No. 67997
Story a friend shared on fb (a bit long)
So from about 5 onwards (We close at 530) I and usually whoever else is on counter vaguely moniter whose coming into the store so when it get's to like 5:27 we can be like theres a dude still in here Imma go let him know we are closing up. I NEVER saw this lady so she must have been in there for a while.
So I make the 5:20 announcement asking people to start finalising their purchases as the store is closing over the next 10 minutes. Couple of people with fabric and bits and pieces but not too many in the store, nice. I do the walk around of the store and shut off the tv's and aircons.
I come back up the front and make the 5:25 announcement asking customers to come to the front counter as the store is closing up. So about 5:26 I bring the sign in from outside and switch the door to exit only. And Cal starts shutting one of the tills. Nice I think no one is in here. Ha, how naive and foolish of me.
So it's 5:30, I head to the back to get my bag, when I get to the back of the store I go to punch in the code and get the shit scared out of me when a lady right next to the door asks for help. I jump about 3 feet and grab my chest. She apologises and asked if she scared me. I explain that that the store is closed and I didn't think anyone was actually in here.
She asks if she could have some help, I kind of awkwardly glance at the door to the lockers i'm in the process of opening and then back and ask what she needs. She asks for specific sized cardboard I gesture to the wall of papers behind her and say that that is all we have, she again tries to ask for specific sizes and again I tell her we have everything right there behind her and that one till has been closed but the other one hasn't been yet so she will be able to purchase her things before leaving and go out the back.
I grab my backpack and head down the front and wait at the till for her to come down. She doesn't appear at the counter till 5:35 and starts unloading a full basket of tapestry wools and papers and says she "has to figure out what she has to buy". I explain that the store closed 5 minutes ago so we do need to shut the till down. She shoots back that she "has to figure out her stuff". So I stand there and watch as she separates all the tapestry wools into separate colour piles. She keeps lifting up random colours and asking my opinion. I was pretty non commital due to the fact that I had no idea what she was making or what it was for but didn't want to start a conversation so she would hold up a purple and say what do you think and i'd say "yeah" or something similar.
Once she is done I go to start scanning them and immediately she tells me to stop because she hasn't decided what she wants yet. I explained that it was 5:40 and we had been closed for 10 minutes now and we had to shut the till and leave. Her response was that she, "wasn't done yet" she then handed me a lilac tapestry wool and instructed me to get two more, handed me a green and asked me for one similar but lighter, handed me another lilac and asked for one similar but warmer and handed me another green and asked for one similar but not as bright. At this point all the lights other than the ones at the door and counter were off due to the fact that we were closed. She then went back to the back of the store to look for more paper, whilst complaining about how dark it was, while I went to look in the dark for her wools, I ended up just grabbing the extras she asked for and not looking for the others.
When we met again at the counter I gave her the extras explained that I didn't know what colours she wanted and that it was 5:45, we stopped getting paid at 5:30 and we weren't getting paid for our time in the store, we needed to shut down the till so we could go home. Her response was to ask me to go back to the tapestry wools and get her a bunch of different purples so she could look at them and decide on a colour.
I brought them up for her and again said we needed to shut the till. She then started asking my opinions on the colours again to which I gave non committal responses. She then said she had decided on the tapestry wools and to put them all in separate bags which I did. She then slides her stack of papers over puts a charcoal gray one in front of me and asks what colour I think would go with gray. I have no context whatsoever, what it is for, what colours she likes or how many she needs to use, nothing. And I don't particularly want to know. I explain that the time is 5:50, we closed 20 minutes ago and we stopped getting paid then too, I told her we were currently working for free and we still had to close everything down and she needed to finalise her purchase. I was again, shockingly, ignored and told she was "nearly done".
She sorts all of her papers and I ring her up, she then starts debating whether she needs everything because of the price but thankfully decides to take it. It's 5:55 and she says creativity always sparks after hours to me. I say nothing back as I am not going to encourage her behaviour. She then repeats it more loudly "I SAID creativity always sparks after hours". I look at her but say nothing. She pays and leaves and I unlock the door and let her out.
No. 68009
I work at the front desk of a hotel and let me just tell you how stupid people can be. Not only do they become helpless children who need everything done for them, but they're rude and entitled. I'll tell you a story about the guest and the refrigerator.
It was a sold-out busy Saturday night and a guest calls from his room right after maintenance went home for the day and says "my refrigerator is not working". I was still fairly new at the time, so I put him on hold and freak out to my boss. My boss told me to ask him if it was plugged in, the dial was on, etc. So I take the guest off hold and do just that. He says "no, nothing at all" so I let the guest know that we are sold out and that I can't move him to another room, and he says "well, couldn't you just switch this refrigerator out with a different one?" And I inform him again that we are sold out and that we can't take a refrigerator from a room that someone else is staying at. It goes back & forth of me explaining that we do not have another room or a refrigerator and k finally put him on hold again to ask my boos what I should do next to get this man off my back. My boss tells me to ask this man if he has anything that needs to be refrigerated and that we can put it in our freezer for him. So, I go ahead and ask this guest and DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE FUCKING SAID?? He fucking said "wel… No, I don't have anything that needs to be refrigerated". WHAT THE FUCK?? WHY THE FUCK DO YOU NEED A WORKING REFRIGERATOR THEN???? So, I tell the guest that if he doesn't need anything refrigerated then he should be good (he was checking out in the morning anyway). Before he hung up though, he was like "well, am I getting a discount for this then?" and I pull up his reservation to find out that he was paying a lower price already, so I inform me that he is not getting a discount FOR A REFRIGERATOR THAT HE DOESN'T EVEN NEED TO USE.
The he wrote a review on trip advisor about how we didn't have a working refrigerator lmfao.
No. 68013
>>68010Just remembered how the other cart pusher (one who took the drugs) was trying to arrange for me to fuck his girlfriend. I thought it was in a joking way, but he was completely serious as I found out. He said she'd never had a white man before (they were both black). It was fucking weird. I obviously didnt do it, but rumor around the store was he got some guy in garden center to do it
Walmart enploys a lot of odd balls tbh. Most I liked though
No. 68014
>>68009That's just funny lol
I always try to put myself in these people's frame of mind. I can't