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File (hide): 1649920576739.jpeg (129.49 KB, 866x866, Neginvaand.jpeg)

No. 1134236

Post photoshop fails of celebs and online personalities.

No. 1134246

This probably belongs on /g/. There used to be a thread there for that but it is pretty old.

No. 1135577

Insta version is so much worse lol

No. 1135606

It really bugs me how so many of these are just the same preset filter from FaceApp and still people don’t recognize it.

No. 1135698>>1135701>>1135702>>1135706

Who is she ? She's really pretty

No. 1135701>>1135706

She looks so much better in real life. The shooped one looks like a basic Kylie jenner botched lookalike only men would like.

No. 1135702>>1135705>>1138838>>1144103>>1566767

File (hide): 1650008125912.jpeg (44.57 KB, 500x500, Neginvaand (1).jpeg)

@neginvaand on Instagram

No. 1135705

She's beautiful wish she would stop photoshopping her images, though based on how anons humiliates her real and unflattering pictures, it's not hard to see why she photshops them like she does.

No. 1135706>>1135707

A lot of her followers are young insecure girls tbh. She's had a nosejob + lip fillers but still edits her pics.

She changed her username to @negin on IG.

No. 1135707>>1135714>>1141608

It's obvious she had a nosejob and lipfillers but at least she doesn't look like a celeb skinwalker in her real pictures. I don't think random body dymorphic instagirls should be blamed for unrealistic beauty standards when men and celebrities are the ones reinforcing them.

No. 1135714>>1135755

File (hide): 1650009282123.jpg (728.81 KB, 1080x1581, Screenshot_20220415-005046_Chr…)

I don't know. I see where you're coming from but I think IG models + TikTok stars have a lot of influence hence why they're called "influencers". After a certain age they should know the affect they have on their audience. Kids are on their phones way more than they're watching TV nowadays.

Plastic surgery used to be seen as more of a rare thing that mostly only elite celebrities got (not saying it didn't exist at all for regular folks), but statistically PS is on the rise and I'm seeing more surgeons advertising themselves on social media.

Wolfiecindy is one of the most popular IG models atm and her pictures are always used by young women to show to their doctors what type of result they want after they get rhinoplasty.

No. 1135731

There's a thread on /snow.

No. 1135744>>1135745>>1135770

File (hide): 1650010534903.jpg (1.35 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_22-04-15_01-13-38-607.…)

idk this guys name but lol. did anyone actually find this believable ?

No. 1135745

Men from… certain countries… seem to think all this fake shit on the internet is real kek

No. 1135754>>1135756>>1135766>>1135792>>1135800>>1138988>>1214453

File (hide): 1650010901811.jpeg (620.63 KB, 692x1170, 0A97C93C-8F80-40D3-8156-0A586D…)

Cindy Kimberley looks absolutely nothing like her pictures IRL, I can’t believe she’s still cat fishing online and didn’t delete her accounts after the extent of her delusions and fraud surfaced

No. 1135755>>1135761

I am sick and tired of this type of tiny with slope nose. Nothing against people who have it naturally but so many people are getting it molded on their face even though it does not complement their features at all and makes them uncanny valley.

No. 1135756

>>1135754 she looks the same, just has bad skin.

No. 1135761

The best plastic surgery is practically undetectable. These people are yeah, getting work done that does not go with their features and it keeps them in a never-ending surgery loop because they’re not happy. My tinfoil is that was definitely planned by these influencer surgeons who do work that doesn’t need to be done $$$$$$$

No. 1135764

People who look like insta celebs irl look disturbing. Look at the woman from this vid, she looks like a doll controlled by rats

No. 1135766

I agree with the other anon, only her skin looks different here

No. 1135770

This is some gay fetish shit

No. 1135774>>1135792>>1135794>>1138988>>1138992

File (hide): 1650012790723.jpg (848.76 KB, 3464x3464, Picsart_22-04-15_01-50-46-101.…)

Scott Disick's (Kourtney Kardashian's ex) alleged gf. Also another Kylie clone.

No. 1135783>>1135785>>1135792

not to sound like a rf doomer but anyone else find it really Dystopian at the state of women nowadays? Teenagers are saving up to get plastic surgery or make an OF once they turn 18.

We are supposedly living in the most "progressive" time for women but I feel like shits only gotten worse. Like yes we have more job opportunities and no one's putting a gun to every girls head telling them they gotta look like a Kim K p*rnstar but it obviously has some affect that we're constantly told that we're only worth our looks and our body.

yeah it's her body, her choice but u don't find it at all a bit sad that instead of using that money for education or to start a business she's using it to change her features bc she hates how she looks?

No. 1135785>>1135788

To add onto that, I hate how even after we get an education, it's so hard to survive in the US on a single income. So I feel like many women feel pressures to marry a scrote, even tho they're not really "providers" anymore.

No. 1135786>>1135788>>1135789>>1135792

All the girls/women posted itt are obviously pretty irl. Not that it should matter wether they are or not (yes I realize the irony of writing that on LC) but still. Even the girl in the threadpic is clearly very cute and pretty even though it's supposed to serve as a sort of "gotcha"

No. 1135788>>1135793

>>1135786 no one here said any of them are ugly, it's the opposite. majority are saying they look prettier irl.

>>1135785 disagree, many women still wanna get married bc they want kids.

No. 1135789

they are beautiful, which makes it even more sad that they are made to feel so insecure to the point that even extremely gorgeous girls feel they have to photoshop themselves to such an extent

No. 1135792>>1135794

yeah I agree, like you have to have some serious instagram brainrot yourself to think >>1135774 or >>1135754 look unacceptably different from their pictures, everyone looks different in posed professional photos vs candids
it is dystopian and as long as the beauty industry keeps making money it won't change

No. 1135793

>no one here said any of them are ugl
Indeed, did I say otherwise?

No. 1135794>>1135802>>1135805

File (hide): 1650015247647.jpeg (Spoiler Image,29.01 KB, 660x384, 293058.jpeg)

if u can't see how >>1135774 looks different then it's not our fault that you're blind. peep the nose. If you look at Hannah Scarfone on Netflix and YouTube compared to her Instagram, u can see a noticeable difference.

Also does anyone really think this shit looks real?

No. 1135800>>1135806

File (hide): 1650015864446.jpg (520.41 KB, 1080x1195, Screenshot_20220415-023925_Chr…)

>>1135754 Cindy is open about her acne tbh. I think girls are extremely jealous of her so they cope by reaching this hard and accuse her of having her whole face done, when truth is she's only gotten lip fillers.

No. 1135802

only her nose looks different, the rest looks how you'd expect webcam footage with 2 pixels to look compared to a professional photo

No. 1135805

Her name is Holly not Hannah.

No. 1135806>>1135810>>1135813

Her eyeshape has also changed, though she's naturally gorgeous and I'd honestly kill for her nose. It's very thin and small and obviously I think it's impossible to get that result with rhinoplasty because it's so defined from the front but still looks small from the side.

No. 1135810>>1135837>>1138824

>>1135806 i rly see no difference with her eyes wdym?

No. 1135813>>1138653

Eyes in that pic are photoshopped, nobody has eyes as wide as their ears are tall irl

No. 1135837

Her eyes used to be more downturned and hooded imo before she got her lipfillers too. She probably got fox eyelift and lipfillers, both are easy procedures and not permanent.

No. 1138552>>1138557>>1138561>>1138761>>1138822>>1699065

File (hide): 1650242624687.png (8.36 MB, 2136x2152, wtf.png)

Bruh wtf… I don't use facetune or filters or anything so I didn't realize it was THIS dramatically fake. I always assumed it was women with heavy makeup using filters to smooth it out and enhance it, but you can actually fake an entire face of makeup and head of hair?? Absolutely heinous

No. 1138557>>1143128

I don’t think those are filters, I think there’s actual full-blown photoshopping going on there. It’s just so ott.

No. 1138561>>1138788

She looks so beautiful and full of sunshine in her real pics, and so fake and dull in the others. Why does she do this to herself?

Very related to this thread, I recommend watching this video on the beauty myth and how being your true self is better than faking your pics. Please let me know your opinion if anyone watches this because this vid comforted me and opened my eyes.

No. 1138653>>1138757

>eyes as wide as their ears are tall

No. 1138757>>1138814>>1138816>>1139298>>1139382

File (hide): 1650263971194.jpg (186.6 KB, 1080x1195, unnatural proportions.jpg)

No. 1138761>>1138763>>1141646

Tired of being a pretty woman? With the power of facetune, you too can look like an agp tranny!

No. 1138763>>1141646

My thoughts. She looks like a hsts tranny with that drag makeup when she's so beautiful naturally. Sad

No. 1138788>>1141646

>Why does she do this to herself?
She's not though, those captions and comparisons are hers. It's to show how fake social media photos are, not how she actually portrays herself.

No. 1138814>>1138824

File (hide): 1650270315677.jpg (55.87 KB, 736x722, Wolfiecindy.jpeg.jpg)

>>1138757 Cope.
The only unnatural thing about Cindy are her lips and editing her skin to look smoother. She's never changed the rest of her features through either photoshop or surgery.

No. 1138816

this is autistic anon some people have big eyes

No. 1138822

File (hide): 1650270980862.jpeg (62.04 KB, 567x719, FEWBg2sXIAcaNwY.jpeg)

It reminds me of the yassification bot

No. 1138824>>1138830>>1138833

Why are you caping so hard for some dime a dozen Instagram thot?
back to Twitter you dumb retard

No. 1138830>>1138846

>>1138824 sounds like the fat n ugly harpy is jealous. not my fault you cry yourself to sleep bc you couldn't look like that even if you tried.

No. 1138833>>1138844

nta but why are you so triggered by her? this is why I never liked the instagramreality subreddit, it's full of ugly people (scrotes, in that case) seething kek

No. 1138838>>1138839>>1138853>>1144103

File (hide): 1650273392633.jpg (1010.16 KB, 3464x3464, Neginvaand .jpg)

Why do already good looking people do this to themselves?

Her photoshops aren't even consistent lmao. In her older edits her eyes looked gigantic, now they're more cat like. Problem with her is she'll block you on the spot if you mention it even though it's 100% obvious that she looks fake.

I'd still kill to look like her though rip.

No. 1138839>>1138853

She's fake but same. I'd also kill to look like her natural self with the small lips and ethnic nose. She's very beautiful.

No. 1138844

You can tell it’s either her or some underage twitterfag.

No. 1138846>>1138850>>1138853

>fat and ugly
Ok it’s definitely her. Why you so salty go shoop your eyes

No. 1138850>>1138893

anon please tell me you don't really believe she's here defending herself from your comments on lolcow dot farm

No. 1138853>>1138890>>1138905>>1143491

File (hide): 1650275875977.jpg (137.88 KB, 1080x925, Screenshot_20220418-043259_Gal…)

>>1138846 cope

>>1138839 Her stalker page posted this video of someone spotting her in London. Is there something about lip fillers that make your nasolabial folds look more noticeable? I've noticed this too with candids of Kylie Jenner and other influencers after they get their lips done. Reminder this lady is in her early 20s but she looks at least 30 now.

No. 1138890

>>1138853 sun exposure + genetics?

Also that's creepy as hell.

No. 1138893

To be fair, shoop anon does have a point, and this twitterfag's getting really weirdly defensive. It wouldn't be the first time someone who is being talked about here thinks they're more subtle than they really are.

No. 1138905>>1138942>>1138947

filler doesn't dissolve like plastic surgeons claim, it actually migrates to other areas of the face. There's a video on youtube of someone whose filler ended up behind their eye and wouldn't dissolve no matter what they threw at it. So after using it enough it can move up into the nasolabial folds and you end up with that Kylie Jenner face.

No. 1138942

File (hide): 1650285678553.jpg (358.57 KB, 1080x1433, Screenshot_20220418-073923_Sam…)

>>1138905 shit, thanks for the info! Had no idea about that. These girls are really ruining their face at a young age just so they can fit into the mold of a Kylie clone IG model..

No. 1138946>>1142379>>1143004

File (hide): 1650286204574.jpg (218.29 KB, 1200x1200, EUJ-GARUEAEsB-p.jpg)

The Kartrashian's have really been a horrible influence for women in this generation.

No. 1138947>>1138970>>1138978>>1145314

i have really deep eye hollows. Is there a way to get rid of the hollows without fillers, like other procedures for example.

No. 1138949>>1138950>>1138978>>1138985

i find it interesting how the mods havent locked this thread yet but all the wholesome threads have been locked.

No. 1138950>>1138954


Pick one.

No. 1138954>>1138960>>1143134

i mean wholesome for lolcow standards kek. We already have w/snow/pt we dont need another thread dedicated to nitpicking female e-celebs appearance that anons are jealous of.

No. 1138960>>1138963

There are whole vent threads and threads dedicated to hating troons, scrotes etc. even outside of /snow

If I wanted wholesome I'd go watch a studio ghibli film instead of going on an image board that tries to be the female version of 4chan.

No. 1138963>>1138982

>hating on troons and scrotes, this is like a female 4chan.
i smell scrote/troon, but thats expected based on the thread considering the majority of users of those insta vs reality subreddits are men.

Also we already have a exact thread like this in snow discussing photoshoped influencers, we don't need a duplicate thats even more scrotey.

No. 1138970

File (hide): 1650287903241.jpg (355.52 KB, 1079x923, Screenshot_20220418-081810_Gal…)

>>1138947 hollow eyes might be due to your bone structure and I dont think there's procedures for that tbh.

This thread was supposed to be just showing IG vs reality photos, not a debate of whether the models are still beautiful or not IRL. But it's lolcow ofc there's there's going to be infighting and derailing of the topic lol.

No. 1138978>>1138985>>1138988

I've seen some women get good results with just fat transplant but it's very dangerous. Look up makeup techniques, you can hide it very well with color correction, foundation and power imo.
Why are you sick upset at this thread? Most anons are acknowledging the women look better without photoshop which could probably be "wholesome".

No. 1138982>>1138987>>1138988

>>1138963 so anyone who doesn't agree with you is a male or a troon?

btw you realize most of your lingo like "kek" isn't used by anyone outside of people who know of 4chan right? When I say female 4chan, I don't mean it's literally 4chan. I'm saying it emulates that website a lot like how there's this extreme negativity in talking about the opposite sex, saying shit like newfag, trash talking and even how the website looks.

Also majority of people who run expose IG model pages are women. Cope harder with this "females are saints" attitude lmfao.

No. 1138985

>Why are you sick upset at this thread? Most anons are acknowledging the women look better without photoshop which could probably be "wholesome".

Exactly, some of the people here even say they wanna look the women before. >>1138949 anon is just retarded and wants to pick a fight kek.

No. 1138987

NTA and you're right. Most instagram reality pages have female audiences and the women, just like they do here, say the girls look better without all the editing while the small vocal male audience cry about "evil evil whores scamming them with plastic surgery and photoshop!!" even though their standards are unreachable without their two.

No. 1138988>>1138991>>1138992

>sick upset
no just wondering why other threads that the majority of anons here enjoy get locked but a petty duplicate thread like this exists.

Also its not wholesome when anons are trying to find a badly pixelated webcam photo of someone to prove someone is ugly >>1135774 or using one bad photo >>1135754 of someone they are jealous of to say they are ugly when there are so many pictures of that cindy girl where she looks great and exactly like her pictures in real life.

kek is regularly used here, hide your newfaggotry pls.
>Also majority of people who run expose IG model pages are women
That has nothing to do with this, this ''insta vs reality'' topic in general has more moids that are interested in it than women. The biggest insta vs reality community is on reddit which is filled with pickmes and moids.

Also this is a duplicate thread we already have a photoshop thread on snow.

No. 1138991

No one said she's ugly dumbass, just that she looks different. Stop sperging already.

No. 1138992>>1139000

Did you get called out by someone for shopping or something? Even this >>1135774 posts replies all say she doesn't look different, same with cindy. They bother obviously have plastic surgery and used angles lighting and editing but it's not that big of a difference, not a positive one either in most cases.
I'm against calling women out and saying their natural pictures are ugly and therefore they're scammers which is what pickmes and moids do. But most women here are literally saying these girls are naturally gorgeous and how we'd want to look like their natural selves so it's sad they feel the need to edit their pictures.

No. 1139000>>1139001>>1139023>>1139355

nta but why do we need this thread though when we have one in snow.

No. 1139001

File (hide): 1650289563745.png (286.04 KB, 500x280, raw.png)

>>1139000 because we can.

No. 1139023

Some “people” only use this board. You can tell

No. 1139298>>1139338

I still don't get it, don't some people just have big eyes? Is there a before and after pic for comparison or something

No. 1139338>>1139382

ntayrt but the comparison there is to her ear. her eye is as big as her ear. measure your ear from top to bottom with your fingers and then lay that over where your eye is. you'll see how it's nonsensical that someone's eye could be that big, you'll probably have one finger at the bridge of your nose and the other on your temple.

No. 1139355

That one is “ridiculous photo shoppers” this one is just Instagram thots general

No. 1139382>>1139385>>1139387>>1139390>>1139404>>1142379

File (hide): 1650313732822.jpg (2.12 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_22-04-18_22-25-55-324.…)

ok this is autistic but here you go. depending on the size of someone's eyes and ears and on the angle of the picture, the eye can easily look close in size to the ear. picrel is an example of another person who has similar proportions (I was going to use a rando from a makeup sub but then I thought of a much better example)

No. 1139385

Thank you for calling out that insane nitpick.

No. 1139387>>1139389

Is that a picture of Null? kek.

No. 1139389

yes kek, he has wide eyes

No. 1139390>>1139405

I hate that I immediately recognized your good example kek

No. 1139404

im not even a kiwifag at all but he gets posted here so often i instantly recognized him

No. 1139405>>1139467>>1141619

I only know because I've used that photo to show my Shameful lust for Null a few times, kek.

No. 1139467

idk if the other posts with the same mistake are all yours or if there's multiple of you but you really need to learn how to spoiler kek

No. 1141608

>>1135707 celebs at least look more diverse than IG models. Ski sloped nose, lip fillers and cat eyes are copy and pasted on every influencer I see on that app.

No. 1141619

Oh god I thought I was the only one

No. 1141624>>1141626>>1141631>>1141642>>1141715>>1145314>>1146986>>1147001>>1147012

File (hide): 1650477285834.jpeg (884.44 KB, 3300x2235, FA45DF3F-BDA8-4F71-BC18-1E3C27…)

sorry if this doesn’t count but there’s this instagram account that i hate with passion called @goddess.woman that edits pictures of famous woman making them look terrifying.

No. 1141626>>1141631>>1141641>>1141642>>1141715>>1146999>>1147001

File (hide): 1650477377875.jpeg (90.73 KB, 700x529, 24187C62-A171-4930-B081-FFB95A…)

No. 1141631

Honestly they look better in the before. I prefer a real human to these creepy, boring sameface robots. That goes for this whole thread.

No. 1141641

this looks like a still from a barbie movie

No. 1141642

Hilarious, from fashion editorial to aliexpress product photo quality, makeup will never outshine human beauty

No. 1141646

sage for necro lol sorry but that woman posts the fakes and the originals to show that social media like this nonny said >>1138788
she doesn't post those pictures earnestly lol

No. 1141688>>1141692>>1141693>>1141694>>1141715>>1141852>>1143018>>1180644

File (hide): 1650481549809.jpeg (89.51 KB, 696x515, 9B6A112B-8B6F-4A53-9682-F6679C…)

No. 1141692>>1143018

I thought this was porgie from the pro ana scumbags thread kek

No. 1141693>>1141711

Hideous ugly pig.

No. 1141694>>1141852

She looks.. fine? Honestly. She could stand to lose some weight but she clearly has a pretty face.

No. 1141711

that's really mean

No. 1141715>>1141852

Kek. The shoop turned these beautiful women into faceapp trannies.
Shooped looks way worse. This one makes me sad. Bone rattlers begone she is pretty.

No. 1141852>>1143018

I literally thought someone shooped selena gomez into a fat man with a 5 o'clock shadow and this was a shitpost.

No. 1142379>>1143004

I saw her eating on their show and it was so fucking disgusting. Her lips were so big and she chews with her mouth WIDE open, I had to turn it off. She legit looked and sounded like a cow. They are so trashy.
not you using null lmao

No. 1143004>>1143008

File (hide): 1650606228024.jpg (290.69 KB, 949x1186, Screenshot_20220422-003505.jpg)

Kylie Jenner's lips were paper thin before but at least she didn't look like a duck, same with these other girls. They all look worse with lip fillers, including Cindy, her mouth is gigantic in proportion to her tiny narrow nose.

No. 1143008>>1143018

they didnt look paper thin here, just like normal white girl lips. she looked cute

No. 1143018>>1143022>>1143032>>1180644

File (hide): 1650607028782.jpg (147.61 KB, 749x796, jzst6zuklsw11.jpg)

She's @anastasiya_kvitko on Instagram.

>paper thin
>regular white girl lips
Same thing

No. 1143022>>1143031

File (hide): 1650607218152.jpg (818.63 KB, 2000x1333, image.jpg)

>Same thing
not really, paper thin is like… sara gilbert or corey feldman or something. kylie had normal lips

No. 1143031>>1143041>>1143107>>1145314

File (hide): 1650608207101.jpg (506.1 KB, 1500x2250, hbz-kylie-jenner-transformatio…)

I was exaggerating. But anyway, point was she looked better before the duck lips.

No. 1143032

Most of them are naturally beautiful anyway but she looks like a pig. Extremely unfortunate looking.

No. 1143041>>1143042>>1143044

you should signify you're being facetious then dumbass

No. 1143042

>>1143041 salty much ? lol

No. 1143044

make it more obvious you have thin lips

No. 1143107

idk i think she looked best when her lips were the only thing she had done and she hadn't gone overboard with them yet. she looks more balanced with bigger lips since she has big eyes

No. 1143128

Just go on faceapp and try for yourself

No. 1143134

Nobody is nitpicking their actual looks, we are discussing their filtered, manufactured appearances.

I also wonder if some anons are faceblind/never see people irl or something, because how can you not tell that an image is retouched to hell? Cindy enlarges her eyes, I could tell with both my eyes closed. Or tell if someone has had a nosejob, no matter how subtle it is, it is so obvious. Every single influencer retouches their images, to even try to suggest otherwise is so naive you have to be like 13 years old.

No. 1143491>>1144093>>1144297

There is a light above her head, and she is shopping, not posing for a photo. In a professionally taken photo, we will not see "nasolabial folds" or even on a well-taken selfie.

But most people have "nasolabial folds" that are very visible when you take a random picture. It's normal no matter how old you are. Even babies have "nasolabial folds" visible in the photos.
This is how the facial structure works, they're not that noticeable irl, but you'll see them in every shitty photo.

I want to remind that you never look in photos the way you look irl.
No "bad" or "good" photo is real you, of how you look actually look. Pcture is a still frame in 2D, it will never fully reflect what a moving person looks like in 3D, especially since our eyes perceive light differently and we do not have the same lens as the camera.

So no, no one on these pictures don't look as how they look irl. Even in a "bad" pictures.

Just sayin, I think a lot of people forget about it.

No. 1143572>>1143596>>1143609

File (hide): 1650654824946.jpeg (104.41 KB, 640x625, A07C8E81-9D15-4F6D-8289-F4DDF5…)

No. 1143596>>1144093

tbh if she lost weight and got a rhinoplasty she would look exactly like her shopped pictures.

No. 1143609

She looks very… porcine

No. 1144086

File (hide): 1650687964215.jpg (331.55 KB, 746x1010, Screenshot_20220422-232445_Pic…)


No. 1144093

File (hide): 1650688811022.jpg (890.77 KB, 1080x2044, Screenshot_20220422-233719_Sam…)

>>1143596 Her eyed look different too. I checked her Instagram, is she an escort or something?

>>1143491 Mostly people have them when they smile or talk, they shouldn't be that pronounced when your face is just relaxed unless you're old but maybe you're right, it could just be unflattering lighting.

No. 1144103>>1566767

File (hide): 1650690100466.jpg (121.35 KB, 1075x1288, Neginvaand.jpeg.jpg)

She looks different every year that I see her.

No. 1144261>>1144276>>1144279>>1145314>>1566767

File (hide): 1650708847566.jpg (816.39 KB, 3464x3464, Picsart_22-04-23_05-02-54-535.…)

No. 1144276

She has tip over-projection because her nose is too "carved in" but the tipsize wasn't properly reduced. She used to have a perfect nose before, sad she got a rhinoplasty.

No. 1144279

this looks so retarded wtf I'd sue the doctor

No. 1144297

Nta but I can't stress how much your post helped me, thanks you anon

No. 1145314>>1145767

prp/prf injections, fat grafting and infraorbital rim implants.

I don't think the edit is bad but it makes her look older somehow

Her lashes look really nice here. I do think a little bit of filler was good for her, but the filler everywhere else wasn't to her benefit.

Her nose was perfect before. The way she needs to shoop herself reminds me of Mariah Mallad, her nosejob did her no favors.

No. 1145767>>1145771

File (hide): 1650797811595.jpg (84.4 KB, 655x407, Screenshot_20220424-055542_Sam…)

>>1145314 this lady? Ew they look nothing alike. How do u even know this cosplay cow ? Gross.

No. 1145771

>how do you even know this cosplay cow

No. 1146986>>1146999>>1147001

File (hide): 1650874911252.jpeg (318.59 KB, 1280x1280, 9ACBD31F-B2F5-4909-BBB5-E37BC9…)

my god i was curious and just checked out the account. almost all of them look dead in the eyes from the editing.

is it just me or did they make anne hathaway look like an emrata clone. it's terrifying

No. 1146999>>1147006

Only good edit itt tbh. It’s not that bad it just looks fake.
This one is scary.

No. 1147001>>1147002>>1147003>>1147012

File (hide): 1650875532935.png (345.11 KB, 716x441, barbie angelina.png)

Didn't know it was just one account I figured it was a trend. Anyways, it's so popular now that if you google (some female) celebrities and go on Images, some of the top results would be those creepy barbies. It's crazy.

No. 1147002>>1147004

Samefag too lazy to repost but unless you couldn't tell the fourth one is one of those edits.

No. 1147003>>1147004

the 1st and 3rd look more natural compared to the others in that screenshot, especially the 4th

No. 1147004

oops i was >>1147003, think i replied the same time you did

No. 1147006

it's decent editing i will admit (though probably just facetune) but it is to the point where it no longer looks like anne which is a bit disturbing tbh

No. 1147009

File (hide): 1650876132504.jpg (108.48 KB, 720x720, 7fac15512d2dd0878e3d7eb5a72f89…)

I wish there were natural pictures of Bemi Rin before all her surgery and photoshop…

No. 1147012>>1147013

File (hide): 1650876264393.jpeg (280.53 KB, 1124x1405, D11234E2-3198-4746-B3F3-2F10B6…)

there's probably plenty more people that do this unfortunately. i definitely get why >>1141624 says she hates that account, they edit almost everyone they post and still go on to say things like "she's perfect"

if the owner really thought these women were perfect why would they go on to do this weird "yassification" shit? some of the editing is glaringly obvious too. salma hayek already looked amazing as she was originally in this shot but this altering looks so… strange

No. 1147013>>1147022>>1147118>>1180505

File (hide): 1650876342888.jpeg (1.14 MB, 3072x3072, 967D6404-66C3-49E2-95C8-D0FB2D…)

samefag, here's more i have a bit of spare time right now not gonna lie

No. 1147022

it looks so porny

No. 1147118


No. 1180500>>1180505>>1180562>>1566767>>1622860

File (hide): 1652485404005.jpg (218.92 KB, 700x700, 5fd0b87502570_rn23pdg7vpu51-5f…)


No. 1180505

She looks so much better without all the filtering.
These remind me a lot of retouch style that was popular in 2000s, over the top as people got really excited with how "beautiful" things can be done with digital softwares; nowadays a sign of a really good retouch is the opposite, making it look as natural as possible (while still flawless)

No. 1180552

File (hide): 1652489860357.jpg (406.32 KB, 720x1176, 20220513_195607.jpg)

All her pics are heavily photoshoped. She looks like that yassification filter.

No. 1180562

Idgi, she's already pretty without the filters

No. 1180644


Does anyone have those gifs of asian women taking off their makeup?

No. 1198936>>1198943>>1198951>>1198962

File (hide): 1653666037315.jpg (922.75 KB, 3464x3464, Picsart_22-05-27_10-31-43-548.…)

This hoe everyone's prolly seen on pinterest. She gets a lot of clout in the Asian community for making herself look racially ambigious/half European but both her parents are actually from the Philippines.

This isn't to show that she's ugly or anything, just that she's a lot more brown IRL and whitewashes herself.

No. 1198943>>1198955>>1198962

File (hide): 1653666180079.jpg (103.63 KB, 600x732, 1637439672714.jpg)

That's her as a kid. She's been exposed for being self-hating and racist too.

No. 1198951>>1198991>>1199044

Most philippinos are mixed white though

No. 1198955>>1198991

damn thats sad, idgi tbh I feel like filipino features are already attractive by european standards

No. 1198962>>1198999

I've always found her beautiful, even when I first heard of her weirdo behavior years ago. I hate seeing pretty women lie about their race/other dumb shit for attention. If she came into the internet scene at a different time she probably wouldn't feel the need to racefake.

No. 1198991

>>1198951 lmao no they aren't, many wish they were like she does. the majority look like malay, Chinese mixed or like indigenous mexicans.

>>1198955 not really tbh, unless u count old boomer sexpats.

No. 1198999>>1199154>>1199287>>1201048

File (hide): 1653668846370.jpg (268.61 KB, 1079x739, Screenshot_20220527-182727_Gal…)

>>1198962 Eww her ugly attitude ruins any sort of "beauty" she has (which is mainly thanks to makeup and good selfie angles)

As a filipina, I think rose vega from 90day fiance looks better than her .

No. 1199044>>1200585>>1201996

Its kinda sad you guys still lie about this, c'mon you ain't white nor look like it and that's ok

No. 1199154>>1199287

Rose is so cute

No. 1199287>>1200580>>1200591

>implying when she sent edd disgusting no neck she didn’t lighten her skin
Dang y’all too biased. And no she will never be cute and the one you all call ugly even before anything is still cuter.
t. I don’t know who she is

No. 1200580>>1201325

File (hide): 1653763443954.jpg (365.91 KB, 1079x615, Screenshot_20220528-204407_Gal…)

>>1199287 no one called the other girl ugly , they just don't like her personality.

Ironically rose is making herself look darker in recent photoshoots. The selfies she sent Ed had bright filter on it prolly to hide her acne I'm guessing but she look better in video.

No. 1200585>>1201311

Most Philippinos have massive self hatred and complexes. It's sad.

No. 1200591

wow way to be butthurt, no one called that other girl ugly just saying rose is cute lmao

No. 1201048

I like her and her attitude

No. 1201311>>1202024

>>1200585 at least spell *filipinos right, you bozo.

No. 1201325>>1201332>>1201376

What happened to her? Did she marry that old guy?

No. 1201332>>1202588

last I heard she was dating a woman, which based if true

No. 1201376>>1201422

>>1201325 no they split up, Ed started dating some other lady in the US.

She's getting sponsors on IG and doing YouTube these days.

No. 1201422>>1201791>>1201970

>She's getting sponsors on IG and doing YouTube these days.

Doing what?

No. 1201791

>>1201422 by advertising stuff…

No. 1201970>>1202582>>1202583

File (hide): 1653863351825.png (741.23 KB, 1094x416, rose.PNG)

I think she just does occasional vlogs. I remember one of her first videos was about getting a new home for herself and her family.

No. 1201996>>1202060>>1202079

Im not from the philippines kek I just know history you sperg. They were colonized by spain(hence the name) thats why they look hispanic like latinos.

No. 1202024

I'm esl. I didnt mean to offend.

No. 1202060>>1202089>>1202262>>1202580

Weren't they attacked by México or something like that too!?

No. 1202079

Filipinos have very little to no (mostly none) Spanish/Euro admixture. Spain didn't send massive waves of people over there so they didn't mix very much. Maybe some wealthy important Filipinos intermarried but that wouldn't have been common for average Filipinos.

No. 1202089

México?? kek no. We do have similarities as countries where Spain had colonies but México has never invaded Philipines.

No. 1202262>>1202580

nona, why and how the fuck would Mexico invade the Philipines

No. 1202580

File (hide): 1653915136874.jpg (249.35 KB, 866x1390, young-mexican-native-dancers-p…)

Mexico also is not originally European, they were Native "Americans" like Aztecs, Mayans, Zapotec etc. But many Europeans settled there and mixed.

No. 1202582

I'm happy for her. She was living in the slums when she was filming for 90dayfiance. But tbh,I think poverty still could not bring me to marry no neck Ed gross.

I think also Anfisa on that show probably had a rough past life in Russia.

No. 1202583

i LOVE her. i'm so happy for her.

No. 1202588>>1202595>>1202654

She was dating a woman and now found another old scrote from the USA.

No. 1202595

i don't know that she's really dating him. it sounds based on her take, even while she's trying to be positive about it, like he has pushed himself into her life and she's still young and unable to fully fully assert her boundaries, seems like.

No. 1202654

File (hide): 1653920832983.jpg (653.35 KB, 1067x1558, Screenshot_20220530-162658_Ins…)

>>1202588 disappointing:/(:/)

No. 1214453>>1214472>>1214508>>1214820

File (hide): 1654549982554.jpg (804.66 KB, 2598x3464, Picsart_22-06-06_23-11-25-017.…)

Cindy has very beautiful features, she just has skin problems which is the only thing she hides in her Instagram photos.

No. 1214456>>1214473>>1214820

File (hide): 1654550162258.jpg (160.74 KB, 1080x1292, fakeplastiks~p~Cd9Ao4osbFd~1.j…)

Cindy Kimberly at Cannes. A lot of people say she looks like Alexa Demie.

No. 1214472

I understand why she photoshops it but I wish she didn't. Her face is absolutely gorgeous and it's refreshing to see one can be stunning even with skin problems. And yeah, she totally looks like Demie, I was sure it's her from the first miniature

No. 1214473>>1214856>>1216031

she doesn't shoop or filter anything else except for her skin but you cannot deny that she does take pictures in angles that are the most flattering and maker face look slim.

No. 1214508

shhh you're gonna summon the sperg

No. 1214820

I wish I looked like her tbh
She did a similar makeup and hairstyle to Alexa, otherwise I don't think they look alike. They're both pretty in different ways.

No. 1214856

She definitely shoops everything kek and she's had plastic surgery

No. 1216031

>you cannot deny that she does take pictures in angles that are the most flattering and maker face look slim
literally everyone does this in selfies retard

No. 1225527>>1225531>>1225542

I can't believe they encouraged this shit willy nilly

No. 1225531

bleak, I would feel so bad as the girl whose photo got edited

No. 1225542

File (hide): 1655244385360.jpg (131.24 KB, 767x1080, 20220614_180502.jpg)

Ok but what is this look?

No. 1228307>>1228341

File (hide): 1655426370401.jpg (108.31 KB, 640x960, tumblr_d922469ba9f6270741c68f8…)

No. 1228341


No. 1566767>>1566769>>1573001

File (hide): 1683114308117.jpg (111.54 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_20230503_102754_939.jpg)

Sorry to revive this dead thread but someone posted Negin Vand's candid pics on the Effina thread >>1807710 and I felt like I had to repost this somewhere cuz wow.. her nose looks sooo botched IRL. Not saying she's ugly at all, you can still tell she's a pretty woman with what's left of her natural beauty but dang she's only 23? 24? This is not gonna age well.

No. 1566769>>1573004

>she's only 23? 24?
you could not pay me to believe that. add another 20 years. how unfortunate.

No. 1573001

File (hide): 1683715970448.jpg (61.35 KB, 650x648, 39795c91-f008-4267-a358-311676…)

Is this her before? I don't get what was so bad about her old nose that she felt the need to botch it so badly.. I'd kill to have her old face lol

No. 1573004>>1573006>>1573027

File (hide): 1683716196378.jpg (130.72 KB, 1080x1646, Screenshot_20230510-125710_Sam…)

She was born in '99.

No. 1573006>>1573027>>1573455

File (hide): 1683716354553.jpg (117.15 KB, 866x866, Neginvaand.jpeg.jpg)

No. 1573027>>1573043

my faceblindness is so bad. I thought this was lana with a makeup filter

No. 1573043>>1573044>>1573045>>1690297

File (hide): 1683722537075.jpg (76.98 KB, 750x737, M.jpeg.jpg)

tbf you aren't the first person who thought that. She used to be compared to lana a lot (then again they both have had lip fillers and a nose job so..)

No. 1573044>>1573057>>1573809

Anon why do you keep pouting pictures of this random girl who's obviously suffering from body dysmorphia or self hatred? Yhis thread was dead before you desperately kept bumping it.

No. 1573045

If I take off my glasses I can kinda see the resemblance

No. 1573057>>1573273

File (hide): 1683724300123.jpg (101.22 KB, 1080x1139, Screenshot_20230510-145416_Sam…)

Ma'am this is an Instagram vs Reality thread and you're wondering why I'm posting a popular Instagram model's candid comparison pictures? If random is having 1 million followers, then who are the rest of the people on /snow who have even less following than her but have entire threads dedicated to them? This chick has teenage girls wishing to look like her and they're even making 'subliminal' videos because they're naive enough to think those actually work to make them look like someone who's paid thousands of dollars for surgeries.

No. 1573273>>1573283

File (hide): 1683742490040.jpg (249.95 KB, 1692x1044, xcssfVera Wang.jpg)

I enjoy this thread, nonna. Please keep posting, it would be good to discuss this. I initially though the instagram reality subreddit would be a good place to talk about insidious image manipulation but that place is a trainwreck. I don't understand why hey don't let anybody post names, even of big celebs like Madonna. Doxxing is one thing, but I promise Donatella Versace is not going to lose sleep being roasted on a random internet corner. Plus, you can tell it's a male space because they only post the most blatant faceapp fails you could hope to find. Men truly are faceblind, lol

Anyway, here's my contribution to the thread. I think she looks absolutely amazing for her age but that doesn't mean she needs to try to look younger. You can be beautiful and age gracefully. I wish she didn't try to ride that "I can compete with the 20 year-olds out there" wave.

No. 1573283>>1573820

File (hide): 1683743281937.png (520.31 KB, 1073x1500, donatella-versace-1997.png)

I miss Donatella's old face.

No. 1573455>>1573537

Am I the only one who likes the hollow part underneath eyes? Like not eye bags (which do age a person) but this darkness under the eye? It makes the eye area look bigger and adds depth in a way that highlights the eye. idk if I'm crazy but I just prefer the natural eye hollow so much over the fake smoothed out one or tons of concealer makeup. Maybe it's also that these filters create such a fake look: no one except maybe babies/kids have no hollowness under their eyes? idk.

I won't even really conceal the dark part under my eyes because I like the way it makes my eyes look even bigger. I guess I was just wondering if this is an unpopular opinion or one other women have. sorry for writing so much.

No. 1573537>>1573805>>1575226

no, i agree nona. whenever i try to conceal my under eyes i feel like i end up looking like a mannequin, like my face looks much flatter, my eyes look smaller, and i look very washed out. plus it removes like four steps from your routine (concealing, usually baking, then highlighting/contouring/blush to bring the dimension back to your face) if you just leave it be. i definitely think most people look better when you can see a bit of dark circle under their eyes. definitely some people have it pretty severely and i understand why they choose to conceal it but the average person looks much more… human? and pretty without under-eye concealer.

No. 1573805>>1621435

File (hide): 1683804286364.jpg (114.76 KB, 1080x1524, Screenshot_20230511-130527_Sam…)

The 2016 contouring and under eye baking is probably the fugliest makeup trend tbh.

Does anyone remember Valeria Lukyanova? She went viral for being the "Human Barbie" 10 years ago when the average person didn't know anything about photoshop and was amazed at her pictures lmao

She turned out to be a nazi with some strange spiritual beliefs about aliens or some shit. This is her now. She still manages to travel to many different countries somehow despite being irrelevant outside of Ukraine.

No. 1573809>>1586831

File (hide): 1683804838815.jpg (1017.88 KB, 3464x3464, Picsart_23-05-10_23-30-59-006.…)

No. 1573820>>1573974>>1574344

Wow she looked like an older Nicole Richie!

No. 1573974

Lol no. No she did not.

No. 1574344>>1574347>>1577304>>1577306>>1577354

File (hide): 1683845234183.jpg (121.34 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_0e1d02f8113bc82fe343808…)

Not really anon kek but she was really pretty

No. 1574347>>1577306

File (hide): 1683845300753.png (108.66 KB, 640x766, uiirnbpabph61.png)

samefag. I think this one is before any surgery at all.

No. 1575226

I'm glad I'm not alone, nona! Idk I just find concealing or blurring that darkness exactly how you do: fake, flat, mannequin, and eye-reducing. idk if my thoughts will change with age but I'm happy not to use concealer there for the near future. ty for making me feel less weird abt it

No. 1577304

Really pretty where? Maybe if she weren't so damn orange. Excessive tanning did not age her skin well at all..

No. 1577306>>1577319>>1577430

Omg she's so gorgeous here.
Of she stopped using faketan and dyed her hair back to the original color, she'd be fine BUT I heard she had multiple nose jobs because her nose collapsed from coke, her current looks are definitely influenced more by her drug addiction than anything

No. 1577319>>1577354>>1577646

File (hide): 1684067728288.jpg (46.44 KB, 465x700, de6fcb8f945441f330803020840bde…)

Is she naturally brunette? I couldn't find any pictures of her where she wasn't blonde.

No. 1577354>>1577430

She has dark roots >>1574344 here. She probably has dark blonde/brown hair and it looks like she's fried it too much to get that white-ish platinum blonde. She never even wears her hair without styling it so its totally bleach damaged.
Her drug addiction is much more sad than her aesthetic choices though. At least I hope she's clean now

No. 1577430>>1586866

File (hide): 1684078941877.png (269.12 KB, 600x1084, vrsc.png)

ah yes, she had an awful drug problem, specially after Gianni's passing, that lasted almost 30 years. She's sober now, but I understand all of the decision she has taking in her life, she comes from a hardworking blue collar family which has had to deal with lots of adversity.

No. 1577646>>1586828

> This was the case for Gianni Versace who was 19 — and had not yet founded the revered Versace fashion house — when he directed his sister, Donatella Versace, to dye her hair blonde. She was 11. The inspiration? Patty Pravo, an Italian singer.

> “Back then Gianni was so obsessed with Pravo, an iron-straight-haired ‘blond,’ that he persuaded eleven-year-old Donatella to dye her own hair just like his heroine,” writes Ingrid Sischy in the first chapter of VERSACE by Donatella Versace with Maria Luisa Frisa and Stefano Tonchi. The book is an “intimate visual history” of Versace and was released by Rizzoli New York on Tuesday.


No. 1586828>>1621435

That's kind strange to be that way with your sister as an older brother, am I reaching?

Poor lady.

No. 1586831

File (hide): 1685011210697.jpg (20.45 KB, 468x533, IMG_20230525_123723_391.jpg)

This what all them fillers look like recently…

No. 1586866

omg she was so pretty

No. 1619184>>1619186>>1622860

File (hide): 1687916503987.jpeg (1.23 MB, 3465x3465, DBD46869-0495-4AB8-B369-F97FF8…)

Fucking yikesss, I can imagine everyone in her town knowing she’s a huge catfish. @girlbot376 on insta

No. 1619186>>1619787>>1622860

File (hide): 1687916554885.jpeg (361.65 KB, 1125x1107, IMG_0909.jpeg)

That overlined lip probably looks atrocious irl

No. 1619373>>1619592>>1619614>>1632892>>1697029>>1697910

File (hide): 1687941439422.jpg (54.62 KB, 808x583, johanna_herrstedt.jpg)

Johanna Herrstedt used to be my fave local (to my country) photoshopper. She lost a lot of popularity after she was in a music video of a shit band called kerbera (the singer has been talked about on lc, he's a cow) and she got caught looking like the right picrel after only ever posting very heavily edited photos.
Even worse for her is that her regional accent is known for crude old geezer humour and it's incredibly unattractive on a female, first time I heard her speak I felt bad for her kek

No. 1619592>>1619597>>1619606

Idk I think she looks better in the unfiltered picture tbh

No. 1619597

Me too kek

No. 1619606

same. she looks scary in the filtered one

No. 1619614

Whats her accent? Hessisch?

No. 1619787>>1619919

Please tell me she did NOT tattoo her legs with a Monster logo pattern

No. 1619919

those are patterned tights. you can see her tattoos underneath

No. 1621435>>1632892

shes korean now?
he was gay, i think he just wanted to style her.

No. 1622860

looks like oli london
the alt types are always the worst offenders kek

No. 1632892>>1633166

File (hide): 1689275718303.jpg (238.08 KB, 758x880, Screenshot_20230713_203048.jpg)

No offense , I never understood the obsession with Johanna. Like yes ik she photoshops but still wasn't enough for me to have a hate boner for her like everyone on PULL did. There were so many other e- "famous" people who were problematic like Felice Fawn for example, was scamming people, posting pro anorexia shit and generally super pretentious and up her own ass on top of having a fake face that Johanna was boring in comparison. Johanna's edited photos were never pretty to me either, everything looks so angular and sharp. The pointy chin just looks ugly. She has OK features but it would definitely do her some good to gain some fat on her face..

>>1621435 Valeria always had small hooded eyes but that filter accentuates it even more lol.

No. 1633166

Lol jealousy is one hell of a drug. They were jealous and needed a reason to shit on her because she got tons of attention online, it was just right before the era of getting major dopamine from canceling people for their various social faults, this was kind of the precursor when baddies weren't as prevalent. Now there are just too many, she'd be a drop in a bucket.

No. 1633389

File (hide): 1689320923030.jpg (14.06 KB, 400x261, cziim1ewkig21.jpg)

Fave PULL cow to roast goes to Wylona Hayashi.. last time I checked she's still doing these ridiculous shops years later and is now an OF girl or sum. She pretends to be Japanese and mixed European (ie. fake name "Hayashi") when she's a Chinese Singaporean. There were a lot of people on PULL exposed for faking their nationalities like one was a pretendian white girl SJW (literally native wannabe version of Rachel dolezal lol) and a Mexican teenager in TX pretending to be from Russia. I wish they hadn't deleted that site.. so much tea lost lol

No. 1633674>>1633676>>1633816>>1666407>>1672423

File (hide): 1689356784677.jpg (273.38 KB, 762x858, Screenshot_20230714_194434.jpg)

Does anyone know the IG user @nlydiss ? She's got 300k followers and is super pretty but I'm wondering if her face is real or not.. does anyone know? especially the nose , it looks really small in some pics. I saw someone else on here try to make a thread about her but admins locked it.

No. 1633676>>1633816>>1666490>>1667489

File (hide): 1689357278785.jpg (914.5 KB, 1079x1386, Screenshot_20230714_195318.jpg)

She's so pretty that I'm hoping she's fake LoL .. jk
Has she ever uploaded videos of herself? Usually girls like this are on tiktok or have yt videos up.. makes it a little sus if she doesn't have any.

No. 1633807>>1634089

File (hide): 1689367800397.jpg (1.24 MB, 3464x3464, Picsart_23-07-14_22-45-16-792.…)

This arab influencer merangll 's photoshop style reminds me of Dakota rose and efinna . The right are her tagged pics.. I think she's very pretty tho.

No. 1633816

I doubt she was born that way and some of her photos are heavily filtered but I would believe that is approximately the shape of her nose, it doesn't always look edited (her lips are though). who knows if she has a nose job. with her other features I would have guessed she should have a different nose, it doesn't really match (no offense to her if she paid for that)

No. 1634089

Honestly weeb culture should have never gotten this popular because now we have a whole generation of influencers who keep photoshopping themselves to look like whatever the beauty ideal is in anime or japan.

I keep seeing these perfectly normal and pretty women photoshoping themselves into that underage looking weeb aesthetic and photoshiping their eye corners.

No. 1637072>>1637148

File (hide): 1689685100466.jpg (235.76 KB, 1585x1080, Screenshot_20230718_145344.jpg)

I don't even know what to say about this one lol.

No. 1637148

kek the nostril in the middle of the nose

No. 1643092

File (hide): 1690234134955.jpeg (398.76 KB, 1280x1254, IMG_1393.jpeg)

captive cosplay? more like captive catfish

No. 1666407

File (hide): 1692207705980.jpeg (851.01 KB, 1125x1308, IMG_7158.jpeg)

i scrolled her account down to some of her first pictures and the editing was more subtle i get a sort of an uncanny valley feeling from her pics and i heard she blocks users if they ever ask her any questions about editing or the makeup she uses

No. 1666490>>1667489>>1667491>>1685579

I know girls who look like this naturally and although the first pic looks edited, the second definitely doesn't. Her nose could be natural or not, some mixed middle eastern girls have similar nose shape so I wouldn't jump on the surgery accusations.
Anyway, anons you look fine yourselves, stop comparing yourself to girls and trying to make yourself believe it's all photoshop, her being ugly or pretty doesn't change that you're good enough yourself.

No. 1667489

No. 1667491>>1667542

I don't think it's surgery either…she s too young to have it and it's pretty uncommon for girls her age here to get nose jobs it's just her blocking anyone who mentions it that's kinda sus but definitely she s a very beautiful person and a good artist

No. 1667542

I think the first picture was shooped and maybe she photoshops her makeup too like James Charles used to with his eyeshadow. Either way, anons shouldn't feel bad about themselves because of this girl, I'm sure they're pretty in their own ways and comparing themselves to people they see only specific angled pictures of isn't a good idea if they already have low self esteem.

No. 1667930>>1667977>>1685583

File (hide): 1692302055620.jpg (376.29 KB, 1920x1920, bruh.jpg)

Holy fuck, I've looked all around the internet just to find a single person saying something about saltybxxbe_, there is nothing, wiped clean, idk how she does it. But the photoshop is absolutely horrendous lol

No. 1667977>>1672417

I know this is the Instagram reality thread but I have a stupid question, is it possible to go from the before to the after in such a short timeframe? Want to get buff and healthy but I'm a stick

No. 1672417

with roids maybe

No. 1672423

Are people in this thread blind or retarded bc this is so obviously edited

No. 1685579

Last i remembered she's algerian, not middle eastern.

No. 1685583>>1698671

145k followers dont mean shit nowadays imo. I've never seen this girl in my life and thats probably why no one cared enough to call her out on her photoshop.

No. 1690297

Looks like a mix of thewizardliz and lana del rey

No. 1697029>>1697032>>1697644>>1697655>>1697910

File (hide): 1694637764330.jpg (77.99 KB, 640x640, tumblr_n6rhfk2TbG1taksmho1_640…)

Remember this pic of her ? She looked so different (yeah different angle blah blah) but i totally remember now she was süper into editing her face longer and skinnier. Her 15 minutes of fame is done , all her followers are old ones who stayed for the Tumblr nostalgia.

But i have to say she is above average in looks, just looks like she's way too obsessed with being thin that it makes her face look kinda gaunt as well similar to how ariana has been looking lately.

No. 1697032>>1697043>>1697810

File (hide): 1694637883326.jpg (168.13 KB, 1280x1077, tumblr_inline_o29ev4jswO1rxa6t…)

Same anon.
She's so pretty in the unedited pic on the right. Kinda reminds me of amber heard and greta thurnberg a but oddly enough..

No. 1697043

The right side pic reminds me of 90s Alyssa Milano. She’s beautiful! No need for the shoop/filters.

No. 1697644>>1697801

The same girls who were obsessively dissecting her and tearing her down now edit their photos more than she did.

No. 1697655>>1697801

Different face wideness is usually due to different lenses of the camera nonnie.

No. 1697801

But her face looks shorter too, not just wide.

Like who ? All those PULL users were anonymous.

No. 1697803>>1697804>>1697817>>1697819>>1698662>>1834817

File (hide): 1694693275039.jpg (97.38 KB, 1280x720, Courtney-Clenney-split.jpg)

This one ugly racist OF model who killed her boyfriend.

No. 1697804>>1697808>>1698650>>1698665


No. 1697808>>1697815

It would've been if the moid was abusive but the evidence proves her as a bpd chan and a trust fund kiddie so I hate her for that.

No. 1697810>>1698650

What a throwback! I think people hated her for lying about editing and constantly being a bitch to her fans/followers even though she wasn't super milky
I remember her posting something like "I'm living such a Hannah Montana life you guys have no idea" and talking about butt sex which to young teen me was scandalous and gross lmao

No. 1697815


No. 1697817>>1698680

Before and after makeup. Not that different tbh. Why is she racist btw

No. 1697819>>1698650

No. 1697910>>1698657

Not sure why she felt the need to photoshop so heavily when she had a pretty Christina Ricci thing going for her. I seriously don't get this shit.

No. 1698650>>1698657

Being chronically online has really melted your brains hasn't it? This lady was an OF creator who gave her pussy to some self-hating Nigerian guy who bashed BW on Twitter. He was no saint but this woman is trash and you're acting as if she's some sort of feminist icon for being an abusive mentally ill racist. Please go take a shower and get some therapy for your daddy issues.
>>1697810 Name one Tumblr girl who wasn't a stupid pro-ana attention whore. Johanna is pretty tame compared to Wylona and Felice.

No. 1698657>>1698660

She's prettier without photoshop, she looks angelic.
>white woman kills racist black man who was hating black women
Based white woman. If he's abusive and hateful towards black women, he was probably abusive and fetishizing towards the white woman as well. I won't feel bad for a racist misogynists death

No. 1698660>>1699654

>>1698657 except she was calling him racial slurs. Most White women who get with these kind of black guys KNOW they're fetishized and put on a pedestal, it makes them feel special. Let's not act like women are victims in every situation when this woman herself had a fetish for black men and admitted so herself on a podcast.

No. 1698662

Looks like a white woman in any american gas station or walmart, that nigerian guy must've been desperate to put up with all that crap just to be with her lol.

No. 1698665>>1698668>>1834814>>1834951

Brainlets on this website could hear a case about a woman killing her infant son and be like "BaSeD" because the baby was male.

No. 1698668

kek this

No. 1698671

yea never heard of her either. most likely because her followers are bots

No. 1698680>>1698681

File (hide): 1694772569626.jpg (58.69 KB, 498x612, gettyimages-506028128-612x612.…)

>>1697817 she looked better before the lip fillers. Makeup really do make a difference, she looks busted without it.

No. 1698681

File (hide): 1694772696076.jpg (56.48 KB, 634x793, 61278559-11100507-image-a-26_1…)

Same woman. Anyway i think anyone with an OnlyFans is mentally unstable, he should've chosen better. That white woman fever killed him.

No. 1698696>>1698699>>1698868>>1698890

File (hide): 1694775161743.jpg (75.25 KB, 500x412, tumblr_inline_mugu8x5b0I1rkedw…)

Since this thread wants to post a lot of throwbacks remember this scamming ass pretentious anorexic

No. 1698699

God I miss her. The milk was incredible.

No. 1698868

File (hide): 1694793934774.jpg (488.18 KB, 1079x819, Screenshot_20230915_180544.jpg)

>>1698696 recent pic of her. She looks happy n normal, no more photoshops, dumped Rich and got a new dog.

No. 1698890

I miss this era so much.

No. 1698898>>1844225

File (hide): 1694796451368.jpg (868.41 KB, 3464x3464, Picsart_23-09-15_18-45-04-280.…)

Mila Mortice aka Anca Nitulescu 

No. 1698902>>1699606

File (hide): 1694796664466.jpg (790.94 KB, 3464x3464, Picsart_23-09-15_18-52-45-149.…)

Mila Mortice without photoshop (i think)

No. 1698916>>1699606

File (hide): 1694797755289.jpg (364.8 KB, 1079x1364, Screenshot_20230915_190654.jpg)

No. 1699065

I don't make photos of myself and don't really use socmedia so I was completely unaware of this as well until I googled an annoying coworker and saw her recent facebook pics in which she is skinny as shit (she actually weighs like 130 kilos).
Someone recently showed me my own face with some filter that makes eyes bigger and.. it kinda worked for her but I am an underweight shit, I literally looked a super retarded anime character with eyes half as big as the rest of the face.

Why are people even competing if everybody knows that everybody is just faking anyway? What's the point? If you are lucky and let's say make friends that you meet in real life what do you do then?
It's better to look like your real self in the photos than pretending to be an impossible supermodel and have everybody scream when they actually see you irl.

No. 1699586

>Why are people even competing if everybody knows that everybody is just faking anyway? What's the point? If you are lucky and let's say make friends that you meet in real life what do you do then?

Most of the time, these influencers befriend other influencers who do the same thing. They just ignore it because it's so normal for them. Photoshop and surgery are an open secret on Instagram, the same way that many pro athletes do steroids but never disclose it.

No. 1699606

She has such pretty eyes

No. 1699654>>1701076

why are you caping so hard for a moid who hates black women? Men won't fuck you because you white knight them online nonnie

No. 1700554

Wrong thread anon

No. 1701076

You're retarded if you think I'm "caping" for him because I think it's wrong he got killed. If every person was killed for having dumb opinions, you would definitely be one of the first to go.

The same OF whore you're calling "BASED" was using the word n!gger as an insult towards him. But go off.

No. 1834808

File (hide): 1703984277569.png (285.92 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20231231-015254.png)

Have you guys seen her recent posts she has gotten much worse!!!(retarded namefag)

No. 1834810

File (hide): 1703984344910.png (2.55 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20231231-015250.png)

No. 1834814

Tell me where they're wrong.

No. 1834817>>1834880>>1834882

File (hide): 1703985045878.gif (2.35 MB, 500x288, 1000013026.gif)

>BPD, OnlyFans content maker, murderous young lady
>some nigerian moid bashing black women for how "horrible" they are
>proceed to get unsubcribed from life by his OWN WHITE GIRLFRIEND
Fucking kek, I totally forgot about this. Yeah, let this scrote's death be a lesson to race fetishists who think their girlfriends won't cut a hole in them just because they're a "preference". This chick didn't CARE that she was his "preferred" race; she still hated him KEKK

No. 1834880

File (hide): 1703991119067.png (335.31 KB, 2304x3500, Ddmcdqs-ecd2b865-fa25-4550-adf…)

No. 1834882>>1834934

i dont know how she can be racist while willingly dating a black man lol she killed him off because she was crazy(and based) but it didnt have to do with his race

No. 1834934

>i dont know how she can be racist while willingly dating a black man lol
lol is this another "i can't be racist if i fetishize that race!!" episode? are you retarded, anon?

No. 1834951

and what about it

No. 1840693>>1840705>>1843187>>1843206>>1843255

File (hide): 1704500679372.png (2.21 MB, 1080x2340, 1000009244.png)

So I guess nobody talks about this woman anymore? Sorry if my name was dumb I won't use it anymore. I'm just so tired of this sociopath saying and doing a lot of toxic crap without at least getting called out for it and I'm so surprised that no one is talking about Valeria or Amatue 21. Anyway here's another disturbing screenshot.

No. 1840705

nonnie ur pfp is showing

No. 1843180>>1843186

Oh shit can someone delete that I didn't mean to do that but honestly I don't care anymore(newfaggotry)

No. 1843183>>1843185

And besides it's a picture not my username so I'll just change it and next time I will be careful

No. 1843185

You're pretty anyway, so

No. 1843186

click on the square next to anonymous and the option to delete your post will appear, no need to fill any slots

No. 1843187>>1843190>>1843874>>1843885

File (hide): 1704674553952.png (83.21 KB, 711x1093, IMG_20240107_184258.png)

Sorry for saying this nonnie but femcel phenotype

No. 1843190>>1843193>>1843244

What did it take to make you such a nasty person. I would like to know.

No. 1843193>>1843244

NTA, but it's probably just another asshole on here that likes to start infights for no reason. You look fine, that anon is retarded.

No. 1843206

Nvm the pfp, the real concern is that you liked this post.

No. 1843244>>1843253>>1843856

nta but you guys are acting like no one's ever made fun of anons leaving their shitty pfp in screencaps before. are you lost?

No. 1843253>>1843258>>1843846

If you're gonna bully someone for looking like a "femcel", instagram anon ain't the target. If anything, she looks like a normal person compared to that donkey lesbian anon in /g/.

No. 1843255

Damn your forehead is big

No. 1843258

>If anything, she looks like a normal person compared to that donkey lesbian anon in /g/.
she has a megamind head don't lie

No. 1843846

I love that donkey lesbian anon though, I want to be her wife

No. 1843856

A lot of retarded shit happens on this website, does that mean you can't point out something because it's happened before? And these comments seem like they are coming from 12 year old boys hyped up on energy drinks and aspergers, this is supposed to be a place for adult women.

No. 1843867

Thanks anon

No. 1843874>>1844170

Are you this cunty in real life? Or only this brave when you can't face consequences for your words?

No. 1843885

Rekt, stay frosty newfags

No. 1844170>>1844225

KEK why does this sound like something a cow would say

No. 1844202>>1844214

I honestly don't give a shit what that asshole anon thinks of my face lol but I do have to agree that the PFP does look bad but I changed it to something less cringe 🤷🏼‍♀️

No. 1844204>>1844214

But the main thing I wanted to focus on was the woman who is literally hurting her followers in her sect not my stupid face!

No. 1844214

File (hide): 1704744320670.png (51.25 KB, 433x171, b2KYYis.png)

No. 1844225

Is calling someone a cow your new buzzword of the week? When you called people scrotes, I thought it hit harder, but it was likely to be inaccurate so I see why you've put it on the back burner.
She has shrunk her face to ridiculous proportions. How can she even look at that and think, yeah, this looks good?

No. 1886032>>1886033>>2040693>>2040698>>2084091

File (hide): 1707762873183.png (1.94 MB, 2185x1160, ddddd.png)

Tahti Syrjala aka Tahti Korpela aka Kerry Korpela

No. 1886033>>1886342

Her voice is weird as fuck too

No. 1886342>>1886859

Hasn't she recovered from an eating disorder and aren't the most popular photos of her from a decade and more ago?

No. 1886859>>2040698

File (hide): 1707835213418.jpg (54.9 KB, 430x479, tahti2.jpg)

That's true and being heavier isn't a bad thing.

The difference is more that she used to claim her hair was really that bright and get angry when people claimed it was dyed or photoshopped. She's also incredibly awkward in the video when she was so poised and polished in all her photos. Maybe it's not exactly the scope of this thread but I was shocked when I saw the video.

She's not really known enough for her own thread but I wonder if anyone else remembers how she used to exaggerate like claiming she was going to go to Cambridge for uni but never did or setting up a blog that she was moving to Korea for a year but never did or saying she got the highest score in the country for her art in high school. And then there was her beef with Felice.

No. 2040693>>2074510


its pretty stilted, 9:50. shes in japan now?

No. 2040698>>2074510

File (hide): 1717840252615.png (638.61 KB, 829x416, Screenshot 2024-06-08 103858.p…)


the comparison…

No. 2074510>>2074512>>2074712

File (hide): 1719898176370.jpg (49.59 KB, 615x700, 2ewjt4j.jpg)

Nice find. This is much more like how I imagined her. Maybe she was just high in the other video kek

Yes, she is in Japan now. Makes sense as she was always a weebo. She started an undergraduate degree about 10 years ago in Asian languages (Chinese and maybe Korean?) at UCC and then started Japanese (the language she really wanted) in 2nd year. I think 3rd year was when she was supposed to go to Korea for a bit but she dropped out before that as she was hospitalised (either alcohol or anorexia). She then drifted a bit from office job to office before starting another undergraduate in linguistics at UCD (maybe online) in some program for people with similar circumstances which led to her studying at Kyoto university as a study abroad research thing. From the video it seems she is at a language school to try to get her Japanese at a level where she can do the entrance exams for a Masters degree which is usually N2. She says she has been there for at least 6 months so I imagine she has at least a year still to go. If she passes, she will start about April 2026.


No. 2074512

Wait, the video is from a year ago. She could be starting in April 2025.

No. 2074712

File (hide): 1719919898365.jpeg (757.97 KB, 1170x1520, IMG_7531.jpeg)

Some more about her background in picrel but >>2074510 is the full story

No. 2084091>>2085485

She doesn't look that unnatural in the pics you've posted. Just a makeup vs no makeup comparison..

No. 2084103>>2084136

File (hide): 1720629893532.jpg (134.62 KB, 600x800, IMG_20240628_130454_552.jpg)

Negin (same girl in the OP pic) has started giving anachan vibes.. Hope shes not actually this skinny IRL. Either way its concerning this what she sees as ideal body type.

No. 2084136>>2084142>>2084168>>2084170

Her body looks so good. That is my dream weight

No. 2084142>>2084157

How much do you guess she weighs?

No. 2084157>>2084164>>2084168>>2084170

85-100. 110 max. Still my dream weight, maybe a little too lean and bone thin because I want some ass and tits left but it’s perfect. Most women are not meant to be fat

No. 2084164>>2084179

Are you fat

No. 2084168>>2084179

Edtwt summerfags aren't welcomed here, are you the baiting anon from the vent thread?

No. 2084170>>2084179

girl… she's a filter abuser, don't embarrass yourself like this even on anon

No. 2084179>>2084192>>2084232>>2104654>>2104892

File (hide): 1720635017016.jpeg (102.41 KB, 735x1110, IMG_1666.jpeg)

Skinny fat yes. I used to be almost as skinny as the girl anon posted. I would say my body looks similar to picrel but I have hip dips and I’m more petite in size if that makes sense?
I’m not anorexic kek I love food
Filter would be my dream weight, plus there’s tons of girls with that natural body type.(no1curr)

No. 2084192

What’s the point of announcing this

No. 2084232

>>2084179 'skinny fat' is pretty much what most women are, unless they lift weights. Marilyn Monroe's body type even during her chubbier days was still within desirable range. You dont need to lose that much weight if you look like her but you could try doing cardio if you really want to.

No. 2085485

It's more about how awkward she comes across rather than her make-up or weight.

No. 2104604>>2104608>>2104615

File (hide): 1721930901456.jpeg (87.71 KB, 636x382, IMG_9393.jpeg)

Mikaela Testa. Found out about her from her ugly clothing collab where she made tshirts with her tits on them. Only famous for being a sex worker and having botox and filler. She’s around 24 years old I think? And brags about her 18 year old bf when she looks like she’s in her 30s too. Basically only lives for the male gaze

No. 2104608>>2110311>>2143345

File (hide): 1721931031621.jpeg (584.28 KB, 1290x2320, IMG_9394.jpeg)

No. 2104615

File (hide): 1721931563710.jpeg (38.59 KB, 306x422, IMG_9395.jpeg)

No. 2104654


No. 2104892

Major fag alert

No. 2110311

ngl her dating an 18 year old cracks me up. if we're going to have OF whores roaming the earth I would prefer that they make males seethe by demonstrating how easy it is to pick up young men

No. 2143345

kek i follow her, she is surged up but i didn’t realize her bf is 18…oh well who cares moids do it all the time

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