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No. 4769
>>4768No because I prefer alternatives because I want to be "natural". I have nothing wrong against ps or people that have ps.
the thing is if i have ps, no matter if it looks good or not, people will think i'm fake and i feel like when people know you're "natural" its more attracting.
if i get ps to get big boobs, people will bash that they're fake and etc.
but if i buy pills and creams (which currently works) then people will think it's natural and they'll compliment me.
idk i'm really insecure, anon. i don't have the guts nor money for ps, which is why i respect people who get plastic surgery. I couldn't handle all the negative comments coming from people
No. 4778
I'd definitely get surgery to make my nose smaller, my jaw normal (have an underbite but dentists told me it's okay and surgery to fix that would be considered cosmetic) and to make my chest normal (have pectus excavatum, doctors said that surgery would be considered cosmetic because it's not at a point where it's a health risk).
>>4769I see what you mean. I'd argue that it doesn't matter what people say if you chose to get surgery, as long as you felt good and confident but I know what it's like to be insecure.
No. 4782
I'm definitely getting a nose job when I get the money to. I have a skinny sharp nose bridge with a cute round tip so I want my nose bridge made rounder and wider to match the tip. I also want it flattened since it's very big/harsh looking and looks like shit with my soft/round/flat facial features.
I want my nose to look similar to Sky Ferreira's.
>>4778>I'd argue that it doesn't matter what people say if you chose to get surgery, as long as you felt good and confident but I know what it's like to be insecure.This. People are going to hate you no matter what, so why not do something that would make you happy?
No. 4789
>>4781Fuck that nigga, do you.
I would get my breasts altered and possibly enlarged with my own fat. I may also get fat injections in my ass. Face-wise I'd like to get my chin narrowed and perhaps nose slimmed, but when I meitu it thinner it kind of looks weird, so perhaps not.
No. 4791
>>4786I think on some people it looks really obvious, even if its minor because of how unusual it looks on their face. Ex when people get lip injections or a nose that would be rare within their ethnicity.
Idk if you guys follow kpop but 99% of the time I find the plastic surgery to be so obvious, especially the nose jobs because of how "western" they make them look.
No. 4837
>>4824Might just be the surgeon though. I've seen some jobs that have barely noticeable scars.
I definitely will when I get older. I've been cursed/blessed with G cups so I know gravity's going to be mean to me.
No. 4887
yes, i would.
i had restylane fillers for my eyebags and microlipo suction on my chipmunk cheeks to make them more even. even at 16% bf my cheeks look ridiculous. in fact, at a lower weight, it looks like i have jowls, because the fat leaves the middle of my cheeks but not the bottom.
the fillers disappeared in a month or less, and while my cheeks became better, they're still ugly. the plastic surgeon told me that my jaw is a little uneven. i had this done when i was in south korea, so the whole thing cost under 3k. i am bummed that i spent that much money for little difference.
now i want to try a fat graft to my eyebags and nasolabial folds. also something to fix the appearance of my cheeks – maybe i need my jaw shaved? and a nosejob, but probably only tip plasty or alarplasty. i dont' want my nose bridge touched, really.
bigger breasts would be nice, too, but i'm alright with my current size.
No. 4940
I had a nose job. I'm quite happy with it though it's very "natural“. Got rid of a bump and tilting. My nose is still a little potatoish but I didn't want too much change because I didn't want people to notice it so I wasn't aiming for a perfect hollywood style nose.
If I had endless money I would also get lip and cheek fillers and maybe eyelid surgery. .but it's probably for the better that I can't afford it.
>>4892you can relocate your nose and make it appear shorter it's just very risky.
No. 4950
>>4949If she wants her labia to look like a porn labia who cares. Her call.
I want one too.
No. 4983
>>4896not the person you're replying to, but it really depends on the person. like, do you watch porn? if you do, do you make comparisons with the people in the porn to people you're involved with/interested in?
my current boyfriend watches a lot of porn and it doesn't bother me since he 1) told me he watches a lot of porn and I didn't have to find out in a weird way, 2) at least he's watching porn to get off instead of picking up chicks at a bar or something.
I think people have a really specific image of the kind of guy wanks it to porn a lot, and don't make the connection that there are a lot of different kinds of people out there who can and do enjoy porn in different ways. /OT
No. 4989
>>4983>>4983>>4983nope, i don't, so i wouldn't know, but i'd imagine that's what guys do, that do watch porn in relationships. i don't think they're comparing WHILE they're watching porn, but like, as the gf is undressing, like… "wow, i really wish her ass was more like ____", regardless of what they omit to not hurt their partner's feelings.
does it not feel like he's settling with you because, he does want to be with other people? i don't understand how this is sometimes reconciled with "but he likes my personality/insert 'unique' feature here", personally. it would give me the impression that i'm expendable, when it's literally impossible for me to get off thinking of a guy that isn't my partner (i don't think this a problem that plagues all women, but because i can't… it seems fundamentally unfair in my situation).
maybe i'm too traditional, but i find it upsetting. how many people am i being compared to? what's even preventing him from leaving if he so treasures variety, and jacks off A LOT to porn? he must REALLY like different things and if i can't provide him with continually refreshing novelty, why even?
No. 5084
>>4995It seems pretty insecure to constantly worry about it and not sitting down and having an adult conversation about that subject. Porn is so prevalent now that you can't just lump everyone who watches it in the same boat. Yes there are people like that (men and women), and there are people who just get their rocks off then continue on with their normal lives.
Do you really, actually, sincerely care about someone when you just think they're just some horny pleasure seeker who'd jump at the chance to bang a pornstar? Are you a person who views their value soley through their body and attractiveness? (what am I talking about this is a plastic surgery thread). idk if you have no other attributes to apparently keep a guy interested i guess those feelings would be valid.
No. 5095
>>5084>>5084i don't know what makes you think i've not had conversations about that subject with men? it is prevalent, yes. you can wax endlessly about female sexuality but the fact of the matter is the majority of people that watch porn on a regular basis, are men. the whole idea that men are the "more visual" sex, by far, is a pretty accepted concept, and is accepted and agreed with by most men, anyway.
i wouldn't date a person that masturbates frequently to porn (especially while in a relationship), so i don't know how to answer that question. as i said, i don't think it has to do with insecurity. even if you're hot as fuck, it's said time and time again, guys value VARIETY. even if you're an absolute bombshell, most men will say "we want SOMETHING DIFFERENT", so i really don't think it has anything to do with physical insecurity. it's the very tangible prospect of being left for a shot at novelty. i hate to say it, and maybe i'm generalizing too much, but as they say "a man (or just a shallow person) is only as good as his/their options". it's the threat of instability and loss, which can come at any time, whenever they decide they want something different – no matter how beautiful you may be. of course, this applies to all shallow people, but let's be real here, for the most part, that mostly a dude thing.
i don't think physical attractiveness = value at all. my perception is that men value physical attraction more than anything else, and it seems to ring true.
No. 5389
>>4989I watch a lot of porn too, I think I watch more porn than my bf if you count yaoi smutfics I schlick to on some days :), but I don't think of fucking the guys in it — I still love and treasure my bf very much and would never think of cheating.
Sometimes we we even watch porn together.
Yeah, I'll go with the other anons here, it does sound like you are insecure.
No. 5393
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>>5080They only look fake if you had a shitty doctor or go up too big. And the rule is around 10~15 years, not 7.
No. 5416
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>>5414Anything thicker than pic related is too thick. I have no problem with my thighs, but my calves are a bitch that I can't even wear skinny jeans.
No. 5453
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>>5452ikr? this is one of the members with no shoop…
No. 5478
>>5475That's cool but their example sucked. I mean…can I have an example of this skinny thighs/thick calves? Not mad, just curious. I mean…what does anon mean by "anything thicker than this" with women who are photoshopped and have heels on…
>>5416Anon…do you mean thicker than the calves with or without the heels? Heels drastically elongate calves, so you want to look like your constantly wearing heels?
>>545310/10 without ps.
sigh No. 5591
>>5589do you think it looks good or bad
can you tell theyre fake if you touch them or what
No. 5594
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>>5591>>5591yo here are a couple of examples of decent boob jobs imo, especially the lower because she didn't go too big. Of course these are also done by a really high end expensive surgeon. Going through his gallery, even he has some really fucked up looking ones. It's such a hit-or-miss type of thing.
No. 5608
>>5591>>5593Well there's different types of implants, my mom has silicone gel implants.
I've poked it and it feels like a chicken fillet but softer. To be honest, it just looks good but it doesn't seem to feel nice like real boobs.
I would rather get a fat transfer, apparently you won't be able to identify cancerous cells in the breast if you do a fat transfer though. So keep that in mind.
No. 5697
I am incredibly, incredibly insecure (always have been) and was diagnosed with bdd so please take this all with a grain of salt.
first off, i fucking hate my tits. they are tiny little a cups, which isn't really bad i guess, but the biggest problem is how shallow they are. like.. I think I have tubular breasts because mine are so shallow at the top and heavy at the bottom. droopy, malnourished cow udders. but the biggest problem i have with my boobs are how big my nipples are. i've never heard from any of my boyfriends that they are big, but i fucking despise them. so much that i actually hate being touched there because i can't get over how disturbingly ugly my breasts are.
secondly, i hate my nose. It kind of looks okay from the side but it's really pointy and long and downturned and fuck I hate it. I hate my whole face, my mouth and my nose and my eyes and everything, but my nose bothers me wayyyyy too much. i can't take a picture without covering up my face.
i also have a mole i'd like removed.
slowly, i'm trying to improve myself. I'm trying to grow out my hair to become mermaid status so i can hide my fat seacow body under it. i use baking soda and peroxide to whiten my teeth and brush three times a day, and take care of my face as well. finally, I'm really trying to get into fitness so i can (maybe) not hate my body as much. People say I'm average but I just see this gigantic, chubby landwhale monster in the mirror and tbh i want to tear off my skin and throw away all the fat underneath it.
so there's lots of ways i could help fix my gargoyle visage, but I'm pretty sure the only way to fix my tits and my nose (as well as a mole) are surgery. If teeth whitening counts as plastic surgery I'm planning on doing that too. Luckily, it will be a few years before I graduate and have a career to spend money on PS, so I will have time to think and research.
Tl;dr I want to fix my disturbing, small, big nippled breasts and my jew nose, in addition to the many other things wrong with me.
inb4 no1curr, sorry everyone.
No. 5745
>>5697>i use baking soda and peroxide to whiten my teeth and brush three times a dayTake it from someone who brushed twice daily for two years with baking soda, that you're going to damage the enamel and destroy your teeth if you continue to brush your teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.
If you really care about your teeth and don't want to fork over the money for a nice, third world vacation to get your teeth fixed, drop both and pick up a decent toothpaste. Avoid anything that will stain your teeth, and you should be fine. Now hopefully you haven't been doing this for very long, because baking soda is very abrasive, and hydrogen peroxide is acidic.
No. 5753
>>5752Unfortunately I use a faggotry "all natural" toothpaste, so I can't recommend any.
Salt water is good for cuts, kankers, and sores, though I prefer waiting out the duration and biting my cheeks and lips all over again.
No. 5956
>>5731how long does it really last, though?
>>5702same. well, i'm a 34B, but it'd be nice to be a full C cup. during that time of the month, i'm totally happy with my boobs, but most of the time they feel too small.
No. 6002
>>5997not the anon you're replying to, but that's actually a pretty good amount of time. but I suppose it also depends on you watching your weight and things like that?
>>5956>>5702Have you guys gotten properly fitted? I used to think I was on the smaller side, at 34B, and felt like I wanted bigger boobs, but I recently fitted myself and it turns out I'm a 32D. getting better fitting bras make them look bigger, and it feels like they're a bit bigger too. idk maybe that'll help you?
No. 6101
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I have had fillers/botox/lip augmentation and I am getting breast/butt augmentaiton in august. I'm an older anon and because my boobs were big growing up, they've succumb to gravity. I've never had an ass so I'm getting that done as well. I'm not going bigger, just more shapelier, pic related is what I'm trying to achieve.
I'm really excited. The surgeon I found works miracles. I debated this for a really long time but I figured that I should just go for it, I've been struggling with boob related problems for a long time that could easily be solved by surgery and I've hated by pancake ass/saddlebags since seventh grade. I thought diet/exercise would do the trick but all that happened was I lost a lot of weight this year bringing me to my lowest weight but it really hasn't done shit for my t & a…
No. 6446
>eat properly>lift religiously for a year>lose those 10lbs and put on a lot of muscle>tfw you have worked hard but will never get an ass like thatfucking genetics. i'll never make it.
>>6002i've done all those measurement things on the bra reddit and such. it measures me at something like a 28G, but whenever i try bras in sister sizes, it never fits properly. i don't remember exactly what it was, but i think i have a wide "root?"
No. 6464
I don't know if this counts as surgery, but I desperately need orthodontic work done.
I'm in the UK (hurgh hurgh, British teeth, I know), and typically we actually have a really high standard of oral health aside from the crookedness, but the dental system here is absolutely fucked for those who aren't rich or don't have parents supporting them.
I needed braces badly when I was a kid, but the system failed me and for some reason I never got them. My teeth have always crooked and overcrowded, but then my wisdom teeth started coming in and they're very severely impacted, coming in completely sideways, and have crushed the teeth on my lower jaw together to the point that they're jutting out at all angles and some are chipping under the pressure. It really hurts.
I'm weeping every night at the state of my mouth and I'm in so much pain, but I don't know what to do. I'm in a new city for my education and I don't have a dentist, but when I tried to find one everybody told me they weren't taking on NHS patients. One was, but they told me to get something called a HC1 form as I couldn't afford to pay for the treatment I need, which I got and filled in and sent off months ago, and never heard from again.
I'm trying to get an urgent referral for a hospistal referral to have my wisdom teeth removed ASAP, went down to my GP today and it was closed for the day. I feel like crying, but even so then what of overcrowding? I'm a student with zero parental support, I don't have money to drop on the work I'd need doing to make me fit for braces, and I sure as shit don't have the £2000+ plus for the cost of the braces.
I'm at a loss. Maybe it sounds ridiculous I actually feel suicidal over the whole affair.
I did consider briefly trying to crowdfund this shit, but it's a laughable cause right? It's pathetic, who would donate to that.
Anyway I just wanted to vent this. I don't have anybody to talk to about the situation and it makes it even worse that I'm suffering in silence. I feel so wretched. I wish something miraculous would happen or somebody would swoop down and save me but that's simply not going to happen.
No. 6465
>>6464so sorry about that anon. before I get into the other stuff let me just say that what's really ridiculous is even thinking of suicide because of teeth. come on? i know there's also the pain factor and you're probably in a desperate situation by now, but it's still a trivial thing to put next to suicide.
anyway. i think you should give crowdfund a try. there are tons of people who have gone through the experience of needing braces and would sympathize with your situation. i actually remember going to the website experienceproject (or whatever the fuck it's called) when i was gonna get my braces done, just so i can read experiences of people with "bad teeth" and i remember a couple of people who didn't have the means to fix their problem and said that they cried every night because of their teeth. so it's not like nobody will understand how big this is for you.
if crowdfund doesn't work, then (well idk your financial state but,) you should consider saving up anyway, even if it looks like it will take a long time to reach your goal, or even if you have to live off noodles and water just to put in a fixed amount every month. at least you'll have a guarantee that by 2 years or whatever you'll have enough money to do it if an alternative doesn't happen sooner.
No. 6467
>>6465Yeah, I know it seems trivial, but part of the reason I feel so depressed over it that I've actually already lost 3 of my teeth on my top jaw because of the overcrowding.
I have an extreme fear of dentistry after having really bad experiences with my dentist when I was a kid, the same one who should have given me braces but didn't. Even thinking about dentistry sends me into sweats and heavy breathing and brings out in me a level of panic I cannot describe. Last time I went to a dentist I had a full on panic attack in the chair and ran away with the paper towel still attached to my chest, so when my teeth cracked, I just ignored it and ran away from the problem, and now they're gone permanently.
They'll never come back, I'm ruined forever and I don't even know if this is something braces can fix by closing the gaps, I don't know if orthodontic work is that good.
I just feel like I've trashed myself, but I might actually give the Crowdfunding idea a go if you think it might be okay. idk, I just feel like people might laugh at me. It's my own fault for having this phobia and letting it get this bad. I was so foolish, I shouldn't have ran away.
>>6466Thank you ;__;
No. 6468
>>6467I had something mildly similar to that in that I had this extreme phobia of every kind of doctor, so I never went to the dentist, ever. I've had 3 molars crack and break off completely and ignored it for a while.
When I finally had my first dentist appointment at like the age of 18, they extracted the bad molars, and then my orthodontist put on braces. The braces somehow pulled my wisdom teeth from underneath my gums like a magnet, like they literally sprouted up on their own, and then my braces pulled them in to perfectly replace the old molars at the spot where they used to be. So orthodontists can really work wonders. My old dentist actually told me I would need implants, and I didn't.
also, some tips: you can tell your dentist that you want to keep your eyes closed the whole time, and to not let you see any instruments at any point. they will abide, because they're used to people being scared. And second, bring music and only put one earphone on your ear, so that you can zone out and focus on the music whenever you want while still being able to hear them incase they give you some instruction.
No. 6474
>>6468Wow, I'm in awe that you managed to get that fixed, that's the kind of future I heavily desire.
The whole phobia thing though, that isn't something just closing my eyes and ears to will fix unfortunately.
It's everything. It's the smell of the rubber and that sweet antiseptic wash, the gloves, the light, having to recline back in that horrific chair, the tiny mirrors on sticks and the metal tools that prod, tap, scrape, and the drills. The drills are the worst, you can't un-hear the drill as it goes right through you.
You feel it in your teeth, in your skull, in your entire body. Even the thing that blows air and sense pieces of spittle and bone flying through mouth and causes your tongue to go dry.
I just can't. I've tried and I can't. Every single bit of it screams at me in a voice so shrill to get up and run, escape. It's a level of terror I can't accurately put into words but it's a fear that runs so deep I feel like my heart could stop at any moment.
I did have a dentist who was patient with me once, and said we could try gas and so I came in and for half an hour I sat in the chair with a mask on and even huffing in all that gas the terror was still there and I was constantly on the verge of a legit panic attack, so finally, fortunately she referred me to be put semi-under in order to have a filling and a tooth removed and oh my god it was heaven. Didn't hear a thing, felt nothing, smelled nothing, remembered nothing; just pure, empty, blissful darkness.
I don't think I'll be able to get that again though. In fact I don't have a chance, not with the area I'm living in now.
No. 6475
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Dentist anon here fucking crying my eyes out right now in disbelief.
Just checked my bank account, a poverty grant that I applied for from my university that I didn't think I would get just got deposited into my account.
This isn't enough to get all the work I need, but if I can plead my case with the NHS I might be able to get most of the prices reduced.
I feel sick and ill, a few minutes ago I was silently praying for a miracle and this just actually happened. I actually feel like throwing up.
No. 6478
About your phobia, now that we know you have the funds! I'm the exact same way, dentists were my top most fear, I would throw up all over myself and hold my breath till i passed out to make my parents have to take me home when i was little, and as i got older it progressed into biting a tech and running away. Many years passed and i never went back, i was so scared my teeth were beyond help, but at last I found a dentist who specialized in phobic patients, now I'm not sure if you'll be able to find that where you are, but i do know that dentist keep both valium and stronger stuff on hand. When i got my wisdom teeth out they gave me the option of anesthesia, but I chose to let them drug the shit outta me in stead and im so fucking happy i did. Ask about drugs, be honest about your phobia, and like the other anon said, many dentists will do their best to "shield" you from your "
In fact, last time i was in they put a cloth over my face and since ive been in there so many times now i trusted them, and I realized after that they had used the pick thing, which i have an ungodly fear of. Anyway, my teeth we're fucked too, cool dentists drugged me for the bad parts and helped me cope with the rest. I now have invisalign, which i find to be a great option for braces and my fear has been significantly reduced. Congratulations again, stay strong and good luck!
No. 6485
>>6478how did you find the dentist that specializes in phobic patients?
Lately I've been having problems with my teeth too, I'm in a similar boat, dentists make me break out in the shakes. It's been years since I've been to a dentist because of this phobia, but I'm terrified of losing my teeth, too…even though everyone keeps telling me it won't happen, teeth don't 'just fall out of your head' the condition has gotten bad enough that it's caused literal hallucinations in recent weeks. I haven't been eating solid food for a while, just drinking nutrition shakes because I'm scared to bite down on anything harder than mashed potatoes. I almost just want to get them all pulled and replaced with dentures because this is fucking awful.
thinking about it too much is making my jaw ache even now, shit.
No. 6495
>>4787Like, an outie that goes past the outer lips, or just visible?
Just visible labia is usually alright and cute according to some guys.
No. 6592
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Does anyone else wish they could have a beautiful body? Cute butt, big, shapely tits with small nipples, a tiny waist, small arms, ect?
It haunts me, guys. Why must I look like a chubby 12 year old boy. brb kms
No. 6624
>>6620that's good, you probably have a nice body then.
not like ugmo girls like me with small tits and cottage cheese thighs.
No. 6625
>>6624haha no, i have a flat chest (literally) flat ass and broad shoulders not to mention pretty big feet (a big insecurity of mine) i mostly hate my body but if someone came up to me and asked me ''if you want we can change your body , do you want us to?'' id probably say no
i dont know why maybe i just got used to it
No. 7054
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>>4768I have a jew nose. I just I hate looking at it from the side; or when someone takes a picture of me from another angle. It looks so awful! I want a cute animu nose.
No. 7724
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>>7054i want an animu nose, too. it looks fine in the mirror from whatever angle, but i hate how it looks in pictures, even selfies. the only thing is, i'm not exactly sure what i want. when i got a consultation at grand plastic surgery in south korea, they told me that i could get tip plasty. they put a qtip in each nostril and sort of pulled my nose forward to show me what it would look like – which was a bigger nose.
i just want a tiny cute nose. they also suggested a chin implant (coincidentally, my mom got one when she was younger), but i'm afraid i'll look like pic related.
No. 7745
>>7743What race are you?
How was your jaw like before?
Where are you from (or how much did you have to travel?)
From day 1 till the day you made full recovery, how much time?
Was it good/well done?
No. 7767
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I wish i had a hardcore crazy fanbase that would be willing to pay for new beautiful boobies… Just like Alyssa Faith / purrbunny. Dat bitch is lucky.
No. 7772
>>7767Pfffffffffft that god awful photoshop.
JFC I hope her fans aren't that dumb to believe thats her "real" waist.
No. 7773
>>7767Jesus fuck what the hell is going on with her anatomy
Is this chick like a pornstar? Her body is like a cartoon, jessica rabbit levels of ridiculous.
she should've used the money on her face instead, girl looks like she's pushing 35.
No. 7782
>>7778It is her real waist, it's just crazy small.
It does happen.
No. 7784
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>>7781I personally think that she shop her ass and make it weirdly big and that's why so people are kindda weirded out by her body.
No. 7787
>>7778>>7781>>7773>>7772Kinda surprised none of you have seen this girl yet, she's all over Tumblr.
But yeah it is her real waist, no shop.
It's not very slim from the front very thin from the side. No. 7788
>>7784There are plenty of videos of her showing off her frame, it is clearly not shoop.
Some people just have unusual frames.
No. 7790
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fake body debunked. ugh fakers cant stand them
No. 7791
>>7790Jesus fucking christ how thick are you.
She does not have a small waist from the front, only the side.
This is not especially abnormal, you see it all the time, and there are plenty of videos of her proving that her waist is her own.
No. 7823
>>7745East Asian, travelled from US. I have the typical chubby round Asian face which is great if you want to look 12 forever, but I really wanted a V-shaped face like most Korean stars. So I had my jaw shaven down and the doctors put the bones taken from the jaw into my chin.
Total cost was about 20,000 dollars. No food at all for the first 4 days and I survived entirely on soya milk. Managed to have a smoothie on the 5th day. Most of the swelling was gone in 2 weeks and entirely gone in 1.5 months.
The doctor did not want to give me a drastic change so they did a very subtle job. No one could tell I had anything done but it is very obvious if you compared before and after pictures. Really glad I had it done although recovery for the first few days were agonizing.
No. 7856
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>>7787If you look in the professional pictures that she's had taken, she's not as extreme as her personal photos and videos. I think she's just very small (look at her thighs) with ass implants. She does idolize iggy, too…
Is she really 18??
No. 7869
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>>7823dang, $20,000.
I want some things done in Korea.. I wanted that "permanent smile" thing, which isn't really a permanent smile, it's just lifting the corners of your mouth so that when you smile, you smile very upwards.
No. 7905
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>>7869be careful with that permanent smile shit, you might end up looking like joyce meyer, who turned herself into the joker
No. 7924
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Does anyone know what kind of surgery the model risa had done.I think i would want something similar.
No. 7928
>>6467I have four baby teeth. There are no adult teeth to come in. They're the two teeth on each side of my front teeth. The gums have eroded already and I have to swish water every time I eat to get any food out. I'm lucky that all my teeth are child size anyway so you can't really see them unless I part my lips unnaturally wide. The second tooth on the left side is pretty small and there's a gap from braces I had at one point. The braces couldn't even be put on those baby teeth because they would have been pulled out. The last time I went to a dentist I was told that they were all in there pretty tight and not likely to fall out. Still, I'm paranoid. I won't bite anything with my front teeth. I have an overbite too. if I had big teeth I'd be bucktoothed. My mouth is really small and the reason I got braces was overcrowding.
I'm just very lucky that you really can't see my teeth. Otherwise I'd be desperately trying to save for some cosmetic treatments so I didn't look like a rabbit.
However I'm lucky. My sister have four teeth and constant infections. It's really bad. But since she does nothing to help herself and just complains I almost think she enjoys the attention somehow.
In the US dentistry is a luxury unless you have money or good insurance. Her only real alternative is to go to the university hospital's dentistry clinic and be worked on by students. Better than nothing.
No. 7946
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>>7924She honestly looks pretty natural to me. If she had anything done, it might be epicanthoplasty.
No. 7959
>>7924Photoshop bruh.
Shes ugly as fuck without it.
No. 7981
>>7975I've never had a fear of surgery personally but I can understand those that do.
What you need to do is break it down into logic and rationalise it until you no longer fear it.
The concept of having your flesh cut away whilst conscious is a frightening though, but how many cells do you think slough from your body every single day? It's actually over 50 million.
At the end of the day all the surgeon will be doing is removing some cells from your body and manipulating the remaining wound. It's no biggy.
I really had surgery on my ears whilst conscious and once they actually get started it's fine and you just kind of roll with it. It's the waiting for them to start that's the bad bit.
No. 8173
>>7724I wouldn't go to Grand, you'll get a botched job there.
Here in Korea it's well known that they are a shady clinic, there have been many deaths there due to doctor swapping, inexperienced surgeons and GA. They're known to be a "factory clinic".
No. 8194
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I was watching a video about people discussing xiahn nishi and someone mentioned how korean idols have skin surgery to make their face/skin look flawless.Does anyone know what it's called or has anyone had it done?
No. 8210
>>8194They might be talking about the ultra v lift. It was a massively popular procedure not that long ago.
This just looks like she got a deep facial cleansing. An ex-kpop idol did an askreddit and talked about how they went to the dermatologist once a week for skin treatments.
No. 8241
>>8217Well that's a bit hard to tell from a picture (that are obviously shooped).
There are a ton of different skin procedures and every clinic has their own methods.
But I've read somewhere that most laser/chemical peel/acid treatments to improve skin, acne etc. don't last longer than 2 weeks anyway? Some don't even see a difference. I think you'd have to do these treatments every few weeks to get a good result, maybe except for stem cell treatment.
Also look up microneedling if you have scars, big pores or uneven skin tone, you can even do this at home.
No. 8247
>>8217i'm going to second
>>8241 in the chemical peels since her face looks really read in the one pic
No. 8264
>>8260It does work but it stills carries a heavy risk of potential scarring or permanent discolouration.
Only very specific skin types can do it.
No. 8367
>>8360I own my own and I do it like 3 times every 2 weeks.
It really works by but it can be painful on areas where the skin is thin. Even so it's not like excruciating, more like "ahh ducking shit this stings". Totally bearable though, like you can do it, you just need to bear it.
No. 8389
>>8260Try IPL hair removal. It's light based so no pain or scars.
I have one from philips, expensive shit but worth it.
I haven't used it in a year and maybe 15% of my leg hair grew back.
And works on every skin type except very dark skin and white or blonde body hair.
No. 8394
>>8389500$ and it's not permanent?
>>8367Do you see any results? I only used it a couple of times and my skin would peel from it which was not what I wanted. I got the one with 1,5mm needle length because anything below isn't effective.
No. 8407
>>8394Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there is anything permanent for hair removal. They all call it 'permanent hair removal' but the hair will always grow back after some time.
I paid 300$ once and can use this thing for several years.
At most salons or clinics they charge you for every single body part, you pay the same amount of money and you get only 8 session.
No. 10735
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I want to get my jaw re-set, which would be mostly cosmetic but could be passed off as medical. I'm planning to get this done within the next two years after I get my degree. Since it will be quite invasive and require several months of healing, I will need to take quite a lot of time off for it.
I also really want to get my nose tip and nostrils reshaped. I have a nose like pic related (except my nose bridge is lower so the tip looks more upturned) that looks fine from the front but disproportional and ugly in profile, and my nostrils are too wide.
For the jaw procedure my worries are mostly centered around complications and healing time, but I think the people close to me will support me in this.
Conversely I am 100% sure I will get no support whatsoever for the nose surgery. My parents and boyfriend are all very "natural is best" and my father and bf even get a bit annoyed with me if they think I'm spending too much time or money on my makeup. From what I've gathered online the surgery to reshape my nose won't be particularly invasive and recovery would only take a couple of weeks, but I'm not in a position where I can just disappear for a few weeks and then show up post-surgery with a cuter, more proportional nose.
My nose and jaw are the reason I absolutely hate having pictures taken of myself. These are the areas I always edit on any picture that do end up being taken. It's purely these two areas, because I love the rest of my face and my body.
My boyfriend and family are always complaining that they don't have enough pictures of me. I wish I could tell them the reason and that they'd understand.
No. 10749
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So I will get plastic surgery for my nose next year in October, a few weeks after I turn 16
No. 10753
>>10735There is nothing wrong with that nose unless it is also really crooked or your nose is so upturned that you look like a pig.
>>10749This kind of nose… I'd want to get it fixed, especially if I didn't have other features that balance it out.
I too want a nose job… but rather then having a witchy hook nose I have a triangular shaped nose with a bulbous tip and no bridge definition. My nose is really the only thing with my face I have real issue with. I have round 'pretty' eyes if a bit small, and defined full lips on an oval face. Just my nose is such a big blob on my face… I can't even find someone with a comparable nose on google.
No. 10798
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I feel like it's awkwardly shapes and screws around with my profile.
No. 10804
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>>10800>>10800It's wide from the front.
Ignore the zit. That cycle
No. 10806
>>10804the tip right? I have the
exact same "ball" on my tip. The good news is that I think tip nose job is less expensive since it's less an easier job. Iggy Azalea got something like it recently.
No. 10807
I want to fix the contour of my face so that there isn't a dip between my cheek bones and fat uneven lower cheeks. Also fix my eyebags, the bump in my nose, and maybe the width. Thinking of a fat transfer to my chin as well
>>10804You look so cute from what I can see…
No. 10812
>>10806Yeah, the wide bottom. People have called it cute before, but I have a big head and forehead so it looks weird? I dunno. I got made fun of for it most of my life by kids of different races during middle school.
>>10810>>10809>>10807Thanks guys, that makes me feel better about it actually.
No. 10992
>>5416I have thick calves and thighs and I love them.
If you have a cute face, having a little chub can really only add to the cuteness.
No. 10998
>>10992>If you have a cute face, having a little chub can really only add to the cuteness.Seriously, it's the only thing about losing weight that scares me, is suddenly having a gaunt face. That shit ain't cute and ages you like fuck.
>>5416kek, posting a pic of Girl's Generations legs… don't get me wrong they cute af and all have some plastic surgery because Kpop but… I would least go for Sunny's body type. Sunny is cute and curvy man.
No. 11021
>>10998I'm the ball point nose Anon, and all of my features are rather rounded.
If I was slimmer I'd look ugly
No. 11032
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>>10804See how big it looks along my profile? That's what I don't like about it
No. 11037
>>11036((And the other Anon))
Thanks, I guess.
No. 11040
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>>11038>>11038Is it really so bad from a front angle? I've never thought about my chin
No. 11041
>>11039Oh, I can contour it longer if that's the issue.
Fucking hate having a broad face.
No. 11081
>>10965Yeah, it's so discouraging. It actually makes me sick. So, I'm hoping I'll have the results I'd like; that's the only thing I'm nervous about… was reading this kind of stuff, it really bums me out.
No. 11083
>>11081does it go all the way out?
You can see my labia but it doesn't go past the outer lips..
this is making me really uncomfortable..
No. 11097
>>11040yeah, your nose is tiny. it's just that your chin is weak like the other anon said. are you irish?
>>11094lel, i've had eyebags since elementary. my cousin and aunt were the same and non invasive injections worked for them. juviderm i think? didn't work for me. there's also lower blethroplasty and fat repositioning. gonna try the latter next year.
No. 11106
>>11097My mother was part Irish, I believe, but other than that I am Ashkenazi Jewish.
I've known my whole life I look nothing like a kike, though. Except being round.
No. 11291
As a person, I'm against my body having tattoos/piercings/alcohol ect that sort of stuff. I'm a bit weird when I tell people this, it's just who I am. I believe coming into the world looking and being healthy then leaving the same way (not healthy but yh). I don't like my skin being scarred, I don't like spots, I don't like anything on it. I just like it being clear and spotless.
But my boobs aren't as perky as I wish they were. I didn't start actually wearing a bra until I was 12. My mother first got me measured up when I was 9/10, training bra. I absolutely fucking hated the feeling. I didn't understand how girls could get used to the feeling?! It was so… tight and I couldn't move around like I used to, all free and little.
So I refused to wear it. My mother tried forcing me, getting mad but I didn't. Still didn't.
Until high school, for a whole year I didn't wear it. Second year I did, I first began wearing a vest underneath and then got my mother to buy one of those training vest thingies with support to get used to the feeling. I slowly, gradually eased myself into bras.
Now, at 21. God, I don't know but I'm a 34C in one boob and my other is 36/38C! One is bigger than the other… I've been to the doctors, no lumps and hospital. They gave me a chicken fillet thing… Pointless, I don't use it. It feels horrible and heavy!
I mean you cannot tell MUCH difference but if you felt them, there is a different.
So, if I had to have surgery I wouldn't even mind the scarring even though I HATE scars. I'd have a breast reduction.
I've looked at prices… So expensive. I DO work, but I think when I've got like a spare grand or two I'll have it reduced and my breasts lifted. I'm just insecure about them, they're not nice and pretty like I wish they were. I think I'd look slimmer too.
If I ever date anyone… I just hope they can understand this and not be off about it ;/
No. 11688
Not really a 'plastic surgery', but I really want to get more noticeable canine teeth. Something similar to Charms (idk if they are fake or not), but a bit smaller. My teeth in general looks really small, similar to baby teeth but proportional to an adult's mouth at least. Either way, my teeth on top are also wonky, and equal to looks. So while they may feel sharp a'f, they look like squares.
Also, I had this 'wild wolf look' in my head for quite a while. Not otherkin or furry related, I just want fangs man.I may wait a few years and see if I grow out of it. Even as a granny, it shouldn't affect me too much due to the size I plan to go for. The size is about as big as someone who has natural large canine teeth, or a bit smaller.
Unfortunately I want/need to get braces to fix up my teeth and wait a while to see if I get a wisdom tooth.
I was searching the cons of doing this(the main concern was shaving since there isn't too much to shave in the first place, and money. Oh, and the fact that it can mess with my lips and gums if too sharp, or cause me to have a major overbite.), and I didn't see too much things that bothered me.
Basically this is all cosmetical and I'm willing to risk looking like a tryhard in my olden ages.
No. 11694
>>11688i've mentioned this on lolcow before, but i have had this done. charms has cosmetic bonding, which is what i also have done although i eventually want to get veneers for a stronger and more permanent effect. cosmetic bonding can always be shaved down whereas veneers damage your teeth. she claims hers cost about $900. mine are shorter (but definitely noticeable) and cost $500. she also said she got her front teeth filed which i didn't do even though i actually have large teeth and for some reason, my molars are pointed…
do not just file your teeth to be sharp. get them extended with resin. any normal dentist would NOT let it affect your bite at all.
charms said she chipped one in the first week she got it… i chipped one in the second week. woke up with it chipped. so be wary that you have to chew carefully and might need a night guard to prevent grinding in your sleep.
also, lel, i'm kind of a furry. i got them extended enough for people to comment, but what might be a conceivable length to happen naturally (although people have asked if i got them done). kind of wish i got them super long like charms.
No. 11713
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>>11695i can't deny that i really like anthropomorphic and quadruped animals and had a fursona back in middle school. that's enough to be considered a furry, in my opinion. i don't fursuit, enjoy furry porn, or anything of the sort, but i like "anthros" or shapeshifters like werewolves and even creatures like kitsune. like
>>11688 i like the idea of having a wolf look – for me, it's the idea of looking like a person that could shapeshift into a wolf and not a wolf itself. not too different from people that want to look like a vampire.
honestly, i find all these tumblr "kittens" and shit with their fetish ears and buttplug tails to be more disturbing. but it's a biased opinion.
pic related of the kind of thing i'm into. sorry for OT~
No. 11733
>>11291Dude, you know not wearing a bra in early life doesn't affect whether one tit grows to be larger or small than the other right? It's all entirely genetic and every single set of boobs in the world is actually asymmetric.
Not a single pair are exactly the same size as each other but the differences in the sizing varies. You can get surgery for it if you want but I'm just saying don't beat yourself up about it too much because it's not a deformity or a growth issue. It's 100% normal.
No. 11734
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>>11694Can you post a picture of your teeth? I also want this procedure done :>
No. 11753
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>>11734they are nothing compared to charms, but since I have a "normal" customer service job, I wanted it to look more natural/plausible. I will go a little longer when I get veneers.
No. 11754
No. 11762
>>11761can i ask exactly how many thousands of dollars you've spent on rhinoplasty and your chin? kinda thinking of doing both and not sure how much i should save up.
but i'm also afraid of feeling how you feel…
No. 11763
>>11759Ye ye, and thank you very much :>
Regarding my ears, they're actually under my hair the vast majority of any day so unless I'm deliberately showing them off (which is rare) nobody ever really notices them. Since I had them done in December there's only been one stranger that's asked about them (a cute girl working behind a till at Tesco who knew about the procedure) who said she was interested in having them done herself and asked me a few questions about how much it hurt, how much it cost, where I had them done etc.
People I know in real life are frequently asking to see them and I encourage them to touch them and things since they're always asking things like whether they're still flexible like unmodified ears and whether they hurt at all.
My family is laid back about this stuff and has never once really asked about them.
I've actually considering cutting my hair really short so that people will be able to glimpse them more, but I look dreadful with short hair.
>>11761I recommend narcissism.
Learning to love and appreciate your body purely on the basis that it's yours will save you a lot of stress and $$$ down the line.
There's absolutely nothing wrong stumping up some cash in order to have a part of you artificially modified, but if you're the type of person who's prone to looking for faults in your body it's probably safer both physically and mentally to cut your losses and invest in a little emotional TLC.
Obviously it's a lot easier said than done, it took me many years to develop the attitude I have towards my body now, but I'm a lot more comfortable with who I am now and have virtually no anxiety in regards to my appearance.
Try to abide by the mantra "fake it until you make it". If you keep telling yourself positive things eventually it'll start to stick x
No. 11766
>>11762Believe me, my "feeling ugly" today is nothing compared to what it was before. I think I just have impossible standards for myself that I refuse to give up, and Im kust generally pretty insecure. But even if I didn't have this problem, I feel like I would have still considered surgery at some point… and some cosmetic surgery I would I would say is necessary. Doesn't take a genius to know how much appearances are valued in society, and it affects a bunch of things.
I just found the payment document. I also had a slightly deviated septum so the cosmetic surgeon worked with an ear nose and throat doctor but most of that was covered by insurance. Including anesthesia, hospital stay, surgeon fee, and the implant for my chin the total came out to almost 11k
No. 11767
>>11763This is so encouraging thank you ;w;
It's most definitely easier said than done, even faking it. Gonna need some practice.
No. 11769
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>>11767I wish I had some better advice for you, but what I've said really does work, it just takes a lot of conditioning.
I don't know if you do enough of this already, but sometimes it's just nice to spend a lot of time appreciating yourself by brushing out your hair and sitting in front of a mirror playing around with styles, dying your hair, or sitting down when you have time and experimenting with makeup, moisturising and scrubbing, plucking out hairs and things like that. Really looking at yourself and thinking about ways to improve yourself in "your eyes" (nobody else's) that doesn't involve surgery.
It's like, it might sound dumb but I used to have a big complex about my nose. Huge, huge complex, hated it so much, but now I look at it and I go "Yeah bitch, you look like a fucking sexy hawk, that's a strong-ass nose", and I like it because even though it's not really the standard sloped, button nose, it's mine.
No. 11771
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>>11770It's that or a sexy Caesar aha
No. 11779
>>11777> I want internet validation goddamn it.i feel you. everyone around me has shit taste. i like the internet's (this side of it, anyway) idea of beauty more.
there's something called tip plasty. it can help fix a bulbous tip. much less expensive than a rhinoplasty.
No. 11783
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>>11779>i feel you. everyone around me has shit taste. i like the internet's (this side of it, anyway) idea of beauty more.Right? I'd even just like to be pretty enough for people to speak to me, if you're a plainjane or ugly online no one cares about you.
>there's something called tip plasty. it can help fix a bulbous tip. much less expensive than a rhinoplasty.Hm, this could be promising. Though from a quick google it looks like something meant to fix width, which I don't have much of a problem with. The problem is that the tip is like pic related, though admittedly not quite so bad.
No. 11793
>>11779>>11783>Tip plastyOh man this might be what I need. I'm not the example in
>>11783 but that's the kind of result I want. I'm
>>10753 btw. I just also need help with the actual bridge of my nose too.
No. 11814
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help me out farmers
I want either rhinoplasty or vline surgery, but not both
I don't like my nose from the front, but don't mind it in profile whereas I don't mind my jaw from the front, but don't like it in profile
Which one fucks my face more
I'm leaning towards nose bc I hate feeling like there's a rubber ball on the end of my nose
No. 11838
>>11814you're fine, anon. you're pretty. neither your nose or jaw are
problematic. some people have sharper noses, and some people have softer noses. they both are nice. it's like the curly hair/straight hair dilemma. they're both super nice.
No. 11952
>>11861Yep, agree, but if your smile is nice it makes up for the mouth, which isn't even bad anyway.
My top first six teeth are slightly gapped and the bottom row also has gaps around my canines. Tried to get braces when I was 12 but 2 orthodontists told me that since I rest my tongue on my teeth, it'll be very hard to get them straight because I'll keep pushing on them. I didn't even realize I did that until they told me, and my mom asked me what I wanted to do. They kind of insisted that it would be a waste of time so I gave up.
I don't feel bad about it though, whenever the topic of teeth comes up and I mention this, people say they didn't notice unless I smiled, and that because I have a nice smile, it doesn't look that bad. Honestly though, I don't think it looks bad at all, lol. I
do however worry about how that will impact me professionally, I don't want to be looked as childish or someone who doesn't look after themselves because of it. I haven't ever had a cavity yet people may assume because of my lack of straight teeth that I'm gross (Americans love straight, nice sized, blindingly white teeth).
No. 11955
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>>11952my teeth are kawaii motherfuckers and I love them, there actually the only part of my body I'm totally okay with
I think I want kooters nose though and maybe a nose job would help balance some of the mouth protrusion anyway…
No. 11961
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>>11955The size of her nose or the shape? I'm wondering if a small or slightly upturned nose would emphasize the protrusion a bit, though I guess it depends on your specific facial characteristics. The protrusion isn't that noticeable though, so maybe braces would help with that as opposed to the nose job, though I think your teeth are fine.
Even though I don't think my teeth look bad, my closed mouth makes for a better smile, lol. It always looks like I'm cringing otherwise.
No. 11962
>>11961the shape, pointier and a bit taller than mine is now, idk my nose reminds me of her nose in her scene days so..
My nose is pretty fucking upturned now so I think changing that would de-emphasize my mouth problem a bit
I don't want braces bc I like my yaeba like teeth
and I really want a pointier nose lol