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No. 6252

Zingers and the mingers of the Jvlogging world, who do you guys enjoy watching and which Jvloggers do you like least?

No. 6265

I wish I had a relationship like Rachael and Jun, they're so cute.

No. 6266

My all time fav two would be Abroadin Japan, and Texan in Tokyo.

I'll also throw in Papa Franku even though he doesn't vlog.

No. 6267


Watching Rachel and Jun is like watching paint dry.

No. 6268

He is the best, I wish he made more videos

No. 6269

I love him.
He's one of the few who doesn't bitch about having to actually work while on the JET program.

No. 6270

Yes. He's the best Jvlogger by far.

No. 6271

I do like Victor but I feel as if he carters mostly for the men in his videos. Sometimes can be a bit immature too and it pisses me off a little how he goes "IM THE GOD OF THE JVLOGGING COMMUNITY" like christ almighty, boasting much.

No. 6302

No. 7394

Years ago I saw some videos by this really ugly fat blogging gaijin typical weeb with annoying voice

It was such cringe. Anyone remember who I'm talking about? A bit smaller than quirky

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