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No. 67954

it's more like a gossip blog, but i kind of just want to stir shit up and have a blog where the mods don't whiteknight bloggers and have shitty opinions with huge lenghts of text. should i? would it be bad to call it something related to lolcow? i know i should probably do something different but idk lolcow has it's charm but i know you guys wouldnt aprpeciate me making a shitty blog associated with this. i dont know if ill actually go through with it but it's a possibility since tumblr gives easy keks

No. 67957

Just call it something else if you're that worried…the term "lolcow" isn't owned by this site though.

You seem about underagb& btw.

No. 67958

call it moomoomilk also this >>67957

No. 67960

just wanted to make sure you guys wouldnt get pissy about more "tumblrtards" possible finding this blog is all. thought i would keep the community in mind.

No. 67961

Please don't.

No. 67962

Can you fuckin NOT?? It's bad enough this place has been invaded by robots lately. i'm sick of people invading lolcow.

No. 67972


yeah im already getting pretty demotivated because i have work to do, would moomoomilk be ok though if i ever have the spare time? idk i like cheap entertainment and seeing people get petty is all since i never get into drama myself

No. 67974

Make whatever you want. Just don't link lolcow or make the name too similar to it, please. This is not a demographic we want finding the site.

No. 68011

This. Make whatever petty gossip blog on tumblr you want but for the love of god don't associate lolcow with it. We have enough underage tumblrinas here shitting up the place.

No. 68023

omg the SJWs, anon no.

No. 68025

call it humorous bovine or something

No. 68038

Pretty much.

Why can't we have this fucking imageboard in peace god. When we aren't telling the tumblrinas and the ana-chans to fuck off we are dealing with some fucking robot. It's just, god damn.

No. 68042

>i know you guys wouldnt aprpeciate me making a shitty blog associated with this

you know its a bad idea, just dont

No. 68088


will do. i just like the anonymity and brutalness of chan sites so i guess it inspired me. thanks for your input.

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