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No. 60419
>>60402tbh there does seem to be some similarities with certain signs. I have yet to met a Scorpio that wasn't batshit crazy and aVirgo moms are overbearing. Even before I knew my sign I exhibited certain traits, so when I did learn about astrology signs it was more like uh so this is normal type thing. Not omg this is how I should be acting!!!!
I hate mobile.
No. 60449
>>60388I'm also a Leo-Virgo cusp.
I tend to be less of a 'perfectionist' than Virgos ordinarily are, I think… although I can get really OCD about having a clean space to live/work in. Clutter drives me crazy.
For the most part, I'm pretty introverted, I like staying indoors and going out by myself is an effort. If you can drag me to a party or a club where I feel comfortable with the company, I can feign extroversion well enough to make friends, but mostly it seems like too much of an effort…that's why most of the time I spend my weekends on the internet or with one or two close friends. I worry that I'm wasting my youth sometimes, haha.
No. 60470
>>60402Yea, I might be a little insane.
But Its still been very accurate for me over my life. I dont really belive in cusps. I think the sun signs are a vague representations of our ego. I think its important to find out your moon, venus, and acendent to get a better picture of who you are.
I only read about this stuff as a hobbie, so I don't know everything about it. it is a complicated fascinating hobby.
And I've never met a Scorpio who wasnt batshit crazy either. LoL
No. 60472
Its also sometimes easier for me to remember people by there sun sign. It helps me mentally place them.
No. 60478
>>60419I'm a scorpio and I'm extremely passive and quiet. I rarely show any emotion at all. I have them. But I don't really show them. So I get called cold when I just don't want to show everyone how I'm feeling most of the time because it gets in the way of important day to day things. And I'm guarded because I'm uncomfortable with most people even if I've known them a long time. Everyone just makes me feel weird around them.
But I don't think that makes me crazy. I actively avoid arguments and confrontations.
I think that anyone can look up random zodiac traits and find something from every sign that fits them. They are meant to be encompassing enough so everyone can pick a few things out from their sign and go "hey that's totally me!"
No. 60495
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LoL this happens to me all the time. Then they want to know more and more about this person or that person. Or they ask you about themselves and before you finish theyre like "wroooooong"
I think it can be taken to the extreme in both directions. Your either so stuffy you never laugh. Or your so whimsical that you let it run your life into the ground. Neither are ideal.
No. 60504
>>60488Actually, my sister and a bunch of other 30 something women and teenage girls put way too much faith into this shit. Like they check horoscopes daily and plan events around them and blame their romantic problems on 'he's a Taurus' instead of 'I'm a fucking nag and he's a dropkick'
I've lived with a 19 year old who actually cried and said that the Ajax i use to clean was blocking her chakras, and she sat with fucking rocks on her for an hour to fix it.
They're just Barnum statements and retarded bitches are running their lives according to them.
No. 60507
>>60504Doesn't that just mean their superstitious?
Not going to lie I love meeting people that share my sign. It always a fun topic never taken seriously but fun all the same.
No. 60517
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>>60402I think it's fun to discuss, however "accurate."
I actually find it pleasant when someone knows a lot about it, or has memorized the dates/personalities and things like that. It's rare people have a real interest in fortune-telling or the occult these days, so it's refreshing, imo. I wish I had more friends interested in tarot, divination, etc.; they're almost always cool people too.
>>60481>>60402>>60515I don't see a point in shitting on other people for having an interest in something like this, even if it's not based in anything logical. It just makes you sound like the posters on the frontpage of /r/atheism.
No. 60521
>>60513Hey, I'm also a Leo with Moon in Aquarius! I find my signs generally fit but some of them can be very polarizing or contradictory put together.
At the end of the day it's intentionally vague so you can insert your own personality into the blanks, but I find it fun to do. It's interesting to see how people interpret what their horoscope says about them, moreso than what it actually is saying. The same goes for stuff like tarot, it's just a fun way to possibly get to know more about someone else.
No. 60522
>>60507Eh, superstitious fits. They just latch into whatever metaphysical hippy trash they find because to them it looks deep and insightful.
Astrology, when taken as anything more than a silly joke is pure retard territory.
No. 63378
>>60382Scorpio Asc
Sagittarius Sun
Libra Moon
I'm a strong emotional mess
I don't believe astrology prediction stuff that you can read in a magazine and stuff like that is true. I do find the personality stuff super fun. I enjoy occult topics very very much.
No. 63751
>>60517>It just makes you sound like the posters on the frontpage of /r/atheism.So, every normal person?
Comparing Religion to something found in shitty newspapers and women's magazines is pretty retarded.
No. 63838
>>63572>>63747Holy shit, you people actually take astrology seriously? It's fun to look at and joke about but if you think it actually tells you anything about your personality…
I mean, in some sense maybe it does, because you may be subconsciously (honestly, probably consciously for many people) changing your personality in some ways to fit your horoscope. But that's not exactly beneficial to you.
>I'm not 100% sure on Astrology. >I think that 80% of it is absolute horse shit.Ok, and what is the 20% that's real? It's all horse shit. It's completely meaningless.
>Meyers Briggs is pseudoscience.Yes, it is, but it still has
way more validity than fucking astrology. You can at least infer a few real things about yourself from Meyers Briggs.
I honestly thought lolcow was a little bit smarter than this. Believing a god might exist is one thing, but believing constellations determine your personality is no better than believing crystals protect you from curses.
No. 63843
>>63838I'm with you anon.
Dumb folks will always cling to their metaphysics and smelly hippy mysticism. They gotta believe in something tho, most people cannot function without having something to call magic.
No. 63856
>>63842>In what fucking way is it more logical to believe in god to believe planets influence?It's not, at all. They're both illogical. But it's an ingrained belief in many people, and I didn't want to argue the point due to someone complaining skeptics sounded like /r/atheism users.
>Let others believe in whatever they please, have fun and relate to others.They're free to believe in it. But they shouldn't be posting about it on this website. There are many other places for stupid shit.
No. 64313
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I treat it like a fortune cookie. Sometimes it can be motivating, or help remind me of different facets of relationships or life that I may have buried. Also a good place to find great personality descriptors of others.
>tfw pisces and scorpio tru luv
I would say that pic related is very true. It can be tough when we fight, but it's very raw and true, so our success together is extremely rewarding