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No. 114450

tumblr famous people, people you used to follow, etc

No. 114504>>114540

I used to follow pizzaforpresident lol. I wonder what happened to him.

No. 114518>>114533>>173138

I remember back in the days there was this very VERY popular crazy religious person (it reeked of troll but eh) named francine (i think? or something along those lines, it was like in 2008/9) that was kinda known for always ending all their asks with "god bless you". Everyone was going nuts for them until they deactivated later on because of too much hate iirc. I can never remember their url but there was a time when all the popular tumblr kids were either aginst them or with them, it was very entretaining watching all the fights go down over how overly-religious they were and everyone creating drama over their long jesus-almighty posts. I always wonder what they are up to now.
God how do i miss all the stupid 2009 tumblr drama and tumblr-famous nutjobs.

No. 114529

DAE remember haute cotoure blogger lavandula and how he (a minor) claimed/wrote wish-fulfillment fan fiction that he had an affair with Karl Lagerfeld? I only ever skimmed once or twice over lavandula's blog back in the day, but I remember that weird shit vividly.

No. 114533

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It was Francieum. iirc, it was the really literal responses to everybody that made tumblr sperg about it. The religion thing wasn't too big of a deal. I'm pretty sure she was a troll though

No. 114534>>114549

the moreos guy or whatever they called him… iirc there was post going around like 2013 about 'moreos' oroes with extra stuffing and him saying how gross it was, went viral for ages bc i guess 12 years found it funny? does anyone else remember, he became pretty tumblr famous

No. 114535>>114538>>114544>>114611

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I used to follow this girl with the URL pizza ( 500 000 followers ), her blog was just filled with random ' funny ' stuff. Anyways someone found out she had a racist series in her archive called " nggastories ". She half assed apologized, but lets be honest Tumblr doesnt forget and forgive. So many people reported her for it the Staff did nothing until a few months later.. The staff deleted her blog for spamming ads that where against the rules. After people found out her Tumblr got deleted, popular blogs made shitposts about how funny it was that her ass got deleted & doxxed. She came back with several URLs, iwaspizza ( was terminated ) & now larrytattoos. I compiled some of the drama that went with her!

No. 114538>>114540

wasnt she the most followed person on tumblr at one point?

No. 114540


YES and omg I totally forgot about her. Also followed her but unfollowed when this entire Spam-Ads thing started because it clogged my dash a lot.

Wasn't there an entire "family" of pizza blogs around that time like this >>114504

No. 114544

was she the one that responded to every post mentioning pizza?

No. 114549

I remember this, it was pretty harmless fun but it was really weird.. A majority of people on Tumblr have a really shit sense of humour.

No. 114562

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holypeaches, she was dating tom milsom (shitty musician from yt) and started a shit storm of youtube abuse stories when she came out years later saying her relationship with him was abusive (she was 15 he was 22…) changed urls a lot in the last few years

No. 114579>>114580>>114599

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anyone remember the tumblr user g0ldeneye?

He had a really muscly body people creamed over. He obviously got a following because of that but then started posting his shitty art and his 'super deep and profound musings about life'.

Anyways he got involved with a site where some rich guy was obviously poaching social media hotties into cam wanks. Then someone subbed and downloaded the vid of him wanking and it was everywhere. He imploded and deleted everything, IDK why he was so embarrassed he could have been really chill about it if it's what he chose to do. I wonder what he's up to now, I never see the vid around anymore

OMG I can't even find a pic of him when I google, praying someone here also followed and has info with high dairy content

No. 114580>>114599>>115513

I also followed some super vapid gay guy that did nothing but whine about his acne and how he should give up college and become a porn star.

then I was scrolling through porn last year and there he fucking was. I should have saved the name or something ffs, little vague I guess but anyone know?

No. 114581

what the fuck is the drama with nentindo and steven-universe-official

No. 114599>>114690

That kawaii uguu guy you mean? Something Wolf?

No. 114610>>172763

remember nosdrinker and all those random "humor blogs" and how he was straight edge, abstinent, and a christian? that was wild he finally deleted and i still follow his girlfriend

No. 114611>>173138

i remember pizza! i also finally had to unfollow soytit (now "dovemother") because she's literally like 17 and all of her dramatic pictures annoy the shit out of me. i don't know if sara "tiit" deleted or not but i still follow her on ig and i was reading a thread on /snow/ about her that posted screencaps of her complaining about "white people" jokes… i know she had an eating disorder but i had no idea she was one of those white people that get offended by white people jokes

No. 114612>>114616>>115513

Who is actually tumblr famous nowadays?

No. 114613

also remember radiobread2 and all of the problematic humor bloggers from the east coast? what-is-this-i-dont-even was one of the first blogs i followed but when he got into homestuck i finally had to unfollow because that was insufferable

No. 114615>>114617

h0odrich has always annoyed me. such a smug attitude.

No. 114616

>>114612 yeezytaughtme now chloemackey is still famous but she's also famous irl because she models in ny. i still enjoy her blog because it's actual funny stuff. i don't even know who's really famous either… i know

No. 114617

oh god i know, same. his twitter is the same way. also drunkblogging is another attractive smug gay dude

No. 114618>>114626>>114679

i hated nosdrinker and i remember one time i forgot to turn on anon and i asked him if he was abstinent and he said yes lmao. like what kind of life is that!!!! christian, straightedge, and no sex like …. what even???

No. 114621

i hated nosdrinker and i remember one time i forgot to turn on anon and i asked him if he was abstinent and he said yes lmao. like what kind of life is that!!!! christian, straightedge, and no sex like …. what even???

No. 114622

whoops posted that twice. but also does anyone else remember hiptoyourjive? she had several other usernames like blackturtleneckgirl and idk what else but she went through a phase where she would just post her own nudes all the time and then she deleted idk if she has a new one

No. 114623>>114642

anyone remember slayboybunny/elliebeanz? they're still active as far as i know but she was really into that whole "cute but can fuck your shit up!!!!" and fat acceptance thing

No. 114626>>114628>>114629

Are you really so shocked that some people have stricter morals and values than you? Do you really think it's that difficult to live without having sex or doing drugs?
Oh god! How do millions of people survive like that?!

No. 114628>>114676

virgin spotted

No. 114629

seriously, lol
anon sounds like the type of person that, when noticing someone wasn't drinking, would harass them about it and not take any answer other than "I am/my mom/dad is an alcoholic" as a reason not to drink.

No. 114642>>114658

she still is & still doing the whole "posing in lingerie but don't reblog me sexually silly boys" thing

No. 114658>>114672

whats her username? i always disliked her smugness

No. 114672

its still elliebeanz.

No. 114676

sad slut spotted

No. 114679>>114737

You sound like train-wreck piece of shit.

No. 114690>>114693

no, who dat?

No. 114693

Frank Wolf

No. 114695

this is extremely nuche but does anyone remember steph/espeonofficial? i think she was the catalyst for all the hate that Frozen got on tumblr after the initial release, complaining about muh diversity n shit. also aspires to be an artist in the industry but still relegates herself to anime shit

No. 114733>>114736

do any of you remember catholicnun? i'm surprised she doesn't have her own thread.

No. 114736

wow YES omg didnt she have an underaged nude scandal??

No. 114737>>114738>>115460>>115461>>115468

haha because i don't understand why a grown up adult imposes all of these restrictions on himself for no reason? right

No. 114738>>114740

imposes restrictions vs lack of interest

No. 114740>>115487

the christian factor adds an element of creepiness

No. 115460

okay people are different than you wow not everyone hates themselves and wants to be a druggie alcholic slut

No. 115461

You're pathetic, stop embarrassing yourself

No. 115462>>115489

came to check out this site, first page is a tumblr-thread, lmao already, and funniest part is there's people calling each other pathetic here hahahahahahahahaa what a site

No. 115468>>115491

>haha i dont why an adult wouldnt want to have fun amirite guyz? xD

Get out of here, you stink of underage scum who can't wait to turn a legal age to party all day long and be a degenerate garbage in general.

No. 115487

care to elaborate on that more?

No. 115489

yeah fr all virgins tbh

No. 115490

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this thread is full of straightedge crusaders but anyways, this is supposed to be a tumblr thread. i remember a california blogger who was half asian i believe and she was tumblr famous and wore wigs and fake eyelashes and she wanted to be a disney princess like to actually work at the park. don't remember her name but her blog was super pastel and beachy and her selfies would get like a million notes

No. 115491

>>115468 someone's triggered

No. 115502>>115527>>115536>>115564

Do any of you followed any popular fandom artists from back in the day?
You know the ones that posted homestuck memes, anime and people were crazy about because "omg OONIQUE STYLE"?
All I remember now from them is that more than a half of my following list at the time bought the sjw propaganda, became into some kind of alt gender/sexuality bull, or just straight up leave the site after their own fanbase chew them out over dramu.
The one I remember the most was that one underage girl (whom i really admired at the time) who tried to make her own cartoon, created a kickstarter then abandoned the project and everyone went apeshit over their money.
then some stories about her mistreating her animation team and how she was TRANSPHOBIC and HOMOPHOBIC TOWARDS HER FAAANS came out and she went seriously nuts after people threatened to dox her.
2013 was an interesting year on tumblr.

No. 115506>>115528

Anyone who was in the 1D fandom on Tumblr in 2013/12?
Some ones I remember
She use to make videos and "funny" text posts about 1D, one day started easing out of the fandom and stopped posting for a while. She has a new blog I think but I don't remember the url
Another pretty gay boy. I remember he had a huge thing for Louis from 1D and had everyone do one of those click count contests so he could meet 1D. He won it but ended up getting out of the 1D fandom a month after he met them
This girl's still around I think, don't know why she had a lot of followers. I think she knew a lot of people in the fandom and thus resulting in her being huge. She went from being obsessed with 1D to "AYO FUCK THOSE WHITE B0IS XD"and crazy into SJW stuff
This girl was CRAZY popular, I think she had like 100k followers. I don't know what everyone liked about her, I think she was just really pretty plus made some occasional funny text posts and such.

No. 115513>>115549

was it the zackisontumblr guy?
The acne, whining vapid gay guy part sounds like him, but idk about him doing porn.

Bootydiaries for sure, she gets fanart of her everyday. I found her funny for 5 minutes, then realized that she's pushing the same kind of joke CONSTANTLY and it's really tiring and forced. Cringe

I can't for the god of me remember the url of certain tumblrina… It was like dollghost, ghostdoll, paleghost or something like that. She had something like 'BPD/DON'T TELL ME IT GETS BETTER' in her blog description and posted a lot about her mental health issues. She had a series of ~aesthetic~ photos of her medication, and so-called blue series (?). She also often posted about her suicide attempts. She seemed to be extremely drama-addicted.

No. 115527>>115535>>115613

there were a lot of cool girls i admired and wanted to be friends with on tumblr who then grew into "they/them sooper gay lesbian uwu dont call me a girl!!1!" types. has this happened to anyone else? i hope they outgrow their phases soon.
>>115502 yo are you talking about lemonteaflower? lmao i found that shit so cringy i find her artsyle super ugly. i remember when she drew shota art of her oc then deleted it all when people came after her. good times

No. 115528

I was half in/half out, the only one I know off this list is burgrs. I loved how batshit crazy the 1D fandom was, all the theories and detective work they did would've been impressive if it wasn't so weird. My favourite theory was the one where Eleanor was actually a set of triplets. Too bad she and Louis broke up, I think she was actually good for him.

No. 115535

I remember that artist! Yeah, I was never a huge fan but I do remember her drama.

And same about the 'I am a lesbian boy uwu' types. I was a semi-popular fandom artist and a lot of my friends were other popular artists in it but a lot of them turned into special snowflake social justice queer trans* types and I pretty much left tumblr due to it. One of them sent me a shitty PM because I used the tag 'herp derp' on one of my sketches and it was kind of the last straw. IDK what happened. They used to be normal people but fuck me. Tumblr's echochamber is soul killing. For how unique they scream they are, they all come out cookie cutter looking with the same I'M OPPRESSED values.

No. 115536

I believe that was tealemon or some shit like that (their name was probably abbreviated to TLF). She only created the concept of the cartoon but had nothing to do with it otherwise.

No. 115538>>115561

a stick in my craw is RuinedChildhood, who went from actual "runinedchildhood" themed OC/content > generic shitposty all around entertaining posts > sales posts from aggregate tumblrs. which i'm sure most of them link to malware shops.

Most of my blacklist/tumblr saviour is bullshit sales blogs from them.

They also reblog OLD posts about old things, that action can longer be taken to support the post.
Recently they reblogged the Marina Joyce thing… like come on. go over your queue every now and again.

I don't unfollow because they have a few gems, but i'm sure the bad will outweigh the good soon enough.

Sixpenceee and the bullshit around her is also something that gets drudged up every now again. i had to unfollow her for HER sales posts too. fuck

No. 115549>>115558

she was mentioned in one of the luna threads

No. 115558

Thank you! I couldn't for the life of me get her url right. I find her mental illness reblogs relatable.

No. 115561>>115563>>115568>>115680

Fuck I hate sixpenceee and her shitty stolen content

No. 115563

me too i had to unfollow, there's actually a bunch of people like that

does anyone remember blua? he was so pompous but i hatefollowed him for so long because it was fun to rage about his ~perfectly curated blog~

ALSO.. does anyone remember clavicula? she's still active, she dated blua. she's actually super super sweet and i've always rooted for her. she was married for like a year to another guy she met on tumblr something with the name "wavves" in his username… i know his name was jeremy. they were married for like a year or so and she was inactive and then she started posting about being hospitalized but doesn't really talk about it. i think his username was heartwavves

No. 115564>>115568>>115623

i don't understand why so many people have hopped on this agender/nonbinary trend. i still don't get haven't received an explanation for it beyond "i wear pants most of the time, so i'm not a girl! don't call me a girl!".

but tbh, if you look at their tagged/me, most of the people who do this sort of thing are really unfortunate looking, and their personal text posts make it obvious that they have unpleasant personalities. considering they have neither looks nor charm, they decide that they're an ~enby~ and try to get attention by pretending they're oppressed.

No. 115568

I always thought they just started doing it because they wanna be special and ~~opressed~~ so they can be more accepted into the whole tumblr "if you are not a snowflake your opinion doesn't matter" cult, rather than actually not feeling that they are a certain "gender". While i do think that some people may feel confused about their gender at certain points, most people that i've seen on tumblr calling themselves that are edgy teenagers with a special tag for their two hundred and sixty two self diagnosed mental illnesses.
It's kinda sad, really. But in retrospect, it seems like it's the new trend, kinda like being "scene" and "very sad" was in 2009, i think it'll end up passing.

lmao i used to follow her until i discovered that most of her content was copy pasted from creepy subreddits. I remember there was a very blown out drama surrounding her because she admited to her family having working "slaves" (unpaid "maids", or something like that, don't quite remember since i think she ended up deleting the ask that started it all) in one of her vacation homes and everyone went at her throat and she defended it with all her might, it was a pretty entretaining show while it lasted.

No. 115588

Yeah it was a pretty weird and hilarious thing to witness.
IIRC She went on vacation, bragged about it on a post with photos and everything, talked about the girls working the chores in her home, and some anon asked her something and she admitted to those girls being unpaid servants like a fucking idiot, then a very triggered anon told her that she basically admitted to being a modern slave owner and that was "problematic", then more people came at her throat because she said that it was not the first time that her family had unpaid maids, that it was not their fault since they were already working at the home (or something like that, it was a VERY long time ago, i really wish it would have been after asks became reblog-able just for the drama lmao). And then she made a final long ass rant on another triggered anon ask saying that those women came willingly with the house and that they were content doing the job for free and that it was not her family's fault or something along those lines and there it ended. It was very short lived, because i checked on her blog every second when that shit happened and like 1 hour after the last anon there was no trace of it to be found, so i guess that's why it didn't bcome a bigger mess than it was since you had to be there at the very specific time that shit went down.

No. 115613>>173143

God damn, i knew her from way back when her url was Livethefaggrotry, she used to be super chill but then tumblr and the bullshit on kickstated happened and she became what she is now, a sad husk of a girl who blames everything on others but never contemplates her fuck ups
also "demiguy"
And trans-but-only-for-the-asspats
btw her faq
>i went through a 6 yr long sexually and emotionally abusive relationship that did nothing but shove rude sexist and queerphobic stuff into my head by manipulation and gaslighting, and it also screwed me a lot to the point of getting ptsd. im seriously sorry for anything i did while i wasn’t being myself, i’m trying to be better so please understand that.
She hasn't posted anything in months but i think she's more active on twitter, since twitter is diet tumblr.
I think her trans name is Andy

No. 115623>>115625

same i also don't understand why everyone is claiming disability status these days either

No. 115625>>115628

Seriously, this is probably what bothers me the most. If they aren't actually disabled, which lets be honest, it's Tumblr, so probably not, they're seriously belittling people who are actually disabled.

And if these people are actually going as far as to claim disability (which I hope they aren't, since I'm assuming most of these idiots are underage ~edgy~ and ~cool~ teens), then they are just making it harder for people who are really disabled to get by

Anyways, I bet this newest trend is due to those ~ableist~ ~scum~! Like wtf, I haven't heard of half of these new "isms" until I went on fucking Tumblr. Ugh.

No. 115628

well actually, unfortunately, they are. i was lurking kiwifarms and came upon a jessi slaughter thread (she is now going by they/them of course) and she also posts pictures in a wheelchair or with a cane when the disabilities that she lists are… nothing that would warrant a cane or a wheelchair

honestly it's really upsetting to me because, like you said, it is BELITTLING people who are disabled. it's like the whole ~nonbinary~ trend making REAL queer/trans/gender nonconforming folk seem trivial. it's insulting.

No. 115632>>115638

Does anyone remember the Skrillmau5/EDM boys fandom circa 2012-14? Looking back, it was pretty creepy, but it was so bizzare. I can understand why there'd be porn/fics for boy bands like 1D, but I think EDM coincidentally was (and still is?) filled with twink-looking guys. It was never normal porn either, it either had to be BDSM or some girl's Stitch ripoff alien OC fucking Sonny in the ass

No. 115638>>115650

Yes! I still have a soft spot for Skrilly to this day. That fandom had a weird obsession for zombie apocalypse AUs as well. I wonder if it's still alive? Skrillex seems to have finally realise what an ass deadmau5 is like everyone else has.

No. 115650

I think it's only alive in ways where it's people reminiscing, only a few people are still active, but even those have moved on to other music fandoms. I think a lot of people jumped ship after Jack Ü because "muh integrity"
My favourite artist who would draw Skrillmau5/Sonny porn was Chocopols, but after having been out of that fandom for a while I discovered that she left because "oh well if Skrill is collabing with Justin Bieber then he's a sellout boohoo"
we all know Sonny is still best boy regardless

No. 115680>>115692

I cant believe people buy those shitty shirts she sells

No. 115681>>115697

Does anyone remeber fuckyeah90s I think his blog is? The making the shitty horror movie that was on your kickstarter sucks

No. 115692

Thirsty buys what thirsty sells.

No. 115697

yes and he sells shirts now too it's so annoying he also has like 70 copies of forrest gump on vhs

No. 172590>>172600

Anyone remember the controversy surrounding Zubats? All I remember is that she lied about a lot of things and stole money from a charity she set up.

No. 172600

Oh yeah! and don't forget the part where she lied about working for NASA. Wore some shitty lanyard she'd gotten for attending something in every selfie pretending it was her id badge

No. 172733

Anyone else remember the my chemical romance fandom? I saw some of the cringeist things happen ie a babysitter leaking pictures of the singer's kid for ~teh notes~

No. 172753>>172794>>172928

Anyone remember the 30 something year old nymphet with the huge chest tattoo of a bee? She claimed her daddy was a bee farmer. She took nudes, posted weird personal stuff and had a number of different usernames. The only one I can remember is lastoftheromanovs or something like that, then she disappeared.

Another of my favourite tumblrinas was jahle, this rich Swedish girl who on the daily bragged about doing coke, dating and fucking different guys, getting lavish gifts from them, her huge apartment and of course not being a fatty and werking out

No. 172763>>173374

Didn't his blog get terminated for posting songs? Not a self delete.

No. 172794

>30 something year old nymphet with the huge chest tattoo of a bee
>She claimed her daddy was a bee farmer

this made me laugh really hard for some reason

No. 172796>>173375

remember those old edgy aesthetic blogs like moonratus, shitwave… yeah that's all i can remember
that was my shit in high school lol. I wonder what those people are doing now

No. 172928

i remember the bee woman!! i followed her for a bit and she'd constantly talk about wanting to fuck her dad and i specifically remember one ask she got where someone asked her what a daddy kink is and she replied with "it's when you really really want to fuck and blow your biological father". she was also friends with 13 yr olds who would post pictures of their tits out or of themselves wearing lacy pink bras..

reminds me does anyone remember the girl (who was also in that circle) who'd post pictures of herself from the nose down? like never her eyes or anything above and she collected k-on figures and shit? she wasn't very entertaining but her and her boyfriend still weirded me out for some reason

No. 173135>>173136>>173151

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cant believe no ones mentioned starpowerrr/pizza-sweetheart etc (changed names/deleted a lot but most well known for the starpowerrr name)
started out on lj and then came to tumblr and gained a 30,000+ following

probably most well-known for hiding her eating disorder/giving out shitty diet advice to younger girls, boyfriend drama that ended up in her nudes getting leaked by the guy, and selling stuff on storenvy that no one ever received, then disappearing from the internet/not responding to comments on her instagram from people asking where tf their stuff was

there was some good milk back in the day, dried up tho when she finally learned her lesson and pretty much left social media for good. last i heard shes married to some military guy and seems happy so good for her

No. 173136>>173157

i really hope she regrets that awful tattoo every day. how gross

No. 173138>>173178>>173377

That reminds me of someone that was around this year, gracie-loves-jesus, I think? People couldn't tell she was a troll and it was pretty funny.

I miss popular humor blog type Tumblr. I know there's a new wave of it but it just isn't the same. I know meladoodle is still around on officialunitedstates but she got called out for making a racist joke or smth idk.

If any of you remember oomshi, he was cool and I became friends with him despite me having no followers back then lol. And internetexplorer, that girl from South Africa, was cool but she seemed kinda spoiled and bratty. Oh, and that one really popular 1d blog, harryisthefather, I think? She made "floof" and got popular for her sneaking out stories?

I still remember when pizza blew up and seeing everyone talk about it. And zubats/Alex Yrigoen. Yikes.

Anyone know foxonlyfinaldestination? What an edgelord. I lost his blog a while ago but he might still be around. Man, this thread takes me back.

No. 173143>>173145>>173360

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Apparently she's getting over her trans phase. Who would've guessed.

No. 173145>>173360

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a large portion of tumblr gonna be saying that soon. not to say i dont support whatever people feel like they are but we all know people just say shit to be popular.

thats some wonderful kek

No. 173151>>173157

There's a thread on her in snow

No. 173157

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whats worse is her on-again off-again 'best friend' copied it…and a lot of other girls did around that time as well tbh.


heres an old thread about her on /pt/ if anyone wants https://lite.lolcow.farm/pt/res/104711.html

No. 173178

what's going on with internetexplorer? i don't understand how she begs for money constantly but her instagram and tumblr is filled with pictures of her traveling to a zillion different countries.

No. 173360

lmfaooo stupid shit like this just reminds me of her cringy as fuck patreon video where she was refered to as he the whole time kek

No. 173374

yeah i believe so… but now when his gf posts answers asks she gets mad that ppl call him by his former username (lul) and says he wants nothing to do w the site

No. 173375

remember blua???? he RLY rubbed me the wrong way for some reason

No. 173377

ooooh i remember internetexplorer and i think shes now dating the tumblr famous dude foxnewsofficial (or was? idk) and she was also selling nudes on snapchat

No. 173395

Andrew 1612th was my favorite tbh. Does anyone know what happened to him?

No. 660641>>660795

Did anyone ever follow ruinedchildhood

No. 660774>>660795

blogs that i remember being super into were sugarsweethate, yusei-bitches, and all the drama that would come up around bunsob and other pastel, kawaii blog icons.

No. 660778

File (hide): 1603809817023.jpeg (28.15 KB, 400x400, 98d17278b88cb81f3f7b085373015b…)

Oh Felice, miss you alot.

Tbh she has a special place in my heart because we look vaguely similar and i thought if i became a spook i could be internet famous too, usually gave up dieting after two days because miss me with that anachan shit.

No. 660795>>660801>>660811

Same to both. SSH brings back memories. I remember rnortal (now menalez) getting into a lot of drama.

No. 660801>>660809>>660811

Menalez larping as a lesbian radfem while she was in a DDLG relationship with a moid was fucking hilarious.

No. 660809>>660811>>660812>>660819>>660825

Wait, holyshit, Menalez was into DDGL?? and she was famous before?

Whenever I come back to radblr I always see she's immersed in some drama, and I always see Menalez in the center of it. One side (mostly from iratebadfemharpy) defends her as a poor, poor sad arab gender noncomforming lesbian, and the other side gets called out for being bullies and talking about her on secret discord servers

What's up here? any more info on this?

No. 660811>>660819>>660828

File (hide): 1603812431374.jpg (41.09 KB, 500x265, tumblr_b39069baf6b2ce3e9a869de…)

context for menalez for anyone else interested

Like, no wonder, she still gets into so much drama as a "radfem"

No. 660812

I second this, we need all the deets

No. 660819

File (hide): 1603812702345.png (64.32 KB, 473x392, tumblr_4dfccd3819fada84abddaa0…)

also some random discord cap cause I can't find the rest (I think they might had been deleted)

No. 660825>>660836

File (hide): 1603813506382.jpeg (40.11 KB, 594x516, 273909D3-6324-4985-906F-DA5D9E…)

menalez-receipts got nuked so most of it is lost to history, but she had a pretty famous pastel blog where she would post ddlg shit and pictures of her in japanese school girl skimpy outfits (rnortal), im pretty sure she scrubbed most of it but she had a daddy dom too.

No. 660826

Remember galaxy-princet & the legion of anti-sjw blogs who somehow didn't realize it was a troll blog? Lion-against-sjw sticks out most in my memory, mostly because she was an anti-sjw while also claiming to be genderfluid and calling another user's drawing of Lion that was traced from Shrek racist

No. 660828>>660834>>660837>>660839

wait are those cut scars?

No. 660834

File (hide): 1603814625863.jpg (39.93 KB, 500x265, tumblr_7f8250a24f387b77c52f940…)

shit I think they are (different selfie)

No. 660836>>660841

File (hide): 1603814668484.png (8.39 KB, 348x232, Sin título.png)

She said this about this subject

No. 660837>>660839

Yeah, she has really severe self-harm scars all over Her body.

No. 660839>>661136>>661217>>661239

File (hide): 1603814844984.png (4.45 KB, 341x179, dgbdfvf.png)

and she doesn't know how it could be triggering
(afaik she's very dumb)

No. 660841>>660842

Again menalez-receipts got nuked but there was proof she was 18-20 during the rnortal era, she even posted full on nudes.
Honestly I wish we could get a Menalez Thread.

No. 660842

If you make a summary, I'm pretty sure it could go on /snow/

No. 661136

NTA and I don't even know this cow but if you need a trigger warning to see a picture of a woman who happens to have old, faded self harm scars then you've got major issues. Just let former self-harmers live their lives. As long as they aren't currently doing it or glamorizing upon their old SH scars then there's no issue.

No. 661217

Who the fuck cares. If you’re fragile enough that someone’s faded scars sends you into a spiral gtfo.

No. 661239

>what tags?
No comment on the self-harm thing, but she knows damn well how tags work, kek.

No. 661291

I cant remember the name but everyone for sure knows it. That blog that used to post teenagerrelated things. Not pictures and funny shit, like it was bright color posts and text.

No. 1533465

File (hide): 1679857018760.jpg (40.37 KB, 421x750, tumblr_on7m0obefz1rgdjlno1_500…)

I used to be friends with CJ during her tumblr days and still have a morbid fascination with her. She's not a full on cow, but it's the age old story of a good looking girl with trauma and daddy issues who could have been big but got taken advante of and keeps making poor life choices. Idk what she's up to these days except doing OF which was disappointing but not surprising.(necro)

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