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File: 1713590087131.png (1.21 MB, 830x832, Capture d’écran 2021-03-05 à…)

No. 372209

This thread is for discussing historical figures from a fan perspective:
>fanfic or fanart of historical figures
>shipping them with yourself or others (m/m, f/m or f/f all welcome)
>simply shitposting about them

this is about dead historical figures, not living people or fictional characters.
please don't start arguments about husbandos or fujos or cringe. ignore and report bait.

serious history thread: >>>/m/271005
historical lolcows thread: >>>/ot/650010

No. 372215

File: 1713590944471.png (1.23 MB, 1079x1630, kawaii.png)

Thanks nonny, this thread idea rocks. I am more into American history than European history, but saint just was so fucking cute. He guinely looked like some animu bishie.

No. 372216

File: 1713591059968.jpeg (885.6 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_3515.jpeg)

i found picrel on tumblr and ngl im a little jealous. i understand husbandofags now

No. 372222

Kek amazing thread pic

No. 372237

idk about this, I'm fine with minor memes but I do think there's something kinda offensive about shipping who actually exist and making light of real events where millions of real people were affected.

No. 372238

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sorry you don't like it but please hide the thread instead of coming in to argue.
i should have added something about moralfagging in the op.
ty anon. kinda wanted to use picrel but kawaii naps seemed more topical

No. 372264

I disagree with the decision but a similar thread was already created and locked by farmhands a few days ago.

No. 372312

That was my attempt, nona. I made the mistake of it being too niche so it was shut down. This one is much more ideal.

No. 372313

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Anyway I’ve been waiting long enough to spam my favourite 17th century eurofag fanart and paintings kek let’s fucking go

No. 372314

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Found this fanart when I was googling for my upcoming exam and thought it was pretty cute

No. 372315

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I love this thread. I still miss Hark, A Vagrant! (at least she never nuked her website so you can still read the comics). Kate Beaton made me want to learn about history.

No. 372317

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No. 372318

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Yay! Thank you my nonnie, hope this one is allowed to stay up. Here's some Hephaestion/Alexander the Great.

No. 372319

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No. 372320

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Sappho and Erinna

No. 372321

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In the Hindu Kush

No. 372333

My question is why can't they just an OC in that era> rather then using names and quasi-likeness of real people.

No. 372338

My question is why you’re asking that in the historyfag thread for historyfags and not some discourse thread on /ot/

No. 372348

File: 1713629162302.jpg (119.49 KB, 524x1024, Eih5aDaUYAEiYWc.jpg)

historical fiction using actual existing people as characters has existed for centuries. do you think the three musketeers is disrepectful to louis xiii or something? (don't answer that, take it to the discourse thread).
robes/saint just is peak. there used to be an lj comm called sexandthecomite lol
i love that pixiv has shitton of kawaii robespierre art. westabboos stay winning
i love historyfag artists wwith hyperspecific interests. i follow one on twitter that's into voltaire and frederick the great. i miss when phobs did ivan the terrible art too. the napoleonic fandom on tumblr is thriving as well i do wwish there were more nelsonfags tho

No. 372360

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You can’t just vaguely mention these artists and not name them. You’re killing me here, nona.

No. 372361

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Feels appropriate to post this here

No. 372362

File: 1713630724957.jpeg (2.57 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5500.jpeg)

Saw this gorgeous piece at the Wallace collection a while ago. Yaoi is everywhere for those with the eyes to see

No. 372477

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idk who you meant to replyto but the frederick the great artist is peanutMGA on twitter
that's the way i like it ngl. yeah i live historical accuracy but soletiles to have to make it a little more palatable.

one of my fave historyfag artists was tookunami/aminoscribbles who drew a lot of napoleonic era ppl, but she seems to have wiped her entire online presence. such a shame

No. 372494

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No. 372508

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No. 372609

churchill going KYAAAAA! is sending me

No. 372610

even at 12 I would have realised how offensive this would be.

No. 372636

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So is this thread just for shipping historical figures with each other or can I talk about my huge crush on someone who has been dead for more than a century?

No. 372637

yeah historical crushes/husbandos are fine!
(btw where my napoleonfags at)

No. 372640

This was probably made as a joke, but I've come across sincere WWII shippers before, usually focusing on nazis.

No. 372688

I miss Kate Beaton

No. 372689

I remember pre-bunker we had a thread like this in /ot/. Good times

No. 372690

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No. 372691

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can’t let gang know I fuck with this

No. 372694

I just made a shitty edit of my historic husbando based off of one that I saw a girl make for Franz Kafka. I sent it to my friends because it felt sad to make it and have no one to show it to (and I'm not going to post it on fucking tiktok or something). Anyway I hope they don't think I'm a freak lol. It's normal for them to share stuff about their celebrity husbandos so I feel like it's only fair that I get to share mine, but obviously one of these things is more socially acceptable than the other.

No. 372697

pls share anon

No. 372699

File: 1713755102475.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1080, VAPORGRAM1639360708540.png)

pls share i live for that kind of edits. i love making them with napoleon

No. 372704

File: 1713759077023.mp4 (773.57 KB, 720x720, 439070302_7389860014460291_767…)

Here it is kek. It's so fucking dumb. I do love the Napoleon edit. It evokes a sense of beauty and melancholy… I'd love to see more if you have any!

No. 372723

How do you guys feel about Hamilton fujos?

No. 372729

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the actual historical guy or the cringe musical? They're basically compeletly different charactr at this point
omg anon the effort that went into this. i love it.
the napoleon edits were made using a vaporwave app and quotes from his letters to josephine. i call it naporwave

No. 372734

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The Hamilton fandom (from general fans to shippers) has aged poorly more than any other fandom community. I think it originated from a period of american liberal optimism that no longer exists. Currently everyone (and I mean everyone) really despises America, from hyper wokies, moderates, and even the right. so a glorified fan-fiction that portrays america in a positive light is not likely to be popular today. The cope from the remainder fans is simply accepting that the characters from the musical are basically OCs(picrel is fanon Hamilton meeting the real Hamilton). The only sub-section community that remains genuine is the subreddit, but that's mainly due to artificial means thanks to the moderators

No. 372741

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Since we’re posting historical crushes… the loml x

No. 372743

File: 1713773043577.jpeg (3.07 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5470.jpeg)

The second loml… painted by the first loml… kek

No. 372745

shouldn't this just be posted on the regular historical crushes thread

No. 372746

The musical, kek.

No. 372814

Bahaha, Naporwave. That's great. I know we've had a few Napoleonfags over the years, were you one of the original ones? Was there a specific Napoleon moment that turned you into a Napoleonfag?

Was the musical actually any good? From both a historic or entertainment basis. I think I watched the first thirty minutes, but I couldn't be bothered to finish it. I completely agree with your sentiment though. It's insane how much things have changed from 2015 to now. Something about the way that musical is presented has not aged very well to resonate with the times. On the contrary, Stephen Sondheim's Assassins has aged quite well in my opinionI personally don't mind Hamilton fujos though lol. I love when women can be cringe and free.

No. 372819

>Was the musical actually any good?
I mean the songs were good but I've only watched the animatics of the musical and it seems like that was what the majority for the fanbase as well. But from a historical perspective it's pretty bad. I understand the intention of lin-manuel miranda, as the whole concept revolved around american progressivism, so the british characters were played by white actors speaking with a faux-old english accenst, while the Americans were played "pocs" who spoke more contemporary. Again the musical promotes a sense of American exceptionalism and it inaccurately represents certain historical events, for example IRL King George was barely mentioned and the grievances of the colonists were mostly directed towards the Prime Minister Lord North and it's just a cultural shirt where people don't have a lot more hatred towards american liberals and progressives.

No. 372974

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i've been openly napoleonfagging on here for a couple years i'd say. there defenitiely used to be several of us, i hope the others are still around
i became a napoleonfag by accident. i'm forst and foremost a nelsonfag, have been since i was a kid, but before i learned how to read english, it was very hard to find stuff about him in my native language (french) and most of it was in books about the napoleonic era jn general. so i eded up gradualy warming up to naps. i like him as hotshot young general bonaparte more than the flabby ol' emperor tho
i don't rly consider hamilton fans historyfags per se because the hamilton characters may as well be OCs and most fans donnt actually gaf about the actual 18th century alexander hamilton, only the musical guy. but im biased bc i don't care for musicals and i hate lin manuel miranda

No. 372981

File: 1713827979455.jpeg (71.97 KB, 359x720, IMG_8606.jpeg)

I would like to thank cybird for making a game where i can date my actual dream history husbando mozart

No. 373030

What are your thoughts on the movie Amadeus nonnie? I always thought his portrayal was cute aside albeit manchildish

No. 373035

This might be a stupid question, but how accurate is bishie Mozart compared to the real

No. 373037

File: 1713844758636.jpeg (959.67 KB, 1203x1291, IMG_3538.jpeg)

not at all, not eveb the clothing is remotely accurate.
hinestly i dinnt mind bishifying historical figures but i draw the line at completely inappropriate period clothing.

No. 373145

What do you think about Mozart's music? I'm a big sucker for it 'cause Cherubino is my OG husbando/waifu and at some point it extended to slight mozartfagging.

No. 373393

you're probably already aware of this but he had a shit fetish. he would exchange letters with his cousin and mother about how he wanted to shit on their faces and vise versa, he also wrote a music piece called lick mein arsch

No. 373484

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Love some communist husbando

No. 373546

To be honest I love this, men being yassified for my entertainment is how the world should always be

No. 373714

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‘Bait used to be— WHAT’

No. 373715

Who is this nona?

No. 373717

nta but its el che guevara

No. 373792

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This song single-handedly made me obsessed with Lafayette(that would later exceed my Hamilton obsession).

No. 373794

He didn’t have a shit fetish he had a very juvenile sense of humour and thought anything related to poop/fart/butts was hilarious. Part of his arrested development from being a child star I guess

No. 373942

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Napoleon and his marshals highschool/university au

No. 373947

Kek me and my best friend have this same kind of crappy humour and I'd be mortified if after my death, someone read my texts with her and thought I had a fucking shit fetish. Ew.

No. 373948

File: 1714126877675.gif (5.79 MB, 493x280, O3qh8.gif)

I'm one of Napoleonfags as well, but it's been years since I posted any Naps content here. He's my forever husbando, though.

>that POS Bernadotte, but no Lannes

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