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No. 8446

Post your horror stories here.

No. 9998

this thread saged before anyone even posted…

No. 10006

Well this has been a successful thread.

No. 10023

Personally I went through ED recovery treatment and I wouldn't want to relive/talk about it even anon. I think most people are the same. Being forced into care means you're at your lowest. I don't like thinking about it.

No. 10024

Doesn't stop all the other anons from sharing their ED stories in /pt/ which is why this one was created in the first place. The Ash and Aly threads are chock full of people telling their stories.

No. 10027

Ahh okay. Didn't realise. I tend not to read those threads since, obviously, they don't quite make me feel good and remind me of my past shitty behaviour

No. 10033

The Ash and Aly threads already have an obvious wide reach around the internet and commenting there ensures that what you say will be read.

No. 10035

Yeah but it's OT and really, no1curr about your struggles, if they did you'd have your own thread so either shut up about it or post it here

No. 10036

Totally understandable

No. 10066

I'm explaining the mindset, not justifying it.

No. 10069




No. 10070

JFC, that wasn't even intentional. This is what happens when you have no interests outside of your eating disorder >.>

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