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No. 57076

Is anyone else here obsessed with trainwrecks? Not necessarily lolcows, but randos with relationship or other issues. I love to laugh at their problems.

On reddit /r/relationship is full of them

No. 57086

/r/relationships is great, although a lot of posts there are trolls. /r/legaladvice can also be funny

No. 57117

oh i always swing by r/raisedbynarcissists

No. 57123

That subreddit is a trip. Half of the posts are people who suffered horrible abuse and the other half are shit like "My mom grounded me from xbox for a week, what an abusive narcissistic psychopath bitch cunt". They literally have a rule that you can't call out bullshit posts.

No. 57126

I really don't want to go in there myself, but what do they mean by being raised by narcissists?

No. 57131

I legit love /r/legaladvice for the actual advice. Did you see that post on /r/bestoflegaladvice a few days ago from /u/Klairvoyant admitting to a bunch of trolling on the main sub? She is a true trainwreck and a master troll–kept getting them riled up during her "confession." Beyond that, I do like reading about random stories on there, too.

/r/raisedbynarcissists got boring to me after awhile; I either felt really badly for someone or I'd just feel annoyed by their very existence.

I don't mind well played trolls as long as they tell good stories and don't grate my nerves. Too many real life trainwrecks on my facebook friendslist have made my tolerance for a certain kind of stupid nil.

What it says on the tin–a support group for those who were raised by abusive, narcissistic parents.

No. 57140


I get a sick sense of joy reading entitled posts bemoaning lack of sex and crying about it, especially when it's the men complaining about it.

No. 57165

Apparently she is a friendless loser

But do tell me about your RL trainwreck friends

No. 57167

lol you're right



But a lot of those either have bad parents who aren't narcissistic or they are just whiny fuckers who complain about everything being abuse. It's just a general whine about your parents sub and never get questioned hugbox.

No. 57185

I routinely go through my friendslist on facebook and delete people that I no longer actually want to keep in touch with, but I can never cut out two old highschool classmates even though I haven't seen them IRL for years.

One of them, let's call her Anita, is always falling in and out of love. Anita loves a man until he's hers and then she seems to hold him in contempt.

To give you a very small idea of how she operates: she's vivacious, flirty, fun, and seemingly loving. I think she does think she's in love with someone, but she just gets bored incredibly easily. She used to be able to have her pick of men and she always made sure her then-boyfriend knew it. Back in undergrad we were going out to eat lunch with her new crush and another female friend, but oops, she doesn't have any money! No problem, though, Anita calls her boyfriend and tells him she needs money for lunch. Not five minutes later, he comes bursting through the door, panting and out of breath, having apparently run all the way across campus. She pauses in her story to us, looks Boyfriend up and down, eyes narrowed, he gives her some cash, all she says is Thanks and completely turns her back on him to continue her story to us and ignoring him starts walking away. Felt so bad for that guy–he was so whipped.

She's gone through three husbands in the past seven years.

Husband number one was straight out of high school after she got pregnant with his baby. Reliable rumor is that his parents paid for an abortion since they didn't want the young couple to be burdened as they started out (real reason being that they didn't want a mixed race grandbaby). Husband was really torn up about it and couldn't trust her anymore–their marriage only lasted about a year.

Husband number two was a complete asshole. I mean, she's no peach, but this guy was a real piece of work. They would publicly fight on their facebook walls, air all their dirty laundry, and then go back and delete it all when the fight was "over" and talk about how much they loved each other, best husband/wife ever, etc. I honestly think this guy was an abusive asshole–he broke two of her laptops and five phones during their relationship along with their infant son's leg when he was changing the baby's diaper–apparently the child squirmed and somehow it just happened cuz it's totally normal for a healthy child's leg to break during diaper changes. Lots and lots of drama and she had a second kid with him.

She's now on husband three. There's baby daddy drama and baby mama drama since her husband also has a kid from a previous relationship plus they each have wandering eyes.

Tame stuff altogether, but I grew up with this girl–we were in school together since elementary school–and her life gives me comfort: I may not have all my shit together, but at least I'm not her!

No. 57206

Yes, I read reddit relationships every day. I don't like being involved in other people's drama, but like to stand back at a safe distance and watch other people's.

I have found that sub useful in dealing with people in general, especially in relationship to boundary-pushers.

No. 57210


No. 57221


But isn't that true though? I don't see what's wrong with that advice.

No. 57223

>he gives her some cash, all she says is Thanks and completely turns her back on him

How in the fuck? I didn't think shit like that happened in real life, seems like a bad high school movie trope. How attractive is she?

No. 57229

Believe me, I was completely shocked at the time, too. At the time she was legit beautiful, but what made her super attractive was her incredibly charismatic personality–now she's just a pleasantly pretty youngish mom.

Her boyfriend at the time wasn't very attractive–he wasn't fat and he was a very sweet guy, but as you can tell he was also a complete pushover. At the time I remember thinking that she was going to break him and ruin him for healthy relationships in the future.

After Anita broke it off with him, he actually ended up reconnecting with an ex girlfriend he went to highschool with, they rekindled their romance online and after a semester of LDR he flew crosscountry to see her again and they were married within a few days. She was pregnant within a year. I seriously thought it was a terrible rebound, but he and his wife seemed very happy together–I lost track of him a few months after the baby was born–he was only a friend of a friend at that point. I wonder how he's doing.

No. 57230

As an asexual with parents who do not care for sex and have slept in separate beds for the last 20 years with no strain to their loving relationship whatsoever*, can somebody explain to me how important sex REALLY is in relationships? Like I understand maybe for younger adults it is more valued, but I would think that as they began to settle down, other aspects of the relationship would be more appealing to them. Do people really have sex as often as they say?

*I've spent the majority of my life 24/7 with my parents, so we are very close and they are not secretly swingers. lol. Just in case somebody would think it naive.

No. 57239

I just cringe whenever I see that line, it's so overdone

No. 57242


Eh, I'm just one person but I've been with my fella close to 10 years now and we still have sex mostly at least once a day with things like handies and blowjobs inbetween.

I personally think sex is very important in most typical relationships because it promotes closeness and bonding and helps you to understand your partner better.
When you can't understand your partner during sex it's akin to keeping secrets from each other and not many relationships can survive when the participants feel that they're misunderstood or neglected emotionally/physically, but I can see how some couples can survive without sex.

No. 57243

Sex drives die off naturally with age and having children, it's not that abnormal. Young straight men pretend sex is crucial to relationships but it's really not. Just be aware if you date straight men they'll threaten you with leaving you if you don't put out enough.

No. 57248

Are you actually asexual or a sexually repressed tumblr snowflake? lol

I'd probably leave my bf if he didn't want to have sex either. You're delusional.

No. 57250

Yes, I am actually asexual, and have known it by that term since around 2008. Obv I don't go around advertising it in real life; I just say I'm not interested.

Both you and >>57243 remind me of how my dad told me once that most of his girlfriends in his teens and early twenties broke up with him because he refused to have sex with them.

No. 57256

Good for you? It obviously goes both ways but men are much more likely to have the higher libido, it's more delusional to pretend otherwise.

No. 57266

because only straight men have sex drives of course

No. 57369

No. 57371


r/relationships is really fucked sometimes, and even more so when the mods delete or lock a post because it hurts their personal feefees.

In fandom, SPN is still hilarious as far as trainwrecks go. The shipper wars, J2 vs. anything with this Misha guy are great trainwrecks to watch, because everyone involved obviously needs professional mental help.

No. 57372

that's obviously fake but it's funny

No. 57373


Raised by narcissists is half people who are legitimately and sometimes horrifically abused, and half people who have personality disorders like NPD and BPD and are projecting their own severe issues on their fairly normal parents. The two combined make the sub a trainwreck. It's grown too big to be useful, and the powermodding and swapping of common sense comments doesn't help.

No. 57375


The scariest part is that people are falling for it. Are there any comments saying "Sry dude, your wife is a cylon now."

No. 57376

No. 57407

I like reading it for laughs, but I wonder how they enforce their rules at all. How can they enforce no one being allowed to call out people for their bullshit posts, and narcissists not being allowed to post at the same time?

No. 57410


Thay can't. One of the headmods is a trainwreck herself, posting for help regularly on other boards.

No. 57437

They can't. Here's the post that made me realize the sub was bullshit. It's obviously a kid making shit up for attention, but you're not allowed to say that: https://www.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/comments/3iobde/urgent_my_naunt_slit_my_foot_with_a_knife_and_is/

No. 57510

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Sooo many men out there conflate "she makes my dick hard" with feelings of true love, it's ridiculous.

No. 58036

That cut looks half-healed already

No. 58052

how did she even slit his ankle? did she slither on the ground like a snake while attempting to stab him?

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