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No. 100318

A thread for bitching about weebs/livingdolls you can't stand since people white knight too much in their own threads.

Bitch away

Who are you sick of?

No. 100324

All of them. All weebs are terrible.

No. 100337>>100343

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No. 100343

This. My anime/manga obsession is like a fucking disease.

No. 100364

All weebs are bad. Understand that weeaboos and wiggers are obverse sides of the same coin and it starts to make sense: Self-loathing, adoring alien culture etc.

No. 100368

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What would you consider a weaboo? Someone who who loves Japan and wants to be Japanese, or someone who reads manga, watch anime, play almost only japanese video games (not the ones that are made by westboos obviously)? Both categories can be equally annoying but the former is by far the worst from personal experience.

I was in an high school full of weebs because there was a special class where we could learn Japanese, I've seen some shit. Watching teenage weebs in their natural habitat was actually pretty fun now that I think about it.

No. 100375>>100433>>100502

I hate gamer weebs so bad. They make shitty moe characters and are obnoxious most of the time, when it's girls who play little girls i can understand and they behave themselves decently, but weebs can't keep their perversion to themselves. What is worst is when developers pander to these scum eg:Tera. The game is total pedofest and players leave this steaming pile of shit.

No. 100385

I love weebs tbh. I would never behave like that and they're cringy as fuck but also very entertaining. Sometimes I feel some kind of second hand happiness watching them being that socially unacceptable but also completely carefree.

No. 100386

Gonna be salty here

Venus because she's never been interesting since day one and not even all that cute


I wish she'd vanish


I wonder when her career will end

No. 100430>>100505

Every borderline /cgl/ anitwitter thot with this distinct pukeworthy pastel pink color scheme. Twitter is cunt central as it is, but these manage to take it to the whole next level.

They make decent lolcows though.

No. 100433

I read this just coming from the sao is shit video where he does exactly this in his gameplay

No. 100502>>100817

I haven't met any weeb pedophiles that play Tera. What's the difference between elins and lyns from B&S?

No. 100503


I'm proud to be a weeaboo. Fucking japs should be glad that a white girl pays them even a little bit of attention. Fuckin´ swami's, grrls fo sho.

No. 100505

Any good examples?

No. 100585

I think I loath attention whoring weeb tumblrinas. Specially the ones that are SO XD RANDOM and are constantly spamming their shitty fanart and ocs. God such insufferable bitches, they think they are remotely funny and are totally unaware of how cringey they actually behave. It's specially anoying when they get ultra-popular and they get a sequit of retards always licking their asses, no matter how pathetic they get. See Kylee Henke.

No. 100801

Mostly jvloggers. People who just like anime etc dont bother me, its the weebs who go to japan and say "this is how all japanese people are like" which irk me.

No. 100811>>100813>>100827>>100840>>101082

Girls on Tumblr with "kawaii"/"pale" blogs. Never met a community so generic and fake in personality. They all watch the exact same shows, listen to the same music, have similar ways of taking selfies, and they're honestly so basic and interchangeable. Very passive-aggressive, too. Some good examples are rnortal, ichigoflavor, bunsob, etc. The milk was plentiful when kawaiiburnbook was a thing.

"Ironic" weeb black men who enjoy vaporwave, are obsessed with DBZ, post/reblog hentai/ecchi and listen to Trap Lord Jinzo. They're a walking gimmick, an evolution from Josip On Deck. They're probably harmless in themselves, but something about them just irritates me on a spiritual level. They're almost smug.

Weebs who only like/care about super-popular shows like One Punch Man, Shingeki No Kyojin, Death Note and Sword Art Online, then go on to talk about how they're "suuuuch huge otakus xDDDDD anime is my life". Go hard or go home, bitch.

All those girls who post themselves in the "living doll" tag on Tumblr with their crappy makeup skills and huge chins and noses. Yikes, love yourself.

Cosplayers on Instagram who literally all look the same and Photoshop themselves until they look "Asian", even though they're whiter than a dollop of mayonnaise in the moonlight. See: Ahripop, that teenage girl who joked about "twisting nigger's heads off" on a stream and turned out to have the face of a potato IRL, etc.

Weebs who use dated emoticons like "^_^", "^-^", "o.o", "o.0", "xD", etc unironically in the current year. It strikes me as computer illiterate, somehow.

Weeb girls who have Patreone even though they do nothing but stream themselves playing games and/or cosplay. Any weeb girls who capitalize off the pockets of retarded, thirsty fanboys, really. The air of falseness puts me off.

Non-binary weebs on Tumblr with self-diagnosed autism who claim to "identify" as specific anime characters and say things like "Don't follow me if you ID with them/know anyone who IDs with them uwu". Your RP is not that deep. Your name is Brenda. You're a cishet 8th grader from Illnois. Calm the fuck down.

On that note, I also hate fakeboi weebs who demand special pronouns and pretend to be effeminate little anime boys even though they're obviously plain-faced young women with undercuts or short cosplay wigs. They have a habit of calling themselves "boys"/"pretty boys"/etc, never "men" and it just betrays their latent pedophilic tendencies and sexualization of the entire concept, tbh. They're literally the flipside of those middle-aged creeps like Stefoknee who fetishize the fuck out of women and young girls to the point of wanting to impersonate one.

There's probably more subgroups I'm forgetting. I have so much venom and spite inside me, honestly.

No. 100813

One more: YouTube J-dancers like AbiPop, anyone who was involved with DansaNoHimitsu back in the day, KimonoTime, Hayrii, etc. The girls in those little cliques are just….disgusting.

No. 100817>>100818

Th eonly think I know about Elins is that they are supposed to be "legal lolis" because they are hundreds of years old. Years ago they used to call this the "Sasami Clause". That it wasn't really pedophilia if the loli in question was actually centuries old.

However, Sasami was in suspended animation for centuries. She is still a little girl. I think Elins are like forest spirits so it is not the same. I'm not sure about Sasami in other Tenchi properties though.

I just find it weird, although not surprising at all. You'd think desperate guys would want the big boobed adult looking characters more. But there's always been a loli culture too.

But people will make excuses if they can by pointing out that a character is just very short and immature for her age, isn't human, or has a child's body but is centuries or more old. It's honestly just a way to get around the character looking like a child without anyone being called a pedo. It's still weird and creepy to me though. Because these characters are designed that way for a specific reason most of the time.

No. 100818

*The only thing
Damn benadryl…

No. 100820

Pretty much any of those who have an asian fetish.

They feed into the egomania of loons like /r/asianmasculinity, they make ordinary white people look bad through their obsequious ass-kissing and they're generally self-hating morons with mental issues.

No. 100827>>100834

Pretty much all of this. Except maybe the "ironic" weeb black men and the ones whose only problem is that they use dated emoticons because they're not too obnoxious compared to the others. Related to the nb weebs and the fakebois, I really hate the SJW weebs/geeks.

They're the biggest party pooper I've ever seen in my life. They're the kind of people who don't know what the fuck they're complaining about most of the time, and in the rare cases where they know the video game or animanga they're complaining about, they'll say the worst things about it ("it's sexist and promotes nazism!!1!1" or some shit), but they still spend a shit ton of money and time on said video game or animanga. And two weeks later they'll be gushing about their favorite character because they love them, but for the right reasons you guys! If someone else likes said "problematic" character they'll be all defensive because obviously they're the only one to like the character for the right, unproblematic reasons. They also have the tendency to talk about important subjects such as racism or sexism when it comes to they're favorite shows or video games, but you'll barely see them care as much about real people with real problems and who face real discrimination.

Some of the best examples I have for the SJW who complain about things they won't even buy or watch/read/play:
>people complaining about Bayonetta being too sexualized and thus insultng to women, even though she was designed to be some sort of cool self-insert Mary Sue by a woman
>people complaining about Quiet being sexualized and her outfit not making sense for the incredibly realistic setting, even though Metal Gear isn't realistic at all and there equal opportunity fanservice in the series
>Saying that magical girls are always about empowering female viewers and female characters even though some series are specifically made for an adult male audience and some Japanese women complained about how some magical girls shows are reinforcing the stereotype of girls having to be cute and feminine.

Maybe some day they'll learn how to complain about things they don't like without feeling like they need to write paragraphs to warn normal fans about how they're potentially problematic. A lot of weaboos are like that but many people who only care about western movies and series seem like that too.

No. 100834>>100838>>100841>>100960

>Saying that magical girls are always about empowering female viewers and female characters even though some series are specifically made for an adult male audience and some Japanese women complained about how some magical girls shows are reinforcing the stereotype of girls having to be cute and feminine.
Remember when some weeb made a Powerpoint slideshow talking about how ~empowering~ magical girls are, and when an actual Japanese girl deconstructed it, the weeb girl's followers started spamming her with death threats until she deleted her blog?
I don't even think they're concerned with actual discrimination, they just want to feel like they're fighting for a good cause, and immediately get defensive/angry when this notion is challenged.

No. 100838

Oh god, I still remember it like it was yesterday. The Japanese blogger also complained about how some cross dressing characters were considered trans by some of the American fans even though it didn't make any sense because of the stories and the context in which they were written. A lot of sane people were shocked by how she was harassed, though.

And yeah, SJW weebs don't give a shit about real people. This might apply to regular SJWs too. Even when it comes to fandom things they don't care. You have people crying about how there's no POC representation in manga and anime and then they make race bending fanarts of characters who are already Japanese or even just POC in general to make them look black (and really Americanized too). They're sometimes more insulting than actual bigots.

No. 100840

>"Ironic" weeb black men who enjoy vaporwave, are obsessed with DBZ, post/reblog hentai/ecchi and listen to Trap Lord Jinzo. They're a walking gimmick, an evolution from Josip On Deck. They're probably harmless in themselves, but something about them just irritates me on a spiritual level. They're almost smug.


It's the sum total of their personality, and too many people kiss their ass as a result of it.

No. 100841

I think this is a common thing among weebs. A lot of them enjoy anime but fundamentally can't accept the sort of biological essentialist stuff (very obvious definitions of femininity for example) that it encapsulates, so they construct a sort of parralel reality where anime is actually this really "progressive" thing and these things are produced "ironically".

Think about if a western company tried to make a female character as obviously and traditionally feminine as they are in many anime. They'd be crucified for it.

No. 100937

whoever started the fucking "every character from love live is trans/not japanese and should be more realistic!!!"

yes because japanese people dont have skintones. or bodytypes. or different eye/nose/face shape.
and theyve already started on the Aqours girls hold me

No. 100960>>100977>>101056>>101058>>101063>>102010

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I vaguely rememeber this.

Alot of these girls cherry pick the themes they like and put that on display, therefore romanticising the show to hell and back.

Sailor Moon is being hailed as a new wave feminist movement and praised its forward thinking.
Yet half these chicks hate Naoko for drawing Usagi and many of the characters naked/topless. They cant take it their innocent magical girl is fucking her magical boyfriend because thats not the character theyve made for themselves in a special bubble. Fuck what the creator thinks amirite, regroup next week good session.

No. 100968>>101060

The weebs I hate are the very specific breed of male to female transgender weebs. My brother is one of them.

No. 100977

If they think there's anything wrong with women being topless, they're not very progressive feminists.

No. 101056



They're quick to throw usagi's face on a "NO SLUT SHAMING" icon but they're getting upset about her showing some tit

oh ifs

No. 101058


It wasn't even just Sailor Moon. The 90s manga and anime Marmalade boy which was done by the same company as Sailor Moon for the anime.

The manga initiated that the couple had sex and the anime did too and this was a kids shows!

No. 101060

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>transgender weebs
end his life.
Or yours. Just end something.

No. 101063>>101074>>101728>>101790

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Even Naoko insisted that Sailor Moon was entertainment for teenagers.
I can't stand how regressive some weeaboos can be about sex and other odd themes in anime that trigger their sensibilities. The fact that strange and sexy things happen in anime is one of the reasons why I like anime so much.
I'm also a self hating weeaboo…

No. 101074

This gif is perfect, what's it from?

No. 101082>>102033

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>"Ironic" weeb black men who enjoy vaporwave, are obsessed with DBZ, post/reblog hentai/ecchi and listen to Trap Lord Jinzo. They're a walking gimmick, an evolution from Josip On Deck. They're probably harmless in themselves, but something about them just irritates me on a spiritual level. They're almost smug.

Ew that sounds like my ex, I can't stand how fucking smug those motherfuckers act.

No. 101728>>101793>>101795

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m8 you and me both.

What gets me bout the new wave of Sailor Moon fans is they dont really understand the show/manga or have barely seen it/read it. Theres alot of hate against Mamoru for the fact BUH MAN NO NO ALL LESBIANS because all these fan theories are now being treated as canon. Bisexuals exist, Usagi is heavily hinted at as this. Not acknowledging what Naoko wrote into the manga, which for the time it was put out and the restrictions she had Im amazed it got past. The fans fucking throw it in the trash though, barely fucking taking note that the shit they preach wanting is already there. Michiru and Haruka are the only ones praised an acknowledged because them being lesbians is the only complex thing they can understand.

(miht be whiteknighting Naoko but holy shit all this hate against her gets me)

No. 101790


What I can't understand right is how all these weebs getting upset over it are the ones who are into all this ddlg shit half the time

yet they're upset about a bit of tit showing? fgs

No. 101793>>101997


Not a SM fan here but yeah its one of those fandoms you would have had to have been engaged with during its limelight or followed properly to even understand (age wise).

Still though I like how the author made it more… mature? Gives it a unique flare and its nice I guess for the older ones who read it. Tbh most anime/manga has sexual references anyway. I don't see the big deal

No. 101795>>101796>>101874

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I thought it was common knowledge that Usagi is bisexual?
I mean it's so obvious in Crystal, by now everyone should have gotten the point

No. 101796

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Not as obvious as in the manga, but still

No. 101874>>102092

holy shit so usagi being bisexual is fucking canon? Daaaammmnn and I thought it was just me who was self-entering.

No. 101997

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With Manga you can get away with alot more, I guessing because you have to physically buy them so age restrictions can be addressed. I do like what Naoko did with the series though, whilst she did seem to be making it up at some points/really pushed for time she wasnt gonna let it dumb down the points she wanted to make.The gauzy art she made of Usagi and Mamouru is so cheesy.
Itd be interesting to know though, what other shows has this new wave grabbed onto?

No. 102010

I really do think anyone who hails sailor moon as "feminist" has never actually watched the show/read the manga and only knows about it from what they've seen on tumblr.

No. 102033>>102040>>102043>>102166

Yuck. Unless you're black yourself you're ruined.

No. 102040

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I want racist-chan to commit sudoku

No. 102043


Stormtrooper-hapa-chan is back quiz

No. 102092

There's reason people joke about Togashi being Naoko's lipstick and her being his beard. She was never really subtle with writing things like that, especially for the era that Sailor Moon was serialized in.

No. 102165>>102166

No one cares dickwad

Go back to stormtroop because no one on here cares

No. 102166>>102178>>102179

If you didn't care, you wouldn't have fucking replied to >>102033.

No. 102178


I'm actually a different anon moron

No. 102179


Also like the others said piss off out the thread if you don't like it

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