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No. 4796
>>4791thanks for creating this discussion space. as I posted over in the onision thread, I think allowing the separation to grow between the regular threads and tempcow as much as it has has been a mistake. Vixmas proved that.
I was in there live for the Vixmas event and the atmosphere and words were very much 'us vs them'. to me, we are all after the same goal, we are all farmers so it's a bummer this has happened. you can see this mentality in the recent comments that it's not on anyone to bring the milk across to the main threads: "not our problem".
to me, the occasional joke is not a problem, but rather what is likely a handful of spergs or even one or two who relentlessly post caps of Lainey or reeee over every bland word she says. like, fuck, it's basically doing Greg's bidding. the endless Lainey caps drove me mad and I reported them often.
same thing destroyed the Margo threads too, just Daphne sperging over and over by posting cringey caps and bitching about Margo's fat legs. btw, Daphne should be permabanned whenever she is detected, if that policy hasn't been enacted already. she's cancer to any discussion.
I personally think contained livestream threads are a good thing, because we don't all care about the mundane moments of Lainey's life. I also think moderation in the main thread is a good thing. but when a handful of users are being cringey and obsessive, can't they be dealt with as the actual problem? why is their freedom to post more important than the rest of ours? these spergs are the ones who should be run out of the threads, they are the ones who ruin it. it's not the posters as a whole imo.
anyway it's too late, now tempcow regulars see themselves as the cool kids and I can see their point, the main thread has become very restrictive in its tone. on the other hand, I don't want to read 1000 'tony' jokes to get to the milk either.
No. 4800
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>>4797It was in the main. Then she got flamed for posting a selfie. Like I get it, she shouldn't have done that but bashing her in several posts for it is just gonna spoil the milk. A simple report would have been enough.
No. 4802
>>4794I seriously doubt Vix was 'scared', or is scared now. She has a lot of drama and board experience. She's just part of the Tempcow crew (my guess) so she shared it with her crew.
Btw the obvious thing to note here is she exchanged text messages with him daily. There is SO much more milk to come.
No. 4805
>>4800Sorry I didn't mean it to sound like it didn't happen in the main as well. I should have acknowledged that it happened there too.
But I don't see why one person trolling or pushing their agenda has to translate into the whole thread being in the wrong? I mean, I never have no would I ever post shit like that. It's insanely frustrating for those of us who just want to get on with the business of dragging Greg to the ground.
Also I don;'t think Vix is that fragile. She has more board experience than many here. She can handle Becca or whoever this is.
No. 4806
>>4803Yeah, that is what I mean about people being mean just because they can. What exactly is the point of saying that other than to be a jerk?
Also, I don't know if Vix was "scared" or not, but if I were her, I would have been pretty put off and stop posting because of the hostility. Which is what she did and went to Temp. So it seems pretty counter-intuitive to insult people who are trying to provide a service.
No. 4810
>>4806Exactly my point. Milk is being "withhold" because some anons are unnecessarily catty about everything.
And I said it before but some anons are blowing this way out of proportion, there is no tempcow conspiracy against the main thread, just some overly salty anons on both sides and the majority of farmers in between that don't have an issue with anything as long as the milk finds its way into the main thread still, which as far as I can tell has happened.
No. 4813
>>4810Oh and samefag but I agree with
>>4793, I feel like the current admin cares a lot more about the site than the others before, but I am a long term user aswell and am not sure what is allowed to be posted at times anymore. And it seems to vary from thread to thread too. Some farmhands need to chill.
No. 4815
>>4814For that it could have been a mistake, there is a couple users who at times report over 50 posts a day. You may have been mixed up with one of them. Bans are the only way for us to "message" farmers.
The ban you received won't effect you in the future.
Remember you can always try to appeal bans. To appeal the ban or reply to what is said in the reason.
(Just thought I'd explain this one)
No. 4818
>>4815All the milk lately is purely because of temp. You couldnt get it in main.
Vix knew her info would derail main really hard, she took it to temp and yup, it made 3 threads.
The person who shared their Taylor texts was inspired by Vixmas
The screenrecorder on Taylor's private IG probably would only do it on temp. They asked if they should and 5+ anons expressed interest, then tons of thanks via reaction. Then posting about a good screengrab app. On main they would ask if they should and be met with "Do it if you want don't beg us for attention." They would've thought "ok, no one wants it," and fucked off.
People come forth with more info or volunteer to be the next Billie because they see sharing milk is cozy as fuck with the complainers gone. Main chased off Archiveanon and was horrible to Mac. Those people got away without bans too.
Milking cows will always work best with that /b/ style of troll board where people are free to be ridiculous and have fun. We're talking about a man honking a car horn with his diapered ass. Let the people shitpost, they've chosen what style they prefer while trust trying to laugh and relax after work. If you ever kill temp now i don't think you could ever have this amount of milk.
No. 4819
Firstly I want to say I love lolcow and have for a long time. Recently I've been using tempcow because i'm afraid of getting banned on the main thread or making people upset. I guess although I've read the rules and try to abide by them I'm still a little confused as to what's allowed or not, but I definitely dont want the main thread to die but I also really love the convince of temp cow and being able to talk in real time with other anons.
I'm also a little confused about the onision ot temp threads.
>>4816I think this anon has good idea about another thread for live shitposting since people do derail a lot in tempcow but at the same time I think that would take away from the fun of being able to talk with each other about silly onision things
No. 4823
People need a place they can derail or ask questions (like 'how do I record videos', or what 'should I say on Younow'), make fun, nitpick to their heart's content. A good number of people want to criticize Plain's makeup, I don't get it, but that's part of the milk to them. This is still a gossip chan-style site about laughing at weirdos on the net, of course people want to shitpost. Most people into lolcows don't want a serious discussion, they are looking for a laugh, some are stoned or drunk even
tempcow lately reminds me of old 4/b/ with memes, organizing in chaos, camaraderie, the feel of it. I never laughed so much here than on vixmas and one thread ended with fucked up fiona ascii, fucking beautiful. If you make a 3rd board for "shit posting," in a while 3rd-board will just be the milky temp of now.
No. 4824
>>4821One of the big problems I see is where to draw the line. People should definitely stop scaring away milk, but some anons get incredibly cringy with how they react with people bringing milk. Flirting, over-complimenting, kissing up it's just too much. That happened in the last few tempcow threads. There should be a limit to both sides in both tempcow and the main. Like
>>4816 suggested. That's what the Discord is for, isn't it?
No. 4825
>>4820thats why tempcow or something of the sorts is a necessity. there is no fun in milk if you cant comment on it or make jokes about it
>>4822i think one of the reasons vix went on tempcow is because it was just more fun for her to get instant reactions and questions to the stuff she was leaking. girl lives for internet drama this must have been a treat for her
No. 4826
>>4824This is why Vix info derailed
>>4822People want to comment and react: To Vix's farmer status, to each screenshot, to ask her questions, then react to answers; on main you'd get banned for derailing with the 20th "holy shit" reaction.
what you call "kissing up" or "flirting" were just anons loving that she was one of us, why do you even describe it that way and why does it bother you? It doesn't hurt you, and it wasn't actual flirting. So they canonized her in some poorly shoop'd pics, that's standard hyperbole for a chan-style board.
No. 4828
>>4826A few paraphrased examples, "Are you bisexual Vix, cause I love you", "missing out on good dick", "my boyfriend's dick is as thick as a soup can". The last two being so off-topic that it had nothing to do with Onision in an Onision thread. That was the point. The first one has relevancy because Vix was mentioned…that's as relevant as it got.
>>4827This. It got pretty bad.
No. 4844
>>4834Yes, seems to me the whole lot is just underaged. I love funny shitposting, but joke flirting, blog posting and all the like really puts me off.
SuMa SuMaRuM, I would prefer main thread only with new rules/posting guidlines.
No. 4845
>>4792Agreed. I think there is
too much shitposting on tempcow, but I prefer that to the stiff upper lips in the main thread and everyone yelling at each other and at people who could provide milk.
No. 4847
>>4845but that's the 'us vs them' thing again. it's more that the main thread is dead and any comments left in it are being over scrutinised. just because someone still posts in that thread doesn't mean they need to be painted with this brush.
I enjoy both comms but I don't have time to be in temp all day.
actually I was the one who started this thread and started the porting of the vix caps across. to say it was happening already wasn't true. the thread was dead af too and I thought I'd get banned for spamming caps (that happened already right?) so I stopped.
No. 5206
>>5182>discussionyou mean asking who [x] is constantly because the majority of y'all are newfags?
you mean constantly raiding onion streams and cowtipping and making us all look like idiots?
you mean constantly wishing harm on lainey and her kids?
you mean the retarded ass blogging and obsessive tinfoiling and speculation with no evidence?
Yeah I sure miss that lol
No. 5277
>>5271temp didn't generate milk, the onions did
however all that liveblogging did clog up the actual flow so I'm glad we're back on main.
No. 5291
>>5290tempcow isn't a secret place you realize everytime you newfags conspire to do shit to the onions all the lurkers see it and report back?
temp never cared about faxx or receipts; they are the same morons that said whatamI was 100% greg when there is no definite proof. You're delusional about what tempcow actually was.
You guys directly contributed to sam getting kicked out of the onion household and the crusading at the end was worse than any of the moo personal army shit that ever happened
No. 5293
>>5292When has anyone spilled milk in temp? Luxymoo and many others have spilled here on main.
Minor newfag bullshit includes wishing harm on gregs family, throwing allegations out without evidence and constant nitpicking. Main will be all the better without it.
No. 5296
>>5291sam was bound to be kicked out. lame holds the purse strings now, unlike when billie was the reigning onion queen. she has a lot more pull for the time being. sam wouldve been ejected soon enough, anyways. besides, people like theonioncritic and male anti-os, that werent part of tempcow, were interacting with sam and she was responding heavily to them. even w/o tempcow's involvement, she wouldve been booted soon enough
>>5293as if thats the only newfag behavior they're banned for. of course you're tossing out the most severe offenses as if that's frequently the case, when it really isn't. pls, anon. vix didnt post in main, erin didnt want to drop any potentially milky screencaps in main, etc. and not to mention that main scared off archiveanon, who was pretty damn helpful.
No. 5301
>>5296The real milk was how cringey temp got worshipping vix lol. Erins dump also didnt reveal anything, just that she had normal boring interactions with lameo. Temp was far more
problematic than it was good. Drawing in unintegrated newfags and ruining the board… It is really not that hard to follow the rules here, it's a chan not your freaking chatroom hugbox. If people want to namefag, be offtopi, emoji, have cringey in jokes like omg leelu, head to PULL
No. 5302
>>5296Vix did post in main multiple times she even posted a selfie
>>5296onioncritic was caught self posting on temp lurking with all of temp during everysam stream, DSSCTM was also clearly posting and lurking on temp
>>5298Nobody is denying the milk? There's a difference between focusing on sam and focusing in on sam within the scope of onion drama. Meaning don't go after her family or nitpick her because she isnt a cow.
No. 5308
>>5307I agree with you.
This is pretty sad. I was one of those SAH mums who really liked the community feel.
No. 5316
>>5315It seems to be everyone else's consensus that the milk came from the Onion's and not from temp so what is the problem? The milk should be just as easy for you to get as it is for temp?
What's stopping you from transferring the milk to main? Like it says in the user info: "Instead of asking other users, read the threads. Don't complain about not having the time or being too lazy."
No. 5317
>>5305>>5316This. /pt/ was dead because farmers over there were to lazy going through temp or looking for milk on their own. Yet they only did complain about not getting everything spoon fed and when brave anons summarized what happend for /pt/ they'd get banned for liveposting.
It sucks that temp is dead because I miss talking to you guys, even if it's nonsense. Posting in the onion /pt/ is like walking on eggshells. Everything that's not 100% onion related is either nitpicking or derailing. Make a joke, that farmhands don't think is funny, get banned. I hope we can find a solution for this and that we can get another place for liveposting.
No. 5319
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>>5317Agreed. I feel like it's 50/50 whether you get banned or not for discussing the Onion's or joking about them. Like when these two posted screens of Lainey in a joking matter and one gets banned, but the other one doesn't.
Sam's fundraiser is ok to post, but it's not ok to discuss it because that's derailing.
Temp was fun because you could discuss everything regarding the Onion's without getting banned. You could also joke about them and post screens making fun of Gurg's old age and fucked up teeth from his latest videos, without it getting in the way from actual milk.
That's my opinion on the whole thing anyways.
No. 5322
>>5308Me too.
I appreciate that y’all even keep the site up though. Just wish we had the live posting here. Miss that badly.
No. 5323
>>5319>only one of these people got banned!!I'm sorry anon, but can't you see that it's mostly likely the same person that posted both?
Look at the filenames.
Bans aren't as a big deal as most people seem to be making it. Most of them are short warning bans. Fun is allowed, but a lot of these "jokes" clog up the thread, no one wants to see 20 pics of Lainey with the joke "ha she looks like foot guys, right?"
We are trying to find a balance, it might take some time for everything to settle down. If people integrate and don't act dumb , we can become a more relaxed and fun place for anons.
Just thought I'd just input to this, my thoughts on it might not reflect on the other staff as I am not them.
No. 5324
>>5317Agreed with you. Discord doesn’t cut it.
I really hate to say it but it’s hard to warm back up to /pt/ completely because, as other anons already stated, it seems like it’s very easy to get banned for something innocuous. I try to watch to see what’s getting people banned and then I see something like
>>5319 and I think “Is the next thing I post going to get me banned… or..?”
I just don’t feel I understand what the rules really are anymore. They seem rigid. Sam seems pretty relevant right now but at what point does she become derailing?
No. 5326
>>5305I will miss temp, tbh. Sure, I admit that if you weren't following each thread that came out every day, it would look beyond autistic with those Tony, Saint Leelu, Saint Vix, Sonic Sam, etc jokes and it took forever to look through them, but the "community" was nice enough to fill in with those inside jokes and temp didn't feel like a "clique" unless you were hostile first. On the other hand, towards the end it looked like everyone was infighting regarding the Sam thing and whether or not [insert a thing Lameo or Gronk did] was 100% milk or just 0.01% milk so it was necessary to take it down so that people would cool down. It also didn't help the main thread traffic.
However, I would be very happy if we had a corner to sperg and livechat or maybe if
>>5309 makes a temp analog themselves, that would be more than awesome. I remember admin telling us we would get a replacement and the transition would be as smooth as possible. Well… Anyway. If the temp threads could get archived here on main somewhere, I'd be very happy.
No. 5328
>>5327We are working on how to be more clear with the rules and what will and won't be allowed. It's been a bit more hectic woth the recent changes with the site, so I'll admit it's been a bit all over the place. Mostly recently it's been trying to integrate users from temp to here, which is difficult due to the differences between temp and main users.
I'm sorry if you've been wrongly banned, we are trying to improve on moderation. Sometimes mistakes happen due to this being a big site and sometimes keeping up with every subject on the board can make us mess up time from time.
Remember to appeal, we do read them and research what happened.
Hope I could give any clarity.
I'm just a farmhand trying to give a little insight.
No. 5334
>>5328PLEASE web anon come through!!
I knew something was fishy when there wasn't any news on temp in days lol. Onion threads just seem to have a mass of different people who don't want to post in main because it's banned man's land. Let us live blog in peace somehow please!!!
No. 5337
>>5332used tempcow pretty heavily, and yeah, that was cringy and terrible representation for the pro-temp camp, but i dont think the cringy silliness of a few cornyass anons on the old threads undermines the benefits of tempcow.
i really dont get why anyone who isnt a mod feels that temp was such an imposition. obviously, the lack of updates wouldnt have been an issue if the mods hadnt doled out 24 hour bans every 2 seconds for update anons that werent committing any real infractions. the solution is just to lessen the crazy bans and keep the quick paced, less stringent liveposting. the site was a lot more active, it seems, when tempcow was online, too, tbh. it feels like it kept people on the site, browsing and posting on other boards in between posting on temp. it's ultra dead now again.
No. 5345
>>5344but when there's no milk a lot of people like to nitpick and derail. It was fun discussing tinfoils, streams, non related topics (like religion, horoscopes, baby talk etc), having insiders like sonic porn, Tony, #freeleelu. That's why so many farmers went to tempcow instead of the /pt/ thread. We just had fun, chilled conversations even if there wasn't milk. If newfags came to tempcow they didn't get the regular "go lurk moar", we explained and linked stuff for them. The onion thread didn't need to separate in temp and pt like it did, but it really seemed like all the "mean" people were in /pt/ bitching about everything and everyone else was on temp.
I hope we still get the page similar to tempcow so we can nitpick and derail in peace without farmers and farmhands getting annoyed.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as long as all the milky, proven parts get delivered to /pt/ there shouldn't be a problem.
No. 5348
>>5343Yeah what I think a lot of anons and maybe some of the farmhands dont realize is if you have super strict moderation, you just lose users and subsequently any milk.
Nobody wants to spend time posting/collecting what they think is milk when there's a huge chance that they will be banned for posting a "non-milky" or "non-verified" screencap.
Then the anons start complaining how the milk doesn't get transferred or how there's no milk… when you literally chased the people who WANT to comb thru onion/plainey's accounts away from your site.
smh someone needs to do a UX study on lolcow for admin sama
No. 5352
>>5305Can we please get an answer to what anon asked here?
>>5311At least give us access to it to we can look through archived threads, there's tons of things that we would like to reference and that haven't been moved to /pt.
No. 5353
>>5345>but when there's no milk a lot of people like to nitpick and derailNitpicking and derailing are explicitly stated as bannable offenses in the rules though? I don't understand why it's so hard for tempanons to just follow the rules. No one wants to read a thread filled with "Greg is smol red man" and Lainey "footface" nitpicks. It makes the thread drop severely in quality and makes us all look like vapid vendetta-chans.
>We just had fun, chilled conversations even if there wasn't milk.What's the point in posting when there's no milk? If you want a chatroom then use discord or something. Lolcow isn't the place for casual conversation.
No. 5354
>>5351>>5351everytime someone says "sam said this i swear!"
or someone makes a claim without timestamps or proof. This is a imageboard.
No. 5355
>>5340There were other cows catalogued on temp, any farmer of any cow could have done what the onion farmers did in theory, although the onion temp became more active inline with their younow streams, farmers didn't double post whilst live spergout was active, what one missed another picked up and so on.
Seperate question, Is it ok to go ahead and make a thread on ot for discussion or is that down to a farmhand to do and link if and when applicable?
No. 5356
>>5344>>5347>>5353It's exactly this type of attitude that has contributed to the entire onion user base migrating from pt to temp.
The lolcow rules are meant to be and used to be used as guidelines for users, but now they're just tools of obedience that scare off users.
Tell them to take their liveblogging and nitpicking somewhere else and you're just gonna create a situation like before where the main thread isn't gonna be updated with milk.
You wanna know why? Cause just like me, none of you a-loggers bother to do any of the tedious work of supplying milk.
I'm damn well not going to watch Lainey stream each day and I am not going to pay cash to go undercover into Greg's discord to spy on whatever narc rage and dox fest he is having.
I am not going to do any of that but I do want to know what's going on. So if anons who actually do all that work wanna nitpick and spreg about Lainey and her degree or Greg and his skin or whatever… Then I say we just let them as long as it's not too excessive and turns into cyber bullying.
You don't like it? Just scroll past and take that stick out of your ass.
No. 5357
>>5344>You twats do know you're presenting these complaints to the administrator of the actual site? I pointed this out in temp multiplte times and was told to "fuck off to main" lmao
>>5348I crossposted stuff from temp to main every now and then and I remember temp anons getting pissed because shit was being "leaked" to the main thread. I was also never banned for crossposting because I know that a screenshot of Lainey's squinting mug with a troll comment underneath isn't milk. Meanwhile I also saw so many anons bitch on temp for getting banned for the most obvious reasons all the time, and as much as I enjoyed temp, the crowd of bitter ban evaders and dense newfags that wouldn't even try was and is super annoying.
And the fact that some anons in here seem to think lolcow will die without temp just shows that you haven't been here long. The site was fine without temp for years and as other anons have pointed out, I think it's safe to say the majority doesn't even care since temp was all about Onision for quite a while now. I for one support the decision to remove the
temporary board.
No. 5360
>>5356Do you know what alogging means? How many of you tempfags constantly wrote about wishing "clot n trot" were hit by a bus?
Temp is dead, you can fuck off if you want but you won't be missed. Have fun at PULL or gurogossip
No. 5362
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>>5361Multiple anons did express wanting to hurt sam lainey and even the kids. Stop acting like it was one person. You really think giving their kids degrading nicknames like trot and clot is okay?
No. 5363
>>5362Must've slipped passed me. I was there pretty frequently and didn't see "multiple" anons wishing harm on the kids. I don't even see it in you screenshot.
You make it seem like temp was some hateful board talking and planning about acts of violence. I never got that impression, that seems more like something kiwifarms is known for.
No. 5365
>>5362So, you cherry picked a comment that was made after an anon asked something along the lines of: “what would ya’ll do if you actually saw the onions irl”. Where the handful of responses were either “nothing” or trolling responses. As anon said in your screenshot, no one would risk doing anything dumb. There weren’t anons posting everyday about wanting to physically hurt anyone.
As for >>degrading nicknames. No. The point of the nicknames was that if the kids did come up, those names would be used so their real names weren’t. Privacy.
You can say temp was shit, anons there won’t be missed, temp was pointless, whatever. But temp pulled in their own milk because of lax moderation. There’s a reason threads hit limit everyday, and it wasn’t just from nitpicking and OT.
Complain about the trolling all you want, but the ONLY reason there was any milk at all with the Sam was because Sam interacted with the trolls.
As for withholding milk from main, main wanted milk spoonfed to them. An anon went over to main to give updates about milky stuff Sam said and the responses were “you’re lying” or “prove it or shut up.” You want an anon to sit through an hours long stream, possibly mirror and re-host it, time stamp the milky parts and report what was said? They were acting like they couldn’t just skip around the stream for themselves and find it. There’s no “caps or gtfo” when it comes from a stream, something that was verbally said out loud and easily verified. Not to mention transcript and summary anons were getting shit on, too.
And in case any of ya’ll don’t remember, for how much you want to talk about annoying “newfags”. Take a look at the oldest Onision thread and go backwards. The old threads and the rules allowed all kinds of stuff that you complain about now and it was never an issue. What’s the point of a Chan board where discussion is limited to “MILK ONLY OR STFU”?
The way temp is complained about makes me think most of you haven’t ever been to a Chan board other than lolcow.
No. 5367
>>5365To this day anons are still claiming sam said she was in the trinity, you want to be mad because you're required to post proof here?
an anon reuploaded all of her previous streams and for some reason you guys aren't still able to provide proof lol
No. 5374
>>5362I used to think the trot and clot thing was mean, but honestly, it’s probably one of the most merciful things lolcow has done. At least their names aren’t -quite- as attached to their parent’s disgusting sexcapades this way. Calling Cloey bandaid for so long was way more cruel, even though we all see it that way.
>>5364>stalking the kidsMan, you guys are incredibly dramatic.
If by stalking you mean seeing the things Lainey and Gurg publicly posted about them time and time again, then I guess just following the Onions is “stalking” them.
>>5365I honestly get the impression a lot of times that people that admit they hated tempcow are lurkers, who don’t watch streams, don’t watch their videos or read their twitter, nothing. Yet, tempcow was the cause of main dying. I mean, if all the good users stayed on main and the shitty users were on temp, then you’d think more of you would be upset temp is gone. So many people are acting like it was a containment board for the worst users, and then simultaneous complaining we didn’t “share the milk”. I don’t see what the problem is. The content is available to everyone. And people get petty over people paying to be Patrons, something I honestly wouldn’t do either. But don’t talk shit about it if you’re enjoying what people are gathering. I truly don’t comprehend why some people even follow the Onions when they complain about collection methods of the droplets of a dying cow.
He will probably enter the /pt/ hall of fame soon and his stories will be those of yesteryear.
No. 5380
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>>5378it's okay buddy, temp is still dead and it doesn't look like it's coming back anytime soon.
No. 5381
>>5375And this answer right here is why people fled to temp.
You do realize there are people posting all over the world on this board and we can’t all respond at the same time?
At this point, I’m starting to wonder if it’s not the Onions themselves posting here.
No. 5383
We loved temp so that we can be autistic little shits and ban evade whenever we wanted! We never cared about the quality on information so who cares if we derail all the time wahhh mods please bring backk temp :(((
No. 5387
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Looking at old temp memories
No. 5390
>>5386you’re purposely blind if you didn’t see how slow the threads got and how dead the last one before the newest one was until temp farmers had to come over.
look at the old threads. there were only so many of them because the rules were more lax, and they started drying up when it started getting overmoderated.
but keep pretending the milk won’t get dry because of nasty anons chasing it off and being too lazy to do any work for themselves.
No. 5391
And shitty people talking bad on the ones that are doing a majority of the posting, apparently.
No. 5393
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when you're salty about getting banned for live blogging in the main thread
No. 5394
>>5387ultimately, now those newfags will come straight to pt and make offenses there and piss everyone off. if it was a containment board, why be glad it's gone? people you dislike are now going to be shitting up main directly, instead. makes no sense. expect an even larger influx of newfag posts without a transition board.
everyone agrees that there was a problem with users avoiding pt bc of heavy handed banning, backseat modding and general hostility, but why you anons would rather jerk your hateboner for temp and boast about it being dead, than come up with a solution that pleases both parties makes no sense.
No. 5395
>>5394And more to the point, the real shitposters know how to ban evade anyway.
All chan boards have had this exact problem over the years.
No. 5396
>>5390what work exactly? you know what milk really is? it isn't 3+ threads of nitpicking and liveblogging about your life as a stay at home mom.
>>5394you mean that rules actually need to be followed in /pt/, boo fucking hoo. there were no moderation tools in temp and thats why it was scraped
No. 5398
Admin said in this very thread it was a cost issue.
They originally intended to keep it up because they saw users enjoyed the live-posting feature.
No. 5400
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No. 5402
>>5400Cool, you saved a bunch of SS to fit your narrative.
You're really a great contribution to the betterment of the board. Gold star for you.
No. 5404
hey guys I'm a bit of a newfag I used to be an onision fan
>>5402who is shiloh? what is akeith? xd
>>5402HI BECCA!
No. 5405
>>5396do you sit through their daily streams for the bits of milk they spill? do you look through their tweets? do you look for ways to reupload their patreon stuff? do you sit quietly in their discord’s to post the milk later? do you summarize or transcript or reupload important parts?
they’re all over the place with their different platforms now and yes it is work to find milk. oh, but then, so much as going into their streams and paying for patreon is “cowtipping”. you want milk without actually watching them or paying attention to them and proves exactly why main wasn’t/won’t get milk.
No. 5406
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>>5405you are literally not the first autist to have done that, the difference is the people who know what they're doing don't announce it in public
what do you think /pt/ anons have been doing for years?
good job paying onision though, I hope you feel real good about it
No. 5409
>>5406man, main really is a bunch of bitter ol’ cunts.
you asked what “work” there is in getting milk, and i answered. because, again, temp wasn’t just threads of OT.
the point is that no one on /pt/ will do it now, and that’s why your thread dried up. you can continue to be pretentious but it still stands with proof that the mainthread was basically dead until temp farmers came back over. because even when milk was crossposted, people were bitchy about it for one reason or the other but still didn’t want to get the milk for themselves. things weren’t fine, everyone knew the threads were drying so I don’t know why you’re trying to pretend otherwise now just to circlejerk your unnecessary hate boner.
i personally never did any of what I listed, especially paying the onions lol, but there were plenty of anons who did and got banned or bitched at for trying to crosspost transcripts and summaries and screenshots. because ya’ll want milk but only specific and spoonfed milk.
No. 5410
>>5409you seriously think there will be no milk because temp is down? what about all those times there was milk before temp? hmm.
the self importance is wild.
No. 5411
>>5409You keep implying no one will provide milk, when that isn't true. It's like you can't comprehend that things were fine before that shitty temp board.
I honestly don't give a shit at this point if it means you will leave, there's other threads than onions that will keep going despite you being gone.
You are not important, you aren't our savior for being autistic.
No. 5412
>>5410tell me why the third most recent thread took an entire month before it was filled, then. and why the second newest only had handfuls of replies for a long time.
the milk was drying before temp went up, and i never said temp was the sole reason for milk but a lot of it did start to come out of temp when it was put up. there’s no denying that.
No. 5416
>>5412Honestly, worthy milk like only once a month is not worth having shitty temp posters.
Either way it's done, it's not coming back and it seems farmhands and admin really don't care about temp effecting traffic.
No. 5425
>>5360>>5375>>5383>>5418So this isn't infighting?
But this is?
No. 5426
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>admin post is infighting
No. 5427
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Ignoring all this petty infighting, admin, can you clarify how the livestream threads work?
Is it "important" ones only?
Lainey streams daily.
No. 5429
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temp anons ITT
No. 5431
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No. 5435
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Here's an example of moderation that seems heavy-handed and unfair to me. I'm not the poster, but
1. I enjoyed seeing this new photo of Bille,
2. Also enjoyed the lighthearted foot related onion sperging tinfoil (i feel like dan schneider for writing that).
But anon got a warning for it..
No. 5436
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>>5434>autism levels of strictWhere is this super strict moderation at? I've been on here since before Cuddlegate and the only change to moderation is they seem like they're actually enforcing the site rules like they should have been. Not everyone wants to wade through the posts discussing how much Lainey looks like a foot for the 50th time or how shitty of parents they are for poor Troy having to get cavities filled or how shit Lainey is at makeup. It's not new, it's repetitive bullshit and the only people who aren't tired of it are the ones who keep bringing it up.
>>5435>anon got a warningAnd? It's repetitive nitpicking. We get it. Gergles wants smol alt girls and Lainey knows it. They weren't permabanned for it, it's a fucking warning to stop nitpicking and go back to actual milky things. That's the entire point of lolcow, not your circle jerking.
No. 5438
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>>5436What you're basically saying is that new farmers aren't able to add to the discussion, even with new (old) pics/caps/milk, just because you've been around here for longer and have seen it before? Seems dumb.
What you're basically doing is preventing new people from integrating by limiting the discussion to new milk.
I feel like new farmers are more likely to actually browse the profiles for milk if they're included on the main thread.
Who do you think is more willing to farm these days, someone who's been following the Onion's for milk for years and realizes this is a fucking dry time and might not be worth the effort (and also lets be realistic their schedule has changed if theyve been on lolcow for years most likely), or someone who is more intrigued because the drama is new to them and they were able to discuss it on the board?
No. 5440
>>5437idk man seeing the photo of Billie looking awk with the hair made me smile and the warning made me frown.
you're right though, someone should comb thru the last couple of threads with a python script and pick out prevalence of words. 'foot' would be WAY up there.
No. 5441
>>5439But they have read the old threads most likely, it's about being able to contribute and speculate. That's why their little farmer brains are putting concepts together that have already been rehashed many times by seasoned farmers, sometimes while bringing the gift of a more rare old photo or some shit.
Disagree that the Sam's feet thing was not new milk. We've never gotten confirmation from a third party that wasnt Lainey or Gronk that he has a thing for feet or at least hates ugly large feet, and now we have it, thanks to pissed of Sam.
No. 5443
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>>5438>add to the discussion>lainey looks like a foot>lainey's shit at makeup>gergles likes smol girls he hates lainey so muchYep, you got me. It adds so much to the discussion the threads will be slow and terrible without it.
>>5441>read the old threadsYou're putting a lot of faith in people who don't even know who Adrienne was.
No. 5445
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>>5443Apparently I have to spoon feed you what I meant. Obviously by "add to the discussion" I meant being able to get their tinfoil/conclusions out.
We can all agree people on temp were frequently new farmers willing to talk about old topics, same topics, sperging. Now there is no more tempcow.
They are still farmers though - quite a few patreon and discordfag anons were posting there. Do you really want to lose that source of potential milk (access to their content and people willing to sift thru it basically) just because you're tired of another post about a topic that's already been discussed?
If everyone's too afraid to post discussing old topics, posting "non-milky" screencaps, you're gonna have to click on onion's youtube yourself to see his latest 7 minutes of autism… the people who are discussing old shit are farmers who farm, even if some of that shit on temp was too active (raids).
No. 5446
>>5445>>5441It's in the new user rules, though. "This also applies to needlessly rehashing old news.". If anything new farmers need to remember to look at that page before they start posting.
We'll have to agree to disagree about the Sam thing. I personally don't think that Sam gave us much milk besides Gregma getting pissy over hugs and her not wanting to be a part of the trinity.
Thanks for being civil and not whining by the way. It's nice to talk to someone from the temp with a level-head.
No. 5449
>people who didn’t know who Adrienne was Okay, but why are you picking out a few anons over how many people visited temp? You realize there were more than a handful of people there, right? I can cherry pick and link newfags from mainthread, too. Doesn’t mean all of mainthread is newfags.
>>5447Yes a lot of people didn’t want to crosspost because what temp might have considered milk, main didn’t think was “milky enough” or wanted to be spoonfed. As in… an anon couldn’t just link a stream with a quote (which would’ve been OK in older threads), they needed specific time stamps and exact quotes although transcripting got banned too.
And, it seems like broad discussion of new milk almost isn’t allowed either? Because speculating is equal to “derailing” “OT” or “nitpicking” now even though half the fun of older threads was… speculating wtf was actually going on from drops milk given.
And I DON’T mean stupid, “hurrr sam’s an autistic alien!” “Lainey’s footsize is a lie!!” Speculation before someone tries to spin it as that.
No. 5456
>>5450>us vs. them mentalityThis was the thing I hated most. I constantly saw posts in the main thread about how much the main thread sucks and how great temp is, or refusing to deliver milk. Even after farmhands had outright stated that milk should be posted.
Also this mentality of "give us a free-for-all posting environment BUT NO DOXXING etc" is really a joke.
Main thread became way less quality since temp went down because of the amount of non-contribution posts, redundancy, nitpicking, etc. And without sage existing for "hide all saged posts", it's annoying to wade through.
Idk it feels like some people can't stand to simply lurk quietly if they don't have anything to say that anyone cares about.
That aside, I don't personally remember transcript anons being scolded. I appreciate when anons write transcripts (though that certainly isn't something temp invented).
I definitely hope that "us vs them" mentality goes away, so I don't believe in a need for any sort of containment board/thread. It would just happen again.
No. 5489
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I know that on an anonymous image board this won't mean anything-but I would just like to say at this point, I'm done with lolcow.
The inconsistent moderation and bans, the unwillingness to clarify what goes in which thread (relative to onion's shit of course), other users readiness to attack one another for not following rules-despite them supplying milk.
But I'm primarily disappointed in the mods for not listening to what a majority of the users seem to want, which is something akin to tempcow.
This site seems too far removed from what it was when I joined a year or so ago. Posting here isn't fun anymore and it's shitty to have to worry about a bunch of arbitrary rules when you're trying to post new information. Goodbye lolcow. Thanks for the laughs and good times. I sincerely hope the best for all mods and users here. <3 <3
No. 5493
It's honestly confusing to me - comments being posted here that temp is the only source for milk. You can't legitimately believe that. I've been around a couple of years and the threads, especially Onision since the first Cuddlegate, have been very well supplied.
Vix helped lead you all off there with her 'let's talk here girls because they didn't praise my selfie in /pt/". I never went to the temp discord but I saw it described by a poster in temp as being dominated by Vix. Have a think about that, a real think.
Imo, admin made the mistake of letting it grow and now the price is being paid by the whole community.
This conversation is also about the bar for what 'milk' is. I would argue there's been nothing between Vix posting the caps and Sam moving in. I'm sure a temp anon will hit me back with a list of hundreds of things. "Lainey lied about her feet on Tuesday" is not one of them imo.
I've never minded shitposting, tinfoiling and art in threads (yes we had those before temp existed) but I seriously do mind seeing 20 caps of Lainey's derp faces from a stream, in a row, with troll comments pasted on. It's just spam. It's fine if it's posted somewhere where those of us who want concrete info and on-topic conversation don't have to wade through it. I was one of the anons advocating for a /snow/ thread series for Lainey's beauty stuff and nitpicking. I wish that pathway had been followed by staff instead of temp.
The most disturbing idea I have seen emerging is that Lainey is the main actor, she is the abuser, Greg's under her thumb etc. These threads followed Greg for a reason. Lainey is an accessory, a shitty person but she is not the main game.. You all jump on here because she's a woman and an easier target. Sometimes the comments vibe into GOMI territory, especially the names trot and clot. Greg gets off the hook on lolcow a little more each day, and he must be loving the way you girls pile onto Lainey. You do his work for him. It's not that I care about her feelings, it's that the main topic is being (conveniently for Greg) ignored. Girls like Vix and Sam are starting to play you all like fiddles.
I'm all for having a place to sperg (not for me but for others) but surely the livestream threads can be a home for that? Or else maybe resurrect that idea about separate Lainey beauty nitpicking threads?
No. 5494
I'm not sure where guys are getting you can't discuss or post milk, we do not ban people for it unless they are nitpicking (shit ton of photos of Lainey saying the same thing, tinfoiling(what if Greg is actually a lizard person), armchairing( Onion obviously has all symptoms of narcissism! Read this article), discussing discordfags in thre /pt/ thread when they have their own thread in /snow/), and always encouraging to mess with them off the site. If you do don't come to the thread bragging you did.
Also you have not even been banned, so you're either lying or ban evading.
Is this clear enough for you?
To other temp anons
I'm sorry, but temp is not coming back, so either integrate into the site or leave. Also stop saying "the majority though!!" I can count how many tempfags are in here on one hand.
No. 5498
>>5494>always encouraging to mess with them off the siteFucking thank you for pointing that out. The cowtipping, bragging about it and forming cowtipping cliques is what mostly made the temp so cringy.
>>5493This is exactly what I think as well.
No. 5500
>>5496Will we be able to see achieved posts from temp soon? Or access it again without being able to post? It would be nice to have the opportunity to go through the threads.
Sorry, I asked this before but I didn't get an answer.
No. 5501
>>5494Mod you got to direct them all somewhere then if Tempcow is gone forever. I mean you gonna have inconsistent moderating then you have to at least point to a place people following rules won't get banned
I see the flags and I see people propping up the petitions too and it ain't fun if you have a system selectively banning people (there's a shit ton of people with off topic posts unaccounted for) and then you got people trying to follow rules and getting banned
I mean we know we got rules but when them rules get bent for certain users or flat out ignored because you got a couple shit Mods then your site is screwed
No. 5502
>>5501>there's a shit ton of people with off topic posts unaccounted forBut mods already explained that they don't redtext EVERY post that gets a ban. Like pointed out here
>>5319 these were obviously made by the same user but only one post is redtexted. But for some reason people want to believe it was two separate anons and only one received punishment while the other was treated differently.
The argument that shitposters get away with everything and rule-abiding anons get random bans is just ridiculous and flat out wrong.
The few anons I've seen complain about bans received a 5 minute ban for derailing, and a 1 second ban for not saging. Both broke the rules and were barely punished. Y'all keep acting like mods are dealing out permabans when that simply isn't the case. The amount of misinformation being spread in this thread is almost alarming god damn.
No. 5503
>>5493what is there to even discuss about Greg at this point?
Every thing is speculation. Greg quit Twitter but not really.
Greg has a sock puppet account. Probably.
Greg is out of the spotlight and Lainey stepped up. She’s accessible because she streams everyday and she constantly excuses her husband’s shitty behavior (especially when he went off the rails about Shane Dawson, someone she supposedly is a huge fan of). She might end up being all that’s left of Onion for quite sometime.
Everything is nitpicking with the two of them right now because Onion's IRS retribution is finally coming and they’re both tight lipped about anything going on that’s not mundane. So without nitpicking, speculation and rehashing the same things for the past eleven years, I’m not even sure there’s going to be much left to talk about with either one of them anymore.
No. 5510
All I see is the same anons recycling the same excuses and defenses. Temp is not coming back period. No matter how much you whine in here about it it isn't going to change it.
You're welcome to go make your own blogging site. We aren't forcing you guys to stay. We aren't "bending the rules" just so people in the Onision thread can shitpost because it's not allowed anywhere else. them a read and you shouldn't have any problems.
Btw we don't count anything under 30 minutes a ban, it's called a warning.
No. 5513
>>5510I was banned for an entire 24 HOURS for recapping a thread that was milky in main after it had been extensively discussed in temp but not recapped in main at all (I wasn’t live-blogging I simply posted a recap). I have been banned for 24 hours for several other lesser offenses too, including for an accusation of “samefagging” when I had only posted one thing in the last 48 hours. (Yes I did appeal that one, no it was not fixed.)
So maybe the mods just need to re-evaluate who is doing a good job modding and who is just power tripping with the ban hammer.
However, thank you for your response to me and it was worth a shot.
No. 5514
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>>5513You call this a recap? Temp was up during this period of time, anon please.
No. 5515
>>5510You're complaining about anons whining, but you're acting like a huge baby yourself.
Just reinforces the image of mods being sensitive, just saying.
No. 5517
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>>5510An example of shit posting in the Dakota thread.
Some threads are more lax for sure.
No. 5524
>>5521>Follow the rulesexclaims admin and the mods
>This thread moves too slow thoonly certain rules apply to certain threads/cows? ok then
No. 5533
>>5527I've been here for years and I'm not a child but OK.
Now I can't even complain in the threads for complaints? I enjoyed temp because it was more free. No one wants to watch either of them stream but I appreciated scrolling till I saw a pic and reading the comments. It's not a huge deal to scroll through the crap. People keep acting like its hard to read or scroll but it is not. Main sucks, the whole site sucks, it's not moving. Sorry I'm not a gatekeeper.
(why are you lying) No. 5535
>>5510Is there a way to be notified of said warnings? A message centre would be a welcome addition I think to the boards. I know I had a "warning" going by the ban message that I never saw apparently, and a ban I never saw until I tried to post a few days later. I ended up having a week long ban for going along with what other people were talking about. The thing is - how can you change behaviour if you're not made aware of it? When I went back to look the post didn't even get red marked up. So maybe a notification area where you can go back and see any communication from admins may possibly be a good idea, if at all possible to add in? I can understand admins being too busy to red text everything, but somewhere where warnings and bans are listed for your cookie/IP probably would help clear things up for the user and wouldn't really take extra time for farmhands.
In regards to temp - "It cured my depression!" I jest but it really helped me feel better when i needed it and wanted to show some gratitude, I'm really going to miss it. Pardon the selfish post.
Part of me is hoping someone can make a similar place to hang out. If it was just a financial thing then i'm sure some of us would chip in, but I've got a feeling it's deeper than that. The community feeling was amazing, and everyone there was the reason I got back into art again. It was fun to see other people's photoshops and doodles, and it was fun to hash out artwork for the sheer lols of it (not had fun with art in a long while). So i just wanted to say thank you for that, I'm truly grateful. It might not have produced much in the way of milk to some people, but it certainly was a form of milk substitute to help tide over at times.
I know lolcow will be fine without it, with any change it just takes time to adjust for people. I can understand people getting attached to it, especially when a post said it was going to be permanent and it brought something novel to the table, but things will adjust back to how they were I'm sure. Though i must admit I don't understand the cherry picking of posts though to make temp look like a terrible place/reason main cow milk was dry. C'mon now.
>> TL;DR ->> Message centre/history if possible for amin communication/bans/warnings>> Thanks for the memories, Temp. No. 5536
>>5535I was sympathetic until the cherry picking part. You don't have to cherry pick to see how bad the temp got in the Onion threads which were the most popular ones there. The cowtipping got pretty bad.
Also, you could make an art thread like that in /ot/. I know for a fact that there's a crowd of artists over there(speaking as one).
No. 5543
>>5540Jokes are funny but it stops being funny when it gets out of hand. Example: Three people do edits, it's funny! After an hour ten more pop up. It stops being funny.
Scrolling through a ton of joke art and/or edits is annoying.
No. 5545
>>5543Whew, lad.
RIP when people complain about scrolling past art. I guess scrolling through people’s TL;DR about their opinions about how much they hate the Onions is preferred.
No. 5550
>>5493what's with the vix vilification? temp was dominated by vix while vixmas was happening, of course it would be since it was the only milk flowing at that time.
some farmers might have gone to temp for vix, to ask her questions etc, but the ones that stayed did because they liked the ambiance.