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No. 101247

With all the drama going doing.

What do y'all think of it?

No. 101248

Fuck niggers
Fuck cops

No. 101251>>101254>>101315

Fuck amerifats in general

No. 101254

No. 101255

I was neutral until they started interrupting pride parades. Fuck BLM.

No. 101305>>101315

cops getting shot
niggers getting killed
all in a country I don't live in and which I hate
100% win

No. 101313

chimps gonna chimp

No. 101315>>101346

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No. 101346>>101347>>101352>>101356

Killing cops only reinforces a cops fear. Completely details the movement. I don't care about the BLM movement. They'll never be the shining examples like MLK and shit, they're too disorganized and reckless. Most lack sense and reason.

During the stand-off, some of the protesters thought it would be a great idea to start looting an open 711. Like, seriously?

No. 101347

derails not details, sorry

No. 101351>>101359>>101624

File (hide): 1468011854382.jpg (750.17 KB, 2048x1536, black lives matter rally.jpg)

Which one would you gf, /b/?

No. 101352>>101356>>101357

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>some of the protesters thought it would be a great idea to start looting an open 711
For whatever reason, this happens during every "chimpout".

No. 101356>>101382

So…they don't want people to think they're hardcore thugs or whatever so whenever one of them gets shot they respond by shooting and looting stores? Where is the logic in BLM???

No. 101357

for tha free shit yall!

No. 101359

The female priest

No. 101382


No. 101618

The dude behind who looks like tall Ringo Starr

No. 101619>>101622

Fucking spoiled, mostly bourgeoisie movement of whiny kids with serious misplaced anger issues. They're disruptive as fuck and have no clear goals other than to let the masses know that they're angry about institutionalized racism. It's also pretty damn ironic that black lives apparently only matter when white cops are involved. They don't seem to have much to say on the abysmal murder statistics of blacks due to gang violence, or general black-on-black crime that ends with someone dead.

And don't even get me started on that dumb cunt who interrupted the vigil for LGBT victims of the Orlando shooting, essentially trying to guilt trip everyone into believing that BLM was more important. Fucking insulting beyond belief.

No. 101622>>101645

yeah nah "proud" LGBT activists and BLM are equally as bad and cancerous, no one is better than the other

No. 101624

Why are they carrying squirt bottles on their shorts?

No. 101625

No. 101645

but people died and shit.

No. 101651>>101653>>101659>>101660>>101940

Just a few salient points to bear in mind:

>A few months ago, a white 6 year old and his father were shot dead by two black cops, the media coverage of this was quite literally 1% what it was of Tamir Rice's case

>Blacks are indeed more likely to be shot by cops, although whites were still the plurality of fatal police shootings in 2015
>Asians are less likely than whites to be shot dead by police, not what you'd expect from a "white supremacist" system
>The most logical explanation is that blacks are arrested more often for perceived crimes, and thus the opportunity for them to enter into potentially fatal altercations with police is significantly higher

It really is as simple as that.

Black people commit disproportionately more crime -> Black people are more likely to be arrested -> Black people are more likely to be shot by police in altercations over arrests.

The problem is that America and Western countries are inured on the idea of equality and a logical extension of this unscientific principle is that you believe all races commit crime at exactly the same rate.

In any event, a BLM "leader" was arrested a few months ago for pimping out a 17 year old white girl. The chorus from black women in response was that the girl was a scab who had framed him. These are your "black allies in feminism", white grills, lol. Keep up those asspats about their "cute hair"!

No. 101653

Also fuck Shaun King and his whore of a mother.

No. 101656

I'm just glad I made it down 880 less than 5 minutes before Oakland protesters made it to the southbound lane lel

No. 101659>>101687


mulatto-chan here and i agree tbh they do and i aint even bothered

No. 101660>>101687


So not only is feminizmmm needed but also black power too


No. 101687

Agree with what and not bothered about what?

Sarcasm I hope.

No. 101930>>101935>>103712

I'm in favor of the BLM movement because it's calling attention to the amount of people being killed by cops, basically. I think that the police shouldn't get to play the part of judge, jury, and executioner, without any trial or legal procedings beforehand. If the police are allowed to kill civilians at their own discretion and face very little consequences, I think we're only a small step away from people bribing or pressuring cops to "get rid of" people they don't like. (That's what actually worries me, tbh.)

The only reason anyone knows that 500+ people have been killed by police officers this year is because BLM kicks up a shitstorm every time it's a black person, so people are actually starting to take notice. Prior to BLM, nobody was paying attention or keeping track.

I don't like the fact that there's no official record-keeping. The data exists, they just refuse to collect it. I think the number of deaths at the hands of the police needs to be part of the public record, and BLM is pushing for that.

No. 101935>>102094>>107628

I'd love for you to watch this and still say you're in favor of the BLM movement. BLM is no better than the KKK. Care to expand on your views of the police? It sounds like you've really thought this one out. I'd love to know who you'd call if someone was breaking into your house.

No. 101940>>101951

Just posting a link to the story of the 6 year old kid with autism, He died and his father lived.

Apparently one of the cops in question had a personal grudge against the father and it was deliberate.


No. 101948>>102079

I'm European and probably don't know anything about this movement but from what I have seen I think they're doing it wrong and are causing more harm than help.

No. 101951

Literally received not even 1/10th of the media attention the shooting of a black convict and thief who charged at a cop did.

Some "white supremacist system" we got there, you fucking stupid coons.

No. 102079>>102096

No, you're right. The BLM movement is definitely causing way more harm than good.

No. 102094>>102303


the klan with a tan

No. 102096


Worst thing is there is blacks who are against it and get called uncle ruckuses

No. 102101>>102105>>102113>>102856

I hate the police as an institution and am glad people are opening their eyes to how shitty they are (this isn't only in regards to how they treat black people, either), but I don't agree with the BLM movement harboring thugs who loot/attack people under the guise of a riot that would otherwise be justified. All it's doing is raising racial tension, bringing more disorder/crime, and it's just not good.
The only upside of this is that maybe nations apart from America will be more critical to their own police, because they're honestly kind of shit all over the world.

No. 102105>>102106

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>I hate the police as an institution

No. 102106

>le fedora maymay xDDD
Sure showed me, anon.

No. 102111>>102116>>102130

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I think westerners need to go to places like Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan etc, not because I'm a weeb (far from it) but because you guys need to see with your own eyes that the sort of endemic, shitty criminality you have to put up with on a daily basis in "diverse" and "vibrant" western urban centers isn't some cosmic law of the universe.

If you are strict enough with this filth. They will fear the law. Trust me. The problem is that you've all been meme'd into believing the US is a "strict country", when in the grand scheme of things it's only strict compared to a couple of Western European states - and in a global context it's a soft, permissive system.

No. 102113>>102114

are those countries racially diverse tho? must of east asia is basically all racially homogeneous.

No. 102114>>102116

Singapore is racially diverse. Different groups will commit crime at different rates, and Malays are generally more criminal than Chinese - but the principle of deterrence through strict punishment applies to all groups. Even the RSA under white-rule was a pretty safe place, despite being 80%+ black.

No. 102116>>102120>>102273

It's not the "criminality" or "strictness", it's the fact that police officers are pretty much always little more than government-mandated crooks. In America, at least, they're literally chosen on the basis that they have lower IQs, and far too many of them abuse their power.
Just because there's less crime going on in some other countries doesn't mean they're not still garbage.

No. 102120

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My main concern is the safety of my streets and cities.

At the moment I go to a city like Paris and there's endemic criminality literally fucking everywhere. These are states that do dawn raids on people for saying mean things about certain groups on Twitter, yet they can't stop mass rape incidents or keep inner cities safe.

The worst thing is people have acclimatized themselves to this shit. The average white westerner just takes this utter mediocrity as part and parcel of life now, even though we've gone backwards in terms of crime rates over the past 60-100 years.

When I hear the word "rehabilitation", I reach for my revolver.

No. 102130>>102139>>102184>>102248>>102280

I fucking wish I lived in Singapore, where I live now they'd rather debate the morality of hallucinogens and say it's better to make everything legal 'to stop crime'. It saddens me how vehemently some people will defend cigarettes and alcohol, weaker alcoholic beverages like cider and beer I sort of get but I don't get how anyone could defend smoking. It's useless, it destroys your organism as well as your kids' and it's expensive. It doesn't even taste good, you have to get used to it first.

No. 102139

It's the same logic behind just giving 10 million plus illegal immigrants citizenship because fuck laws and shit fam, they're hard to enforce.

The US has never actually prosecuted a "war on drugs", an actual war on drugs would look similar to what East Asian states do: Strict liability death sentences for serious traffickers. Anything less than that is pussy shit.

No. 102177>>102194


This is pretty cool, a bunch of white prisoners break out of their cell to help a guard who fell unconscious. Notice how none of them are black.

That's white people's innate quality, even lower-tier white people have empathy.

No. 102184>>102185

I genuinely don't understand how people have this attitude towards things other people enjoy. Yes, you personally might not like it, but that doesn't mean other people are incapable of doing so. Do you struggle in the same way with understanding taste in music or food?

No. 102185>>102191

Because what you enjoy harms other people and because the vast majority of people are simply incapable of enjoying things that are chemically or psychologically addictive in moderation.

No. 102191>>102195>>102245

Boohoo. Every humans existence negatively impacts on everyone and everything else on the planet. You hurt people all the time every day just by carrying out the necessary functions for life. If we're banning things based on how "Useless" And "Damaging" they are, we should straight up just kill everyone. It's an empty argument.

No. 102194

>one outlier defines the entire group
Retarded logic.

No. 102195

That's retarded and you know it.

No. 102245

This is so fucking stupid I'm not sure where to begin. There are very obvious and linear negative externalities caused by you people. Your pollutant effects on the general culture aside (nigger music et al)

No. 102248>>102250>>102252>>102278

But it IS better to make everything legal in order to stop crime.

I kind of see the point in death penalty for people who cannot be reintegrated into society, but killing off drug traffickers in order to ~be strict ~ and fight drug use is absurd.
Besides, sugar is more addictive than most drugs. Chemical addiction is mostly bullshit,. Anything can cause psychological dependence if your society is shitty enough, and ours clearly is. Fighting drugs is a palliative measure that doesn't deal with the source of the problem, it just wastes the money that could be used for that instead.

Go be a ridiculous extremist somewhere else.

No. 102250>>102297

>Chemical addiction is mostly bullshit,

Are you implying that people don't get withdrawals from drugs? You realise this is a medically recognised fact, right, and it can be lethal depending on the substance?

No. 102252>>102276>>102297

Have you ever been to an East Asian country? How is something which objectively works "absurd"?

Kill one trafficker to save thousands from addiction. Seems like a reasonable deal.

In before your bullshit about all human life having innate value. Christianity really did a number on the minds of westerners.

No. 102258>>102283>>103713

No. 102273

Are we talking about American or Mexican police here?
"police are government-mandated crooks" How so?
"police have lower IQs" Lower IQs than compared to who? And sources that support that statement?
"too many abuse their power" Are you speaking from personal experience? What precisely do you mean by that?
You believe the police are garbage, so who are you gonna call if you're robbed, attacked, or raped?

No. 102276>>102310

Your average Christian is probably going to be against legalizing drugs.

No. 102278>>102297

>ridiculous extremist
I'm an extremist for not wanting heroin to become accessible to my kids and family?
Fairly certain people don't go around stabbing their parents when they're in a sugar crisis.

No. 102280>>102306>>102308

Sup anon,Singaporean here.
Just letting you know,it's a pretty sweet place to stay if you're loaded. It's also much safer than a lot of countries because we have strict sentences with regards to drug abuse (you can get hanged carrying a few grams of weed). But it's not too special honestly besides the great food we have (note that even roadside hawker centres are pretty clean). Also our country is extremely small,you can get to the other side of the island in an hour btw. It's also extremely stressful living here,people generally work very long hours and take public transport because buying a car is stupid expensive. Our school systems are really tough and we have national exams which sort children for their abilities very early in life(at age 12). Our country is great but to be mentally toiled by work life and school life is horrible.(our country is rated pretty low when it comes to life satisfication) And local tv is horribly unfunny :v

No. 102283

>B-but muh bigoted conservatives
>B-but all duh police protestin Beyonce!
>"good old-fashioned white men" ;>)
>Silly conservatives, police were killed by your very own white men! Not deh "black men with cornrows or hoodies" or "Latino gang members in low-rider drive-bys." Because that's obviously what you were thinking, you backwards racist.
>"You haven't seen these stories on Fox News or Breitbart[…] Because "scary" black faces can't be flashed across their screen."
Again with the "hurr durr conservatives r racist bigots lol am i right" Also, does anyone actually watch Fox news?
>"Instead, Donald Trump has never mentioned these fallen officers"
"trump lol hes racist cuse he didnt mention this"
>"71% of police who've been shot and killed so far in 2016 have been killed by good old-fashioned white men."
What a shocker. Whites commit violence against other whites 82.4% of the time. A whopping 89% of police officers are white.

No. 102297>>102312

Nobody kills their family while on heroin either. Heroin calms you down. In fact, I'dsay you could really use some rn :^)

No, I'm saying addiction and drug use is strongly related to one's environment. A good, positive environment makes people a lot less inclined to use drugs.

Nah, I don't believe that. But I don't think killing people over trafficking is justified either, especially because it wouldn't take one but a shitload of executions in the meantime when people will still be testing the waters and measuring the risk, how well the system works. It's also highly likely that street dealers will be killed while the actual big guys won't be sentenced because they have money.

I don't even think doing drugs is in itself bad, killing off a bunch of people only to prevent that is crazy.
I want to be free to use whatever substances I like, and I do believe everyone should be allowed to make that choice too.

No. 102303

My fucking sides.

No. 102306>>102313

>local tv
After we got Netflix I forgot we even had local TV.

No. 102308>>102313

The not owning a car thing is great. So many lazy fucks in the West own cars to just go a few hundred yards down the road.

No. 102310

Christianity teaches that all life has innate value. Every major church is against the death penalty.

Liberals think their beliefs in "inalienable human rights" come from some sort of rationally discovered secular, logical belief system, but in fact a lot of liberalism is just a secular repackaging of the most egregiously weak and retarded elements of Christianity (sermon on the mount).

No. 102312>>102315

>because it wouldn't take one but a shitload of executions in the meantime when people will still be testing the waters and measuring the risk, how well the system works.

So the fuck what?


>I want to be free to use whatever substances I like, and I do believe everyone should be allowed to make that choice too.

And yet you want free healthcare and a crippled police and criminal justice system. Have you actually seen what areas with high concentrations of junkies look like?

No. 102313>>102322

Public transport here is pretty good by global standards but people here sure like to complain. The subway is upgrading way too fast though(without proper retrofitting there's occasional breakdowns) and its all to accommodate our growing population. People here are too tired to get busy and contribute to the country's population so the government depends on immigration to bridge the widening ageing gap here.

No. 102314

I'm an eurocuck and even to me the BLM movement looks like a mess. They're nothing else but spoiled upper middle class kids or hoodrats who just want to fuck the po po to get the right to commit more crimes. They got butthurt over people being shocked of the Paris attacks and claimed it's taking attention away from "things that really matter" such as a raycis halloween costume. They need a fucking reality check.

>black gang member gets shot for disrespecting and threatening authorities after committing a crime

>muh baby boy dindu nuffin he was gonna go to college and shit!!
>riot ensues

>BLM activist fakes a threat aimed at a college campus about killing all the black students

>gets caught

>BLM activists confront a white kid in the uni corridor to assault him physically for wearing celtic dreads


>According to the statistics most black people are killed by other black people


>Non-crazy, normal black people are shunned for being "Uncle Toms" and "pretending to be white"


how the fuck do you deal with this movement sensible black people, I feel it's the black equivalent of the Westboro Baptist Church or something.

No. 102315>>102320

>And yet you want…
When did I say that? I'm not even american, I pay for my health insurance.

>Have you actually seen what areas with high concentrations of junkies look like?

Yeah, and tbh I don't think stricter measures will give these people a better life. People don't seek drugs because drugs are literally the devil calling out for them from dark alleys, people seek drugs because they have a shit life of poverty and prostitution or mental illness, or all of the above.
But then again
>So the fuck what?
You don't seem to consider these people as actual people, there's no point in arguing. At least you admit you're a crazy extemist.

Just know that fighting this demographic instead of what creates it is stupid as hell.

No. 102320>>102327

>Yeah, and tbh I don't think stricter measures will give these people a better life.

lol, it's not about giving junkies a better life, although reducing the availability of drugs certainly would make their lives better. It's about giving ordinary people a better life.

How would you like it if a bunch of junkies chose your local town square as their hangout point? Believe it or not a lot of them are violent and desperate.

>Just know that fighting this demographic instead of what creates it is stupid as hell.

What creates it are drug traffickers. Killing enough drug traffickers halts the supply significantly, Singapore is a perfect illustration of this. You just can't accept that killing bad people is a deterrent since you've been raised on the "rehabilitation" kool aid that has dominated the thinking of white people for the past 60 years as far as criminal justice goes.

>crazy extremist

Was Lee Kuan Yew a "crazy extremist" too?

What westerners think is "extreme" is just informed by your retarded belief that all life has innate value, which is very clearly, obviously and demonstrably DOES NOT.

No. 102322

Gotta be honest bro, I prefer HK's MTR for some reason (just seems a bit shinier), but I love Singapore's MRT too.

No. 102327>>102339

Any society that does not see value in life itself innately does not value its people.

No. 102339>>102358

That's a non sequitur. People demonstrate their value through their actions. People who work hard, show decency and intelligence demonstrate their quality. Those who rape, murder, traffic drugs etc show their lack of quality.

Not all human life holds innate value. To assume it does is a faith based belief, since the material world shows us human life teems with inequality on the most basic levels.

You know who are worse than those criminals though?

The people who defend them to virtue signal their own altruism. They deserve to die painfully.

No. 102347

I in no way support racism or violence towards any minority in any way but its just stupid how no one wants to admit that this movement has gotten out of hand.
People seem to be using it as an excuse to be cunts and commit crimes and do other nasty shit but they are also hurting everyone that is black just by giving a bad impression to the general public.
This movement isn't about police crime anymore its about people with issues that take their anger out on another group of people.

No. 102358>>102360

File (hide): 1468250695033.jpg (28.84 KB, 400x366, Cfvla4WVAAAPY1l.jpg)

Oh you nihilist, you

No. 102360>>102362

That's…. Not nihilism. At all. Is Confucianism nihilism too? Or Aristotleianism? Or Utilitarianism?

Why do I get the feeling I'm arguing with 16 year olds on lolcow these days?

No. 102362>>102424

Sorry, let me correct myself!
Oh you edgemaster, you

No. 102363>>102388>>102423>>102450

i'm not going to comment too much on the movement itself. But I do think we have a lot of racial/racists issues in the us. Some people are very racist, especially the lower class whites here (which usually includes the cops). I also think the police should be training the officers better and not so trigger happy.

"I'm sorry, this "home safe", military in hostile territory, mentality of law enforcement is absolutely not how police should be trained or act. Your safety as an officer is simply not more important than the citizens you protect (Most cops, fortunately, do get this); and yes, part of the job is risking your life by waiting for open aggression before you act to defend yourself. That's what makes being a police officer hard, it's what SHOULD make it hard–you put your life on the line, and take MORE risk than the 'bad guys', and in return for that you get all the protections and power of the state.

Instead though we have officers who now treat citizens like enemy combatants. Who put their own safety first and are looking to 'pacify enemies' before those 'enemies' have a chance to hurt the cops. This is how they are trained in a lot of cases, to be hyper-aware that at any moment someone can kill them. (Despite most officer deaths being from car accidents–trash men are at more risk on the job) Is it any wonder that when you push that mentality that you get cops like this? Who are terrified over routine encounters"

No. 102388>>102418>>102423

This is one of the best posts on this thread. The militarisation of the US police force is something that will have to be addressed soon. In Britain our police serves the people, if our officers carried guns as a routine I would not feel safe but instead feel scared of them. The racism and racial propoganda such as the Nixon lie that more blacks use drugs to justify for profit prisons is somwthing I cannot see being ignored for another decade. Social media has exposed police murderering and abusing their power to the world.

No. 102391

File (hide): 1468259554958.webm (3.98 MB, 640x268, I AM THE LAW.webm) [play once] [loop]

I was just thinking about this topic while browsing through /snow/

I don't really give a shit, it's Americans killing Americans, but people complaining about the protests being stopped and 'oppressed' need to read a fucking lawbook, almost all of them are textbook illegal (mainly trespassing and blocking highways/roads and protesting without planned consent).

What's even stupider is that these protests are now happening even in the UK, where the problem is literally non-existent. Why the fuck are they doing it here?

No. 102418>>102423


thank you anon. I agree with you 100% seriously.

the police should not be militarized and badly trained.they also should not be the jury or executioners of anybody. they are here to protect us.

Too many people that I see say something about this debate try to go the super "politically incorrect way" in order to be edgy (or because they really believe it) and ignore that yes, some racism may be involved (sadly, racism is everywhere all around the world and we can't ignore it).

No. 102423>>102663

> Some people are very racist

Out of interest, when you say they're very racist, who are you using as your baseline for comparison here?

Young white urbanites?
Blacks themselves?

Neither of you has any idea what an actual "militirized police force" would look like. America has a partially militirized police force because you have endemic levels of violence and criminality that have been brought about by permissive criminal justice and enforcement, likewise for us Europeans. Blacks and Maghrebis routinely riot in the Banileues pretty much every year now, it just never makes the news.

Wrong. The police exist to protect and enforce the law. If you are breaking the law, they do not exist to "protect you". Their purpose, from the days of the Urban Cohorts up until today's NYPD, is to protect the law, as it exists and is written down.

The law isn't some maternal, babying, coddling thing - or at least it isn't meant to be. It is meant to preserve peace. It is meant to keep the streets safe.

How about we have a debate about just how violent western societies are compared to East Asian ones, and look at what East Asian ones do differently? But of course, just like with academic success, we ignore it other race's successes when it doesn't tally with our liberalism.

No. 102424

How is stating that not all life has innate value "edgy"?

Are you a Christian?

Can you explain the logical reason as to why life has innate value without resorting to metaphysical explanations, i.e. souls and gods?

No. 102425

File (hide): 1468268555827.jpg (62.98 KB, 625x350, dredd-karl-urban-625x350.jpg)

If you commit armed robbery, you deserve to die.

If you commit violent rape, you deserve to die.

If you commit aggravated assault without provocation, you deserve to die.

In a society where food is so plentiful, shelter so readily available, opportunities for a basic standard of living in excess of what every single one of your ancestors would have killed for so easy to obtain, then doing the above is nothing more than a declaration of abysmally low impulse control, coded at a genetic level, and something that simply shouldn't be allowed to be passed on to the next generation.

I wish that police were singling out young, violent, criminal black men, but they're not. In fact studies show they're more hesitant about shooting black suspects than white ones on average.

No. 102429>>102436

Regardless of it all.

This movement is still a mess.

No. 102436>>102445

It is based on a false premise and funded by literal Jewish shillery (George Soros), of course it's a mess.

Are lolcow really so dense you can't see the problem with the concept of "professional activists"? Literal do-nothings who have never held a real job, hell, never even held a government job in their life?

No. 102445


I've known it was a pile of shit from the moment it started anon tbh.

No. 102450>>102554>>102564>>102663

What makes you think American police aren't trained well?
What do you propose would trained them better?
>"Instead though we have officers who now treat citizens like enemy combatants"
Are you joking? Have you ever even lived in the US? Cops are normal people, they have flaws, but aren't out to get you.

No. 102554>>102579>>102663>>102710

Explain why so many US officers shoot civillians dead then? You don't here of this occuring in other western countries. Why? Because even if officers are armed they are competent, tolerant and not trigger happy.
Honestly, why would you defend the police behaviour. Don't let your patriosm blind you.

No. 102564>>102580>>102663

Cops as individuals usually have nothing against citizens. Police as an institution have been eroding the rights and targeting the American population for a while now.

No. 102579

You may as well ask to explain why black people commit so much murder in the US and UK.

No. 102580>>102584

Forget rights. What about your responsibilities.

No. 102584>>102611>>102663

>forget rights

>what about your responsibilities

Citizens have the responsibility to keep institutions of power in check, especially when the derive said power from a monopoly of violence. The issue of them abusing their power is not a matter of 'if', but 'when'.

No. 102611>>102621

Out of interest. Do you believe in a God?

No. 102621>>102623


No. 102623>>102629

Logically speaking: How can rights be "inalienable" in lieu of a God?

No. 102629>>102642

Rights can be certainly given away, and are taken away frequently. The theological basis of rights (eg. "God given) isn't really necessary, or the only basis, as shown by the idea of 'natural rights'. Naturalist thought doesn't require the existence of god.


No. 102642>>102645

Natural rights make no sense. Human behavioral desires depend on ones innate proclivities and desires. Even the desire for freedom isn't uniform. Most people desire some level of control and direction. Which is exactly why you're parroting status quo beliefs right now.

>Can be given and taken away

Exactly. They're words on paper. Nothing more.

No. 102645>>102649


You can keep evading around the idea of inalienable rights and social contract theory all day. Can you get to the point of your police state apologia?

No. 102649>>102652

Lol have you actually read Rousseau?

>"M… Muh general will!"

No. 102652>>102660

Dropping the sophistry and going straight for smugness. Didn't take long.

No. 102660

The only sophistry is the idea that there are these quasi-mystical things called "rights" all humans are born with, even though you don't believe in a God.

That's not even sophistry upon reflection, it's just voodoo.

No. 102663


I mean some Americans in the general sense. Just saying that there is a lot of racism still going on today (by everyone honestly). Personally I am white/upper middle class so I have had more experience with whites/upper middle class. I have met a lot of white racists here (and I'm sure if I met other races of people I would meet other racists as well).

I understand what the law is about. I don't think criminals should be treated lightly. I was just trying to say that I think that the police should use a little force as possible vs shooting people first/harming them first. I don't think the police should be the one to decide the "punishment" for the criminal (or better said suspect honestly).

I understand why the police has guns, which to be honest although I may not like guns I can see why they are needed at least by american police.


huh? what are you missing? I live in the US.

No, I don't think cops are out to get me and I have never had a run in with the law and any contacts with cops that I've personally had has been good.

However, there are a lot of officers who act this way and I'm sure a lot of the officers who end up shooting people they shouldn't have shot is due to lack of training.


thank you.

No. 102706>>102707>>102789>>102814

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This thread didn't have to be stupid…

All humans suck, obviously, the end. No value to them at all (at least not in a 'people' sense). It's just a complex halfway unfortunate delusion they are born with. We are no more special than leaves on a tree.

And BTW, there really is no such thing as good or bad people (so yes, you are ALL the bad guys, you can share the blame), just conflict of interest really. We all deserve to live, we all deserve to die. I don't see what's so complicated about what nature has clearly spelled out a billion times before.

Here's a big clue, why not everyone just focus on their own lives and tell everyone else to piss off? O yeah, because you're all better than most people and the rest of the swine simply can't be trusted let alone FUNCTION w/o your overbearing opinions and perspectives that clearly reach over, through & into lanes they should not even be in. We have laws, but still don't trust one another, riiight…so more laws then? That should show us.

Unfortunately though, we can all complain all we want, but all is still right with world, as per usual. Is not life FUN!!1@

Sage because crazy-chan apparently, and because, lol, I still might take the wind out of some sails. Off topic too.

No. 102707

So…what do you think of BLM?

No. 102710

This article makes a reasonable argument, at least to me. Let me know if you disagree.
>Explain why so many US officers shoot civillians dead then?
There are 318.9 million people in the US. In 2015, 965 people were fatally shot by police. Only 90 were unarmed, the rest were armed with either guns or weapon. That is a very small amount of people shot by police. Please know I don't condone shooting of innocent people at all. I couldn't find the number of shootings in 2015 that were justified unfortunately.

No. 102785

Well, if you weren't already suspicious of blacks before, given their history and embrace of being violent Monkeys in America, I certainly don't think this is helping. I can't wait to continue being culturally enriched.

Such a rich, rich culture of violence, misogyny, and selfishness. Good thing it's everyone else fault but their own : )

No. 102789

No. 102814>>102815>>102912

>All humans suck

No they don't. This is a piss poor attempt at dragging us all down to nigger levels of mediocrity. Not all "humans" suck, there are great ones like Alexander, Caesar and Hitler and there are also shitty ones like Tookie Williams, Shaun King and Obama. Everything is hierarchical.

No. 102815>>102817

>great ones like Alexander, Caesar and Hitler

But Alexander and Caesar aren't failures

No. 102817>>102824

Alexander's Empire fell apart at his death if you want to get to the nitty gritty. Hitler's greatness comes from the fact he turned Germany around in the 1930s and stood up to Judeo-Bolshevism, which was planning an aggressive war on Western Europe eventually anyway.

No. 102824>>102827

I don't really think that speaks to anything of Alexander's faults besides his being mortal. Hitler fell apart after his empire's death, of which he's responsible for.

>stood up to Judeo-Bolshevism

Be honest, he's the single best thing that every happened to the Jews, and a huge boon to the spread of communism. Judeo-Bolshevism is an ancient meme, also.

No. 102827

>he's the single best thing that every happened to the Jews

Wrong. Liberalism and the Jews were already ascendant in the Western World prior to National Socialism, hell, they dominated the Weimar Republic so completely that it was partly the result of the NSDAP's rise in the first place.

>huge boon to the spread of communism

The Soviets were planning an aggressive war against Western Europe at some point anyway.


Are you denying the centrality of secular Jews to the Bolshevik movement? Communism was invented by a literal son of a Rabbi.

No. 102856

The whole looting thing is the same shit that happened during the LA riots over Rodney King.Black people were looting in their own neighborhoods and stealing from other blacks and minorities.
They don't want to be seen as niggers, but if granted the opportunity, they always act like niggers.

No. 102894>>102913

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#BLM are so sterotypical, and its almost embarrassing how stupid and how low their self awareness is.

No. 102912>>102913

Not sure how Hitler was "great", he said some nice words about sovereignty but he failed at conquering Zionism, what did actully achieve? America funded the Nazi party in the 30s, it was them who were the instigators of the modern eugenics programme, it is they who control nato and try to stop any communist or societies from thriving.

No. 102913

Take it to the appropriate thread or make a new one.
Kek. So she's gonna spend her money at black businesses where I'm sure every product is made by blacks.

No. 102988>>104267

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It's time, guys

No. 103712

>Prior to BLM, nobody was paying attention or keeping track.

That ain't true, Reason Magazine for example has decades worth of article regarding police abuse, and have been denouncing the lack of personal accountability of US cops for as long.

No. 103713

Black open fire far more on police, whites are just at street at aiming.

No. 103720>>103782>>103906>>103909>>104274

I don really agree with whats going on with the blacklivesmatter movement, but I still think that there is still a huge racism issue in america. It's so frustrating to hear white people claim that racism doesn't exist in america anymore but continue be very hateful towards poc anyway.

I haven't been on lolcow very long admittedly, but I ventured here from 4chan because of all of the edgy race-bait among many other things, but lolcow doesn't seem much better in that regard.

I get that a lot of people are taking advantage of the movement to do terrible things, but there seem to be quite a number of people using it as justification of a an equally terrible mindset.

No. 103782

Care to list any examples of this country wide American racism?
Because you people constantly talk about this rampant oppression and racism but give fuck all examples.
Black people are killed by police brutality? Well shucks, every other race is too.
They get no media coverage because they don't fit the agenda.
Other races are killed by blacks a lot more than cops. blacks commit the most violent crimes of us all.
If anything, at this point, YOU look like the problematic racists.

No. 103906>>103907

How about you can take you 7th grade level logic back to 4chan?
>wasism is still a problum in america
>its not fair white peple say wascims isnt real anymore but it still is real
>poc is all peple who arent white, theyre vary oppressed in america
>white peple hate poc cause theyre wacist
>its bad that blm does some bad stuff
>but its even more bad that white peple are using to be wasict

No. 103907

*take your

No. 103909>>103913>>103918>>103954

You do realise "PoC" is a "racist" term, right? You dumb tumblr cunts are so ignorant about everything that you can't even notice how stupid "poc" is, ffs. All that shit term does is putting everyone who isn't white on the same bag, like 70 IQ africans are the same as 105 IQ japs, or brown skinned mexicans are the same as white skinned south americans. Go fuck yourself with your infantilization and patronizing of different culture.
If you actually had a damn brain cell and knew jackshit about other cultures you'd see that to most """PoC""" being compared to your low IQ american niggers is offensive af.
t. a fucking poc
sage for rant

No. 103912>>103918>>103924>>103939>>103954

I can't really take anyone seriously when they say that racism is over, honestly.
I'm mostly white and I hear people around me calling black people slurs and stereotyping them constantly when they're not around, but act totally PC when they are.
If you're white and say you've never noticed this you have to be pretty damn oblivious or live somewhere cool as hell. I'm Canadian for reference, we don't have a lot of black people here.
It's pretty disgusting and I guess I'm complicit because I don't say anything. Meh

No. 103913

Calm down. You will never be Aryan lmao

No. 103918>>103921>>103923


POC is racist in a sense; it does still have in implicit sense that white skin is the "default"/ colorless setting. On the other hand, it can be a way for people who identify that way to feel some solidarity about being in a minority group. Since racism is everywhere anyway it might make more sense in the aggregate for various minorities to at least not seperate eachother into various subgroups.

t. another fucking cracker


You don't have to answer if you don't want, but are you hapa, part native, black, w/e? If you aren't black, do you see the majority of racist behavior directed at blacks specifically? Do people suddenly mind their manners when they find out about your background?

>inb4 Stormfront

No. 103921>>103925>>103926>>104063

I'm part Chinese, mostly white so hapa I guess? I look white though my last name is definitely asian. And yes, I am speaking of white on black racism. Mostly coworkers and such.
I haven't witnessed racism against asians except for the occasional offensive joke, which can be hurtful since they're mostly cat/dog eating ones and my family owns asian restaurants. They're just jokes though, only once have I met someone who legit believed that.

No. 103923

I'm brown and I think PoC is fine in some contexts. I think saying "non-white" is even more so implying that white is the "default" than PoC, and PoC is more specific than say, minority, which can be used to refer to women, people with disabilities, etc., depending on the context. And there is a sense of solidarity that I like – I'm half Islander but look Mexican/Native and have had lots of both Mexican and Native friends. I don't want to erroneously be referred to as either Mexican or Native but I have been subject to the same prejudices as them, so I think using PoC as an umbrella term is fine. I'd be fine with just "brown" but for some reason people don't like saying that lmao.

No. 103924

If your litmus test is "people making ethnic jokes", then enjoy your unreachable standard or orwellian police state in the future that makes sure people don't say mean things.

No. 103925

Good point. That's totally unlike Chinese people like your father who are noted for their racially tolerant attitudes particularly towards black people. Likewise with Koreans. Us Asian Americans need to draw more attention to racism, so long as it isn't being honest about our homelands.

No. 103926>>103938>>104063

Why is it "hurtful", Chinese and Korean people really do eat cats and dogs, it's not something white people made up to slander your father sweetie.

No. 103927>>103936

Identity seems to come from the father, so hapas like sachie with white dads don't really care that much about the whole STRUGGLE of people of (brown) color.

The ones with Asian dads seem to be more down with the whole Asian American activist movement.

No. 103929>>103935

whites are the minority of the world. just about the entire world is filled with browns. what are you people complaining about for, still?

No. 103935

You should at least be aware that Asian American males are one of the most discriminated groups on earth dude. I mean, they don't have anywhere nearly enough hot blondes showing interest in them. That's real racism right there.

No. 103936>>103949

It also predicts who the person will marry. Mixed female kids generally go for the race of the father in terms of partners.

Identity is patrilineal.

No. 103938>>103941

Guess you have to look where the power lies though. Chinese and Korean Americans are a minority and even from a British perspective we can see the racism they face in America.

No. 103939

Yes, in England after the Brexit vote their was a huge surge in reported racist and xenophobic hate crimes.
These were attacks on white Europeans too.

No. 103941>>104101

I'm British and you don't speak for me. Asian American whining seems hypocritical to me. They're significantly more ethnocentric than most white people, their countries that they seem to identify with more than America have far stricter immigration laws and yet white people are obliged to pander to their victim mentality?

Only in an ideology as bizarre and surreal as liberalism could you have middle kingdomers bitching about "white racism against blacks" and keep a straight face.

No. 103949>>103966

No. 103954>>103966

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the iq thing is bullshit no?
like black people growing up in switzerland in dominantly white culture have no difference in iq to their peers because they are raised in the same culture and then judged by that culture's measure of intelligence

I don't think racism is an issue, how can you even tackle racism?! It's just another way of talking about things representationally rather than discussing practical economic problems.

black people having low iq is from studies done on african americans that grow up in 'black culture' in the states. If you grow up in a poor neighbourhood, surrounded by weed and the radio glorifying gang culture, you're not necessarily gonna be that bright?

I definitely knew people in college that used racist slurs, but they only used them against groups of black people dressed like 50 cent, that hooted and hollered louder than anyone else and tried being agressive etc. (that didn't make it okay it was obviously still disgusting) When you dissect it though these guys are basically going round displaying an aesthetic that is essentially celebrating economic downsizing and subjugation of the black working class, which is just about the most moronic thing you can do.

That's why I don't get the goals of black lives matter it's just another movement that is fragmenting what should be a unified anti-corporate movement.

No. 103966>>103969>>104063

>the iq thing is bullshit no?
like black people growing up in switzerland in dominantly white culture have no difference in iq to their peers

Completely wrong on just about every county. IQ is substantially heritable. Twin and transracial and other surveys show it accounts for anywhere from 50 to 90 percent of the variance in iq.

Children of two racially mixed ancestries primarily identify with the race of the father, eg. The chinese girl ITT complaining about dog eating jokes. Most consequently choose men of their father's race.

No. 103969>>103970>>103972

>Completely wrong on just about every county
No it's a real study, I'm reading about it in this Naomi Klein book as we speak.

It's by western societal standards a dumb test?
A tribesman Zimbabwe wouldn't necessarily score high but it doesn't mean he's stupid. You can't measure something like IQ and race. You can only measure areas and even then you have to keep in mind their cultural and economic contexts.

No. 103970

you can't measure something like IQ accurately*

No. 103972>>103973>>103994

The concept of intelligence depends not on the fact that people can be ranked by this test or that, but rather on the fact that, whatever the test, so long as it is cognitive in the broadest sense, a positive correlation emerges between the ranks for any two tests. If an IQ test were just a rag-bag collection of subjective cognitive tasks that did not all measure a common factor, there could be no positive manifold. Google spearmans positive manifold and the predictive qualities of IQ.

And it's not magic. IQ measure problem solving ability. Do you really think all people on earth have exactly the same level of innate intelligence? Fucking hell liberals are dumb.

No. 103973>>103978

no but no race is dumber than the other

No. 103978>>103983

That makes absolutely no sense. Why would you expect groups that are clearly very different on an average physical level (when's the last time a non black won the 100m dash?) to be exactly the same on a neurological level? Do you think evolution stops at the neck?

No. 103983>>103984>>103994

Okay no but you can't accurately measure intelligence it's subjective

No. 103984>>103995

I think the other anon is being obtuse. I totally get what you are saying. Intelligence is a generally subjective concept, and can be measured in a multitude of ways. You can fail a math test, but ace a biology test. I know tons of people who failed their driving test, but it wasn't because they didn't understand how to drive the car; the driving instructors dock points for silly things that don't impact your command of the vehicle (like taking your hands off of certain areas of the steering wheel, or not checking your blind spot in a certain pattern (look over the shoulder, straight again, then again over the shoulder).

The idea that certain races have certain "intelligence levels" is a belief that reminds me of phrenology.

No. 103994

This leads me back to my point here:
>The concept of intelligence depends not on the fact that people can be ranked by this test or that, but rather on the fact that, whatever the test, so long as it is cognitive in the broadest sense, a positive correlation emerges between the ranks for any two tests. If an IQ test were just a rag-bag collection of subjective cognitive tasks that did not all measure a common factor, there could be no positive manifold.

Do you think psychometrics is just about making shit up for the hell of it? It's not sociology and gender studies. Abstract problem solving ability is the common factor. It is "g".

No. 103995>>103998

>The idea that certain races have certain "intelligence levels"

How about certain races having certain levels of sprinting and long distance running ability, on average?

No. 103998>>104000>>104019>>104038

Athletic ability is based on a million more variables than simply genetics. Training (the quality, duration, and intensity), opportunity (do you have the time/money/drive/interest in the sport), competition, support (you can't be a professional athlete alone. Who is your coach? Do you have a day job? Does your family support you?), etc play a huge role in someone's athletic ability.

Plus, remember where you are gathering those averages. Professional athletes make up a fraction of the population. You can't make assumptions base on the race and intelligence of such a small population, and try to apply it to the entire, global community.

No. 104000>>104005

Ah yes. Quality of training and money are supremely important. Not genes. That's why East Africans dominate long distance running. That's why West African and Caribbeans dominate sprinting. Because they're really wealthy and have state of the art training facilities.

>small portion of the bell curve

All ability is distributed in a gaussian way. This isn't mutually exclusive with it being primarily genetic.

It's like arguing with a fucking creationist I swear. Humans are super speshul and the rules of mendelian inheritance don't apply to us.

No. 104001

No. 104002

>global community

The shit leftists believe in cracks me up. There is no "global community", back to buzzfeed with you. Shoo!

No. 104003>>104011>>104013

It's not surprising that people who generally go

> all blacks have lower Iq! therefore they are dumber!!!

Don't realize that often these 'stats' are taken of blacks that are wayy more likely to be in poverty, not grow up with proper nutrition, no proper education etc. I can only imagine how much higher some of those black kids would score if they were given proper food so they won't be mentally stunted/and had access to a safe enviroment/good education.

Everything isn't so black and white guys.

No. 104005>>104012>>104014

Do you honestly think that fucking professional athletes dont have some access to money to be able to afford training and coaches long term?

You're acting like they picked up some random, starving farmer in Africa and took him to the fucking Olympics. I'm not saying they're millionaires. I'm saying that compared to the average Joe, a professional athlete is usually wealthy enough to afford that life style. That pro athlete from the Caribbean isn't living in squalor, eating plain rice on a leaf.

You can't take a group of black long distance runners, and apply your conclusions about them to the entire population of black people. The average black man that you pick on the street isn't living the life of a pro athlete. There is no guarantee that he would be a good sprinter or whatever, because he is black.

No. 104011

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yes dis wot i woz sayin por que non idea

No. 104012>>104015>>104020>>104024


Honestly, I can believe there being SOME "advantages" physically to certain races but not enough to make all black people great athletes. Maybe some races have a "leg up" so to speak but obviously all of the athletes are there because of intensive training and hard work, not because of race.

For example

> x race is generally taller

> this gives x race an advantage in something like basketball

> not all members of x race can easily be basketball players though, as tallness does not make someone a good athlete

No. 104013>>104014

But that's not true, stats for rich and educated people still show blacks scoring for lower iqs and test scores than whites or asians

No. 104014>>104017

Hmm but isn't this discussion about something biological and therefor less subjective in certain areas like in Kenya their bodies are literally built for long distance running.


Nike plucked him out of Kenya, sponsering him to do the winter Olympics. When he arrived in Finland to train as a skier his feet and hands split open because he had never seen or touched snow. Nike dropped their sponsership pretty soon when they realised that you can't just pay someone to be good at something, and they weren't going to get the headlines they wanted. He came last in all the races. If you read the wiki it says he still went back to train on dry slopes in kenya for two years even without funding :/

tl:dr bodies are less subjective

that grow up in America it proves nothing

No. 104015

I can agree with that. I just roll my eyes so hard who come here all "your race determines your intelligence. Don't agree? Well then why are most pro sprinters black?????!?!?!?!"

Again, it reminds me of phrenology. Like, they have the hint of a good idea (brain determines intelligence), but they aren't examining it the right now (they look at the shape of the skull, instead of how the brain communicates with itself, and processes information).

No. 104017

If anything, that proves that someone who has never seen snow would make a shitty skier. It says nothing about him being "built" for long distance running. And it also doesn't imply that all black people's feet would split open in the snow.

The point I was making is that professional athletes are poor examples for trends that you want to generalize to an entire ethnic population.

No. 104019>>104025

>Plus, remember where you are gathering those averages. Professional athletes make up a fraction of the population. You can't make assumptions base on the race and intelligence of such a small population, and try to apply it to the entire, global community.

The fact you, yourself, don't understand how averages work is why you find these statistics offensive.

Say you have a class of 100 kids. They take a test. The average score on the test is 50%. This does not mean a single member of the class actually scored 50%. It doesn't mean that no one in the class scored 100%. It doesn't mean no one in the class scored 0.

When people talk about the average of a race, they are not saying everyone in the race has that score. They are not saying no one is capable of scoring very high.

Averages talk about everyone, thus they do not talk about any single individual in the group. They are talking about the group, as a group. All they show is the probability of a certain outcome.

No. 104020

That's the point. Nobody is saying all of x group is intelligent. Just that they're more intelligent on average and that because intelligence is distributed in a gaussian way when you compare two population groups/races there will be inequality of outcome.

No. 104024>>104026

If you can become an amazing athlete through training and hard work, why can't female athletes compete with male ones? Why has no female athlete ever managed to come close to beating, or even matching the accomplishments of a male athlete?

If you're willing to accept the inherent biological differences between men and women when it comes to physical performance in sports, then you have to acknowledge them when it comes to race as well. Because we know they're governed by the same things. We can see the same patterns with the same biological factors between races as we can between men and women.

No. 104025

But averages of a small sample group (black long distance runners) can't be accurately applied to the entire population(black people are genetically better athletes, on average). It isn't representative.

With you example of a class of 100 kids, any averages that you observe wouldn't be representative of all school children. It would be representative of the behavior of the kids in that class room. 100 kids is too small a sample size if you want to draw conclusions on a larger population of the same demographic.

No. 104026>>104028

Well, historically, women weren't able to compete against men, because they were seen as incapable. Even now, we have separate women's and men's leagues, and you don't see them mixing in the professional setting.

If a woman was given the same opportunities as a man to train to become a weight lifter, for example, I'm sure she would be able to compete against him. I'm not going to argue about who would win, because it is pure speculation, but historically, women weren't seen as capable opponents against men, so they weren't even in the competition.

If you're asking me if men are in general more strong than women? Yes. Does that mean that I believe that women can't compete against men in professional sports? No.

No. 104028>>104029

Ah, the good old "They weren't allowed to historically" Excuse. Nice used in combo with "We don't know because it's never been done!" It's bullshit.

Men and women have competed against one another in sports all throughout history, including today. There are plenty of examples of societies that viewed men and women as equals and allowed them to compete against one another historically. Here are some nice documented modern examples:

Venus and Serena Williams are arguably the best female tennis players ever to grace the earth. They are masters of their sport. They bragged that they could beat any man outside the seeded 200. They went up against the 203rd best male tennis player, and pathetically lost.

Here's an entire list of the best female tennis players attempting to take on men far, far below their rank and failing.

Men's and women's professional sports leagues are separated now because they are unfair and boring. Men will always, always beat women at sports, because they are biologically advantaged.

No. 104029

Oh, and notice Venus and Serena said outside of the top 200?

Rhonda Rousey protested an MTF MMA fighter being allowed to compete in women's leagues because she thought they had an unfair advantage even post-op/hormone therapy.

Tells you something when the very best female athletes in their field think this way. They know their limitations better than anyone, they know the level they are capable of competing at.

No. 104033>>104034>>104036

No. But if you want to prove genetic inheritance, for an entire race, then you will need a bigger sample size to study than black professional long distance runners. That was my point. An anon up thread brought up black pro runners as evidence of a genetic ability (superior athleticism), unique to black people.

I'm saying that the sample size from anon's example is too small to make that kind of generalization.

If anon gave evidence, say, the populations of 1000 randomly selected cities, across the globe, that displayed black people are superior athletes due to race, then I would be convinced.

No. 104034>>104037

No. The point is that the black populace is smaller, yet there are so many black athletes dominating certain fields. It's not a small sample size because the reason it's statistically significant is because the disparity between two races and their relative populations in certain fields

Again; You don't understand statistics.

No. 104036>>104038

>If anon gave evidence, say, the populations of 1000 randomly selected cities, across the globe, that displayed black people are superior athletes due to race, then I would be convinced.

Look at the fucking Olympics then?

Black people are only 2% of the entire population of the UK, and yet all of our best sprinters, hurdlers and so on are black. We have a tiny population of black people and yet they're consistently the best at certain sports, to the extent of representing the country at a world class level.

How are they rising to the top at these sports if there are so few of them? Surely if races were equal when it came to this, they would be beaten by white people every time because there just aren't enough good black runners to stand a chance against the sheer number of other race runners at the same level? With our population statistics, for every 2 olympic level black runners, there are 98 runners of other races (~7-8% asian, maybe 1% "Other") for them to compete, and win, against.

The only possibility is that there are more Olympic level runners in the black community than in the other races. Enough to beat 98% of the population and win.

No. 104037

>A population of 42 million black people in the US alone,according to the 2010 United States Census

Do you really think number of black pro runners is representative of a population of people which is over 40 million in the US alone?

No. 104038>>104040>>104053

That small percentage is still over one million people.

>look at the Olympics

I asked for a meta-analysis of the populations of a large number of randomly selected cities.

Again as it was mentioned >>103998 there are many factors at play besides genetics that can bring someone to an olympic level. You can't pin their success on purely genetics.

No. 104040>>104049

The actual number doesn't matter at all. What matters is the percentage proportion

>You can't pin their success on purely genetics.

No one is saying that. That is not the argument at hand here. The argument is that there is a very significant advantage conferred to certain races regarding certain sports, which results in an over-representation at the professional level compared to the actual proportion of people in the general populace.

For example in the specific example being used in this argument, black runners, the things that make you excel at running make you a shitty swimmer. (High bone density, narrow pelvis, dense muscles etc.) Guess what? There are very few professional level black swimmers. (And before you say it's cultural "Black people can't swim" Is an American cultural thing. Doesn't exist in the UK) We can see how significant genetics are by comparing sports we know are both impacted by certain genetic traits, and seeing the proportions of each race represented.

No. 104049>>104054

If you can show any proof, that would be great.

No. 104053>>104087

If you were to look at sporting results as evidence Russian and African competitors are at the top.
Being of a certain ethnicity means you are more likely to have a certain frame, be more at risk of certain diseases so why is it not hard to believe that certain people will be better at sport becuse of their genetics?

No. 104054

No. 104063


Sorry I opened up such a can of worms, kid.


It's hurtful to people like this anon because if I were to walk into her family's restaurant and say, "Fuck me, did this orange chicken begin its life as an orange tabby?" there are two possible implications:

One implication, it's friendly ballbusting and I don't mean any harm.

>i.e. I actually like you and we're good enough friends that I know I won't hurt your feelings saying that.

Second possible implication:

I actually don't like you at all and I'm subtly trying to offend you while also trying to maintain a veneer of social respectability, such that to any outside observers you're a bitch who overreacts if you get pissed off.

>i.e. You're a stupid gook and your dumb gook family runs a shitty, filthy restaurant where you serve greasy cocker spaniel and try to pass it off as beef. I'm phrasing my dislike of you in such a way that I have plausible deniability so you can't get outwardly mad, but everyone knows what I really mean.

The first option means I either know her well enough to make that joke, or at worst I'm a bit tone deaf. The second option means I'm kind of a shitty person.

Every time somebody jokes about her family's businesses she has to run through those mental gymnastics in her head. It's probably a lot of extra stress.

If I walk up to a cop and ask him where the closest doughnut shop is, either I'm genuinely asking directions or I'm being a dick by referencing something seemingly innocuous just to piss him off. Guess which the cop is going to think I'm doing?

Sure, lots of cops love doughnuts or are otherwise familiar with the neighborhood, but phrasing something that way will get you billyclubbed. And EVERYONE knows why.


>Identity is patrilineal

Nah. If I knock up somebody from the sudan tomorrow everyone will call our kids jigaboos regardless of who they're attracted to when they grow up.

At least in the states, it's still the one-drop rule. Not the who's your daddy rule.

No. 104087>>104089

Russia just got banned from the Rio Olympics for a systemic doping operation fwiw

No. 104089>>104101>>104189

Which was by and large a setup since South Americans (and many North Americans) have been doing it for ages without issue.

It's just another ''''Russian submarine'''' in the Baltic Sea.

No. 104101>>104167

I see the Putin trolls have landed to lolcow as well.

This. In my country, especially the Chinese are extremely reluctant to learn the language. It can take them 20 years and yet still they can barely handle everyday vocabulary. But at least their culture is pretty civilized and they actually work hard unlike all the healthy 30-year old Iraqi guys who just prefer to loaf around and harass women.

No. 104167>>104184

>Putin trolls
lol, ok.
I live right next to Russia and I'll be the first to say I don't like their government, but at this point it's getting fucking ridiculous.
>Russian submarine found in Swedish sea!
>Well, we don't REALLY know if it's Russian, but it must be! Oh wait it isn't, nvm.
>Russians teach their kids in school Europe is horrible and full of gay Muslim trannies!
>Oh wait, it was just a parody video… But they were thinking it!
>Russia gets banned for athlete doping
>Which they somehow knew about 10 years ago but did jack shit just like they do with everyone else now

Yeah nah fuck off

No. 104184

>Russians teach their kids in school Europe is horrible and full of gay Muslim trannies!

it will be true in 10 years tho

No. 104189>>104190

>it was a setup

By who?

No. 104190>>104196

In South Americ, military coups were orchestrated by America because they were paranoid by communism and socialism.

Not sure that America has set this one up though, Turkey is already fallen out of favour in Nato. I guess some people in the military just snapped, and unfortunately batshit Erdogan is going to make thousands suffer as revenge

No. 104196

I think you replied to the wrong comment, buddy.

No. 104265

A hate group, no other way to put it. A bunch of millennial idiots who want to bitch about something they don't understand. They're fighting against a system that provides health care, schooling and a lot of privilege to the black community.

They cheer on the death of police officers and burn down their own communities, protect criminals and general scum who resist arrest by claiming they're so innocent.

Instead of getting facts and trying to protest peacefully, they act like savages and then demand to be taken seriously. They have zero clue why they're even mad.

No. 104266

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Black Lives Matter want segregation. We should seal off Chicago and Detroit and give it to them. Those cities are already the two most dangerous cities in America, that happens to have a high population of blacks. Also has an incredibly high number of black on black crime and poverty, but nah.. that don't matter to BLM.

No. 104267

>bring down the patriarchy


Lord…feminists are so stupid.

No. 104274>>104275

Oh look, some white middle class bitch trying to use other people's problems to make herself seem cultured.

No. 104275

You sound like a white person pretending to be a rude black person lmao.

No. 105892>>106628>>106629

Now BLM is whining because a black woman who was swatted got killed during the operation and her son was injured.

What they forget to mention is the fact she has a loaded shotgun in her hands.

No. 106619

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Welcome to /R9k/ 2.0, no boys allowed edition

No. 106628>>106629

Stupid bitch was posting on facebook during the entire operation too. The swat team got facebook to deactivate her account because she kept posting videos and shit, and the people responding were actually ENCOURAGING her while she's threatening the fucking swat team about ready to burst down her door with her kid in the room.

Guarantee if this were some white trash endangering the life of their child and tempting execution NOBODY would feel outrage over the consequences. But no, since she's a black idiot she's a martyr. Not a cunt who held her consent-less kid hostage and made police shoot at a squirming child.

The best part is that this was all over being served a summons for UNPAID PARKING TICKETS.

No. 106629>>106630

>"What do you want to do?"

Gee lady, sure looks like your kid wants to continue playing with that Play-Dough and is scared and hesitating for fear of deviating from the wrong answers you've indoctrinated him with.

No. 106630

>wrong answers
>'right' answers

No. 107469>>107676

I just can't take the Black Lives Matter people seriously anymore. Rioting and looting over police fatally shooting a man with a gun like they've just done in Milwaukee is not ok. The man the cops shot could've tried to fire at the officers and ended up hitting a 6 year old instead. These things seem to happen a lot.
Or the people in Chicago protesting because one of the protestors got in trouble for assaulting a police officer, got a trial in court like he has the right to, and his mom and auntie got rowdy in the courtroom when they didn't like the sentence.
Or protesting in Madison over a girl waving around a knife being arrested. That happened.
Just because your skin's a different colour doesn't mean you should be able to get away with endangering others. It seems like that's what hard core BLM people want though.
Unfortunately you can't say anything like that openly because you'll be branded a racist. It's fucking hostile like that.

No. 107628


late ass reply, but I'm not against police forces existing. I think they're vital for society to keep functioning. I can hold that opinion and also have a problem with the fact that cops kill people. MY LITTLE DISCOURSE: NUANCE IS MAGIC™

& @ the other anon who replied to me: investigative journalism is all well and good, but in my opinion the data on deaths in police interactions with civilians needs to be part of actual government data collection and record keeping. It should be part of the public record.

I'm neutral on issues like "militarization". If civilians have access to it, so should the police forces that serve those civilians.

No. 107676>>107679

I never respected BLM to begin with, but where are they in Baton Rouge? There's historical flooding, thousands of black people out of their homes, in need of food, evacuation, clothing. Yet, there's no BLM or black panthers to be found. I think they've made it clear that they only want to fight against white people, not help the black community.

No. 107678

No. 107679>>107685>>107686>>107705

Strange because I remember a huge up in arms deal when Flint was in the news with its water crisis. Ive seen one post on tumblr about the floods and it being Katrina all over again.

BLM I have no opinion on, Im not black so I dont feel its my right. If they arent trying to raise awareness for this though, what the hell.

No. 107685>>107687>>107700

I'm not black either, but I am a Louisiana resident and haven't seen (or heard of anyone else seeing) BLM around. I have black friends in BR and they say the same. I'm just curious as to why they seem to be ignoring this problem when it's absolutely catastrophic for a lot of people. People they claim to support.

No. 107686>>107700

No. 107687

>ignoring this problem when it's absolutely catastrophic for a lot of people
Because actually doing something to bring and make differences requires more effort than waving around signs, spending all the working day chanting black power, and looting businesses. They don't want to spend their days helping others if there's nothing in it for them.

They're massive pricks who only care about their own (literal) welfare. That's why the sister of the Baltimore asshole who got shot recently wasn't telling people to stop with destructive protests, but actively encouraged rioters to "BURN THAT SHIT DOWN" in the suburbs because "THEY NEED DERE WEAVE" businesses.
Nobody wants to admit these are out of control animals for fear of being labeled "racist." That's why CNN edited their footage to not show the bitch saying that crap.

No. 107700>>107703

Surprised to see this and the fact they are calling them out.


I think it is the fact they need actual resources and to band together with others.
I dont have the views of some in this thread, but Im very surprised this movement has completely bypassed a situation where it could put them in a very good light.

No. 107703>>107707

I'd love to hear your views

No. 107705>>107707

>BLM I have no opinion on, Im not black so I dont feel its my right.
Sweet pea, you don't have to be black to have an opinion on BLM, or any thing considered "black" at all.
That's like saying "I'm not Mexican, so I don't feel its my right to have an opinion on drug cartels."

No. 107707

Funnily enough this thread started a conversation between me and a friend about this, especially concerning that video. I don't have many views to share, I keep out of this stuff when I can but I will share some thoughts from that convo.
When BLM first started trending the reaction was actually this could do alot of good! There is still a lot of racial rage about, in America especially. Europe has a lot underlying but blackface is still considered acceptable in some parts(a debate for another thread). As this movement has been going on though, it's message and what it's striving to to achieve has gotten so muddled it's hard to understand. Its now become this strange protest only kind of deal? We demand change, we'll be quick to March..provide resources to those we support around us? Oh quick on the bus we've heard there's been another uproar.
If they can blame someone, they will protest against it. Which has really lost the meaning of what they want and the followers of this movement I don't think, for the most part really understand this isn't a good light to be put in.
So now with this flooding, they've missed this massive opportunity to show the message they want to apparently bring across. Instead riots are now happening in another city whilst people who they are protesting for are drowning.
This is echoing what my friend has to say on the matter, it's a strange follow the crowd movement, literally. Strangely reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Marge starts a protest group, it was on different subject matters but similar.

I don't feel comfortable with it sadly! I'm not American and am white, we can only watch from afar. There have been recent BLM protests in London, the first I didn't really much care for and the 2nd around the anniversary of the riots. I was confused how BLM was quickly pasted onto that, yes it was a very similar situation but it became a looting free for all for the local white chavs on the estates, torching anything they could and stealing a sack of rice from Tesco. Even one of Draco Malfoys mates got in on the act(I am not kidding the actor got sacked because of it).
It a very americanised movement and it's not a huge deal hear, immigration is what sets off the many here.

Again I don't have many opinions on BLM, I'm very confused at where it's going nowadays however and how quickly it's losing its core message.

No. 108045

They're a terrorist organization filled with "gibs me dat" and dindus.
The sooner they kill themselves off, the better,

No. 108047

surprised to not find out about the events following the shooting in milwaukee till just today.
good lord.
the young turks made a video in defense. the comments section on youtube is great, many of their subscribers seem to finally realize that young turks is awful.

cnn selectively edited a speech by the sister of the man who was shot, calling for peace. they didn't include the part where she called for the black community to turn their violence to the suburbs. because you know, it's the suburb's fault.

No. 108628>>108633>>108637>>108641

There are certainly legitimate grievances they could bring up, but I don't think many people actually buy the narrative that cops just love pulling over aspiring doctors and lawyers to shoot them in the back of the head

I think they can certainly complain about the criminal justice at large, but they're simplifying an issue and making it a giant joke, and don't even get me started on their (relatively) recent list of demands

No. 108633

It's gone completely crazy. They could have used this as a positive platform. But it's full of angry directionless youth and people who want their "I'm an activist" badge now.

I'm hoping it fizzles out soon. BLM is getting pretty scary and it's not going anywhere positive. I don't think most people believe that all cops are racist and that the justice system's top priority is to toss as many black men in jail each day as they can. The people that buy into this sadly include white SJWs who like to go on tumblr and Youtube and talk about how ashamed they are of their privilege and European ancestry. The kind that try to convince everyone white that they are born racist. Stop apologizing for something that happened centuries before you were even born and telling people to hate themselves.

Does anyone think that in a year or two it will just die down and we'll only hear little peeps on social media? I think it's for the best that BLM goes away. It's way too toxic. If people want to make positive changes and not be lumped in with BLM crazies then they'll need to splinter off into a new group in order to be taken seriously.

No. 108637>>108640

That's absolutely true, and there are areas where this stuff is an issue (particularly in drug related areas, where like 90% of people arrested for selling drugs are black, but it's nowhere near 90% of dealers that are black), yet they just turned into what's essentially a terrorist movement (meet our demands or we'll riot again) going apeshit over what are mostly justified shootings. They could have at least pointed to some of the situations where someone got shot where there wasn't much justification, rather than felons who attack police or tell the police they have a gun and then reach for their pocket like the last bunch have been.

No. 108640>>108642


They DO point to the situations that aren't justified. They do that all the time. Just last month they were protesting the guy who worked at a primary school getting shot over a traffic stop, as well as the dude trying to run after an escaped mental patient in Miami.

Cops have a difficult job, they really do. But the standards they get to use when they get sued after the fact (if it even gets that far) are why the BLM people are so pissed off.

If a cop shoots an unarmed person 40 seconds after pulling them over they should lose their fucking job. You can argue that if a cop is in fear for their life they need to be able to pull their gun and that's fine, but when cops screw that up egregiously and get to keep going to work people are going to get justifiably pissed.

And when they do get justifiably pissed and nothing changes someone from their facebook feed picks that moment to say "Yeah, but ALL lives matter." You're honestly wondering why the movement comes across as crazy?

No. 108641

you know why the list of demands is so unreasonable right? Because they know it's not going to happen. They make these outlandish requests because they don't WANT to resolve the issue. They want to be perpetual victims so they can continue to complain and not actually do anything about it and suck on the welfare teat.

No. 108642

>Just last month they were protesting the guy who worked at a primary school getting shot over a traffic stop, as well as the dude trying to run after an escaped mental patient in Miami.

Source? I haven't heard of these, but I'd like to see more than a biased version of it online, they've painted people attacking officers as being good people who were unjustly shot.

>If a cop shoots an unarmed person 40 seconds after pulling them over they should lose their fucking job.

I assume you mean the one a month or two ago? The one who said he had a gun, and then didn't follow procedure by getting out of his car and letting the cop take the gun, but rather reached towards his pocket? It's terrible it happened, but that's a justified shooting, the cop had no way of knowing if he was going for a gun or not, especially when there's proof he had a gun on him.

>And when they do get justifiably pissed and nothing changes someone from their facebook feed picks that moment to say "Yeah, but ALL lives matter." You're honestly wondering why the movement comes across as crazy?

Yeah, because violent destructive riots are totally a reasonable response to someone going "Hey, maybe police brutality isn't a racial issue, and we can talk about it as a united front instead of screaming on about how evil white people are and ultimately getting nowhere because half the movement is just there to loot stores"

No. 108811>>108843>>108846

More blacks are killed by cars, aids and obesity than by white raycussssss cops. Why should I give a shit when I already don't give a shit about aids and high obesity rates in black american communities?

No. 108843>>115585


>More blacks are killed by cars, aids and obesity than by white raycussssss cops.

This is a true statement. Maybe you don't care. I think black people are more likely to get shot by cops whether or not they deserve it. I don't think that's fair, and even though I'm not a nignog myself the fact that I live in a world that lets that kind of thing happen and doesn't give a shit rustles my jimmies.

>Why should I give a shit when I already don't give a shit about aids and high obesity rates in black american communities?

Srs question: what do you care about? Vidya? Fashion? Rock climbing? From the way you worded your post it seems like it could be stated like this:

>I rly don't give two shits whether black people live or die or go fishing or jack off. It's not relevant to my life.

Is that a fair statement?

If that's what you're saying, it might be the most honestly expressed opinion in this thread. No one can make you give a shit about the rest of the world, Anon.

I think people should get equal protection under the law regardless of what color vagina they fell out of. It's an important thing.

TLDR; grow the fuck up.

No. 108846>>108857>>108866

Maybe so, but a corrupt police service is something that does a disservice to all. Maybe you should empathise with your fellow citizens who are unfairly profiled and shot down,

black lives matter deserves some critique yes, but don't deny that racism isn't a relevant concern anymore. I would hope BLM wasn't so divisive and targeted the issue of black on black crime (yes there are societal factors but still more could be done within that movement).

All lives should be treated with dignity and respect, this isn't the case when you look at the amount of black people locked up for fuck all and murdered by police.

No. 108856>>108859

Holy shit, you guys do realise that cops are more likely to shoot unarmed white people right? Even if blacks commit more crime Per capita

No. 108857

>look at the amount of black people locked up for fuck all and murdered by police
Citation needed.
And it's been proven with almost every recent case that these people were not a bunch of dindu nuffins. They were thugs.

They are quick to blame all their problems on da evil whitey when they should take a look in their own backyard.

No. 108859>>108875


Yeah, cops do kill more unarmed white people, but that's because whitey makes up a huge percentage of the population relative to Tyrone. If you look at the total number of shootings in a given year OF COURSE there are going to be mostly white people. IIRC whites make up about 2/3 of America's population. Black folks are roughly 15%. Those numbers aren't exact but that's a solid ballpark number.

The fact is though if you're black, you're vastly more likely to be shot during a given police encounter. If you're a stats nerd somebody did a study on this just last year. The data aren't perfect but stats seldom are. Still, this is peer-reviewed and the methodology used is sound:

>Ross CT (2015) A Multi-Level Bayesian Analysis of Racial Bias in Police Shootings at the County-Level in the United States, 2011–2014. PLoS ONE 10(11)

TL;DR: "The results provide evidence of a significant bias in the killing of unarmed black Americans relative to unarmed white Americans, in that the probability of being {black, unarmed, and shot by police} is about 3.49 times the probability of being {white, unarmed, and shot by police} on average. Furthermore, the results of multi-level modeling show that there exists significant heterogeneity across counties in the extent of racial bias in police shootings, with some counties showing relative risk ratios of 20 to 1 or more."

>Even if blacks commit more crime Per capita

Even if this is true, blasting the head off of the "bad guy" isn't the outcome we should be trying for. Cops don't carry their pistols for show, but lethal force is supposed to be a last resort. I'd sooner people accused of crimes were arrested and tried for them.

I could find more sources or other studies, but I can't be assed RN. Nobody's going to read them if I do.

If the one I cited is too biased for you, I dunno what to tell you. The data is the best availible, and the author's math is good.

BLM has quite a bit to be justifiably pissed about. If I were a nigger I'd be angrier than a dog shittin' tacks.

No. 108866>>108875

>a corrupt police service is something that does a disservice to all.
What precisely do you mean by that?

> Maybe you should empathise with your fellow citizens who are unfairly profiled and shot down,

A civilized society judges the use of deadly force with factual evidence and circumstances of the incident. Depending on the case, some times a officer is justified in using deadly force, other times not. BLM often seems to choose not to wait for a trial to be held with factual evidence and testimonies, and screams "racism!" instead.

>black lives matter deserves some critique yes, but don't deny that racism isn't a relevant concern anymore

"You can't talk about blm because racism in general exists!"
Youtube search "blm fails" or "why is blm wrong" and you'll soon find BLM deserves a whole lot of critique. It is just fine to critique their creed and actions, even if "racism" is still out there.

No. 108867>>108871

some of y'all need to know the media isn't quite that truthful.
sargon has some great videos where he discusses black lives matter in depth.

No. 108871>>109206

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yeah but sargon has revealed himself multiple times to be a blithering moron so who want to listen to him.

BLACK LIVES MATTER is an offshoot of what should otherwise be a unified anti-corporate/anti-establishment movement. Any of their demands just become ephemera because they're yet another example of opposition to the establishment that is representation-ally fragmented.

No. 108875>>108876>>108889

>"The results provide evidence of a significant bias in the killing of unarmed black Americans relative to unarmed white Americans, in that the probability of being {black, unarmed, and shot by police} is about 3.49 times the probability of being {white, unarmed, and shot by police} on average

These numbers are useless on their own. It's absolutely possible that on average black criminals commit much more violent crime than white ones, are more confrontational with police, any number of things. There being a difference between races statistically isn't proof of racism on its own, you need to factor out other important stuff, otherwise you're just jumping to conclusions.

>Cops don't carry their pistols for show, but lethal force is supposed to be a last resort.

It's not. Lethal force is supposed to be used to stop the criminal from being able to use lethal force themselves. You can't expect the officers to have to wait until someone points a gun at them before they can stop it, if someone goes for a gun or a knife, or tries to kill an officer (the guy that tried to run down the police officers in a car chase in suburbia around a month ago for example) in other ways, they need to stop that as quickly as they can.

In any case, as >>108866 said, you can't just scream about how it's racism before you even know if what happened was justified or not, this is a situation where you need to rely on facts, not twisting them to suit your cause, and absolutely not just lying (with the whole "he was a good boy who did nothing wrong" shit talking about violent felons). Their feelings don't matter more than reality.

No. 108876>>108877

>It's not. Lethal force is supposed to be used to stop the criminal from being able to use lethal force themselves.
In that case, why not just shoot everyone?

No. 108877>>108878

Gee, I dunno, if morphine's meant to manage pain why don't we just give everyone a permanent IV bag full of it? Obviously I meant when it's an immediate risk with some evidence towards it being the case, and you full well knew that I meant that.

No. 108878>>108879

The problem is that a lot of the time, they DON'T have evidence that the person is dangerous, like when they shot a little girl sleeping on her parent's couch, the guy who fucking reached for his wallet in his car after cops told him to reach for it, the guy who was chasing a mental patient (even the cop said he didn't know why he did that lmao), the guy who was cosplaying, the guy who was selling CDs, etc.
Maybe actually read about these situations before jumping to the "They're ALL violent felons!" defense.

No. 108879>>108888>>108899

>like when they shot a little girl sleeping on her parent's couch

Source? Are you saying the cops just busted into her house and shot her for no reason? I'm sure there was more to it than that.

>the guy who fucking reached for his wallet in his car after cops told him to reach for it,

You mean the guy who told the cop he had a gun, and then instead of following orders and getting out and letting the cop take the gun, reached for his back pocket instead?

>the guy who was chasing a mental patient


>the guy who was cosplaying

Source? What was he cosplaying as? Why would the police even be involved if he was just cosplaying something innocent?

>he guy who was selling CDs

Source? And why were the police involved if he was just running a stall or something similar?

>Maybe actually read about these situations

Maybe give accurate descriptions of what happened instead of just playing it all off as "They was good boys who dindu nuffin" as if the police just walked up to them all and shot them for no reason. Why were the police involved? Were they being aggressive? Was the cosplay guy holding a fake rifle or something? At the very least give me the city they happened in so I can actually chase up these events to see if they happened full stop.

I can make Hitler sound like he was unfairly prosecuted if I leave out the actual reasons why the allies got involved.

No. 108887

BLM are a bunch of racist, cop killing, criminals(okay there glenn beck)

No. 108888

Wow, i thought the majority of farmers were retarded sjws, but you are a logical individual.

No. 108889>>108890>>108895>>109208


>you need to factor out other important stuff, otherwise you're just jumping to conclusions

The study I linked does do that. It breaks the numbers down in much greater detail then I did when I cited it in that post.

When they analyze data from places with less violent crime the statiscal evidence of the bias is still there; if you live in Mayberry the discrepancy drops way down relative to say, Chicago but it is still significant enough that it suggests evidence of racially biased use of force by police.

The methodology used was good, the numbers are accurate. If there's a problem with the study it might be in the underlying data rhat was used but since it all came from the police themselves you aren't going to get a better sample.

>It's not.

It is. Cops have escalation of force protocols determined by their individual departments, but deadly force is always the last one they're permitted to use.

>Lethal force is supposed to be used to stop the criminal from being able to use lethal force themselves.

True to a point. An officer is allowed to use deadly force to protect either their life or the life of another innocent person (this is what cops call defense-of-life shootings, which are most common), or to prevent someone in the commission of a violent felony from getting away and potentially committing more violence. The key word there is violence (i.e. if a criminal is running down the street with drugs or a stolen dvd player or something you can't shoot at him).

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell after-the-fact,for example a car can be a deadly weapon if you try to hit a cop with it, and later if you have a dead guy in a shot up car people would think he was unarmed.But close cases like that don't explain the numbers.

Besides, those deadly force standards are from a pair of Supreme Court cases (I removed the cites). Here is EXACTLY what cops can do, according to the constitution:

>"Use of

deadly force (whether or not it actually causes a death) is permissible only when an officer has
probable cause to believe that a suspect poses an immediate threat of serious physical harm to the
officer or another person. . . A police officer may not use deadly force against an
unarmed and otherwise non-dangerous subject, and the use of deadly
force is not justified in every situation involving an armed subject."

Read that twice and let it sink in.

There are too many unarmed bodies piling up. The problem isn't that cops are secretly trying to kill black people and get away with it, they aren't doing that.

The problem is that they overreact when they're scared and blast black people at a disporportionate rate.

They blast fewer white people in the same kind of tense, adrenaline-filled situations. This is the whole problem—This is why BLM is protesting. It isn't about welfare checks, riots, obamaphones, or Leslie's fucking nudes.

Their friends are getting shot at more than my friends, in similar situations.

And that IS racism.

No. 108890


shit, dropped my greentext there

No. 108895>>109177

>The study I linked does do that.

Can you source it? Preferably a link, though a journal where it's accessible (not behind a paywall) would be fine too. I can't really say anything about the study itself until I've been able to see it.

>deadly force is always the last one they're permitted to use.

Nah, last resort is just turning it over to more appropriate entities like the military or federal units (some states have units dedicated to handling certain sorts of crime), but I get what you're saying, for an average officer it's the highest level of force they can use without a court order of some kind.

>according to the constitution:

Which amendment is this?

Either way though, I think this is the most important part
>unarmed and otherwise non-dangerous subject

See the word "and"? It's not "or", it means that as long as you're unarmed and not posing a threat of serious harm, you can't legally be shot. I agree entirely with this, but if you're unarmed but clearly a risk to an officer or civilian, you should expect to get shot, and realise that this is still legal as long as you were a serious danger

>The problem is that they overreact when they're scared and blast black people at a disproportionate rate.

But that's my point. Is it disproportionate? The important thing isn't about how many black people versus white people there are, it's how many justified shootings of both races there are. If blacks get shot at a rate that's 50 times higher, but those shootings are justified, that's not the police forces fault, they shouldn't go "Oh shit, you might kill us or take our guns and shoot someone else? Well that's alright I guess, you're pretty close to the shade of the coke back in my car".

>Their friends are getting shot at more than my friends, in similar situations.

Did you know their friends also commit way, way more crime than yours, per capita?

Now, I'm not going full /pol/ here and saying that's indicative of the entire race, because it's not at all, not even close to a majority, but still, if (these are just random numbers btw) 1% of white people commit a violent offence and are caught, but 5% of black people do, them getting shot 5 times more isn't that strange. That's absolutely what you'd expect, and not indicative of racism.

That as well as how they on average act around police is important, and there's a definite sort of "Fuck the police" culture with black americans, you don't need to look past songs by a lot of popular musicians in that subculture for proof.

I really do have to add that I appreciate your ability to come at this from a rational point of view instead of just arguing from emotions, it's unusual to find that, hell, it's unusual to find a BLM supporter (online at least) who would go as far as to say this
>The problem isn't that cops are secretly trying to kill black people and get away with it, they aren't doing that.

I'd have much more respect for the movement as a whole if they were a whole lot more like how you're acting, and less "Stop shooting black people, we aren't violent criminals you racists, but if you don't we're going to act like the stereotype and burn down and loot as much of the town as we can".

No. 108899>>108900>>108929>>108940

>Source? Are you saying the cops just busted into her house and shot her for no reason? I'm sure there was more to it than that.
They were searching for some criminal. Yes, they burst in in the middle of the night and threw a flash grenade through the window, then her grandmother tried to protect her from the grenade and the police shot the kid, then claimed the grandmother "tried to take the officers' gun and accidentally shot the girl" (her fingerprints were not found on the gun). The little girl was literally shot for no reason.
>You mean the guy who told the cop he had a gun, and then instead of following orders and getting out and letting the cop take the gun, reached for his back pocket instead?
He specifically told the cop what he was doing and informed him that he had a gun. This was over a tail-light. Don't be retarded and try to twist it into something it's not.
>Source? What was he cosplaying as?
Apparently black criminals now carry samurai swords. :^)
>Why would the police even be involved if he was just cosplaying something innocent?
Why do you think? A lot of police officers assume the worst of black people and are generally bullies who like to throw their weight around when they get the chance. Innocent people die because of this, and you're trying to pretend it doesn't happen because the concept makes you uncomfortable.
He actually had a gun, but it fell off him and he was otherwise immobilized.
>And why were the police involved if he was just running a stall or something similar?
Ask them. Maybe they were supposed to arrest him because the CDs weren't being sold legally, but because they're the type of cops I mentioned before, they saw an opportunity to kill a nigger.
>Maybe give accurate descriptions of what happened
All of this took me maybe 6 minutes of Googling "black cosplayer shot by police", "little girl shot on couch by police", "man with mental patient shot by police", etc max. I didn't need to list out every detail to make these events easy to find out about.
Either know what you're talking about before jumping in, or don't get involved in the conversation at all (and especially don't make incorrect claims and then demand to be spoonfed crying "Source?!?!" when people point out you're incorrect).
>Why were the police involved?
It varies, most of them are petty reasons though.
>Were they being aggressive?
>Was the cosplay guy holding a fake rifle or something?
A toy sword.
>At the very least give me the city they happened in so I can actually chase up these events to see if they happened full stop.
See 3 greentexts above. I don't need to provide every single detail for you to know how to enter basic terms in Google. I doubt you're this new to the internet.

No. 108900>>108917>>108940

>I can make Hitler sound like he was unfairly prosecuted if I leave out the actual reasons why the allies got involved.
True, but the vast majority of black people are not Hitler, anon.

No. 108917


Idi Amin did nothing wrong.

No. 108929>>108937>>108940>>108958

about Philandro Castile,
"I told him not to reach for it. I told him to get his hands up,” the officer says in the graphic and expletive-laced video."
What do you think's going to happen after he reaches for his back pocket after telling him he has a gun?
How dumb can you be to not see this?

No. 108937

What was the recent case of a black female cop shooting a guy who was aiming a gun at her?

No. 108938

>believing all races commit crime at exactly the same rate

Goyim pls. Asians are statistically less violent than whites. Whites are statistically less violent than Blacks and Blacks are… Erm. Maybe they're less violent than abos.

No. 108940>>108958>>108959

>They were searching for some criminal

A murderer apparently, which isn't petty. But yeah, that story's fishy on both sides. I don't believe for a second that they fired from outside the house in through the door, police raids aren't conducted that way, but unless she was wearing gloves or something, I don't see how there'd be no proof of her grabbing the gun.

>He specifically told the cop what he was doing and informed him that he had a gun.

As >>108929 said, he disobeyed the officers orders and reached for his pocket after telling him he had a gun.

>Why do you think? A lot of police officers assume the worst of black people and are generally bullies who like to throw their weight around when they get the chance.

Come off it, the cosplay argument is bullshit, he was wearing a red shirt and blue pants, and carrying a sword. Decorative or not, that's not cosplay, and you can't just walk around with what appears to be a weapon in public and expect the police to not get involved. And if you're seemingly armed and the police appear, and you fucking run off, what do you expect to happen?

>Ask them. Maybe they were supposed to arrest him because the CDs weren't being sold legally, but because they're the type of cops I mentioned before, they saw an opportunity to kill a nigger.

Thanks for bringing up this case actually. Did you know they were responding to a call that he'd been threatening people with a gun? And that he was only shot after he reached for his pocket, which an officer pulled a gun out of post-mortem? This is exactly what I'm talking about. You're twisting absolutely justified shootings into these terrible injustices, and just flat out lying. Here's proof
>One officer exclaimed, "He's got a gun! Gun!" One of the officers yelled, "If you fucking move, I swear to God!" Then Salamoni was heard on the video saying, "Lake, he's going for the gun!" One of the officers aimed his gun at Sterling's body, then three gunshots are heard, and then the camera pans away; just before the camera pans back, three more gunshots are heard.
>According to witness Abdullah Muflahi, the officers then retrieved a firearm from Sterling's pocket

The only argument for this is "He didn't threaten officers" (despite the police being there because he was threatening people) and "He wasn't holding the gun" (despite the fact he clearly tried to grab at it, and was given clear warnings.

>Either know what you're talking about before jumping in, or don't get involved in the conversation at all

My point is that as you didn't provide a source, and gave incredibly dishonest depictions of what happened in them. This is why I asked you to provide a source, because if you provide it, you can't bitch about it all being biased and a lie when the source says you're full of shit.

>It varies, most of them are petty reasons though.

Since when is trying to catch a murder suspect, stopping a man threatening people with a gun and trying to apprehend what seems to be a man with a sword petty reasons?

>True, but the vast majority of black people are not Hitler, anon.

I didn't say they were, the point was that you can twist almost any situation to make it sound completely different to what it was, which is exactly what you were doing.

No. 108941>>108960

When the Sterling case first came out one thing caught my eye and nobody else seemed to see it too. I thought I might drop it here to see if I'm just seeing things or it's really there.
Around 35 seconds, Sterling seems to throw the cop off of him right before the camera magically pans away.


I'm always so afraid to bring up anything with police shootings because I'd be called racist but I've wanted to talk about this since it happened. What do you guys see?

No. 108958>>108964

>I don't believe for a second that they fired from outside
They didn't "fire from outside". They threw a flash grenade, then entered. I don't know how any of this is "fishy" on the side of the family who got their house burst into and their daughter killed, either, but go ahead and try to downplay the situation.
>As >>108929 said, he disobeyed the officers orders and reached for his pocket after telling him he had a gun.
That doesn't justify shooting him 4-5 times after he's already been compliant and has a woman and child in the car.
>Come off it, the cosplay argument is bullshit,
Tell me of all the other gangbangers you know who run around with toy swords. I'm waiting.
>he was wearing a red shirt and blue pants, and carrying a sword. Decorative or not, that's not cosplay,
Did you even fucking read the article? Mugen from Samurai Champloo wears the same outfit of a red shirt and blue pants. How is that "not cosplay"? Jesus Christ.
>the police appear, and you fucking run off, what do you expect to happen?
Merely running from the police does not give them reason to shoot you if you haven't threatened anyone.
>The officers tased Sterling,[9][10] then forced the heavy-set man to the hood of a sedan and then to the ground. Sterling was pinned to the ground by both officers, with one kneeling on his chest and the other on his thigh, both attempting to control his arms
How was he "going for the gun" when he was pinned to the ground? Also
>In a statement to NBC News, Muflahi said that Sterling never wielded the gun or threatened the officers
An eyewitness denied that he caused the trouble. Sounds fishy coming from the officers.
>My point is that as you didn't provide a source,
In the age of where people can easily Google shit based on a single line of information and find everything, I'm pretty sure I don't need to hold your hand and link you everything that ever existed.
>and gave incredibly dishonest depictions of what happened in them.
They're not "dishonest", I gave you the gist of what happened and now you're trying to dispute them because your argument of "#yesallblackswhogetshotarecriminals" falls out the window if you don't.
>This is why I asked you to provide a source, because if you provide it, you can't bitch about it all being biased and a lie when the source says you're full of shit.
Just be honest and admit you're too lazy to Google or even do a modicum of research on things you want to argue about. Or do you prefer to link to Fox News articles and Stormfront posts as "news" and are getting tired of people telling you to fuck off or something?
>the point was that you can twist almost any situation to make it sound completely different to what it was, which is exactly what you were doing.
Except I wasn't.

No. 108959>>108964

>Since when is trying to catch a murder suspect, stopping a man threatening people with a gun and trying to apprehend what seems to be a man with a sword petty reasons?
Because violence against people who killed no one (most of which haven't threatened an officer) doesn't justify shooting in any way. Good job omitting the fact that one of those people were stopped because their tail light was broken so you look less wrong, too.
It's interesting that literal school shooters are usually caught alive even if they threaten officers' lives, but apparently blacks are so dangerous that they must be shot on sight.

No. 108960

Just watched it. He gets up for a sec, but the officer jumps on him and apprehends him again.
Don't see how he "throws the cop off him", he just leans upward in an attempt to get out of their grasp, and it looks like he failed.

No. 108964

>They didn't "fire from outside"
>Geoffrey Fieger, the family's lawyer, said the police fired the shot that struck Aiyana from outside the home, possibly through the open front door

>That doesn't justify shooting him 4-5 times after he's already been compliant and has a woman and child in the car.

How is refusing to follow orders being compliant? You don't just go "oh shit, you have a gun and seem to be going for it? Better let you just kill me, you have a kid in the car".

>Tell me of all the other gangbangers you know who run around with toy swords. I'm waiting.

Who said anything about gangbangers? But here's some examples of massacres committed with swords

And that's just in schools, and just swords, not other large blades.

>id you even fucking read the article? Mugen from Samurai Champloo wears the same outfit of a red shirt and blue pants.

Wow, I'm wearing a blue shirt and jeans, who am I cosplaying anon?

>Merely running from the police does not give them reason to shoot you if you haven't threatened anyone.

It does when you're armed with a deadly weapon, because you're a risk to the public if you get away.

>How was he "going for the gun" when he was pinned to the ground?

>attempting to control his arms

>An eyewitness denied that he caused the trouble. Sounds fishy coming from the officers.

There's video footage you moron, and the original call was about him threatening people with the gun.

>In the age of where people can easily Google shit based on a single line of information and find everything, I'm pretty sure I don't need to hold your hand and link you everything that ever existed.

Oh, well in that case have you read about the time that every black person in America was a murderer? Or the time that Obama met God? I don't need to source these though, and if you can't find them it's your fault.

You see why sources are important? If you claim shit, you need to prove it hapepend.

>They're not "dishonest", I gave you the gist of what happened and now you're trying to dispute them because your argument of "#yesallblackswhogetshotarecriminals" falls out the window if you don't.

>the gist of what happened

You left out that one was in a police raid looking for a murderer, and the rest involved the person either going for a gun, or wielding a sword (no point saying if it's fake or not, I doubt you could tell from 20 metres away either) and then running when the police turned up. Kind of different to what you said.

>Just be honest and admit you're too lazy to Google or even do a modicum of research on things you want to argue about.

no u.

>Or do you prefer to link to Fox News articles and Stormfront posts as "news" and are getting tired of people telling you to fuck off or something?

What the fuck are you even talking about? What about me saying that there are issues where black people are treated unfairly, but that these cases in particular aren't examples of that makes me a stormfronter?

>Except I wasn't.

>He was just selling cd's!
>Police were responding to a report that a man that was dressed in a red shirt was selling CDs, and that he had used a gun to threaten someone outside a convenience store

>Good job omitting the fact that one of those people were stopped because their tail light was broken so you look less wrong, too.

I left it out because it was the exception, and he still wasn't shot because of his tail light, he was shot because he refused the officers orders after telling him he had a gun to get out of the car, and instead reached for his pocket. It's sad, but it's absolutely justified.

>It's interesting that literal school shooters are usually caught alive even if they threaten officers' lives,

Show me a single school shooter who threatened police with a weapon and was just allowed to go free? Procedure in an active shooting is to warn them somehow (one warning), then shoot, they don't even need to threaten an officer, because they've already proven they're a threat to the public.

School shooters who survive tend to be because they disarm and let themselves be arrested, the ones that don't either shoot themselves or get shot by police.

No. 108981>>108982

To date the US Federal Government has spent somewhere in the region of $3-4 trillion on programs, projects, welfare etc aimed primarily at black recipients since the LBJ reforms of the 1960s.

No. 108982

File (hide): 1472811216939.jpg (179.08 KB, 589x907, PISA 2012.jpg)

To put this into perspective, it was easier for the ESA to land a probe on Titan and for NASA to send Voyager 2 to the edge of the solar system than it is to bring about equality of outcome between the races in matters like crime, education etc.

Accepting we're just fundamentally different is the first start. Not all people are equal. Not all races are equal.

No. 109177>>109179>>109210>>109214


>Can you source it?

I thought I had originally in my previous post, but looking at it again I only provided a cite. Here it is, it's open access: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0141854

>Which amendment is this?

4th, 5th, and 6th. Also the 14th under due process. Most of it revolves around the 4th, though, which protects citizens from "unreasonable search and seizure" by the government.

This is also where the 14th amendment comes in; the argument is that if police don't follow the rules (as they have been interpreted by the Supreme Court) they are unreasonably depriving you of your life without you getting "due process of law," (i.e. a person accused of a crime is entitled to a trial before a jury of his/her peers)

So yeah, the relevant legal doctrines mostly consider excessive force by state actors an unreasonable seizure by the state of a suspect's life w/o a conviction.

>See the word "and"? It's not "or"

Are you in law enforcement, just out of curiousity? That's an interpretation argument cops usually make when they get sued. It's wrong, but it's a decent point to raise in front of a judge.

There's also the issue of whether cops SHOULD kill people every time they legally CAN: the standards that govern use of force right now give them loads of room for discretion.

Where people come down on this usually has to do with how much value they put on the safety of police vs. the importance of the constitutional rights of the people being policed.

>Is it disproportionate?

The study I linked suggests that it is:

>"There is no relationship between county->level racial bias in police shootings and >crime rates (even race-specific crime >rates), meaning that the racial bias >observed in police shootings in this data >set is not explainable as a response to >local-level crime rates."

The fact that the author goes as far as to examine race-specific crime rates in his (her?) analysis is pretty telling. Blacks are disporportionately shot in the final analysis.

>"Fuck the police" culture

The problem with asserting that this is somehow ingrained in black culture is misguided. It's not an inherent feature of african american culture so much as it is a reflection of survival mechanisms that poor people develop.

It's been framed like this (the TL;DR conclusion, anyway):

"Take a bunch of teenage boys from the whitest, safest suburb in America and plunk them down in a place where their friends are murdered and they are constantly attacked and threatened. Signal that no one cares, and fail to solve murders. Limit their options for escape. Then see what happens."

There's also a more lengthy (and honestly much better written) explanation of why this purported problem with black culture isn't even really black. it's written by

/pol/ trigger warning

Ta-Nehisi Coates

in The Atlantic. He compares it to D&D and LOTR. It's a long read, but he's a decent writer.


No. 109179


jfc I can't greentext to save my fucking life

No. 109206

Primark? Where are you from?
>who want to listen to him
Myself and a lot of other deeper thinking people.

>unified anti-corporate/anti-establishment movement

I-I don't even know what to say. I offer this cringe compilation instead, hoping it might trigger you.

No. 109208>>109209

>There are too many unarmed bodies piling up. The problem isn't that cops are secretly trying to kill black people and get away with it, they aren't doing that.

The problem is that they overreact when they're scared and blast black people at a disporportionate rate.
Out of how many people in the us are shot while being black and unarmed? Any statistics to back that? Is it an epidemic or what?
I love using videos to get my point across, so here is a triggering conservative white male discussing the more well known cases individually.

No. 109209

>The problem is that they overreact when they're scared and blast black people at a disporportional rates.
This part belongs to >108889

No. 109210>>109212

>Take a bunch of teenage boys from the whitest, safest suburb in America and plunk them down in a place where their friends are murdered and they are constantly attacked and threatened. Signal that no one cares, and fail to solve murders. Limit their options for escape. Then see what happens.
It's important to ask who exactly is committing the murders.
Who exactly is attacking and threatening them?
No one cares? Who are the people who don't care? What's stopping them from starting to care?
Limit their options for escape? Poor communities aren't surrounded by walls. What prevents them from moving into another low cost and low violent crime area?
Who are you talking about? The police or the people in the community themselves?

No. 109212

God…why do I keep forgetting to clear the YouTube link box.
Sorry I keep spamming that video everyone.

No. 109214

>The problem with asserting that this is somehow ingrained in black culture is misguided. It's not an inherent feature of african american culture so much as it is a reflection of survival mechanisms that poor people develop.

This just isn't true. It is unique to blacks. Look at the crime rate of WV whites by comparison who are materially poorer than many black inner cities.

No. 109788>>109804

I'm anticipating BLM protesters interrupting a 9/11 memorial ceremony, reprimanding people for mourning the loss of life due to the terrorist attacks when so many black lives have been lost since then due to the terrorist group we call our police force!! or some shit like that

No. 109804>>109809

>I'm anticipating BLM protesters interrupting a 9/11 memorial ceremony

probably not going to happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. A significant part of their platform is basically 'fuck America'

No. 109809>>115370

i actually wouldn't be surprised. on 9/11 now most SJWs moan on twitter about how whitey deserved it and that the destruction we brought to the middle east was far worse.

No. 115370

And as an Indian Muslims have brought destruction on my nation for centuries

No. 115585

Why does every white liberal want to play nanny?
Bad shit happens in life, life isn't fair, oh fucking well, if anyone needs to grow up it's you.

No. 115633>>115672

Ever since they were fucking terrible to Bernie Sanders at his rally, I've just lost all respect for their group. He was willing to let them talk after he finished what he was saying, but NOPE. Not good enough. They had to repeatedly interrupt him, badger him and take his fucking stage. They were all incredibly rude.

Sure, maybe try to say that it's just a few extremists making these headlines and that's not representative of the entire group. But the more I hear about them, the more it seems like it just is a group made up of extremists.

Ofc I can only voice my true opinion on an anonymous image board, because it's "racist," and the way the right talks about it doesn't help.

No. 115672

It's funny because Bernie was probably the only candidate that took them seriously.

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