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No. 20287
>>20286I disliked tattoos on me personally so I don't have any.
Piercing wise I currently have
- both nipples
- both regular lobe piercings
- both second lobe piercings
- 1 forward helix (so painful)
- 1 conch (shit hurt man)
- 1 tragus
- 1 septum
I love my nipple piercings the most
No. 20290
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>I disliked tattoos on me personally so I don't have anyI'm not big on inkings either, but I do adore piercings and body modifications.
Can I ask what your nipple piercing experience was like?
I've had mine done twice, the first time when I was 18 by an amateur pierced who had no business practising because he was terrible, and they came out terribly misaligned. They were SO bad, but thing is they weren't actually that painful when I had them done. Like, I was expecting them to be much worse.
So I took those out a year later, and last year at 23 I had them re-pierced by a professional, but holy fuck they were painful.
They were so painful, it was agony, excruciating. I actually opened my mouth wide and screamed, screamed so deep and loud.
It really took me by surprise because I was expecting it to feel like the first time I had them done.
I'm wondering why they hurt so badly the second time and I want to know what other peoples experiences were like.
No. 20291
>>20290oh god I hope you don't get home job piercings or body mods again…It's just horrible ):
on a side note I am very much into safe piercing and mody mod practices, not doing retarded easily reject-able piercings, using good materials, no stupid home jobs etc.
My nipples hurt a little but just like a pinch. They may hurt more by a professional if they use a clamp (asked mine not to do it).
Maybe you had scar tissue/the past piercings did not fully heal correctly due to being done by some random person and the new piercing hurt more because of this. Nipple piercings can take a while to heal
No. 21734
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>>21729Her name is Grace Neutral, she's had her ears pointed/shaped and her eyeballs tattooed.
Not all of her mods are to my taste but I can appreciate them. She's a real qt.
No. 21840
>>21726My industrial was my best piercing. I had 2 in each lobe, triple forward helix and an industrial, and the only one I kept for 6 years was the industrial. Everything else got really irritated and I don't know why, but it was painful and annoying to deal with. And eventually I had to take the industrial out because it started getting bumps and I was afraid of keloids. Luckily it healed up fine.
My lip piercing was a breeze too, but after a few years I took it out for my job. Still have a hole but I don't think I could get anything through. I had my belly done too, which healed fast, but after sleeping on my stomach (only way I can sleep), it got irritated too and I took it out. I suck at healing piercings.
No. 22577
>>20286Looks boring.
I have yet to meet an ALT/bodymod girl that wasn't an annoying attention whore.
No. 22591
>>22577>>22521Because existence is simply riveting when everybody looks exactly the same and dresses in the same clothing and never, ever styles themselves beyond a socially enforced standard.
Good god ladies, you're geniuses!
No. 22599
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Spoken about this before on here but I had a body mod on my ears to make them pointy. I think a lot of people assume they were elf inspired but I wanted to make them appear more vampiric.
It wasn't actually that expensive considering it was a 2 hour procedure however I am set to have it redone in the future due to the fact that the cartilage is prone to relaxing and rounding some following healing. Normally in order to achieve a dramatic point you require two sessions.
In the future I intend to get my canines sculpted into subtle fangs like picture related.
I'd also love to get the heart nipple tattoo but they only really look good on ladies with smaller nipples.
No. 22600
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>>22599Picture related is how the heart nipple tattoos look when done well.
I used to think they were kind of tacky but they grew on me over time.
I'm not normally big on tattoos, I would never pay for a "traditional" tattoo.
No. 22601
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Scalp sub-dermal implants with attachable/interchangeably sized horns are fucking amazing as well but they're simply not feasible due to the rejection rates and you inevitably catching them on things/people trying to play with them.
No. 22608
>>22603What do you think you're doing every time you pick a scab, clip your nails, pierce your ears, dye your hair etc.
You wear makeup right? Why? jus be urself rite bby.
No. 23600
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No. 23658
>>23653Not all surgeries are either, most can be reversed.
And yeah there actually is permanent makeup remember?
No. 23809
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No bully
No. 23824
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>>23817sorry anon, one more coming
No. 23843
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Last pic
No. 25769
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Noiz from DMMD made me think piercings can be pretty sexy. The only ones I'm feeling queasy about are nipple and piercing ones cause I'm very sensitive, so I imagine it'd hurt like a bitch and it'd get caught on fabric a lot.
Anyway, nothing too crazy for me but I like the idea of something like pic related, but possibly with more rings and also some studs (if that's the term for them) along the helix. Lip rings are cute as hell too.
No. 25816
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I really want to get a bridge piercing but everytime I see pics of them they seem to be quite unbalanced, like one side is higher than the other, this bug me so much.
Other than that I really want to get a farm animal tattoo, like a cute little cow or a pig. I had this vision of a big tattoo in an art nouveau style (like Alfons Mucha) but the lady would have a cow face.
No. 35823
>>22601I think this is too fucking much and I am sick to death of seeing people with huge stretched ears. It's fucking gross.
size 2 or 0? Cute. Stretch DOUBLE ZERO OR HALF INCHES +? No, man
No. 35840
>>22621Yeah,a thread about bodymods.
It's a discussion/opinion thread.
Some of us want to discuss how fucking kek-worthy it is what some people go through to get attention.
Whenever I see people like these in the streets I just know their personalities are a straight up zero.
No. 35841
>>23600Fucking disgusting.
Why would you cut your fucking forehead just to get attention?
No. 35842
>>35841Why do you do anything that changes your outward appearance?
Do you wear the same top and jeans and shoes every day?
Do you style your hair exactly the same every single day and neglect to wear makeup?
If not you're just after attention too.
No. 35862
>>35853…Because some people have nipples that aren't sensitive and want to enjoy themselves more?
I'm abstinent and had my nipples pierced for years.
No. 35864
>>35851It is though on the essential basis being that EVERYTHING you do in order to change your aesthetic appearance is done in order to garner attention.
You're complaining that people are doing this for attention whilst being an attentionwhore yourself.
If you were the last person alive on earth would you still wear heels and style your hair and makeup even though literally nobody would ever see it? No? Then yes, you're an attentionwhore too and you can shut your whore mouth.
No. 35865
>>35853If nipple piercings instantly rewarded you with more sex I'd have gotten mine pierced a loooooooooooooooooong time ago.
Where do people get this bizarre idea that nipple piercings = promiscuity? Like, where is the basis in that? Where on earth does it come from? It's like equating drinking orange juice to having heavy menses.
No. 35880
>>35869So nipples = promiscuity true because of….. your entirely subjective opinion that is still without basis?
Explain to me how nipple piercings mean you're slut, bearing in mind you're speaking to somebody with both her nipples pierced who has had two boyfriends in her entire life, both of whom are the only men she's ever slept with and with the last one I am now enjoying an 6 year relationship with.
Tell me again about how I'm a slut because of my piercings because honestly if a guy like you tried to approach me for sex I would btfo you out so fast you'd be forwarded into next week.
Where is the basis, male.
Also why are you here.
No. 35884
>>35880they're flooding from r9k etc.
I think there should be a rule where you get banned for saying "I'm male" actually
No. 35899
>>35869rofl what? Tattoos =/= wild and slutty persona
Are you literally retarded?
No. 36122
>>35864Sorry but if I saw a girl walking around with makeup and styled hair I'd think she's just trying to look nice, for attention sure, but still just trying to look nice.
If I saw someone walking around with dyed eyes, a giant scar cut in their forehead or just disgusting piercings I'm sure they're not trying to look 'nice' but trying to have somesort of shock factor to get people talking. People that love negative attention and people who like positive attention are two different type of people. (Normal human-beings and attentionwhores)
No. 36124
>>35901Idk, I'm a female and I definitely agree.
But where I'm from most girls sleep around (Nordic country).
There are much more girls who sleep around than girls who wait for relationships/marriage. (Same goes for males)
Kind of a bummer for me since I still find it to be something intimate to deepen a bond, so if my bf has slept with 10+ partners (waaaay too common here) It doesn't really help me feel like it deepens the relationship at all, since they've done it with multiple strangers that they don't know the last name of.
But I'd definitely think someone with their nipples pierced are NOT one of the few that don't sleep around. Maybe if I lived in some liberal state in america I could think some of the girls wanna be badass and get it for themselves. But not where I'm living atm.
No. 36128
>>36124>>36124You're right. It's associated with sluttyness anywhere though. Not just in Scandinavia.
And if it's normal for women to sleep around in your country this makes sense why guys are preferring Asian girls these days as they don't do that kind of thing.
No. 36129
Whatever. I have six blackwork tattoos that I love; only one of them is visible if I wear short sleeves. I got them because I think they're beautiful and they're meaningful to me. Aside from the circle on my forearm, no one sees my tattoos 99% of the time, but they make me happy and my partner likes them. He's the only romantic/sexual partner I've ever had in my life, and we've been together for over eight years, so I don't think I really qualify as a slut. It's surprising to me that people really think someone having tattoos automatically means they're promiscuous or "down to fuck" or whatever.
And as far as the "but they'll look so gross when you're old!" I doubt I'll be prancing around in a bikini when I'm 70 anyway.
I can't wait to get more ink, probably on my legs and upper arms. I'm bemused by the hatred of body mods on women, but I really don't give a fuck if other people don't like mine. I like them, it's my body, I don't want to have sex with you, and it doesn't matter if you want to have sex with me.
I have to say that I find super stretched piercings to be nauseating and cringe-worthy, though. Those floppy earlobes after you take your plugs out…euuuuughhh.
No. 36130
>>36129Yeah but you're really an exception.
I think most girls with tattoos have this ''I'm a fierce badass'' and promiscuity is part of being badass.
No. 36134
>>36132The country has always been very gender-equal apparently. One of the first to have women votes, and a female president.
Also parenting in the country is very lacks as a whole.
I just think parents don't expect much from their children.
I'm sure no one wants to hear that their kids have slept with 10+ partners in 2 years, but parents don't even look into it.
I really have no idea how come it is so normal here. It's disgusting.
Women go to bars without a place to sleep at night, it's so common. Idk sex just seems like a weekend hobby for everyone around my age. Even my ex who was the most unsexual person I knew has 13+ partners in 4 years and it always boggled my mind (He was useless in bed, couldn't preform often, wasn't very good in bed, masturbated and watched porn less than me, a female.) I asked him why did he sleep around since he isn't a sexual person, he said "Well everyone does it, and I wanted some 'closeness'" (Idk what the word is in english)
No. 36137
>>36128Yeah some guy (My neighbor) took me out to a bar a few times and he said that I'm so hard to get that it drives him crazy.
I thought that was such a weird statement since I was friendly and enjoyed his company and wasn't trying to be stand-offish. I realized later that he was used to getting girls in bed after a few drinks.
He wasn't even attractive.
Girls here will fuck you if your even slightly kind (We don't have a gentleman mannerism here). That's why foreigners love it here, things that are expected of them overseas, will automatically get them sex over here.
No. 36154
>>23824What's that from?
No. 36339
>>36129Yup. People should always get tattoos that have personal meaning. I could care less if people don't like mine either. I'm married and my wife doesn't care. I like them and I plan to get a few more.
Stretched ears are pretty gross though imo. I used to have size two and took them out. Luckily they shrunk back to normal since they were small.
No. 538705
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Do any farmers here have eyebrow piercings? I want to get one, but I have sensitive skin and I am afraid of it rejecting the metal/keloiding/getting caught on fabric bullshit. Does it heal nicely to the point where it doesn't hurt if touched?
Also, does anyone have a back of the neck tattoo?
No. 538730
>>538705They look awful and belong on 90’s skateboard dudes and methheads from podunk towns. They heal up to be painless unless the piercer is an idiot and does it wrong.
Back if the neck tattoos heal the same as any other. Also tacky as hell when it’s a random lonely piece.
No. 538766
>>538705I know a dude who’s face is half frozen due to getting a shit one done
Not worth it
No. 538781
>>538705i have one and the catching on shit is incredibly fucking irritating but it gets manageable once you've had it for a while.
mine doesn't hurt when it's touched, you can fuss and lightly tug on it and it's whatever.
just get someone who knows what they're doing and you'll be fine.
>>538737 is right when it comes to rejection and healing. migration is also a big concern.
best of luck to you if you decide to give it a whirl!
No. 538970
>>538786more annoying than anything, but damn they look cute.
take so much care of them. keep barbells in for at least a year. you shouldn't have too much of a problem with dryness on your skin. just make sure you clean them twice a day for the first two months.
you have to watch when you shower/bathe. the fucking worst is when the shower loofa gets caught and it pulls. in general you have to be careful when you don't have your shirt off.
i only had mine for about 9 months. the piercer did one too far out and and eventually it started rejecting. the other one got infected. i also changed to hoops after 6 months or so and i learned after the fact that hoops can cause the piercings to reject more easily because of the pull.
then again, i had my belly button pierced for about a year and that rejected. my body may not respond well to piercings but i also changed the bellybutton piercing wayyy too much probably too soon
No. 539516
>>538786I got mine done towards the beginning of this year with zero issues so far– I don't sleep on my back and have continued never wearing bras, but maybe healing has been easier for me since I'm really flat chested.
I highly recommend getting a pack of spare balls though (Amazon has some; my jewelry is titanium but my replacement balls are stainless steel, which has worked fine too). One of them got unscrewed after cleaning once and I had no idea where the ball went, so it's always good to have extra ones handy just in case.
No. 539681
>>538786I currently have 3 nipple piercings (I have two piercings in one side), have had them for about 10 years. They healed fine, but be prepared for a few uncomfortable weeks. For me, it didn't really affect the skin around my nipple at all. My nipple is a bit bigger and more sensitive than before, but that's about it.
As the others said, wearing bra kinda hurts until it heals. Not wearing bras was also a bit uncomfortable at the beginning too, so what I did is wear a bra slightly bigger than my size that I had around, just so my shirt wouldn't rub against them. (not that doing it is necessary, it was just what was more comfortable for me).
My first nipple piercing took long to heal, I think more than 4 months? But that's because I kept on laying on my stomach. Don't be me. The other two healed fine, in like a month or two I could barely even feel them.
(Also, sorry if my wording doesn't make much sense, I'm not a native english speaker)
No. 619569
Sorry to necro for a vent, but I went in today for my second consultation on a floral tattoo I want and the guy at the counter immediately started giving me prices for realism, when I explained to him I wanted more of a traditional style, but not the hokey traditional pin-up style, just a plainer tattoo with thicker outlines, he said really disparagingly “like… an old biker tattoo? Uh, okay”. It put me tf off cause I’ve had this image in my mind for a while and just love the classic look, I understand if the shop didn’t do it but this seemed to be his own personal bias. Obviously I stood up for myself cause it’s my body but still, felt weird. We also didn’t even talk about styles before he pitched me prices for realism, idk if he thought i wanted realism just cause I’m a college girl who dressed normie today? Idek why I care what his soyboy lookin ass thought but he’s the one behind the counter there, not me.