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No. 110612
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the ultimate
No. 110615
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I hate almost everyone on Once Upon a Time. They all ruin it for me. It's not a good show in the first place but I keep watching anyway.
No. 110628
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Can't stand her and never understood the hype
No. 110630
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There's a lot that can be said about how GoT has evolved. But how they switched actors for Daario & The mountain for example didn't sit well with me. I thought first encounter with Daario was fantastic and would be a great asset to daenerys story. But now with the new actor he just pisses me off and feels very sitcom-tier.
No. 110633
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Can't think of any right now, but when I was a child there were a lot..
No. 110685
>>110663I'm not saying her attitude is unjustified, if she just went along with everything it wouldn't make sense and she would be a very shallow character.
I'm just saying I couldn't handle it.
No. 194009
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No. 194022
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Dawn Summers on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Super annoying and dragged down the rest of the group on a regular basis. Also turned my favorite character (Buffy, at the time) into a nagging bitch. kys Dawn.
No. 194031
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St Kurt Hummel who can never do any wrong ever and everyone else is just awful and mean to him and he can just get away with what the fuck he pleases because "muh gay pain"
Other characters had actual flaws atleast and got shit tossed at them for it, but never perfect precious Kurt.
No. 194044
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Didn't particularly like this one and thought their choice of actors was strange
No. 194055
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This little shit.
No. 194103
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Oliver Trask, Zach Evans, Lindsay Gardner, Johnny Harper and Jimmy Cooper all ruined bits of the show for me. Also forgive me for my sins but I hated Seth Cohen for a while.
>>194014anon has a point tho, she's annoying as fuck
No. 194162
>>194022I don't remember much of the show but I do remember hating her. For some reason that ugly lipgloss of her always pissed me off too.
I liked Cordelia so much more even though I don't think you were supposed to like her since she was "the bitch".
No. 194163
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They're written like autistic, SO RANDUMB goons now. I know whenever I see their names, I should expect a slice of life filler episode about nothing happening.
Season 5 is starting out decent enough, I just hope they don't ruin it with more bullshit.
No. 194170
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All of Lips high school gfs were garbage (especially Karen) and made Shameless difficult to watch.
No. 194189
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Younger me was upset when this happened.
Everything went further south for the show when she came on as the new Becky (like the final season). It may not have been the best show ever, but my family could relate to their antics and personalities so I have good memories of watching the earlier ones.
Also, Dr. Cameron from House got on my nerves a lot with her emotions being all over the place constantly but found I'd rather have Cameron around when Masters came on the show.
No. 194192
>>194189Yeah, I didn't like the awful last season. I remember hearing that Roseanne was actually testing the waters for an Americanized version of Absolutely Fabulous and that's why the series went full retard at the end. I think at least Joanna Lumley guest starred at one point. Probably her and Jim Varney were the only highlights of that whole trainwreck of a season. Plus it turned out that everything after the first season episode where Roseanne starts trying to write a book were just a story anyway. Canonically, nothing after that first season episode happened. All your memories of that show were a lie.
Just pretend the last season never happened. That's what I do.
No. 194202
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literally THE WORST. i wish there was a director's cut you could buy with all his scenes gone, especially the prison storyline.
No. 194207
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Never hated anyone in my tv-watching history more than him
No. 194232
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She plays the shitties characters in multiple shows and doesn't matter if they're supposed to be good/bad/etc.
[spoiler]Maybe I just hate her in general idk[/spoler]
>>194180Ugh I hame to agree on all of this
No. 194279
>>194192I know it was hinted that the Dan and Roseanne characters were fans of The Beverly Hillbillies and Bonanza, but to see it all merged into one big whack-ass 90s version (complete with Jim Varney) due to a lottery win was shit.
Despite all that ridiculousness, however, I didn't expect the finale to go full retard. Ending it with the characters of 9 years either actually being dead, switched around, or completely made up was a huge disappointment. Not just because you find out it's all a big lie, but because it was lazily written and executed in such a poor manner for a fairly popular TV series. At least taking it out back and putting it out of its misery that way gave us a sigh of relief in knowing we wouldn't have to see any more from it.
>>194232Nah', I'm with you on not liking her in general. I remember her being on MADtv and could never get over the sound of her voice and would get her and Amy Poehler mixed up a lot. Guess it was just two annoying voices doing "comedy" skits that made them merge into one unlikeable person in my head.