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No. 282142
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Pls respond.
No. 282170
>>282168ntayrt but used to read the manga years ago too (haven't caught up with later chapters and forgot too much to start them)
just checked that the manga is still ongoing and found out there's going to be an anime too
No. 285679
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>>285667Got taken down sadly, but thanks
No. 285770
>>285721Thought about it too but nyaa search doesn't seem to work for me (I guess my browsers too old) so that didn't work, but thanks
>>285726This is great, thank you so much. The missing seventh volume is no problem, that one you can still read on that jnovel webite I think.
No. 417322
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I'm disappointed in the Slayers LN. The anime was so much better, funnier and more exciting.
No. 418068
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>>417342>I wish the latter half could be adapted by the same staffEven if the old staff could get together again, they would never get creative with the later volumes for fear of backlash. Every adaptation these days is too faithful to the source material, because otaku screech when things are rewritten.
No. 427274
>>427092Durarara was also very popular and I really enjoyed the first half of the second season but the rest was too tryhard imo and when I tried reading a fan translation of the novels before the second season was announced I had the same impression. And iirc the translation was made by an ESL fan and my English back then wasn't that good so it was also a bit hard to follow what was going on. I don't think I would enjoy rewatching the anime now.
>Narita wrote a sequel, but it's on hiatusIt's not too bad if the new novels are self contained but I seriously feel like half of the series I hear about are on hiatus. Not just light novels, but manga as well.