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No. 98576

How does lolcow feel about figures such as Gary Yourofsky?

He's a a 45 year old animal rights activist from Michgan that has been banned from entering the whole of Canada and the UK, the former of which he was sent to a maximum security prison for 7 months for breaking into a fur farm in 1997 and releasing 1,542 mink into the wild, causing billions in losses that would have been made off the sale of their fur. For this he is regarded as an 'international terrorist'.
His 1 hour speech on animal rights, titled "The Best Speech You'll Ever Hear", has 3,181,294 views on Youtube and has been translated into over 30 languages worldwide and of which converted 8% of Israel to veganism after a serious publications and lectures in the country.

Link to speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es6U00LMmC4

Personally I'm absolutely devastated he's been banned from the UK as he's an idol of mine. A lot of people regard him as militant, but I agree with his ideology because I know that being all fluffy and gentle about this kind of subject has never gotten us anywhere. People need to see the truth and reality of animal slavery up close and in their face.

No. 98578

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Veganism is a literal meme ideology only which is only supported by spoiled first worlders, their arguments rely entirely emotions i.e. muh fluffy animals :( and they have little grip on reality. Just commit some vandalism and pretend to be a hero while people around the world are actually sacrificing their lives for causes that actually matter.

No. 98579

I support his ideas, but I don't support him personally because he is a Jew.

No. 98580


>their arguments rely entirely emotions i.e. muh fluffy animals :(

Awwwww damn, because having some compassion for beings that live, breath and feel exactly the dame way as both you and I do is liek, totes stupid xD

>and they have little grip on reality

Really, the way I see it you've brainwashed yourself into accepting barbaric cruelties on animals you deem 'lower' than yourself as a necessity for fueling your base gluttony. You're the one that doesn't want to accept reality because "muh bacon".

>while people around the world are actually sacrificing their lives for causes that actually matter.

Nice speciesism ya' got there cuck.
Don't forget that if all the ants vanished from the earth tomorrow, our entire system would collapse. If all the humans vanished from the earth however, the planet would thrive and flourish. You are less important than an ant.

No. 98586

>having some compassion for beings that live, breath and feel exactly the dame way as both you and I do is liek, totes stupid xD
Yeah, pretty much, it is. I'm not sure what you were trying to accomplish by wording it that way.


That's not a real thing. Grow the fuck up and stop repeating yourself in an increasingly hysterical tone, it's embarrassing.

No. 98587

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kek watch yourself on your edge there.

No. 98616

>You are less important than an ant.

I don't even care about this debate and I was just lurking but sir that was just so fucking awesome.

Damn I wish more vegans were like you.

No. 98654

>breaking into a fur farm in 1997 and releasing 1,542 mink into the wild

What a fucking idiot

No. 98680

He's a total misanthrope and has this air of trying to "perform" being really intense sometimes (think an actor auditioning to play Gary Yourofsky in a made for tv movie kinda vibe) but overall his line about "why is it that religious people love things that man has made (the bible, churches, man made rituals, etc) but not the things God created (animals)" has helped me discuss vegans in a way that connects to my friends and family more than any other quote.

I like his no bullshit approach to the subject and the reality of how we treat sentient beings as inanimate objects and how fucked the whole mentality really is.

I think banning him from any place just confirms that the powers that be find his message dangerous to their various animal industries, to which I say: Good. Keep banning him and watch the Streisand effect in action.

No. 98684

Mink are pests. By releasing them into the wild the idiot probably killed thousands of actually useful critters. God damn.

No. 99456

fucking nailed it in the first post

No. 99475

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>Awwwww damn, because having some compassion for beings that live, breath and feel exactly the dame way as both you and I do is liek, totes stupid xD

At least I care, and actually help real human beings. wtf have you done?

>Nice speciesism ya' got there cuck.


also, that's not how you the word cuck is used

No. 99481

To be honest, this. To me veganism is the ultimate form of vanity, you lead such a rich life that you can actually place strict restrictions on your diet yourself while people around the world are experiencing famine.

No. 99497

I've been vegan for most of my life and I view this man as a terrorist. He is a vile individual that hates Palestine and it's people. He is not a vegan, a vegan should not hate people like he does.

No. 99498

You are being stupid, most of the poorest communities live on plant based diets based on grain.

No. 99502

>trust me I'm from the suburbs my teacher taught me everything about poor people, I know my shit

Meat is expensive, yes, but avoiding everything with eggs and milk is in NO way cheap.

No. 99503

They don't really have a choice a lot of the time, do they?

No. 99504

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Based on that logic, you should hate yourself. You lead such a rich life that you can actually own a computer with internet while people around the world don't even have plumbing in their house, let alone electricity and internet to troll on the internet. You're one suicide away from actually being funny, so keep trying. You're committing a fallacy called Relative Privation (more about it here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_of_relative_privation) where you completely invalidate a concern solely based on the fact that there are worse concerns in the world.

You also place strict restrictions on your diet, since you don't eat literal garbage like thousands do around the world, nor do you eat rotting carcasses (just frozen ones).



As you can see, no. You don't help human beings. Your diet is actually the most harmful for the environment. That means you contribute to the climate change that has already caused famine in poor countries (by failing their crops and making their cattle die of thirst). Upon knowing this, now you can only accept that you're part of the problem or keep lying to yourself. Both of us know that you'll just choose the latter.


>their arguments rely entirely on emotions

I suggest you the link I've sent above. Also, all ideologies are memes, to an extent. Have you actually ever read about memetics or are you just going by what you're told about memes on the internet? Don't tell me that you think memes are funny pictures with captions or fads. I refuse to believe you're that stupid.

>causes that actually matter.

Yeah, because keeping this planet inhabitable -considering that up to 29% of greenhouse gas emissions come from animal agriculture (source: https://ccafs.cgiar.org/bigfacts/#theme=food-emissions&subtheme=direct-agriculture) is a distant second from ensuring your tomorrow's bucket of porkchop. Boy, am I glad your life expectancy as a meat-eater is significantly lower than mine, so you're purging yourself from this planet faster and faster, one ground beef at a time (source:http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/statements/2015/processed-meat-cancer/en/). Nothing is more poetic than a little asshole like you, whose habits are a cancer to this planet, dying of rectal cancer. But who knows, maybe you'll die of heart failure first, like most of the planet, for not being able to let go of your bacon (Source: http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/new-study-links-l-carnitine-in-red-meat-to-heart-disease-201304176083). Either way it's a win-win situation for me, good riddance.
But of course you're right, veganism has nothing to do with health and environmental consciousness.

Can you at least, I dunno, be pathetic in a more creative manner? Am I ever gonna be faced with real, solid criticism over veganism or am I gonna have to settle with just grabbing well-known facts and shoving them up your sausage-worshipping asses (as you desperately disguise your whining butthurt with "LOL I TROLL U111") repeating this boring routine until the day I fucking die? Boring.

No. 99506

Reminder that 2/3 of vegetarians actually eat meat on a regular basis (as in, in the past two days), but still call themselves vegetarians: http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/78/3/626S/T3.expansion.html

Vegetarian and veganism are admirable choices if one ACTUALLY ADHERES TO THEM, but more often than not, these young people claiming to be veg*n are just self-righteous hypocrites. Tee hee I don't eat meat EVERY day so that means I'm a vegetarian right? This burger is SOOOOOO good though.

No. 99508

Despite vegetarians having more non-haeme iron in their diet, your body absorbs 70% LESS non-haeme iron. http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/69/5/944.full You're iron deficient as a consequence. One study found that 20% of ovo-lacto vegetarians are iron deficient, while 30% of vegans are iron deficient, defined as less than 25 ng of Ferritin per ml http://www.nature.com/ejcn/journal/v53/n3/pdf/1600696a.pdf?origin=publication_detail
Ask yourself this: If it's normal to receive sufficient iron from a plant based diet, why isn't your body absorbing the non-haeme iron on which it depends? Why do omnivores absorb more non-haeme iron?

The average vegan is lysine deficient. http://veganhealth.org/articles/protein The fun thing is that lysine deficiency also means you absorb less iron from your diet. In other words, the different deficiencies reinforce each other. Vegans who read about this tend to declare "well then I'll eat more of this particular food stuff to address this particular deficiency". Not realizing that this doesn't solve the problem. Eating more lysine rich food means eating less vitamin B12 rich food or less zinc rich food, etcetera. You can try to stuff legumes or pumpkin seeds down your throat, but do you really believe this to be healthy, or something you can sustain for years?

Vitamin B12: Only 9% of vitamin B12 in an egg is absorbed, so that won't bail you out. http://ebm.sagepub.com/content/232/10/1266.abstract The typical cheese might have enough vitamin B12 in 200 gram. Dairy B12 seems to be 65% bio-available, thus leaving you with about 300 gram of cheese per day to consume, based on a need of six microgram per day. Should it come as a shock that most vegans and vegetarians are vitamin B12 deficient? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24667752
Keep in mind, that deficiency rates rise in those who have had vegetarian diets for a longer period. There's a 62% deficiency rate among pregnant women http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23356638, how could anyone not consider this to be very alarming? These children will end up growing up with nerve damage.

Human evolution made us differ in the degree to which we can obtain omega 3 fatty acids from our diet. If you're European, Native American or North East Asian, you're in for some bad news: You're genetically adapted to dietary omega 3 fatty acids in your diet.
Omega 3 fatty acid content in the brains of vegans and vegetarians is lower. Vegans have less than half the content of DHA and EPA in their blood stream that omnivores have, vegetarians sit somewhere in between. http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/82/2/327/T2.expansion.html Perhaps your body can produce enough if you're African or Indian, but the evidence shows that most people who don't eat meat that contains sufficient DHA and EPA are screwed. What happens if you don't have enough DHA and EPA? You become depressed.

Soy, a favourite of vegans and vegetarians, causes dementia in men, multiple studies have shown this. The phytoestrogens seem to take the place of the natural estrogens that men's brains use to protect their neurons.

This brings us to the next topic. Ever notice how low energy vegans and vegetarians are, how the life has leached from their bodies? Well, the statistics back it up. Twice as likely to be depressed, 2.5 times as likely to suffer anxiety disorders, etcetera. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3466124/table/T2/ This diet is a recipe for mental illness, how could anyone consider it healthy?

No. 99509

>muh animuls!

Yeah no. Unlike you I have a job, a physical one that requires a lot of heavy lifting. I'm also anaemic and have been since I was a kid. I'd rather stay healthy and not pass out in work than save a cute fluffy lamb on a farm, sorry bitch. And supps alone don't cut it, by the way.

No. 99511

Because only mentally ill people consider it healthy, they're already there.

No. 99512

I really like both posts. I'm a semi moral nihilist so the silly emotional poor babbies vegan activism does nothing for me, but the fact that we're screwing up the planet sure does. Taking this into account, the only viable solution seems to be lowering human population. Too bad everyone considers mandatory birth control tyrannical/fascist.

No. 99515

I had a whole post almost ready when my browser crashed and I lost it all. Here's what I managed to salvage:

>Soy causes dementia

This study on soy offers supportive evidence that it doesn't. Evidence found through this research actually suggests that it protects the brain from Alzheimer's.

About B12, we all already meet our B12 quota without effort, vegans or non-vegans. This b12 defficiency rumor was based on isolated cases of vegans with a sloppy diet.

About mental illnesses being caused by veganism, the proof of any causal relation is so far non-existent. DHA and EPA can be found in plant-based foods as well. What can be the case is that a portion of vegans were already mentally ill before going vegan. This can be an effect of higher IQ, as research points out that vegans tend to have higher IQs and there's research proving it: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/6180753.stm It's not that hard to believe, as many earlier researches prove that people with higher IQ are more compassionate and care more about the world's problems. There's also a study linking intelligence with higher risk of mental illness, but that you can find yourself. I'm supposed to wake up early tomorrow.

About vegans being weaker lel google vegan bodybuilders, international weightlifting champions and award-winning MMA fighters. You can't be serious on that one.

No. 99516

There's another solution, if you're willing to change your diet.

No. 99519

>About B12, we all already meet our B12 quota without effort, vegans or non-vegans. This b12 defficiency rumor was based on isolated cases of vegans with a sloppy diet.

You could at least try to read the articles you're arguing against. Let me link you again.

No. 99521

This is so stupid. Do you know what causes Alzheimer's? NO. IF YOU DID YOU WOULD BE A MILLIONAIRE. We literally know fuck all about Alzheimer's, so how could any study saying soy contributes to Alzheimer's possibly be correct? Shut up people. Autism, Alzheimer's, Dementia and most brain disorders we literally no idea what causes them or what prevents it or what treats it. God you people are dumb

No. 99535

I'm pretty neutral on animal rights and veganism, but I respect the dude. He seems both fun and ballsy, like an activist should be. Actually doing shit instead of blogging about is pretty rare these days.

No. 99539

You have to be 18 to post here.

No. 99540

I'm not in any way convinced veganism has no negative impacts on people's health.
And even if I were, and were also willing to change my diet, it's not in any way realistic to count on the entire world to do the same.

We are omnivores, we like non vegan food. People aren't even willing to give up less important stuff that's bad for the planet (petroleum, for starters). Besides, animal products are a huge part of our culture all around. It's not as simple as vegans seem to think.

No. 99541


You're committing the fallacy of Appeal to Futility. The world doesn't have to give up animal products immediately in order for veganism to be considered a valid attitude towards diminishing our impact on the world's climate and life conditions. It's by ignoring this fallacious mentality that more people became vegans, this is always how numbers increase in any ideology. Only in the last 6 months, the profit made on vegan products has increased by 25% in some countries, so the industry is attesting the growing statistical relevance of this consumer demographic. Here's more research on our growing numbers: http://www.imaner.net/panel/statistics.htm#reveal

No. 99542


Doesn't mean that science doesn't know what contributes to it. Is that so hard to understand? We actually know quite a bit about Alzheimer's. Again, not knowing what causes it doesn't mean that research on it has turned out empty-handed. Don't be dumb.

No. 99543

I'm guessing most commenting here aren't even vegan so have no real insight into our ethics. Vegans don't wish to make the entire world give up meat and dairy, many isolated northen communities have a reliance on meat and milk. Veganism is about choosing to do as least harm when you have the choice, and we are fortunate enough to be in a country where a broad plant based diet is acheivable.

No. 99544

I think it's even more "dumb" to make claims that ethical veganism is a mental disorder and can have links to brain diseases. Surely choosing to murder an animal then eat it's flesh when you don't need to is disordered.

No. 99545

Sorry but even I who have beeb vegan for years have only heard of him within the last year due to social media, for most of the vegan community he is either unknown or despised. Being a terrorist, a hate preacher and a criminal is not activism. This man may not eat animals but he no vegan.

No. 99547

>make claims that ethical veganism is a mental disorder

No one claimed this.

>and can have links to brain diseases

What's "dumb" about this? Have you identified any issues with the scientific studies that were cited, or are you just calling it dumb because you don't want to believe it?

No. 99555

His speeches have made more people go vegan than every single happy "non aggressive" vegan on youtube and real life combined. I'd say his approach is fine in that regard.

No. 99586


Doesn't mean that science doesn't know what contributes to it. Is that so hard to understand? We actually know quite a bit about Alzheimer's. Again, not knowing what causes it doesn't mean that research on it has turned out empty-handed. Don't be dumb.

>Vitamin B12: Only 9% of vitamin B12 in an egg is absorbed, so that won't bail you out. http://ebm.sagepub.com/content/232/10/1266.abstract The typical cheese might have enough vitamin B12 in 200 gram. Dairy B12 seems to be 65% bio-available, thus leaving you with about 300 gram of cheese per day to consume, based on a need of six microgram per day. Should it come as a shock that most vegans and vegetarians are vitamin B12 deficient? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24667752

Keep in mind, that deficiency rates rise in those who have had vegetarian diets for a longer period. There's a 62% deficiency rate among pregnant women http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23356638, how could anyone not consider this to be very alarming? These children will end up growing up with nerve damage.

The research you posted yourself says right at the abstract:

"Vegans who do not ingest vitamin B12 supplements were found to be at especially high risk. Vegetarians, especially vegans, should give strong consideration to the use of vitamin B12 supplements to ensure adequate vitamin B12 intake. "

It says nothing about vegans being bound to develop B12 defficiency, but merely points out the risk being higher if vegans don't take supplements (which I take every day). The text implies that popping the pills solves the problem.


The only research that seems to point out a link between mental disorders and veganism don't claim that veganism CAUSES the disorders. Disorders can't be caused by what you eat, because they're not caused by the brain, but by the individuals lifestyle and experiences. No research conclusively proves that veganism causes brain diseases. The one cited above that seems to claim such thing actually disregards that the substances in question can be produced by our brain through the consumption of certain non-animal foods, not just fatty fish.

No. 99621

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>Disorders can't be caused by what you eat, because they're not caused by the brain, but by the individuals lifestyle and experiences.
Looks like it's time to shut all of neuroscience down, this anonymous internet poster has discovered the truth

No. 99630

not the person you're replying to, but what is the exact chemical in animal foods that prevents mental illness in that case?

Vegans might have a higher rate of depression/mental illness but so do people who are artistic/creative. Women also have higher rates of mental illness than men, and vegans are predominantly female. In any event correlation =/= causation

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