File: 1665439590690.jpg (301.06 KB, 1044x1452, frodo.jpg)

No. 246128
Post fanart of western media made by Japanese artists. Discuss weird husbandos too. Also, please post the artists links if possible.
Source: No. 246139
File: 1665440586857.jpg (236.25 KB, 600x918, d5ouk4u-d8a6abf9-081a-4a2c-aaf…)

>>246138you mean Ricken-art?
No. 246143
>>246139Yes, thank you! I knew they were well-known, but I just fell off so badly I could
not find them
No. 246151
File: 1665442366437.jpg (118.23 KB, 600x1200, [20-05-12] 1260260117263478789…)

by: @OhishiMasaru
No. 246153
File: 1665442773186.png (1.28 MB, 1650x1500, 37484744_p0 (1).png)

by:>>246150>>246152these are so cute, whoever made MH should have invested on an anime honestly
No. 246154
File: 1665442870687.jpg (685.67 KB, 1280x1810, ye6gO1xs7fpwo2_r4_1280.jpg)

This particular artist deleted their twitter, tumblr, and website so don't know if they rebranded or what. But I still save a lot of their artwork saved. @niwa-art.
No. 246157
>>246153they did kek
>>246154this is so cute omgg
No. 246161
>>246158Feels like I just time travelled by looking at this. I definitely saved this image like 10 years ago.
OT but Kids next door had a weird vibe, something about it always creeped me out
No. 246162
File: 1665443431068.jpg (1.34 MB, 1500x1071, 61492682_p0 (1).jpg)

Please Disney hire a Japanese artist to draw your merch it would look so cute
>>246160it was kinda creepy, but so were most cartoons of the early 00's
No. 246163
File: 1665443628088.jpg (460.56 KB, 2048x1536, [19-10-20] 1185722357115052032…)

On the topic of weird husbandos, i love Kinu who husbandofags the nerdy ginger from Phineas and Ferb. She also makes doujins and i would LOVE to get one, but sadly they are TOON MIX exclusive and there are no scans online.
No. 246164
File: 1665443986808.jpg (519.29 KB, 878x1200, 51683760_p4_master1200.jpg)

I couldn't find who did these, i will link it later i promise
No. 246165
File: 1665444133913.jpg (45.84 KB, 508x800, 6618da09-b535-414b-a22c-e525cb…)

>>246164np if you cant source them, i have abunch of images that i dont remember the author
No. 246168
File: 1665444174231.jpg (454.77 KB, 800x1257, a3feb877acb595dd8937_7463a339_…)

Does Q Hayashida count? I'm curious if other mangakas have made fan art of western stuff.
No. 246170
File: 1665444409103.jpg (1.1 MB, 1200x928, 35989863_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 246172
File: 1665444738413.jpg (235.72 KB, 736x1025, yosuke.jpg)

>>246168i know a bunch did art for DC/Marvel comics like Yosuke Murata, and the artist for the Puyo Puyo games is a huge westaboo too
No. 246173
File: 1665444840826.jpeg (201.31 KB, 850x1298, 104FAD74-3CF2-4203-BD5F-4CA42A…)

No. 246174
File: 1665444965152.jpg (530.06 KB, 1063x1600, tumblr_pnf74lHz561rq0x9xo1_128…)

>>246168Ryoko Kui does occasional fanart, mostly for games.
Link to her blog: No. 246175
File: 1665445399428.jpeg (542.53 KB, 2048x1545, C1D9BD65-4154-44B0-82D7-FD1756…)

No. 246177
File: 1665445636356.jpeg (103.4 KB, 914x945, BAB43488-4856-4E74-B4F4-28CF6F…)

No. 246180
File: 1665446330053.png (310.3 KB, 512x512, 0d65202c9dd9df2127c72de66b9d31…)

by the artist from wario ware
No. 246185
File: 1665446788704.jpeg (108.03 KB, 850x852, 5C2D0DD4-6255-4667-AB2D-F43C1F…)

No. 246187
File: 1665447739660.jpeg (108.85 KB, 735x503, BDCFAA8F-8752-474B-8F4C-BAD16B…)

No. 246205
File: 1665451314839.jpeg (1.27 MB, 900x1369, 68573209_p0.jpeg)

蜂明Bee* on pixiv
No. 246206
File: 1665451393417.jpg (257.89 KB, 600x800,…)

>>246131>>246134>>246165I'm genuinely surprised by how much PnF fanart from Japan there was.
No. 246209
File: 1665451988390.jpeg (1.5 MB, 873x1200, 72293004_p0_master1200.jpeg)

there's tons of nightmare before christmas fanart, it was really popular in japan. No. 246212
File: 1665452571147.jpeg (242.6 KB, 1360x2048, FspiderP twitter.jpeg)

No. 246216
File: 1665452667946.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1711x2048, FspiderP - undyne.jpeg)

No. 246221
File: 1665453897401.png (1.2 MB, 2000x1286, meeco on pixiv - 78165541_p0.p…)

No. 246222
File: 1665454262173.jpeg (366.59 KB, 1080x1080, meeco on pixiv - monsters inc.…)

posting some of meeco on pixiv. they do these dress up pictures that are cute, would feel like I was flooding if I posted them all (too many!!) so go check them out if you like it
No. 246223
File: 1665454296091.jpeg (277.78 KB, 1080x1080, meeco on pixiv - big hero…)

No. 246225
File: 1665454550741.png (742.65 KB, 1080x1080, meeco on pixiv - sesame street…)

meeco on pixiv - sesame street
who the fuck is Moppy and why is big bird the shortest one?
No. 246226
File: 1665454640202.jpeg (250.24 KB, 1080x1080, meeco on pixiv - Frozen outfit…)

No. 246227
File: 1665454711012.jpeg (217.81 KB, 1080x1080, meeco on pixiv - alice in wond…)

No. 246229
File: 1665454779607.jpeg (934.18 KB, 1080x1080, meeco on pixiv - mary poppins.…)

No. 246231
File: 1665455294639.png (506.98 KB, 1080x1080, meeco - jasmine.png)

they also did a cute princess collection here No. 246235
File: 1665456010278.jpeg (390.42 KB, 1110x1468, 101353249_p1.jpeg)

dramatic steampunk Goofy is killing me lol, I'm not a kingdom hearts person so he's still just regular goofy to me. the artist is good though. @JJJmogami
No. 246236
File: 1665456194473.jpeg (265.81 KB, 1389x1598, 101353249_p5.jpeg)

do you think goofy is someone's husbando?
No. 246239
File: 1665456516146.jpeg (154.25 KB, 1274x1699, 最上 on pixiv 96699899_p7.jpeg)

starting to suspect this artist has an obsession
No. 246240
File: 1665456555362.jpeg (178.32 KB, 1734x1475, 最上 on pixiv 96699899_p5.jpeg)

No. 246241
File: 1665456583917.jpeg (243.04 KB, 1461x1145, 最上 on pixiv 92961459_p0.jpeg)

wholesome dilf
No. 246242
File: 1665456653739.png (5.23 MB, 2549x2132, 最上 pixiv 91409084_p0.png)

No. 246243
File: 1665456730344.jpeg (235.69 KB, 1601x1738, 最上 on pixiv 96699899_p8.jpeg)

No. 246248
File: 1665457961546.jpg (100.3 KB, 564x1893, e089a99dc497c11c904509d6fc71c6…)

since someone is posting a goofyfag, i would like to include this baldifag, who has since deleted all her stuff and moved on but i found her obsession with baldi hilarious and adorable
No. 246253
File: 1665460445932.jpeg (167.76 KB, 1192x1257, 最上 on pixiv 99156839_p0.jpeg)

>>246247it does seem that way. they also ship him with mickey
No. 246271
File: 1665464908578.jpg (279.92 KB, 847x899, 1650921660755.jpg)

This one is so Japanese, adorable
No. 246272
File: 1665464959758.png (1018.17 KB, 1200x900, 1650920126661.png)

No. 246273
File: 1665465033894.png (116.45 KB, 533x671, 76692494_p20.png)

count von count looks you like this, what do?
No. 246283
File: 1665469426241.png (214.88 KB, 894x894, 828E195A-4448-4362-812F-9D8267…)

>>246248I want to see the rest
No. 246287
File: 1665472481385.jpg (873.86 KB, 3745x1680, 78562659_p0.jpg)

No. 246319
File: 1665487081553.jpg (687.32 KB, 800x600, 46710192_p0.jpg), I used to spent hours in Pixiv but I haven't checked it ever since they changed the UI back in 2016-ish and made it ugly.
This thread reminded me that I used to follow picrel, I was in for the kirby stuff, but they also drew lots of these birds. Going thru my followed list was a trip down memory lane.
No. 246335
File: 1665493247722.jpg (803.67 KB, 1280x1811, puqlc5cg8J1xs7fpwo1_1280.jpg)

>>246214It's Loki from Marvel. I'm not much of a lokifag but the original artist niwa-art was.
No. 246357
>>246243My favorite so far
No. 246372
File: 1665507500266.png (2.1 MB, 808x1648, Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 09.5…)

>>246356Goofy lady rules. I went to look at her twitter (@JJJmogami) instead of her pixiv and she just took her daughter to disney world where it looks like they had the best time ever and got to meet Gu-chan lol (not gonna post her and her daughter but their outfits were super cute)
No. 246373
File: 1665507863736.jpeg (249.07 KB, 1450x1727, @JJJmogami FcKj5fhagAAu7zk.jpe…)

>>246357one more traditional goofy for you
I unironically want one of her doujins now
No. 246379
File: 1665508740587.jpeg (314.82 KB, 583x828, sasamaru_lion all ages doujin.…)

No. 246380
File: 1665509053764.jpeg (699.64 KB, 900x900, 13000bd85672e27724d6b2991ca7ab…)

found this doujin on alice-books by the circle MILKYBOY INC.
No. 246384
File: 1665509721078.jpeg (749.23 KB, 721x1024, Clasp : madada alice-books.jpe…)

No. 246385
File: 1665509747121.jpeg (514.21 KB, 705x1000, 腕押しゲーム : madada alice-books.j…)

No. 246388
File: 1665510080544.jpeg (550.63 KB, 720x1024, 馬も歩けば棒に当たる : たこだらけ alice-boo…)

from the 海外アニメ ("overseas anime") tag on alice-books
No. 246400
File: 1665510898451.jpeg (458.55 KB, 690x1000, Ready to Die : 小児科 alice-books…)

southpark doujin
I looked at the artist's twitter and they're a shotafag unfortunately
No. 246402
File: 1665511009095.jpeg (218.82 KB, 724x1024, The future of smoke : カミカゼニンシ…)

No. 246403
File: 1665511585183.jpeg (846.36 KB, 1024x1022, Camellia : 糸電話 fanbook.jpeg)

No. 246405
File: 1665511650771.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1024x1024, Camellia : 糸電話.jpeg)

No. 246406
File: 1665511698333.jpeg (143.82 KB, 1024x995, Camellia : 糸電話 closeup.jpeg)

these turtles are so cutesy
No. 246408
File: 1665511966552.jpeg (389.04 KB, 534x744, COLLEGE RING : 84550 alice-boo…)

steven universe doujin
No. 246410
File: 1665512061991.jpeg (1.04 MB, 721x1024, SU Miri Shira Anthology : mada…)

No. 246414
File: 1665512222156.jpeg (139.7 KB, 841x595, cosmic closet : I'll do someth…)

some kind of adventure time dress-up fanbook
No. 246438
File: 1665517177051.jpg (269.77 KB, 1808x1179, @yamada_9000.jpg)

No. 246453
>>246373>>246253>>246243>>246242>>246241>>246240>>246239>>246236>>246235These Goofy thirst fanarts reminds me of the time I accidentally stumbled on a lewd doujin involving Goofy and
I can't remember what the artist name was, and I believe it's for the better.
No. 246458
File: 1665522031667.jpg (237.98 KB, 1207x1621, FeyOXwRaEAE39Ko.jpg)

No. 246471
File: 1665524096216.jpg (424.6 KB, 500x612, lazuen1.jpg)

>>246336Sadly, many asian Undertale artists deleted their fanarts, their blogs or made it private because retards were reposting their illustrations without giving them credit
No. 246483
File: 1665527270083.jpg (752.22 KB, 1360x1100, Coco.(Disney).full.2354200.jpg)

No. 246488
File: 1665529021955.jpg (402.7 KB, 1590x2048, 1657222772359.jpg)

I cant find the sauce but this artist husbandofags Grim from Billy and mandy. Does anyone know the artist? i tried tineye but it didnt help
No. 246490
File: 1665529338107.jpg (642.05 KB, 768x768, 90824678_p3.jpg)

why do you think Japanese fanart tends to be better than western fanart? for me, while westerns try to make everything look as realistic as possible (think sakimichan) Japanese artists prefer to focus on color harmony and maintaining the original style of the show.
No. 246491
File: 1665529444272.jpg (438.18 KB, 941x645, 1650919523147.jpg)

>>246490also, i love how they maintain their culture, there's something really charming about japanese schoolboy Goofy
No. 246492
File: 1665529809405.png (1.02 MB, 1200x750, 66757737_p0.png)

No. 246493
File: 1665529882422.jpg (753.81 KB, 3176x2400, E6_vtmnUcAAaGyD.jpg)

No. 246494
File: 1665529925762.jpg (403.88 KB, 1664x1190, E2th0nMVcAkxCek.jpg)

>>246493i blove this mlp artist
No. 246501
File: 1665530903530.jpeg (204.23 KB, 600x804, 320116B2-8D3E-4E47-8944-64D9DD…)

>>246488I loved that show, I found some good fan art a million years ago I should try to find more again. Mandy rules. No. 246502
File: 1665530918496.jpeg (198.61 KB, 600x817, B9B88497-3DAF-46CF-A911-60E79E…)

>>246336>>246471This artist goes by “ganbare” in pixiv iirc
No. 246503
File: 1665531322272.jpg (369.22 KB, 2000x3000, D0bc7KXVYAAmxTi.jpg)

>>246500but i mean the good fanart, i personally never liked western fanart it always looks off. I don't think it's being a weeaboo because there is a bunch of non-fanartists western artists i like, it's just that they often suck at non-realism
No. 246514
File: 1665536579483.png (406.44 KB, 1000x851, MoppyProfile.png)

>>246225Moppy is a demon. He gains Elmo’s attention by showering him in arcane symbols that give him magical powers. Elmo brings the symbols into his home, which allows a manifestation to appear in the mirror. Elmo enacts a dark ritual, touching the pentagram-stigmata on the demon’s hand, and that draws it out of the mirror and unleashes it on the waking world.Freed from plush toy limbo, the demon uses its diabolical charisma to become an object of worship.
>jp sesame street marketing team envious of disney duffy success, make their own jp exclusive character. No. 246515
File: 1665536949419.png (815.86 KB, 856x1300, 53557194_p0.png)

>>246170Nice art style but the artist is a moid coomer
No. 246540
File: 1665541190744.jpeg (784.17 KB, 1000x1000, by Noko on pixiv.jpeg)

>>246514lmao thank you
nonnie No. 246545
File: 1665541594774.jpg (404.36 KB, 800x900, 54167829_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>246541she has a lot of western cartoon fanart
No. 246552
File: 1665542117030.png (340.86 KB, 1000x1400, 66384625_p10.png)

>>246547I think Bert is their husbando.
No. 246554
File: 1665542264712.png (567.04 KB, 1200x1828, 66384625_p15.png)

No. 246556
File: 1665542493567.jpg (1.62 MB, 1419x2370, [21-11-28] 1464908427868524546…)

>>246553this is the meme where you ask your husbando questions and you hvae to draw him reacting to them
>>246516true, but i feel like the autism displayed in some of these pics is exclusively Japanese, i think the only other artist that has a similar vibe to these husbando pics is that one girl that draws that super angsty comic about demon spongebob dating her OC
No. 246559
File: 1665543142206.png (337.1 KB, 750x750, 74334901_p0.png)

this person has a lot of star trek stuff, they also love Queen and Toy Story No. 246561
File: 1665543259747.png (8.16 KB, 539x539, 76096191_p0.png)

No. 246562
File: 1665543287325.png (26.92 KB, 500x500, 74040872_p16.png)

No. 246567
File: 1665543865959.jpeg (166.25 KB, 799x750, はしもとはしこ 69175874_p0.jpeg)

No. 246568
File: 1665543903665.jpeg (122.22 KB, 1138x750, はしもとはしこ 68133416_p4.jpeg)

No. 246569
File: 1665544186346.jpeg (165.22 KB, 1050x750, はしもとはしこ 79508901_p0.jpeg)

No. 246570
File: 1665544213481.jpeg (179.88 KB, 750x1109, はしもとはしこ 65908377_p0.jpeg)

No. 246571
File: 1665544291842.jpeg (871.92 KB, 1852x1200, はしもとはしこ 68133416_p0.jpeg)

No. 246572
File: 1665545614660.jpeg (190.89 KB, 750x960, はしもとはしこ 79703311_p0.jpeg)

No. 246574
File: 1665545677001.jpeg (103.56 KB, 750x1065, はしもとはしこ 86102189_p0.jpeg)

No. 246596
File: 1665552384998.jpeg (693.15 KB, 1100x743, E866F200-B324-46E9-AEFD-8A4C54…)

No. 246600
File: 1665555008318.png (104.17 KB, 571x669, 92233885_p1.png)

stupid sexy professor utonium
No. 246613
File: 1665556209628.png (149.28 KB, 910x910, 92256873_p32.png)

>>246606same. For me it's a mix of really nice colors and strong fundamentals, also not over-rendering stuff. Do you have any example of how you would like your art to look like?
No. 246617
File: 1665556727283.png (549.1 KB, 1158x960, 94032537_p0.png)

No. 246618
File: 1665556731074.jpg (217.24 KB, 1061x1438, E-NYgRPVQAA7Dk6.jpg)

Wonder why so many Japanese artists love PnP, specially Cadance, it's such an ugly looking show
>marryprof. Utonium
It was harder than i though, the professor is a must marry, he's an amazing father and fits my nerd kink but both Johnny/Jack are pretty hot
No. 246623
File: 1665557136778.jpg (471.53 KB, 846x768, 90824678_p1.jpg)

>>246622thw horny rick fanart is crazy
No. 246639
File: 1665558690645.jpeg (749.55 KB, 848x1200, (C70) [Kurikoya (Hiyoshimaru A…)

>>246601not sure about the other two but I'm killing Jack, can't explain gut feeling it's the right thing to do
No. 246646
File: 1665559066626.jpg (95.74 KB, 1300x1300, 1e58e74f1f23cc667ea6039ed604ec…)

>>246639this is tom and jerry? i swear fujos will humanize anything
No. 246648
File: 1665559238384.jpg (91.25 KB, 900x606, 19d5347d03391de6b2da1a4be146c0…)

>>246613I want my art to look something like that. The only thing I can dissect is great attention to detail, more emphasis on lineart rather than rendering, neutral color palette… What else?
Anyway, might as well post other art of my crusty boi.
No. 246650
File: 1665559327451.jpg (70.11 KB, 692x907, tumblr_ppeb64fbCI1slieef_1280.…)

>>246649If someone can find pixiv acc or at least an archive of that one based artist who drew McNamara, I will give my left kidney in gratitude.
No. 246652
File: 1665559408798.jpg (92.04 KB, 550x791, tumblr_ppeb64Jh3c1slieef_640.j…)

>>246651All very old art and something any FONV fan already saw probably, but I want other nonnas to enjoy it.
No. 246653
File: 1665559737994.jpg (2.05 MB, 1241x2048, Tumblr_l_26308317547201.jpg)

>>246652You know what, I might as well post some art of himbofied Vulpes Inculta. Idk, seems kinda ooc for him, but I just dig it for some weird reason.
No. 246670
>japanese style
cartoonish, cell rendered, focus on lineart and shape, simple color palette. the nose is usually VERY simplified
>korean style
a bit semi realistic, characters look like they're wearing a lot of makeup and have a plastic look. if male they're very muscular but not in a bara way
>chinese style
absolutely gorgeous color palettes, most of the focus is on the coloring, lineart is usually sketchy, can range from semi-realistic to cartoonish
>east european style
strongest fundamentals i've seen, very good anatomy, semi-realistic or realistic art, very fluid and dynamic lineart. not very cartoonish
>american style
cartoonish to semi-realistic, it's either a mix of calarts + anime + marvel or something more akin to sakimichan. a lot of focus on drawing noses and lips. imo i think it has a lot of variety but it almost always fail to capture the essence of anime
No. 246700
File: 1665566758276.png (8.78 MB, 2508x3438, らいう pixiv 77274307_p0.png)

No. 246701
File: 1665567095481.png (8.05 MB, 3720x2500, らいう pixiv 98840153_p0.png)

No. 246703
File: 1665567792564.jpg (6.34 MB, 3000x3500, らいう pixiv 97011941_p0.jpg)

No. 246704
File: 1665568468586.jpg (1.84 MB, 1374x2048, kommodore64 101758283_p0.jpg)

No. 246707
File: 1665569465407.jpg (497.81 KB, 2000x2000, FdQg367aEAA79Ic.jpg)

OkitaFuji on twitter and instagram. She draws a lot of fan art of barbie and lucio from overwatch.
No. 246725
File: 1665572340447.jpg (2.15 MB, 1333x1800, d5gv36y-8b451af2-15ac-4f32-a19…)

It really does suck gashi gashi is such a coomer, i remember stumbling upon him when he was just starting out
No. 246743
File: 1665573800844.jpg (319.71 KB, 1080x1008, danishi8785-12102022-0004.jpg)

Fucking cow made me wheeze
No. 246744
File: 1665573827949.jpg (189.76 KB, 768x768, danishi8785-12102022-0003.jpg)

>>246743User is danishi8785 on Instagram
No. 246808
>>246614>marryjohnny, my devoted himbo husband
>fuckthe professor, mostly cause i cant kill him if he's got daughters to support
>killjack, but i truly feel bad about it
No. 246850
File: 1665593875629.jpeg (209.71 KB, 450x1465, コロリコ 57880650_p0.jpeg)

>>246808I agree with your choices. something about professor utonium having made the girls in a lab makes me feel like he does not want a wife. RIP jack
No. 246854
File: 1665594280235.jpeg (183.17 KB, 500x450, コロリコ 56938115_p1.jpeg)

No. 246855
File: 1665594475274.jpeg (67.89 KB, 450x450, コロリコ 21219643_p0.jpeg)

No. 246861
File: 1665595975844.jpeg (340.68 KB, 700x994, つのじ 43452667_p1.jpeg)

No. 246863
File: 1665596009963.jpeg (331.41 KB, 700x994, つのじ 43452667_p2.jpeg)

No. 246867
>MarryJack and Prof.Utonium
>Kill Aku
No. 246870
File: 1665596666067.jpg (368.23 KB, 800x500, 18792459_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>246860>つのじ (the author): I love Flapjack so much that being Japanese hurts.Some of the doujin are translations from English to Japanese of the storyline of the show.
No. 246900
File: 1665600960454.jpg (112.33 KB, 629x900, FeUEvzsUAAAlbD9.jpg)

By @P_manland on twitter
No. 247035
File: 1665635104447.jpg (119.02 KB, 1280x940, opening_by_knknknk_dembis7-ful…)

>>247029that's the reason why the artist of pic rel loves Hey Arnold, it's so crazy to think there are Japanese westaboos out there
No. 247073
File: 1665645585680.png (1.05 MB, 688x932, hackto 57252553_p0.png)

No. 247074
File: 1665645608257.png (1.42 MB, 1500x1413, hackto 60205668_p0.png)

No. 247075
File: 1665645639670.png (1.39 MB, 1000x752, hackto OTGW 66051911_p0.png)

No. 247077
File: 1665645689377.png (1 MB, 800x1076, hackto star vs the forces of e…)

No. 247078
File: 1665645721958.png (830.14 KB, 700x1003, hackto 56500343_p0.png)

No. 247079
File: 1665646045044.png (687.09 KB, 1000x707, hackto 58915983_p0.png)

No. 247080
File: 1665646143324.png (1.01 MB, 800x780, hackto 60169797_p0.png)

No. 247084
File: 1665646399514.jpeg (385.55 KB, 550x577, hackto 21130347_p0.jpeg)

No. 247089
File: 1665647556701.jpg (100.19 KB, 800x800, tumblr_o3xm7xztXQ1s5slo6o7_128…)

By Rei 17
No. 247094
File: 1665648406631.jpg (817.82 KB, 1052x744, 95411187_p3.jpg)

>>247089>>247093this looks so good, and so much better than the blurry painting style
No. 247095
File: 1665648493367.jpg (154.35 KB, 800x800, tumblr_o3xm7xztXQ1s5slo6o5_128…)

>>247093>>247094fr, Rei_17 is one of my favorite artists ever, even if she's kind of a cow.
>picwtf what is Giffany doing there?
No. 247102
File: 1665649224627.jpg (358.25 KB, 673x571, 73166898_p0.jpg)

>>247095>fr, Rei_17 is one of my favorite artists ever, even if she's kind of a cow.wut, do tell please. Skilled artcows are very rare.
No. 247109
File: 1665650313729.jpg (153.26 KB, 800x800, tumblr_o3xm7xztXQ1s5slo6o1_128…)

>>247098Kek, I forgot that Rei 17 is Chinese. Does art made by other East Asian artists still count as westaboo art?
>>247102Here's the original(?) compilation: the top of my head: On Weibo, she shits on other famous artists that she works with because she sees them as inferior, and likes accusing people of copying her pieces (despite having received at least one such accusation herself), some of the alleged cases of plagiarism look a bit more similar to her art than others but ymmv. She's also super paranoid about people copying her art style. Basically she acts like she's better than everyone else.
No. 247114
File: 1665651394150.jpg (199.48 KB, 1000x1200, Star.vs..the.Forces.of.Evil.fu…)

>>247077 >>247078 more fanart for Star vs the Forces of Evil @gomoku1
>>247109>Does art made by other East Asian artists still count as westaboo art?I'm not OP but I think it's fine. wasn't gonna say anything but I think some of the other pixivs itt are not japanese, not sure though and I'm not gonna hunt through them.
art drama is good drama but so petty lol. brings me back to deviantart days.
No. 247117
File: 1665651431729.jpeg (847.94 KB, 2048x1490, gomoku1 EWnuR8qUwAAPjPH.jpeg)

No. 247118
File: 1665651482571.jpeg (262.45 KB, 1365x2048, gomoku1 FdL3bFUagAIk9En.jpeg)

No. 247140
File: 1665663700324.jpeg (55.07 KB, 384x386, B27BCA93-BB45-434D-B145-0D9A06…)

Asked this a while back in the Help Me Find thread with no takers. I figured maybe someone here might recognise this Undertale fanartist? This is a cropped portion of a painting of Chara, and Asriel should be there too if I remember correctly.
No. 247150
File: 1665670346745.jpg (299.74 KB, 1080x1287, Screenshot_20221013-100953_Ins…)

@schmittmuscat on instagram, they like drawing Grey's Anatomy, especially yaoi of Nico and Schmitt.
(Sorry for low res, I screenshotted off of insta)
No. 247336
File: 1665752651637.jpg (257.29 KB, 559x590, by poo (donkan gokko) 1.jpg)

No. 247339
File: 1665752982825.jpg (341.58 KB, 855x599, by poo (donkan gokko) 2.jpg)

No. 247349
File: 1665755041966.jpeg (179.95 KB, 591x1230, 59BF15EB-A54D-4CFB-A189-84ED31…)

>>247029Wasn’t this basically Junpei’s thing?
No. 247854
File: 1665914551973.jpg (110.6 KB, 874x1152, Tea Time by Habu_toid.jpg)

>>247140Reverse searched it for you,
nonnieArtist is Habu_toid but their twitter is gone
Here's the link I got the pic and info from: No. 248638
File: 1666183545685.png (997.4 KB, 800x1172, 1446973085905.png)

No. 248641
File: 1666183699557.png (2.27 MB, 1000x1333, 1572999989588.png)

No. 248642
File: 1666183740379.jpg (151.98 KB, 750x548, 1578606237455.jpg)

No. 248645
File: 1666183952523.jpg (1000.91 KB, 2048x1339, 1578790728725.jpg)

No. 248647
File: 1666184021766.jpg (1.08 MB, 4096x3436, EKnal2tU0AACbnj.jpg)

No. 248648
File: 1666184079070.png (86.46 KB, 405x519, 1474950254358.png)

No. 249078
File: 1666281396817.jpg (181.08 KB, 850x638, __japan_and_united_kingdom_axi…)

I know the series itself is not western, but japanese hetalia fans were easily the biggest westaboos I've seen in the otaku community, especially those that shipped japan with england
No. 249279
File: 1666335752776.png (212.76 KB, 800x566, 63519046_p34.png)

No. 249329
>>249321>femboyhe is just wearing a sweater, shorts and sneakers which is typical for children to wear. The vest is a little bit preppy though so I guess that can be interpreted as feminine.
The outfit is probably the least masculine I have seen him in but I don't think it's feminine either and I think it's far from femboy territory.
>Cute interpretation of his fish head into a ponytail-like hairstyle. Gumball is pretty accurate.This part I agree with
No. 251418
File: 1667067203589.png (221.07 KB, 668x930,…)

No. 251683
File: 1667183615824.png (1.9 MB, 1076x1500, CBA22932-919D-4784-9020-71737B…)

No. 251684
File: 1667183760586.jpeg (383.98 KB, 1200x1650, 9FC99ACC-744E-4E4A-A8CE-EEFD56…)

No. 252021
File: 1667298852258.png (600.49 KB, 600x540, 5633b13eHVmkzsg4.png)

can't provide the source because drawr is defunct
No. 252023
File: 1667298957876.png (60.35 KB, 600x510, 4e14cbfdEbFUz5Tq.png)

No. 252103
File: 1667329692605.jpeg (23.89 KB, 621x436, 万年ウルス祭 99910845_p1.jpeg)

No. 252104
File: 1667329716447.jpeg (193.36 KB, 2048x1527, 万年ウルス祭 101832614_p10.jpeg)

No. 252105
File: 1667329750555.jpeg (154.13 KB, 1049x744, 万年ウルス祭 99910845_p2.jpeg)

No. 252106
File: 1667329785058.jpeg (153.08 KB, 1049x744, 万年ウルス祭 99910845_p3.jpeg)

No. 252107
File: 1667329807883.jpeg (119.73 KB, 1049x744, 万年ウルス祭 99910845_p7.jpeg)

No. 252108
File: 1667329835830.jpeg (186 KB, 1284x1208, 101832614_p4.jpeg)

No. 252109
File: 1667329878340.jpeg (201.51 KB, 1182x924, 101832614_p18.jpeg)

No. 252110
File: 1667329905150.jpeg (178.01 KB, 1328x1057, 万年ウルス祭 101832614_p5.jpeg)

No. 252112
File: 1667329936830.jpeg (225.38 KB, 2047x986, 万年ウルス祭 100541786_p8.jpeg)

No. 252113
File: 1667329972443.jpeg (57.86 KB, 785x857, 万年ウルス祭 101832614_p6.jpeg)

No. 252114
File: 1667329997845.jpeg (133.33 KB, 1210x1315, 万年ウルス祭 101832614_p15.jpeg)

No. 252115
File: 1667330048399.jpeg (59.79 KB, 671x1024, 万年ウルス祭 100541786_p4.jpeg)

No. 252116
File: 1667330069108.jpeg (32.7 KB, 1280x1148, 万年ウルス祭 101832614_p13.jpeg)

No. 252118
File: 1667330233169.png (540.6 KB, 1446x2008, Doggy on pixiv…) nsfw Smithers x Burns in one of this users two pixiv posts so click with caution
No. 252119
File: 1667330363849.png (1.02 MB, 1537x2268, Doggy on pixiv…)

No. 252120
File: 1667330445817.png (1.06 MB, 3235x2008, doggy on pixiv…)

No. 252124
File: 1667330729043.jpeg (5.85 MB, 1500x2121, 85905592_p1.jpeg)

No. 252126
File: 1667330758750.jpeg (2.89 MB, 1500x2302, 85905592_p2.jpeg)

No. 252127
File: 1667330844638.jpeg (2.19 MB, 1500x1342, 85905592_p3.jpeg)

No. 252131
File: 1667331700622.jpeg (754.71 KB, 1660x1660, 将軍オルムツ 99802330_p3.jpeg)

No. 252132
File: 1667331733029.jpeg (2.75 MB, 3528x2822, 将軍オルムツ 99802330_p8.jpeg)

No. 252141
File: 1667333007320.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1181x1748, 肉草 on pixiv 97040653_p5.jpeg)

>>252134I'm not sure the Maggie and Moe thing is romantic. I'm skipping the horrific porn on pixiv, I think it's supposed to be wholesome in the drawing I posted. They have an episode.
There is shota torture porn with Bart and Sideshow Bob (idk girl, people are sick) but I didn't post any, that's Cecil like the other anon said.
No. 252142
File: 1667333166901.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1181x1748, 肉草 on pixiv 97040653_p0.jpeg)

the westaboos obsessed with Mr burns are kind of scary somehow
No. 252144
File: 1667333370647.jpeg (589.92 KB, 1181x1748, 97040653_p11.jpeg)

No. 252146
File: 1667333744671.jpeg (150.61 KB, 600x888, 肉草 on pixiv 97022447_p10.jpeg)

they posted this in japanese and in english No. 252148
File: 1667333768906.jpeg (312.66 KB, 600x591, 肉草 on pixiv 97022447_p2.jpeg)

husbando meme
No. 252149
>>252141>>252140that's my bad on that!
>>252131this just seems weird to me though, i dunno. maybe moe just always looks creepy?
>>252144this one is really really cool though
No. 252150
File: 1667333830048.jpeg (220.19 KB, 600x888, 肉草 on pixiv 97022447_p17.jpeg)

No. 252153
File: 1667333942211.jpeg (545.34 KB, 600x848, 肉草 on pixiv 97022447_p1.jpeg)

No. 252160
File: 1667334331926.jpeg (337.9 KB, 600x888, 肉草 on pixiv 97022447_p16.jpeg)

>>252149I thought it was bart at first too, bishification is confusing sometimes
sorry for spamming shitty art, something about this artist is fascinating to me
No. 252161
File: 1667334410396.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1280x1280, 101724260_p0.jpeg)

There's a "countryhumans" tag on pixiv that's very strange. not sure if it counts as a westaboo thing exactly. No. 252181
File: 1667341684963.jpeg (495.79 KB, 1200x934, 95074334_p5_master1200.jpeg)

No. 252185
File: 1667342015508.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1601x2116, ちゃわこ 97245891_p1.jpeg)

No. 252186
File: 1667342052861.jpeg (413.81 KB, 947x1307, ちゃわこ 97245891_p2.jpeg)

No. 252209
File: 1667346982358.jpeg (815.03 KB, 886x1200, SOAP…)

westaboo in taiwan who's really into Principal Skinner No. 252210
File: 1667347010682.jpeg (926.39 KB, 997x989, SOAP 99421357_p2.jpeg)

No. 252211
File: 1667347038970.jpeg (427.05 KB, 1200x924, SOAP…)

No. 252212
File: 1667347071594.jpeg (383.26 KB, 1040x1406, SOAP 99421357_p7.jpeg)

No. 252213
File: 1667347105700.jpeg (350.72 KB, 1181x827, SOAP 99421357_p3.jpeg)

No. 252214
File: 1667347137048.jpeg (538.92 KB, 1063x1535, SOAP 99421357_p4.jpeg)

No. 252215
File: 1667347165174.jpeg (530.04 KB, 1063x1535, SOAP 99421357_p5.jpeg)

No. 252216
File: 1667347188450.jpeg (643.85 KB, 1240x2007, SOAP 95040109_p0.jpeg)

No. 252217
File: 1667347210066.jpeg (765.11 KB, 1653x1771, SOAP 99421357_p16.jpeg)

No. 252218
File: 1667347241234.jpeg (183.37 KB, 827x1181, SOAP 99421357_p18.jpeg)

No. 252219
File: 1667347279566.jpeg (501.83 KB, 1200x1041, SOAP 95040109_p33_master1200.j…)

No. 252220
File: 1667347318884.jpeg (333.62 KB, 1200x1200, SOAP 91627616_p10_master1200.j…)

No. 252221
File: 1667347361228.jpeg (543.22 KB, 809x777, SOAP 95040109_p21.jpeg)

No. 252222
File: 1667347385667.jpeg (356.64 KB, 1181x945, SOAP…)

No. 252226
File: 1667348714060.jpeg (741.19 KB, 1250x1250, american dad - Asai on pixiv …)

kind of a bad coomer artist who mostly does ecchi so I won't link but they randomly had this american dad fanart
No. 252227
File: 1667348785062.png (1.94 MB, 1683x2121, magoyama on pixiv 92733528_p0.…)

No. 252233
File: 1667349631471.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1100x1200, KE on pixiv 【WandaVision】log 8…)

No. 252234
File: 1667349655854.jpeg (851.39 KB, 1110x1026, KE on pixiv 【WandaVision】log 8…)

No. 252235
File: 1667349679112.jpeg (657.6 KB, 1230x1720, KE on pixiv 【WandaVision】log 8…)

No. 252236
File: 1667349772214.jpeg (884.67 KB, 1192x1265, KE on pixiv 【WandaVision】log 8…)

No. 252237
File: 1667349811246.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1300x1417, KE on pixiv 【WandaVision】log 8…)

No. 252242
File: 1667350085606.jpeg (274.35 KB, 2048x1536, 将軍オルムツ 94642481_p0.jpeg)

posting some Home Movies fanart was kind of excited when I saw this, not gonna lie.
No. 252243
File: 1667350175370.jpeg (396.12 KB, 1147x1430, 将軍オルムツ 94642481_p1.jpeg)

brendon and dwayne
No. 252244
File: 1667350213173.jpeg (215.79 KB, 799x1224, 将軍オルムツ 94642481_p2.jpeg)

jason and melissa
No. 252246
File: 1667350358895.jpeg (180.49 KB, 737x916, 将軍オルムツ 94642481_p3.jpeg)

shannon and dwayne I think
No. 252247
File: 1667350463697.jpeg (306.36 KB, 1684x1190, 将軍オルムツ 94642481_p4.jpeg)

No. 252248
File: 1667350507288.jpeg (219.13 KB, 1024x864, 将軍オルムツ 94642481_p14.jpeg)

No. 252250
File: 1667350724234.jpeg (285.55 KB, 992x1334, 将軍オルムツ 94642481_p11.jpeg)

maybe I need to rewatch Home Movies, I don't remember Shannon being one of the more interesting characters but this artist loves him
No. 252251
File: 1667350766008.jpeg (198.11 KB, 1024x1006, 将軍オルムツ 94642481_p10.jpeg)

No. 252252
>>252248>>252247>>252244>>252243>>252242>>252251These are cool.
>>252250Shannon wasn't in a lot of the episodes. Surprised not to see Walter or Perry.
No. 252253
File: 1667350966301.jpeg (227.38 KB, 661x539, 将軍オルムツ 94642481_p13.jpeg)

No. 252254
File: 1667351038729.jpeg (715.73 KB, 2048x2048, 将軍オルムツ 94642481_p17.jpeg)

No. 252255
File: 1667351258150.jpeg (120.48 KB, 1024x724, 将軍オルムツ 94642481_p18.jpeg)

>>252252I guess shannon is just her fave? she's a fujo, probably ships him with dwayne.
No. 252260
File: 1667352965971.png (4.86 MB, 2122x2976, マキタロ(ポイピクに移動) 73189442_p9.p…)

>>252259it's a cute fanbook I kinda want it lol
No. 252261
File: 1667353013285.png (5.82 MB, 2122x2976, マキタロ(ポイピクに移動)…)

No. 252262
File: 1667353055127.png (2.93 MB, 2122x2976, マキタロ(ポイピクに移動) 73189442_p6.p…)

>>252137more moe and maggie
No. 252307
File: 1667361776638.jpeg (661.24 KB, 1653x1417, 99421357_p51.jpeg)

>>252291they have some art that shows "normal" versus how they draw the characters
No. 252314
>>252209Kek she was posted in one of the bad art threads
>>252277Uuhh this artist really likes cartoon grandpas
No. 252347
File: 1667378154312.jpeg (721.26 KB, 1100x1645, KE on pixiv 【unbrella academy】…)

No. 252348
File: 1667378185468.jpeg (2.16 MB, 3000x1799, KE on pixiv 【unbrella academy】…)

No. 252349
File: 1667378209418.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1200x1053, KE on pixiv 【unbrella academy】…)

No. 252350
File: 1667378242575.jpeg (2.46 MB, 2090x2302, KE on pixiv 【unbrella academy】…)

No. 252351
File: 1667378273718.jpeg (702.13 KB, 1110x1111, KE on pixiv 【unbrella academy】…)

No. 252352
File: 1667378378431.jpeg (252.55 KB, 994x731, KE on pixiv 【unbrella academy】…)

No. 252358
File: 1667379639673.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1159x1847, ちゃわこ 98205677_p12.jpeg)

No. 252359
File: 1667379661478.jpeg (796.2 KB, 1635x1124, ちゃわこ 98205677_p19.jpeg)

No. 252360
File: 1667379690701.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1135x1656, ちゃわこ 99311102_p6.jpeg)

No. 252361
File: 1667379754223.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1127x1655, ちゃわこ 99311102_p22.jpeg)

No. 252362
File: 1667379868994.jpeg (1.91 MB, 2384x1702, ちゃわこ 99311102_p2.jpeg)

No. 252535
File: 1667424080037.jpeg (412.22 KB, 1200x1600, @0rmts.jpeg)

>>252258I was looking on their pixiv before and I thought that was it but they had more on twitter No. 252536
File: 1667424167950.jpeg (113.44 KB, 1000x1000, shannon-kun @0rmts.jpeg)

shannon-kun again
No. 252538
File: 1667424253289.jpeg (358.02 KB, 1430x2048, @0rmts shannondwayne.jpeg)

No. 252541
File: 1667424454921.jpeg (267.29 KB, 1500x1500, @0rmts dwayne…)

No. 252544
File: 1667424943574.jpeg (476.1 KB, 1684x1190, @0rmts simpsons halloween.jpeg)

they also drew a really good simpsons halloween picture this year.
their pixiv has a lot of bishified simpsons men and some amazing fujo-brained pairings
No. 252589
File: 1667439095187.jpeg (259.1 KB, 760x662, 将軍オルムツ 88560404_p14_master1200…)

No. 252590
File: 1667439119711.jpeg (276.79 KB, 811x1057, 将軍オルムツ 83595903_p3_master1200.…)

No. 252591
File: 1667439163407.jpeg (282.49 KB, 900x1200, 72092818_p2.jpeg)

No. 252592
File: 1667439211957.jpeg (581.75 KB, 1668x2224, 72092818_p29.jpeg)

No. 252593
File: 1667439248665.jpeg (158.86 KB, 968x1024, 91935267_p7.jpeg)

No. 252595
File: 1667439620019.jpeg (350.09 KB, 1418x1653, 72092818_p18.jpeg)

No. 252597
File: 1667439646099.jpeg (143.32 KB, 690x1024, 将軍オルムツ88560404_p3.jpeg)

No. 252609
File: 1667441668379.jpeg (430.21 KB, 1000x750, 将軍オルムツ 84646039_p5_master1200.…)

Reverend Lovejoy looks like a Mob Psycho character here
No. 252611
File: 1667441709148.jpeg (506.19 KB, 2048x1536, 72092818_p51.jpeg)

No. 252613
File: 1667441778218.jpeg (182.63 KB, 1165x1661, 将軍オルムツ 96214959_p10.jpeg)

No. 252614
>>252613I saw this on Recent Images and thought to myself, "This doesn't belong in the westaboo chat, they're both anime guys. But the redhead looks vaguely familiar…"
Never in a million years would I have guessed Simpsons.
No. 252616
File: 1667442365136.jpg (103.42 KB, 540x540, tumblr_120f69a3b5f53e04744d7a0…)

it's so rare to even find good pictures of this guy
No. 252620
File: 1667442926403.jpg (228.28 KB, 1448x2048, tumblr_b10b30d598411d1d8b0b523…)

cant seem to bundle these into one pic but i thought this was cute (1)
No. 252621
File: 1667443178143.jpg (590.25 KB, 1448x2048, tumblr_260d0325995473459c52db4…)

No. 252626
File: 1667445692259.jpeg (658.28 KB, 1448x2048, 75789782_p11.jpeg)

didn't know reverend lovejoy was a popular character with westaboos. they make him so handsome lol No. 252627
File: 1667445721472.jpeg (391.35 KB, 2048x1488, ノグボンド 75789782_p8.jpeg)

No. 252628
File: 1667446104862.jpg (1.23 MB, 3508x4960, ノグボンド lovejoy .jpg)

No. 252629
File: 1667446166552.jpeg (778.1 KB, 2480x3508, ノグボンド 72271768_p9.jpeg)

No. 252630
File: 1667446201454.jpeg (568.9 KB, 1978x2048, ノグボンド 75789782_p10.jpeg)

No. 252631
File: 1667446327965.jpeg (1.72 MB, 2480x3508, ノグボンド 72271768_p10.jpeg)

No. 252632
File: 1667446480422.jpeg (74.32 KB, 773x1024, ノグボンド jessica lovejoy 83972…)

>>252631>>252630The Jessica Lovejoy fanart is kinda good too but I'm far too afraid to look at her tag on pixiv
No. 252633
File: 1667446516567.jpeg (327.82 KB, 1448x2048, ノグボンド 72271768_p13.jpeg)

No. 252634
File: 1667446571354.jpeg (1.87 MB, 2480x3508, ノグボンド 72271768_p23.jpeg)

No. 252635
File: 1667446634535.jpeg (1.68 MB, 2480x3508, ノグボンド 72271768_p5.jpeg)

No. 252636
File: 1667446689560.jpeg (2.26 MB, 3508x2480, ノグボンド 72271768_p24.jpeg)

No. 252638
File: 1667447940767.jpeg (327.27 KB, 652x785, ヨンダ Groundskeeper Willie 9303…)

the sound I made when I saw this is embarrassingsource: No. 252639
File: 1667448008769.jpeg (280.76 KB, 734x860, ヨンダ93033554_p30.jpeg)

same artists as
>>252638 genderbent Cecil Terwilliger
No. 252641
File: 1667448106264.jpeg (290.83 KB, 835x865, ヨンダ 93033554_p36.jpeg)

No. 252642
File: 1667448174470.jpeg (406 KB, 836x651, ヨンダ 93033554_p37.jpeg)

No. 252643
File: 1667448207224.jpeg (63.26 KB, 1008x790, ヨンダ 93033554_p33.jpeg)

No. 252644
File: 1667448283871.jpeg (76.87 KB, 663x955, ヨンダ93033554_p6.jpeg)

No. 252645
File: 1667448646054.jpeg (273.65 KB, 599x769, ヨンダ93033554_p14.jpeg)

I'm not sure which character this is supposed to be but I feel like I should know. any guesses?
No. 252646
File: 1667449650257.jpeg (167.14 KB, 970x831, ヨンダ93033554_p32.jpeg)

just realized this artist is korean not japanese, hope that's ok for the thread
No. 252648
File: 1667449726167.jpeg (225.12 KB, 719x790, ヨンダ 93033923_p10.jpeg)

No. 252649
File: 1667449809143.jpeg (181.82 KB, 621x680, ヨンダ 96420485_p7.jpeg)

at least they aged up Mandy for their ship
No. 252650
File: 1667449847356.jpeg (190.8 KB, 700x838, ヨンダ 93033923_p16.jpeg)

No. 252652
File: 1667449916182.jpeg (76.48 KB, 1052x511, ヨンダ 94369623_p1.jpeg)

No. 252653
File: 1667450032726.jpeg (225.69 KB, 395x704, ヨンダ 96420826_p1.jpeg)

No. 252657
File: 1667450516894.jpeg (896.49 KB, 1930x953, 94230446_p0.jpeg)

gross artist but this picture is cute. don't look up the source, I was really disappointed when I clicked through to their other stuff.
No. 252674
File: 1667458358917.jpeg (404.83 KB, 2048x1535, 将軍オルムツ 72092818_p56.jpeg)

>>252671In hindsight, I should have known. I just didn't see it. Pixiv is such a minefield
No. 252682
File: 1667459338921.jpeg (521.82 KB, 1536x2048, 将軍オルムツ 72092818_p16.jpeg)

more simpsons (same pixiv artist that did the home movies fanart itt)
twitter @0rmts
No. 252683
File: 1667459434281.jpeg (215.08 KB, 1169x826, 将軍オルムツ 96214959_p1.jpeg)

>>252681I can stop if there's too much. I've had fun looking at it
No. 252684
File: 1667459609250.jpeg (1.76 MB, 926x1200, 将軍オルムツ 88560404_p9_master1200.…)

No. 252685
File: 1667459701021.jpeg (406.64 KB, 1200x849, 将軍オルムツ 88560404_p0_master1200.…)

No. 252686
File: 1667459935099.jpeg (247.36 KB, 1190x1684, 将軍オルムツ 96214959_p5.jpeg)

No. 252730
>>252626Never underestimate the power of priestfags
No. 252786
File: 1667492109426.png (1.1 MB, 1280x854, CEC5E2A4-9888-4663-968D-4F52DE…)

No. 252832
File: 1667506304596.png (524.76 KB, 600x849, maruco 49352300_p2.png)

>>251329their stuff is sooo cute
No. 252834
File: 1667506387862.png (802.35 KB, 700x998, maruco 65570687_p5.png)

No. 252835
File: 1667506409523.png (644.62 KB, 600x850, maruco 58588370_p1.png)

No. 252837
File: 1667506460183.png (1.17 MB, 1000x707, maruco 60273193_p4.png)

No. 252839
File: 1667506591254.png (265.04 KB, 700x992, maruco 49467779_p0.png)

No. 252842
File: 1667507610317.jpeg (500.89 KB, 884x1197, @yrsn_yk FbRFNApaMAA39PT.jpeg)

No. 252843
File: 1667507641531.jpeg (61.96 KB, 702x1000, @yrsn_yk FMYf2IFVUAM8cVv.jpeg)

No. 252844
File: 1667507671316.jpeg (318.16 KB, 677x996, @yrsn_yk FaOEuVWaMAEeDlu.jpeg)

No. 252845
File: 1667507716400.png (333.54 KB, 890x678, @yrsn_yk FZqKhhvUUAExOH1.png)

No. 252846
File: 1667507738421.png (168.94 KB, 716x600, @yrsn_yk FOOh0sjagAA8X4W.png)

No. 252848
File: 1667507775782.jpeg (249.67 KB, 800x900, @yrsn_yk FUq7qRbaUAEcUZ6.jpeg)

No. 252850
File: 1667507798268.png (222.21 KB, 900x800, @yrsn_yk FTtE4eJaQAATyYg.png)

No. 252851
File: 1667507821078.jpeg (74.52 KB, 950x673, @yrsn_yk FW7G4JzVQAE--h4.jpeg)

No. 252852
File: 1667507852013.jpeg (207.3 KB, 715x850, @yrsn_yk FPl71AuaQAIK6WE.jpeg)

No. 252853
File: 1667507993164.png (242.76 KB, 1004x844, @yrsn_yk 92230566_p3.png)

No. 252854
File: 1667508019327.png (401.15 KB, 1050x1351, @yrsn_yk 92230566_p12.png)

No. 252855
File: 1667508041880.png (1.43 MB, 1019x1283, @yrsn_yk 92230566_p24.png)

No. 252858
File: 1667508365600.png (337.19 KB, 997x700, @yrsn_yk 92230566_p25.png)

No. 252859
File: 1667508398101.png (890.02 KB, 1120x801, @yrsn_yk 94464441_p26.png)

No. 252860
File: 1667508460932.png (2.54 MB, 1300x1199, @yrsn_yk 89556198_p4.png)

No. 252861
File: 1667508932912.png (403.21 KB, 1400x1050, @yrsn_yk 93231751_p7.png)

No. 252862
File: 1667508954901.png (340.28 KB, 1400x1050, @yrsn_yk 93231751_p8.png)

No. 252863
File: 1667508977885.png (611.62 KB, 1304x1033, @yrsn_yk 93231751_p12.png)

No. 252864
File: 1667509000287.png (326.02 KB, 1024x768, @yrsn_yk 75685024_p5.png)

No. 252865
File: 1667509022700.png (239.3 KB, 1024x768, @yrsn_yk 78520476_p19.png)

No. 252866
File: 1667509054712.png (370.56 KB, 1200x1200, @yrsn_yk 79700876_p5.png)

No. 252867
File: 1667509120853.png (304.27 KB, 1024x768, @yrsn_yk 79700876_p25.png)

No. 252868
File: 1667509158568.png (457.03 KB, 789x1200, @yrsn_yk 89556198_p20.png)

No. 252869
File: 1667509185110.png (242.48 KB, 1024x768, @yrsn_yk 76845571_p20.png)

No. 252870
File: 1667509207880.png (250.72 KB, 1024x768, @yrsn_yk 76845571_p22.png)

No. 252871
File: 1667509261003.jpg (315.32 KB, 768x2048, @yrsn_yk image.jpg)

No. 252872
File: 1667509309977.png (322.19 KB, 768x1024, @yrsn_yk 78520476_p34.png)

guess they were trying out a different artstyle here
No. 252873
File: 1667509345970.png (2.37 MB, 991x1180, @yrsn_yk 76845571_p6.png)

No. 252874
File: 1667509407011.png (264.1 KB, 1300x800, @yrsn_yk 79700876_p16.png)

No. 252875
File: 1667509429847.png (316.31 KB, 1206x619, @yrsn_yk 93231751_p29.png)

No. 252876
File: 1667509456561.png (98.08 KB, 592x700, @yrsn_yk 75685024_p22.png)

No. 252877
File: 1667509482730.png (457.58 KB, 985x1500, @yrsn_yk 92230566_p17.png)

No. 252883
File: 1667511094574.jpeg (2.43 MB, 1834x1700, MEME母星八点档 99020415_p0.jpeg)

Saw this cute BMO fanart by and clicked through looking for more but all their other fanart is super deranged
No. 252884
File: 1667511214026.jpeg (Spoiler Image,556.51 KB, 1800x1200, MEME母星八点档 97554334_p1.jpeg)

>>252883this is probably the safest one, but you just KNOW what the rest are like.
No. 252969
File: 1667544862781.jpeg (399.26 KB, 1535x2048, 将軍オルムツ 72092818_p48.jpeg)

>>252955considering Finn canonically lost an arm I'm surprised I haven't seen more like that but yeah they're doing it as a fetish thing
I saw that and retreated back to the fujo simpsons artists
No. 253539
File: 1667714799744.jpeg (1.55 MB, 3743x2463, shigetomato 23276549_p0.jpeg)

lol'd at one of the tags on this being #america No. 253540
File: 1667715010898.jpeg (1.71 MB, 3329x2367, 16400371_p0.jpeg)

>>253539some of their stuff is collage art but it's interesting
No. 253542
File: 1667715278441.jpeg (2.77 MB, 2480x3508, 25790033_p0.jpeg)

>>253539OT but apparently this is their bill clinton. weird artist.
No. 253546
File: 1667716356943.png (99.37 KB, 740x490, しろ造 45492823_p0.png)

same artist (しろ造/xoxox0x)
No. 253547
File: 1667716393453.png (491.78 KB, 1000x1500, しろ造 60336124_p0.png)

No. 253548
File: 1667716439680.png (176.17 KB, 1300x500, しろ造 39303999_p0.png)

No. 253549
File: 1667716542999.png (132.32 KB, 500x600, しろ造 20599009_p0.png)

don't see a lot of fanart for this one
No. 253550
File: 1667716646475.png (203.14 KB, 700x700, しろ造 32726333_p0.png)

Shezow Shezap
No. 253685
File: 1667781764951.jpg (61.15 KB, 658x1214, dr__house_by_torokun_doeb4v-pr…)

House my beloved
No. 255158
File: 1668501301658.jpg (99.41 KB, 400x697, smurfette_by_gunnmgally_d2djgx…)

I saved this in 2009 and it just popped up in my amazon photos, I logged into my old deviantart to find the source lol No. 257110
File: 1669147903325.png (119.94 KB, 370x467, 54241322_p17.png)

No. 257111
File: 1669147966340.png (137.68 KB, 508x661, 54241322_p20.png)

No. 257112
File: 1669148011397.png (259.95 KB, 709x520, 54241322_p21.png)

No. 257118
File: 1669149291147.png (647.23 KB, 667x2000, ガしガし MAD MAX.png)

>>257115the images posted are from that pixiv set I linked. the ones in that set might be the only breaking bad fanart they did. if you expand the collection & scroll down past the terminator and mad max (etc.) art you'll see it.
No. 257147
File: 1669159659921.jpg (125.44 KB, 1200x916, ふとん 68819046_p0.jpg)

No. 257148
File: 1669159701933.jpg (42 KB, 500x551, ふとん XJ-9 53019485_p0.jpg)

No. 257165
File: 1669162255370.png (757.55 KB, 980x1306, pixiv user 1084637 66033696_p0…)

I like the westaboos art for american horror and action movies. No. 257167
File: 1669162339760.png (1.1 MB, 816x1158, pixiv user 1084637 78296000_p…)

>happy birthday mark ruffalo
No. 257195
File: 1669170972165.jpg (286.74 KB, 1920x1207, 87822155_p20.jpg) artist has a lot of art of western properties like outlast, TF2, hannibal, batman comics and more, and really seems to like Tarantino films. Their stylization of Tarantino himself, though, is what sends my sides into orbit. Many more examples in their logs of his films.
No. 257198
File: 1669171295410.jpg (4.78 MB, 1595x4096, 87822155_p110.jpg)

Tarantinoverse fan has a full 3 other "drawing them in my style" type charts of Tarantino characters in the Reservoir Dogs log alone.
The ship they've focused their fujo energies on is very niche and uh… crack, as the oldheads would say.
No. 257210
File: 1669174128415.jpg (370.71 KB, 800x734, 71968856_p23.jpg)

>>257195looking at the westaboo art is starting to make me curious about Hotline Miami
No. 257247
File: 1669189808323.jpg (581.93 KB, 1200x533, Tumblr_l_90674418332908.jpg)

>>246536Another version of this i really like (tnjusa on tumblr)
No. 257248
File: 1669190026757.png (8.8 KB, 600x150, 5674f102KEijGet5.png)

Saved from drawr before it shut down
No. 258323
File: 1669527606496.jpeg (9.39 MB, 3975x3056, Adventure_Time_Season_11_1_Jun…)

Stopping by to drop a Junko Mizuno Adventure Time cover. She's not exactly a westaboo (maybe a little; her art is shown in west coast US galleries a lot so it's more like they're a fan of her) and she got paid to do this, but it's still fun looking.
No. 258557
File: 1669588998627.jpg (142.9 KB, 1312x1253, FP_ezKRagAEsjwe.jpg)

No. 259516
Goddamn autocorrect
No. 259524
File: 1669832403362.png (163.97 KB, 487x750, tumblr_ea12fde1f6e81e7b619fcfe…)

It's weird how I have to rely on Japanese or Chinese fans even for fanart for western series because of how hard it is to find western art that looks good and isn't forcing the "personal style" (aka complete redesigns) down my throat.
No. 260008
File: 1669989740362.jpeg (97.88 KB, 700x513, cotuo_san.jpeg)

This artist who is a fan of the San Diego Padres. No. 263316
File: 1670974066814.jpg (236.09 KB, 929x1314, tumblr_afa3da7a24a6d4b28da0587…)

inside job dump incoming
No. 263317
File: 1670974100232.png (310.49 KB, 650x993, 2354235.png)

No. 263318
File: 1670974123143.jpg (166.21 KB, 834x1112, tumblr_f5789146589c1fd65a19b22…)

No. 263320
File: 1670974163102.jpg (144.5 KB, 1280x774, tumblr_4b76936183db41d060d6b44…)

No. 263321
File: 1670974195048.jpg (689.8 KB, 1448x2048, tumblr_bdbcef3b36ae40dd55fdeb8…)

No. 263322
File: 1670974223072.jpg (500.98 KB, 767x1080, tumblr_6c7ee6ab64bbdec6b366a70…)

No. 263323
File: 1670974248205.jpg (330.98 KB, 767x1080, tumblr_f89160cbe2c262d503b0608…)

No. 263324
File: 1670974291832.jpg (491.18 KB, 1191x1141, tumblr_45550b0170509d6c553b2bb…)

No. 263812
File: 1671133488759.jpeg (1016.73 KB, 1016x1187, 56A0B9D8-36E3-4809-A481-0AD2C1…)

KAWARA’s blog Tumblr
No. 263815
File: 1671134150931.jpg (474.53 KB, 2812x1404, ppg.jpg)

No. 264192
File: 1671290604967.jpeg (246.17 KB, 1280x1280, 70C4005C-1D58-4BE3-B8AE-984A2D…)

@Go_oD8 on twitter
No. 264196
File: 1671290766750.jpeg (253.45 KB, 1437x2048, A6DD786D-3682-4030-89DD-A857DE…)

>>264192This is @ikemen_san
>>264194This is @Go_od8
my b
No. 264200
File: 1671290935816.jpeg (356.26 KB, 1665x2048, FE39B4D9-0D2C-402D-BD6E-138A6F…)

>>264197I like inside job
No. 264806
File: 1671481952560.jpeg (287.03 KB, 1500x1500, @0rmts FkUAZC0UEAIn544.jpeg)

hadn't check in a while but @0rmts drew some new sideshow bob
No. 264808
File: 1671482442210.jpeg (320.95 KB, 1389x1949, @0rmts FhZXCboVQAECXbE.jpeg)

No. 264809
File: 1671482463889.jpeg (179.9 KB, 1191x1684, @0rmts Fh7bhZUUYAAWVF6.jpeg)

No. 264817
File: 1671483540730.jpg (889.48 KB, 1740x2132, PACMANISDEAD 97626413_p0.jpg)

homicidal Moe
No. 264818
File: 1671483577344.jpg (640.97 KB, 1602x1959, PACMANISDEAD 97626413_p3.jpg)

No. 264820
File: 1671483701739.jpg (671.56 KB, 1525x1303, PACMANISDEAD 97626413_p9.jpg)

noting some simpsons westaboos really like to put them in military gear
No. 264821
File: 1671483726460.jpg (467.14 KB, 1591x1536, PACMANISDEAD 97626413_p2.jpg)

No. 264822
File: 1671483942699.jpeg (541.64 KB, 1988x1332, @PACMAN64000875 FXCVoElUcAERu…)

from their twitter springfield mafia
No. 264823
File: 1671484138966.jpeg (1.07 MB, 2048x1536, @PACMAN64000875 FZi6kmBUEAAp42…)

seems like they're into Ranfren right now
No. 264825
File: 1671484226541.jpeg (197.73 KB, 1420x1595, @PACMAN64000875 FZNSjh5XgAAhC…)

kind of circular since Ranfren is a canadian weaboo webcomic as far as I can tell (sorry if I'm wrong, I don't read it but I like their fanart)
No. 264826
File: 1671484271714.webm (994.26 KB, 934x720, @PACMAN64000875.webm)
No. 264846
File: 1671488928480.jpeg (209.6 KB, 1372x1877, @PACMAN64000875 FZoil9dWIAINMk…)

>>264841is it good? I'm intrigued that it's hosted on neocities but maybe I'm just oldddd
No. 264940
>>264841I really like ranfren too nonna, who cares if we get called cringe (I guess using an imageboard in and of itself could be considered cringe)
>>264846It's good if you like bizzare and surreal storytelling/imagery. It feels like I'm reading a dream because of how nonsensical it all is. I think its really funny too.
No. 268599
File: 1673536114274.jpeg (108.38 KB, 800x600, DF479ECE-8302-46EC-B0D7-98D005…)

I guess inside job is over. I don’t watch it but this made me laugh
By @dendedeonasu on Twitter
No. 271030
File: 1674329853228.jpg (505.15 KB, 846x1200, 100113457_p15_master1200.jpg)

>>246248I know this post is three months old but I found a whole ass baldi basics manga on pixiv in Japanese that was made last year No. 277401
File: 1677026138767.jpg (908.66 KB, 1040x1608, 95530765_p0.jpg)

>>271030their baldi looks good lol
No. 277402
File: 1677026345075.png (254.99 KB, 500x1400, 33655242_p0.png) Facilier. they took away his little pot belly… seems wrong.
No. 277406
File: 1677027013452.jpg (363.08 KB, 600x900, user 4008192 - 27079323_p0.jpg)'re not very active but they drew some good disney villain art
No. 277407
File: 1677027078929.jpg (370.03 KB, 694x972, user 4008192 - 26160268_p0.jpg)

No. 277408
File: 1677027125489.jpg (579.59 KB, 700x997, user 4008192 - 26184213_p0.jpg)

No. 277409
File: 1677027210844.jpg (477.07 KB, 600x897, user 4008192 - 26842711_p0.jpg)

No. 277410
File: 1677027248685.jpg (480.73 KB, 650x885, user 4008192 - 31349825_p0.jpg)

No. 277413
File: 1677027674178.jpg (437.49 KB, 659x927, user 4008192 - 35283701_p0.jpg)

No. 277416
File: 1677028553655.jpg (803.39 KB, 664x1723, 72198162_p0.jpg) person ships Shan Yu with Facilier and it's kinda cute
No. 277417
File: 1677028635273.jpg (387.59 KB, 800x784, 79069932_p0.jpg)

their art isn't extremely detailed or anything but I feel like they put a lot of heart into it and have fun lol
No. 277418
File: 1677028806757.jpg (368.27 KB, 1396x1360, 87261580_p2.jpg)

No. 277424
File: 1677030013676.jpg (872.48 KB, 829x1200, 102388723_p12_master1200.jpg) of cute Frozen fanart, you can tell they're a big fan
No. 277438
File: 1677032942232.jpg (511.1 KB, 1500x1500, user65714 たじま なおと 100613070_p…)

No. 277442
File: 1677033575131.jpg (368.92 KB, 1000x1000, 74608848_p0.jpg)

>>277438forgot to link them account, they have a distinctive art style and they like a ton of western stuff
No. 277443
File: 1677033635444.jpg (1.65 MB, 1000x1000, 72136115_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 277444
File: 1677033919973.jpg (479.76 KB, 1000x1000, 62622895_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 277445
File: 1677033954472.png (974.94 KB, 1000x1000, 62648468_p0.png)

No. 277446
File: 1677034121891.jpg (1.66 MB, 1000x1000, 73520784_p0_master1200.jpg)

big bang theory
also just would like to say I appreciate hte put Kim Wexler in the front on their Better Call Saul fanart
>>277438 because a lot of artists just feature Jimmy and that's a crime
No. 277544
File: 1677078692481.jpg (1.73 MB, 768x1024, user 30429466 -…)

small cruella dump incoming. pixiv user profiles in imagefile names
No. 277545
File: 1677078748378.jpg (3.01 MB, 2271x3699, user 3197246 - 90349639_p0.jpg)

No. 277546
File: 1677078867825.png (7.23 MB, 1856x2900, user 16265802 -…)

fanbook cover I think
No. 277547
File: 1677078906454.jpg (925.95 KB, 2132x2118, user 13134994 - 102864390_p0.j…)

No. 277549
File: 1677079258978.jpg (334.09 KB, 1079x1200, user 13134994 - 102864390_p1_m…)

(this and this
>>277547 are the same artist who ships shan yu and facilier
No. 277551
File: 1677079368733.jpg (18.28 MB, 4961x7016, user 17582970 -90479396_p0.jpg)

No. 277553
File: 1677079920419.jpg (2.23 MB, 2048x1447, user 36836519 - 90925168_p0 (1…)

No. 277554
File: 1677079957937.jpg (179.25 KB, 1262x1231, user 6736836 - 91002206_p0.jpg)

No. 277557
File: 1677080300009.png (6.18 MB, 1408x2000, user 40502517 -…)

maybe don't look at this pixiv profile, it's kinda nasty. but I liked this cruella
No. 277861
File: 1677179622216.jpeg (67.57 KB, 500x500, Dp9p4lqU4AAJ0ja.jpeg)

No. 277863
File: 1677179669438.jpg (469.7 KB, 2048x1534, 95846211_p29.jpg)

No. 277864
File: 1677179699320.jpg (645.21 KB, 2048x1534, 95846045_p9.jpg)

No. 277866
File: 1677179886058.jpg (857.82 KB, 1746x2021, 95846211_p2.jpg)

No. 277867
File: 1677179945887.jpg (365.48 KB, 1436x2048, 95846211_p22.jpg)

No. 277869
File: 1677180432868.jpg (564.83 KB, 2048x1552, 95846211_p24.jpg)

No. 277870
File: 1677180516670.jpg (366.27 KB, 2048x1534, 95846211_p28.jpg)

No. 277871
File: 1677181073202.jpg (450.59 KB, 2048x1424, 95846211_p30.jpg)

No. 277872
File: 1677181142198.jpeg (887.89 KB, 2048x1534, FTApctaVIAAby2d.jpeg)

No. 277873
File: 1677181263560.jpeg (602.05 KB, 1491x1421, FNOc0CfVQAEFvHX.jpeg)

No. 277874
File: 1677181424508.jpg (12.13 MB, 3410x6110, 98865836_p0.jpg)

No. 277875
File: 1677181516915.jpg (355.42 KB, 2048x1348, 95846211_p0.jpg)

No. 277876
File: 1677181602997.jpeg (997.88 KB, 1610x2040, FMwL8iRUUAMZjnt.jpeg)

No. 277877
File: 1677181775526.jpeg (554.99 KB, 2048x1468, FM0qtdSUUAIgtTN.jpeg)

last one sorry for spamming, I think her art is really pretty although it's pretty faithful to disney's designs so maybe not as interesting as some westaboos. she's very prolific, she has a ton more on pixiv.
No. 278131
File: 1677262495613.jpg (279.26 KB, 700x933, 64613072_p0.jpg)

No. 278132
File: 1677262553657.jpg (447.17 KB, 700x933, 53818825_p0.jpg)

No. 278137
File: 1677264208038.png (479.01 KB, 640x906, 87DCB363-405F-4EE6-BD5F-722F3B…)

Can nonas post more westaboo sims fanart? I love this girls art, she does a lot of stuff with the vampire from TS4 and her self insert.
No. 278138
File: 1677264271632.png (1.51 MB, 667x1920, 85F153BA-8F74-4B88-BD65-1461D2…)

>>278137One of Ripp Grunt she did too.
No. 278858
File: 1677479699511.png (249.09 KB, 800x860, 37066298_p40.png)

I didnt save her Pixiv but there's a randall husbandofag
No. 278870
File: 1677484343695.png (781.62 KB, 800x900, 51388738_p34.png)

my favourite type of westaboo fanart is when they draw very ugly, super american cartoon characters doing Japanese/anime things, like wearing yukatas, gothic lolita dresses, maid outfits, it's so endearing. I cannot explain it, but it feels like an alien trying to understand how humans, or in this case americans, work. Wish i was better at expressing myself with words, because this is only something i see Japanese people do, for some reason.
No. 278990
File: 1677527250217.png (836.25 KB, 630x826, 37066298_p10.png)

>>278858>didn't save her pixivthat's ok, the numbers in pixiv imagefile names are usually (always?) the numbers in the URL weren't joking she's obsessed with him lol, I love it
>>278870for you
No. 279011
File: 1677540810482.jpg (568.92 KB, 708x1003, 65061123_p0_master1200.jpg)

came across some westaboo webcomic series featuring the queen from snow white and I wish I could read japanese No. 279012
File: 1677540897720.jpg (901.74 KB, 992x1403, 53990486_p0.jpg)

I think I can guess what this one's about lol
No. 279359
File: 1677664826414.jpg (745.07 KB, 1080x1477, Screenshot_20230301_050010_Chr…)

>>278872Jose is so cute! I love the three caballeros it's so cute how they're very popular in Japan and have lots of merchandise and not to mention it also spawns lots of random yaoi comics.
No. 279378
File: 1677677729428.png (730.11 KB, 800x950, 57532209_p42.png)

>>279359are there plushes? i would kill for a cute Jose plush
No. 279468
File: 1677698518197.jpg (Spoiler Image,426.11 KB, 1080x1921, Screenshot_20230301_083910_Gal…)

>>279378Yes!! Spoiler for off topic but There's even cute little fuzzy figures, I'm hoping we get a nendoroid of Panchito soon.
No. 279919
File: 1677873251737.png (162.96 KB, 499x648, 38710170_p0.png)

>>279468i had no idea they made plushes and a nendo! so cute!! i really need to save for these. I dont think merch made for Japan is off-topic. Is there a reason as to why Japan loves these birds so much? barely anyone outside of Japan seems to care about the three caballeros
No. 285207
File: 1679689376546.jpg (176.49 KB, 1200x917, 64668808_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>246187I love the disney princess fashion lineups
No. 285213
File: 1679689523524.jpg (82.54 KB, 600x970, 66057718_p1.jpg)

this one is so cute
No. 285215
File: 1679689588084.jpg (99.98 KB, 830x973, 66057718_p2.jpg)

No. 285216
File: 1679689616406.jpg (132.82 KB, 950x1046, 66057718_p3.jpg)

No. 285218
File: 1679689722382.jpg (113.91 KB, 870x1015, 66057718_p4.jpg)

No. 293408
File: 1682904773395.png (10.88 KB, 450x300, F6DCAC56-AB68-443D-B5E2-383DC8…)

samefag, sorry but i don't want to let this thread die i love it too much kek. here's an artist i've known about since forever, old dead account at jiattmay on deviantart, but she loved samurai jack and drew him well as well as other cartoon network things.
No. 293410
File: 1682905676491.jpg (457.83 KB, 2048x2048, 101507828_p0.jpg)

holy shit how are there so many japanese frollofags No. 293414
File: 1682906822203.jpg (3.26 MB, 3024x4032, 202211260015220.jpg)

>>293410he's a pathetic racist bitch who deserves to be raped and degraded, it will never not be based to do this to him
and rollo-kun No. 293416
File: 1682906885129.jpg (409.62 KB, 1433x1189, 202211260015217.jpg)

No. 293534
File: 1682962161510.jpg (18.54 KB, 317x505, 9f505fec6f.jpg)

>>293527What is she smoking wherein pic related somehow transforms into this
>>252255 No. 293552
>>293534That’s why I can’t stop thinking about her!! Lol
I just noticed she deleted her twitter, that sucks. Her pixiv is still up though
No. 293729
File: 1683055623171.png (39.06 KB, 700x592, 53346266_p13 (1).png)

Disney villians eating sweets feel free to pick your favourite and post it No. 293730
File: 1683055808878.jpg (43.4 KB, 700x592, 53346266_p10_master1200.jpg)

>>293729extremely japanese lol
No. 293950
File: 1683126259129.jpg (46.73 KB, 700x592, 53346266_p1_master1200.jpg)

>>293729So many cute ones! Frollo is my pet favorite.
No. 294536
File: 1683394758600.jpg (243.28 KB, 1200x899, FsjMdfYaQAUfYbN.jpg)

No. 294744
File: 1683483846370.png (14.56 KB, 196x263, Screenshot SUPER COMIC CITY 30…)

I'm scrolling thru Booth to buy stuff from the con going on japan right now & this wasn't what I expected kek
There's also a surprising amount of Undertale (mostly Sans) merch, I didn't know it was still going strong.
No. 296798
>>277433>>277434>>277871>>277875>>277859These are stunning and make me wish Japan appreciated the non-European princesses a little more. It seems like Japanese artists go out of their way to omit most of the browner princesses from the lineup. Back in the day, it was hard to find the art of Jasmine, Pocahontas, Esmeralda, and Mulan, but the introduction of Tiana has grandfathered them back into the lineup. What little art of Tiana there is is gorgeous, but I've honestly seen more love for Dr. Facilier from westaboo fans. Westaboos do seem to like Moana more. Maybe her being Polynesian makes her more exotic in an appealing way to an Asian audience. Nothing beats their rabid fixation on Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Elsa, and Cinderella though.
No. 302086
File: 1686691759768.jpg (39.44 KB, 695x663, z7boijr.jpg)

No. 307367
File: 1688826518616.jpg (320.59 KB, 846x1021, jin_log 108818289_p0.jpg)

new season of good omens is coming out later this month, the westaboo fanart is starting to pop up
No. 307368
File: 1688826548958.jpeg (163.38 KB, 1343x1014, jin_log FpRBKWQaIAEi8g2.jpeg)

No. 307369
File: 1688826579400.jpeg (331.31 KB, 1976x2048, jin_log good omens sesame stre…)

crossover between the artist's fandoms lol
No. 307370
File: 1688826742050.jpeg (252.16 KB, 698x817, jin_log FyiMfTvaMAAJTDP.jpeg)

forgot to link them sorry I'm getting paranoid about posting links to japanese artists because I've noticed some accounts linked here have gone private or deleted on twitter even if they were really active before. maybe it's just a coincidence but I hope no one here is spooking the artists
No. 307371
File: 1688826786849.jpeg (194.79 KB, 472x827, jin_log FzkL8nKaUAAr5co.jpeg)

I love the count von count stuff
No. 307582
File: 1688933706139.png (67.11 KB, 600x800, 40969526_p12.png)

>>307370oh wow really, which ones?
No. 310186
File: 1690128470528.png (414.09 KB, 900x1159, たなか 93698481_p9.png)

No. 310187
File: 1690128528913.png (396.22 KB, 1100x1310, たなか 93698481_p13.png)

No. 310188
File: 1690128553008.png (1.46 MB, 2200x1102, たなか 93698481_p3.png)

No. 310189
File: 1690128596835.png (356.88 KB, 1100x960, たなか 93698481_p2.png)

could go in the genderflip art thread too
No. 310668
File: 1690289432896.jpg (196.53 KB, 874x608, 29350059_p0_master1200.jpg)

cute little set of pictures here (if you're into this sort of thing) No. 310669
File: 1690289548828.jpg (669.66 KB, 800x1130, 42717262_p0_master1200.jpg)

I think this is Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine from the Dark Knight Rises
No. 310671
File: 1690289939221.png (711.28 KB, 1181x1164, 40267549_p0.png)

No. 310672
File: 1690289986048.jpg (494.52 KB, 975x592, 45369849_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 310674
File: 1690290376132.jpg (309.11 KB, 1027x800, 45029588_p3_master1200.jpg)

I'm not 100% sure but I think this artist is chinese, I just wanted to share their True Detective fanart
No. 310675
File: 1690290397824.jpg (323.64 KB, 800x973, 45029588_p2_master1200.jpg)

No. 310680
File: 1690290844529.jpg (1.18 MB, 2048x2731, a15.jpg)

The japanese love western 70's prog rock
No. 310707
File: 1690297934973.jpg (294.44 KB, 1050x1200, 61155146_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>310706oops sorry its yes, thanks for the source
nonny i wish more people would draw fanart of old bands
No. 310804
File: 1690329024316.jpeg (73.56 KB, 600x548, 853BE716-63D5-4738-A95F-EC44E3…)

No. 310805
File: 1690329076316.jpeg (75.73 KB, 540x888, 1ADE0EBD-BE6D-4F93-9310-6E9670…)

No. 310807
File: 1690329298488.jpeg (145.28 KB, 600x892, 6F67BC1E-B29D-4431-82CE-7FA118…)

No. 312580
File: 1691088989355.jpg (553.25 KB, 1200x989, 102131832_p1_master1200.jpg)

coomerish vibes in some of their stuff but not all of it. I think this illustrator is female but I'm just guessing based on the oldest art in the pixiv account No. 312594
File: 1691092437357.jpg (370.44 KB, 800x1132, 65834238_p5_master1200.jpg) very polished zootopia fanbooks and cute teen titans fanart
No. 312596
File: 1691092512663.jpg (345.67 KB, 600x747, 62059753_p20_master1200.jpg)

>>312595their teen titans stuff is a little older and has sort of a different style
No. 313219
File: 1691356164966.jpg (320.93 KB, 830x1200, 87586633_p27_master1200.jpg)

No. 314458
File: 1691930864125.jpeg (57.29 KB, 500x826, 8FFA6511-4A27-4F46-950E-F25F80…)

No. 314459
File: 1691930899402.jpeg (82.52 KB, 400x400, BB63E022-2DFE-40C1-9205-190370…)

No. 314460
File: 1691930945358.jpeg (75.2 KB, 600x464, 9DA42126-444C-4BF6-9AA3-9D9997…)

No. 314462
File: 1691933241109.jpeg (214.13 KB, 532x1200, 8951F0FA-74E0-4C32-B267-1505E1…)

No. 318751
File: 1693494444920.jpg (289.58 KB, 1725x1486, 177.jpg)

No. 318752
File: 1693494536766.jpg (122.29 KB, 700x1073, 359.jpg)

No. 318753
File: 1693494606545.jpg (139.08 KB, 800x1184, 752.jpg)

No. 318769
File: 1693497200878.jpg (172.15 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

No. 325981
File: 1696780735680.jpg (1011.76 KB, 960x1200, 111114398_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>318752my dumbass was like "hm this looks like death note" and googled the author name when it's written right there lol. I didn't know he did cover art for any western stuff
anyway I came to post this good omens art. this artist has been posted in the thread before but this is new(ish) No. 326381
File: 1697035368651.jpg (2.11 MB, 2480x3396, south park - CT21K on twitter …)

Surpised no one has posted this artist yet.
No. 326382
File: 1697035402053.jpg (361.29 KB, 1274x2048, south park - CT21K on twitter …)

No. 326383
File: 1697035440798.jpg (515.08 KB, 1708x674, south park - CT21K on twitter …)

No. 326384
File: 1697035483652.jpg (56.1 KB, 535x552, south park - CT21K on twitter …)

No. 335785
File: 1700071586820.jpeg (717.94 KB, 1668x2048, animu_the_boys.jpeg)

No. 335786
File: 1700071610396.jpg (992.44 KB, 2048x1864, animu_apex_legends.jpg)

No. 335950
File: 1700110422842.jpg (152.25 KB, 500x704, IMG_1419.JPG)

Superjail one from Pixiv
>>313219Nonnies post more Venture Bros!
No. 338166
File: 1700944415293.jpg (80.02 KB, 410x572, __hermione_granger_harry_potte…)

Some Harry Potter stuff I think is cute
No. 338650
File: 1701198198557.jpg (335.28 KB, 2048x2045, 113186744_p0.jpg)

No. 338651
File: 1701198227047.jpg (509.23 KB, 2048x1448, 71556211_p0.jpg)

No. 338652
File: 1701198260088.jpg (1.71 MB, 1730x1661, 81197456_p0.jpg)

No. 338653
File: 1701198294647.jpg (4.66 MB, 2438x3017, 81197456_p1.jpg)

No. 338708
File: 1701228963919.jpg (1.25 MB, 1169x827, 105391167_p0.jpg)

No. 338709
File: 1701229015785.jpg (889.88 KB, 1169x827, 108015328_p0.jpg)

No. 338710
File: 1701229051754.jpg (142.88 KB, 1169x827, 71346214_p1.jpg)

No. 338844
File: 1701280852148.jpg (270.76 KB, 1091x1200, 88655214_p21.jpg)

No. 338845
File: 1701280886301.jpg (233.29 KB, 1200x774, 92593588_p27.jpg)

No. 338847
File: 1701280934852.jpg (473.93 KB, 1200x907, 92593588_p30.jpg)

No. 338848
File: 1701280966663.jpg (262.96 KB, 1200x664, 97467595_p20.jpg)

No. 338849
File: 1701280998312.jpg (755.75 KB, 1200x1114, 97467595_p22.jpg)

No. 338850
File: 1701281023582.jpg (313.46 KB, 1200x1164, 97467595_p35.jpg)

No. 338851
File: 1701281076578.jpg (647 KB, 1200x798, 83140586_p12.jpg)

No. 338852
File: 1701281100290.jpg (493.57 KB, 1200x856, 87398584_p1.jpg)

No. 338853
File: 1701281122973.jpg (652.72 KB, 1200x1156, 87398584_p11.jpg)

No. 340331
File: 1701924656397.jpeg (60.16 KB, 369x600, IMG_0370.jpeg)

No. 340332
File: 1701924677902.jpeg (102.93 KB, 661x600, IMG_0371.jpeg)

No. 340333
File: 1701924704575.jpeg (56.04 KB, 459x600, IMG_0372.jpeg)

No. 340334
File: 1701924726877.jpeg (103.59 KB, 720x852, IMG_0373.jpeg)

No. 340335
File: 1701924756195.jpeg (95.54 KB, 811x543, IMG_0374.jpeg)

No. 340336
File: 1701924782048.jpeg (68.91 KB, 720x693, IMG_0375.jpeg)

No. 340337
File: 1701924804094.jpeg (90.67 KB, 720x1176, IMG_0376.jpeg)

No. 342004
File: 1702511723183.jpg (154.04 KB, 800x960, b572b65e-ccc8-4018-83cb-2fa0b0…)

Scrolled by this on Skeb. Not sure if it's one person or if Duchess has a very dedicated fanbase in Japan, but I've seen quite a few skebs of her lately. (The requester's info is private so I can't see if it's a bunch of people or just one fan)
No. 343606
File: 1703017744178.jpg (290.85 KB, 1200x1628, 20231219_122836.jpg)

Wish fanart, I was a bit surprised.
No. 344051
File: 1703185397956.jpg (712.01 KB, 2500x1406, 20231221_130112.jpg)

this jumpscared me
>bottom left corner
No. 354601
File: 1707430170556.jpg (1012.43 KB, 849x1200, 115677932_p15.jpg)

No. 354602
File: 1707430203999.jpg (729.98 KB, 599x1200, 115677932_p10.jpg)

No. 354603
File: 1707430231524.jpg (763.65 KB, 763x1200, 115677932_p8.jpg)

No. 354604
File: 1707430266874.jpg (614.43 KB, 1200x1052, 115397929_p28.jpg)

No. 354605
File: 1707430298669.jpg (1.25 MB, 1200x810, 115397929_p30.jpg)

No. 354616
File: 1707432648418.jpg (106.25 KB, 827x1040, kate_bush_wuthering_heights_by…)

>>340748Based I love this artist
No. 354752
File: 1707511285301.png (2.46 MB, 2388x1668, xT2BtR4.png)

No. 354798
File: 1707535435575.jpg (100.72 KB, 750x1095, 20240209_171043.jpg)

>>354794how did hazbin get THAT popular in japan? almost every japanese artist I follow has retweeted or personally made fanart for it. vivzie joining omocat in the "lowkey horny female artists who got canceled on tumblr but finally got the opportunity to release their passion project and the japanese ate it up" club.
No. 354809
File: 1707539707513.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 1920x1080, de3ba0y-fddd72aa-b8b8-471d-a60…)

>>354798look at Panty and Stocking; it is a somewhat better show (just very moidy/fanservicey) but it is very stylized, edgy way and with a lot of sexual humor as well so there definitely is a market in Japan for such stuff. I also wouldn't be surprised if they're a bit starved for more musical/melodramatic cartoons.
No. 356216
File: 1707976905425.png (1.81 MB, 1209x907, IMG_1492_(1).png)

No. 356319
>>356242>>356256>>356280So the show has tranny characters, but trannies on Tumlbr are upset because it doesn't cater to them
enough? Yeesh.
No. 362475
File: 1710392931335.jpg (86.73 KB, 750x468, 21c764690552df77d212bebc9d41b9…)

Artist is Y-Yuki but their other ships are a bit strange
No. 362498
File: 1710409188412.png (476.74 KB, 886x761, illust_69702182_20240213_23005…)

>>246128Finding Nemo get quite a lot of love over here.
No. 362500
File: 1710409779130.png (413.03 KB, 766x1266, illust_75723130_20231206_11070…)

>>362499Sorry for the spam. That's my last one.
No. 362531
>>362500Marlin: clearly an overly stressed middle aged fish
Fanart: kawaii marlin
No. 366108
File: 1711633991259.jpg (120.99 KB, 640x480, Tumblr_l_1611286127878.jpg)

No. 367200
File: 1712060567363.jpg (118.04 KB, 412x597, スクリーンショット 2019-06-17 7.27.27.j…)

The dungeon meshi author did a 5th Element fanart of the best scene
No. 372241
File: 1713596281519.jpg (2.44 MB, 987x1464, 114278566_p2.jpg)

fan art of demons by dostoevsky
No. 372243
File: 1713596620433.jpg (2.47 MB, 1583x1500, 114278566_p5.jpg)

No. 373160
File: 1713890160310.png (519.36 KB, 908x441, SDo2yFS.png)

No. 374328
File: 1714239327214.png (1.09 MB, 940x1350, r3f4snuvzew81.png)

Anime Amy Winehouse
No. 374993
File: 1714442847258.jpeg (564.83 KB, 1720x1216, 25994FF6-27B7-4C14-9BE6-8349F2…)

No. 375190
File: 1714528588914.jpg (63.5 KB, 540x720, fc3812c9ed0f872b9a2b38d4f7c306…)

Do you nonnas have any advice for searching westaboo art?
Pixiv is just deviantart 2.0 at this point of whitto piggus posting god awful fetish art. Even turning off the R-18 doesn't help.
Tumblr used to be my go-to but now its pretty much a ghost town with most of the artists deleting their old blogs.
My current strat is to just go on pinterest and reverse image search and pray that I find the artist's gallery.
No. 378567
File: 1715380756658.jpg (96.64 KB, 850x591, __pomni_jax_and_caine_the_amaz…)

this westaboo tadc fanart makes me think of an alternate universe where it was a cutesy magical girl show about fighting monsters in a parallel circus world
No. 378596
File: 1715385772643.jpg (86.48 KB, 500x683, 72389398_p16_master1200.jpg)

>>372241The Japanese love Dostoyevsky
No. 383723
File: 1716068004869.jpeg (130.05 KB, 1255x892, 3B62DA14-40A9-4404-B32A-E573D9…)

No. 385393
File: 1716385492517.jpg (190.94 KB, 1000x1329, angela.jpg)

No. 386064
File: 1716566719852.jpg (43.95 KB, 442x590, kyle and sarah.jpg)

No. 387674
File: 1717048459976.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1750x1400, IMG_2149.jpeg)

No. 388368
File: 1717282697966.jpg (377.03 KB, 1400x1750, 1000035083.jpg)

No. 388372
File: 1717283900767.jpg (395.23 KB, 674x860, 118135526_p14_master1200.jpg)

I didn't realize how popular ranfren is in japan but liking all the niche art and the fandom is way better than the western side
No. 388401
File: 1717291416333.jpg (1.23 MB, 846x1200, 115711014_p21_master1200.jpg)

>>388389It even has a limited Japanese translated comic and game, plus many cosplays
and it seems howdie herself is staying away from the western sphere No. 392108
File: 1718299616193.jpg (215.09 KB, 1000x1000, GO9VKETakAA0ZCq.jpg)

No. 392114
File: 1718300787920.jpg (88.33 KB, 736x488, 20240613_194218.jpg)

>>388389Nonna, most Ranfren fanart on X is japanese now. I've never been happier with the evolution of a fandom kek, it could have been yet another sperg arena for sensitive gendies. Hoping it influences western artists in the right direction. Anyways here's one i like
No. 392666
File: 1718485667719.jpeg (1.12 MB, 856x1200, A2715928-6F8D-47EE-9E41-204538…)

No. 392800
File: 1718538577227.jpg (768.53 KB, 1200x1193, 114580094_p4_master1200.jpg)

No. 392801
File: 1718538607643.jpg (810.36 KB, 840x1200, 112548086_p0_master1200.jpg) all the illustrations in this are good it's worth clicking lol
No. 392802
File: 1718538693832.jpg (1.56 MB, 789x1200, 112548086_p10_master1200.jpg)

>>392801rare to see art of these two
No. 392804
File: 1718538769761.jpg (1.05 MB, 789x1200, 112548086_p3_master1200.jpg)

>>392801ok last one sorry for spam
No. 392808
File: 1718539024602.jpg (1.21 MB, 768x1024, 117627649_p4_master1200.jpg)

>>252242checking back in on my favorite Home Movies fan and KEK she got into Hazbin Hotel. Love her. No. 392809
File: 1718539165545.jpg (421 KB, 1200x784, 117627649_p0_master1200.jpg)

she's so good
No. 392835
File: 1718547444172.png (4.69 MB, 3192x3500, kamabokoita.png)

>>392810>>392809Alastor and Sir Pentious CUTE.
Picrel is from the character designer of Gachaman Crowds, it's little surprise she got into Alastor, he's practically Berg Katze.
No. 392851
File: 1718555721857.png (571.93 KB, 1796x1486, 118884858_p0.png)

No. 392852
File: 1718555750243.png (285.63 KB, 840x840, 118884803_p0.png)

No. 392853
File: 1718555777337.jpg (1.05 MB, 1920x1080, 118881469_p34.jpg)

No. 392856
File: 1718556198024.jpg (7.07 MB, 2481x3508, 119453424_p1.jpg)

>>392855they also do Ranfren stuff
No. 392914
File: 1718568545973.jpeg (292.9 KB, 655x682, 9C449FD2-0726-4077-8775-A7AFCD…)

No. 394371
File: 1719015655184.jpeg (1.91 MB, 1140x1200, 472C8E3A-6F07-4B76-9EFD-A8D164…)

No. 398457
File: 1720306987841.jpeg (548.15 KB, 550x965, 2D63162A-DF48-4863-8034-4302BD…)

No. 398459
File: 1720307592521.jpeg (648.83 KB, 965x663, 584D400B-D4E5-4D11-B045-CEAB18…)

No. 398460
File: 1720307995270.jpeg (610.24 KB, 550x839, 4E8A9CBB-3510-419D-BA26-0F550F…)

No. 398786
File: 1720395207578.png (3.05 MB, 2048x1536, GQgvuSVacAAr_8f.png)

this flavour of gorillaz fanart is my favourite No. 401063
File: 1720868628880.jpeg (326.5 KB, 1200x933, 6C0A2D1E-BC0F-4236-ABC5-01E163…)

No. 401791
File: 1721044034710.jpeg (203.38 KB, 900x1200, 02151892-AA94-4B55-84FD-FF7A40…)

No. 405876
File: 1722227817501.jpg (671.91 KB, 1652x1027, january.jpg)

>>405875 page compiles lots of old westaboo blogs
No. 406089
File: 1722319181459.jpg (121.2 KB, 700x695, 1000047662.jpg)

No. 407016
File: 1722691827114.jpeg (Spoiler Image,204.81 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_4490.jpeg)

>>392808She posted more home movies stuff finally and KEK — how is this Shannon from home movies? Spoiler for lewd
No. 407017
File: 1722691881158.jpeg (431.59 KB, 2000x1136, IMG_4489.jpeg)

Cute home movies banner cleanser from the lewd shannon
No. 409889
File: 1723609265638.jpeg (195.71 KB, 500x428, 6771F3DD-75F6-4502-8B2D-DE86EB…)

No. 409922
File: 1723618661043.jpg (118.64 KB, 421x417, 30149317_p0_master1200.jpg)

fuck john k but i looked on pixiv for stuff i think would be least popular in japan and had a kek at the results
No. 409923
File: 1723618787198.jpg (903.03 KB, 852x1200, 3803942_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 409927
File: 1723619667815.jpg (141.51 KB, 1437x817, GCsLwwaboAAr74O.jpg)

love when they draw western cartoons celebrating their holidays
No. 410187
File: 1723688518583.jpg (171.34 KB, 600x902, 1635658868975.jpg)

>>409923angry beavers is popular enough to have a doujin
No. 412423
File: 1724337662722.jpg (101.06 KB, 1280x1351, tumblr_747776a9b56b29bbe89106c…)

By meowbyacow60004
No. 412813
File: 1724437596216.png (1.55 MB, 2048x1316, M4UcaFu.png)

No. 413179
File: 1724535648965.jpg (331.44 KB, 1745x1959, 20240824_184006.jpg)

No. 413189
File: 1724536850941.jpg (182.39 KB, 736x1051, 6e333ff75fe6f3efcf5789e3c3a57c…)

No. 413195
File: 1724538193195.jpg (366.17 KB, 1350x1751, 1000046654.jpg)

No. 418809
File: 1727449047613.gif (1.31 MB, 625x475, tumblr_6b89376c756544ba38928ab…)

No. 418810
File: 1727449364966.gif (2.31 MB, 640x480, tumblr_9ad538c45f00fa784c6d8d8…)

No. 420194
File: 1727918758547.jpeg (503.05 KB, 1534x2048, 05181D8B-4E26-4093-855D-29074C…)

No. 421122
File: 1728184541199.jpeg (331.12 KB, 2048x890, B401C37D-3329-47B0-B622-503A79…)

No. 421131
File: 1728187502324.jpeg (402.89 KB, 1535x2048, E284ACD3-BB10-4BCE-8109-3E7B1B…)

>>421125choiyw051108 on twitter, she really, really loves western cartoons
No. 425258
File: 1729284116698.jpeg (274.12 KB, 1583x2048, IMG_9817.jpeg)

@borderline7839 on xitter is based kek she even made a doujinshi for her niche pairing love her
No. 427135
File: 1729887750391.jpeg (233.17 KB, 2048x1631, 6FE79505-F75E-441F-B2AF-49EBB9…)

gru with unironic animu eyes is sending me
No. 427984
File: 1730207529787.jpg (111.16 KB, 850x850, Westaboo_Owl_House.jpg)

No. 428043
File: 1730223217250.png (2.69 MB, 1080x1350, GbDPSY0acAA04TH.png)

No. 441314
File: 1734469040658.png (469.23 KB, 2000x2000, illust_74984114_20241217_21555…)

>>441304I love it. Their outfits convey so much more personality than their Canon version.
No. 441320
File: 1734469574049.png (390.37 KB, 860x908, illust_43118396_20241217_22041…)

I love this cartoon and it has quite a fanbase in Japan for some reason.
No. 450248
File: 1737297858487.jpeg (774.65 KB, 2048x1496, vYSuFa0.jpeg)

No. 450256
File: 1737298258871.png (1.6 MB, 1538x1069, 6qrEHDi.png)

No. 451745
File: 1737598651530.png (5.85 MB, 2922x1934, 1000019500.png)

>>425258I was just going to post about her in this thread. She only draws Quagmire x Lois Griffin ship art, yet her artstyle is so good
im kinda jealous No. 456862
File: 1738670725504.jpg (151.39 KB, 636x900, Tumblr_l_6394752671419.jpg)

Official ppg artworks by Yoshihiko Umakoshi (better known for his works on magical doremi and precure)
No. 457363
File: 1738805484214.jpg (43.12 KB, 219x270, 1000009587.jpg)

>>457353This is so damn cute! I love Jack with Courage.
No. 458240
File: 1739036825395.jpg (1.02 MB, 1000x707, illust_104688441_20250208_1842…)

No. 462515
File: 1740182396252.jpg (650.31 KB, 2048x1535, GjfXyDEbcAAGfVw.jpg)

No. 463152
File: 1740343249931.png (738.06 KB, 2500x1050, 72975306_p5.png)

Monty Python fanart kek
No. 463963
File: 1740527330613.jpg (86.26 KB, 634x640, __aquarian_age_drawn_by_koge_d…)

No. 463967
File: 1740527988805.jpg (87.01 KB, 830x503, __hermione_granger_harry_potte…)

No. 463968
File: 1740528038754.jpg (74.32 KB, 592x500, happy_b_day_to_me__by_yukipon_…)

I know this artist is a freak but some of their stuff is cute
No. 463969
File: 1740528172668.jpg (34.47 KB, 689x515, flying_by_yukipon_d24rvot-375w…)

No. 463972
File: 1740528374929.jpg (53.33 KB, 1095x730, harry_potter_by_mick347_d38rk0…)

No. 464020
File: 1740545227185.png (7.33 MB, 3369x2382, 126750663_p0.png)

No. 465879
File: 1740965740137.png (213.57 KB, 891x558, img-610a3c25f8750a5c-R2hRZWNMa…)

No. 465882
File: 1740965837118.jpg (240.74 KB, 1400x2000, GkxwnBvaoAEu-dc.jpg)

No. 465884
File: 1740966070572.jpg (279.24 KB, 2048x1292, GkZJQrzXwAAUiL6.jpg)

No. 465895
File: 1740967403036.jpg (1.8 MB, 2048x1449, 65313375_p2.jpg)

I want to be part of this Hot Fuzz R-18 doujin circle called Honey Monsters. why even live sometimes…
No. 465979
File: 1740978531388.jpg (385.52 KB, 1167x1200, 106117395_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 467699
File: 1741385026419.jpg (370.62 KB, 2048x1536, GkOsoXjXIAAToei.jpg)

>chinese beatles fangirls meet up with cute beatles art with a cute beatles cake
fuck my life ill never have this in the west.. glory to china
No. 467700
File: 1741385256776.jpg (481.2 KB, 2048x2048, GkOsoXlWYAEmIw_.jpg)

>>467699why are easterners so much better at being yumes than westerners.. i need to have this now.. i need to have cute fanart and cute cakes like this so we can watch the beatles animations.. fuckk its so cute
No. 467736
>>467700Be the change you want to see. Show other western yumes how to be obsessive and classy
Jokes aside, I wish I had this level of dedication. I can never remember my husbandos' birthdays or fandom holidays. I want to set up a shrine but that also feels like a huge chore.
No. 468117
File: 1741461751292.jpg (458.57 KB, 2048x1440, tumblr_ba57011a9bd371e92daa58c…)

Some more Monty Python, by gohanga-dekita on tumblr
No. 468341
File: 1741508647331.jpg (210.04 KB, 595x684, tumblr_f430530ba89896577031615…)

>>246128>>468117westaboo art of old bands is my guilty pleasure. some more art by gohanga-dekita of The Police (the band)
No. 468348
File: 1741509172674.jpg (389.2 KB, 863x952, tumblr_7966691abd96a64a5117ba3…)

>>468341more of the same…
No. 469182
File: 1741664566176.jpeg (211.81 KB, 602x458, IMG_1808.jpeg)