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No. 11464

Tips/suggestions on becoming Tumblr famous/running a kawaii or "living doll" blog?
Personally, I only have 1k followers and they're not the obsessive kind who send you messages and reblog all your sefies either.

No. 11468

You should try and make nice nice with more famous living dolls.

No. 11472

draw everyone

No. 11473

have a theme to your blog. make it look nice. take selfies. pose hard. edit. be cute.

No. 11474

srsly most tumblr famous people you see selfies are not a first take. they pose hard as fuck even if it doesn't look like it and take at least 100 of them before picking one.

No. 11475

Any way to get more notes on your selfies without irritating your followers by using gorillions of tags?

No. 11476


Only the first five count tho

No. 11477

On that note, how do you properly tag selfies to get exposure?

No. 11481

Pick a "thing" - your blog appearance is important. Pick a layout that looks good and can seamlessly be scrolled. Pick a color scheme and "feeling" and try not to separate from it – if your blog is pink, oversaturated, and a generally upbeat attitude, make sure not to post anything outside of that scheme – nothing dark, nothing sad. Add filters to your selfies to match it. Make a side blog for sad thoughts or different colors if you want to post that.

Invest in it - be prepared to spend a lot of money on wigs, lenses, clothes, and kawaii snacks or at least seem like you did.

Original content - aside from selfies, you should take tons of photos of food, clothes, your socks, your animals, kawaii furniture, take stuff off of flickr, etc. Draw. Make outfit collages. Just make sure you are constantly uploading original content and add a non-intrusive link at the bottom back to your blog in the caption, and people will come to your blog and follow you if they like what they see. This is the most important thing. I have some original content that has broken 20k notes and been reblogged and liked by "famous" bloggers like mahouprince anzujamuu etc. THEY didn't follow me, but some of their followers did.

Networking - you can join or form networks of bloggers on tumblr where you will be displayed alongside more popular bloggers with similar styles. I don't personally bother with this. It's also good if you send messages to other bloggers and try to form friendships – which is not to say "use people," because I would never try to be friends with someone to get more followers on tumblr, but you know what I mean. Sometimes you see a blogger you like constantly reblogging from/messaging with certain other bloggers and you go check them out. That has brought in a few followers.

This is just stuff that has helped me get the followers I have gotten, although I don't have a ton of followers and don't really care about having a lot, I get about 2 new (real person/non porn blog) followers a day for the past few months since I started upoading unique and original content and considering the overall "feel" of my blog. I get messages and text post/selfie reblogs all the time from some dedicated followers and I'm not a living doll or kawaii type blogger. If you're not getting any of that it's most likely because of your personality. You may not seem interesting. I follow some people that I think have nice/pretty blogs but I never feel compelled to talk to them – they're all aesthetic, and their personalities bore me. You should let your personality shine through or you're just another wannabe floral liz lisa doll blogger.

Ultimately, it's a gamble whether or not you'll be tumblr famous.

I would suggest you do something unique aside from the pastel thing. You will notice that there hasn't really been a new "famous" kawaii/living doll person in a while because the trend is getting played out. It's all the same people and copycats of those people.

If you are truly into living doll lifestyle and would be doing it regardless of who was watching or what anyone else thought, then you won't mind putting forth the effort to get famous in an almost dead trend. If you're just in it for fame, jump onto a new bandwagon my friend.

No. 11482

I've been thinking about setting up a blog for this. I've been told I should many times due to my facial features.
Advice please?

No. 11483

read the rest of the thread dumbass.

No. 11485

What would the theme be? Would you be some kawaii lyfe blogger? A 2kewl4skewl grundge style blogger? A theme is the most important part.


Ay, sand in cunt. This person didn't even have a blog so most of this thread wouldn't help unless she decided to go kawaii. >>11481 would be the only relevant thing.

No. 11488

Anti-skeptic conspiracy theorist that talks about Star Trek a lot and dyes her hair non-scene colors.
So, actually something not quite common

No. 11489

Not that anon but cult party kei/"""nymphet"""/"i read flowers in the attic too many times and put crucifixes on everything" blogger with occasional guro art and/or other weeb shit.

No. 11534

What's the "in" thing right now anyway? Kawaii living doll has been played out pretty thoroughly so something else has to fill the void but I still don't have a firm grasp on what's going to be the next biggest thing.

No. 11791

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Has anyone ever wanted to be a famous tumblr artist and/or cosplayer? I think it's a bit easier than selfies and what not

Recently I've become obsessed with wanting to be e-famous, I'm not sure exactly why but most of it has to do with just wanting some cool friends who were into the same things and I feel e-fame makes it easier to do that. Sorry for the babble but does anyone else want the same thing/feel the same way? ( I've always wanted to have a lot of followers who liked my art,have a ton of instagram followers and have a po box so I can connect with people and can send them birthday/christmas cards haha)

No. 11794

Same! Turns out it's a lot easier to be infamous, though >.>

No. 11795

oh shit, yeah man that's a given
don't want to be the laughing stock of the internet

No. 12089


Isn't it kylie jenner and kim k try hards atm? I've seen tons of girls wearing chains, thick brows, tan and skimpy clothes to look like exotic goddesses atm

Right now I know the milk and egg kawaii thing is in?

No. 12096

The milk/egg thing is big on Tumblr, while the "exotic brown beauty with regal jewelry and a thick ass" thing is mostly an Instagram thing, though there is some crossover.

No. 12101

>be black
>be stick-thin
>have a thigh gap
>buy kawaii clothes
>put japanese quotes in your tumblr
>fake being overly nice with everyone
>never let anyone know you're bitch that >only wants attention
>put tons of ^____^ and emojis
>say wwwwww
>put kawaii stickers in your selfies
>if youre white then be very pale and have blonde hair
>put a shit ton of filters
>send nice asks to random popular people

No. 12102

why the fuck would you want to be tumblr famous and be a living doll? fucking weeaboo

No. 12105

>not being a weeaboo
Get out of here, kid

No. 12128

Jesus christ… Can't anyone do anything without being a 'living doll' for e-fame these days?

I wouldn't bother. The trend is dead, the tags are full of weebs who are trying to get famous and no one is paying them much attention because they all look the same. Once it hit the roof in 2012 the trend was dead. After Kota/Venus/crazy Russian space lady got the doll fame, it was over. No one wants another living doll, it's been done. It's over, deal with it.

Try something new like… just being yourself? Make a blog, do some blogging with pretty pictures, tutorials and find a theme that will suit you? It's pretty difficult because everything is taken up these days. The blogging world isn't what it used to be, if you are dyin' and tryin' to be e-famous then you need to either be rich/gorgeous/fucking someone rich or funny. But even THOSE are taken up… It's hard nowadays and it's only going to get harder.

No. 12158

what's this egg and milk kawaii thing? A diet?

No. 12159

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You know how eggs are on everything on Tumblr now?
Milk is also a popular item, barring eggs. Fruits are pretty big, too.
It's kind of a trend. Generally, it's supposed to be simple almost to the point of minimalism, with any bright color popping from whatever food or emoji (or food emoji) is printed on it.

No. 12262

Zomg i love kawaii asian suffs!?!?!
Dat dogs face doe XD

No. 12266

Don't post gore or dead dogs.

No. 12848

tbh i still really like a lot of the living doll/nymphet trends.

No. 12854

me too i just cant stand the daddy/little girl roleplaying in the tags is disgusting and pathetic

No. 12856

This. I almost feel weird for being so bothered by it, honestly. It just gets on my nerves so much.
I don't really care what fetishes other people have, but I wish they'd stop injecting their dd/lg fantasy bullshit into any and all vaguely girly, pink fashion, PICTURES OF FOOD ("uwu daddy buy me this candy and finger me til I squirt give me your best cummies <3 <3"), anything cute, unrelated photography, etc.

No. 12865

I just think the whole fetish is bizarre…do these girls not have fathers? It grosses me out its like incest and its so creepy how common it is on there. Also glorifying pedophilia while claiming to be *~feminist~*

No. 12867

It can be fucked up if you're a CSA survivor and come in looking for pictures of cute clothes and flowers, then suddenly have this endless stream of incestuous pedo shit dumped on you.
The usual defense is that it's a sort of D/s relationship (in which case literally any other word like "sir" can replace "daddy"), but like combined with terms like "little girl" and the entire concept of their role play in itself, it's just very uncomfortable and gross.
It goes hand in hand with the girls who idolize Dolores from Lolita and are really into all these weird borderline CP films like Innocence or Maladolescenza, too. I guess I can understand if you're a teen who's into superficially pretty, sad media about ~*lost innocence*~ and/or very painful coming-of-age stuff because you personally had a bad childhood (this describes me tbh), but below the surface, this shit is actually fucking creepy. You have to question what kind of adult makes this kind of thing and exactly why, because they may not necessarily have the same reasons as you.

No. 12868

I'm sorry you sucked daddies cock, what do you want us to do about it? Not everyone had to suck their dads cock, keep that in mind.

No. 12869

Dig the sand out of your vagina, no one's attacking you just because your gross fetish is being decried.

No. 12872

Not my fetish, just don't care about the molestation of the poor grown ass adults pretending to be babies.

No. 12873

No one called it molestation, just that it's fucking creepy and people who were actually molested probably wouldn't appreciate seeing shit like that. Cry me a river about "muh free speech". Nasty, socially unacceptable things are nasty and socially unacceptable, thus they should be kept private.

No. 12876

Well people who've been molested need to get off of hyper sexed sites like Tumblr that could trigger their snowflake feelings.
>>muh free speech
Fucking lol.

No. 12880

Chill. It's a microblogging platform, not Fetlife.

No. 12882

Tumblr's only as hypersexed as autists make it by not knowing how to separate their porn from their aesthetic.

No. 12884

Tumblr is part of the hipster thug youth culture, so of course it's filled with dumb kids being sluts and doing drugs. Try facebook.

No. 12893

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