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No. 1008343

How was your year? How do you feel about this year ending? Are you excited or sad? Did you learn anything new? Had new experiences? Post any related thoughts here. You are free to share as much or as little as you want. It can be positive or negative, it's up to you. Resolutions go in another thread.

No. 1008357

My year felt like just another 2020. And 2022 will probably be the same. I got fatter and more frustrated with life. Very few good things happened. Maybe I'm negative but nothing that nice ever happened.

No. 1008365

It was a lonely romanticless year for me, but I learnt so much about myself and finally got into my first graduate job in September after feeling hopeless in 2020. I saved a fifth of what could be a deposit on a house and finally started my pension. Only positive vibes for 2022.

No. 1008370>>1008372

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My year was horrible in nearly every respect and I'm glad it's over. Chronic illness, crime, family drama, family death, multi-pronged work dysfunction, you name it. However, the next year can always be worse.

No. 1008372>>1008374

I'm sorry you had such an awful year anon. I hope 2022 is kinder to you

No. 1008374

Thanks nonnie, I hope you have a kind 2022 as well.

No. 1008379

I'm glad this year is ending, I need a fresh start. my year hasn't been dreadful but I've had to learn some hard lessons, had some big disappointments, my depression came back full force and had moments I thought I may need to be hospitalised. I also had some great moments! moments that lead to heartache once they were over though. I learned this year I can't hate myself better, or happier.

No. 1008392

I'm glad this year is over yet I have no hope for 2022. It's just going to be another shit year of COVID and personal shitty situations.

No. 1008460

I got a shitty haircut some days ago, so that really settles the mood of what my year was.

No. 1008462>>1008472

Depression, disappointment, loneliness. I've been saying I'm going to change every new year since I was 18. I still try because I'm not suicidal yet. See you in 2022 for another shitty year!

No. 1008464

My year was balanced I think. It started off really well but during the middle it went to complete shit. I relapsed in my depression, there was some retarded friend drama that happened due to an instigator in our group (we resolved it thankfully but not without casualties), and I wasn't nearly as productive as I hoped I'd be. It's ending pretty well too which makes the awful middle not seem so bad now. To every anon who had a bad 2021, I'm sorry and I hope next year is kinder to you.

No. 1008472

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Same. See you there nona!

No. 1008722

I doubled my salary, got the guy I've been stalking for years to notice and date me, lost my 2020 weight and then some, and my Animal Crossing island looks awesome. 10/10 year.

No. 1008735

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2/10 would likely not do again somehow 2020 was better and the end of 2020 was miserable, but not compared to the latter half of 2021

No. 1008757

It was half and half. I got a much better job that even gives me time for my hobbies, and I’m signed up for university classes in the springtime. On the other hand I have no friends and I feel like I’m drifting away from my family, too. Next year I need to buy an apartment or some kind of condo and I dread doing that without any family support.

No. 1008817>>1008842>>1009212

I'm less healthy and way poorer this year than the years before. Only good thing that happened is that I can now poop regularly. Awful year.

No. 1008842

That's still something, can't buy regular shits

No. 1008846

I learned to stop being terminally online, and stopped using most forms of social media. I did gain a bit of weight but I attribute it to winter season, but no anachan mindset here! I began journaling and tracking my spendings along with improving my relationship with my family. All's left to do is finish college in 2021.

No. 1008970>>1009067

I literally didn't even notice it passed

No. 1009056>>1009976

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Damn it's already 2022? This year went by quick.

No. 1009067

No. 1009091

My year sucked. I graduated in the middle of a pandemic crisis at 26. Life kinda sucks right now

No. 1009206

My year had some big challenges but some worthwhile successes too, so I don't feel dissatisfied with it but wish the worst parts hadn't happened. I tried to get back into language study but didn't do so great after an initial burst of productivity. The best part of the year was finally being able to move somewhere pet friendly and adopt two pets, and I wouldn't trade that for anything at the very least.

No. 1009212

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blessed be the poops, nonny.

No. 1009402>>1009411>>1009507

Shittiest year of my life. fucked up so many things, so many missed opportunities and failures, being suicidal for good 3 months, what little social skills i had completely disappeared after the quarantine also i am fat now. Fml

No. 1009411>>1009507>>1009566

Samefag I also became materialistic af. I literally can’t stop buying stupid random things like a retard as if i can fill the hole inside with stuff

Repost for sage

No. 1009432

extremely bad year for me. made some of my worst decisions in a long time. did I learn from them? I guess so. but I feel stupid more than anything. I do think it was an important year for me though.

No. 1009434

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2021 was a good year, a difficult one but I made it! I hope everyone here will have a better year in 2022. I love you all.

No. 1009486

Mixed bag for me, there were some great moments (new job, bought an apartment and finally saw my favorite band live), but I think all the isolation from the successive lockdowns fucked my brain and all the progress I made the past few years was set back to zero, I'm an asocial mess and I don't have many friends left, my depression flared up for the last three months after being dormant for years. I'm not expecting much from 2022, I'll settle down quietly while trying not to off myself due to Covid restrictions.

No. 1009487

I was isolated, not because of covid but because that's just a consistent theme in my life. Isolating myself because of whatever underlying issues drive me. It's been much of the same really. Other people are complaining about covid holding them back from living but for me I know the cause of my stagnant life runs pretty deep.

I got a grant for work on my house, I managed to get through weeks of strange workmen coming and going. That was a challenge but glad I sucked it up and coped with it. I spent a couple nights away during the work, timed during the noisiest parts of it. Booked a hotel and had a lil solo trip that was probably the highlight of my year.

I didn't give in when my dad attempted to waltz in walk all over me after being absent for a while. That's a cycle I'm glad to be breaking. Saved myself a very uncomfortable visit from him.

Low point was when I lost my shit over an ex reaching out and using my dad as a middleman. I got drunk a handful of times to deal with the stress and then swore off alcohol. Haven't had alcohol since the summer. Good decision considering I've never been a social drinker. I would drink infrequently but still.. always when alone and stressed.

Also in the summer I met a guy that I'm crushing on. Nothing happened. I still bump into him sometimes and I still feel something. I'm hoping next year I can make at least baby steps in making friends or maybe even a partner when chance meetings seem to be handed to me like that. I feel like a couple of social/romantic opportunities slipped through my hands this year, through my inaction and the fact that I think my walls are much too obvious. Overall, more boundaries needed with my dad, but I should let my walls down more in general. Those are the main lessons I'm left with.

No. 1009507

No. 1009566

I already posted muh sum up of the year but left this out, I'm thirding this. Buying small shit as a pick me up… but doing it so often that I'm pissed at the amount it probably added up to over the year.

A social void, a love void, a family void. I know no amount of stuff can fill it, but watch me keep trying anyway. Tard spending

No. 1009976

This is beautiful, who's the artist?

No. 1010254>>1010256

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Just got this notification, well i guess this was my year.

No. 1010256

This made me fucking wheeze. Brought tears to my eyes. Happy New Year, nonny.

No. 1010262>>1010314

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Best year so far. Sort of completed my resolutions. Been a lot more comfortable in my skin, and the confidence boost has made such a huge difference. Got really into seals out of nowhere. Still need to draw more and waste less time on here. Glad I didn't kml.
Happy new year nonnies

No. 1010265>>1010281>>1010299

I finally broke up with my boyfriend. No other reason than the relationship running on fumes and feeling like he didn't love me anymore, just kept me around for comfort. I'm currently living with family while looking for an apartment. Got a new job, but not a steady one, so the future looks really uncertain and kind of scary since I'll be standing on my own feet and living alone for the first time ever.

My ex has messaged me on how he's experiencing depression and insomnia for the first time in his life since I left. This guy who constantly told me to "just cheer up" or "please don't be sad, you're going to make me sad" now wants me back or at least stay friends. I don't know how to deal with it yet. I'm just mad because I was forced to break up due to his indifference, and he could have prevented all this if he just gave a damn about me when we lived together.

The year has been quite sad and frustating due to all of this as well as the pandemic making everything relating to moving away and getting a new job so much harder. Due to me always having lived with roommates or my boyfriend, no one really thinks I can do anything on my own. I'm scared of potentially failing and having to rely on others again. There's a weird pressure and sadness going into 2022, because I feel like I have to prove something due to all the decisions I made this year.

No. 1010279>>1010315

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-began dating my last bf
-quit my job
-started at a new job
-begin recovering from malnourishment
-broke up with bf
-adopted another kitten
-consistently worked on some personal projects
-emotionally supported my friends in need

I'd give this year 3.5/5 stars. if it were a movie, I would not care to watch again as it was kind of boring.

No. 1010281>>1010348

Don't buy into his "wuwu I'm sad now bc you not here" shit. Men will take for granted your presence and comfort, and only walking away will trigger any sort of regret, and not for you, but for your services.

You will naturally have a hard time adjusting and that's okay. Let the new year be a year of growth and wisdom.

No. 1010299>>1010348

>he's experiencing depression and insomnia for the first time in his life since I left. This guy who constantly told me to "just cheer up"
Had this happen but with my dad lol. He spent years thinking my legit depression was me being an emotional woman, just cheer up.. heard it a million times. I don't tell him shit anymore. Stopped telling him anything years ago. Fast forward to now, moms gone, he's retired, we all have busy lives and commitments so he's lonely and depression is actually a real thing that he has. Just like that depression is real.

It's hard to care when they've been the exact person to not give a fuck about your lows. Stay strong anon. Don't let him pull you backwards. He'd only appreciate you for 5 mins before old habits will return.

No. 1010314

I’m glad you’re starting to love yourself. I want to start drawing as well but ‘starting to draw’ sounds so broad you couldn’t know where to start. Regardless, treat yourself well in 2022 and we will both become amazing artists one day jajaja

No. 1010315

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>it was kind of boring
You had a relationship start and end in the same year.. I've spent the last 6 months wondering if I should even flirt with this guy I have my eye on kek. Not too shabby anon.

No. 1010348

Thank you for your support, anons! Sorry to hear about your dad >>1010299 it's such a sour thing to experience. Wish you all the best!

No. 1010866

I'd rate my year a strong 6/10. There was alway something shitty going on. I started off living with my ex and getting tinnitus but I was a few months into my proper first job that was nicely paid. Then the job got REAL shitty quick but I moved into a perfect apartment of my own, then I got a nice new job at the same pay but started a slew of health issues.

Right now I've been waiting 8 days for my day 2 pcr test results after travelling and have spent christmas and will now spend NYE without friends so it's ending on a low. I just need to sort my health out and I'll be on my way to being a content individual with an OK life. THEN I can work on making my life better than average. Baby steps.

No. 1010894

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The bad: I had a mental breakdown, left my job and cosy apartment and moved back in with my parents in our shithole country that I fucking hate to be a friendless mentally ill NEET.
The good: I didn’t lose anyone, I’ve never looked better, my family loves me, and I’m taking baby steps towards recovery.

All in all, I’m daring to be a little excited about 2022.

No. 1010933

>How was your year?
My close friends/family/pets all stayed alive, I got a good job, avoided Covid, solid 7/10
>How do you feel about this year ending?
Like I didn't do enough.
>Are you excited or sad?
Kind of numb because everything is OK, and when I'm comfortable I don't know what to do with myself except obsess about my flaws and create anxious disaster scenarios in my head.
>Did you learn anything new?
Therapy can actually help me. The solution to stress from over thinking is to DO Stuff, not spiral into a fresh web of re-thinking my paralyzing thoughts. Learned a little more about music too!
>Had new experiences?
My new job has led to a lot of new experiences which I am still coping with though they're all good things. I might actually have a career trajectory for the first time in my life which is scary but exciting. My relationship feels stagnant and my body issues are at an all time high, my new years resolution is to go back to therapy because my mental illness is suddenly my biggest problem in life.

No. 1010959

It was alright. My job went back to normal, after major interruptions last year due to covid. I drifted away from some of my friends. I got angrier about certain things. I did a lot of art.
I went for a lot of walks in the forest. I went on lolcow for the first time in about 3 years, and found that it was a good place to vent when I needed it.

No. 1011286

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Good: The only thing I'm proud of is me starting my internship and getting praised because I learned quickly with few mistakes.
I really needed that because I always feel like I'm a retard who is doomed to fail, even if I know it's just my irrational anxiety.
Bad: still have awful internet addiction even though I don't use large social media sites. Embarrassing.

No. 1011302

2021 was insane for me. I had to repeat a semester of uni, I had the craziest hookup of my life, I got my heart broken, I finished my degree, I dated a male stripper, I walked straight into a job in my field and blew my bosses expectations far and away, and I started saving proper money for the first time in my life. I’m hoping that next year brings some stability, and with that a better exercise routine, good career opportunities, and more deserving love interests.

No. 1011314

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Finally saw my bf after a year and a half of COVID bullshit, went back to his house again, passed some classes, and got engaged.

No. 1011317>>1011332

betty white dying the last day of 2021 really sums it all up. good riddance

No. 1011332>>1011339>>1011605

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No. 1011339>>1011373

I think she intended for it to be "good riddance" to 2021, not Betty White.

No. 1011373

Ah, I see. Sorry anon!

No. 1011514>>1011520>>1011527>>1011563

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Happy new year everyone! Here for this 2022 to treat us all better than 2021. Love you nonettes

No. 1011520

You too nonna! Happy new year everycow

No. 1011527

You too nonette! Here is to a good and healthy year for all.

No. 1011545>>1011581

I made salmon lasagna, brie salad and apple cake for dinner. Family loved it. I like cooking. Will do it more this year.

No. 1011563>>1011569

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10/10 best year of my life because this was the year I was able to get away from most of the terrible people in my life and meet new and wonderful people who genuinely care. Though I'm sure 2022 will be better because that's when I'll finally move houses for the first time in my life! I'm very excited, and I really do think 2022 will be the best year of my life. I have many things to look forward to. >>1011514
Happy New Years!

No. 1011569

Aw, so cute. Love to see nonnies doing well for themselves. Here’s to an even better year!

No. 1011570

I wasted my year again, like I have been doing since school days

No. 1011581

>salmon lasagna
I don't know why my mind is so blown by the thought of fish lasagne. but it is

No. 1011588>>1011595>>1011643>>1011660>>1012086

I was just reading through my diary entries of this year, and rediscovered innumerable musings on my incompetence in social situations or the pain depictions of love in media inflicted on me. I no longer relate to this whatsoever. I have made so many friends and became so social again, just like when I was a little girl, but better. I have grown so much to the point people call me the most social person they have ever met, or christen me a social butterfly. I have networked so extremely much and traveled abundantly. I met up with strangers and went on adventures with them, I experienced an extremely romantic and fun summer romance with a cute guy, I met my first boyfriend and lost my virginity, all whilst I sobbed at the image of two people in love in movies because I didn't believe that would ever apply to me. I now have a boyfriend, friends and I am even surrounded by loving family when just a few months ago I was constantly trying to run away from my abusive household. I'm very proud of myself and will definitely return to the thread to share more reflections of this ilk.

No. 1011595

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So proud of you!! This unicorn is just for you.

No. 1011605

lol yeah i meant good riddance 2021 because its a shit year

No. 1011643>>1011646

Did that happen in a span of a year? Best wishes

No. 1011646>>1011660

It did! It kind of shocked me to realise. Likewise

No. 1011653>>1011676

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Weird year. Lots of good. Lots of bad. Working through trauma and healing. On my period, I have the coof, and I'm playing Minecraft right now. Strange times.

No. 1011660>>1011672

damn that gives me hope. how old r u nonnie?

No. 1011662

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Its the year I've accomplished the most and made the most progress in the year. Also the juxtaposition of it being most close to ending my life and planning for it.
Right now I'm doing good and cautiously optimistic for 2022. Don't make me eat my words 2022.

No. 1011669

Happy new year everyone, I hope we all have a better 2022.

No. 1011670

It started off…okay…?

>spent my time knitting and watching anime as new years hit, went for a walk in frost and starlight

>got addicted to sauerkraut in my packed lunch
>got stopped by police for being a sigma female (walking suspiciously/autistically)
>Fell through ice whilst playing and had a great time with a girl I literally just met on a Valentines’ day evening
>got into piano again
>snuck out at night to literally just lie in the snow and trespass on old property, was fantastic
>learned a lot of skills, cooked more, drove a car, ‘adult’ stuff
>turned 18 early in the year, cried about ‘muh wasted childhood’
>built dens and collected foraged stuff until a creepy scrote ruined it for me
>crammed for exams
>spent a long time walking in no direction between villages, just enjoying the sun and taking breaks in streams
>realised people at school cared about me and I really did have friends
>found an old nintendo 3ds with pictures and videos my sister and i took before she left home at 16 to be elsewhere, cried a lot over the past
>the whole family moved here from Bulgaria, le epic family reunion
>gave up social media and internet for Lent, realised it took up too much time
>got more confidence in myself and am more comfortable with socialising
>stopped trying to cure myself of homosexuality with subliminal audios, hurtful aversion therapy or changing my inner monologue
>stopped forcing myself to be feminine (instead of U N N A T U R A L. MA S C U L I N E. W O M A N)
>applied for jobs
>graduated high school
>had my first psychotic episode since i was 16 instead of just casual hallucinating
>got into a dark place, thought about suicide a lot because reasons
>sought help, trying to manage ocd and stuff but i live with it
>realised im having to take a gap year, feel like shit, my sister a year below me makes fun of me for it
>went to a family wedding and appreciated family more, met a lot of aunties and uncles
>struggled with being girlfriendless but coped by writing girls love romance and reading Iori Miyazawa
>burned all my fan fiction and vent diary entries in case I got hit on the head with a branch and died on the way back from the supermarket and my family went through my stuff
>join a soccer team, begin to love it and come out of my shell, get a large crush on this girl who looked 18 like me but was actually like 30 oopsie, learn new skills
>started waking up early to follow a routine, getting stuff done, exercising, and leaving time to goom at the end of the day
>got a healthy relationship with food and exercise, avoid algorithm based social media
>even got a little muscle yea boi
>picked up my ‘hobby language’ again
>my sister starts to hate me and distance herself after an argument, feels bad
>realise a gap year means I can learn skills, get money from working, and relax a little
>mental illness symptoms are lessened by healthier lifestyle changes, gratitude, and not bottling dark stuff in
>decided not to be a doormat
>talk to God more, felt healed reading the His word
>went to Christmas with family, realised how much I love my family
>decided what i wanted out of life

I would say it’s gone pretty well, it’s nice to see myself blossoming into a stronger person but sad to see myself leave my childhood and old life behind too

No. 1011672

I'm 18

No. 1011676

Kind of samefagging but I really hope you heal anon, in many ways. I have a feeling you are going to mine many diamonds in 2022 ♥

No. 1011680>>1011693

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hey anon,
You made it through 2021. You’re tough as hell. You deserve to find what you’re looking for. You deserve to be treated better. You deserve to be loved for who you are.
I hope that in 2022, and the following years, you will find happiness and meaning. You are a really great person & there are a lot of good things on the horizon for you. Keep going, because you can do it.

No. 1011682>>1011694

I feel like it was a very neutral year; neither omgamazingwowwonderful nor omgthatwasawfulfuck things happened so I'm grateful. Honestly, my every days have blurred because I haven't done anything of note which isn't good. I said last year that I was going to study to get a new job but I haven't done that and it makes me feel bad and lazy for not doing it. On the other hand, I moved to another apartment from a smaller one and even though this one isn't hugely bigger than the other, it's got a nice balcony with a nice view. Nothing interesting going on in my personal or romantic life, but I did acquire a fwb that I get along with well in every way. (Please don't hate me, anons, but I just want sex and some companionship and I don't want the responsibilities of a relationship right now.) There are a lot of things, old and new, that I want to accomplish. That means that I want to spend less time slacking off and more time being productive. Good luck, anons, and (almost) happy new year!

No. 1011693

Love this pic!!!! Happy new year girlies!

No. 1011694

Nah I don't blame you for having a fwb, hoping your next year is amazing nonn

No. 1011696

The new year scares me for all the newfound responsibilities I will have… But I hope things are temporary and I can make better art. I will strive to thrive and I know the first 6 months might be difficult but I'll do my absolute best

No. 1011715

I've been very happy with this year. Nothing spectacular really happened, although I guess getting a new salaried job would count, but it just doesn't take a lot to make me happy anymore.

I still have a roof over my head, I still get to eat nice, hot food and sleep in a warm bed at the end of the day. My parents come home safe every night, and I come home to my senior dog still with us. It's really lame, but after my last girlfriend broke up with me at the end of 2018, my life has been on an upward trajectory. Things are not super amazing, but they have been enough. When the pandemic hit in 2020, just being able to end the year with all of my friends and family with me was the greatest thing.

I do not need the universe to give me much of anything. There are bad day and there are good days, and I get to be here to experience it all. Being alive is a gift, and I'm grateful I got to have another year of experiences.

No. 1011717

Good things
>got a new job which is right up my alley and has a schedule that maximizes my free time
>made a really good friend, which is insanely rare for me
>received a windfall of about 20k

Bad things
>binge/restricting as usual but was mainly stuck binging and gaining weight
>barely been exercising
>losing interest in my hobbies, feel really guilty and stressed and sad over it
>couldn't travel at all
>had braces the whole time, they're coming off in Feb

This year should be very different but fuck knows if it will be better. I was planning on moving out in Oct, couldn't because of covid - but that's kind of a blessing since I've been able to save money since then. So I'm going to renovate and splurge on furnishing it as perfectly as possible. I feel like moving out will be a big catalyst for change… it could be a disaster as I'm not used to looking after myself, but who knows? It could mean better eating since I have more control over what I keep in the house. I might consider dating or having sex. I can invite friends over and be more social. At the very least I'll be a 'real adult' and can be proud of that.

No. 1011725

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2021 was pretty clutch for me. Grew closer with my partner, made some great food, took some really nice trips, went to the beach for the first time and multiple times, hung out with so many friends, discovered a local yoga studio, paid down a shit-ton of my loans, got more control of my spending habits.

And finally, closing out the year with getting hired for my first salary job. Next year, I turn 30! So excited for my future.

No. 1011735

222 is my angel number, so I have high hopes for this year. Cheers everyone

No. 1011743

2021 was pretty rough for me even though I can't really think of anything explicitly bad that happened (other than the pandemic obviously). My suicidal ideation was the worst its ever been and I know that there's no guarantee that a new year will make any difference to how I've been feeling. Nonetheless, I hope everyone has a happy 2022 and 22 is my lucky number so I hope that's a sign for something. I'm sure that it isn't just me and that things have been really rough for a lot of us, so I'm rooting for all of us to make it through another year regardless of how tough or lonely it might be. Thanks for being here for me nonas.

No. 1011757>>1011776

Started off 2021 with hope. Ended it contemplating suicide. I ran in circles attempting to fix my life and ended up worse off than before. Everything I did was a mistake. I'm not about to off myself, but I don't dare hope anymore.

No. 1011770

Really really great year (personally), and then last month of the year I had a mental breakdown/relapse. Starting early 2022 off in a residential program and gonna come out swinging at the new year

No. 1011776

The exact fucking same. My new year’s resolutions? Don’t get your hope up. In fact, don’t have any hope at all.

No. 1011829>>1011833

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I spent literally all of 2020 locked up in my room for 14 hours a day, I only spent half of 2021 locked in my room for 14 hours a day.

I'm improoving, just slowly.

No. 1011833>>1011834

I am very proud of you + any improvement is better than none + kek picrel

No. 1011834

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No. 1011835

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No. 1011837>>1011839>>1011845

2021 was kinda lonely but I started to really prioritize myself

No. 1011838

the 1st half was one of the worst years so far for my mental health
>psychotic episode in which i fear getting murdered
>panicking about my loved ones getting hurt
>paranoid feelings of being watched
>actually got hacked
>dropped out of uni, quit waging, unemployed
>went on antidepressants, felt nothing, couldn't sleep, got insomnia, digestion fucked up, sex drive gone, feelings of hopelessness
the last few months got better though
>managing my brain, thoughts and feelings, healing traumas and learning lots of lessons
>got a job and it pays a bit more than minimum wage
>went back to school
>getting back into my hobbies
>befriended 4 people
>held my boundaries

No. 1011839>>1011845>>1012148>>1012167>>1012180

With an attitude like that no wonder you where alone

No. 1011845>>1011850>>1012121

Fuck what this ugly bitch >>1011839 said, good job. There’s only person you’re always gonna have to lean on and that’s yourself, so you better put them first.

No. 1011850

Thanks nona, I don’t know what’s wrong with the other anon but I’m going to take it as meanspo to keep myself my top priority because why should I let someone like that affect me

No. 1011852

Honestly, 2021 was pretty good for me, despite the pandemic. I finally worked the entire year full time despite having a very hard time getting any kind of job the previous years, managed to get a better job at some point because I started with a call center job, I had enough free time to hang out with friends once the lockdown/curfew was over in my country, I played a bunch of video games I liked a lot and I have now less video games in my backlog, I'm wasting less time online by starting a tumblr blog where I just post whatever I want and follow nobody at all. I saved a lot of money in case anything happened to me. The only real issue would be that I still don't have my own place to live and living with my family is draining but that's nothing new, and with my current situation I could be very close to finding an apartment I'll like. If there weren't any pandemic I'd say it'd be one of better years I 've had so far.

No. 1011853

it was my first really truly shit year in a few years. i feel like i'm back waiting for things to happen to me and losing control over my own life.
>worked from home the entire year, lived alone but was joined at the hip with my ex who was my only friend who lived nearby
>boss fucked me over in the summer so i couldn't go on holiday long enough to see my family that i haven't seen in over 2 years
>flu fucked me over a few days before my planned trip to see my family for christmas
>spent the entire year in a garbage depression apartment dealing with immigration bullshit and being harangued into sex by clingy ex
>when i got sick not one irl friend asked me how i was doing the whole time i was sick
>while i was holed up in my apartment for the entire year, i got the privilege of watching my friends travel as if covid doesn't exist the whole time while i don't even get to see my own family
>immigration issues still there as of today, lowkey scared of deportation
>everything in my life is always hanging by a thread and i'm constantly dependent on people and jobs i hate but can't cut off

No. 1012004>>1012014>>1012017

I discovered some drum and bass music. I'm gonna go back to fasting.

No. 1012014

Drop the link

No. 1012017

are those two related? Does drum and bass help you forget about hunger?

No. 1012086>>1012450

How did you do it? Asking for a friend. Esp with the meeting new people thing.

No. 1012101>>1012123

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This past year has been shit for me but I'm trying to stay positive because I finally got a better paying, less stressful job. Having extra money will really turn 2022 around for me.

I'm hoping to save up some money to move up to NH/Mass later this year to be closer to my bfs family. I'm so anxious to get out of this shithole town I'm living in right now, even though I'm sad to leave my Southern state.

No. 1012120>>1012146

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A lot of highs and lows this year. I got married and we bought our first home. My dad disappeared for 6 months on a drug-fueled bender and tried to kill himself. His irresponsibility has ruined my mom's financial stability.

Probably my most mixed-bag of a year so far in my life.

No. 1012121>>1012148>>1012225

>Put yourself first even if you alone

No. 1012123>>1012125


Good luck with the move and new job, anon. I've lived all around the New England region and love it. Western Massachusetts is really cool. I hope you like it too.

No. 1012125>>1012133>>1012182>>1012186

I put my husband and children first.
Something you horrible borderline non-humans don't have.

No. 1012133>>1012148>>1012180

You can’t even reply to the right anon kek. Moron.

No. 1012146

Congratulations on the house and marriage anon! I hope 2022 treats you and your family better.

No. 1012148>>1012180

Nta, but we get it. You're a childish loser, you're unlikeable, you're ugly, you've made that abundantly clear. Picking on this one anon isn't going to improve your shitty life.

No. 1012167>>1012171

Attitude? What are you talking about? There’s nothing wrong with prioritizing yourself as long as it’s not hurting other people. This is a scrote-tier response.

No. 1012171

Exactly this

No. 1012180

I’m not that anon I’m
>>1012133 and I was calling >>1011839
A moron

No. 1012182


Anon, it kinda seems like maybe you're having this reaction because you wish your needs could be met better than they are currently. There's nothing wrong with caring for your family, but just remember that "you can't pour from an empty cup". I hope you find peace and your needs are met more by you and the people in your life in 2022.

No. 1012186

>has a husband and children
Sorry that you ruined your life forever

No. 1012188>>1012205

2012 has been an entire decade ago and in all aspects it feels entirely the same LOL
Will INDEFINITELY be a disgusting NEET browsing stupid INSIGNIFICANT Chinese cartoon frog forums FOREVER. I AM YOU IN THE FIGURE ANON. DONT FALL FOR THE NEET MEME.
Nothing if ever fulfilling. Pleaae value yourself.

No. 1012205

My friend, put the beer down and wash yourself. You’re only going to keep being a neet if you keep up that attitude.

No. 1012225

NTA but if you're truly alone there's literally nobody else you can put above yourself. Because there is no one else.

No. 1012227>>1012232>>1012255>>1012259

Normally I'm not a spiritual person but I have this weird spiritual-like feel that 2022 will be good not only for me but you nonnies too. Maybe it's because I have good things guaranteed this year or just wishful thinking, or simply because I think 22 is a pretty number tbh.

No. 1012232>>1012241>>1012255

Same, I don't believe in much of anything but for some reason I'm just wired to be into numbers.. I like even numbers and repeating numbers so…22 has my hopes up.

I do feel like my life gets stagnant during odd numbered years and moves more during even numbered years. I fully realize how retarded that all sounds but that's how I feel lol

No. 1012241>>1012255

I feel exactly the same, even if it is retarded. Maybe it's placebo. Not like it matters as long as we're feeling good I suppose.

No. 1012255

I will trust you anons. I want this year to be good to us all.

No. 1012259

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Thank you nonnie, cheers to that!

No. 1012450>>1012468>>1012491

I went outside. I traveled cheaply by bus and talked to the people next to me, I went to events at cafés I discussed on meetup where people congregated to discuss things I like, I attended events advertised on Instagram, I got a new job where I interacted with a lot of people, I made friends with the acquaintances of my friends and boyfriend. I actually met my boyfriend on a dating app. I don't recommend it but that's the only reason why I met him. As for the romance thing, he was a long-term online friend and we decided to just enjoy ourselves for the summer and meet up.

No. 1012468

That sounds great, like you really opened up your world in 2021. Congratulations Stacy, may I join your ranks soon too.

No. 1012491

an inspiration

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