File (hide): 1406090318899.png (435.35 KB, 1535x791, sp.png)

No. 116704
Deviant art autism thread? Deviant art drama cows also welcome. girl is kind of cute, but holy shit. Her south park head canon is insane.
No. 116706
File (hide): 1406090495239.png (415.09 KB, 1569x870, hfgfds.png)

No. 116712>>116716
File (hide): 1406093337078.jpg (135.89 KB, 1024x606, 1401467236579.jpg) hates mlp because it's about friendship, thus reminding him of what he doesn't have. He made his own autistic version of it to cope.
No. 116713>>116724
>>116709>>116711My sides, omfg I can't breathe
The second picture, "crystal air"
What the fuck
No. 116716
>>116712I kinda admire the amount of effort put into something so autismal.
You can tell he really put work into editing scenes from MLP and Teen Titans and redrawing shit.
No. 116717>>116718>>116831
>>116715I am laughing so hard at this, wth..
Also I am imagining the shampoo lube will make her fart bubbles for a while. And we shall call it Bubble Butt.
No. 116718>>116720>>116831
>>116717You should've been around for the Tumblr saga. Attempted birthday suicide, running away from her mom to live with some creep who wanted in her pants, going off on some bronies at her workplace.
ginsengteacat's a fucking legend
No. 116720>>116721
>>116718Oh man she sounds like a gem, does she have an Encyclopedia Dramatica?
>>116719She sounds so annoying. ''I mean like, I was totally like, you know like'' and she is stupid too, what a surprise. ''DONT HATE MY ART, YOU ARE RAPING ME IF YOU DO THAT!''
No. 116724>>116731>>116887
File (hide): 1406144979164.png (249.67 KB, 1553x828, Untitled.png)

>>116723>>116713I'm glad you like them, I'll just post some of my favorites by him.
No. 116733
File (hide): 1406168798804.jpg (250.7 KB, 1024x524, onlythedeadcanknowpeacefromthi…)

>>116731this. i got to know. is it this guy's fetish? seems to be he has a being deathly ill kink mixed with… hand growing. I don't understand.
No. 116734
>>116732This one never stops being ridiculously autistic
Why are there so many of these people on Deviantart, anyway?
No. 116742
File (hide): 1406305378296.jpg (208.62 KB, 900x973,…)

No. 116744>>116745>>116748
File (hide): 1406346592476.jpg (211.4 KB, 1500x670, fart.jpg)

>AnimatedJames, who has 130,000 subscribers on youtube, draws cringe worthy fart fetish sonic porn on another account
No. 116749
>>116747OT: That post sounds almost exactly like a guy I knew IRL when I found his online accounts. I realize nobody cares, but jesus christ it's unreal.
Why does he have to act as if it's the fault of the people who confronted him? They didn't make him draw or upload that shit.
No. 116754
At the very least she could have gone with actress, singer, or model. I'm not even sure many little girls even know what a film critic is…
No. 116756
>>116751I agree, that was my interpretation too. She grew out of her sheltered life where mommy knows best. And she became an adult that can make decisions for herself.
Besides people should get the fuck over themselves. I am a dark blonde, but very close to Brunette. Ofcourse I heard the saying ''Blondes have more fun'' but I just always reply ''And Brunettes do it better'' Really I don't see any emphasis on blonde being a better hair color. Blondes are usually seen as dumb bimbo sluts, so why so angry about blondes.
No. 116757
>>116737You don't need a shaved head for an EEG, although if it was freshly shaven it would make the contact points better it's not usually necessary. People who have been bald for a while are awful EEG patients because the skin on their head thickens /offtopic
>>116704Is this girl real? She looks about 10 years older than I was expecting, not just from the art style but the way she types is extremely childish.
No. 116758
File (hide): 1406491374631.jpg (455.02 KB, 1920x1080, 2014_07_23_00011_by_fruztal-d7…) guy has an entire gallery of 3d fart fetish porn.
No. 116759>>116762>>118950
File (hide): 1407294447048.png (Spoiler Image,254.91 KB, 1280x904, 1336334474.tbfmoldart_tbfm_art…)

This guy….
No. 116760>>116762>>118950
File (hide): 1407294537119.png (Spoiler Image,964.67 KB, 808x1050, 1354948603238.png)

No. 116761>>116762>>118950
File (hide): 1407294597891.png (Spoiler Image,966.46 KB, 870x744, 1354951082177.png)

No. 116767
>>class projects He turns this shit in for a grade. I wonder if they do group critique…..
shudder. There's always a few spergs and about ten weebs in every art class. Fuck the art department, seriously.
No. 116771
File (hide): 1413526807511.png (360.01 KB, 906x589, 1403111807765.png)

No. 116772>>116778
File (hide): 1413526864175.jpg (111.22 KB, 950x620, 1403066414106.jpg)

No. 116773>>116778
File (hide): 1413527066784.jpg (121.25 KB, 950x620, 1403056231542.jpg)

No. 116774
File (hide): 1413527235112.jpg (434.71 KB, 1256x2744, 1369324189002.jpg)

No. 116778>>116779
>>116772>>116773what the fuck
i can't tell if they fetishize it or condemn it.
probably both.
No. 116779
>>116778I feel like the "artist" is some mildly overweight weirdo who's both turned on and terrified by the thought of becoming obese.
Why does DeviantArt even attract this sort of people?
No. 116787>>116788
>>116786I think they remove images like that after like 24 hours or something.
Pornographic shit always pops up in the newly submitted stuff, but it seems like they remove most all of it (unless it's changed in the past few years).
No. 116794
File (hide): 1418078435304.jpg (269.53 KB, 786x1017, dinner_time_by_horrormadnesspe…)

This drawing just awful. You can only marginally tell which horror movie mascots are in the drawing.
No. 116796
>>116795god that style is awful
i bet it gets 10K in notes on tumblr tho
No. 116799>>116800
File (hide): 1418222977352.jpg (70.46 KB, 865x509, Koleyl__s_ID_by_Koleyl.jpg) hope this is just a dumb kid on dA. Judging from that quote, I doubt it.
No. 116801>>116808
File (hide): 1418238625301.jpg (71.94 KB, 717x960, me_as_lola_bunny_by_fungal16-d…)

Going to be posting a few favorites that I've had saved for a while. No. 116802
File (hide): 1418238757588.jpg (72.3 KB, 600x800, 1ca4ba43b318cd6b69f2cfd5a063fc…)

Artist's best friend and little niece. She sketched them and "did a fine job." No. 116806>>116810
File (hide): 1418239882128.jpg (93.32 KB, 577x474, spongebob_turns_yandere_by_nek…)

>>116805Fuck, hit send waaay too early
But holy shit this person's spongebob shit. I thought it was a joke to begin with but I'm not entirely sure now. Either way it's fucking hilarious.
No. 116812>>116813
File (hide): 1418756114185.jpg (325.56 KB, 650x939, more_babies_please___by_nenith…)

I'm so tired of that idiot posting her shit in my group.
Yes. This is Loki and Tony Stark mpreg seme uke uguu.
No. 116817>>116818>>116838
File (hide): 1419095373526.jpg (95.98 KB, 774x1032, spongebobyaoi.jpg)

>>116815There seems to have been rumours on tumblr that she died or something judging by the comments on her dA? I hope it's not true, she doesn't seem like a bad person, just going through a really, really embarrassing phase.
SpongeBob yaoi though, holy shit. Never change, internet.
No. 116820
File (hide): 1419135952516.jpg (229.49 KB, 1024x623, I'm sorry HD.jpg)

Does anyone remember shaloneSK? She was infamous for her sparkledog/mary sue syndrome in the storm hawks and spyro fandoms. Even had her own ED page before the original site went down. No. 116822>>116823>>116825
File (hide): 1422741065030.jpg (34.73 KB, 300x393, haha.jpg)

No. 116824
File (hide): 1422748245839.jpg (153.88 KB, 900x953, league_of_legends___vladimir_b…)

You guys will like this one.
No. 116828>>116829
>>116826probably because it's an easy "theme" that gives you a set variety of character types, with basic/lazy mythology behind them.
it's just like how everyone's "Sailor Earth" OC is named Terra, lol.
No. 116829>>116832>>116836
>>116828Tru fax. When I was a dumb teen I had a shitty set of OC's based on the Greek zodiac and the villains were all the Chinese zodiac.
We also can't forget all the "sailor Sun's."
No. 116834
and wow that DA page. she still hasn't gotten much better :/
No. 116840
File (hide): 1434592317188.jpg (107.28 KB, 757x1023, 0pfdC.jpg)

No. 116843
File (hide): 1434666175662.gif (980.46 KB, 390x310, 6Y7pP7U.gif)

>>116714His art reminds me of David Firths creepy art style.
No. 116848
>>116726>>116737I test people with EEGs, and we don't shave heads. All we do is put a conductive gel on your hair and put a cap on top.
This guy seems to have a fetish with shaving, my little pony, being sick, crystals, and hand growing…
No. 116849
>>116845This is weirding me out. The coloring is pretty basic but not too bad, but the drawing is horrible. And that flat grass and sky makes the whole thing look so trippy.
Also it looks like a giant, hairy spider latched onto Frodo's foot. Eeeugghh
No. 116851>>116852
File (hide): 1435629941435.png (270.25 KB, 1508x1584, dexter_s_mom_farts_by_weirdoan…), I guess Animated James is doing "this" now and he's completely open about it.
No. 116852
File (hide): 1435629981642.png (488.55 KB, 1414x1761, done_with_depression_by_animat…)

>>116851Oh and he's a baby.
No. 116853>>116854>>116855>>116860
File (hide): 1435675006468.png (420.77 KB, 1024x740, t.png)

internal screaming
No. 116855
File (hide): 1435677048275.jpg (132.59 KB, 752x955, rowdyruff_belly_buttons_pierce…)

This guy is obsessed with belly buttons for some reason.
No. 116865>>116866
Have you seen Chris Chan's account? is gay!
No. 116869
File (hide): 1437025623275.jpg (9.68 KB, 230x200, This shadow s better _217ee378…)

>>116818TFW she died before the poorly drawn porn came out
No. 116875>>116877>>116878>>116889
File (hide): 1440960780411.gif (Spoiler Image,6.63 MB, 1247x1247, wut.gif)

No. 116876>>116878>>116889
File (hide): 1440960852768.gif (Spoiler Image,1.98 MB, 1247x1247, 1440887129558.gif)

No. 116878
>>116875>>116876What the FUCK?
Who has these kinds of thoughts??????
No. 116881>>116882
File (hide): 1440963397407.jpg (227.97 KB, 900x1238, sparky_changed_by_rafe15-d30ck…)

>The Pikachu sparky has undergone a changed, fully delitzed, full permanent bologna bodied, full permanet bologna organs and bologna insides, two permanent bologna and ham ears, two permanent ham lips, a permanent bologna, ham and cheese tongue, two permanent bologna feet, a full permanent bologna head, a mixture of ketchup, tomato, pizza, bbq and taco sauce as his blood type running through permanent bologna veins to all his permanent bologna organs and bologna insides. literally he has been fully delitized the same way as foreverial tiedup Tbone, he has been fattened at the same time that he has been fully delitized, he has been completely wrapped up, tiedup, rope mummified, covered complete in permanent rubbery rope bondage leaving only his head, feet and part of his tail exposed through the bondage, now his name is foreverial tiedup fat sparky. No. 116883>>116885
this post was a wild ride.. sometimes i think i can't laugh out loud at things on the internet anymore but god this got me
>>116882there fucking fanart wtf is this
No. 116884
>>116750Me too
I thought my autism was bad but seeing this thread is making me feel slightly more normal
No. 116885
>>116883ok so i looked this fucking thing up cause ive never heard of it before and guy fucking posts his street address and for some reason is obsessed with the mouse from the rescuers down under?? i'm starting to think sometimes when you're autistic your brain just focuses in on the most random shit and obsesses over it for YEARS?
deviantart seriously needs to close now. it is literally cancerous
No. 116886
holy shit what has become of this guy
like where is he now
he's seriously mental would think he's a troll or this was some kind of joke if he hadn't been uploading stuff for so long
No. 116887
>>116724He knows a lot of medical terminology, and he explains it the same way a doctor might explain it to a scared kid or a retard or something.
I'm kind of concerned for his wellbeing.
No. 116891
File (hide): 1478524324360.png (39.88 KB, 1200x900, เนย รวง เจน.png)

No. 116892
File (hide): 1478709260346.png (33.47 KB, 651x521, pinkie_pie_in_icu_w__crystals_…)

Though his shit is more creepy than anything else
No. 116893
File (hide): 1478716860685.jpg (23.78 KB, 500x281, tumblr_ofxnrsHkJ41u78ib9o1_500…)

is this some kind of fetish..?
No. 116894>>179161
File (hide): 1478720019991.png (174.54 KB, 762x1048, niggi_horror_mag_cover_illustr…)

Anyone remember the Niggi girl? lel
I'm certain she has nearly 30 accounts but this appears to be her most active right now. No. 118950>>118957
File (hide): 1480175902347.png (Spoiler Image,209.16 KB, 500x816, alright-buttnight-3962464.png)

>>116759>>116760>>116761This is why society will just euthanize the furries at some point.
No. 179161
File (hide): 1485100901274.jpg (129.87 KB, 500x274, nigglies.jpg)

>>116894I'm actually friends with her on Facebook. She mentioned niggies in a group once and I made a remark about remembering them from deviantart so she added me. She mostly uses her facebook to post her drawings, share clickbait and vent about all kinds of things. Nothing really lulzworthy as far as I know.
On facebook she'll also refer to niggies. She'll mention someone or some living being and also mention their niggi counterpart. It's very strange, but the people in her friends list have gotten used to it.