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File (hide): 1434361779295.png (273.45 KB, 999x351, venuschan.png)

No. 10178

Just as the title said.
Let's create fanfics or find fanfics about our favourite snowflakes.
Or even draw things about them (like parodies from old cgl).

No. 10179>>10195>>10218

File (hide): 1434368515049.png (202.33 KB, 303x500, tako.png)

Here's a quickie.

No. 10180>>10186>>10218>>10256>>10257

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Taylor R

No. 10186>>10187>>10228

27 isn't old

No. 10187

that's not what it implies friend ( ° ʖ °)

No. 10195>>10199

This is the stuff of nightmares

No. 10198

So I just wrote this whole thing, and it got deleted cause my computer glitched. I'll write it later.

No. 10199>>10205>>10218

File (hide): 1434384081343.jpg (166.78 KB, 1010x900, Untitled-6.jpg)

heard u were talking shit

No. 10205

omg ilu anon

I will enjoy mt nightmares tonight!

No. 10209

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Not mine, just passing one on.

No. 10212

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No. 10215>>10217>>10218>>10231

Venus sighed as she looked out to the street in front of her. Her throat swelled, and made it feel as if a big ball was stopping her from breathing. Just then, a flower spiraled down into her lap, a picture perfect moment honestly. As she prepped up her phone camera, she began to talk to the flower.
"At least, you'll always be in Japan." Venus said silently, letting a few tears trickle down her face.

(Gotta stop here, I'm busy. It was meant to be a Dakota x Venus friendship-Romance thing)

No. 10217

that was awful, 1/10

No. 10218

Oh my gosh anon you are my hero.
Anyone has dakooter drawings from old cgl when they used to bitch non stop about her? Those were hilarious and/or had nice art sometimes

violin music
We need a parody fanfic (and maybe serious fanfics too.). I would pay for a fiction were Old weaboo kawaii Venus,lolita Charms,old Dakota,the Queen,a fakeboi,Felice and idk are forced to share a living space and they fight for fame by doing bitchy things mean girl style like alternating another girl makeup,making them gain weight by putting stuff in their food,…

No. 10228

It is

No. 10231

Too try-hard, Totemokawaii. try again

No. 10256


No. 10257

idk why people make fun of the fact that she's a bit older trying to be kawaii, because she honestly pulls it off better than a lot of girls way younger.

the funniest part about her is how she ditched a sweet modeling gig to try to be a kota clone in a country that already has kota.

No. 11018

bumpy dumpty

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