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No. 51504

Ok, so some redditors are posting about us on reddit




No. 51509

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They seem to be mostly talking about GOMI but I did spot this. We are vicious guys :(.

No. 51557

What's GOMI?

No. 51559

I love lolcow because it's vicious…

No. 51612

Get Off My Internets

No. 51614

Imagine if everyone on lolcow was a 35 year old mom/catlady instead of a 16 year old weeb. That's GOMI.

No. 51641

As a ginger-follower (sometimes): her lolcow thread isn't bad. Nowhere as vicious as that of some of the other cows.

That subreddit is pathetic. Basic bitches who snark on basic bitches (GOMI) who snark on basic bitches (bloggers).

No. 51652

Ginger's lolcow thread: "holy shit she's ugly. holy shit her food looks disgusting."

Ginger's GOMI thread: "Ginger said she had a bad day today. Anyone else think it's because her dad raped her? Her lunch today was applesauce, which is a food often eaten by children. That could mean that she's mentally regressing because of the rape. Of course, it could also be due to her autism, BPD, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, which I've diagnosed her with based on a bitchy post she made on Instagram."

No. 51711

they don't mention us here but here's the get off my internet thread about skinnyveganwhatever


No. 51713

and I quote

>>Maybe it's this? https://lolcow.farm/

>just found that on Google. And I can't quite figure out WTF it is except that it looks like people make fun of random Instagram and Facebook pictures. I did a quick scroll through and didn't see any pictures of Anna but I saw one of another emaciated looking teenager.

No. 51714

>Yeah, that's lolcow. It's an odd little cesspool. I'd describe it as 4chan meets GOMI for super edgy teenage girls, put very simply. Definitely NSFW!! An semi-interesting place to kill an afternoon if you can stand it, and super easy to troll. I kind of suspected that was the site someham was referring to a while back when they said Anna was mentioned on some other site. They do not always play nice and there are no rules (besides don't post anything illegal). I will say they can be very good at digging up dirt.

No. 51717

Hey I take offense to that, we are not easy to troll. >:(

No. 51721

The retarded weight and race arguments in every thread suggest otherwise.

No. 51820

There was once a whole argument about whether drinking milk was acceptable behavior, all because of one anon comment. It's easy to troll here.

No. 52278

Lets not forget the fruit debacle either.

No. 52402

>eating fruit

No. 59986

>implying that I'm not rated 9/10 at 23, multiple dating options at my beck and call, while my ex-pretty-ex-classmates are pushing 190lb, fighting with their highschool sweetheart husbands and/or divorced, and pregnant again with the second kid.

No. 60122

i'm weirdly proud of the fact that this one comment bothered anons so much that it got turned into a site banner.
wow, guise.

No. 60182

You're our very own navy seal copypasta. <3

Now go forth and be a 9/10 with multiple dating options.

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