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No. 178345
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The dream I had about David Mitchell fucking me on the empty set of Qi is in my top five best sex dreams. I will defend this attraction to the death
No. 178350
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i want to peg his ass so bad anons
No. 178355
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Bong here, can someone explain to me why people from other countries (mostly America I guess) find British men so attractive? And for those who do, is it just upper/middle class men from the south like London or ones from other areas too?
No. 178359
>>178355It's because American people perceive britbongs as clever and gentle compared to their own American counterparts.
I'm from Ireland and they do something similar to us. American guys think Irish girls are all fiery wildflowers holding a bucket on a windy hill with our curls blowing gracefully in the wind.
They're attracted the the "good" stereotypes
No. 178375
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I'd ride Noel Fielding more times than a stolen Nissan. The whole quirky artist thing really does it for me. Plus, loooove that he has old punk flair
No. 178380
>>178343>attractive>britishthe replies already prove this concept doesn't make sense
No. 178401
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I've had a thing for Reece Shearsmith for nearly 20 years now. He was especially handsome when he was younger but I personally still think he's hot as fuck now that he's over 50. He's shorter than me which would usually put me off, but idgaf. He's pretty imo.
>>178345Ahh we meet ago Mitchell-anon. I was the other anon who had the David sex dream. His eyes are so dark, they're kind of scary but in a way that it flips into being attractive. They're very striking.
No. 178408
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Not to be "that" girl, but I have to say Benedict Cumberbatch. It has to be said. It HAS to.
>>178401We meet again, David-anon. Weirdly I too have a thing for Reece Shearsmith
No. 178409
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Paul Hollywood can get it
No. 178417
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>>178375God I feel this but with Julian Barratt too, they both looked so cute during their early comedy days on GAS and other gigs in the 90s and especially on the Mighty Boosh.
No. 178422
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No. 178425
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>>178408Omg I was CRAZY about him back in high school/college when I was into BBC Sherlock. I don't really follow him as much these days (he's kind of weird now tbh) but I still look on him fondly because he reminds me of a time when my taste in tv was simpler but made me happy, kek.
To contribute: Domnhall Gleeson. I hated the latest Star Wars movie but his character getting injured and snivelling made up for it
No. 178448
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>>178417Anon, you're right. Julian Barratt can touch my fanny
No. 178455
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No. 178462
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Nice thread, Nicholas Hoult is my contribution. I've had a crush on him since Skins and it's still going strong all these years later.
>>178417>>178425God yes
No. 178464
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the icon himself
No. 178466
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No. 178468
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Joseph Gilgun, always plays the alcoholic/drug addicted bastard with a heart-of-gold, I love that
No. 178470
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Fell in love with him in Chatroom.
No. 178472
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>>178470I clearly have a type.
No. 178483
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Gabriel byrne, who played professor bhaer in little women
No. 178489
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I hate that I initially draw a blank on famous english guys I'm into, I'm so uninterested in my countrymen, jamie dornan is alright though. I like americans lol I prefer american accents. I guess it's a case of the grass is always greener
>>178448>touch my fannyI winced at this. I hate the word fanny kek
>>178432>i am all about older sketchy northern guys, which i will concede is kinda gross of meI get it, rather them than any southerner
>>178455he's so cute, I need to finish hannibal
No. 178493
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>>178444Andy McCluskey, that beautiful cokehead is my waifu
No. 178494
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>>178493and i posted lee mack in the other thread, he gives me a huge boner
No. 178495
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Pink Floyd boiz
No. 178501
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Mike Wozniak. I hate facial hair, but he's the exception.
No. 178502
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I just realized 2/3 of my top TV crushes are from the UK, I didn't realize I was so susceptible to them
No. 178506
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rip his youth
No. 178507
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Morrissey. Even though he was (and still is) and epic virgin who looks like he would take Dark Academia aesthetic seriously, he still looks kinda dorky cute
No. 178509
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No. 178513
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>>178507a man so wussy he got beat up by robert smith and retaliated by sending 50 pizzas to his house
No. 178514
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james acaster
No. 178517
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Rik fucking Mayall.
No. 178529
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No. 178538
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No. 178539
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I’m guilty of only wanting to get a Disney+ subscription so that I can watch Loki.
No. 178541
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>>178510I met up with graham once, he is so qt in real life
No. 178544
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reece and james winning gbb <3
No. 178562
>>178529i like this episode because andy is in it but sean is pretty cute back then too
(can't embed because not youtube plz don't ban me jannies) No. 178587
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Sean Lock (or Jasper from Twilight?) is pretty good looking. It's a pity he isn't funny. You never see him on panel shows these days
No. 178593
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I know he gets called 'sloth' and he's not classically good looking at all, but Greg Davies does something to me especially now that he is older and has the glasses. It also doesn't help he's an ex teacher and he's 6'6". I'd like to sit on his knee while he told me off and held me with his big hands.
>>178544It made my day that they both won. James is so lovely. I would be devastated if it came out he'd done something bad.
No. 178601
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He was so handsome
No. 178605
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>>178567How dare you lmao. Liam was beautiful
No. 178611
>>178610I have, yes!
I need to give a rewatch since the current season of Taskmaster is making me feel things for Mike Wozniak that I was not expecting lol
No. 178624
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I’m so sorry
No. 178635
>>178633Dan and Phil… and I think Phil is the one you’re describing haha
They’re YouTubers who were more popular in the early 2010s
No. 178637
>>178636Why ftm anon? I thought it’s very normy to like them. I didn’t like them back then but atm i think they both look their best.
>>178632Bless you ♥
No. 178639
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The lines on Tobias Menzies' face are mesmerizing
No. 178643
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>>178599Watch the wine show if you haven’t already!
No. 178647
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>>178620I went into it knowing that I would get a resurfacing of feelings for Lee Mack but did not expect them for Mike
No. 178649
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The Kooks was my 00’s - 10’s crush
No. 178663
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i'm just going to ignore what's going on in the dumbass shit thread
No. 178666
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Remember Jamie from Bake Off?
My mum actually pointed out to me that he looks like someone I'd fancy
No. 178678
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You killed the unconventional male attractions thread by making this one. Idk what that says about british men.
Also Richard Armitage in The Vicar of Dibley made me feel some kind of way. So sad I can't find it anywhere online to watch
No. 178684
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>>178675Adding Greg Davis to the growing list of people I didn't know I wanted to dominate me. Imagine his headmaster character from the Inbetweeners, just a big mean dude who could call you into his office to beat you with a wooden ruler
No. 178693
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This guy, Linus Roache. I first saw him in the show Vikings as King Ecgberht and holy shit does he play that regal, weary, pragmatic yet charming role perfectly. Blew the other actors out of the water tbh. Some you just immediately know have theatre training and sure enough he used to be in the Royal Shakespeare Company. They bring a sense of charisma and gravitas like no one else that's seductive regardless of how they look. I don't think he's unattractive now, he looks pretty good for a man in his 50s, but damn was he a fox when he was younger. Played a priest too, which happens to be my fetish.
No. 178696
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I need you
No. 178699
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yes, you can call me anything you want
No. 178755
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I'm not sure how none of the Doctors have been contributed yet. I had a huge crush on Matt Smith back in the day, and David Tennant is just cute in general
No. 178756
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>>178755Matt Smith looks like the puppet from that Interpol video and I can't get over it. sry.
No. 178765
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Kevin O'Reilly is a beautiful leprechaun
No. 178766
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>>178499He was so cute, so sad what he went through
>>178510Anon I'm so jealous of you! I hope you know how lucky you are
>>178699I am shamelessly extremely in love with this sexy ass man and I wish he would croon romantic songs to me every night
No. 178767
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>>178765i used to find him cute but i feel like his looks went downhill the past year, he was cuter in 2019
No. 178771
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I don't think if this is right thread for this, but I've noticed that English men either tend to be 1)Uber Masculine guys with granite Jawlines 2)Weird Looking weasel Men 3)basically ogres
No. 178789
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>>178771We should make that a game. Pick a masculine, a weasel, and an ogre, but the catch is that you have to be willing to date all 3
>>178787Henry Cavill is something special. God, that jawline and THAT body? What a special combination. He is the only man I can think of who is equally as hot with and without his beard
No. 178790
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do these guys count as weasels? these are the only types of men I like
No. 178791
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Aiden Turner. He used to play Poldark in… Poldark. I was actually surprised to find out he was born in Wicklow, Ireland.
No. 178792
>>178790My definition of a weasel man is like a not-broad shouldered bloke with skinny wrists and a thin head. Maybe a big nose and some shifty eyes too.
My definition of a Weasely man is a ginger who is a stage 5 clinger in friendships and tries his best at magic
No. 178794
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No. 178795
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Masculine = Oliver Jackson-Cohen
Weasel = John Robins
Ogre = Danny Alexander
I think Danny Alexander could be a weasel but my only other choices for ogre were Johnny Vegas and Boris…
No. 178796
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>this thread in a nutshell
No. 178801
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No. 178811
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>>178791Ugh yes, he's so freakin gorgeous it hurts. Thanks for reminding me to start watching Poldark right away
No. 178817
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I made mine a collage.
Robert Pattinson = Masculine
Mark Watson = weasel
Peter Kay = ogre
No. 178821
>>178818Also, saying and replying to myself: Bob Mortimer is definitely one of my weirder crushes but he’s just so bizarre but also charming and I love him.
Honestly; I find all of s5 of Taskmater’s contestants attractive in some way. Especially Aisling (but as this thread is reserved for Lads!posting, I will refrain from posting her)
No. 178823
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weasel vibes…i've never even heard of this show
No. 178839
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Michael Collins was Irelands leading Daddy Dom
No. 178843
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Aidan Gillen
No. 178848
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God bless this thread. I've had an obsession with monty python for a year now and only here will I admit that a big part of it is that I find them all incredibly attractive. I've sperged about eric in a previous thread so here's michael palin
>>178375>>178417>>178507>>178517great taste anons
>>178756kek, are you the same anon that compared someone to that puppet in another thread?
No. 178851
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look at the babies
No. 178855
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>>178801Where on this chart does PhilosophyTube pre-transition fit?
No. 178884
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I wanna kiss his non existing lips
No. 178904
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>>178902He and Hugh grant are the reason I love this movie
No. 178929
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James Acaster. I love him, he's so weird
No. 178938
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Alex Wyndham is pretty much a nobody (though he was in Rome) and seems to narrate mostly trashy romantic audiobooks these days. His voice isn't anything special either, which is a shame since he was super pretty when he was younger and looks a bit like Lee Pace otherwise. A great, unique voice is the number one turn on for me.
No. 178970
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>>178755David was so damn hot as The Doctor, with that hair and his suit. No wonder all the fangirls loved him. And he's just a handsome guy in general, and i really like how he's so nerdy and dorky irl, that makes him more attractive
No. 178971
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I scroll all this way and not a single mention of Andrew Scott. Horrible. Look at yourselves
No. 178973
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>>178971I loved him as Moriarty and he is an amazing actor in general, especially in theatre.
No. 178974
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Brian Molko was so incredibly beautiful when he was young
No. 178982
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>>178971He was so good in fleabag
No. 178983
That’s a good gif
No. 178991
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>>178970>>178755I loved David Tennant's hair in Staged. All of it. The chest hair was especially nice.
No. 178992
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>>178925I wouldn't say strangely!
No. 178996
>>178795nayrt but perfect examples. also, Oliver Jackson-Cohen could get it. definitely in the top 1% of model hot men walking around this island
>>178811ugh this gif. he was gorgeous on being human
>>178817>big nose to rub clit when he eats pussylmao, yet another reason big noses are superior
>>178971only as this character though for me. didn't do much for me in his dark materials
No. 179011
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>>178992chapman was the best one, can't wait to see him when i go to hell
No. 179035
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Carey Elwes. Just found out he is British, and good God have I had a crush him ever since I watched… er, The Crush
No. 179037
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>>178417>>178448Always thought I was crazy for preferring Howard over Vince in the Mighty Boosh. Glad to see others appreciate Julian Barratt too.
>>178464Used to not get it during the Twilight era, but he's grown on me over the years.
>>178499>>178509>>178884Yes to all of this. I was going to post Syd before scrolling past that post, but I guess I'll post a more questionable crush. Keith Flint.
No. 179040
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tom mison
No. 179065
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>>179052Oh good, I'm not the only one. Still thought he was cute even as an old dude.
No. 179070
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>>179065I thought he was handsome. He was a cutie in the 80s/90s with his long hair, but this version will forever be my favourite.
No. 179078
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I can't believe no one has mentioned Richard Ayoade yet. Cute, nerdy, sarcastic, genuinely smart and creative. I love the way he talks
No. 179079
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Ed Westwick as Chuck Bass. I love his smug ass.
No. 179090
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England has Tom Hardy. We win.
No. 179105
>>179078I love him too!!
>>179088lmao I agree, Robert Smith is angel, he'd never hurt anyone
No. 179134
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i'm sorry for being a top gearfag i didnt meant to
No. 179144
>>179142he just made him do all the most stressful and dangerous shit on top gear. that's why they called him the hamster, he was like the subject for a mad scientist's experiments. and they're bros fucking around with cars so the whole thing has a very homosocial air to it
No. 179145
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There's just something about Peter Cushing
No. 179146
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Also Paul Mcgann, especially when his hair is longer
No. 179147
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Last addition, there's no Doctor i used to love more than Christopher Eccleston
No. 179148
>>179145have you seen Corruption? he's your boyfriend in that movie.
he and christopher lee both look great in the 1959 hound of the baskervilles, too
No. 179150
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>>179148samefaggin for christopher lee
No. 179152
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>>179150i love him as the turtleneck cult leader who sometimes dresses in drag in the original wicker man
No. 179154
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>>179148thanks for the rec, i'll check it out for sure
>>179150 yes Christopher Lee
No. 179156
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>>179149Oh same, what a look
No. 179164
>>179120I don't think so, but this a real quote by Robert:
>If Morrissey says not to eat meat, then I'll eat meat. That's how much I hate Morrissey.So he genuinely hates him lol
No. 179165
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>>179158the hair/glasses reminds me of john lennon or david koresh. is there a name for this type of style on men because it turns me on
No. 179177
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All the guys from SortedFood. I don't even watch it for the cooking
No. 179178
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>>179154"hey baby, wanna get together and kill some nazis?"
No. 179189
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Nicky Wire. Not so much these days, but 90s he was peak beautiful.
No. 179249
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>>179134I had an ex who was really into the show and at first I thought Hammond was cute cause he looks kind of like David Tennant, but over time I ended up developing a crush on James May and have no explanation. I guess at least it wasn't Jeremy.
No. 179280
>>179249I have to ask- does anybody here actually have a crush on Jeremy Clarkson?
It's ok this is all anonymous so you can't be ripped on the way you deserve to be
No. 179284
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>>179283i am unhealthily obsessed with all the top gears lads in my defense
No. 179291
>>179249His personality is the best of the three imo, which makes him stand out more
Also Clarkson makes me feel violently ill
No. 179298
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>>179262Richey was prettier but I just can't get enough of Nicky's smile.
No. 179305
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Hugh Grant, especially in the 90s. I swoon whenever he wears a button down with the sleeves rolled up
No. 179316
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>>179305he's in Lair Of The White Worm with Peter Cpaldi in 1989 (directed by ken russell!!)
No. 179317
>>179093No, it was an actual music video.
Looked it up, "No good". I knew the song from the 90s but didn't expect to see him looking so "Normie".
No. 179323
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Louis Theroux, young or old. He seems like such a nice person as well
No. 179326
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Idris Elba
No. 179327
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>>179316My favourite young Peter Capaldi picture. He really aged well despite kind of looking like the devil who owns a cursed antique shop in Rick and Morty
No. 179330
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I was obsessed with colin farrell when I was younger. I'm a sucker for dark men with sad eyes!
No. 179335
>>179305wow he's pretty
>>179035>>178843top taste
No. 179336
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Jeremy Bamber
No. 179351
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>>179348threads like these always have girls who feel compelled to tell other girls they personally don't find x attractive, as if we care. Best to just ignore them before they shit up the thread more.
No. 179354
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>>179327do u like Local Hero??
No. 179357
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No. 179359
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My mum has always been obsessed with him.
No. 179364
>>179328I respect the hell out of you. Can I suck your strap on?
(As a display of respect)
No. 179366
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>>179359Tell your mom she has great taste
No. 179369
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but only as james bond
No. 179371
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>>179359Dude, seeing him in The Incredible Mr. Ripley ignited a furnace inside me
No. 179388
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Rik Mayall with long hair and a receding hairline just does it for me
No. 179390
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>>179383>never wanted to fuck a priest beforeweak bitch.
No. 179404
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>>179400I think you're right
No. 179406
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>>179364of course anon-chan as long as you don't mind where it's been
No. 179411
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No. 179452
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>>179388He filled the dirty older man trope so nicely.
No. 179461
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>>179280>>179406Jeremy's teeth is the stuff of actual nightmares and his personality always put me off even though he can be funny. He's tall though I guess?
>>179291You validate me anon. I found James so weirdly charming and sweet. But then he'd have these moments like appearing out of the tent in the jungle with a knife in hand that had me wondering about his younger years. kek
I know he modeled in some motorcycle magazine when he was young and Jeremy/Hammond poked fun at him for it, but I can't find the pics anymore.
>>179305Ngl, I always remembered Hugh as a creepy old dude. Never realized he was actually hot when he was younger.
>>179411Ugh yes. Shame about his hairline. He's still fine as a balding old dude tho ngl.
No. 179463
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Jeremy Irons. He was great looking back in the 90s, kinda iffy on him these days.
Didn't know he was Scar until I Googled him for this
No. 179468
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Welsh boys pt 1 Ioan Gruffudd
No. 179469
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Pt 2 Iwan Rheon
No. 179505
>>179468>>179469Are "Ioan" and "Iwan" a different way to write the same name?
But I agree, both are hot.
No. 179520
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Where do we stand on Dara O'Brien
No. 179557
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>>179388Some of Bottom's humour was lost on me because, as richie was complaining about being so unattractive to the point of being unlovable (or, more relevantly, unfuckable), which is really what the entire show is, i was only thinking.. you are so so wrong, king..
No. 179559
>>179555I have no counter argument for that lol
This thread is making me realize that I apparently don’t quite go for looks but more so for if they can make me laugh because wow my taste, looks wise, is objectively bad. The only thing I can say is that at least I don’t want to fuck Clarkson.
No. 179566
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>>179557Yes! Not going to lie, I only ever really found him attractive around this specific era and I'm still not sure why, but like other anon said he filled the dirty old man trope well lmao
No. 179598
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>>179357nobody touch him he's my husband
No. 179599
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>>179469I loved him in Misfits! Speaking of Misfits, that was where my love for Robert Sheehan began.
No. 179602
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>>179599I loved Robert Sheehan in the BBC drama ‘Me & Mrs Jones’. His character was so sweet and lovely in this
No. 179604
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>>179249I was about to post him god
No. 179611
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Rufus Sewell anyone?
No. 179632
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I know Damons been posted but fuck it, the whole band was cute in the 90s. Damon and Graham can still get it even in their 50s. Also knew a guy who looks like a young Alex though kek
No. 179634
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>>178848Fuck yeah, he's my favorite, as well. I'm reading his second "Diaries" book right now, it's really interesting and surprisingly cozy.
Also picrel is one of my all-time favorite actors, Patrick McGoohan. If any of you haven't seen it, go watch "The Prisoner".
No. 179652
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>>179648Yes, yes he was. And the show really predicted a lot of shit that's happening today, with the whole surveillance and invasion of privacy, etc. Also if you wanna see Patrick play the drums like a madman, go check out "All Night Long", it's Othello but set in a jazz club.
No. 179733
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>>179731(Pic is from another fun McGoohan movie called "Hell Drivers", it also has a young, unknown actor called Sean Connery)
No. 179838
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Fictional but still English- Booker DeWitt
No. 179886
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>>179634Palin anon here - you're exactly right in describing his books as cozy! He has such a comforting presence on screen, but I never thought it possible that such a hospitable feeling could be translated to the written word, let alone creating this feeling in a diary he probably never expected to be read by anyone but himself. Even when he writes harshly of a bad impression of someone or of an unpleasant experience, he still manages to stay charming and kind. I also love reading all of the little details of his day, however weird that sounds lol. The bits about python sketches and filming them are especially interesting though
No. 179922
>>179815There is one great scene though where he's nearly drowned, and then he's calmly talking to the captain of the sub about getting to the station, and he's like, "Pop a torpedo up the spout, blow a hole in the ice, aND GET ME THERE!" and slams his fist on the table. That was A+!
>>179886Agreed! Whenever he describes little villages or filming locations I like looking them up to see if they're as cozy as he paints them with his words. I also love when he writes entries of people asking stuff like, "You're Eric Idle, aren't you?"
No. 180130
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Best Beatle boy coming through, in terms of looks, personality and musicianship. He's always had a special place in my heart
No. 180262
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>>178495 Exquisite taste.
Barry Gibb was so sexy back in the 70s. I just want to run my fingers through his hair while riding him.
No. 180265
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young greg wise. emma thompson’s man
No. 180274
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Steve Jansen on the left.
No. 180278
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No ones said it yet but Robert pattinson. I wasn’t really into the twilight craze. But, his kind personality is my favourite kind.
No. 180955
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No. 181184
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>>181156He might be kinky but Martin is the king freak of the group lol
No. 181241
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>>181184yeah dave isn't kinky. he's just a stripper with a great voice who i suspect may have an assistant who makes sure he doesn't drown in the shower.
No. 181288
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>>180130Based. Girls want to fuck Lennon/McCartney, but women wish to marry George (or time travel back to tell him to quit smoking).
No. 181293
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Young Jarvis Cocker had perfect aesthetics.
No. 181302
>>181184What… what is he wearing?
>>181241He looks pretty hot for an old man there. Like, tight bodied, doesn't have that sag. And good movement! God I'd let him do things to me
No. 181314
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this thread made me realise I dont find british men attractive in general(i do think Cumberbatch is but not in a conventional way so…)
the only british men I can think of are Robert Pattinson,young Hugh Grant and George MacKay
(i know pic attached is random but it shows off his body nicely)
No. 181316
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i've been watching too much buzzcocks
No. 181345
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I know his looks are very polarizing, but…
I just feel deep in my bones that he'd make an amazing sub. I like his boyishness and freckles.
No. 181354
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>>181302just martin things
No. 181356
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No. 181361
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>>181302i would do terrible, terrible things to dave at any age.
No. 181362
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Only saw him in Black Mirror but he kinda cute
No. 181369
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Martin Gore has strong sub energy
>>181361I feel like Dave is a switch… he and I could take turns committing sins against eachother, and oh God would I let him fuck me like an animal in heat
No. 181370
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>>181369i think dave is just alan's waifu, no need to read any more into it than that. i want him so badly though hhnnnnng
No. 181386
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>>181362He and his brother were so hot on Peaky Blinders
No. 181387
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>>181369I mean he literally advertised it kek
No. 181416
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>>181370me too
early 90's long hair dave is my favorite. so fucking sexy
No. 181437
>>181417my poor skinny heroin boi let me fix you with kisses
on your DICK
No. 181439
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I'd fuck Theo.
No. 181453
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goth husband
No. 181455
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britpop husband
No. 181457
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>>181455he's been aging beautifully as well.. sigh
No. 181459
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He's gorgeous but the second he opens his mouth, it's like he might as well be speaking Swahili. NO fucking idea what he's saying.
No. 181461
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>>181293Older Jarvis is also mint.
No. 181554
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>>181547oh what i'll have to look into this man (you are talking about john bishop?). i have a scouse dad fetish for some reason. pic unrelated
No. 181635
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How are you guys gonna talk about Depeche Mode without mentioning sexy ass Alan Wilder? Synthpop daddy can do any nasty thing he wants to me any ol time
No. 181650
>>181554>>181572Imagine fucking John Bishop and he tries to vocalise "call me Daddy" through his cripplingly strong accent. But I get it though, he genuinely looks like a handsome man who got tied down with a family and spends his days at the office daydreaming about running off with a woman half his age (that's us in the story) so he can feel like a person again.
>>181635Holy shit, yes, how did I forget Alan Wilder?
No. 181652
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Ladies, you're sleeping on the football players
No. 181660
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No. 181676
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>>181669uh no actually lee mack has the darts world record and he is clearly hot
No. 181776
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>>181774Its honestly so shitty he had to leave the band.. He was really talented
No. 181860
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original flavour travis was hot too.
No. 181864
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I defy u nerds
No. 181885
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>>181882same, anon. is that…have we been…racist? against the british? was it wrong to stereotype an entire country's worth of as picrel?
No. 181931
>>181885I'm from Ireland, being racist against British people is my 9 to 5 job.
But all jokes aside I think I just like panel show dorky comedians so much that I forgot the UK was capable of producing chad type men
No. 181989
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>>181681They’re too busy crushing each others skulls into oblivion and getting premature dementia
No. 182015
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John from the libertines!
No. 182016
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>>182015Back when Pete was also a cutie.
No. 182057
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>>181774Gotcha right back girl. His hands and the way his sleeves are rolled up his arms lawwwdddd
>>182018Lmao is that true? That's rich coming from a guy who's admitted he does almost nothing on stage or in the studio
No. 182452
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Professor Lupine and Sirius Black
No. 182602
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oh god dave
No. 182862
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he's ugly but looks jolly
No. 183137
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just gonna shit up the thread with OMD because my baby boys
No. 183219
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>>183137I see you are a woman of culture as well
No. 183227
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>>183219i know paul is everybody's favourite but i disagree
No. 183319
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>>183227>>183228Tbh Paul was initially my favorite too because I liked them blondies, but then I realized how much Andy resembled my first boyfriend I was like danmmmm
Also he aged a lot better than Paul imo No. 183340
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>>183319KEK i had an andy lookalike too. model paul hit a wall in 1983, i'm guessing over dazzle ships stress. you can tell he was having about 6 beers for breakfast for the next ten years.
picrel my sweet floppy husbando
No. 183446
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Ian Brown from The Stone Roses is a cutie
No. 183467
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>>183446sad he aged terribly, he was really cute
No. 183569
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>>183467oh no. you werent kidding. wikipedia says this is a 58 year old man. i'm sad now
No. 183575
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Paul Simonon of The Clash was gorgeous back in the day. I think he is still very handsome now for an older guy, but back in the 80s? Yes please.
No. 183873
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me reading all the DM posts in this thread
No. 184049
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No. 184178
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>>184049That that was a picture of Jeffrey Dahmer on the drums for some reason
No. 184290
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>>184286ok but the OP picture has to be this
No. 184359
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No. 184459
File: 1620587719108.jpg (43.66 KB, 564x845, 5a3b0d791c2adf.jpg)

>>178343some of the men on taskmaster are attractive in a weasely way
No. 184794
File: 1620688179267.jpg (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, PhotoCollage_1620688711975.jpg)

>>184459Mike Wozniack. I was literally thirsting over him while watching Taskmaster earlier.
It's weird how he keeps changing from hot to uggo, as demonstrated in this picture
No. 185316
File: 1620862996157.jpg (34.05 KB, 448x359, Jack_Seward_-_Dracula_1992.jpg)

Jack Seward from Bram Stoker's Dracula. Idk wgat the actor name is. Also there are no good pictures of him lol
No. 185339
File: 1620871569005.jpg (190.66 KB, 461x346, withnail-and-i-bfi-00m-iuo.jpg)

>>185317it's richard e. grant!!!! from withnail&i and how to get ahead in business. i love him
No. 185363
>>185339thank you
nonnie! I'll watch more of his stuff now. without facial hair he kind of looks like peter murphy lol.
No. 185954
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I always forget he's british
No. 186021
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this guy from food wars
No. 186074
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good thread, needs more tim curry
No. 186076
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>>186074didn’t realise he’s british at first but he totally did look like he could be in some english rock band during the 70s.
No. 186078
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>>186074Hes been my crush since forever…
No. 186285
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No. 186308
File: 1621300885413.jpeg (2.27 MB, 2363x1576, 6548B362-A185-4EF7-989E-D05980…)

I’ve been watching Dave Gorman’s Life is Goodish because YT recommended it to me and guess who has a new weird crush.
No. 186363
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he's.. so british looking
No. 186382
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>>186074Yessss…I once dreamed that I had sex with him while he was dressed as Cardinal Richelieu from The Three Muskateers kek
No. 186383
File: 1621342000173.jpg (47.48 KB, 526x527, jt91yn8xxv561.jpg)

>>186076Yep he rocks the unkempt rockstar look
No. 186385
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Ian McCulloch, cute 80s semi-goth
>>186292Shhh he was born in Scotland and almost has a Scottish accent so he can stay lol
No. 186574
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>>178795>>178996Oliver is my absolute favourite. I've never had such a bad case of celebrity crush before seeing him a few years ago. He's absolutely gorgeous.
No. 186882
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Andrew Eldritch seemed really hot to me in interviews, but stills of him… he kind of looks like Ted Bundy.
No. 188765
File: 1622413632772.jpeg (280.67 KB, 629x800, 2365933_orig.jpeg)

>>179249I have a James May fridge magnet from pic rel that I display proudly on my bedroom radiator. Hate the other two but god he's a cute
No. 188925
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Dancer Max Westwell. Why is everyone posting the ugliest UK guys imaginable? Is this a US nonnie PsyOp?
No. 188926
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Model Sam Webb is another fav.
No. 188928
File: 1622493971923.gif (1.98 MB, 333x250, 16224938382978817.gif)

I would be really mean to a young Stephen Fry in bed. Also kinda want his crooked birdbeak of a nose up my pussy
No. 188935
File: 1622494804712.jpeg (61.24 KB, 960x643, nintchdbpict000352444797.jpeg)

>>188932Ioan Gruffudd (picrel), Gwilym Lee, Aneurin Barnard, Matt Hitt, Iwan Rheon, Luke Evans… Christian Bale is debatably Welsh
No. 188939
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>>188932Steve Jones a TV presenter.
No. 188946
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>>188935Tom Ellis is a Welsh actor, though admittedly of mostly English ancestry. Fits the thread well, but not your question. I think he has a Welsh grandmother or something. Richard Burton is another name coming to mind.
No. 188950
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>>188935>>188932Gwilym Lee is cute
No. 189111
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>>189109picrel, bc I couldn't upload the photo on the phone
No. 189482
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A Richard Ayoade gif. Because it is necessary.
No. 189703
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Just looking at pictures of Luke Evans makes me blush, he's gay though.
No. 189820
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Pouty Ben Aldridge
No. 190875
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this picture of colin farrell mmm
No. 190876
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Richard Madden
No. 190877
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Sam hughen dispute the fact you could rent his forehead for advertising space.
No. 190879
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>tfw no hot hooligan bf
No. 190885
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Paul Bettany. I know he's 50 and therefore twice my age but what can I say, I am thirsty and he is water
No. 191310
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Harry Rowley
No. 191311
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Alex Pettyfer
No. 191506
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>>191331he has an annoying face.
No. 192509
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The Kinks were such a great group of good looking lads. Very fashionable too which is always a bonus
No. 192555
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i'm still thirsting so hard for this bastard
No. 192988
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Martin Kemp aged extremely well.
No. 192994
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No. 192995
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No. 193086
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>>192642the other anon is correct - reece shearsmith. his hands look like they would be magical
No. 193228
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No. 193230
File: 1624126835810.jpg (108.8 KB, 630x1200, MV5BMTU4MjU0NjI4NF5BMl5BanBnXk…)

i had a major crush on jack o'connell when he was on skins, and i'm happy to see that he's aging well!
No. 193233
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No. 193261
>>193230I'm happy he looks meaty but hasn't gone full gammon. God bless his ageing journey
>>193234Nicholas Hoult wishes he resembled this
No. 193388
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same anon thirsting over jack o connell adding that his sleazy smile absolutely does me in
No. 193502
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i hate myself
No. 193524
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>>193522he aged weirdly…ps maybe? and got a bit skinny but that's better than blimping up i think
No. 193674
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No. 193745
File: 1624359019058.jpg (35.83 KB, 559x559, 4143921_8724284.jpg)

I wish they would use more masculine men in British modelling. The trend for a long time has been to use deliberately odd-looking mixed race men who look as if their features were stapled on in the dark or ginger/blond floppy haired freckled twink types who look like literal 12 year old boys (Fionn Creber is an example) or snobby, smell a fart pinched nose types who look like they've just joined the bullingdon club and want to beat up the homeless (picrel Sam Hardwood). And as ever, the odd nepotistic case. Gallagher's hideous son is a fucking model kek. Handsome, masculine ones like David Gandy, Sam Webb and Oliver Cheshire got more work in Italy pretending to be Italian men kek. Just why?!
No. 193783
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Painfully unfunny but has pretty eyes and lips
No. 193909
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No. 194206
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Oh no I’ve started watching Fleabag and I’m in the Andrew Scott season and my crush on him has flared up again
No. 194650
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No. 194779
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objectively he's kind of ugly (his eyes are really close together) but I find him rly hot, Idk
No. 196854
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I watched Withnail and I the other day and Paul Mcgann is so freaking pretty and handsome. He's got that kind of classic romantic look to him that wouldn't be out of place in the 18th century. Plus his voice is so soft and gentle, and now I wanna listen to all the audio episodes he did as the 8th Doctor lol.
No. 196992
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>>196854Somehow this lad reminded me of Peter Cook who I have neglected to post here yet. He was such a cute..
No. 197010
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Austin is top of my list of British lads to shag.
No. 197117
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>>196987Yesss there were so many shots of him without his shirt or pants. I was getting too distracted to focus on the dialogue at times. And i couldn't stop staring at his perfect neck and jawline too
No. 197131
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ugh those lips
No. 197219
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>>197191HE WAS! C'MON. And he could play the piano!
No. 197270
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>>197219i'm trying to see it but nope sorry nonarino
No. 197314
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Technically Gary Cooper counts, son of English parents.
No. 197556
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Young Ade Edmondson.. cor
>>179520>>179534Still makes me kek every time I visit this thread
No. 197579
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I want to peg Harry Kane.
No. 197582
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>>197576I'm crushing on a guy right know who is a factory worker, works night shifts for minimum wage and only ever seems to hang out with his family. A nobody. Sorry no pics but just sharing my oh so interesting crush. I'm sure you're all grateful to hear about him. Love the new direction the thread is taking
No. 197624
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>>197579Grealish is the cutest one imo
No. 197633
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>>197624They can all be pegged as "punishment" for losing the Euros to Italy.
No. 197640
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keeping with the footie theme
No. 197650
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since we're talking the england team, I like harry mcguire. in some picture's he's really weird looking, but in others strangely cute. looks far better in motion
No. 197718
>>197582I laughed anon.
Also yeah. Nobody wants to hear about our normie crushes. We have them all the time. This is a thread about British dudes who happent k be in the public eye. Which is far less creepy to talk about imo.
No. 197770
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he grew up nicely too
No. 197906
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dave "i know what i'm paid to do" gahan
No. 198653
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No. 198846
File: 1626905783119.jpg (59.29 KB, 391x512, unnamed.jpg)

No. 198936
File: 1626954673938.jpg (1.3 MB, 2048x1363, Clarence-Clarity_Latitude-2015…)

glitch pop husband
No. 198942
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No. 199137
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No. 199307
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I am so irrevocably horny for Hugh Laurie, especially in blackadder, I love a stupid dandy
No. 199308
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>>199307Samefag, he also makes a beautiful woman lol
No. 199330
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Martin Potter
No. 199332
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Anyone remember these guys?
No. 199369
>>199307Nonnie, I dread the thought that you have actual sexual fantasies with this Hugh Lorries character in Black Adder specifically. Like, are you another actor in the show or are you actually
in the Adderverse?
No. 199383
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Jim Reid
No. 199388
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Jake Quickenden
No. 199675
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The manliest photo I could find kek
No. 200461
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Julian Sands aged tragically but he was so fine when he was young. He also had no qualms about doing onscreen nudity, which is a nice bonus.
No. 200859
File: 1628174005182.jpg (36.67 KB, 500x496, oh1adv58cxjz.jpg)

not particularly fond of depeche mode but he was cute
No. 200860
File: 1628175163836.jpg (38.71 KB, 384x632, 8771092027_e19c5a1c95_z.jpg)

Young Paul Simonon. He was asked to join the clash because he was pretty. Had to learn the bass for the band.
No. 201268
>>200859anon love yourself more
he's famous for literally doing nothing, imagine what he's like in bed
No. 201269
File: 1628475643635.jpg (31.07 KB, 695x375, asylum-1972-11.jpg)

>>200860kek so like how robert powell got hired to play jesus
No. 201270
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>>201269thats not a very good picture
No. 202405
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RIP you legend
No. 202781
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Sean Bean anyone? Love his accent too
No. 208149
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Jack Brett Anderson.
No. 208212
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I want a threesome with Dan and Phil.
No. 208214
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Joe Thomas is so adorably awkward
No. 208631
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>>208290Loads of old blokes from shows and bands with an international fanbase, so possibly. And burger-courting youtubers. It's like anons are posting just any British man they can think of. Definitely not a British anon posting Austin Powers lmao.
Anyway let's have another Jack photo, this time with Oliver.
No. 208633
File: 1633710874750.jpg (95.86 KB, 990x742, QVNIMTE3NTA3MTM4.jpg)

And great news from Tom this week. I hope he remains healthy for as long as possible.
No. 208641
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cute junkie bfs
No. 212243
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Call me insane but I think I might have a thing for Roger Waters……
No. 212247
File: 1636050046099.jpeg (212.12 KB, 1366x2048, 22412A9F-58ED-49CF-89CD-88465B…)

I love Dan Howell. He might be gay but I can’t help it, he’s handsome, funny and quintessentially and awkwardly British.
No. 212266
>>212247when I was a huge dnp
phfan I had a love hate relationship with Dan kek. He was my favorite out of the two, I watched all his content and as an awkward angsty teenager I found him very relatable and funny, but at the same time I got annoyed by him really often?? Idek lol but regardless I'm afraid that at least 10% of my adult personality is based on him
No. 212279
>>212247Is that the popular one or the one that everyone considers an extra to their husbando?
Also are they gays together or not
No. 212281
>>212266What's there to hate, though? There are plenty of British men who are just as awkward as he is regardless of their sexuality.
>>212279>are they gays together or notThey were gay together, not sure if this is a current thing but they definitely were in the past. I think Dan talked about this somewhere, correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 212567
File: 1636319668611.jpg (49.68 KB, 640x320, thefacekek.jpg)

mmm, tilbrook.
literally all his songs are about what a shit boyfriend he is tho
No. 212725
>>212281>what's there to hatesome things he did really annoyed me, in particular
>being sarcastic every other sentence>being condescending/overly critical to phil for no reason>his quirky emo "black…like my soul" shtick was cringeThough at the same time I was a huge fan, I only picked up on these things because I watched every single one his videos at least twice lol
No. 213127

>>212944sorry for the late reply! I just skimmed through dans channel to refresh my memory a bit and now I'm nostalgic lol. Some videos I remember enjoying a lot are:
>12 year old Dan's website>his collabs with Tyler Oakley and Connor franta i liked storytime type videos a lot so those ones, especially
>our awkward fancy meal>the time I got sunstrokeas far as videos with phil:
>sexy internet dating 1 and 2>photo booth challenge>dan and phil Vs tumblr 1 and 2>all the baking onesand obv all the gaming channel videos (though I stopped watching in like 2017 so I'm not caught up with those esp all the sims ones, rip). tbh if you like him I recommend you binge all his videos, they're super comfy and mostly pretty short especially the vlog style ones. Same goes for the gaming channel if you like that sort of content. I remember loving their undertale playthrough
also he used to stream every week on younow so theres a lot of highlights from that on youtube (see the channel in vid rel. just a random one of him being cute)
No. 217612
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I can't believe he's straight.
No. 217614
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>>217613With bro.
argh those trousers!! :( No. 218387
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matrix twins in real life (literally these are the actors who played them. they are english karate masters or some shit)
No. 218404
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Bit niche but he was so gorgeous and captivating in 'Saturday Night and Sunday Morning'. English James Dean I call him
No. 218449
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No. 218570
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>>218448AJ Pritchard. Fairly sure he's pretending to be het. Major gayface.
I'm still not attracted to the Harries bros but Jack has managed to look more masculine with time. They were twinkish for so long.
No. 218626
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Sai Bennett's ex bf.
No. 218679
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charlie cox is an absolute dreamboat.
No. 218680
File: 1640131572649.gif (1.81 MB, 245x142, E7F9A7C5-A478-477A-8F09-9FBDA5…)

>>218679samefag, but he was perfect when he played stephen hawking’s wife’s boyfriend.
i don’t blame jane. No. 218681
File: 1640131624561.gif (1.76 MB, 245x245, E7865A01-4AEE-4CBD-9BC4-3C9E98…)

>>218680ok last one. his smile is everything to me.
No. 218725
File: 1640157733522.jpg (281.4 KB, 1154x1508, dracula.jpg)

vampire boyfriend
No. 218823
File: 1640203210173.jpg (35.71 KB, 435x480, kawaiiiiiii.jpg)

>>218729he was one of the good ones
No. 219611
File: 1640618587841.gif (2.14 MB, 498x195, tenor.gif)

>>218723insert smiling emoji
No. 219997
>>219611he goes fast
excellent gif btw
No. 220974
File: 1641221837605.jpg (42.54 KB, 615x606, skank.jpg)

>>218449james hunt back in the day gives me some pants feelings
No. 263074
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I know this threads dead but I wasn’t sure where else to post for any of the other OMD fans on here are see… Just wanted to share that I got to see my boys live in my hometown last night. 10/10 spiritual experience, Andy’s liturgical white man dancing and all. Didn’t get to meet him unfortunately, but I did get to meet Paul, and he signed something for me. I was so bashful and my Texan ass kept calling him “sir”, but I’d never smiled so much in my life. Had a spell of imposter syndrome afterward regarding what I have or haven't accomplished as a fan, but I’m better now and so grateful that I had the night I did, especially with the world so unpredictable right now. I can’t wait to frame my autograph & cherish it forever. Love you Paul & Andy.
No. 263179
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If this man wasn't British he'd be very ugly indeed. Lucky for him he's a bong
No. 263229
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>>178699so fucking hot in this david bowie cover just love last shadow puppets alex
No. 263415
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I want to cruelly bully a weird looking but cute & innocent british boy.
No. 263709
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ive been stupidly obsessed with aldous huxley based on the handful of pictures that are available of him for so long. it pisses me off that someone whos my exact specific ideal type in looks had already lived and died before i was born.
No. 264217
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What I wouldn't give for 10 minutes alone with Boris Johnson back in his Eton private school days.
No. 264222
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>>263709Off topic but I think him and Shirley Jackson might have been long lost twins
No. 264254
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>>263074i love andy more than anything in the world
No. 264704
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>>264245t. seething david cameron (the inferior prime minister) enjoyer
No. 264860
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do you anons remember this gif kek
No. 274441
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>>263229Don't even get me started on Alex, I've had the biggest crush on him literally forever. He pulls off being cute and unbearably sexy at the same time so well. Have you heard the song You're So Dark anon? The way he sings the line "I want you down on all fours" makes me giggle like a retarded schoolgirl lmao. God I wanna ruin him
No. 274650
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>>274441he aged so badly in the last five years, it's honestly scary.
No. 277108
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>>181369I know this is an old post but I just gotta say, I don't find Martin that attractive but i have to give him credit for being one of the very, very few men to pull off wearing a dress. He said he regrets doing it now lol but i don't think he should be, they suited him well
No. 277272
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>>277108Oh we Depecheposting now? Just kidding, but I agree. I'm not sure if it's just because he has a smaller frame and that's why he looked better than say, Harry Styles, but I also feel the androgyny that was in style back then had less to do with gender and more to do with experimenting with different clothes. When men wore makeup or womens' clothes, it wasn't about trying to look like a woman but more about experimenting with clothing and makeup to create an interesting look. I could just be generalizing, but that's how it feels to me at least with Martin- that he didn't style himself with the intention of trying to look like a woman but that he did it with the intention of trying to create a unique and interesting look (which ultimately looks more flattering).
anyway, cute alan and dave.
No. 277354
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I don't care what people think, i want to have sex with Rishi. He is so intelligent and cheeky and has a beautiful face to me with wonderful cheekbones. I love his large and dark handsome ears, and sometimes I do like to dip a cucumber slice in chocolate and suckle it, because it is how i imagine his moist, brown ears would taste and feel. he is so dashing, i'd love to be ravished by raping rishi.
No. 277397
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>>277272>>277319You're both spot on - people take men wearing feminine clothes way too seriously these days, Martin said multiple times he simply just liked wearing dresses and thought it was fun, he was adamant with saying he wasn't gay or trying to be a tranny. I like how straightforward he was with it.
And yesss, we need to bring back the Depeche Mode thread haha, I just remembered it. It got lost when /m/ had that whole update. And I just so happened to find this super cute picture of Alan, Martin and Dave, how fitting
No. 277453
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>>277397>>277319Based takes all around. And that's cool that he said that! Somehow it feels like we've regressed in a lot of ways. I get that he doesn't want to talk about it now because he's embarrassed about it (and he probably got a ton of annoying questions about it back in the day), but I think it'd be refreshing to have a male celebrity nowadays talk about androgynous fashion in a straightforward way like he did. "I wore dresses because I wanted to look subversive and thought they looked cool" is more authentic to me than when male celebrities try to turn it into some social/political statement.
I'd also love if we brought the DM thread back. I somehow missed out on the first one. A general 80s music thread could be fun too since I know there was a Morrisseyfag and a few Robert Smithposters, as well as other girls with 80s goth husbandos. But of course I wouldn't be opposed if there was just a revived DM-specific thread either. I have so many pictures I could post.
and I want to be able to talk about how in some pictures young Dave Gahan kind of looked like young Yanderedev and also about Alan's comically large forehead and how the hell was Martin able to carry lanky-ass Fletch on his shoulders in this picture? No. 277672
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>>178343Rik Mayall anon I see you. But I raise you Bob Mortimer and also John Simm. There's something about funny men with cheeky smiles for me I guess
No. 277704
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>>277672I think there are a few of us patrician Rik-anons itt. I miss him so much, nona.
John was cute. Although I've only seen him in Human Traffic.
No. 277723
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>>277453An 80s music thread would be great. Many cute androgynous talented men to gawk at
No. 277733
>>277704i’ve got a crush on him now because of this thread (specifically his nastier characters)
>>179452would you recommend the movie from your gif
No. 277780
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>>178343Actual attractive British men do exist though they're rare. Can't figure out where Christian Coulson fits on the masculine/weasel/ogre chart though.
No. 277781
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>>178771Nonnie was right. There is a meme of this already.
No. 277811
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i want him to bite me everywhere
No. 277865
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No. 277918
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Made a general 80s music thread for nonas who want to talk more about DM and other 80s musicians or just want to continue spamming their pictures there. Post all about your goth, new wave, and post-punk husbandos! (other husbandos allowed too as long as they were from the 80s)
>>>/m/224599 No. 277974
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lias saoudi and saul adamczewski.
No. 279408
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You can guess twice who this is.