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No. 113775
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>in Russia
I'm so surprised.
No. 113782
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I couldn't watch the video, love animals too much. OI truly hope she gets gangraped
No. 113787
>>113758Because they're clearly much more unwell than just wanting attention.
Stick them in an appropriate facilitiy, not just a prison, young people can absolutely be rehabilitated from these sorts of issues.
Locking them away or beating them to death doesn't fix anything, cruelty as a reaction to cruelty is dumb, and locking them away just forces them to be more criminal in the future.
No. 113802
>Also she's still a teenager, and they do stupid shit all the time.I don't know about you anon, but I never did anything nearly as disturbing as this as a teenager, nor did I know anyone who was a teen that did. These girls are not normal, they're not just going to 'grow out of it'. Even with help, they're going to be dealing with repressing violent urges for the rest of their life. Killing them may not be the morally correct thing to do, but committing them to a psych ward for the rest of their life might be the best option for everyone involved.
But I don't know, maybe you know some teens who nailed living dogs to a wall like christ.
No. 113809
>>113802People recover from all sorts of illnesses all the time anon, there's no reason that with the right help they wouldn't be able to.
The matter is more if they actually want to.
But either way, we don't even lock murderers away for life generally, people who treat animals cruelly are terrible, but we shouldn't treat them any worse than we do murderers.
And psych hospitals (forensic sort of ones, or high security) are too full of people who are real risks to other people to put every animal abuser who exists in one.
There simply needs to be more facilities to handle people like this, who won't get the help unless they're forced to, but aren't bad enough to be put in a psych ward. You let them stay outpatient they'll just lie.
No. 113815
>>113809Almost every single murderemurderer in existence started off by killing animals first to satisfy their urges.
>The puppies and kittens were defenseless and cute, but it's not like they did this to people.They're literally going to move onto people at the nearest given opurtunity. So even if you don't give a shit about animals (which you should) maybe you should give a shit about the fact that they're serial killers in the making. Not to mention that one already confessed to wanting to kill her own mother.
No amount of cuddly therapy is going to change the fact that their brains physically cannot feel any kind of sympathy or guilt. They never will.
No. 113851
>>113809You do realize around 70-80% of murderers started out by abusing animals, right? Please tell me you're not this retarded.
You almost sound like someone who harms/used to harm animals trying to downplay the whole thing.
I agree they shouldn't be put in psych wards because it'd be useless and a waste of time and resources. They've already proven themselves to fundamentally be counterproductive to the general population's wellbeing by happily taking innocent lives (if you can kill a puppy or kitten with no remorse, what's to stop you from killing a small child? It's the same principle). Just kill them off and hope better humans fill their place in the world.
No. 114017
>>113797reminds me of a chapter in Haruki Murakami's "Kafka on the Shore"… it was one horror chapter.
A bit off topic but my father was born and raised in Khabarovsk and his family are kinda creepy. like… criminally creepy.
No. 114109
>>113815>>113851>Almost every single murderemurderer in existence started off by killing animals first to satisfy their urges.>You do realize around 70-80% of murderers started out by abusing animals, right?You're right, and I do know this, hence why I said they should be kept in a facility if they're a risk factor, which they seem to be.
But you're also ignoring that not everyone who does abuse animals does grow up into a serial killer. Animal abuse is a much more common crime than serial murder.
>They're literally going to move onto people at the nearest given opurtunity. So even if you don't give a shit about animals (which you should) maybe you should give a shit about the fact that they're serial killers in the making. By that same logic we should lock away people who wet the bed until a late age, because that's considered to be a risk factor.
>No amount of cuddly therapy is going to change the fact that their brains physically cannot feel any kind of sympathy or guilt.Calling it "cuddly therapy" is just retarded. It would be years of fucking hard therapy changing the way they think and view the world.
>>113851>You almost sound like someone who harms/used to harm animals trying to downplay the whole thing. That's a pretty huge assumption to make simply because I don't think we should execute the mentally ill anon.
>if you can kill a puppy or kitten with no remorse, what's to stop you from killing a small child? It's the same principleYou realise farmers slaughter animals, including super young animals with no remorse too, right? I don't see anyone calling out for farmers to all be killed because they're essentially murdering thousands of children.
I'm not excusing the behaviour, but I think that they need treatment, not to be put in jail forever. Maybe that treatment should be in an appropriate facility in a prison, but even then, giving them more time than actual murderers is just dumb.
No. 114176
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people are so fucked up. we deserve to be killed by aliens
No. 173022
>>114109>>114113Farmers slaughter animals because it's their job and because they know it has a purpose. There's a big difference between killing an animal because you have to/get paid for it/any other reason and just killing it for fun and because you like to see it suffer. That's where it gets into the dangerous levels.
Also not all murderers killed small animals in their youth but almost all people who actively enjoyed killing small animals in their youth end up being murderers. Makes ya think don't it