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No. 7915

I hope lolcow isn't going to be like that. Even when I post something that isn't against the rules, it gets deleted.

In 8ch, I posted a thread complaining about Asian fetishists and it got deleted. I followed the rules and everything. In 4chan it can be that way too. It's rare for them to accept a topic. for me. Why do they do that?

Will lolcow be like that?

No. 7916

They deleted because Asians r master race and they don't wanna be called out on their creepy shit

No. 7918

So basically my thread offended them because they are creepy Asian fetishists who want submissive Asian women because they get rejected and bullied a lot so they want someone who they think won't say "no" unlike those loud, assertive black women who put up a fight when you grab their ass and won't let you have fun but it turns out the women are like everyone else?

No. 7921


Sound like squares who can't get their head around that not all women are the same. It's all stereotypes. I think, the black community on its own is a different story. But we won't get into that, causes arguments. I find it disgusting how some of those men actually think asian women are that easy though and its annoying when they're stupid enough to take up with these men!

No. 7922

On which board did you try posting this Asian fetish rant?

No. 7923

No. 7925

Indians and Middle Eastern people (I think) are Asian. Filipino and Malay too. Oh but Asian fetiSHITS don't go for that? Lol. They need your creepy neckbearded love too.

No. 8126

I've seen one creepy Asian fetishist neo nazi actually get with an equally stupid Filippina woman. I don't know how the fuck these people exist.

No. 8172

Seagull mods piss me off as well. They will delete or ban only some OT posts in the same thread.

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