up properly these few days. It's because I'm mentally exhausted but I absolutely have to study anyway. I have trouble concentrating. I read a few questions and my mind wanders off.
Any advice? I tried kratom and it only helps a tiny bit with mood. Coffee doesn't do anything for me. I exercise and eat properly.
I also waste way too much time on lolcow whenever I have a lot to do. I can't turn electronic devices off, I need them to study.
What do you do to concentrate?

No. 1180963

I just wanna add that I have an oral exam every week till the end of June and way too much shit I need to read, memorize and understand for it. At this point I feel like it's not humanely possible. Wish I could implant a memory chip in my brain.
Good luck with your exams nonnies.

No. 1180981

monday Wednesday friday and Tuesday Thursday

No. 1181017

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oh… haha duh

No. 1181021

I'm thinking about going to grad school. Is it actually feasible to get a master's in something completely different? Would I have to take extra classes to make up for it or will most schools laugh at me for even trying? When I look online there aren't any definite no's but I want to know what the standard is.

No. 1181152

It depends on what you’re masters will be in but from what I understand it’s completely normal to do a masters that’s unrelated to your bachelors, some people do a masters just to switch jobs.

No. 1181171

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I'm currently working on my resume and I realize as much as I love too look at good design I really hate working in that field, I can still see myself in an office job I just don't know WHAT kind of work to do. Has anyone studied art/graphic design to switch to something else? ps: social anxiety doesn't help I keep being afraid of toxic school/work environment

No. 1181237

One more exam then I break for summer, than another year till I graduate! I'm super excited and kinda wanna get into work straight away since i'm planning on emigrating to Finland, and I'd need to become a citizen before pursuing future study due to cost.

What courses are you all on? Biomed here

No. 1181252

Honestly I've always struggled with motivation towards the end of the year, esp after all the Covid bullshit. good luck anon!!

No. 1181284

Anyone else feel like things are different since the pandemic? I was in a community college pre-covid, and it seemed like most students liked talking or asking each other stuff. I just finished my first semester at a normal university and didn’t make a single friend, and during the classes no one would talk unless it was for assignments.

No. 1181302

>no one would talk unless it was for assignments
exactly has been my classes
i'm a covid/postcovid student so i don't know if that's changed.

No. 1181304

I like going to one of those empty cubicle things in a library to do schoolwork, and I use the Freedom app to block websites I waste time on. I have a really hard time getting started on anything for school when I’m at home.

No. 1181388

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I’m starting to look into doing a PhD, having finished my masters a few years ago now.
Does anyone have any advice regarding finding a niche in their interest and a theoretical basis? Any advice for filling in proposal forms and finding a supervisor? Part time or full time?

I used a moleskine for my studies, but I’ve seen people have luck with various filofax set ups or day designers. There are quite a few videos on YouTube, it might be worth watching a few and seeing which ones interest you.

No. 1181399

My best friend teaches college classes and she can't get students to say anything in class for the life of her. It's definitely different since COVID started, everyone is just really disengaged.

No. 1181420

My school was like that before covid too

No. 1181442

Yeah I had a gap year so I changed a class to one year lower and the covid class is actually so disengaged and unwelcoming. They for some reason segregated into weird high-school-like groups that badmouth the other groups. Our class is tiny and everyone mostly talks about the assignments anyway so instead of Mean Girls it's like Mean Nerds.
I'm too old, tired and shy for that bullshit. They're also way worse knowledge-wise yet act very iamverysmart (maybe defensively?) and they aren't engaged in the classes at all.
My noncovid class was very social, they organised class get-togethers, girls nights out, movie screenings, made shirts and badges for all of us and tried to engage even the silent introverted people in a nice way. I don't regret the gap year by itself but the covid class is just so much worse and afaik the whole year (other classes too) are socially weird.

No. 1181678

Yeah I just started university and noticed that people literally stay silent when the teacher asks a yes/no question. During a lecture it makes sense cus no one wants to be the only one to yell out in a class of 300 people, but when it's a class of only 20 idgi

No. 1181894

I feel awful for the teachers stuck in this position so I'm always first to participate. What sucks is knowing I can't answer every question, and the ensuing silence that drags out as we all wait for someone else to be "brave". I can't figure out if my classmates are just shy or immature or they don't care, or some mix of all three.

On a different note, I've been trying to get my bachelors for three years, taking a semester off here and there, and this past semester I took only one class. Even that was too much for me— I had to tell my professor that I got sick and couldn't complete the final project. I just can't handle the workload, I guess? Embarrassingly, most of all this was gen ed garbage that would've been easy if I didn't procrastinate. I'm realising more and more that I just hate school, I hate homework, and I really don't know if I can do it anymore.
What do I do nonnies? My family are already disappointed in me and they'll hate me if I don't get a degree. I like to write and would enjoy a career where I can do that, but I struggle to finish anything (including my fucking education kek) and have no portfolio or achievements. I just feel kind of lost and don't know where to start.

No. 1181939

I have an exam first thing tomorrow, it's a viva. Dreading it but we'll see how I do. Can't wait to be done. I have a bit more studying to do today, and then I'm just going to rest my brain.

No. 1181993

I always hate observations like these because it’s like you don’t even understand what people have gone through. People shouldn’t be forced to socialize or participate in the class their financial aid probably didn’t even fully cover. During the pandemic lots of people either lost their jobs or had to work a lot more, have to deal with rising housing costs while juggling tuition, developed mental health issues, etc. the reason why everything feels different is because everyone is a burnt-out mess. Let people live anon jfc, it’s especially hard for college students to be juggling a million things at once

No. 1182008

Anyone here study art in college? What was your experience like?

No. 1182023

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i dropped out of grad school to get a full time job and it was the best decision ever. i study something very specific so finding a job was difficult, but i found a company that wanted someone with my exact (bachelor's) degree, so i just applied for it and they gave me a job offer. i've been there for six weeks now and it's going pretty well so far. i miss the free time i had when in grad school, but aside from that i love the money and the feeling of being useful.

so glad i didn't waste another 2 years on grad school only to end up as a secretary.

No. 1182056

I studied graphic design at an art school, not sure if that's what you're looking for though!

No. 1182121

>Let people live anon jfc
nta but they were just making an observation, you need to relax

No. 1182330

Found the girl who refuses to participate in class

No. 1182788

What was that like, do you think you learned anything worthwhile?

No. 1182826

I studied illustration at a private art college. Here are my thoughts on my experience there.

First off, I'd say an art education from a private institution is not worth if you're not rich. Thankfully, my family has some wealth and I also had a scholarship so that helped a lot. If you can actually afford it, I think it can be worthwhile.

My illustration skills did improve a ton thanks to having direct feedback with art professors. However, a lot of it is very dependent on how much work you put into improving your skills. I knew people who just thought that doing the assignments was enough without ever practicing and they often lagged behind in classes. Aside from that, I also learned all sorts of other skills. These are things like learning how to professionally present your work, learning to utilize different digital design programs, and even some 3D skills.

Art professors can run the gamut from being some of the best teachers you've ever had to being unprofessional and poor teachers. They're artists so you're going to run into more distinct personalities in the classroom, for better or for worse.

Something I wished was emphasized more is the importance of social connections and networking in the field. My teachers were a bit too old school when it came to career-related stuff and the way they do things seem outdated. That kind of stuff I had to figure out on my own which was pretty painful.

Feel free to ask about anything else if you're interested.

No. 1183255

This sounds awesome. I wish I was rich so I could go to art school. What do you work as now anon?

No. 1183265

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How do you read 1500 page digital textbooks? I have a phone and laptop, but sitting at my desk all day isn't comfy.

No. 1183278

Get a cheap 2nd hand ereader, that's what I do. I lie on my bed or outside in the sun and just read.

No. 1183295

I started in graphic design but switched to illustration in my second semester. I mostly developed my skills by learning stuff by myself because there was no incentive to push yourself since there was no constructive feedback other than “wow looks nice!”. A lot of classes and courses were surface level introduction to the subjects (like sequential illustration, character animation, character design, but 5hr classes once per week for 4 months with a class project at the end). It’s not terrible but felt a bit lackluster. A lot of kids in my year tended to be Instagram artist(tm). There is probably one classmate that had very interesting and pleasing to the eye work.
And a lot of art unis seem like diploma mills and I realised mine was like that too but a bit too late. So it’s definitely worth doing extensive research about the uni and the programs. Also what >>1182826 said is very accurate as well.

No. 1183618

Late reply, but I very much agree with >>1182826 . My family isn't rich, but we had decent money saved so that it wasn't a huge burden + scholarships. My graphic design experience was similar to the other anon, except they prepared us with networking stuff pretty well, by the time I graduated I had a portfolio, personal branding, etc. My school is well known in the area, so it definitely helped with jobs. In general, design majors like graphic design, industrial design, and architecture have better luck with jobs than more fine arts majors.

One thing I recommend is starting your basics at a cheaper (but quality) school. I started at a state university with a strong art program for 1.5 years, so that really lessened the financial burden. I do have friends who got their degrees through that state school and have ended up with design careers, so that could be an option too. You have to make sure the school has an adequate art program though, I have a friend who got a BFA from another state school and her work is absolutely awful, like 13 year old anime tier, and not one of her teachers actually taught her.

Generally I would say do your research about all the schools, and don't get blinded by the shiny facilities. Some are definitely just useless diploma mills.

No. 1184402

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Is anyone else finding their course to be much easier/relaxing than they anticipated? The only times I stress is when I leave an assignment until the last minute, but overall it's been a breeze. Doesn't help that my uni is quite lax with the exams "due to covid".
I have roughly 4 lessons every week(3 hours each) and my average score is 89. Feels like my brain isn't challenged, which in turn makes me totally disengaged, even if on paper I'm doing good.
Doesn't help that the lockdown caused me to miss out on the social aspect of it, which I've heard is one of the biggest reasons why people go to universities. Connections and all that.
Feels like I'm not getting enough out of the whole uni experience. I'm from UK and the course is IT/law related, maybe that changes something? I've heard that art students are expected to do a lot of work on their own.

No. 1184540

More high school than university. But asian countries, why do you have school for like 10-12 hours a day, when people can only really learn for 3-5 at best?

I'm pretty polymath and self taught. And if you're studying properly your mind starts to wander after hour 3, after hour 5 you basically tap out. You can intermix it with exercise and squeeze some more out, but you reach serious diminishing returns, and from what I gather Asian countries don't really exercise much at school. Certainly not enough to justify the 10-12 hour days like you hear about in Korea.

You can do assignments for 8-12 hours a day, but that's not learning, that's just labour. The same way digging a trench is labour. Actual learning has a pretty clear 3-5 hour limit. When you look at the study habits of the actual cerebral elite, like say Schopenhauer or Mozart, they aren't pushing beyond that 3-5 hour range. They typically do a solid 3 hours, then muddle around with lunch, friends, hobbies, long walks, then do another hour or two.

And your schoolwork doesn't seem that much harder than what's taught here. So for all those lost nights and weekends you're basically no better off than western countries.

No. 1184635

studied illustration to become a mentally ill marxist which enabled me to get into the best art college in the world to study alongside other mentally ill marxists where I trained to be completely unemployable and where I had a total mental breakdown from the crushing pressure and the level of routine abstract scrutiny that your work gets placed under but oh well looks great on my CV. Spent a year trying to get a job. When I finally did it came to an abrupt end when covid hit and the company folded, awesome. I studied a second masters like some masochist where I learnt more in two months than I ever did in two years at the 'best' place. Now I'm working at an award-winning design agency of my dreams but I'm slightly suspicious that even at the top agencies it's not all it's cracked up to be woops there goes my 20s.

No. 1184874

The Asian education system is one of the reasons why I wish I was never born in Asia, honestly. It's almost all rote memorization and there's little room for creative, outcome-based learning. I rarely slept more than 5 hours in high school, too, because of the amount of homework we got plus attending cram school to prepare for college entrance exams. Governments probably think making students stay 10-12 hours in school prevent them from doing delinquent activities and leisuring too much since hobbies can be done with extracurricular activities anyway but school gang fights still happen.

No. 1187149

I've had to request extensions on all my upcoming assignments, a few nights ago I stayed up for 60 hours. I don't think I'm taking the stress very well.

No. 1187159

I also studied art in college and had about the same experience as >>1183618 except I did the opposite, I started at a very well-known art school before transferring to a regular state school with a good design program. I was still able to get a job very quickly after graduating even. If you can, take a look at the actual portfolios of graduates so you don't waste your time. I had a bad time because my art school professors spent too much time coddling the majority of my classmates that just wanted to be at an art school without doing art, and I didn't learn shit.

No. 1187168

This might sound dumb if you’re trying not to waste paper with ebooks but I bought a laser printer and use it to print stuff I need to read.

No. 1187194

Just finished my last semester at a community college where I only did their art programs, but some gen ed because I wasn't sure if I wanted to transfer or not. The CC I went to has a very elaborate arts and printing department for illustration, fine arts, entertainment art, animation, and graphic design so its probably not the typical CC experience. All the pros and cons of going to CC still apply. Pros - cheaper classes, more weekend/night classes available, smaller class sizes, professors are still working professionals and/or also teach the same courses at universities, you can try out more classes to find what's right for you, etc. Cons - hard to make friends, not much campus life, some find it hard to stay motivated, you put in what you get out, etc.
I started with illustration but decided to pursue graphic design and motion graphics instead. I got a job before I even finished school because the coursework had me make my own online portfolio, personal branding, resume, and contracts. I also had to get client experience for independent study credit. The printing classes taught me the much needed pre-press knowledge that many designers coming out of public and maybe even private universities don't get. I put in a lot effort into networking and getting to know my peers/professors because I knew it was necessary. I never had any bad experiences with my peers and pretty much loved every single one of my classes. Most people I know who finished the graphic design program and didn't transfer all have design-related jobs or freelance

No. 1187505

They're shilling AI/machine learning seminars and classes pretty hard out at my community college. I understand the enthusiasm as its the new Avant garde technological thing. But like, isn't that shit well above the level of lowly undergraduates who are for the most part trying to push for a help desk job? Anyone actually involved with cutting edge machine learning research must already have at least a MA, more like a PHD. Anyone looking to get into that stuff must already be studying CompSci, not babby's first bootcamp. People that are failing to hand in their assignments at this level are being recommended to go to these machine learning classes, it seems ludicruous.

I just have an uncanny remembrance for back in the mid 2010s when everyone was about that quantum physics, and every second cerebral narcissist would hard out go on about how much they know about quantum physics. Now nobody gives a fuck and all the glamor and spectacle is off onto AI.

No. 1187796

Does anyone have any experience with satisfactory academic progress appeals? I have legitimate excuses for why I did so shitty and mass withdrew from classes last semester (suicide attempt and trialing different medications for my ADHD) but I'm still scared that I'm never going to make that 67% cumulative credit requirement even if my appeal gets approved because I only have 18 credits out of 46 attempted. For context, I'm also in a two year degree program at a community college and I got all As in my recent semester.

No. 1187891

I got academic dismissal for low GPA my first semester at my first attempt at school. I sent the appeal saying how I suffer from depression, am working on being better with my therapist and how my 2nd semester GPA reflects my improvement. I sent them a copy of my diagnosis and unofficial transcript with my appeal, too. Got it repealed instantly, but I never went back. Do go back if it gets repealed for you though.

No. 1187932

>IT/law related
I've never heard those two being interlinked, what degree nonna?

My course was packed/stressful but my sister does Politics and she says her experience is really relaxed with minimal contact hours and her "exams" were basically just coursework essays to hand-in due to covid. She gets like a week to do them. I'm honestly jealous.

No. 1187936

NTA but what did you do instead of going back? You can ignore more if you don't wanna share

No. 1187988

It's ok I don't mind sharing. I worked a couple part time retail jobs and did temp warehouse work on the weekends. I felt like an absolute loser for dropping out of school for years and years, thought I was too old to go back–which you never are–and believed that this is how my life is going to be. A life full of unpackaging and assembling random junk in a warehouse for 10 hrs a day like all the middle aged ladies around me who told me everyday that I'm too young to be here and to get out of here fast. In the free time I did have, I watched YouTube tutorials for stuff which ended up helping me in the long run, but I did go back to a different school to get some certificates to prove I'm trained. And I got a 4.0 too. But if I would change anything about my life, I would at least complete my general ed and then take a break year or something.

No. 1188009

What did you get trained in and what do you work as now? Sorry for all the questions I'm currently in the same position as you were and I want to go back to college but it's so ridiculously expensive (my own fault for wasting years when it was "free"). Sometimes I wonder if I'm just being stubborn about college and I'd be better off getting certificates to allow me to work in whatever I can get ASAP or if should stick my guns… I dunno. It sucks when you're never really "passionate" about anything.

No. 1188050

It's no worries. I watched YouTube tutorials and went back to school for design. I'm currently a senior designer for an in-house team at a large company. I got this job because one of my design professors recommended me to her colleague. I make boring corporate brochures and flyers but the pay and benefits is so good it makes me cry thinking about it. The company I work at will pay for my degree so I'm still going to pursue my Bachelor's even if that wasn't the case because I don't want to miss out on any promotions or big raises for lack of degree. But I'm still in the certificate camp and think they're a great, quick option and you can always go back to school when you can afford it or get hired somewhere with a sweet benefits package that includes college reimbursement

No. 1188064

Did anyone feel you classes were easier once were in a program while your prerequisites were more difficult? I know in the US the prereqs are meant to cull people and be difficult but i struggled a lot before getting into my program and its now generally easier. I also like the way my program is structured we only have classes for 3-5 hours. also just to mention I've been in my program for a few years and I'm graduating next year so it's not like a new experience

No. 1188070

That sounds incredible anon, I'm glad you were able to flip things around for yourself and you have such a great opportunity now. I've been really down these last few weeks but this gave me some hope, thank you so much! I'll start looking into some schools near me and see what interests me.

No. 1189699

Does anyone get instantly depressed when looking at university applications? The only thing I know won't 100% suck my soul out of my body is art restoration, but I have to start applying in a month and have to learn how to draw a still-life, portrait, abstract, landscape and a sculpture to get into just an art trade school. I'm okay at drawing, but I don't know if I'll be able to master all 5 fucking disciplines in a month. I feel so depressed. I feel like tying a rope around my neck and kicking off a stool. I genuinely feel worthless in the academic climate (not to even mention life in general) right now. Can anybody relate?

No. 1192134

Digital Forensics!
We have at least 1 unit each year that focuses on the law/court aspect of it.
So far my exams have been either reports, actual written exams (open book due to covid lol) or assessments (which involve presenting your findings in court or giving a slideshow to a board of professionals).
>My course was packed/stressful
Now that I think about it, I suppose it's a good thing that I'm complaining about being bored instead of the fact that I'm overworked. Maybe I just need to use all that free time for getting certificates or potentially get a part time job.

No. 1192343

not the same anon, but I'm very interested in forensics myself, can you explain more about what you do? I'm currently studying crim and digital forensics sounds really cool

No. 1194265

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I have a statistics report due in 2 days but I'm struggling so hard. It feels like all of my learning resources haven't covered the information I'm supposed to use. Then again, I was never good at math, so maybe I'm just not seeing how it's supposed to help. This sucks.

No. 1198810

I relate to this so much, I kind of feel like I must be doing something wrong because I am not feeling anything at all. It's going by fine with nothing happening.
>Feels like my brain isn't challenged, which in turn makes me totally disengaged, even if on paper I'm doing good.
So much this. I feel like I'm wasting something… I feel unfullfilled, I guess. Just wanted to say I get what you mean a little.

No. 1199066

This op thread pic is dumb lol makes me think of the consoom thread.

No. 1199379

Anyone doing a Medical Assistant program? Im going to do it through my community college. Want to know your experience if you have

No. 1199388

Late reply but what are you struggling with? Maybe I can help.

No. 1200829

I considered that when making it, but would you have preferred a blank notebook? quit being retarded

No. 1201927

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Sorry about the late response, I wrote up the answer and then forgot to actually post it lol
It heavily revolves around working with the police, and by the looks of it that's what pretty much everyone in my course plans to do. Although there are jobs in the private sector for it as well.
The lessons consist of familiarising yourself with different devices and how they handle and store data (hex editor stuff, file systems/locations, right way to go about looking through the devices, justifying your actions etc.)
The actual workflow for the most part involves creating a copy of a device and then examining it using digital forensic software (I think in the span of 2 years I've learned how to use at least 8 of them pretty extensively) for anything suspicious. Usually they will provide you with a brief that tells you why the device is under suspicion, which makes the search easier.
After that it's just looking through the copy, writing down contemporary notes as you go along and then creating a report of your findings and hope that they won't call you in to court to question you.
If you do go into this field expect to do a lot of waiting and writing.
Digital Forensic software companies sometimes host Capture The Flag events where they provide you with a dataset + a free trial for their software that allows you to play around with the environment as well, if what I just wrote sounds fun. Cellebrite hosted one 2 weeks ago if I'm not mistaken, you just have to keep an eye out for them.
Hope that was somewhat educational.

No. 1203276

That's all really fascinating, thank you so much nonna. I have been interested in many facets of criminology so I'm definitely going to be looking into this, thank you! Question, is there much math involved? I'm happy with writing but math? I'm useless.

No. 1203590

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does anyone have any advice for learning Japanese? I'm currently studying and I'm getting there, but does anyone have any tips that helped them a lot?

No. 1203706

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There are some numbers involved (e.g. remembering bytes in a particular sector) but no MATH math. And even the example I provided will mostly only come up in exams rather than irl. My course leader is extremely autistic about knowing the hex editor (and everything relating to it) like the back of his hand, so maybe it's just my particular university that does it.
So far we've had 2 programming based lessons (python and SQL). Next year it'll be cryptography, but even then it's mostly just patterns and no actual math (besides maybe some basic abstract algebra) in a university setting.
The actual practice is much more laid back than the theory from what I've gathered so far. But knowing these things is recommended, even if it's just for credibility.
Sorry for making it sound so vague, hope that answers your question! Overall you shouldn't worry about failing because of math, as long as you have the basics down you should be fine.

I think you'll find this thread more helpful >>569079
This post in particular seems to answer your question >>571229
Good luck with your studies!

No. 1208659

Does anyone else study a niche subject/major? My school has an entomology program with like twenty students in all four years. I myself am studying oceanography and have lately gotten really interested in ichthyology.

No. 1208720

Yes, I'm currently in an entomology program! It's very cozy to be honest. How's oceanography nonna? I almost went into marine biology myself.

No. 1208791

It's pretty chill. After sharing a room with like 100+ other people in a gen ed, it's nice to be in a more intimate environment where the class sizes are between 10-30 students. It's also a lot more math than I thought I would have to take, but I don't really mind since I enjoy math. I'm going to a research lab on an island over the summer to investigate marine species. I am intending on taking an ichthyology course next fall, and combining my oceans classes with a few geology courses. I hope to study abroad fall 2023 during a SEA semester (that's the name)

No. 1210071

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i got suspended because my average was too low and now I'm trying to get an ADD diagnosis to appeal for it to be lifted. My mom is taking this as an opportunity to say she was right and I was an idiot for trying to go to a school that was too good. I can even transfer to another school now because my average is now too low. She has been saying I was overambitious for the past two years and now I proved her right.
Yeah, it's my fault i failed but i'm tired of her always shitting on me. The one time I tried to be ambitious and it failed. I've always had issues with disorganization since highschool and she was the who turned down any opportunity to get it checked before. She doesn't even believe in getting medication for those things and mental illness like depression.
It sucks when you try so hard and fail because you were too retarded to hand in one assignment and now everyone takes it as a chance to dunk on you.

No. 1210120

Sorry to hear that anon. I hope everything goes well. I hear it is harder for women to get diagnosed. When I struggle with my executive dysfunction, I write a list of things I need to do. (make it brief and general). Then I set easy mini-tasks so I don't get overwhelmed. For example, if I was writing an essay I would set a task: write the first 2 sentences. It's also important to not focus on quality at all! It's not the end of the world if you fuck up and you can always go back and tweak things you don't like. Then after that task 1 of 2 things happen. I either get invested and end up doing more than I anticipated or I switch to the next task on the list and repeat the process. Also, I try to not focus on who I am submitting my work to. Focus only on creating content and producing literally anything. Obviously if you have ADHD/ADD you will need professional help, not tips on an imageboard, but I think changing your approach and mindset to work and a bit of self-belief might help. There's nothing wrong with ambition, small bits add up over time.

No. 1210992

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I’m in an online summer class where we post in a forum, but you can’t see what everyone else has posted until you upload your own work. For our weekly assignment I wound up writing five pages (the prof. wanted us to compare some websites, describe contents, read some scientific articles and answer a bunch of questions so I did that section by section) and posted all of it, only to find out that most of my classmates only wrote two or three paragraphs for theirs. I don’t even like the subject of the class.

No. 1211012

Just because they wrote 2 or 3 paragraphs doesn't ensure that it is high quality. Your work may actually be appreciated and high quality. Just try to reel yourself in when your working so you don't put unnecessary effort into your work. Don't embarrassed that you put way more effort in though.

No. 1211025

>Just because they wrote 2 or 3 paragraphs doesn't ensure that it is high quality.
I think anon means the exterted time and energy, not the quality lol

No. 1211053

It’s a combo of both, because I work full-time and have to do my college stuff around that. I went in expecting everyone was going to have lengthy reports because we only have one “analysis” post each week. At least my job ends in two weeks so I can put less effort in the assignments while not working during the summer, heh

No. 1211058

Honestly anon, it's good practice that you're so thorough with referencing, that's going to be your advantage when it comes to dissertations

No. 1232063

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hah if it makes you feel better, I once had to present first on a topic where I spent like 15 mins on my slides, only to find out everyone else did a brief overview not more than 2 mins long. My professor actually had to interrupt me before I got to the statistics lol

No. 1234471

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My psychiatrist straight up told me no when I asked for academic accommodations for my severe ADHD. Why? Because I made all As last semester. I now have Ds because I can't keep up with school, shitty part time retail job where I'm overworked, and my personal life. Both my family and work don't take my education seriously and just tell me to drop out because "it's too hard". Sometimes the urge to listen to them and NEET for the rest of the life is overwhelming.

No. 1234735

before you give up, see a different psych. Yours is just stupid.

No. 1235224

Any nonnies here who have pursued or tried to pursue an academic career? How did that go? I'm interested particularly in the humanities (history and possibly philosophy in my case). Thanks.

No. 1235231

I love philosophy. Part of the issues with humanities is the gender woo woo.

No. 1235233

Can you file a complaint with the medical board and consult another psych?

No. 1235243

History and philosophy have absolutely terrible job markets right now. Why the fuck would you want to do that?

No. 1235541

I have to fulfill a humanities requirement and right now the only classes that will fit into my schedules are gender studies classes I'm suffering

No. 1235640

it’s competitive and not as glam as people make it out to be. if you are 100% certain you want to pursue academia, network, find a professor you click with who can mentor you, work on getting your name out there. look for research grants, rich sponsors, and bougie scholarships and awards to pad out your resumé. start working right now. find unis that focus on getting their grads jobs as opposed to making you into another clueless burger flipping poet/activist. focus on your writing, researching, and speaking skills. you aren’t going to make a lot of money as a woman unless you’re in a legacy school or get an administrative position, so don’t go into this thinking you’re going to be dripping in diamonds by 35. you may need to relocate if you are in a shitty country or state without a lot of funding.

history isn’t as bad as philosophy, there has never been a relevant market for philosophy majors unless you’re a trust fund baby or going into religion. history majors can work for non-profits, cultural institutes, even the entertainment industry. people just need to be more creative and flexible with what they can do with their degrees and stop focusing on writing another shitty book on 14th century cooking practices like every other schmuck out there.

No. 1235643

Anon you replied too, i got an add + depression diagnosis. i'm going to try starting counseling now and trying to appeal to lift my suspension. my mom apologized and we made up.
i definitely take your advice when i get back to college. breaking down tasks has always made things easier for me.
i'm so sorry you're going through this anon, i hope you can find a way to get a different psychiatrist.

No. 1235768

Maybe this is stupid, but what are law students like? I'm going to law school next year and pretty much only heard bad things about the students (that they're either know-it-alls or lazy and disinterested). I got bullied quite a bit in school and I'm scared of being the outcast no one likes all over again. I'm there to learn not to make friends but still, are these stereotypes true? I know it differs per school obviously but generally certain majors attract certain crowds.

No. 1235978

>what are law students like

No. 1240251

im in PA school and getting closer and closer to clinicals and instead of being excited im nervous as shit. in particular im dreading surgery rotation bc surgeons are horrible. ones ive worked for were walking epitomes of narcissism who threw shit at their staff and never apologized for anything

No. 1245203

Just started an online masters degree in IT. Kind of a degree mill university with a specific program for foreigners (guess which country the majority come from) but im a burger in the normal program. The class is obviously a copy and paste template for blackboard if anyones familiar with that. Anyway was doing my discussion post today and saw 8 other posts each 5 minutes apart from various indian names. Each post was almost the same length, same format, and seemed to be different flavors of borderline nonsensical riffing on the prompt. Also required to reply twice for the grade and all of these posters were replying to each other in the same way like "hello <name>, great post… <gibberish>… Thank you!" Is this like a thing in india where you pay for an american degree and some service with a few employees do the classes with a deepfake assignment generator? Tried searching if this is a thing but couldn't find anything. Kind of ticking me off because i want my full grade but how can i do my replies to these nonsense posts?

No. 1245219

Yes. It’s a thing. One of the university near me got in trouble for literally taking exchange students on a field trip in America and giving them a large chunk of credits they needed for the master program. American private universities can be degree farms specifically for exchange students with hella cash. Think Chinese, Indian, or middle eastern and it’s going to be almost entirely men that fit those programs. They’re six figure money makers for the school.

No. 1246383

so the instructor is just replying to all these posts and im assuming grading them under the assumption they're legit. i dont know what i've even gotten myself into here.

No. 1246397

Just reply as best you can. Fit the assignment requirements for the most part and try not to let it bother you. I’m going to go with the quizzes in your course and program are probably weighted a lot higher and the professor isn’t super concerned with discussion boards. It’s what I’ve done and I’ve held an A while working through my degree program.

No. 1246400

Has anyone here ever taken a 6 week college class? Was it hell for you?

No. 1246406

I’m taking an online one right now and it’s incredibly easy, but it can depend on the subject. This one is a social studies class and it’s just reading slides/articles, writing commentary about them and taking two quizzes each week. I would suggest checking your professor’s reviews if they’re on ratemyprofessor because some students specify the class

No. 1246409

I have and it depends on the subject. Don’t do science or math. Stick to the easier subjects like English, humanities, and art imo since the shorter course crams it in a shorter time.

No. 1246426

>American private universities can be degree farms specifically for exchange students with hella cash
This happened at my art college, lol

No. 1247118

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Anyone use sitting/floor desks? Supposedly it's ergonomic so you won't cramp as much.

No. 1251261

Why the FUCK must ALEKS close at the worse times, I keep getting a 403 and the net isn't doing shit with helping me.

No. 1255656

Anons.. I just bombed my Ochem exam. Its the first ochem exam of the summer and I just failed at Newman projections. I bought a molecular model kit and everything and I still couldn't understand it. I thought I understood it while doing some practice problems and watching videos but during the actual exam it was so difficult for me to visualize. Does ochem have a lot of this sort of stuff where you have to visualize..? I understand curved arrow notation and acid/base stuff but the newman projections were so hard. I'm worried about my grade now.

No. 1255680

I fucking hate how American colleges help literally everyone else besides young American students. Foreigners getting free credits and handed good grades when they're terrible (I also suspect this is why so many foreign doctors and teachers are shit) and elderly people get cheap credits

No. 1255696

i don't know about newman projections specifically, but yeah i would say it's pretty heavy on visualization. you just really have to hammer it in, but also as you get further along you'll see that there are only so many configurations for things to end up in, and you'll start to see the patterns. ochem is SOOO tough for so many people, don't stress yourself over it too bad.

No. 1255701

If you chose to do this get a floor chair with back support.

No. 1255706

>American private universities can be degree farms specifically for exchange students with hella cash.
It's really annoying when trying to look for a masters program. They don't respect you and they just see you as a bag of money. I remember researching for my masters program and the general advice I got was to avoid American masters and stick with European but a lot of American master programs seem more interesting.

How can I be sure that the American program I'm applying to is actually decent?

No. 1255743

Is it even worth doing a degree if the institution isn’t highly ranked? I know people meme about STEM but in my experience (UK) people with non-stem degrees from highly ranked unis (around top 5 or 10) seem to have better career prospects than people with STEM degrees from mediocre or lower ranked places. I’m curious how important institutional prestige is in other countries.

No. 1258154

You hit the nail on the head. They just let you drown if you're American. Very weird. Rich Indian/Chinese men get a shit ton of benefits and become TAs while barely knowing English. You never see women getting these types of opportunities. They pay their way.

No. 1279007

Should I attempt to do a work study? I have no work experience and I don’t even know if I would even be hired for the specific work study I’m looking for but I need money kek

No. 1279359

I dropped out in 2021 because I couldn't get financial aid from any one and I've been living as part time NEET ever since. I feel so embarrassed an disgusted.

I tried to do some review and I hate how much I've forgot. I feel like I'll never get this degree

No. 1279425

Depends. Definitely if you're doing engineering

No. 1281032

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after not paying for college for 3 months (350 euros a month) today, on my birthday, i got an e=mail saying i'm officially kicked out and now i can't log in into my college profile.
feels so good. the last big project (6 months ago) burned me out so bad that i'm still recovering from it and it looks like i might not for awhile. i loathe that place.

No. 1305472

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Holy shit I just submitted my high school diploma as probably the last step to be able to get a degree in my community college and MY FIRST TIME EVER ENTERING COLLEGE. I want to do gamedev, but do a little research and everyone says compsci is better because you learn more and have more to fall back on. And everyone wants to be a gamedev but has no musicians/ artists so I'm gonna develop those skills through classes if I can.
The semester starts at the end of the month I know I'm so far behind I hope hope hope I can get in a compsci class at a good time. Please don't let me be the only woman and please let the other women be actual women. I was hoping to join the feminist book club, but one look at their social media… it is what you think it is.

No. 1305484

Good luck anon! Your post was really nice to read.

No. 1305498

Best of luck to you anon!

No. 1305669

starting grad school next month, i nabbed a teaching assistant position. yall i literally cannot believe how much it pays, $2500 a month, plus my tuition is paid for. WTFfff lol
whoever tries to tell u grad school is unaffordable, they're lying. just become a TA. i have 0 experience teaching at all btw

No. 1305944

Why are you getting expelled? Is there a way you can convince the university to change their mind and let you at least finish the year or semester so you can get your credits and maybe transfer to another uni later?

No. 1306110

I'm glad that studying now has its own categories of aesthetic, i guess, from dark academia to minimalist to pastel that are popular these days. but the pandemic really crushed my study habit more so to the online class method being implemented. i really want to doll up the way i study, like make it less dull and boring to look at from an outsider's point of view but i really don't have an eye for design unfortunately.

however, for now, i'm given an opportunity to relive my studying in college and slowly put up an aesthetic that i agree with, although i don't know what it is for now. i'm undecided. but im starting by using colored pens than just using red and black ink with ugly neon colored highlighters. and i'm also using those ring-bind notebooks with dotted lines too.

No. 1306111

Good luck anon! What you’ve been told is correct too, game dev can put you in a career corner and I’ve met lots of people with game dev degrees (from Full Sail tbf) who had to go back for a comp sci associates just to get a job, and I also know a ton of comp sci people who were able to break into game dev just with the comp sci bachelors alone and some hobby experience with Unreal.

No. 1306793

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Nonna!! Congrats! Virtual cake on me! You're living my dream! How did you land the TA position? Is your school pretty big or known for the degree you're taking? And what year are you? I would have loved a TA position but unfortunately this is my first year in a grad school so stuff like that is beyond my reach for now.

No. 1306855

if you're not a creative person it's okay to just copy aesthetics you see on pinterest or instagram. no one will blame you for that

No. 1306894

Has anyone had any success with notion/using it for classes or has any tips for setting it up?

No. 1306931

I worked at a place that used it. It was pretty good when set up properly, but also very easy to fuck up when someone with the ability to edit everything didn't know what they were doing. It would probably work just fine for classes, there's a ton of customizability so anything you'd need it for, you could probably do if you're not boomer brained (like me kek)
I didn't have to set the whole thing up, but I was able to create different pages and folders and format things without too much trouble. I think it honestly might be a little bit overkill just for classes, but if you're into that then it's pretty good.

No. 1307133

attending an online uni for a computer science degree and I have like 10 months left before graduation and so far only took a few coding classes, it feels like such a waste of money and I don't think I can get a job in the field
all I know is the very basics like assigning a variable and for and while loops etc
should I start grinding through odin project or freecodecamp? I'm completely at a loss of what to do

No. 1307174

I have it set up for each of my classes just so I have all my resources in one easy to access place. Professor's contact details, the syllabus pdf embedded, assignments with their grade weight, due date and completion status, a weekly breakdown of my lectures and readings, and then an active recall/spaced repetition revision schedule. I don't use any of the really heavy database functions, I just use it so I don't have a ton of word/pdf docs all over my desktop.
This is the template I repurposed for my workspace, the spaced repetition has really helped me retain information: https://www.notion.so/UNIVERSITY-WORKSPACE-2a1e1021c13b48ef8b5dbd6e57bba98c

No. 1307197

In September I'll be going to school to be a teacher. Because of the insane shortage, all of my tuition is covered. I thought it'd be a good deal to go to college for free and have a degree I can always fall back on. I'm just really excited and wanted to share! Is anyone else in school for education?

No. 1307454

Congrats. TA'ing is expected of grad students as it's one of the sources of their stipend, which can be around 25k-30k CAD a year. Do you get a stipend too along with your TA paycheck?

No. 1307503

Omg congrats! I have one year left and then I’m a teacher in English and history.
Sounds like you made a great deal too studying for free. Hopefully the shortage means that you’re salary will be better eventually in the future. If teachers get low salaries where you’re from just travel around the world as a teacher and you’ll make a lot. Getting a degree in education is great since it opens up opportunities internationally. I have an American friend who teaches in a fancy private school in Turkey and makes a lot, teachers are very respected there. Where I’m from we get around 3000 usd after tax as teachers which is kinda meh.

No. 1311329

Random advice from a 2021 CS graduate that was in a similar position to you:

Out of the options you listed, I recommend The Odin Project's JavaScript path (and supplement it with javascript.info for concepts that aren't sticking). I'm not sure Ruby on Rails is super in demand anymore, and Codecademy's way of teaching is pretty worthless imo. Technically the best way to learn programming is by working on a project you're passionate about but as someone who is not passionate about programming at all, I find that doing a high-quality course and making a project after it is way better.

I would also recommend learning a framework like React after that course just because it's vital to doing any web dev stuff right now, and once you learn one, the others are pretty easy to learn.

In my senior year of college, we did group software engineering projects that helped me get my current job, but if your school doesn't do that, it would be pretty easy to make some quick websites after The Odin Project and a few weeks' crash course in a web framework!

No. 1311332

Forgot to mention, a great first project is working on a portfolio site that you can list and link to all your other projects on. I learned CSS and Bootstrap this way.

No. 1311358

NTA but what's with Ruby? I did the spinny wheel thing for TOP and I got Ruby three times…….the Signs are trying to tell me something

No. 1311412

yeah I'm not really passionate about any particular thing enough to do a project
in my senior year currently and my coding class right now is entirely just editing someone elses already made code to make it work - basically debugging without actually writing our own code
thanks for the advice nona, I don't have tons of free time but I will try and grind through the odin project and hopefully build a small portfolio before I graduate

No. 1311881

I’m back to owing the school money. I ow about $3,000 for taking two classes during the summer and it’s highly impossible to pay all that. Also, I wasn’t supposed to be charged for one class I didn’t complete but they’re still changing me anyway.

I’ve submitted enough proof that I was recently fired, took a picture of my expiring green card as my main priority of where my savings are going towards and the email exchanges between my professor and I stating she wouldn’t bill me as long as I retake her class within a year in order to appeal the charges but yesterday they responded back basically telling me “lol we don’t give a fuck, you’re not registering for classes until you pay up” at approximately 4:55pm - giving little time to call them and argue their verdict until Monday.

I don’t want to believe that college is a scam but I’m leaning towards it.

No. 1313342

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What are some productivity traps in your opinon?

For example:
>using too many planners or planning stuff when you don't even need to
>buying too much stationery because it keeps being advertised to you via social media and channels about journaling
>using specific apps when you could just use pen and paper and google drive

No. 1313589

It's my first year too, I'm an incoming student, but I knew I would need a TA to be able to afford going. I legit just cold emailed my CV to the department I wanted to TA in, mainly because it was my undergrad major (art history). Kind of lucked out because my CV had related work experience & because they really needed someone last minute.
The university is huge, I think the survey class I'll TA for is around 280 students. I'm studying library science, the program is only two years but in-person.
Also kind of stressed now cuz I found out I'll be TA for three discussion sections, which I was not told during my interview lol. But oh well, I need the money.

The school I'm going to uses the quarter system, so my salary per month (2,500usd) only pays the quarters I work–which is on top of the tuition remission. It's cool because I didn't even know TAs got paid, I thought the benefit was just not having to pay tuition.
I'm just worried about how I'll be able to balance everything, I have a feeling I'm gonna have 0 free time.

No. 1313626

Lord I haven't finished a planner all the way through for the life of me. I've just been using one notebook as a planner and making each page a day. Probably a better way to use it but I'm ADHD and haven't found something I like and can stay using. I also am a stickerfag so I looove buying stickers and I'm lazy at doodling / making a planner or journal look pretty.

No. 1313654

having a schedule imo. Some people are better off just having a list of things to do and doing it whenever they feel like it. That's what I do now. If i want to play video games before studying, that's what i do. I also allow myself to procrastinate. It helps my mind have little breaks and increases productivity.

No. 1313692

NTA but yeah, in my experience it’s not hard to get a TA job if you go out and ask. I even TA’d as an upper-level undergraduate. In a similar vein, my college had enough funding that any student who wanted to could have a paid research assistantship but most didn’t, and this was largely just because it wasn’t well publicized and people didn’t bother asking.

No. 1318524

Sorry if this is out of place? But your mom sucks. Even if you are overambitious your mom should believe in you and motivate you and not make you feel like shit for believing in yourself. Its okay to fail sometimes.

No. 1321752

My fall semester just started and I’m at an impasse. Should I just do 1 class or skip altogether?
>signed up for a class I thought I needed to complete a minor
>turns out I would need to take at least two classes for the minor
>already know how to do everything in the class, so while it would be an easy A it’s kind of unnecessary

>signed up for required writing class for the major I’d graduate the fastest in
>the professor is a really obnoxious adjunct that fucked up everything on the first day
>an alternative class is available in spring that I could do instead and drop this class
>also need to take a language class but the intro classes start during this semester, and the only one that fits my schedule is Japanese
>as far as I know Japanese is very difficult and I was mediocre at foreign language in middle/high school (Spanish)

No. 1322432

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I'm writing a monograph PHD in a humanities field and it often feels so fucking difficult and lonely, but today I met my supervisor whom I sent some of my recent manuscripts and she said my argumentation is good and I'm making progress. I'm on cloud nine I'm so happy. Wishing all of you success as well.

No. 1322628

Alternatively I can take Spanish the day of the unnecessary class and stay in the shitty writing class (or drop it)
Maybe I'll do that. I'm really nervous about taking Japanese in college, I think it's fear of failure because it's so different than english.

No. 1322967

Why not challenge yourself? It could also be fun to learn something completely different. Do you need to get a good grade or just pass the course? If former, it might be better to play it safe, but in the latter case you could give it a try. At least in my experience the beginner courses are quite easy in any language.

No. 1323546

I decided to try the Japanese class and it was surprisingly fun! The professor let me sit in to see if I would like it and she said I’d be fine. I’m really burnt out on writing papers so this feels like a break.

No. 1323712

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Yesterday was supposed to be my first day of college but I couldn't go. I panicked when I got in front of the building and walked away.

There were so many people there, particularly moids. I chose a very STEM-oriented field so it's likely gonna be 90% scrotes. I just hate men so much and they fucking scare me, I can't stand their presence.
I also have depression and soxial anxiety so it doesn't help.

What should I do nonnies? I'm going to try and go back tomorrow.

No. 1323725

don't be stupid nonna. go and join your classes. are you gonna let all those moids study and gain power thru knowledge while you rot in your room?

No. 1323738

I'm sure the first women to go to college were very unnerved and anxious at being surrounded by men, but went forth regardless. You can channel a bit of their determination.

No. 1323889

You'll only make things more difficult for yourself if you don't go tomorrow. There's bound to be at least one another woman there so befriend her. It's very likely that all women there will group up so it won't be difficult to befriend them, even if they're with very few.

No. 1323893

NTA but this is what fuels me.

No. 1323909

you are letting them win by doing this nonnie, you can do it, I'm rooting for you! also this >>1323889

No. 1323999

my mom's thinks i'm too dumb to stay in a competitive college and later apply to law school because i'm on forced academic leave but somehow thinks forcing me to start over at med school will work out better. does she not know med school is harder?
i can't stand her genuinely feel like k wording myself because i cannot deal with a year of this shit let alone an entire life of her belittling me under the guise of advice. i already got to deal with her being homophobic to lesbians, now she wants to shit on my academic plans. she's been pushing me to switch schools as soon as i got in, and whenever ever appoint it out she acts like she was supportive.
she says i have a victim complex for thinking my adhd affected my college but coddles my brother adhd leading to him being violent and even trying to kill + other family members.

No. 1325810

Update: I went to class the next day and it was fine. There were a lot more girls than I expected, and the teachers were nice. Thank you nonnies for all your good wishes!

No. 1329653

I feel like a retard for letting my mental health slip and fail 3 classes just because my cat got sick and clearly doesn't have much time left (she's in her 20s). It's not even like the work is hard, I just let myself not even try and go off the rails.

No. 1330597

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What the hell. Why do I have to reference 5 different specific types of academic sources? I can't find anything useful when I'm forced to use the only sources I can find that fit into the required list like "source must have an author with a last name that can also work as a first name" or some shit. People on this website can't understand sarcasm half the time, that was a joke btw, but it feels just as stupid when the only content is some 40-year-old rambling about nonsense and going in circles in their own publication.

No. 1330604

i just want to throw a random advertisement toward the study of geography and more specifically GIS for those who are second guessing their focus! i wish i had known about geospatial analysis earlier instead of having to change my major midway.

it’s also a SUPER lucrative tech field. i just make maps all day and it’s great. i know some people who are focusing on mapping disease growth across regions, and others who are mapping natural resources for sustainable urban planning. hell even farmers need GIS for their crop rotations. i want more women in the field, it’s budding with potential and the best part?: no math needed

No. 1330608

Now that’s an update i wanted to see. Glad you didn’t drop out nonna!

No. 1330799

>no math needed
n-nonita…. this is excellent

No. 1339052

can any grad student give me advice on my courseload/workload etc?
so I enrolled for 3 courses, because I figured I needed to do that much for credits, however I recently got a TAship for an undergrad survey class, where I'll be responsible for 3 discussion sections/take TA training class weekly/grading etc. etc. whatever else. I've never TA'd before.

Is 3 courses too much? two of those courses are pretty much required for my degree, but the third I am debating dropping it because I think I might be completely overwhelmed.
I also realized that my TAship counts for credits which make me a full-time student, so does that mean I can freely drop the third class without issue? Is taking 2 classes normal for grad school?

No. 1339060

That's a wonderful field to get in! I wish my 3rd world country had that option, I literally live in the middle of fucking nowhere.

No. 1339075

4 courses at a time for 3 months is standard for universities in my country, full time studying (2 courses for part time if you have a job which majorly interferes with studying).

No. 1339078

this just goes to show how much of a completely flawed circlejerk academia is. This also shows why it's so hard to have innovation come from within it, and it's always the outsiders who invent and introduce new things. The finest candlemakers will never invent a lightbulb or even accept its appearance under these circumstances. Basically, tell prof to go suck it

No. 1341056

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I flunked out in late 2020 in a Bsc in Physics, and I've been lying to my family about my true progress. I'm better at redoing and remembering old knowledge but I have trouble trying to self-learn from a textbook. A part of me wants to go out and buy a fake degree and get a better job so I can afford to live away from family and retry later. I want to force myself and speedrun through as many books and textbooks. I'm working through the physics GRE right now. I was doing third year stuff, thermal physics and mathematical methods(ODEs) before flunking out.

No. 1346137

Sorry for the bump, I feel so tired. I don't understand half of my subjects, I can't tell if everyone else understands it or pretends to understand it. I still have 5 days a week because it's the beginning of the year and if I really wanted to keep up well with everything I would have to either not sleep or not see my friends the next 4 years. I don't even dislike my major I'm just so tired. I sit on the train for 1.5 hours to go to lectures I barely understand half the time, then go back home and feel too tired to do anything besides listen to music or watch movies. I don't hate it I hate the workload, everyone seems fake and I can't quit or I'll have no future.

No. 1346167

It sounds like you're caught in some black/white thinking, where your only options are killing yourself to keep up with this excruciating course load, or quitting school altogether (and killing yourself because now you "have no future"). Luckily you have more options. First of all please drop a class or two, however many it takes to give yourself more time to rest, and therefore more time to focus on your remaining courses. It may take you longer to graduate but that's preferable to not graduating at all, no? If the add/drop period already ended then just take the financial hit to spare yourself the mental anguish. Consider that even if you stayed in the course to save money, what are the odds that you'd be able to pass with the way things are now?
I encourage you to try to get information from as many different perspectives as possible. Talk to your professors and counsellors about which courses they think are most important/foundational, and which you can hold off on until next semester. Talk to your peers to find out if they actually understand the material, if they're also struggling, if they're open to studying together with you or in a group. Talk to your parents and family and friends about the difficulties you're having, and ask for their advice managing time and stress. Read success stories from people who took longer to complete their schooling. Read success stories from people in your major in general, to remind you why it's worth it to persevere, even if your perseverance is a bit slower than traditional. Most importantly just ask for care and support and understanding from your loved ones because it seems you're really burnt out and upset.
Please take it easy. You seem to have super high expectations for yourself which may just stress you out even more.

No. 1356114

I have decided I want to go to medical school but the whole process is so complicated. I think I have what it takes but as a child of immigrants I have no one to guide me through this whole process. Maybe I should just give up. But I feel like if i do i will regret it forever

No. 1356209

I want a laptop specifically for study purposes but nothing over the top and not annoyingly slow. If I am on my gaming PC I play video games so this is a good option for me. Anyone have this issue and have suggestions?

No. 1356373

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i just started my masters in art history a couple of weeks ago and i’m already feeling burnt out. i feel like everyone in my classes talks like an academic and can form proper sentences but i just stumble on my words and don’t use any fancy vernacular or anything

No. 1356423

Probably dumb advice because you are in college but read more.

No. 1356558

Don't give up! Do you have any academic advisors, counselors, or professors to get advice from? Or maybe any fellow pre-med students? You could try searching 'how to get into medical school' for whatever country you're in. Vidrel is for the US med school application process

No. 1359691

How do you handle feeling overwhelmed by large amounts of prescribed reading in humanities courses? Does anyone use a particular system to help them organise what they need to get done? I’m worried that I’m going to fall behind very quickly. (I’m studying history and philosophy, if that’s relevant).

No. 1360167

Hi nonna I want to say first of all congratulations!! I did my MA in art history too and this field has my entire heart so I love seeing others also pursue it!! I felt the exact same way you did, I felt I had not one intelligent or articulate thought in comparison to my peers (and stumbled on my words constantly) but I then went to law school and realised everyone in the MA was just using the biggest words and nonsense academic jargon to seem smart but in reality the content of their statements had 0 substance when I looked back on it afterwards after being exposed to legal writing which requires being succinct. You know more than you think and being able to speak on these concepts in simple terms is a very powerful skill and imo the field needs speakers like you who can write on difficult concepts in an accessible and non pretentious way. You got this! Good luck!!

No. 1361633

Any nonnies who graduated/planning to graduate with a BS in Biology who don't want to go to med school? Feeling kinda lost what to do and I don't want to jump into grad school right away. Salary doesn't have to be amazing but liveable.

No. 1361636

Experience is sometimes more important than grad school. I did grad school right after my bachelors yet my first industry job in good tech in starting out the same as those with under graduate degree. You can always go back to grad school once you explore your options, maybe working in the industry will make you aware of more options. I've realised I overlooked a lot and while I don't regret my masters there are a lot more ways to reach goals

No. 1361639

*food science. I did a bsc in biology and masters in molecular. I never considered food technology but its a big industry where I live and secure. Biology degrees get you a lot of access

No. 1361646

thank you, food science was actually one of my major interests while exploring career options. i saw that water treatment is also a possibility along with doing just general wet lab stuff, but the pay isn't exactly great at those

No. 1361651

That's basically what I'm doing wet lab stuff. I think if I would have had this experience my masters would have been an absolute breeze. The pay isn't so bad if you look around, the factory I've got into has shift premiums, 4 days a week. Contracted for 39 hours and if you go over that you get over time plus you shift premium. I make £25k+ a year and the hours go in quickly, though it can be hard going. I'm using this place as a stepping stone to something better.

No. 1361655

I majored in Linguistics to avoid any heavy math, but now I regret it because I truly love Zoology and Biology. I don't want to go to grad school for linguistics, and I don't want to go to audiology school either.

No. 1385853

Are there any good online degrees for game design out there? I've been at uni for the past year for a BFA but my mental health has been fucked and I've found what I'm studying I don't want to pursue as a career. In high school through covid I found I work 200% better when I can stay at home (mixture of social anxiety and schizophrenia absolutely fucks me up in irl academic settings). I'm just afraid I'll end up getting scammed for some shitty course that doesn't push me far enough for where I want to go.

No. 1385904

i decided to be stupid and attempt to work full-time while getting my master's and as much as i want to quit, i'm seriously worried about having to pay rent and tuition from my savings if i do. my parents, bf, and anybody i vent about work to all encourage me to quit my job because it's a mindnumbing waste of time that's also getting in the way of a much more valuable degree, but it's a mindnumbing waste of time that pays decently and the economy ain't getting better so i don't know if i really ought to quit. i can't keep slacking off to do coursework, since my manager is starting to notice, and i can't keep neglecting school just to sit in pointless meetings all day. i hate all these futile double-bind situations.

No. 1388304

Let's talk about what you listen to when you study! Aside from the common lo-fi playlists, what do nonnies like to listen to? For myself, I recently got hooked on classical lute/mandolin soloists like vidrel. It started with a Venezian mandolin playlist and I've been in love ever since. I've really enjoyed Evangelina Mascardi's lute playing these past couple of weeks. Does anyone else like classical playlists but can't focus as well if there are more than a couple types of instruments? It's sad when I find a cool instrument that I wanna listen to while I study but they have other accompanying instruments that distract.

No. 1388547

I like to listen to silent hill music with rain sounds in the background

No. 1389731

God, researching into what graduate schools I can apply to is so stressful. I think I might have to delay another year since I don't have my letters of recommendations ready yet and I'm still beefing up my CV. I just hate the time I'll be wasting. I want to get into graduate school right after I receive my bachelors because I feel like taking another year off might make me feel lazy. I already wasted so much time after I got out of highschool by being a NEET because I didn't know what to do with my life. Now that I have plans for my future, I now feel so impatient to achieve it already

No. 1390054

New Moon by Elliott Smith is one of my go-to’s. I am absolutely obsessed with him in general but something about how soft most of the songs on that album are makes it perfect for study. Other times I listen to stuff like Squarepusher and Richard D. James’ more IDM-leaning music, sometimes classical (I love the late romantic/early modern periods! Sibelius and Ravel in particular are great for study). Recently I’ve been listening to a lot of Robert Schumann and loving him! Clara used to be my preferred Schumann but I’m giving her husband a chance lol.

No. 1390079

If I need shit done I turn on edm that was played 10 years ago in clubs and at festivals and study. I need something to keep me awake and my pulse high. This type of music helped me in school, it helps me now.Maybe deep trauma from studying at nights is the reason why I can't dance to edm now.

No. 1390091

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what degree should i pursue? i have an a.a. but want a bachelors in something that can align with my passions or interests but i guess isnt entirely useless. im tired of sitting in room alone all day when not working part time, which is less than 1/3 of my time. i think going back to college can save me!

i want to study biology but im aware thats really frowned upon. i love animals, literature, spirituality, writing, and creating things…obviously i cant get a career with these interest. i feel really lost, but i dont want to pursue something that i have 0 interest in.

No. 1390094

I decided to study programming, mostly because I'll be guaranteed decent paying jobs for the rest of my life. Do any nonnies have experience in this? Is it really hard to pick up if you don't have any previous experience with programming except for very basic html you dabbled in when you were 16?

No. 1390101

>can’t get a career with animals, biology
Anon it’s called veterinarian school

No. 1390115

Nonnas I think I have finally figured out a for sure way to enter the field I want. I want to be a speech language pathologist but getting into grad school is extremely difficult with the limited spots they have. I also don't know how I could even attend because I don't have a car, am low income, and they don't want you to work all while refusing to help with any form of affordable housing. I was having panic attacks thinking about whether or not I would even get into grad school, or how I would go go clinical sites even if I did. But I learned what I could do instead is take extra classes and exams after my bachelors and become an SLP assistant for a while. It gives you a lot of hands on experience, and a lot of times it helps people get into grad school. Even if I don't get in I feel happy knowing I'm still helping people, especially when a lot of SLPs could use help instead of doing it all on their own. I no longer feel like I'm going to fucking vomit every second of the day. Thank god.

No. 1390122

nona if the troons can do it, so can you

No. 1391312

At one of my classes there was a guest speaker that asked everyone where they see themselves in five years. I just replied that I was hoping to have a bachelor’s by then, and he said I need to think further ahead. It was a little embarrassing to hear, but it’s so overwhelming to work full-time and go to college. So many professors act like all of their students live on campus and are unemployed.

I had told myself to take a break instead of doing intersession courses, but I found one for the winter so far. What I hate is that I have to get all these credits unrelated to my major. I could do the winter class and there are two more required classes in the spring but idk if I’m going to completely burn out by then. I feel like I’m driving myself crazy compared to when I only had my job to do.

No. 1391360

From what I've seen from my year, there were some people who had no programming experience that succeeded in the cs derpartment and some people with programming experience to fail. It's all about your mathematical and logical reasoning, which can be trained, and hard work. Will having experience in programming in Java, C++, etc give you a head start? Yes, but programming isn't just about writing code, but writing clean, simple, non-repeated code with interesting algorithms and efficient data structures to support what you are writing.

No. 1392899

Is there any hope for a 2 year advertising/marketing diploma

No. 1397805

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went to class late, i sheepishly open the door, and nobody was even there neither were the lights on. i checked to see if i was at the right class and i was. dafuq.
in fairness i was 20 minutes late but that was because of the bus taking 50 10 minute stops and traffic. sigh. and i just started uni as well this week. now im just waiting alone in campus awkwardly

No. 1397807

Maybe you missed an email canceling or rescheduling the class. Do you have contact with any other students? You should ask them if you do.

No. 1397810

i unfortunately dont. my professor asked a representative to add me to some groupchats and she mistakenly added me to the wrong ones of a different class, and when i asked her if there was any way that could be changed she said she would speak to another responsible and she still hasn't gotten back to me since… the e-mail my uni set up for me doesn't have anything either as of yet and the facebook group i posted in asking for links to things i needed for class like to groupchats and such nobody has gotten back to me on either. guess i'll just wait…

No. 1397847

Ask again! They probably just forgot

No. 1400019

I e-mailed a university asking about admissions stuff, but they haven't responded in almost 5 days. Should I just email them again next week (but rephrased)? If so, should I mention previously e-mailing them or just leave it?
I asked this in the stupid questions thread at first and I can't delete it now, didn't know this thread existed kek

No. 1400616

no text your boyfriend back

No. 1400682

Just reply with the same email and ask for a follow-up. They probably got busy or your email got buried and forgot about it.

No. 1404947

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one of my classmates literally looks like françois hollande's clone. cant believe i saved a picture of this moid but its so uncanny i need people who don't know him to be able to see and to better illustrate the image

No. 1409804

i feel insanely humiliated walking around campus whenever i need to change buildings for class. i feel like a jester putting a spectacle with everyone staring at me even though i know rationally they arent. i literally feel like leaving rn before i have to enter a class because i have no idea how to get to it and where and am to afraid to ask, obviously im new. this is so embarrassing. doesnt help that im mixed race but look completely asian and therefore foreign so i had many racist incidents here. i live in a third world country so no one gives a shit. and i have zero friends. im nervous af i think im just going to leave out of embarrassment alone

No. 1409831

When I feel like that I say to myself I have just as much of a right to be there as everybody else, I'm people too. I had a confusing campus with shit spread out weird so I empathize with you. I hope you get the hang of where stuff is soon, maybe you could tour campus on an off day to familiarize yourself with everything without the stress of making it to class

No. 1410108

You need to get a campus map and go find all your classes on days when you don't have class so you know where they are. That's what everyone who seems to know where their classes are has done, I promise. Most new students carry a map with their classroom buildings marked out on it for a week or so at least.
I'm so sorry about the racism though, that's fucking horrible. Does your university have social clubs? If it does you should look and see if there are any for Asian students or even for foreign students in general. You should also join other clubs you're interested in, but if you're experiencing racism on campus then other students probably are too, and it might be good for your mental health to make friends who can relate to that so you can support each other more effectively.

No. 1410412

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Spent 4 hours on a single webpage, at least it's better than my previous 8 hours record. I know it's because we don't code a lot except for guided text examples in class and it's once a week. I guess I should make random websites to get muscle memory. But I made it moomin themed to have a cute style, so I had a bit of fun. Regretting but excited to be in the actual Compsci class in summer.

No. 1413705

I think you'll benefit from learning by adding multiple features to the same website and take screenshots and gifs to document your features to show in a portfolio. I haven't found a good hosting website so i'll probably stick with github pages.

No. 1416528

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My library has tables with computers anyone can use and i never bring mine so they're really useful. But some idiots sit in front of the desktop to use their laptop? That's so dumb just go sit on an empty table, you're just stealing a spot for no good reasons

I feel like he would be an history major

No. 1416587

I want to do a study abroad program so bad.

No. 1417109

lmao, sorry nona. I'm guilty of this. The computer stations always had better lighting, chairs, and wasn't drafty.

No. 1417193

Is it possible to save a rented textbook? I couldn't find my textbook on libgen or anything so I went ahead and rented it online and I'd like to keep accessing it after my class ends. I don't want to screenshot each individual page so I can continue to use it for personal studying but it looks like I'm going to have to do that if I don't find a better way to download it

No. 1419433

As a eurofag, many of my friends wants to join erasmus but you need to have excellent grades and leaving abord is expensive af so many exchange students end up alone and feeling lost. My university has a lot of foreign students but they either give up after a few months or stay in their communities and never talk with natives
I wouldn't recommand

No. 1434429

my professors are such cunts always fucking telling us they're not coming or otherwise cancelling class moments before. i was meant to have an exam and i fully waited 2 hours and she came right at the end to tell us that we're going to have it next thursday. im fuming because im a poorfag so i wasted not just my time but my money as well for my commute that takes forever. i dont know why i even bother to come to my classes anymore when i can just come for the official exams/midterms only like so many others do this always fucking happens. so incompetent and annoying

No. 1434435

I hate law school. It's boring, it's hard and I found out it's nothing I aspire to do. I miss my wagie job where I just scanned groceries for 9 hours, at least my coworkers were fun and some customers were really nice. I want to go back but I feel like a complete disappointment to everyone.

No. 1434454

If you finish law school you can work fewer days for the same money you earned working 9-5 retail, maybe keeping that in mind motivates you to keep going?

Ironically I say this as someone who also dropped out of law school, I hated it, but I did go back to uni for something I actually wanted to do.

No. 1434592

Ayrt, thanks nonna. I know it will but I hate this too much kek, I'm switching majors in a few months but I still have to sit it out for at least a few months. I just miss having a braindead job, it was easy to maintain myself and work at the same time plus I have a lot of savings now from just a year of working. College feels like a fulltime job you have to pay for.

No. 1439620

my friend went to law school, became a lawyer, hated it and other lawyers, then got a job with the government and makes an insane amount of money for an easier job. She's much happier now too.

No. 2248347

I recommend it! You don't need perfect grades for it (mine were really average).

>you need to have excellent grades
Not from my experience.

>leaving abord is expensive af

You get a stipend through Erasmus though.

>so many exchange students end up alone and feeling lost

Let me be blunt. Those type are the masters of their own misfortune. If you don't have the right attitude and personality, it will be harder for you to make friends. Similarly, if you've never stayed abroad for a period longer than summer holidays it can be a brief culture shock too. THESE EXCHANGES EXIST SPECIFICALLY TO MAKE THE FUTURE GENERATIONS LESS SHELTERED, LESS PAROCHIAL.

No. 2250309

The university life isn't at all what I expected and I feel so alone and behind on everything. I hate my major, I hate my flatmates, I hate myself for being so retarded and not strong enough to do anything about it. I am so lost and confused, this is not what I had thought it would be. You'd think that with me being in my 3rd year I would have gotten used to it but no. Feel free to make fun of me, I deserve it

No. 2250388

>I hate my flatmates
This is normal.

No. 2250404

My uni just sent me an email about dropping out and I’m honestly so tempted. I like my course even though it can be super boring sometimes but I’m honestly so worried about my future job prospects because I keep seeing people doomposting about how they can’t get any jobs with the degree I’m doing.

No. 2250438

This is such a stupid question but i went to school in 2012 but I sadly could not afford more than 1 semester. I am now 30 and would like to go back to school but I dont know how to apply as an adult. Everything I find is always directed at children in HS so I don't know if I need to send them my HS diploma, transcripts from my 1 semester. I dont know anything on how to apply as an adult. So i guess my question for any adults who went back to school, how did you apply? Can I transfer my credits still even though its been over 10 years?

No. 2250538

There is a time limit on your credits and I think it is about ten years. It changes depending on the institution though. I would reach out to the school you’re interested in and see if they have specific resources for older or non-traditional students. See if you can have a meeting with an advisor type and just go over your situation with them. They’ll be able to point you in the right direction

No. 2250573

I’m in a fairly intensive post graduate program (nothing as crazy as medical school) and I fell behind this past week between going out for Halloween, seeing my family, and election stuff. I always clowned on the mentality that you won’t have time for friends or family, your relationship will probably break up etc, but now I’m very jealous of people who do have that mindset. Having friends and family isn’t worth being like 7 hrs behind in homework, and also very behind in housework. Ugh winter break can’t come soon enough.

No. 2253734

>Is it actually feasible to get a master's in something completely different?
Yes. All unis care about is money. But jokes aside, yes. You just have to write in your application letter WHY you want to switch fields if the switch is a hard one (like going from anthropology studies to astronomy or similar). As for me, both my undergrad and my masters were in natural sciences, although different fields (geography -> bioscience). I had no problems whatsoever.

No. 2253753

Maybe in the two years it took for you to reply, anon really did get her Masters. Who knows.

No. 2254445

No. 2254549

i need some advice. im 25 and started uni a few months ago but now i kinda wanna do architecture (im in stem). i dont hate my course but i'm afraid of losing time and deciding to go for another course halfway in it, even though i'm nowhere as young as my classmates to be able to go around changing majors and experimenting.
a few observations: i dont care too much about job prospects, i hate working anyways, i just dont wanna be completely jobless like my cousin who did fashion school and now works by selling handmade notebooks that dont sell well. uni is free where i live, and im studious enough to be able to get in most courses (except more prestigious ones like medicine and law), so im not concerned about debt or anything like that

No. 2254752

if you want to be successful in architecture you'll have to get a master's degree depending if your university has an accredited degree program or not. i would research the degree programs available. if yours has an accredited degree program you should switch. if not keep in mind you'll be taking the time to get a master's. urban planning is a good career choice too which is what i'm looking to get into because you will always find work. i am still undergrad though so take this with a grain of salt

No. 2254884

It seems like there's no hope for me. I'm considering restarting school again because there's almost zero job prospects having an associates in communications. I went back temporarily to retail and it makes me feel like death. I applied to places and the only ones who bit were retail or obvious scammy businesses. I want to work as an entertainment PR person, Is it worth going back to school for, or should I try and save up enough from my idiotic wagie job and move to a city where entertainment is more prominent and easier to meet people and access the business. Right now I live in a shithole suburban area in the south where the only semblance of an entertainment industry we have is in sports and our team is notoriously mocked for how much money the coach sinks into them when our play record is shit. Also I don't like sports. I want to work in music or something like that. There's not much of a local music scene either. Should I go back to college here and try and get my bachelors or save up enough to move to another city and say goodbye to this place and see what happens?

Or does the entertainment industry after all probably only want people with masters degrees and I am fucked beyond all repair. I'm already too old to have earned my associates so late (mid late 20's and will take at least another 2 years to earn a bachelors) and I'm just considering killing myself if nothing at all works out. I'd rather kms than be in retail for the rest of my life

No. 2255015

It's my third year too and I feel the same way nona. I hated my flatmates as well. I ended up forking over extra money per month this school year to get a studio and living by myself has made me feel so much better. I'm still lonely, but at least I don't have to put up with extra nonsense that living with people that suck. You might feel better changing your living situation, even if it's just getting new flatmates (lots of times the random ones the landlord sets you up with are better than people you choose anyway) I wish you good luck and just know that even if it really really doesn't seem like it in real life, a sizeable amount of people feel the same way about disliking university.

No. 2257171

thanks nonnie but I don't plan on being successful or anything, i just like studying and the academic environment

No. 2268468

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there’s a turbo autist fat guy in my course, i guess a year above. always has extremely involved nonsensical conversations with himself, sometimes he straight up SCREECHES. like if he has a software problem or something he starts literally wailing about it until the profs stop whatever they’re doing and go help him. it gets terrifying and loud so if i see him i just wrap up my work and leave. also i reiterate, this isn’t like a special retard school unless you consider the liberal arts a mental illness, so i don’t really understand how he got in.

No. 2268487

Must be tough. I never witnessed anything like this. The closest would be a weird guy in a foreign language class who overshared and was a bit on the ADHD side. Gave me second-hand embarrassment.

No. 2268528

AYRT, thank you so much nonna. I've been looking for a job but it's hard when you don't speak the language of the country. I'm happy you were able to move out, it's probably amazing

No. 2281350

>want to pursue art
>no money in that unless you're lucky
>want an english degree
>unemployable unless you're lucky (man I wish I were lucky I wanna be a prof…)
>I don't know how to wrangle children and I really don't want to unless I have to
>don't really have a passion for much else because I'm pathetically creative
>probably damned to community college either way because broke and unambitious and don't have the spirit or wits to be competitive
>peers aiming for ivy league and big unis because they have a future
Do I just kill myself now because I see none of this working out remotely in my favor. I just want a job above retail and a bit of spare time to draw is that so much to ask

No. 2281357

Saying you should kill yourself because you're not self employed or getting attention for drawing is so weirdly self-indulgent. Get a job and figure that shit out like everyone else.

No. 2281358

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Archaeology BA -> Art Conservation and Restoration MA

Or just straight into Conservation BA
>Originally established after World War II to conserve and preserve London’s bomb-damaged architectural treasures, the Conservation Department has evolved over the last 75 years and runs a range of acclaimed conservation courses at BA (Hons), Graduate Diploma and MA level, with a very high success rate of graduates going directly into employment in the conservation sector.

This should help

No. 2283690

Community college isn’t bad you retard. What you want to accumulate debt because you think university straight out of high school is the right thing to do because society said so? Go to community college take some art classes too so you get better dumbass.
If you don’t have a full ride scholarship to university when you graduate high school don’t even think about going there until you’ve figured your shit out in community college. It’s easier to get into better schools when you’re transferring schools as opposed to applying as a freshman.

No. 2284175

If I could go back in time, I would 100% tell myself to do my prereqs at community college. I have 20k of debt for an art degree that I have utterly failed to turn into a practical career, and no one gives a shit about my fancy university education. I'm taking classes at community college now to prepare for a career change, and genuinely the quality of education is the same, if not better. Even at R1 universities, for your core classes, they'll be sending in underpaid grad students to teach you. Even when you do get a tenured professor in more advanced courses, they're so distracted by their research and ambitions that your education is clearly second priority. It's not all it's cracked up to be. Take some classes at community college, figure your shit out, then transfer into a more prestigious university for your advanced classes once you've settled on a direction. Take advantage of career resources and do not bother with a university until you've finished having your pre-career crisis. Or else you'll end up right back where you are in 4 years, except with a ton of debt you can't pay off, a skillset no one cares about, and an atrophied passion you no longer believe in. Trust me, that shit is miserable, so save yourself the trouble.

No. 2285516

I'm really envious of the classmates in my art class who rarely ever show up but get all the work done (and they do a really good job too). The professor tells us how important it is to figure out your schedule and show up, being present means you have more discipline yadda yadda, but every damn time it's the moids who show up an hour late because they were playing videogames or the girl who doesn't show up for two weeks that make the best work. I've attended every class and all my projects look like ass or get submitted late because I work too much outside of school.

No. 2287158

I feel like because I've been so isolated I barely ever interact with anyone, I can't formulate thoughts anymore and I can't get myself to write a fucking essay or anything though I'm trying… Idk I have a fucking verbal block. I understand what the textbook says but I can't explain it in my own words. Every time I manage to write an assignment, I do it at the last minute and though I end up getting the highest grade, I completely forget what I wrote and how I even organised myself to do that. Like, I don't fucking understand, I don't know how to change this, I don't want to interact with people and participating in classes makes me too anxious, I'd rather stay home and read assigned texts. I still can't cope with writing… I can write all this bullshit here and some useless journals but can't process what I read and put it into text. Like I am losing ability to use words. Help…

No. 2287709

>applying for scholarships
>half of them are for people who want to become teachers due to teacher shortage
>other half are for non-u.s citizen residents
>see one for students of first-gen immigrant parents
>Oh I can do that one I guess
>mexico/central america only
guess i'll go fuck myself?

No. 2290358

I dropped out of law school then tried grad school and dropped out of that too.

I just couldn't do it. Feel like a total failure.

No. 2290617

You don't need to go to college to get a job above retail. But even with an art or english degree you can get a better job even if it's not directly related. You're only a tard if you go into massive debt for it. you can be a professor; you only need a master's degree, and obviously you can work with teenagers in education just like you would as a professor.
But also look into web & ui/ux design, most marketing jobs at companies include graphic design, cosmetology, architectural drafting, media production.
Third of all you might not work a job that you love but you like it and enables you to live the life you want to life. No moid's dream job was being a plumber but they're making 6 figures out of it
I hope you enjoyed your lolcow career advice

No. 2304384

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what are some good study vlogs/youtubers to watch for motivation/inspiration? i am going back to school after taking a long break and i need something to help me transition back into school life.

No. 2328080

People make such things? I never needed external motivation.

No. 2329227

I hate my first degree and wanna change but I have only one course to go before I graduate from it so here we go.

No. 2339887

Is it worth going to college in the US if I dont have any financial support, not much money, been out of school for a decade, don't know what I want to do, and have really bad concentration due to trauma? I am still living in an abuse situation too. I applied a couple of times to school and was supposed to start before covid hit but that completely ruined my plans. I tried reapplying a year ago and the placement tests really bored the shit out of me. The older I get, the worse my concentration becomes. If it was free, no problem but I really don't want to get into debt. I do qualify for financial aid but I'm pretty sure that still means going into some sort of debt.

No. 2340662

in my opinion, yes, but only if you can get most if not all of it paid for by financial aid—i am a dependent and our household together makes a decent amount of money but nothing crazy, and certainly not enough to put me through college as it goes toward necessities, and i have had my entire bachelor’s degree paid for. i will say i have done most of my classes digitally which makes it cheaper. my field is in the humanities, i can get a job after but its not something great like STEM; my logic was having a degree would open up doors for me and going for my specific interest would ensure id stick to it, because everything else i love in life wasn’t career material, itd take money, time, and luck to profit from it.

ah! i see you do qualify for financial aid. i think its worth completing more of the process to figure out just how significant that debt would be. can you work part time or take out small loans? loans arent great, but at least where i am you have a year after graduation and you get put on a payment plan after that, and if you have no other direction it could be worth it to pursue college.

as for the focus issue, i have dealt with it as well and still do, and struggle with it worsening with age, and i believe thats why education can be important as it strengthens discipline/concentration. depending on financial aid requirements you can try for a lighter course load, take advantage of resources, try for accommodations, etc. but most importantly you’re going to need something that motivates you to get the work done since there wont be any instant gratification aside from a letter grade. after a gap year it took me a lot of stress and mental breakdowns to get back into school, especially since i dont go in person, and i am finally at a point where i am able to just map things out and do them. i also take a lighter load and give myself grace if i dont achieve a perfect score, if not id kill myself!

my post does not truly emphasize how much i have struggled during my education journey, but knowing what i have dealt with, i think, if you can get a majority of it funded for, you should at least try a semester. if you are directionless right now what harm could it do? try to find a reason, something to push yourself, commit to only a semester depending on the aid/other stuff, and just see where you are after. easier said than done, but
you are stronger than the comfort/trauma of the situation has allowed you to believe. you may also have counseling opportunities at college too. i wish you so much luck and love, and i truly believe you can do this!

No. 2340672

>Is it worth going to university if I don't know what I want to do?
No. It is absolutely not worth going into university if you don't know what you want to do with your life. I know a lot of people that went into university straight after high school with no idea of what they wanted to do in life, then after 4 years they got their degree with a massive amount of debt, and then they decided they wanted to do something completely unrelated to their field, so in the end their degree is useless and those 4 years were wasted on accumulated debt.

You need to sit down and actually figure out what you want the next 5 years of your life to look like. It's easy to just go with the flow, but sometimes you have to be an actual participant in your life. You have to make choices that are congruent with your short-term plans and work towards your long-term plans.

If you want to improve your skill set and start a new career now, while you figure out what you really want to do, go to a local community college. Research what jobs are in low-supply in your state, choose one that doesn't sound super annoying, and start a technical program for that. Some that come to mind are a medical technician (X-Ray techs, for example), pharmaceutical technicians, accountants, or business administrators. These programs usually last 1-3 years, and they prepare you well for entering into well-paying positions in strong and in-demand industries.

No. 2340787

Absolutely not. I am in a similar predicament and i was forced into higher education by my parents straight after high school despite having undiagnosed adhd and having anxiety and depression that is hard to manage. I had to drop out twice and now i am on my third try because i am financially dependent on my parents, so until i can finish school, i have no choice but to keep making myself suffer because there's zero way i'll ever be able to take care of myself without having to move out and live with roommates, so it became a decision of would i rather risk living with strangers or should i put up with my parents. In terms of my current progress, i pretty much make Cs and on a good day some Bs and have around a 2.5 gpa, so basically i am just scraping a pass most of the time. I failed classes around 6 times which added around a year and a half onto a course that was supposed to take 2 years (an associates degree). In terms of finding a career path, i remember doing a lot of research into jobs that pay enough for my desired lifestyle and will be able to sustain me. It doesn't need to be your dream job, just something that you feel like you would be able to meet expectations in and won't make you kill yourself. anybody who gets on your case for having a dream job and being highly motivated is lying and you should ignore them. All thinking about this kind of stuff will do for you is make you more depressed that you aren't one of those type a people who gets up at 5:00am and grinds all day. Consider getting some medications to help with your concentration and help you manage schooling, i personally find it helpful and not taking them was responsible for me failing the first couple of my classes.

No. 2340958

Is it even worth going to school for research? I vaguely enjoy all of biology/chemistry/physics and have no particular pull. But I hear all the time about people struggling to find fulfilling work. Biology major = work as a lab tech analyzing shit and piss and blood samples all day. Chemistry major = product tester. Physics major = unemployed or high school teacher. I keep hearing that these degrees are pointless unless you go to grad school. If that's the case, isn't it objectively way better to just do med school? I feel so lost, and I don't trust academic advisors or whatever anymore. I'm at community college with a 3.9 GPA. Please help me or at least tell me where I can get guidance. I have no idea what universities I'd be happy at, nor what job I really want to spend the rest of my life doing. I'm not opposed to grad school at all, but I am worried about being happy with my job after graduating…

No. 2340965

To clarify, I do think I would be happy as a researcher. The thought of discovering new things, contributing to my field, increasing humanity's collective knowledge is so exciting to me, but it seems like in reality, according to people online in medical research, it is rarely like that, and it is a cutthroat environment that encourages quantity over quality. It is difficult to get funding, I've heard.
I worked in a hospital during COVID and it was so stressful and miserable that I don't think I'd ever want to work as a tech in one, even if it paid well. I'd rather commit to being a doctor. But I hear about people not being accepted into residency, what the hell is up with that? Aren't doctor jobs in high demand all the time?

No. 2342839

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My parents have made it very clear to me that despite the amount of money they make they aren't willing to pay off my college tuition. Which is perfectly fine and understandable in my opinion but I don't know how to receive any financial benefits because every institution has their tuition calculator reliant on parental income expecting that every parent is going to pay for their child's college. I'm in my last year of community college and I've been able to pay that off but I don't even know where to begin when it comes to transferring. Is there anyone else in a similar situation or should I just kill myself?

No. 2342849

Do you still live at home? AFAIK they only count your parents' income if you still live with them.

No. 2342869

The problem is that academia is pretty fucked, you already pointed that out. If you go the researcher route you will be forced to churn out papers and get minimal grants unless you do something that sounds cool or is in trend currently. The head of your department will most likely take all the credit from you and you will have to do a lot of networking to accomplish anything. I don't know how the residency system works in the US but med school is probably a way better choice than research if you think you can handle the long hours of studying and work.

No. 2342871

I do live at home, I guess I gotta move out.

No. 2344060

I graduate with an English Literature degree soon and still have no idea what path to take. I am not passionate about any specific career but have some ideas of things I’d enjoy pursuing. I just think I’ll be screwed with how competitive things are. Clueless

No. 2344371

>>> I never needed external motivation
nayrt, idc if this is over a week ago why are you humble bragging to someone just asking for recommendations, no one even asked you that so why are you giving yourself back pats over it.

No. 2450972

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I hate college so much. I gotta read so many long academic texts. My teachers are commies too, so we have to read marxist essays about capitalism and i have to suck it up and agree with them. Fucking hell. I wish i had rich parents, i have no motivation to sit and study so i have been using AI to make summaries and reading that. I also failed making friends so i am alone in classes most of the time- Feel free to shit on me, i am a failure.

No. 2451070

then quit whining and get a job. Kids today I swear kek

No. 2453410

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>I gotta read so many long academic texts
You get the privilege to level up your brain and yet you whine. You'll never reach your final form if READING of all things deters you. Stop playing vidya other than visual novels from now on.

No. 2453465

NTAYRT, but it sucks to read something you disagree with and not be allowed to critisize it in your essays.

No. 2453672

Ntayrt but I empathize with her a bit. I have to read a lot for one of my classes and even when it’s a study I’m interested in reading 10+ pages about research methods is a bit tiresome. I’m not even interested in research for my career so it’s doubly annoying.

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