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No. 1047386>>1047388
>>1047380As if they're gonna bother with clones of you.
But insurance companies, they'll be hawk eyeing this shit.
No. 1047388>>1047401
>>1047377I didn't care about the ancestry stuff either because there were no surprises there. It's more for americans and other highly mixed people who don't know what they have in them.
For health stuff, there is lots of valuable information. Including severe disease risks and ones that you may only carry without knowing and pass to your kids. The services themselves don't give that much info on health and traits but they give you raw data to upload on codegen/promethease which give you info on thousands more genes.
This is a list of what 23andme shows you:>>1047386That's the only realistic way I could see this being turned against you. I don't have health insurance because I live in country with good socialized health care.
Technically they are supposed to use your data anonymously and it would be illegal to give it away with your name attached.
No. 1047401>>1047404
>>1047388Maybe you're too young to remember we're living in the information age and that's kind of a big deal.
Here's a tip:
Never ever give out information you're not paid to give. That info has a very good price.
No. 1047404>>1047413>>1047596
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>>1047401It's too late, the rich already are doing IVF with embryo selection based on GWAS. There are clinics and startups who offer this service. It's literally designer babies, chosen based on health and traits like intelligence and personality. Within ten years polygenic scores will be so good that picking embryo based on IQ prediction will make a real difference and then we will start to split into two species, those who can afford and are smart enough to use this new tech and those who will degenerate into subhuman slave race. People think this is something that will happen in the next century when it's literally happening now.
Pic related, one of the services doing this.
No. 1047413>>1047428
>>1047404I dont know what you're talking about and I don't care.
If you want me to talk in your favor you gotta pay me.
Otherwise I'll just keep reiterating my honest opinion that this shit sucks.
No. 1047428>>1047431
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>>1047407>>1047409>>1047410>>1047413>>1047414>>1047415>>1047416Honestly I don't care about arguing about the privacy ethics. This thread was more meant for people who have done these tests and want to talk about their results and maybe where they think genetics is going in the near future.
No. 1047431>>1047433
>>1047428>for people who have done these testsLook, we're weirdos, but we're not stupid
Anyway, now you gotta comment on this nutcase
>>1047420>>1047419Tell us honestly what you feel about that
No. 1047460>>1047465>>1047468
>>1047407It’s GEDmatch that’s used for police investigations. Basically a site where you upload your raw DNA (that you got using whatever other company’s kit) for funsies. All the actual testing companies I know of only release data to the police if they’re forced to with a warrant. And a warrant can only be applied to the DNA data of a single individual, not their relatives.
My mom works for one of the companies that does DNA testing, though her personal job has nothing to do with it, and it’s insane how seriously they take data security and the lengths they go to to keep user data secure.
No. 1047474>>1048232
>>1047468The point is that they can’t just hand the DNA from the crime scene over to the company and say “we have a warrant, give us the name of whoever matches this DNA.” They have to do traditional detective work, identify that there’s probable cause that a specific person is the perpetrator, know that that person has their DNA stored at a particular company, and
then they can go to the company and subpoena the DNA data. It’s much easier to just have somebody watch the suspect eat lunch at a cafe, collect their soda can after it gets thrown out, and directly sequence their DNA from that. (That is how it typically happens.)
No. 1047485>>1047492
>>1047446Ohh, is
that the random nose pic I saw when I got on the homepage?
No. 1047578
>>1047379You're right nona, they stole OP's ancestry and now that they know OP is %00.2 some random minority, she won't get hired for any jobs!!
Do you really think government could ethnicity against you? Long as you don't commit any crime and leave DNA evidence, they can't jse your DNA against you.
No. 1047596>>1048145>>1048533
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>>1047404so you're telling me we are already on some gattaca level shit????
I wouldn't do the test for similar reasons the anons wrote above but yea kinda curious.I'd only do it if it was 100% confidential somehow
No. 1047603>>1047614>>1047620
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I bought while in the US as a french girl without any known foreign ancestor.
Guess what?
I’m french.
What was i expecting?
No. 1047766
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my results were extremely boring but i didn't expect them to be interesting so w/e kek
No. 1047836>>1047842
>>1047801You're technically giving up a sample of your DNA or blood when you go to the doctor, who knows what they're doing with that? It's unavoidable.
Long as nobody clones me and tries to ruin my reputation using said clone, who gives a fuck?
No. 1047857
>>1047845My mom's friend's husband found out he was adopted through 23 and Me. His adoptive mother already died, so he talked to her sister and her sister admitted "We were never supposed to tell you, but yes you were adopted" kek.
Crazy revelation, but thankfully no drama came of it. I mean, hopefully a 50-something year old would have thrown a hissy fit but who knows.
No. 1048232
>>1047474And telecoms companies aren't meant to give up information on what calls literally everyone are making and tech companies aren't meant to include security backdoors in products sold to millions of consumers. You'll never guess what they've been been caught doing time and time again.
Rules are only as good as they're enforced and when the people who benefit from breaking the rules are the same people who enforce them, then they might as well not exist.
You're right that its currently easier to just do some manual detective work. Lets hope that AI and big data research hits a huge roadblock before desktop PCs can trawl through illegally obtained databases and spit out answers within hours.
No. 1048533>>1048937
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BTW, If someone has had a test done and is interested in more in depth info on their health and traits, you should download the raw data from the service and upload it to for free. (This should be anonymous since it's just a big text file with the genes listed.) You will see A LOT more stuff that the services don't include. Pic related is example.
>>1047596I'm optimistic that at least wealthy countries that can afford it will just make IVF with embryo selection and later gene editing available to everyone through public healthcare. Because imagine raising the IQ of your entire population? It would be a huge advantage and once one country does it, everyone else has to as well to be competitive. Not to mention how much money it would save if people were born much healthier and stayed healthy at old age.
No. 1048783>>1048911
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All you dinguses giving away your DNA are gonna be fucked in 50 years when these companies get exposed as fronts for genome cataloging & target selection in the coming eugenic genocide.
No. 1048937>>1048975
>>1048533Its already kinda happening with some countries now routinely testing fetuses for certain defects as part of normal pregnancy check ups and offering abortions in the case they come back positive.
In Denmark the number of children with Downs Syndrome dropped by 97% or something once they started testing for it.
I think this will be the real future of eugenics or whatever you want to call it, preventing disabled fetuses being born to improve the average of the population rather than engineering a handful of superhumans. Far easier to achieve and more palatable to the general public.
No. 1048975>>1048984
>>1048937If the elite were smart, they'd want able-bodied wageslaves that don't cost a lot for healthcare.
They've just gotta be stupid and indebted.
No. 1048984
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>>1048975>If the elite were smart, they'd want able-bodied wageslaves that don't cost a lot for healthcare.That is pretty much what they've done since the industrial revolution. Progress hasn't been as fast as progress in scientific knowledge but public health has improved more rapidly than any other time in human history.
Haven't you ever seen a fancy drinking fountain funded by some rich dude 200 years ago to prevent the local peasants getting cholera? When is the last time you saw someone openly dumping their sewage into the street? How often do homes collapse or burn down because the local building code didn't require safe construction? Vaccinations were being promoted in 1700s.
The elites have always cared about keeping the working classes able to work.
No. 1049306
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>>1047708Haha is it really that surprising? I’ve seen one Turkish anon before here so I thought there was a handful of us. Maybe it’s just us two
nonnie kek