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File (hide): 1652134349096.png (291.53 KB, 500x375, FRjeyNoXwAE3KNm.png)

No. 1174413

Please always bump this thread when there is raids/gore/cp so anons will know not to scroll down the catalog.

When this thread is bumped know there is a raid going on.

No. 1174422>>1174425

File (hide): 1652134682641.gif (4.67 MB, 426x640, 297562.gif)

remove all xy chromosome

No. 1174424

Thank God it was deleted now

No. 1174425>>1174444

dont bump it when there are NO raids, dingus.

No. 1174430

don’t be relieved yet they tend to delete their posts when mods are called upon and then then do it again, their degenerative brains have updated from poptart to roomba that cats sit on

No. 1174431>>1174620

File (hide): 1652134949004.jpg (147.78 KB, 1280x1117, 1650248700597.jpg)

I think this is a nice sentiment, but we always have to bump multiple threads so it at least will get off of the 1st page. I still like the idea, but also it only works when it's a bot raid, when moids post it manually, they can post itt as well, unfortunately.

No. 1174444>>1174446

are you retarded or just late, there was literally gore on this page when i posted that gif

No. 1174446

i checked and there wasn't when you posted that which is why i said dont bump, lying twat.

No. 1174620>>1174626>>1174636

Tag yourself I’m female boomhaur

No. 1174626

why did you bump it?

No. 1174636

Claiming female dahlia gribble- fuck I mean Russet Shackleford.

No. 1174909

bump, gore in catalog

No. 1174937

File (hide): 1652169822182.png (1.57 MB, 727x763, oli.PNG)


No. 1174939

I hope moids die

No. 1174966

Do not go to /w/

No. 1174974>>1175068

Stop being a zoom zoom phoneposter who can't figure out how to block images in their browser settings or adblocker.



No. 1174975

File (hide): 1652170840962.jpg (143.35 KB, 1170x1434, IMG_20220430_022944.jpg)

Praying for their downfall.

No. 1174981

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No. 1175053


No. 1175055

bump dont look a moid is having a moid moment

No. 1175056

File (hide): 1652179425839.gif (1.39 MB, 220x275, pat-small.gif)

No. 1175057

File (hide): 1652179465495.gif (334.83 KB, 300x225, giphy (4).gif)

No. 1175058

Its gone now ,thanks jannys.
But they may come back due to lack of having a life so be careful when scrolling nonnies

No. 1175060

File (hide): 1652179581042.png (555.36 KB, 993x763, for when trannies post cp on l…)

here's the pamphlet another nonny posted in the mtf thread, for anyone who hasn't seen it yet

No. 1175066

File (hide): 1652179974168.png (705.75 KB, 1239x903, for when trannies post cp on l…)

No. 1175068>>1175070>>1175083

Can you retards just learn to block images in your browser and stfu? They will obviously notice this thread and all the bump spams and it's validating their efforts.

No. 1175070

Thanks anon

No. 1175083>>1175098

If you're calling people retards for being upset at the shit that gets posted here from raids, then you're the one that needs to stfu. Blame the moids, not anons who are trying to hide it since mods can't.

No. 1175084>>1175087>>1175091

Dumb readlet. And if you don't know how to deal with gore and being called a retard you need to stop browsing imageboards.

No. 1175087>>1175095>>1175096

File (hide): 1652181818189.png (244.5 KB, 700x700, 1650964891603.png)

Once again, go blame the scrotes who post it.

No. 1175091>>1175096

legitimately kill yourself

No. 1175095>>1175098>>1175103

you're not understanding her point. she's saying that we need to stop drawing attention to the other threads. i have been here for years and this random bump thing is new and not working.

No. 1175096>>1175103

>I don't have an iota of tech literacy and refuse to follow spoonfed instructions
>forgoing that, I also refuse to simply hop off the website for a while until the gorespam is over
>instead I opt to just sit on my ass huffing and puffing about moids despite it not helping me or anyone else but instead exacerbating the problem
>waaaaahhh mods save meeeeh
You really deserve all the blame you get.

lmao, even

No. 1175098>>1175109

Raids, CP, gore, etc. is bad but having a nervous breakdown over it is also bad and encourages the subhuman scrote to post more. If there was no reaction to spam, there would be less spam because seeing how much upset and disruption it causes is exactly what mentally deficient moid doing it wants.

This and now there's more spam than ever.

No. 1175103>>1175114>>1175119>>1175120

Those bumps are to hide those threads.
I'm just tired of anons acting like other anons are the problem for trying to make sure that other people don't accidentally see those images. They're not looking to help anyone, they just want to chastise other users for not being as desensitized to the shit as they are.
>waaaaahhh mods save meeeeh
Kek, do you realize that taking down those photos is literally a part of their job? Also, I do exit the website every time we get raided.

No. 1175104>>1175111>>1175113>>1175114

You retards that complain about anons wanting to hide and bump the gore off the front page are seriously my least favorite people on this site, the scrotes are gonna spam whether we ignore it or not you absolute morons

No. 1175109>>1175111

There would be less spam if Admin actually did something about it.

No. 1175111>>1175121>>1175229

>they just want to chastise other users for not being as desensitized to the shit as they are
I've been browsing various image boards since 2006 and I still fucking hate seeing images like that but it's just part of using an image board. There is no way of stopping it entirely due to way image boards work. You either accept it as one of the negatives or you go to another site with stricter posting controls.

The only person who gives a single shit how ~uwu traumatized~ you are from looking at a picture is the gross moid that posted it. Reacting to disgusting images that get spammed is giving the spammer what they want and encourages more of it to be posted so he can wank his microdick to the thought of upsetting women. Report, hide and ignore.

Such as?

No. 1175113>>1175122

This. The delusion of control is embarrassing. Whatever we say or don't say, they know we don't fucking like it, and those who somehow don't know will just take the lack of reaction as acceptance. "Just ignore the bullies" isn't the gigabrain tactic some of you people think it is

No. 1175114>>1175121

>You retards that complain about anons wanting to hide and bump the gore off the front page
Because you're running around like headless chickens ADDING to the spam when you've already been given a simple solution to deal with the gore lmao. Even if you can't follow basic instructions why the fuck are you forcing yourself to stay and continue to post here? You wanted your asses kissed for "helping"?

>they just want to chastise other users for not being as desensitized to the shit as they are.
You were in fact given a very simple and straightforward solution to the gore. Learn to read next time and don't pull shit out of your ass.

No. 1175117

You idiots can't seriously be denying the very likelihood that the gorespammer returned is entirely because they've provoked a reaction the last time.

No. 1175119

>literally a part of their job
Having to deal with is a hard job, I'd say DOUBLE their monetary compensation!

No. 1175120

bumping threads without gore open them up to more gore, moron

No. 1175121>>1175127

You're just doing this shit because you need something to influence in a helpless situation. Fact of the matter is, it wouldn't be like this in the first place if we had more mods, or if image-posting was temporarily disabled (or had to be verified in some way, who fucking knows). This comes down to the administration
The only way for us, as anons, to fully stop the spammer is if we make this a free-for-all for moids. We say nothing about being disgusted, he still reads some shit about us not liking men, dumping our boyfriends, having a vagina, getting pregnant, thinking a 6'2 actor is handsome, whatfuckingever, he gets triggered and spams again. Stop the infighting and blaming other anons, just accept that we have no significant power in this situation until mod applications are opened up.
The only "female spaces" that DON'T get spammed with gore, dick pics, fucked up porn, etc are the ones for troons and pickmes. We can't appease them or turn them off by pretending we don't see it. Just the fact that they're making "femoids" see this shit is getting them off, how are you ignoring that?

No. 1175122>>1175124

>"Just ignore the bullies" isn't the gigabrain tactic some of you people think it is
This exactly. I'm stop responding to the bullshit after this because it's clear they're too slow to get it. It works with their regular "You ugly whores can never be like (insert random woman here" bait threads, but the only thing that could fix the raid problem is the fucking stuff itself. I'm not saying that you shouldn't use the add-on, but at the end of the day this has been a recurring issue for months and telling anons to not react to seeing CP is the ultimate dickhead move. The only thing that can fix this is the staff.
Also, I'm pretty sure the whole tactic of stopping something because it attracted more scrotes is what Admin tried with /2X/. It didn't work, infact it got worse. It needs to be fixed with the actual site itself.

No. 1175123>>1175125

>helpless situation
Stopped reading right there. Once again, stfu if you can't even take the 5 seconds to block lolcow from loading images. LC mods are asswipes but you're not any better.

No. 1175124

Samefag, excuse my typos. I'm on mobileposting but I think it's understandable anyway.

No. 1175125>>1175132>>1175135

>Just block the imageboard from loading images!
And the board gets spammed with CP, most of us don't even know it, so reports are decreased and jannies are even slower to delete the shit. And then it's not just Russia that blocks Lolcow for having CP, it's many more countries until the whole site dies. 1000 IQ suggestion, thanks for your input retard

No. 1175127>>1175134

the site is full of zoomers now, anon. the f.f. thread is evidence of that. this is like that cringe shit people did on tumblr to "combat" raids by equally flooding raided tags with random shit. they don't get that it's enticing a reaction and will get a reaction(more gore). bumping threads without gore just puts those safe threads front and center. it's not about being desensitized or not, it's about being mature and dealing with an awful situation.

No. 1175132>>1175144

Holy fuck if you're willingly subjecting yourself to gore and cp just to be a vanguard to this shithole website by all means be my guest then lmfao. Just pointing out the sheer irony of you complaining that the threads are being shat up while at the same time spamming bumps everywhere and potentially subjecting MORE threads to gorespam.

No. 1175134>>1175136

I'd be a bit more inclined to agree with you if it weren't for what happened yesterday, literal hours of people reporting and still no deletion. If even a few anons could've been prevented from seeing the spam because of some "bump don't scroll" with random images to block it from the front page, I can't complain. If we all just decide to let it sit at the top of the page, scrotes can just flood the board and kill its activity every time they feel like taking a big shit on the site. None of those threads were protected in the first place, they can go to any page or look through the catalog to find them and shit them up
They're not going to get bored and stop if they see us being quiet or even if we are desensitized, they'll just keep doing it. It's up to the mods to clean the shit up and be more vigilant

No. 1175135>>1175145

>you don't understand, the mods neeeeeeed my help! They'll definitely see my diligent reports sooner than they see the front page of /ot/ filled with gore and cp!
holy kek

No. 1175136

that's literally not how it works but okay. you'll see eventually.

No. 1175139>>1175170

Btw, if mods themselves had problems with the bumps, I'm sure they would say that. The only person I've seen get banned for it was an anon who seemingly got mistaken with a scrote.

No. 1175140

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No. 1175144>>1175149

I didn't complain about shit, I pointed out that you screeching at other anons does nothing to solve the scrote spam problem. It's fucking pointless. "Just disable images uwu" and then what? For how long? How does that solve it? You think moids care? You think 90% of the visitors to this website are going to disable images? The fact that you'd even suggest that is a testament to how much of a problem this is. What are you going to tell people, "Oh before you visit lolcow.farm, make sure to install ublock origin and disable pictures because every 3 days a man posts CP and you don't want to end up seeing something evil on the front page! No don't bitch about the mods, it's our fault as users for spurring them on"? Fuck off.
The mods need to do better, and if you take issue with me saying that, that's your problem (and is actually ironic, almost like you don't want things to get better, just bitch and moan)

No. 1175145>>1175155

Do you need to take medicine or something? Your post makes no sense

No. 1175149>>1175156

Oh shit yeah you're right I'll give a heads up to all my friends and family members I've previously recommended lolcow.farm to.

jfc this website is srs bsns to you. Do you unironically submit janitor applications too?

No. 1175155>>1175158

If any mods are active rn they'd already see the state of the front page, your reports are useless.

No. 1175156>>1175160

Somehow, that's the reaction I expected because it's the weakest one possible. I guess instead of "What will you tell people" as a rhetorical question, I should've said Lolcow should place a little black screen before the homepage with a guide to install uBlock Origin and disable images so I wouldn't remind you of the world outside. So sorry, nonnie.
>jfc this website is srs bsns to you.
Why are you even part of this conversation if you don't care about this subject or the site itself? Guess I was right, you just came to bitch. Maybe you can just stop coming if it's not a big deal, you don't even need to turn off pictures or suggest anons to do that. There's tons of other spaces, right?

No. 1175158>>1175164

>Don't report CP, it's useless!

No. 1175160>>1175162

kek you're actually a home grown cow

No. 1175162>>1175208

File (hide): 1652186532869.jpeg (Spoiler Image,108.06 KB, 933x948, 1648753995011.jpeg)

Sure, anyone who doesn't agree with your brain-dead takes is a cow. Anyway, kill all scrotes. I didn't agree with the anon who posted dick gore, but I'm starting to think she had the right idea

No. 1175164>>1175170

Assuming you've indeed made some reports, it's very evident right now that they are useless.

I mean I reported cp yesterday and it was still there when I checked back hours later.

All in all not sure what you're trying to get at.

No. 1175170>>1175245

What >>1175139 said, and it just seems like the problem is the mods not deleting CP, not users for reporting it. Like, what are you actually mad about?

No. 1175208>>1175213

fighting fire with fire just burns everything. fucking stop.

No. 1175213>>1175217

>what is a joke
Why did you bump the thread for this?

No. 1175217>>1175221>>1175227>>1175228

the post i replied to clearly isn't a joke. but go off

No. 1175221>>1175245

I'm literally the OP, can you go back to Twitter kek

No. 1175227>>1175239>>1175245

did you forget the whole point of this thread??sage your shit fucking retard

No. 1175228

It's ok to admit you don't know how to sage

No. 1175229>>1175601

>traumatized from looking at a gross picture
Are you saying CP is just one of those things that make you squeamish like those frogs that lay eggs out of their back? That shit is so vile and sorry we don’t want to see it

No. 1175239>>1176186

oh my bad i must have forgotten the point of this thread was to post spoilered dicks as a joke.

No. 1175243

sorry if stupid question but what's the point of browsing lolcow with images blocked? i tried it yesterday and it kinda felt like letting the terrorists win.

No. 1175245>>1175249

Just how did you get the impression that I'm mad from my post? Or is this some lame provocation attempt?

>did you forget the whole point of this thread??
Did you?

You're part of the cancer.

No. 1175248

The mere existence of this thread is an embarrassing acknowledgment of the gorespammer's efforts and probably motivating them further, too.

No. 1175249>>1175258

You literally are the cancer, this thread isn't here for you to reply to everyone at once trying to dunk on people

No. 1175250

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No. 1175255>>1175266

What’s the point of having a thread that was made to be bumped during raids when you dumbasses just bump it all the time regardless

No. 1175258>>1175261

stop acting like you're doing something noble or something. is this your first raid or something? literally everything everyone is doing itt and with "bumping" is making it worse. all it does is get more of a rise out of them like when gore was spammed on certain tumblr tags and the response was to ruin those tags even more with unrelated "positive posting". uselessly bumping a thread is the same shit. fucking stop trying to find solutions to shit you know nothing about.

No. 1175261>>1175265

Autism. Stop bumping the thread

No. 1175265

calm down, retard.

No. 1175266>>1175267

Some newfag is seething hard and is probably going to complain about people bumping threads while still bumping this thread to fight with random posters for a while

No. 1175267

this thread has no point to begin with.

No. 1175290>>1175301

File (hide): 1652192448639.jpg (113.42 KB, 960x960, 8qejgfrb0wv81.jpg)

Yall need to sage your posts when there's no raid. I thought the moid was back.

No. 1175301>>1175371>>1175441

nope. i won't give into your foolish desire for a false sense of security.

No. 1175371

why not? just trying to keep the site hostile to women?

No. 1175441>>1175450

File (hide): 1652197492478.jpeg (84.02 KB, 700x855, FMexDtnaIAAlKjU.jpeg)

Damn nonnie, did someone shat on your pillow last night and that's why you woke up all crappy and mad? I said 'yall' and wasn't even targeting you or anyone, because I didn't bother reading the retarded infighting. I'm not some weak lil princess who needs to be protected either, so I don't need a brave knight like you to 'give into my foolish desire for a false sense of security'. I just said to sage, which you already did in your reply, because I didn't wanted to even bother with that moid.

Stop picking fights with other women over nothing, if you're that bored, go and make a moid kill himself for entertainment purposes.

No. 1175450

> if you're that bored, go and make a moid kill himself for entertainment purposes.

No. 1175573>>1175597

File (hide): 1652200392634.jpg (43 KB, 480x473, Tumblr_l_110465908057737.jpg)

No. 1175577>>1176058

File (hide): 1652200426835.jpg (35.1 KB, 481x481, Tumblr_l_42857737178022.jpg)

there be some bullshit going on me thinks

No. 1175597

I need a version that says "beautiful" instead of "handsome"
god she's so hot

No. 1175601

I don't want to see it either. It's abhorrent. My point is that posting about how upset you are that you've been exposed to it, is not helping the situation and is probably causing more of it to be posted. If you don't want to see it, report it and then shut the fuck up. No one needs to know that anyone hates seeing CP because that's really fucking obvious and does not need to be stated. The only person that wants to read about how traumatized you are is the disgusting troon that's posting it.

Report and ignore is the oldest self moderation tip for image boards there is. Creating an entire meta shit storm over it just makes the situation worse. It gives more for admin and the farmhands to clean up, it disrupts the normal functioning of the site and encourages more sick shit to posted.

No. 1175602

They will just start to post rubbish in this one sooner or later.

No. 1175636

File (hide): 1652201618226.jpeg (175.82 KB, 1440x1080, A64FF6E3-1532-435F-AD35-C9D58C…)

to moids lurking this thread please post penis gore next time you decide to raid, its my favorite type of gore. i recommend looking up “penis splitting” and experimenting with it on yourself

No. 1176058>>1176064

File (hide): 1652218983191.jpg (143.45 KB, 1063x1500, 71hW5LA2yLL._SL1500_.jpg)

Is this Nathan Fielder?

No. 1176064


No. 1176186

im just reading up on this thread and the whole hypocrisy of you telling anons to get over it and that its not that serious if they see gore or cep meanwhile you got so startled by that dick cutting picture. The scrotery is obvious.

No. 1178519

bump, i hate that i had to see that

No. 1178534

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No. 1178539

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No. 1178543

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No. 1178545

File (hide): 1652383340289.jpg (168.39 KB, 1200x630, sargent repose.jpg)

No. 1178547

File (hide): 1652383364151.jpg (157.26 KB, 700x991, 72148d05fd7e32530bd93477b8a2fd…)

Where are our fucking captchas

No. 1178551

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No. 1178553

File (hide): 1652383442093.jpg (1.3 MB, 2560x1600, sargent10 (1).jpg)

No. 1178555

File (hide): 1652383524366.jpg (82.21 KB, 440x550, Hamburger-Bunny-Jason-Fischer.…)

here is a bunger

No. 1178563>>1178614

File (hide): 1652383743417.jpeg (81.7 KB, 675x506, D9872255-11AF-4A23-BDC5-C89ACA…)

Yknow those sugar cookies you get from a tube at the store? The ones that have dyed shapes on them for whatever holiday is going on, and that taste like Soylent-Green-grade industrial chemicals? Yeah I love those things.

No. 1178570

File (hide): 1652383844591.jpg (9.25 KB, 256x400, 1651429842996.jpg)

I wanna fly

No. 1178614

Me toooo

No. 1178712

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No. 1178720>>1178746

File (hide): 1652388111003.jpeg (165.15 KB, 1280x720, 0EA18EAA-38EE-456F-AB53-060FB5…)

Bumping fucking again CP

No. 1178723

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No. 1178727

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No. 1178728

File (hide): 1652388219311.jpeg (48.56 KB, 500x513, B5809D9F-D01C-4771-B3C3-ED338F…)

No. 1178746>>1178767

is that from that stupid youtube channel where this fatfuck moid makes videos for depressed zoomer teenage boys?

No. 1178767

NTA but who are you talking about

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