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No. 19567

Movie, Music and TV show recommendation thread?

Post what you already like and get suggestions. You should probably suggest to others first though to get your own recommendations.

No. 19579

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Loscil's First Narrows is by far one of my favorite albums of all time. I'm a big fan of his work in general but this album is really a standout for me. I love every single track and could pretty much listen to it on repeat all day.

No. 19581

I've been marathoning Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries and so far I really like it.

No. 19603

i'm really into the gilmore girls. i want more vibes like that. like another cozy life i can sink into.

No. 19680

Watch the Wire if youre in to niggers doing hood shit. Fucking awesome series

No. 19691

Dane is too gorgeous

No. 19776

Yeah, the Wire still remains the best drama show ever made IMO. Breaking Bad is fantastic but I think it takes 2nd place.

No. 19808

season 2 tho. such a drag

No. 19828

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Outlander is worth a watch just for this perfect man

No. 19883

Yeah season 2 was just kinda thrown in there and wasn't nearly as good as the other seasons, but was still pretty good. It kind of felt like anime filler.

The rest of the show is still 10/10.

No. 27842

I just finished the first season of True Detective, liked it up until the finale. It was so anticlimactic.

No. 27843

I highly recommend Batman The Brave and The Bold.

No. 27930

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< it's an amazing series.
unfortunately it got cancelled after 2 seasons :(

No. 28469

Red dwarf.

No. 29239

Looking for recommendations similar to these, I hope someone has heard of them

Gallery Girls (tv show)
the Fashion Fund (tv show)
Girl Model (documentary)

No. 29246

Tsui Hark's Dao: The Blade was pretty good if you're into super gritty settings with semi-realistic swordfighting and nihilism.

No. 29261

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bojack horseman and brickleberry are my favorite cartoons right now. clarence also has great humour but unfortunately it can have pretty 'progressive' undertones.

my nigga

No. 29695


i cant belive they stopped it ugh

No. 29733

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU66neLSfHQ just cant stop listening to that shit

No. 29812

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me too anon, me too
at this point we might as well rename it "cancelled: the series"
also did you see the new episode? i don't think the writers give a fuck anymore. they're just like "lol gay"

No. 29853

No, I'm still on the first season (just started watching it) but so far it seems excellent. I'm anticipating the big letdown soon.

No. 29854

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The actor that plays hannibal looks like putin. Cannot unsee.

No. 76369

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It's getting put up tonight! Can't wait too excted

No. 76409

nah, mads does look like a skeleton though

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