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No. 1167736
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>>1167717I messaged her. It's okay, it'll be back!
No. 1167765
>>1167736Yeah I freaked out when I saw the message, I thought maybe I wrote the URL incorrectly
nice to know it's not dead
No. 1167827
>>1167793There are so many new threads on cc, i like the variety. /feels/ is infested with nigel talk, and although that doesn’t interest me it is nice to see how supportive people are to each other’s problems there. It certainly feels calmer, jannies don’t have a bee in their bonnet and it’s not centred on nitpicking other women whilst pretending to be feminist. Sometimes it feels like users here want people to suffer and make terrible life choices just for ‘milk’. I’m ok with community watch type stuff, as it’s not towards one person. Also, i can keep up with people i used to follow online without social media.
What i like about lolcow is that it’s more fast paced, the jannies are actually doing a great job cultivating this controversial and wonderful space despite pushback, i laugh a lot here, it’s unapologetic. People are kind of aggressive here and the zoomer hate is tiresome. But it’s still my favourite place in the internet. I love both imageboards for different reasons. Also, i prefer imageboard aggression to reddit aggression i.e shadowbanning, ‘um sweetie’, karma whoring, popular opinions being encouraged. I hope lolcow and cc exist for a long time side by side like princess celestia and princess luna
No. 1168404
>>1168402They like it here, imagine being in a room of fumigated ball sweat tranny stink. But it's pink so totally for women!!
Who would wanna go back.
No. 1168412
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>>1168404>fumigating troonsgod I wish
No. 1168547
>>1167707 and
>>1167717 and countless other posts in this thread. It's full of overly sensitive underaged retards who don't know anything about imageboard culture.
No. 1168588
>>1167751>/feels/ is just anons whining about their bfsWrong. I mean it is a problem that has prompted miners to ask for the nigel/relationship threads to be contained within a general, but other types of vent that are common are college, family, abuse, social anxiety and loneliness-related. Also you say that as if there weren't multiple relationships threads on here and as if there weren't many posts about boyfriends or exes in the vent threads, too.
>>1167777>i think we should take advantage of it before we lose itI agree. If the only complaint of nonas here is that "it's full of troons" or that all the posters are male because they use emoticons occasionally (didn't you know? women don't talk like that), why don't they go over there and call posters out for being male? It's what I try to do too, call the obvious males out and remind trannies every now and then that they're not welcome in female-only spaces and that they'll never one of us.
I also try to post a bit more on /m/, but it has been pretty dead as of lately. At least my /img/ thread has gotten some activity these days that isn't my own image dumps.
>>1167768>If you love it so much why do you even come here?Because it's dead most of the time, except the
TERF and pinkpill threads which I don't find necessary since I shit on men all the time here, and /feels/ which I don't use. Personally, I browse both imageboards when either of them is dead and I'm bored. There's nothing wrong with that and as the other anon said, CC literally was born from LC, so why let scrotes take over? I would like more female-only imageboards, like Fujochan even if I don't like it. At least it gives women from other imageboards a place to get away from moids and misogynistic chan culture, also they're good places to vent about things you can't on mainstream social media, such as being a radical feminist or just disagreeing with trans ideology.
No. 1168630
>>1168623>This is a psyop to make farmers switch to CCmany people here use both, retard
>>1168625the first post was cringy, but there was nothing wrong with the second one, which I think was that anon's post.
No. 1168681
>>1168620who was literally panicking? i didn't literally panic, i just said that it'd be sad and scary to lose yet another place for women and girls to speak freely. and their admin has been non-communicative for months on the site, so yes, that is worrisome to go from months of 0 contact on the boards basically, to it just going down with no warning. it's one thing if she had been communicating prior, but she hadn't been for a long while and people had been asking for communication. it was clear there weren't server issues, but that the site had actually been taken down, not the same as what i'm assuming you're figuring typically happens here, which are server issues. sites aren't typically taken down with the domain name parked (which could've meant it was for sale or needed to be renewed, or for whatever reason she took it all off to tweak, though it's a little weird to park a domain for simply quick tweaking, but either way, not as simple and commonplace as the server acting up).
No. 1168696
You know what now that I think about it I don't like cc that much anymore. I want to give certain posters the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes I get tired of cc posters whining about "radfems" and "blaming everything on porn". I want to think that they're just pickmes that arrived recently from 4scrote or something, because I admit I used to be like that too, I didn't like seeing so much talk about hating men and porn, it was tiring. But slowly I started to become more radfem-leaning and then I got so bored of cc's slow activity that I came here to lc, because I didn't want to go back to moid imageboards. Initially I didn't want to come here because of this site's reputation of being a drama imageboard, and at first the unhingedness of many anons here annoyed me, but I got used to it and now I prefer it here.
That's why I still give that kind of poster on cc the benefit of the doubt, but I guess it's also very likely that those are just scrotes. Now that I've spent a lot more time here, I see why it's important to allow hatred against men to be voiced freely, because it acts as a filter since anyone who tries to police women's frustrations with men (see the failure of an OP that was Vent thread #121) will most probably be a moid or at best, an extremely stupid newfag that really shouldn't be here.
Another problem with now is that after the constant CP raids that hapened a couple months ago, a bunch of new people applied to be mods and janitors. Legit users over there strongly suspect that there might be males in the new mod team, since there have been a lot of arbitrary post deletions recently, especially in the /meta/ thread for comments and suggestions. For instance, people were asking for a log so that we would've been able to know why the fuck our posts keep being deleted. They deleted the post suggesting it, too, because it happened to call the mods "trannyjannies".
I don't like that the moderation policy over there is to delete every infringing post instead of redtexting every ban except for spam, like here. They delete all evidence of males posting, including the posts that call them out so nobody finds out. I don't care if it's to avoid drama or shitstorms or to keep the site calm and friendly, it obviously creates an environment that makes it easier for scrotes to camouflage themselves.
No. 1168699
>>1168630The one who made that post is not the anon you're arguing with. Idiot
No. 1168732
>>1168695stop bitching when you don't even know what you're talking about.
>>1167717 was my first post.
>>1167724 then this one
>>1167777. you're not even arguing with the right person. the first and second posts were not even me, i was the third. me offering suggestions on what it could've been and giving her admin's contact info (because the site was down along with admin's contact info) is somehow panicking and underage behavior, ok. i don't even use CC when LC is functioning well, i just don't want it to be lost so i check up on it occasionally.
No. 1168790
>>1168547idk it seems fine, the whole point was a more comfy alternative to LC in the first place so of course they seem more sensitive.
>>1168587I got that impression when I first tried using it but poking around now it seems a lot better.
IDK I think I will try using it more. LC seems to be on thin ice, farmers should probably get comfy with the other women's chans like CC, Choachan and Fujochan in case this board goes down.
No. 1169274
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is /media/ dead?
No. 1169447
>>1169429the hidden board is faster than /media/ lmao
I wonder what happened because I remember /media/ being more active
No. 1169526
>>1169429/x/ is a nice idea but should have been a seasonal event like originally planned
>>1169447/media/ should just be merged with one of the other boards.
No. 1169531
>>1167707When an autistic post has youtube tier autistic replies. Cringey nonnies are replying to you. Hope you get your “turf” back
nonnie, you deserve it.
No. 1170762
>>1170733and btw, having another
TERF-y imageboard is between than women not having many places to vent out their frustrations with males or trannies since Twitter doesn't allow that.
No. 1170776
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I haven't posted on CC in a very long time, only lurk from time to time, but I value it as a space for women to be anonymous and not have to suck troon dick. The existence of both sites is a net positive. You can complain it has trannies, I guess, but over here, we also have handposter/speculum-kun, Johnny Depp scrotes and literal selfposting trannies trying to get validation. I just don't get why we fight, what's the point of conflict?