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No. 1047372

Has anyone else here gotten their DNA analyzed? I'm talking about services like 23andme and AncestryDNA. Either to discover your ancestry or info about genetic health/traits.

I recently got mine done and kinda fell down a rabbit hole.

No. 1047377>>1047388

Why, what would it give me that I don't already know? I don't give a shit that I have genes from Uzbekistan. What kind of health issues can it realistically predict?

No. 1047379>>1047578

You're paying to give information.
The most vital kind.
Lol what an idiot

No. 1047380>>1047386

I literally don't care what institute has my DNA the government probably already has my ass print and I don't give a fuck if they make 100 other autistic clones of me. I just wanna know if I'm Italian for the gabagool

No. 1047386>>1047388

As if they're gonna bother with clones of you.
But insurance companies, they'll be hawk eyeing this shit.

No. 1047388>>1047401

I didn't care about the ancestry stuff either because there were no surprises there. It's more for americans and other highly mixed people who don't know what they have in them.

For health stuff, there is lots of valuable information. Including severe disease risks and ones that you may only carry without knowing and pass to your kids. The services themselves don't give that much info on health and traits but they give you raw data to upload on codegen/promethease which give you info on thousands more genes.

This is a list of what 23andme shows you: https://www.23andme.com/dna-reports-list/

That's the only realistic way I could see this being turned against you. I don't have health insurance because I live in country with good socialized health care.
Technically they are supposed to use your data anonymously and it would be illegal to give it away with your name attached.

No. 1047390

I'm too paranoid for this shit. Although I do get curious sometimes.

No. 1047395

never done this and dont plan to

No. 1047401>>1047404

Maybe you're too young to remember we're living in the information age and that's kind of a big deal.

Here's a tip:
Never ever give out information you're not paid to give. That info has a very good price.

No. 1047404>>1047413>>1047596

File (hide): 1643597175935.png (98.62 KB, 1307x605, orchid health.png)

It's too late, the rich already are doing IVF with embryo selection based on GWAS. There are clinics and startups who offer this service. It's literally designer babies, chosen based on health and traits like intelligence and personality. Within ten years polygenic scores will be so good that picking embryo based on IQ prediction will make a real difference and then we will start to split into two species, those who can afford and are smart enough to use this new tech and those who will degenerate into subhuman slave race. People think this is something that will happen in the next century when it's literally happening now.

Pic related, one of the services doing this.

No. 1047407>>1047414>>1047428>>1047436>>1047460>>1048251

Wasn't it proven by independent journalists that these dna kits are then stored and used by police in investigations? You're basically just giving away your dna with free for all use. And didnt 23andme get slammed recently for putting 'askenazi jew' onto everyones results?

Honestly with how sudden the surge in these was and how 'trendy' it became, was the reason I opted out of this fad completely. If something rises in popularity very suddenly and quickly, its probably worth avoiding.

No. 1047413>>1047428

I dont know what you're talking about and I don't care.
If you want me to talk in your favor you gotta pay me.
Otherwise I'll just keep reiterating my honest opinion that this shit sucks.

No. 1047414>>1047415>>1047428

I thought it was the Mormons cataloging every human's DNA for their Noah's Ark. But I might've heard that from Ancient Aliens

No. 1047415>>1047428

>your information wasn't sourced and fact checked by Routers therefore you're a tinfoil
Ok detective, go do your own research then.

No. 1047416>>1047428

Do you guys really give out information indiscriminately like that? And PAY to do it

No. 1047422>>1047425

South east asian?

No. 1047423

Gypsy. Next!

No. 1047424

spoiler this shit, I didn't come here to see your stanky ass pores

No. 1047425

My mom did say my great grandpa was Filipino

No. 1047426

something something middle east or some of those places

No. 1047427

Going out on a limb to say one white parent one black parent

No. 1047428>>1047431

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Honestly I don't care about arguing about the privacy ethics. This thread was more meant for people who have done these tests and want to talk about their results and maybe where they think genetics is going in the near future.

No. 1047431>>1047433

>for people who have done these tests
Look, we're weirdos, but we're not stupid

Anyway, now you gotta comment on this nutcase
Tell us honestly what you feel about that

No. 1047433>>1047438

Asian-European mix, though I’m officially considered a “mestizo” without revealing too much of my origin. I don’t know my bio-dad so I mostly know about my maternal side of the family.

No. 1047435

I tried to do 23andme once and they sent me another kit back telling me I fucked up the first one, but I hate the process of spitting in a tube so I never tried it again. Oh well.

No. 1047436

Yes and if they have a DNA sample from 1 person they can get information on multiple people related to them too. So even if you're okay with sending yours in then consider how other people might feel about their privacy too. Search how they caught the Golden State Killer for example.

No. 1047438

Why are you so weird? What compels you to post selfies on lolcow?

No. 1047440

Anons, remember when you see someone sperging in celebricows over how [insert any female celebrity] looks like a haggard fat witch, this is who's typing kek

No. 1047444>>1047446

Can't believe I missed weird selfies

No. 1047446>>1047485

I could repost them, but I would feel kind of bad doing that. They weren't that interesting anyway, just a lot of skin texture.

No. 1047452

Naww man, I might grow up to do crime some day (in video games)

No. 1047460>>1047465>>1047468

It’s GEDmatch that’s used for police investigations. Basically a site where you upload your raw DNA (that you got using whatever other company’s kit) for funsies. All the actual testing companies I know of only release data to the police if they’re forced to with a warrant. And a warrant can only be applied to the DNA data of a single individual, not their relatives.

My mom works for one of the companies that does DNA testing, though her personal job has nothing to do with it, and it’s insane how seriously they take data security and the lengths they go to to keep user data secure.

No. 1047465

That's nice to hear.

No. 1047468>>1047474

Yeah but I don’t think it’s any harder to subpoena a dna company than it is an email company

No. 1047474>>1048232

The point is that they can’t just hand the DNA from the crime scene over to the company and say “we have a warrant, give us the name of whoever matches this DNA.” They have to do traditional detective work, identify that there’s probable cause that a specific person is the perpetrator, know that that person has their DNA stored at a particular company, and then they can go to the company and subpoena the DNA data. It’s much easier to just have somebody watch the suspect eat lunch at a cafe, collect their soda can after it gets thrown out, and directly sequence their DNA from that. (That is how it typically happens.)

No. 1047475

Know the worth of information you're producing. Don't give it up for free, and espeacially don't pay for it.
What you do now will shape what will come.

No. 1047485>>1047492

Ohh, is that the random nose pic I saw when I got on the homepage?

No. 1047491>>1047493>>1047499

did any of you guys take one of these tests? did any of the results surprise you or something?

No. 1047492

if it was bumpy and oddly yellow-grey, yes

No. 1047493


I got a random 8% "Egyptian" but no idea if that's the Ancient Egyptians or the modern descendants of invaders who pushed the Ancients out. Interesting tho

No. 1047499

I took one of the tests because I accidentally found my dad's Tumblr where he was blogging about how his ex-wife (my mom) cheated on him with his best friend when he was in grad school and he didn't think his child (me) was really his. Even though I know he's a huge insane liar, it stuck with me… Anyway, I took the DNA test and found out I'm 50% my dad's ethnicity and 0% French so I know my dad was wrong and I'm his daughter. To be honest I kind of wish he had been right though. Other than that, I'm also relieved to not be a carrier for any genetic diseases.

No. 1047503>>1047951>>1048127

I did it because my father is unknown to me and I was curious about that side of my heritage. All I knew was that my father was Black Caribbean. Kind of neat to see the exact breakdown. Mostly West African which was to be expected I suppose, but there was some Indigenous and SE Asian in there too. I guess it makes sense given the history of the slave trade in the Americas.
I can't wait until a relative from my dad's side pops up and sees that I'm closely related to them kek. I already had my second cousin on that side message me, we had something like 3% of our DNA in common. They wanted to know who I was. I'm too scared to reply, that's going to open up a whole can of worms. I'm pretty sure my bio dad doesn't even know I exist.

No. 1047515

I'm almost exactly what I thought I'd be which is disappointing. My dads ancestry is straightforward ashkenazi jew and irish, no surprises there. I expected different from my moms side. she always looked vaguely "southern european" for a northwestern european (germanic nordic) euromutt. the southern euro dna is minuscule on her side compared to what i expected and everything else is predictable. other than that the test found out that I have trace amounts of asian ancestry which I'm sure we all do kek

No. 1047578

You're right nona, they stole OP's ancestry and now that they know OP is %00.2 some random minority, she won't get hired for any jobs!!
Do you really think government could ethnicity against you? Long as you don't commit any crime and leave DNA evidence, they can't jse your DNA against you.

No. 1047585>>1047586

I hate these tests but I enjoy some stupid North Africans losing their shit because they're discovering they are not Arabs but arabized Berbers kek

No. 1047586>>1047988

Wait, don't most North Africans already know that? Or maybe that's the impression I have because I'm Kabyle and I mostly know people who are fully aware they're not ethnically Arabs? If you have videos could you post links? I need to laugh at them a little.

No. 1047596>>1048145>>1048533

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so you're telling me we are already on some gattaca level shit????

I wouldn't do the test for similar reasons the anons wrote above but yea kinda curious.I'd only do it if it was 100% confidential somehow

No. 1047603>>1047614>>1047620

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I bought ancestry.com while in the US as a french girl without any known foreign ancestor.
Guess what?
I’m french.
What was i expecting?

No. 1047606

Seems like a scam and sketchy as hell too ngl

No. 1047614

kek how much money did you waste on that shit anon?

No. 1047620

lmao, galaxy brain moment, ily

No. 1047630

I’m Turkish so it was really fun to see all the different regions my heritage is from because of the Ottoman Empire. A bit of Jewish, Greek, Turkish, Mongolian and Arab blood!

No. 1047708>>1047741>>1047803>>1049306

>> 1047630
not gonna add anything to the convo. but i cant believe that there is a turkish person who uses this site except for me.

No. 1047741

Not turkish at all but I don't see how that's so surprising? It's not like Turkey is made of just 10 citizens.

No. 1047745

My DNA is probably 80% balkan villager,20% Austrian from one side of the family so there's no point.

No. 1047766

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my results were extremely boring but i didn't expect them to be interesting so w/e kek

No. 1047793>>1047795>>1047875

my sister took one and our family found out we were nearly 100% indigenous in my country.. I was a bit disappointed because everyone else had such a colorful past

No. 1047795

Which country?

No. 1047801>>1047836

I'm not paying them so they can take my DNA, who knows what they're doing with it? They could be selling it or saving it for experiments in the future for all I know. I find it borderline fascinating that people are so willingly giving up their DNA.

No. 1047803>>1047819

I was shocked when I saw a vietnamese anon on here but then she ignored me so idk if I was trippin or what

No. 1047819

Why does vietnamese hip hop slap so hard?

No. 1047836>>1047842

You're technically giving up a sample of your DNA or blood when you go to the doctor, who knows what they're doing with that? It's unavoidable.

Long as nobody clones me and tries to ruin my reputation using said clone, who gives a fuck?

No. 1047842>>1047971

I don't think your blood is off much use to evil corporations after the labs have been done with it anon

No. 1047845>>1047857

I just remembered how some people take tests like this just for fun and find out one of their parents cheated so their father isn't their bio father, or the mom or the dad also had other kids they never talked about, or their father was a sperm donor long ago, shit like that. Or they have hidden half-siblings and cousins.

No. 1047847

Kinda OT but does anyone else find it worrying they used BTK's daughter's pap smear results without her consent to prosecute her father? That doesn't sound too ethical to me

No. 1047857

My mom's friend's husband found out he was adopted through 23 and Me. His adoptive mother already died, so he talked to her sister and her sister admitted "We were never supposed to tell you, but yes you were adopted" kek.
Crazy revelation, but thankfully no drama came of it. I mean, hopefully a 50-something year old would have thrown a hissy fit but who knows.

No. 1047875>>1047939

>not being mutted is bad
Are you Swedish or sth?

No. 1047939

How do we solve the /pol/tard refugee problem

No. 1047951>>1047962

After thinking about it for a decade, my (adopted) uncle finally used DNA testing to track down his biological mom, who gave him up at birth. Turns out she had died about 5 years prior. If he had done it earlier he would’ve been able to meet her. Just something to think about.

No. 1047962

Maybe it's not that bad. I remember as a kid seeing a lot of tv shows about people, usually middle aged, looking for their bio mom or dad, but usually mom, and almost everytime they found the mother she would tell them to fuck off, die, they'd threaten to call the police, they'd sometimes admit that they gave up the kids at birth because they were never wanted and they couldn't abort, sometimes after being raped and they didn't want to see their faces again. Some even had mental breakdowns on camera and the children almost always dared saying that the mothers were being ungrateful. This shit could have happened to your uncle too and I doubt that's what he would have wanted. I can't remember the name of that show anymore but it's really old.

No. 1047971

LOL, dna is stored in every cell in the body, if they wanted your dna they'd get it.

No. 1047988>>1048019

I get all the NA stuff from my dad, I don't speak tunisian or other dialects so he translates it for me. Sorry anon, looking quickly in French doesn't lead to funny shit

No. 1047990

i did my 23andme last year and there were no surprises. i mostly did it because i have a whore of a grandfather that i myself had to dig up and email to find out if he was actually my grandfather. 23andme says i'm 29% sicilian italian so i guess he was honest about that part. the rest was boring but it was fun waiting for the results

No. 1048019

I don't speak Arabic either so I wouldn't have understood anything anyway. But honestly I can believe you, that shit sounds funny.

No. 1048127>>1048138

as a female you dont carry your paternal halpgroup so you got info on your mom only. they should tell you that tbh i got memed too..

No. 1048138

If you already know your mom's general background you can just subtract 50% and get your dad's general ancestry breakdown. But it was easy for me because my mom is 100% Chinese (which was actually a bit of a surprise because she is from Vietnam) and it might be harder if you don't know which parts were from your mom and which ones were from your dad. 23andme does ancestry breakdown by chromosome at least but doesn't attribute which chromosome was from which parent…

No. 1048145>>1048153>>1048189

That took place in the 2060s, so not too far off

No. 1048153>>1048910

I saw this movie in the 00s and I barely remember it let alone the date of release. It's just so weird that some sci-fi film I saw over 15 years ago is becoming a reality already in a very specific way too

No. 1048189

rip time for me to find a celebrity husband before the world dies if I want to pass on my dna

No. 1048232

And telecoms companies aren't meant to give up information on what calls literally everyone are making and tech companies aren't meant to include security backdoors in products sold to millions of consumers. You'll never guess what they've been been caught doing time and time again.

Rules are only as good as they're enforced and when the people who benefit from breaking the rules are the same people who enforce them, then they might as well not exist.

You're right that its currently easier to just do some manual detective work. Lets hope that AI and big data research hits a huge roadblock before desktop PCs can trawl through illegally obtained databases and spit out answers within hours.

No. 1048251>>1048869

23&me doesn't put ashkenazi in everyone's results are you a fucking /pol/tard

No. 1048533>>1048937

File (hide): 1643682161205.png (41.05 KB, 1315x607, codegen.png)

BTW, If someone has had a test done and is interested in more in depth info on their health and traits, you should download the raw data from the service and upload it to codegen.eu for free. (This should be anonymous since it's just a big text file with the genes listed.) You will see A LOT more stuff that the services don't include. Pic related is example.

I'm optimistic that at least wealthy countries that can afford it will just make IVF with embryo selection and later gene editing available to everyone through public healthcare. Because imagine raising the IQ of your entire population? It would be a huge advantage and once one country does it, everyone else has to as well to be competitive. Not to mention how much money it would save if people were born much healthier and stayed healthy at old age.

No. 1048783>>1048911

File (hide): 1643700775000.png (783.84 KB, 771x542, tinfoilcow.png)

All you dinguses giving away your DNA are gonna be fucked in 50 years when these companies get exposed as fronts for genome cataloging & target selection in the coming eugenic genocide.

No. 1048869

good goy

No. 1048910

Watch it again, i think it’s very good

No. 1048911

As in they’re gonna specifically eliminate the gene that makes us browse imageboards ? Thank god

No. 1048937>>1048975

Its already kinda happening with some countries now routinely testing fetuses for certain defects as part of normal pregnancy check ups and offering abortions in the case they come back positive.

In Denmark the number of children with Downs Syndrome dropped by 97% or something once they started testing for it.

I think this will be the real future of eugenics or whatever you want to call it, preventing disabled fetuses being born to improve the average of the population rather than engineering a handful of superhumans. Far easier to achieve and more palatable to the general public.

No. 1048975>>1048984

If the elite were smart, they'd want able-bodied wageslaves that don't cost a lot for healthcare.

They've just gotta be stupid and indebted.

No. 1048984

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>If the elite were smart, they'd want able-bodied wageslaves that don't cost a lot for healthcare.
That is pretty much what they've done since the industrial revolution. Progress hasn't been as fast as progress in scientific knowledge but public health has improved more rapidly than any other time in human history.

Haven't you ever seen a fancy drinking fountain funded by some rich dude 200 years ago to prevent the local peasants getting cholera? When is the last time you saw someone openly dumping their sewage into the street? How often do homes collapse or burn down because the local building code didn't require safe construction? Vaccinations were being promoted in 1700s.

The elites have always cared about keeping the working classes able to work.

No. 1049265

I was close to order a test kit but decided to do a little more research. I found the vidrel and it’s really informative. Basically it’s super inaccurate and to say it very plain if you have blue eyes it will tell you, you’re middle european and if you have red hair you’re scottish kek utter bullishit

No. 1049306

File (hide): 1643752323457.png (312.73 KB, 423x500, BC482738-ED17-48DE-A936-7D3110…)

Haha is it really that surprising? I’ve seen one Turkish anon before here so I thought there was a handful of us. Maybe it’s just us two nonnie kek

No. 1049410>>1049548

I wonder how many weebs, kpop stans and fujos pay to have their DNA analyzed in hope that they have some asian ancestry.

No. 1049548

even I have a teeny tiny bit of azn ancestry and I'm otherwise 100% european kek

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