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No. 10724

What are some other chans you like to visit? I want to like 8chan, I really do, but it's filled with Reddit and tweens. It being summer time hasn't helped it at all, not secrit club enough lol. I kinds of like Desuchan, but not many boards are active. It's also pretty weeb.

No. 10727

I sometimes go to 8chan too, but mostly for Coffin and Ashleigh. I used to frequent to 4chan's /ic/ since I'm an artist, but was sick of the pretentious superiority of most of them, and the huge number of trolls.

No. 10736

Same here, though the Coffin milk has been running dry as of late.

I've tried looking around at the other boards but /cow/ is really the only one that's somewhat interesting.

No. 10777

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Have you found a site or form that would be good for artist to get serious feedback from. And not sugar coated nor just saying thats shit.

Its really frustrating, cause back in the day DA was huge and you could get some decent critique, but now its dead. FB and Tumblr are both a hugbox.

No. 10778


try conceptart– their userbase is generally super talented also:


No. 10782

Thanks I'll check it out.

No. 10837

conceptart isn't good. Try permanoobs.org

No. 10849


Same. I hope the milk will flow again soon when Ashleigh leaves him.


Conceptart isn't what it used to be. If you only want critique then the finished artwork sub is okay I guess.

Permanoobs.org was founded by people who left conceptart. Last time I visited it was a really small place with only a handful of people posting but maybe that changed.

No. 10850

permanoobs is still small, but it's a mix of professionals and amateurs who are all super friendly and engaging. it's steadily growing at a slow pace.

and about Coffin, every time I skim through his twitter to see what's new, all I see is him trying to be relevant by adding his unwanted opinion to every event. and a load of other crap. I was way more interested in Ashleigh, but her twitter is basically dead, and her tumblr isn't interesting at all. I was hoping for some toilet nigga pictures since his birthday supposedly past, but didn't get that either.

No. 10858

there are so many boards with potential, that are dead unfortunately

No. 12454

on 8ch I used to hang out on /cuteboys/ before it became mandatory to be gay to post there, and used to go on /tech/ but they expect you to not have a life/job in order to use computers "the right way"

No. 12455

Also does lolcow farm have an irc channel?

No. 12470

There's just https://chat.lolcow.farm/r/lolcow at the moment.

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