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No. 57444

Has anyone ever bought anything from Poshmark before? Any problems?How was your experience? I bought a tshirt on there about a week ago, but according to the website the seller hasn't shipped it yet.

No. 57479

I buy/sell on Poshmark occasionally. I haven't really had an problems. Sometimes I try to buy something and the seller doesn't reply or ship so I just cancel it after the week or whatever and get my money back. I hate how the ratings are private and the only way you can leave a public review is if you rate 5 stars and leave a "love note". Also, people abuse the fuck out of the offer button and low ball $3 offers which is like $0.50 after pm takes their cut. Jew af.

No. 57505

I've thought about selling there as I have some cheap clothing I want to get rid of, and there's alot of nice things I've found…but I dunno if I trust them..

No. 57520

The site is like eBay, AliExpress, etc. Your experience varies depending on how good the seller is.

I bought something from there a couple of months ago. The seller shipped out fast, and the item was as pictured. Overall, a good experience. Would buy again. Wish they took Paypal, though.

No. 57523

Just looked at this site and it's basically TK Maxx online?

No. 57536

Depends on what you are looking for, I guess. I just used the site to buy something from an older season of a brand I liked but couldn't find that item on eBay. There is also some nice designer stuff on there.

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