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No. 285348
There seems to be a few j-fashion centric threads in the catalog, but they’re all about 3+ years old. Let’s draw up a fresh one. Share inspiring coords, fun, weird, or interesting stories, talk about your favorite people/brands/items, etc.! Here are some topic ideas to start us off, but you don’t need to respond to every single one:
>What are your favorite styles/trends/fads?
>Styles and trends you wish would come back? (or die off?)
>What do you think about what’s currently trending in alternative j-fashion communities?
>Do you wear j-fashion on a regular basis? would you like to?
>Do you have conflicting interests/styles?
>Do you take part of any communities/have friends who also wear the styles you like?
My favorite casual style is himekaji. It makes me kind of sad that himekaji isn’t exactly as popular as it once was. I want to see my soft pink girly floral patterns and princessy outfits! A current trend that I’m just kind of meh about is the kind of dark girly/edgy cutesy girl styles with the dull color palettes and clunky platform shoes, it kind of bores me, but I understand the appeal. I was really into mori girl when I was a young teen, and I still have a soft spot for it.
picrel, one of my favorite LL shop staff coords!
No. 285376
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I love the "girly" brands like Jane Marple and Emily Temple Cute! Skirt/JSK with a cardigan is basically my uniform. I get called a librarian a lot lmao. I know Pink House is super trendy right now and I love how it looks but I'm not particularly interested in wearing it myself. There's also that tracksuit trend but I think it's kind of hideous kek
>>285351yes I love long skirts! So comfy. I guess it depends where you live but here going out in anything other than jeans or sweatpants really makes you stand out, like I don't even see normie dresses when I'm out and about. I wish I lived somewhere where people were generally more well-dressed
No. 285377
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for me I love agejo so much, i wish ma*rs went back to making things like this and not the new jiraikei thing that every brand is doing, i find it so painfully boring
No. 285381
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>>285377>croozkms. im so upset it shut down i legitimately am devastated. my heart sank, i never even got to archive all the coords i liked and the images are all/mostly broken on wayback machine. ugh
No. 285402
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I always loved the vintagey vibes of Katie. Especially their collections around 2012/2013. Current cutesy trends just don't compare to larme kei of that time imo.
No. 285404
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Swankiss was another one of my favorites, it had a nice balance between ott and casual elements. There was just something really refreshing and fun about it. I remember they had these jeans with heart cutouts and pockets that were shaped like swans. The designer(owner?) always had cute coords.
No. 285429
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Does anyone have any recs for brands that make clothing like bubbles? (current bubbles)
I like the dark and feminine style with the cute details. and I know people consider bubbles jirai-kei so I looked at other brands… but bubbles is definitely different to me.
No. 285461
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>>285429MORPH8NE and wear is a good resource for outfit ideas
No. 285462
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>What are your favorite styles/trends/fads?
Anything dark even better if it's mixed with some cute or historical elements like kimono/yukata
>Styles and trends you wish would come back?
Crusty 2000s gyaru
>What do you think about what’s currently trending in alternative j-fashion communities?
I love the mixing of styles and elements I have been seeing lately like neo-decora.
Jirai kei on the otherhand is stale and lacks range and I am over it.
>Do you wear j-fashion on a regular basis? would you like to?
I would love to wear it more often but I mostly wear western goth on day to day basis.
>Do you have conflicting interests/styles?
Kinda, I really enjoy the mixing of black and neon colors ala cybergoth but there always needs to be some sort of strong black base or element.
>Do you take part of any communities/have friends who also wear the styles you like?
Does lolcow count?
No I don't but would love one or two friends who dressed alt and had an interest in Jfash but as an old lady it gets harder to find other child free jfash people who aren't super sjws or tender genders.
No. 285583
>>285391i hope that trend dies soon bc now even when trying to find old ma*rs on buyee u have to scroll through the pink and grey vomit. Just ew
i just want hot pink leopard print to come back kek
No. 286129
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>>285711Honestly I've been noticing MA*RS declining since around 2014 (pic rel) and I assumed they were just going to go the onee route. But all this grey stuff now is such a far cry from what they were releasing ten years ago
No. 287486
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I am finally done putting together a first-time rokku gyaru outfit, but it only now occured to me that I don't have any clues what to do with my hair.
Anyone have any inspo/models who have straight bangs, but pulled off a rokku gyaru look? Or maybe in general a j-fash hairstyle with bangs that could pass for gyaru? Picrel is the outfit, except the hair is totally different, coat is long and boots are akin to 80s platform boots. Thank you in advance!
No. 287521
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>>287486Honestly I don't think there's a limit to what kind of hairstyles you can pull off with this outfit. But you can definitely check soul sister mag scans for some edgy hairstyles if that's what ur after.
No. 288169
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i got this milk hoodie secondhand and im trying to find the matching hat bc its just too cute
No. 288285
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any recommendations where i can get some pants like picrel? these are from swankiss but I’d love to have more options. cute, girly, and casual. i hate jeans and plain pants, but i don’t just want skirts and shorts in my wardrobe either.
No. 291995
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Anons, any new/upcoming releases you're really anticipating from any brands you like? For me, Liz Lisa has uploaded a preview image of an upcoming print in their autumn collection and I'm obsessed with it.
No. 292246
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>>292239Yeah I really hate that ultra cheap+ultra expensive thing. Like why wear a $10 dress with an ugly $5000 designer bag? Imo you should just invest in beautiful, quality clothing that will last a long time. People are so scared to be seen in the same outfit more than once and spend a shit took of money on ugly mass produced designer garbage while also buying 10 different colors of the same PLT Chinese sweatshop dress.
It’s horrible for the environment, adds more microplastics and microfibres into the water supply and our bloodstreams. I’m also tired of once high quality designers pandering to nouveau riche idiots with awful taste.
Outfit on right that some Korean celebrity wore cost 10K and it’s hideous.
No. 487271
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(Sage for necrosing) I wish mori kei would make a comeback. I miss all the old blogs that got deleted. hundrends of women that were active on the mori tumblr community no longer updates or moved on to another style so i'd say it's kinda difficult to make it work, but since we have tiktok, i wish someone would just make it popular again