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No. 72602
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>expelled a very loud fart when sitting next to my work crush
fuck my life
No. 72616
>>72602How loud was it? What was the scenario?
I'm sure you can still salvage the relationship. As the other anon said, most guys are well aware girls fart like everyone else
No. 72631
>>72613yeah, we're on our 30's but still was quite embarrassing
>>72616We were sitting at the office lounge talking casually about work stuff. On one awkward silence moment, the wonders of the mexican food I had last night kicked in.
No. 72638
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Usually I keep stuttering/stammering when talking to my crush, doesn't help that I'm talking to him in a language I'm mediocre at speaking in
No. 72871
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>decide to take a discussion class in last year of high school
>supposed to be an easy to pass "blow-off" course
>get only teacher who takes this class seriously
>at least crush and friend are there to talk to
>eventually receive project where people have to group up and debate about a topic
>do a ton of research
>get overconfident
>go up in front of class with nothing but bullet points
>nail opening statement
>mind goes blank for everything else
>spend at least next minute staring at everyone in complete silence
>"Is that it, anon?"
>sit down and proceed to cry into hands
>teacher immediately uses this mess as an example for the class
>still blubbering into hands while he's talking about my fuck up
>debate continues
>have to stay in front of class until our debate is done
>cannot remove hands from face because snot has accumulated into a giant mass
>go out into hall with teacher and project partners
>hands are still holding in the mucous monstrosity to my face
>"Sorry to use you as an example to the class, anon, blah blah blah"
>don't care at this point
>just want to wash hands and face
>tfw my crush was in the same group and saw the whole thing
Goddamn, I hated that pock-marked asshole teacher. It would have been one thing to talk about the importance of preparation after everyone went up, but he just couldn't wait to make an example of my stage fright failure. I wish I hadn't been so spineless back then, I would have told him to go fuck himself even if it got me into a whole mess of trouble.
I probably wouldn't be so mad about it still if the incident hadn't given me a weird stuttering problem when in stressful situations.
No. 72913
>>72871Ha, that's a classic teacher behaviour. Seomehow these people think they're doing
you a favour by pointing out your flaws in front of everyone. It's the same as when teachers ask a question no one can answer, and then say "Oh don't worry class, just say something, you cannot be wrong!" but you know it's bait. If you're the poor soul falling for this and give an answer the teacher doesn't approve off, you're fucked.
Our math teachers seemed especially keen on insisting that people are allowed to make flaws, because "we can all learn from it, and I can see where you go wrong!" Which would be a nice idea if it wasn't in front of 30 other people.
No. 73216
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>Gym class
>We have to learn traditional dances
>Teacher pairs me up with crush
>We had to hold hands
>I was too shy to even talk to this guy so I was very nervous.
>Hands started sweating
>Hands wouldn't stop sweating no matter what
Years have passed but I can't go trough a day without thinking about it. Fuck
No. 73217
>>73216That's not that bad
Something straight out of my chinese cartoons
No. 92658
>>92654Most of the time they bring this upon themselves by not even trying to listen on the lessons or being overconfident, like that anon.
You really can't sacrifice everyone for one person and can't cuddle them forever - people need to grow at least a bit of thick skin, otherwise taboos appear and you can't even solve problems because you can't talk about it.
No. 92809
>>92658Why wouldn't the teacher just wait until everyone was done and talk briefly about how important preparation is if it was that necessary?
If he truly felt bad, he wouldn't have rubbed salt in the wound of an emotionally distraught teen to make a point, then give a half-assed apology to escape the fact that he did a shitty thing and he knows it.
>Also teaches you a lesson that life isn't always cuddly, pink, fluffy place and you have to grow at least a bit thick skin to not end up like pathetic, fat tumblrinas who get offended about everything and don't enjoy life because of this shit.You're there to teach history/biology/math/etc, not misguided, potentially traumatizing (>>72871
literally now has a stutter from this incident, great work Mr. Anon) attempts at life lessons. High school teachers are not trained life coaches or therapists.
No. 92947
>>92809We are not mindreaders. We don't always know who is oversensitive and who isn't.
Idk how it is in your country, but here people expect teachers not only to teach specific subjects, but also other life related stuff. Ever worked in groups? Groupwork is often shit and you can't judge that accurately lot of students in groupwork because someone does more, someone less etc. Why would we make group projects? So you'd learn how to work in group. Same with fights in school etc. We could not give a flying fuck about it because most of the time there will be just some bruises and tears, no real injury, but we're expected to teach kids how to behave and solve arguments in other, non-violent ways. And no one gives a shit you are biology or math teacher and you want to teach only biology or math.
If someone starts to stutter after something like this then it means he/she's weak, that there is a problem and you have to work on yourself. This isn't positive trait. It's negative trait. If you expect more hot headed and violent people to calm down and hold themselves back then you can expect oversensitive weaklings to grow some thick skin. In both cases if they won't work on their negative traits, they'll have harder life.
Not everyone needs therapist, especially in such small case. Stop exaggerating. It's like you'd require bottle opener licence to open bottles.
No. 92955
>>92947>>92947I love you anon and I agree with everything you just say.
Being shy becomes quite a bad habit if you don't deal with it early on, same as being violent.