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No. 102331

How do you react?

No. 102334>>102337

Why would my gf go to the gym?

No. 102337>>102341

why would she not? Disgusting legbeards

No. 102341

The gym is full of bydlos and turks. I rather go running with her or on a cycling trip. or wandering around inna woodz. Beats doing isolated exercises in a muggy room.

As for sports, you can do them at home or in a sports club. Like badminton, handball, football, aerobics, zumba, yoga or whatever.
It's cheaper too.

No. 102371

good on you, anon. make sure to to take care of yourself after, let's meet up later or some other time

No. 102380

do you want to go together?
ok lets meet up later

No. 102421

Moved to >>>/manure/2722.

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